Why don't dogs like cats and cats don't like mice? Reasons, legend. Why are cats and dogs not friends? It was a long time ago...

A kitten named Ryzhik loved to walk on the roof, sit on it and admire the stars all night long.

"So many stars!" - he thought admiringly.

One day his mother came up to him, worried about his long absence. Usually Ryzhik went to the roof only when his mother was already fast asleep. But today for some reason she woke up.

The cat sat down next to the baby, and he rubbed his back against her legs and meowed:

Mom, mom, count how many stars.

One, two, three..and..

There are a lot of them, baby. You won’t be able to count them all. After all, there are millions of them,” his mother told him.

Mom, mom,” Ryzhik continued, “I want, I want a star. Mom, pick me a star.”

The cat looked at him affectionately and smiled back:

This is impossible, since they burn at a great distance, thousands of thousands of kilometers from us. Let's go to bed, Ryzhik.

The kitten yawned widely and followed his mother. A warm bed with a blanket was already waiting for him.

“I will sleep soundly and I will dream of stars,” thought Ryzhik as he fell asleep.
In the morning, the cat's mother and cat's father were awakened by a terrible noise coming from the kitchen.
It was Ryzhik who was chasing the mouse again.

“Well, why is he running away,” the kid thought, “I want to be friends.”

There was a pogrom in the house. The cat looked reproachfully at the kitten.

Mom, it wasn’t me who did all this, but the mouse,” the kitten began to justify himself.
The cat shook her head reproachfully.
- I couldn’t catch up with him, because he’s so nimble: he’ll climb onto a chandelier, into a jar, into cabinets or under a rug. Just a flash of his tail and he’s already gone, just some kind of hocus pocus. Mom, why aren’t mice friends with kittens? - said Ryzhik.

My silly fellow, mice are our prey, because we are predators. “Remember, cats are not friends with mice, just as mice are not friends with cats,” said the cat.

And again the mouse looked out of the hole and immediately disappeared.

Meanwhile, mother mouse was putting Pippi mouse to bed.

Mom, why aren’t mice friends with cats? - asked the mouse.

The mouse smiled and said that they are cats - predators, they hunt mice and are never friends with them.

Ryzhi's kitten was playing on the roof and accidentally fell into the fireplace chimney. He came out all dirty and black from head to toe.

“Oh, I didn’t even know that there was a black cat in our yard,” someone said cheerfully.

The kitten sneezed and became Ryzhik again.
- Hello! “My name is Belochka, what’s your name?” she asked.

Ryzhik quickly jumped onto his balcony, put on his boots and, taking his sword, found himself on the roof again.

I'm a brave cat in boots! I will protect you mademoiselle from your enemies! - He exclaimed, bowing decorously.

He waved his sword a couple of times.
- Defend yourself! - he said to the invisible enemy.

Squirrel laughed:

You are so funny...

They sat next to each other and began to admire the stars.

How beautiful they are! - said Squirrel.

“I agree,” said Ryzhik.

And somewhere, high, high, on the Moon itself, by the window sat a lunar kitten, the same red as our hero. He gazed at the Earth, dreaming of visiting it someday. And on his lap, curled up, a little mouse was sleeping.

A kitten named Ryzhik loved to walk on the roof, sit on it and admire the stars all night long. "How many stars!" - he thought admiringly.

One day his mother came up to him, worried about his long absence. Usually Ryzhik went to the roof only when his mother was already fast asleep. But today for some reason she woke up. The cat sat down next to the baby, and he, rubbing his back against her legs, meowed:

- Mom, mom, count how many stars. And he began to count, barely audibly: - One, two, three... and.. - There are many of them, baby. You won't be able to count everything. After all, there are millions of them,” his mother told him. “Mom, mom,” Ryzhik continued, “I want a star.” Mom, tear me a star. The cat, looking at him affectionately, smiled in response: “This is impossible, since they burn at a great distance, thousands of thousands of kilometers from us.” Let's go to bed, Ryzhik. The kitten yawned widely and followed his mother. A warm bed with a blanket was already waiting for him. “I’ll sleep soundly, and I’ll dream about stars,” thought Ryzhik as he fell asleep. In the morning, mommy cat and dad cat were woken up by a terrible noise coming from the kitchen. It was Ryzhik chasing the mouse again. “Well, “Why is he running away,” the kid thought, “I want to be friends.” There was a pogrom in the house. The cat looked reproachfully at the kitten. “Mom, it wasn’t me who did this, but the mouse,” the kitten began to justify himself. The cat shook her head reproachfully. “I couldn’t catch up with him, because he’s so nimble: he’ll climb onto a chandelier, into a jar, into cabinets or under a rug.” As soon as the tail flashes, it’s gone, just some kind of hocus pocus. Mom, why aren’t mice friends with kittens? - said Ryzhik. - My stupid one, mice are our prey, because we are predators. “Remember, cats are not friends with mice, just as mice are not friends with cats,” said the cat. And again the mouse looked out of the hole and immediately disappeared.

Meanwhile, mother mouse was putting Pippi the mouse to bed. “Mom, why aren’t mice friends with cats?” - asked the mouse. The mouse smiled and said that they are cats - predators, hunt mice and are never friends with them. The kitten Ryzhik was playing on the roof and accidentally fell into the fireplace chimney. He came out all dirty and black from head to toe. “Oh, I didn’t even know that there was a black cat in our yard,” someone said cheerfully. The kitten sneezed and became Ryzhik again. - Hello! “My name is Squirrel, and what’s your name?” she asked. Ryzhik quickly jumped onto his balcony, put on his boots, took his sword, and found himself on the roof again. “I’m a brave cat in boots!” I will protect you mademoiselle from your enemies! - He exclaimed, bowing decorously. He waved his sword a couple of times.

— Defend yourself! - he said to the invisible enemy. Squirrel laughed:

- You are so funny... They sat down next to each other and began to admire the stars. - How beautiful they are! - said Squirrel. “I agree,” said Ryzhik.

And somewhere, high, high, on the Moon itself, by the window sat a lunar kitten, the same red as our hero. He gazed at the Earth, dreaming of visiting it someday. And on his lap, curled up, a little mouse was sleeping.

Mice and matches. In an old, old wooden house, two little mice lived in a hole with their mother mouse. The boy's name was Pippi, and the girl's name was Duppy. The mice were very naughty - they ran around the hole all day long and even looked out of it, completely forgetting about the cat, because everything was interesting to them. No matter how much the mother mouse reprimanded them, the little mice, promising to improve, began to play pranks again as soon as she turned away. And then one day, when all the supplies ran out, the mother of the mice decided to go to the store and punished the children:

— Behave well - don’t be naughty! The mice were glad that they were left alone in the hole without supervision, and began to play tag. But they soon got tired of it. Mother mouse was in such a hurry that she completely forgot to hide the matches. Pippi, seeing them, immediately suggested to his sister: - Let's play Indians and light a real fire from twigs. Great! - exclaimed Duppy, - we will play Indians, we will play Indians. Brother, he was only one year older than her, gathered twigs into a pile and boldly lit a match. A flame appeared like a fire-breathing dragon. It became larger and larger every minute, ready to absorb everything in its path. The fire got angry and angry - it grabbed the curtain, and it instantly burst into flames. The mice got very scared and started screaming loudly:

— Help! Save! Put out the fire quickly! Save, save!

But no one heard them. And the cat was very old and deaf. Then the little mice began to stew with whatever came to hand. Even compote and kvass were used. When the mother mouse came from the store, the fire was almost extinguished. She took a bucket of water and poured it on the smoldering branches.

- Hooray! Hooray! - the mice shouted merrily.

And mother, looking at them reproachfully, said:

— Matches are not a toy for children!

How Peppe and Duppy played with electric shock. Do you remember, of course, our prankish little mice: Peppe and Duppy? No? Then read the fairy tale “Mice and Matches”. And for those who remember them, we will tell a new story. Sit back and listen carefully...

After the terrible fire, half a year passed and the little mice completely forgot about it. They were still playing pranks, upsetting their poor mother mouse. Peppe and Duppy were very curious little mice and poked their little noses everywhere. One day their mother mouse went to visit their aunt rat, strictly telling them to behave well. When she left, the mice sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. They showed an animated film about “The Three Little Pigs.” At first the mice watched very carefully, but soon became very bored. “I wonder how the current gets into the TV?” - asked Duppy.

Peppy pulled out the cord and began to look into the socket.

“I don’t know,” he said and almost cried with grief.

Duppy looked closely at the electrical outlet and asked:

— Why are there two holes here that look like little piglets?

Peppe looked at his sister and replied:

— “Probably, the electric current enters one hole and exits the other. “How interesting,” said Duppy.

“Mmm,” she thought, “if you close one hole, will the current be able to come out or not?”

“Let’s try to close one hole,” she suggested to her brother.

Pippi went to the kitchen, took out a toolbox from the cabinet and began to look for something suitable in it. Soon he found the wire.

“Here,” he said to his sister when he returned to the room, “now we’ll check everything.”

He stuck the wire into the left hole. But nothing happened.

“You probably closed the wrong one,” suggested Duppy.

Then Peppe inserted the wire into another hole and immediately began to tremble like a leaf.

Seeing this, Duppy got terribly scared and ran as fast as she could to Aunt Rat. It's good that she lived across the house.

— “Mom, mom there Pippi is in trouble... a terrible current grabbed him and won’t let go! - she exclaimed, running into the kitchen of Aunt Rat’s house.

Mom immediately said goodbye to her relative and ran home. When she came running, Peppe was lying on the floor and not moving, and there was no light in the whole house.

- What's happened? Why did it suddenly become so dark? Tony, are you fooling around again? - she heard the creaky voice of the mistress of the house, Mrs. Gretta.

“No, grandmother, it’s not me,” the grandson answered her.

Gretta, shuffling with her slippers, sank into the basement and soon the lights were on again throughout the house.

“Oh, these unreasonable Peppe and Duppy! Something always happens because of their pranks! We will definitely have to take up their upbringing!” - thought the red cat Istvan, stretching out on his favorite yellow pillow.

— Mommy, what’s wrong with me? - Peppe suddenly squeaked very weakly.

The mouse took him in her arms and, stroking his head, said:

— Oh, you naughty mice... Is this possible? Sockets are not toys, because they contain a terrible electric current that stings very painfully, like a snake...

Mice and a terrible vacuum cleaner.

Guys, do you want to listen to a new story about mice? Then collect your toys, sit comfortably on the sofas and get ready to listen. Well, has everything been removed? Then we begin...

One day, the mother mouse decided to do a general cleaning of the mink. And so that Peppa and Duppy would not disturb her, she sent them to Aunt Rat. The little mice immediately began to act up. After all, they didn’t really like Aunt Rat - she was too old and strict, didn’t like noise and didn’t allow them to be naughty because of it. But mother mouse was adamant.

— You will only bother me, children. “When three hours pass, you will go home and return,” she said.

When the little mice left, the mother mouse filled a basin with water, threw in some cleaning powder, and went to wash everything around: shelves with books, cabinet walls, doors and window sills. Then I took off the tulle and curtains and soaked everything in the bathtub to wash it later. So, while cleaning, she did not notice how three hours flew by.

When the happy little mice ran home, they saw their mother mouse vacuuming the carpet in the living room.

Peppa and Duppy suddenly became interested in how this vacuum cleaner swallows dust and debris. They carefully watched their mother, but she did not even notice them, carried away by cleaning.

— “Let’s find out how the vacuum cleaner works? - Duppy asked her brother.

— “You’re interested, you should find out.” And I'm kind of scared. Can you hear him buzzing like a hungry wolf? - answered from my sister.

— “Then let’s draw lots.” Whoever gets the short twig from the broom will try to find out.

Peppe at first wanted to refuse, looking sideways at the vacuum cleaner, but then agreed. And he got the short twig.

The mother mouse was almost finishing, when suddenly the vacuum cleaner grumbled loudly and her son’s loud cry was heard: “Oh, oh, save me!” Help! Turn it off! He wants to eat me! Duppy, seeing this, began to cry loudly. After all, she loved her brother very much. And mom, turning off the vacuum cleaner, took the little naughty girl in her arms and said: “Oh, you little naughty mice, the vacuum cleaner is not a toy for you.” He can eat you like a boa constrictor, and won’t even choke.

Like mice walking through puddles. Guys, hello! We come to you again with fabulous stories about Peppe and Duppy. Have you already eaten? Have you brushed your teeth? Then make yourself comfortable and listen to a new story about prankish little mice... It started raining early in the morning. At first he wasn't even visible. As soon as you could hear him knocking on the roof of the house. And then, as if someone had turned on a bigger tap, it started pouring out of a bucket.

An old cat, sitting on the windowsill, washed itself. He didn't care at all what happened on the street. After all, he had not been there for a long time, because of his age.

But Tony, the grandson of Gretta, the old mistress of the house, was very sad. After all, he agreed with the guys to play pirates. And now... the whole day at home... The little mice so wanted to go for a walk, but their mother mouse strictly forbade them to do so.

“After all, you will get wet and immediately catch a cold,” she told them.

But Peppa and Duppy didn’t care, because they knew that those who run in the rain grow up very quickly. And being an adult means doing whatever you want. The little mice looked at each other and smiled slyly. “Mom, can we just take a closer look at the rain and not go outside?” - Peppe asked.

Mom looked at him sternly and said: “Okay, just put on your jackets, it’s too cold.” But don’t let your paw go outside.

Soon the happy little mice jumped out into the street, forgetting all their mother’s words, and ran through the puddles, laughing merrily and splashing water. Soon they were soaking wet. When the little mice came home, the mother mouse immediately understood everything. Without saying anything, she undressed the children and gave them fresh clothes. Then she wrapped her in a blanket and sat her by the fireplace. In the evening, Peppe began to sneeze heavily, and Duppy had a sore throat and was crying quietly. Mama mouse made fresh tea, took out honey and raspberry jam. The little mice lay and, without looking up, looked at the fire. Mother mouse brought them tea with honey and raspberries, saying: “Oh, you mice are disobedient, you have caught a cold, you naughty ones.” Why weren't you sitting at home? Now lie down and heal. Soon the playful girls were fast asleep...

And upstairs, by Tonny’s bed, old Greta was sitting and saying:

— Eh, grandson, grandson... And why did you just run outside in such rain? Now lie down, and I will treat you.

The old cat, watching this carefully, thought:

“Eh, young and green..”


For her birthday, the girl Anyuta was given a tiny kitten by her parents. He had eyes as blue as the sky. Black fluffy legs, white back and red chest. Anya took the kitten carefully in her hands and began to stroke it. He closed his eyes with pleasure and began to purr. But the girl herself was still small and thought that the kitten wanted to eat. She didn’t even think that he was purring not from hunger, but from happiness. Anya, putting it on the pillow, ran to the kitchen and soon returned with a saucer of milk. The kitten, sensing a treat, found itself near the girl in one jump and began to lap it up quickly. When there was no milk left, he began to lick Anya’s hands. “Maybe he wants to take a walk on the lawn?” - she thought and, carefully taking the kitten in her arms, she went out into the yard. The girl walked along the street, turned right and soon found herself in a beautiful meadow, where the most wonderful flowers grew, and bees and butterflies flew everywhere.

Anya lowered the kitten into the grass and he immediately started running. -Where are you going, kitten? - the girl screamed and ran after him, hoping to catch up. Soon she saw the kitten standing among the bells. They were blue in color and swayed a little in the light wind, knocking against each other. The kitten touched the bell with its paw and it rang. “It’s so good that I found you,” the girl said, stroking her. In response, the cat meowed, caressing herself at her feet. “But what should I call you?” - Anyuta thought. - I'll call you Bluebell, if you don't mind. And so that you don’t get lost anymore, I’ll tie a small ringing bell around your neck, and then I can always find you,” the happy girl decided.

*Magical dreams of bears about the sea. In a house on the edge of the forest, the bear cub brothers lived with their mother bear: Teddy, Benny, Winnie. They were still so small, but they were already dreaming of a big trip. Every day, before going to bed, the cubs asked mother bear to read to them about the blue, blue sea. She sat down on a chair in the middle of the room, opened a book and began to read. The bears fell asleep listening to her and saw the same dream. A wonderful dream... They all dreamed of a blue, blue sea... so big, so big, right up to the horizon.

“I wish I could dive into the sea,” the bears thought. The water was as warm as fresh milk and clear as a mirror. The cubs ran and dived. Having reached the very bottom, they saw red corals with many goldfish swimming around them. The cubs began to rise and soon their attention was attracted by the dance of seahorses. Suddenly the Bears felt that someone was tickling their backs. It was a baby dolphin.

— Hello, my name is Denny! “Let’s race to swim,” he said cheerfully. The cubs looked at each other and nodded. Denny took the lead and soon disappeared over the horizon. And the cubs, having urged him on a little, decided to return home.

Guys, good evening. We hope that after reading our stories about mischievous little mice, you do not play with matches, a vacuum cleaner or electric shock. If so, then sit back and get ready to listen to two new fairy tales about Peppa and Duppy...

Like Peppe and Duppy were cowboys and pirates.

One day, the mother mouse went into the field to look for wild grass seeds. She threw them into the soup, which made it very rich and tasty. I cooked porridge, so beloved by the little mice. And these seeds could cure any disease, from a runny nose to back pain.

When leaving, she strictly ordered the children to behave well. The little mice, as always, nodded their heads in unison, but at the same time kept their toes crossed. Don't you guys do that? After all, if you cross your fingers, then any promise has no force.

When the mother mouse left, the little mice took a book about brave cowboys from the shelf and began to read it with great interest. They always liked adventures and fairy tales.

Do you know who these cowboys are? No? Then listen. Cowboys live in America, they breed domestic animals: cows, bulls and horses. They are grazed on water meadows along with their faithful dogs, and every year, in the spring, they are taken for sale, driven from town to town. Cowboys are very funny and brave. They know many songs and sing them while playing the banjo (this is a musical instrument similar to a guitar and a balalaika). Cowboys can catch any animal by lassoing it (this is a rope with a ring at the end of it. Once it gets around the animal’s neck, it is simply tightened and, for example, a horse cannot run further). Cowboys don't like it when they offend those who can't fight back. They immediately fearlessly rush to the rescue.

“Come on,” Duppy suggested to her brother, “let’s play cowboys?”

Peppe happily agreed. The little mice immediately took their horses on sticks and began to ride them all over the hole.

— He-he-hey! - Peppe and Duppy shouted.

They had a lot of fun. But soon the little mice got tired, abandoned their horses and sat down on the sofa.

“Uff,” Peppe sighed, “we had a great time playing with you, little sister.”

—You’re right, brother! - Duppy answered him, - what else could we play? After all, mom will come only in the evening?

And they began to think.

— “Let’s play pirates?” - Duppy suddenly suggested.

They really liked the stories about these conquerors of the seas who knew no fear. And Mother Mouse recently read “Treasure Island” to them, written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

— “Cheer, I’ll be Captain Flint!” - Peppe said loudly and laughed terribly, like a real pirate.

Duppy did not argue, because she loved her brother very much.

“And then I’ll become the brave Jim Hopkins,” she said.

— Ten people for a dead man’s chest.. Oh-ho-ho and a bottle of rum... Piasters, piastres.. - Peppe began to say, as befits a pirate.

“Oh, but we need daggers and sabers,” Duppy suddenly said.

Peppe thought for a moment and soon said:

— “And we’ll take forks, because mom keeps all the knives under lock and key so that you and I don’t accidentally cut ourselves.”

That's what they decided. Peppe tied a scarf around his head, covered his left eye with a cloth, and tied a broom handle to his leg (as if he had a wooden one). And Duppy wore a three-corn hat, exactly the same as Jim Hopkins had.

— Defend yourself, Captain Flint! - she exclaimed and with a fork on her outstretched hand she rushed at her brother.

— Oh-ho-ho! - Peppe exclaimed, - Pirates don’t give up so easily.

He also put his fork in front of him and went to his sister.

— Run away, unfortunate boy! I, Captain Flint, am the terror of the seas and will deal with you in no time! - he exclaimed.

Suddenly Duppy began to cry loudly. Peppe immediately threw down his fork and rushed towards her.

— What’s wrong with you, little sister? - he asked.

“You pricked me with a fork,” answered Duppy, still crying.

Peppe was seriously scared. He loved his little sister very much, and his mother wouldn’t pat him on the head for that.

Peppe picked up Duppy and carried him to the crib. He did not leave her side, telling stories, until his mother returned.

- What's happened? - she asked fearfully.

And Peppe told her everything honestly. The mouse mother immediately began to examine her daughter, but, fortunately, she didn’t find anything wrong. Duppy only slightly scratched her right paw.

“Fear has big eyes,” said the mother mouse, having calmed down, “well, do you understand now, little mice, that playing with sharp objects is very dangerous?”

The little mice looked at each other and nodded their heads in response.

How Duppy and Peppe played hide and seek.

On Saturday, the sun was shining brightly outside.

“There’s no better day for doing laundry,” thought the mouse mother and immediately took it up.

She asked the mice to take off their bedding and, while she collected the rest, take a bath. Pepe and Duppy loved to swim. With great joy they climbed into the bath and began to play with boats and then blow bubbles. When the mother mouse returned, they had already washed themselves and put their things in the laundry basket.

“Well done,” she said, “now go to your room and watch cartoons.”

The mice watched TV for a while.

— “Let’s play hide and seek?” - suggested Duppy.

“Come on, just be honest,” Peppe agreed.

“You’re a wada,” said Duppy and ran to look for a secluded place where her brother wouldn’t find her.

And Peppe stood up to the closet, closed his eyes, and began to count to ten:

— One, two, three, four, five - the bunny went out for a walk. Six, seven, eight - we will ask you to hide. Nine, ten - I'm going to look.

But Duppy couldn't think of anything. And suddenly she remembered about the washing machine.

“That’s where no one will find me!” - Duppy decided.

Mom wasn’t in the bathroom, but there was already laundry in the washing machine. Duppy climbed into it and hid. Then mother mouse came and turned on the machine.

The drum where Duppy was sitting, at first slowly, and then faster and faster, began to spin. At first Duppy really liked it.

“I’m an astronaut and I’m flying to the moon,” she whispered.

But when water poured from all sides, Duppy got very scared and screamed:

— Save! Help!

Foam from the washing powder got into her mouth and air bubbles floated out. Peppe looked everywhere for his little sister and soon found himself in the bathroom. He looked under the bathtub and into the cabinets - empty. I was about to leave, when suddenly I saw Duppy in the washing machine.

- Mother! Quicker! - he shouted loudly.

The car was very noisy and no one heard poor Duppy. Mother mouse, running in response to the scream, immediately turned it off. Then she took out Duppy and, hugging her tenderly, carried her to her crib. Peppe walked next to him, wiping his tears.

“Oh, you are my restless creatures,” sighed the mother mouse, “how can you hide in a washing machine?” After all, you can choke on water there.

The little mice promised that they would never, ever do this again.

Journey behind the star.

They lived in a forest house, which was located under the roots of an old spreading spruce, a mother hedgehog and little hedgehogs, Chuck and his brother Chick. Every summer day they swam in the river, and in the evening, lying on spruce needles, they admired the starry sky and the royal Moon.

“How beautiful they are,” Chick said, and Chuck just smiled in response.

One day, and it was on Friday, the hedgehogs, having spent the whole day on the river, swimming and fishing, were very tired, lay down, as usual, on spruce needles, and began to admire the starry sky.

“Eh.. It’s probably good there,” Chick sighed.

“Yeah... I wish I could go there at least once,” Chuck said quietly.

They were silent for a while, looking at the beautiful Moon, and then decided to go home and go to bed. But suddenly someone rustled in the raspberry bushes.

“Who’s hiding here?” they quietly asked the invisible guest.

But no one answered them. Then the hedgehogs parted the grass and immediately saw a little frog.

— “Kwa-kwa, my name is Peggy.” How are you? - he asked them.

“I’m Chucky, and this is my brother Chicky,” one of the hedgehogs introduced himself.

The little frog sat down next to him and said:

— And I also like to look at the stars. They are so mysterious. I know the constellations. Whoa, he’s there, the Big Dipper and the Little Bear, picking raspberries. And this is the Ladle that draws the milky milk.

He told them many more interesting things, the brothers listened and were amazed at the education of such a small frog.

“Kwa-a...Kwa-a... Peggy, it’s time to go home - it’s night outside,” someone’s voice was heard.

— It’s my mother calling me home. “I’ll wait for you tomorrow evening in the same place,” said the little frog and soon disappeared behind the tall grass.

— It’s time for us to go home. “Mom is probably tired of waiting,” said Chick, sighing.

“You’re right, brother,” Chick answered.

Arriving home, they had a very tasty dinner and then went to bed. They had the same dream, as if the two of them were traveling through the Milky Way, under the light of billions of stars. And the full Moon, casting its dim light on everything around, sang a lullaby to them.

In the morning, the hedgehog mother prepared their favorite porridge from herb seeds and groundnuts for breakfast. When they had eaten everything, she asked them:

— “Who wants to go with me to the garden and pick blackberries and raspberries?

— I, I! - they shouted vying with each other.

Mom happily took them both. There were so many berries growing in the garden that you couldn’t pick them all. At first the hedgehogs simply ate the berries, and then, remembering why they came, they began to help their mother. They picked baskets full of ripe and sweet berries.

“Wow, now mom will make a lot of delicious jam and berry compote,” he said. Chick, and Chuck just smiled.

Chucky and Chicky were very tired during the day, but they promised the frog to meet again. When they arrived, Peggy was not yet there.

— Maybe he won’t show up, Chucky? - asked Chiki.

But then it was heard again:

— Kwa-kwa?

And from the raspberry bushes a frog jumped out to them.

— “Kwa-ah, here I am!” - he croaked.

They lay down next to each other on the spruce needles and the three of them began to admire the starry sky.

— I wonder how many stars there are in the sky? - Chuck suddenly asked.

Peggy, looking at him with interest, replied:

— Nobody knows this... even the most experienced stargazers.

Chuck and Chick sighed sadly.

— Do you know that a star can be plucked from heaven if you sail a boat along the river to the Moon? True true! - said the frog.

The hedgehogs believed their new friend, because he knew so many interesting things. The friends went down to the Bystryanka River, which flowed through the entire forest, and got into their boat. They swam for a long time, changing oars, until they saw the reflection of the Moon and stars ahead. It got darker and darker. The friends stopped and began to look carefully into the water.

— Look quickly, these two stars are just asking to be pawed! - Peggy suddenly exclaimed, - I wish I could catch them with a net.

“But we didn’t take them,” Chuck said sadly.

“Then,” said the frog, “we’ll catch with our paws.”

He stood for a while and thought. Then he folded his paws into a boat and scooped up some water.

— Look! Look! There are real stars shining in his palms! - Chuck shouted.

“Now try it too,” said Peggy, very pleased with himself.

The hedgehogs did just that, and soon stars were shining in their palms.

- That’s great! - they were delighted.

It got even darker.

“It’s time for us to go back,” said the frog and the hedgehogs agreed with him.

Soon, changing each other's oars, the friends swam to their home shore. Mother hedgehog and mother frog were already waiting for them there. They had teary eyes.

— Why did you leave without telling us anything? “We’re very worried,” said the hedgehog’s mother.

“You can’t do this, because you are still very small,” said the mother frog.

Peggy and Chuck and Chick hung their heads low, because they were very ashamed. But the mothers approached them and hugged them tightly.

“We will never, ever upset you again,” the friends promised almost in unison.

Mother hedgehog and mother frog just smiled in response. Soon Peggy, Chuck and Chick were fast asleep. And the hedgehog mother and the frog mother lay down on the spruce needles and began to admire the starry sky.

“Oh, how beautiful the full moon is,” they said almost simultaneously.

Unhappy little bear.

In the city of Copenhagen, which is located in the beautiful fairy-tale Denmark, on Lantern Street there lived a little girl named Emmy. She loved more than anything in the world her teddy bear Klaus, which her mother gave her for her birthday. Emmy took him everywhere with her and even called him her little brother. It seemed that nothing in the world could separate them. But it happens that even the most faithful friends lose each other...

One morning, and it happened in early spring, Emmy was eating oatmeal with pieces of banana and apple. The girl simply loved all sorts of goodies: cakes with butter cream, sweet peanut butter chocolate, donuts with strawberry jam and, of course, ginger ice cream with nut slices. And my favorite was oatmeal with banana and apple. True, mom didn’t cook it every day, much to the girl’s regret. The girl was sulking a lot because of this.

“Daughter, if you constantly eat only sweets, your teeth will hurt,” my mother said.

“I’ll grow up big and eat only what I love,” the girl thought.

So, Emmy was sitting in the dining room and eating oatmeal. And outside the window the spring sun was shining cheerfully, the birds were singing loudly and the girl really, really wanted to go out into the yard. But mom was adamant:

— “First you need to eat the porridge, daughter.” Then Mr. Quindy will come and you will study music. And after lunch I will definitely let you go for a little walk.

Emmy couldn't stand this terribly boring and old Mr. Quindy. And, to be honest, she didn’t really want to learn to play the piano. But my mother believed that this was simply a must for an educated girl, because music cleanses the soul and teaches us to understand beauty.

Emmy pouted and looked at her mother with resentment. But she just shook her head.

Having barely sat through a boring lesson with Mr. Quindy, Emmy, having eaten only three spoons of healthy sorrel soup, said:

“I’m all ready for a walk.”

“You’ve eaten so little,” said my mother, “and you need to eat well to grow up healthy and smart.”

“But I don’t want any more,” the girl answered and quickly ran to her room.

And mom just looked after her reproachfully.

Emmy took Klaus and ran outside.

“Kar-kar-kar,” she heard when she found herself in the yard, naked of a crow sitting on a pear branch.

“Svi-svi-irik..Svi-svi-irik,” some bird chirped.

“Woof-r-r-woof-r-r-woof,” barked the neighbor’s dog Hector, who really loved playing with Emmy.

The girl waved her hand to him and went into the garden. In the gazebo she saw her best friend Katie.

“Hello, Emmy,” she said, “let’s play hospital?”

The girl smiled and answered:

- Fine. But I’ll be the doctor, you’ll be the nurse, and Klaus will be the patient.

That's what we decided. Katie had a children's set of medical instruments with her. Emmy, taking the breathing tube in her hands, brought it to Klaus's chest and said:

— Breathe, and then, don’t breathe.

Meanwhile, Katie was sculpting something round out of clay.

- What will it be? - Emmy asked her.

“I make pills for all diseases,” answered Katie.

The girls bandaged Klaus from head to toe, saying that this way he would quickly recover. Then they took turns doing massages and giving me medicine. But soon they got tired of playing hospital and Emmy helped Katie put the instruments into a box. The girls sat for a while and talked about this and that.

— Shall we go to the river? The beavers are probably already building a new dam there,” Katie suddenly suggested.

Emmy agreed and, taking Klaus, went with her friend to the river bank. There the girls laid two spruce logs on the wet sand and sat on them. The river is already completely free of ice. Here and there fish played merrily in it, causing bubbles to appear on the surface. The blue surface of the river sparkled in the sun and the girls involuntarily admired it.

“Look, Emmy, here is our family of beavers,” Katie suddenly said, pointing her finger somewhere to the right.

Indeed, when the girl turned her head, she immediately saw them. The beaver cubs grew up over the winter, becoming adult beavers. And their dad and mom became even older and more experienced. They quickly made a dam on the river with the whole family so that they could later build their hut there. The girls looked at them without stopping until it suddenly began to rain.

“Oh,” said Katie, “we need to go home quickly, otherwise we’ll get wet and fall into the sheets.”

Emmy, not forgetting about Klaus, jumped up and the girls quickly ran. And the rain, as if laughing at them, suddenly turned into a heavy downpour. The girlfriends ran faster. It was very slippery because of the wet ground and Emmy suddenly slipped and fell. She dropped Klaus in surprise and hit her hand on a pebble. Tears immediately flowed from her eyes. Katie helped her up, and then looked at the bruise.

“Don’t cry,” she said, “there will only be a tiny bruise.” Let's run quickly, it's already dark.

— What about my teddy bear! - Emmy exclaimed, stopping crying.

“Let’s look for him,” Katie suggested.

But no matter how much they searched, they never found Klaus.

“Tomorrow, if it’s dry, we’ll go looking again,” said Katie.

Soon the girls were home. Their mothers, seeing their daughters soaking wet, immediately rushed to take off their wet clothes. Then we bathed them in the bathroom and, having wrapped them up well, put them in beds. Emmy and Katie spent the next two weeks at home - they caught a bad cold...

What happened to the bear cub, since he was never found? This is what I want to tell you about.

Klaus fell onto the grass and hit his plush head badly. So much so that he immediately lost consciousness. Soon he was completely soaked and became so heavy that when he came to his senses, he could not even move.

“Well, that’s all,” Klaus muttered quietly, “Emmy left me and now I’m completely lost.”

Suddenly something very wet touched his face. The little bear opened his eyes and saw a small puppy.

— “R-r-r-r-revet!” Are you lying here all alone? - he asked.

“My mistress left me here,” Klaus answered and roared.

The puppy felt sorry for the bear cub and he, carefully taking it, quickly ran home. Soon they were there.

—Who did you bring? Oh, what a poor thing! “Well, it’s okay, I’ll quickly cure him,” said the puppy’s owner and smiled.

Unhappy Klaus was very lucky, because it was none other than the good sorceress, whom everyone called the Doll Fairy. She tore open the little bear's body and took out everything that was inside. Then I hung it up to dry. And when Klaus was completely dry, she stuffed him with new plush. The bear cub received a second life, becoming light and fluffy again. The Doll Fairy sat Klaus down in front of her and said:

— Now tell me about your owner, the girl Emmy.

The little bear, thanking the good sorceress for saving her, told her everything without concealment. And when he got to what happened at the river, he cried bitterly again.

— Don’t cry, Klaus, please. After all, Emmy is a kind girl and has not forgotten about you at all. And now she has a cold and really needs your help,” the Fairy of Dolls reassured him.

She gently took him in her arms and kissed his nose.

“Goodbye, Klaus.. Don’t get lost anymore... We will meet when Emmy grows up,” she said and.. the happy bear cub ended up in his home.

You may ask why Klaus will end up with the Fairy of Dolls again? The fact is that children grow up quickly and turn into adults who no longer play with toys. And then, forgotten dolls and bears, soldiers and cars end up with the Fairy of Dolls.

When Emmy woke up, she immediately saw her pet.

- Mother! Mommy! - she screamed, greatly frightening her mother, - Klaus is back!

Guys, have you ever thrown your toys? Remember, they have no one closer to you. Love your dolls and soldiers, cars and bears. Know that they will always save you from all evil...

Gnome Jemmy.

Hello guys. Have you ever heard about gnomes? Yes, yes, about those little people who live under the roots of trees, in deep caves or in hollows. They say that gnomes spend their entire lives (and they are immortal) collecting countless treasures, protecting them from prying eyes. And only a rainbow can tell where the pot is hidden. The gnome will grant any wishes if you promise to return his treasures. But it’s better not to take them at all - not all their owners are kind. There are very evil and treacherous gnomes among them. Gold burned their souls and turned their hearts into emotionless diamonds.

But we will tell you about the kind, but very cunning gnome Jemmy and his tricks. Our first story is called

Dwarf fisherman.

In the hollow of a three-hundred-year-old oak tree, which remembered the times when the Magic Forest was still very young, there lived a little gnome, Jemmy, with his mother and father. His parents doted on him and forgave him all his misdeeds. They were ready to do anything, just to make the gnome happy. And all day long Jemmy did nothing but play pranks and invent all sorts of incredible stories. The inhabitants of the Magic Forest loved to listen to them when they gathered near the Boltanka River after a hard day.

“Yesterday I caught such a fish,” Jemmy began another of his stories, spreading his small arms wide, “its head was like that stump,” he said and pointed to a large spruce stump, - and the teeth are sharp - with sharp.

— What did you catch her with, baby? - his neighbor Beaver asked, smiling, - with his hands, on a spear, with a net or with a fishing rod?

Jemmy was silent for a while, then scratched the back of his head and, smiling, answered:

— Of course, with a fishing rod!

— What did you fish with? - Beaver asked again, - for a worm, or for something else?

Jimmy looked at him indignantly and replied:

— First, last night, I cooked a whole pot of oatmeal at home. I added a little bread and pieces of fruit to it. And then he went to Boltanka and poured it all out so that the fish would eat and become like tame fish.

The beaver nodded in approval, but said nothing.

— The fish feasted all night. And early in the morning, taking a fishing rod from a weeping willow, I went fishing. The sun had just risen and it was cool. But I dressed warmly and therefore didn’t feel a bit cold. I baited a worm on a hook, swung it well and threw the fishing rod into the river. Then he sat down on the grass and waited. Half a day passed, but nothing came across except fry, boots, bottles and snags. The sun began to get hot and I fell asleep. I woke up because someone started tugging the fishing rod very hard.

"Hooray! I caught a fish!” - I thought.

I jumped up and began to pull out the fishing rod with great difficulty. But my strength was not enough. Then I, having buried the fishing rod in the sand and weighed it down with stones, ran for help. Soon I met a field mouse who was going to wash clothes on Boltanka.

— Neighbor, help me pull out the fish. “I’ll share it with you,” he told her.

But it didn’t work out between the two of us. Luckily for us, a cat and a dog passed by.

— Help us pull out the fish. “I’ll share it with you,” I asked them.

The four of us managed to only half pull out the fish.

“Yes, there’s no way you can do this without help,” said the cat.

At this time a bear approached the river.

— Help us, neighbor. And for this I will share the fish with you,” I asked him.

We pulled and pulled and... we pulled out the fish. I immediately divided it in half. She was so huge that it would have been enough to dress her twice more,” the gnome finished his story.

Suddenly Beaver laughed.

— Well, you’re good at composing, kid! - he exclaimed.

But Jemmy wasn't even offended by him. He smiled mysteriously and went home.

And in the bear’s den a feast was in full swing, where the main dish was a huge fish...

How a tiger cub was taught politeness. What polite words do you guys know? That's right: thank you, please, hello, goodbye, be healthy. Do you guys know exactly when you need to say each of them? Doesn't everyone know this yet? Then it will be useful for you to listen to the story about a very impolite tiger cub.

In the jungle, on the banks of the fast African Limpopo River, lived a large and friendly family of tigers: mother Ketura (which translated into our native language means long-suffering), father Abubakar (noble) and their children - the girl Abeni (long-awaited) and the boy Boipelo (proud).

The tiger cub grew up very naughty. Every morning when the tiger mother came to him and said:

— Good morning, son. The sun has already risen for a long time. It's time for you to open your eyes too.

He turned to the other side and answered:

“I’ll sleep as much as I want.”

If the papa tiger, after inhaling pollen, suddenly began to sneeze loudly, Boipelo, instead of saying:

— Be healthy, daddy!

He started laughing loudly, pointing at him with his paw.

Abeli ​​was a very polite girl. If, for example, the old turtle Tambusi (honest) could not get across the stream, then she would run up and take her to the other side. Every morning Abeli ​​woke up before everyone else and ran outside to meet the dawn.

- Hello Sunshine! We love you so much! - she said and the daylight began to shine brighter.

Abeli ​​cleaned and helped mommy tiger prepare food that daddy tiger caught. The parents were very pleased with their daughter.

And naughty Boipelo had fun on the street all day long. More than anything else, he loved playing with sunbeams and chasing butterflies with a net. And no matter how much dad tiger tried to teach him to hunt, nothing worked.

“I’m still too young for this,” said the tiger cub, “but when I grow up, then I’ll hunt.”

Tiger dad just shook his head in displeasure. After all, it was at this age that he already began to go hunting with his dad Bhekizita (who does not miss enemies). And the tiger mother loved her son very much and forgave him everything. Only Abeli ​​could not come to terms with this.

— Brother, for example, I’m helping our mother. And you do nothing all day. It’s also impossible,” she told him.

— So should I start cleaning too? Ugh, it's too dusty! - That’s all Boipelo answered.

Abeli ​​just spread her paws in disappointment.

One day, while playing by a stream, a tiger cub accidentally stepped on the tail of the lizard Shaniya (with bright eyes). But instead of saying:

— I ask you to generously forgive me, dear Shania. I didn't mean to hurt you.

The tiger cub simply continued to play, quickly forgetting about everything.

— “How impolite you are, Boipelo!” Just wait, you’ll fall into the clutches of the insidious python Arampoi (the son of war), - the lizard said quietly and, throwing off its bruised tail, crawled on.

But the tiger cub didn’t even hear it. But in vain. After all, Arampoi was very evil and treacherous. He kidnapped small animals, forcing their parents to hunt for him. Everyone was very afraid and hated Python.

The next day was Tiger Mom's birthday. Many guests came, because everyone loved and respected Ketura. Each guest brought gifts not only to the birthday girl, but also to her children, for this was customary among polite animals. Abeli, having received from them a fan of peacock feathers, immediately said:

- Thank you very much! It's so nice of you!

And Boipelo, almost snatching a small shell, immediately ran to the stream. Tiger Mom and Tiger Dad felt very ashamed of him. But the old baboon Kirabo (a gift from the Gods) said:

— Apparently, my dears, the time has come to send your tiger cub to the Lion King for re-education. He will teach him very quickly how to behave correctly.

The tiger mother, hearing this, began to cry quietly. And the tiger dad, firmly shaking Kirabo’s paw, thanked him:

— Thank you very much, sage! Tomorrow I’ll take him there myself!

And the next morning, despite the tears of the tiger mother, he firmly took his son by the paw and led him to the lion king Ntanda (like a star).

—We greet you, oh our glorious leader! - Abubakar said bowing.

And Boipelo stood there, silently, and remained so. Ntande looked at him closely and asked:

— “Weren’t you taught that when you meet someone, you should say hello first?”

The tiger cub did not answer, but the tiger dad’s whole face turned red. He was very ashamed of his son.

“This is what we will do,” Ntande said a little later, “you, Abubakar, go home.” And leave Boipelo with me for four days. As soon as I finish, I will immediately send someone for you.

Papa Tiger bowed to the ground and quickly ran to hunt. He believed that the lion king would be able to re-educate the tiger cub. Left alone with Boipelo, Ntande said tenderly: “Nothing, tiger cub, I will teach you magic words that will help you in life.” The unfortunate baby was very scared when the tiger dad ran away. After all, he had never been left without parents before. Boipelo, looking at the lion king, realized that he had to obey him in everything. Ntanda looked at him affectionately and said: “Now I will take you to my cave.” I'll feed you well, then you'll go to bed. And in the morning I will begin your training.

When they arrived at the cave, Ntanda, placing a piece of meat in front of Boipelo, looked at it carefully. But the tiger cub, without saying anything, immediately started eating dinner. He was very hungry from fear. The Lion King just shook his head.

The next morning, Ntanda did not, like a mother tiger, beg the tiger cub to get up, but simply took it and bit it lightly on the ear. Boipelo immediately jumped up.

- Good morning, baby. Now we will have a snack and begin our classes,” the Lion King said with a smile.

And the unfortunate tiger cub almost cried from resentment. He really wanted to see his mother. He even promised himself that he would be the most polite in the entire jungle.

After breakfast, Ntanda sat Boipelo opposite him and said:

“So, baby, remember, when you meet someone, always say:

- Hello!

If it's morning, then:

- Good morning!

If it’s evening, then:

- Good evening!

And if it’s night, then:

- Good night!

When you say goodbye to someone, always say:

- Goodbye!

- See you soon?

And to have good dreams, always wish:

- Good night!

— Do you remember?

The tiger cub, raising his green eyes to him, answered:

Ntanda continued:

— If someone gave you something or just said something nice, you should say:

- Thanks a lot!

— Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

And if someone thanks you, then answer:

- Please!

— “There’s no need for thanks, I come from a pure heart!”

Boipelo listened carefully to the lion king and memorized everything carefully. And Ntanda continued the lesson:

— If suddenly you accidentally hurt someone or stepped on a paw, then always immediately say:

- Excuse me please! I didn't mean to hurt you!

If there is someone older than you in front of you, then you should always address him as you.

Is everything clear to you yet?

The tiger cub immediately replied:

- I understand everything.

While the lion king was hunting, Boipelo decided to take a short walk near his cave. First, the tiger cub, having cleared the ground from branches, began to draw. Then, when he got tired of it, he climbed trees. But soon he became very bored and suddenly saw a small chimpanzee.

- What is your name? - he asked.

— Don’t you know that polite animals first say: “Hello,” and only then say their names? - said Boipelo, remembering the lessons of the Lion King.

The little chimpanzee felt very ashamed. He approached the tiger cub and, holding out his paw, said:

— Hello, my name is Bongani (grateful). How are you?

— Good morning, I’m Boipelo.

“Let’s play something,” Bongani suggested.

The tiger cub happily agreed.

“Let’s hide and seek,” he answered.

— “Cheers, no wada!” - exclaimed Bongani.

“I’m going to look,” said the tiger cub.

He looked all around, but could not find Bongani anywhere. Boipelo was very tired and was about to sit down on a stone, when he suddenly heard:

— Be careful, you’ll crush it!

He turned around and saw a small snail.

— Sorry generously, I didn’t mean to hurt you! - said the tiger cub.

Hearing such polite words, the snail smiled and said:

— It’s okay, baby!

Then Bongani jumped from the tree.

- Where have you been? - the tiger cub asked him offendedly.

“Sorry, please, I didn’t mean to offend you,” the chimpanzee answered.

The friends played a little more and soon Bongani was called home by her mother.

- Goodbye friend! I hope that we will see each other again! - Boipelo said.

— Good night, tiger cub! Sweet dreams to you! - Bongani wished.

When the lion king came, the baby met him at the entrance:

— Good night, Your Majesty! - he said.

Ntanda was very happy with the tiger cub! The Lion King placed the spoil on the floor of the cave and divided it in half.

- Thank you very much! - Boipelo said.

The next morning the tiger cub woke up very early and left the cave.

— Good morning, Your Majesty! - he said to Ntanda.

The Lion King smiled and said:

- Good morning, baby! Today we will go hunting together.

The tiger cub didn’t even argue.

— Thank you for your trust! - he said.

They spent the whole day traveling through the jungle. The Lion King taught the tiger cub the art of hunting. He showed the tracks and said whose they were.

— You must always approach your prey against the wind, otherwise it will run away. Always move very quietly, as if you were a shadow. Never hunt for fun, Ntanda admonished.

The next morning they set out for Limpopo. Everyone knows that the river is called this because there are crocodiles in it. The Lion King began to teach the tiger cub how to properly cross to the other side without getting caught in their teeth.

— The most important thing is not to be afraid. After all, crocodiles feel your fear, - said Ntanda, - choose a place in the river where it is not so deep. Only there the crocodile will not be able to sneak up on you unnoticed.

Boipelo listened to him carefully. The tiger cub was very interested in the lion king and he didn’t even want to go home so much. Although I missed my mother very much.

The next morning, Ntandu sent the parrot Bohleil (the wise) to his father the tiger, and in the afternoon Abubakar came running for his son.

— Thank you very much, Your Majesty! - the tiger cub Ntandu bowed and thanked him.

Tiger dad shed tears of happiness!

— “Baby, I wish you only happiness!” Always be brave, honest, smart, kind and don’t forget about politeness! - said the lion king.

— I promise this, Your Majesty! I felt very good with you. It’s a pity that it all ended so quickly,” the tiger cub answered him.

“I don’t say goodbye to you, little one, because you and I will meet again,” said Ntanda.

— Goodbye, Your Majesty! - said the tiger cub and soon disappeared into the jungle with his father.

Since then, rumors have spread everywhere about Boipelo as the most polite person in the whole wide world...

Mice and New Year.

Hello guys! Do you love New Year? Well, of course, like all the children of the world. And why? That's right, on this holiday all your most cherished wishes come true. Sit back and listen to a new story about Duppy and Peppe.

In the morning, on the eve of the New Year, the mouse mother and the rat aunt went to the New Year's market and bought home a beautiful fluffy Christmas tree with rain, as well as a box of new Christmas tree toys. The old ones, unfortunately, broke last year.

— You take everything home, and then come to me. First, you and I will decorate my Christmas tree, and then we will go to you. “I’m very old and I can’t do anything myself,” said the rat aunt.

Mother mouse came home, put the Christmas tree in melt water, put the toys on the shelf and strictly ordered the little mice to behave quieter than water, below the grass.

“I’ll help Aunt Rat, and then we’ll decorate our Christmas tree together,” she said goodbye and, smiling, left the house.

The little mice, as always, promised to behave well, keeping their fingers crossed. They played with candy wrappers a little, then watched their favorite cartoon about two funny gnomes Krzmelek and Vakhmurka. But they soon became very bored. The mice went down from their room to the living room and began to admire the Christmas tree.

“Come on,” Duppy suddenly said, “let’s dress her up.”

Peppa really liked this idea:

— Mom will come, and the Christmas tree will already be decorated! He will be delighted and will definitely give us something!

— But how can you get a box of Christmas tree decorations, since it’s on that shelf in the closet? - asked Duppy.

“Don’t worry, we’ll do it in a moment,” Peppe said, smiling, “let’s move that big chair.” Let's put a bench on it, and then I'll get up and take out a box of toys.

That's what they did. But no matter how much he stretched, standing on his toes, he still couldn’t reach it a little.

“Let me lift you up,” Peppe suggested to his sister.

Duppy was not very heavy and he easily lifted her above him. She took the box in her paws and said:

— Lower it, but be careful not to break the toys.

But Duppy didn't stop them. After all, along with the box, his little sister became much heavier. Duppy yelped and fell to the floor. And the box crashed next to her. Are you okay? - asked Pippi in fear.

Duppy, carefully moving her head, arms and legs, answered:

- “Intact.” But the toys split in half. Oh, and we’ll get it from our mother!

Peppe got off his chair and looked into the box.

— They have become even more beautiful! Let's decorate the Christmas tree with them.

Soon the forest beauty shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow from multi-colored fragments. The little mice moved a little away from the Christmas tree and examined it closely.

- Beauty! - they said together.

— Oh, did we completely forget about the garland and the star? - Duppy exclaimed, holding her head.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s not too late to do it,” Peppe answered.

The little mice hung a garland, and then put a silver star on the top of the tree. Then they walked away and looked at the forest beauty again.

“Let’s turn on the garland and turn off the light,” suggested Duppy.

The mice did just that. When the mouse mother came with the rat aunt, she was at first upset about the toys. But, seeing that the Christmas tree was simply wonderful, she hugged the kids and said:

— My dears, what a great fellow you are! And we will buy toys next year.

And at midnight the New Year began. When the little mice, waking up very early in the morning, ran into the living room, gifts were already waiting for them under the Christmas tree...

“Tony, grandson, get up, the New Year has come,” old Gretta said cheerfully, entering the room.

“Here... It’s already the New Year... Everyone is happy, I’m the only one who’s very sad... After all, no one will give a gift..” - the old cat thought sadly.

“Mr. Istvan,” someone suddenly said in a tiny voice.

The cat turned around and saw his mother mouse.

— This is for you, from me and my kids. Happy New Year! - she said and, wagging her tail, ran into the hole.

“How great it is when people remember you!” - Istvan thought cheerfully, unwrapping the gift wrapper.

There is a green bow and a ball of wool lying there.

“Next year we should also give them something..” - the cat thought and purred contentedly...

Brave older brother..

Five winters and five springs flew by unnoticed. And from the little tiger cub Boipelo an almost real tiger grew. Keturah and Abubakar couldn't be happier looking at him.

— A real warrior is growing up with us, dear. The tigress to whom our boy turns his gaze will be lucky,” said the tiger dad.

—You’re right, my dear. “And there is no one in the jungle smarter and fairer than him,” said the mother tiger.

A lot has happened since we last met Boipelo. And the most important event is the birth of his two younger brothers: Bokari (promising) and Bomani (fighter). The cubs did not leave their mother-tiger for a single step. Keturah vigilantly ensured that they ate on time and got plenty of rest. And Abubakar, together with Boipelo, went hunting in the jungle and protected the mother tiger and her cubs from anything that could harm them.

When the cubs were born, the first person to know was Ntanda. The Lion King, looking at the kids, said:

— There is nothing more important in the world than children. After all, they are not only our heirs and support in old age, but also the future of the entire tribe. Therefore, concern for their health and safety should be entrusted not only to parents, but also to every inhabitant of the jungle.

He has aged a lot since he taught Boipelo to be polite. But he still proudly carried his royal mane. All the inhabitants of the jungle respected him for his honesty and justice. He did not have his own family - all his relatives fell by the hand of man. This is why Boipelo became like family to Ntanda. The Lion King often watched the tiger cub, rejoicing at his successes and being upset at his failures. He was confident that Boipelo would become a true defender of the weak. And Bokari and Bomani became a consolation for the old lion king.

— Dad, mom, I’m almost an adult and I can stand up for myself. Let me go hunting myself. “And you rest easy and watch my brothers,” Boipelo once said.

His parents looked at him intently.

“Son, you are quite an adult and I allow you to go hunting alone,” the tiger father answered him.

“Just be very, very careful, son,” said the tiger mother.

And Ntanda, who settled completely with them, advised:

— Always be sensitive to the pain of others. Engage in battle only with those who are equal to you.

From then on, Boipelo began to hunt alone. And Abubakar, at Ntanda’s request, began to teach young tigers and lions the art of hunting.

Another spring has passed. Bokari and Bomani no longer sat with the tiger mother. Now, like tails, they followed their tiger dad or older brother everywhere. Keturah just managed to catch the kids everywhere.

One day, the lion king, along with his father-tiger and mother-tiger, were invited to the Spring Festival by baboons. Before leaving, Abubakar called his eldest son and said:

— Son, please be close to the kids.

Boipelo smiled and promised to keep his eyes open. And when Ntanda and his parents left, he lay down next to his brothers. Bokari and Bomani immediately began asking him about everything in the world. And Boipelo answered them patiently. Finally the kids got tired and slept a little.

“Brother, let’s go to the river for a swim,” Bokari suddenly suggested.

Boipelo, lightly biting him on the ear, said:

— “When you grow up a little, then we’ll go.” In the meantime, let me teach you how to read the tracks correctly. Bokari and Bomani agreed. Boipelo began to draw footprints in the sand with a twig and tell whose they were. The cubs listened to him very carefully. Soon they fell asleep again and Boipelo decided to take a break too.

When he woke up, he did not see the cubs. Boipelo, sensing trouble, immediately rushed to Limpopo. After all, Bokari and Bomani wanted to get there so bad. On the way, he asked the inhabitants of the jungle if they had seen the tiger cubs. But no one met them. Boipelo was very upset, but continued on his way.

— Help! Save! - he suddenly heard the screams of his brothers.

Boipelo ran faster and soon reached Limpopo. The naughty cubs were in trouble - two huge crocodiles, opening their terrible mouths, quickly swam towards them. Boipelo, without hesitation, found himself next to his brothers in two huge leaps.

— The most important thing is not to be afraid. After all, crocodiles feel your fear, - Ntanda told him, - choose a place in the river where it is not so deep. Only there the crocodile will not be able to sneak up on you unnoticed.

Boipelo growled loudly and an unequal battle with the crocodiles ensued. The cubs, seeing their older brother, stopped being afraid and calling for help. They, quickly moving their paws, swam to the shore and began to watch the battle from there. The cubs were proud of their older brother.

It is unknown how the battle would have ended if Ntanda had not arrived in time along with the tiger mom and tiger dad. They were called by the old parrot Bohlail, who was flying past. The three of them quickly drove the crocodiles away from the eldest son, and they disappeared into the muddy water with nothing.

“Mom, dad, I didn’t follow that,” Boipelo said, hanging his head.

But Abubakar, putting his paw on his back, said:

— No, son, you are a hero! And later I will talk to the tiger cubs about how important it is to obey your elders.

Thus ended this amazing story about a brave older brother and naughty tiger cubs...

A mouse and a night walk. Are you guys ready for bed yet? If yes, then make yourself comfortable in your beds and get ready to listen to our new story about little mice. Even old Gretta could not remember such a starry night. The moon shone so brightly that it was as bright as day outside. Even Istvan could not sleep. The cat sat on the windowsill and carefully looked at the night sky. “I wonder if the moon has a switch? - he thought, - if only I could turn down the light a little. Otherwise it turns out to be some kind of nonsense. It’s light both during the day and at night. I understand that the kids really like all this. But it’s preventing me and Gretta from sleeping.” - Mom, look how bright it is! Can we go for a walk? - said Duppy, looking pitifully at her mouse mother. “No, it’s too late,” she answered. “Well, mommy, please!” Duppy began to ask even louder. “Look, honey, Peppe is already in his crib and is waiting for mine.” a fairy tale. “Lie down too, daughter,” said the mouse mother inexorably. Duppy was naughty a little more, for the sake of decency, and soon she and her little brother lay down in bed and, closing her eyes, prepared to listen to the fairy tale. This time the mother mouse told them about the cheerful firefly Asmus, who did not want to sleep during the day. After all, all his relatives live only nightlife. By the time the fairy tale ended, Pippi was already fast asleep. But Duppy couldn't sleep. “He’s probably already having a sweet dream,” she thought, “here’s a happy one. But I don’t want to sleep at all.” Duppy waited until the mouse mother went to her room. Then she put her favorite teddy bear, Twitty, under the blanket so that her mother would think it was her. Then, on tiptoe, she crept to my mother’s room. Mother mouse has already fallen asleep. Duppy carefully slipped out of the hole and ran outside. “And the little mouse doesn’t want to sleep. Not in order! - Istvan thought when he saw her, “After all, it’s restless outside at night!” The first thing Duppy saw was the huge Moon. And around her, like thousands of lanterns, bright stars burned. “It would be great to see a shooting star and make wishes!” - she thought and decided to go into the garden. There Duppy climbed onto the back of the bench and prepared to wait. The mouse did not know how much time had passed. But soon she felt cold. But the star still didn’t want to fall. - Uff-fu! Phff-fu! - suddenly it was heard right above her head. The mouse was all scared with fear. - Ugh-ff-fu! - someone said again, - why aren’t you sleeping? Look, we’ll catch you, then don’t cry! The mouse raised its head and saw a huge owl. “Mommy!” I'm so scared! - Duppy thought, “I wish I could just be home.” Immediately a star fell from the sky and the mouse found herself in her warm bed. Istvan, looking at the Moon sadly, suddenly saw the familiar owl Ingrid. - Ugh-ff-fu! Why aren't you sleeping, kitty? Or did you also decide to hunt? - she asked him. “No, it’s just that the moon is shining so brightly that I can’t sleep,” Istvan answered. “Uff-fu!” “Then goodbye, I have to go,” said the owl and soon disappeared among the stars. “Hunt!” Me too, I made it up! - Istvan snorted to himself, “They feed me well as it is.” And Duppy dreamed of the full Moon and a bright star that landed right on her palm...

Mice and traffic lights.

Guys, do you want to hear a new story about naughty mice? Then sit back and listen carefully...

It was a sunny summer day and the mother mouse decided to start doing laundry and general cleaning. And so that the mice would not interfere, she sent them into the yard. Duppy and Peppe were very happy about this. After all, on such a fine day I didn’t really want to sit at home.

“Let’s play ball,” Duppy suggested and Peppe agreed with her.

They first threw it into each other's paws, and then decided to play football. Don’t be surprised, even though Duppy was a girl, she really loved this fun game. The little mice took turns standing at the goal and were so attracted to football that they completely forgot about time. And they moved away from home. And not far from it there was a wide highway. Thousands of cars drove along it, back and forth, day and night. Mother mouse strictly ordered the little mice not to get close to the road. Once Peppe kicked the ball with his paw, but it flew in a completely different direction from the gate where Duppy was standing and rolled straight out onto the roadway.

— What will he do? - his little sister asked.

“Let’s go and get the ball,” Peppe answered her.

— But my mother forbade us to go near the road. Look how many cars there are,” Duppy said in fear.

“But we’ll be quick, we’ll just take the ball and go back,” Peppe said cheerfully.

They grabbed their paws and quickly ran towards the road. The cars were rapidly driving in different directions. The little mice jumped out onto the road and ran to the ball, which lay on the opposite side.

— Stop! Where are you going! - someone shouted.

But Duppy and Peppe did not hear this because of the roar of the cars.

“What naughty little mice,” Istvan the cat grumbled.

Yes, it was he who tried to stop Peppe and Duppy. Istvan walked a little further and stood at the traffic light, where the light was red. The cat was very worried about the mice, but he had never violated the traffic rules. The traffic light showed yellow. Istvan got ready. And when the light turned green, I ran across to the other side and immediately saw the little mice. Fortunately, they were safe and sound, and Peppe was holding the ball in his paws.

— Guys, is this really possible? What if a car ran over you? Then your mother would cry bitterly, because she loves you very much,” Istvan told them, “they would run to the traffic light and calmly cross the road.”

The little mice, lowering their heads, answered:

— Uncle cat, we won’t do this again.

Soon the three of them were in old Gretta's house. Istvan told the mice how to cross the road correctly. And they

remember this for the rest of my life.

Mice and repairs.

Guys, have you ever seen how your dads and moms do renovations? Did they help them with this? No? Then make yourself comfortable and we will tell you a new story about naughty little mice.

One summer, Aunt Rat came to visit the mother mouse and the little mice. Duppy and Peppe didn't like her very much because she was strict with them. But the little mice loved their mother and therefore tried to behave well. Aunt Rat sat in the living room and grumbled:

— My dear, is this wallpaper in fashion now? What about the paint on the ceiling? And who lays linoleum on the floor these days? Excuse me, honey, but you just urgently need to make repairs.

Mother mouse respected her relative very much and promised to start repairs tomorrow morning.

— My dear, I suggest calling Mr. Field Mouse, who lives under the old aspen tree, for help. He is the best repairman. You and him will go to the hardware store and buy everything we need. “And your kids will stay with me while you do the repairs,” said the rat aunt.

Hearing this, Duppy and Peppe were very upset. But there was nothing to do.

In the morning, mom took the little mice to Aunt Rat, and she went to Mister Field Mouse. The master happily agreed to help her and soon they went together to a hardware store, where they bought: polka dot wallpaper, ceiling paint, parquet flooring, nails and screws and other necessary things. And after lunch, work began to boil. Soon all the old wallpaper was torn off the walls, the paint was washed off the ceiling, and the linoleum was removed from the floor. It was decided to stop there for now, because it was very dusty. And continue everything in the morning. Mr. Field Mouse went home, and Mother Mouse decided to spend the night with Aunt Rat.

When night fell, Duppy and Peppe, seeing that the adults were fast asleep, quietly went out into the street and quickly ran home. They decided to do the renovation themselves. That’s why mother mouse and aunt rat will be surprised and praise them.

— Peppe, where do we start? - Duppy asked her brother.

“Let’s put up some wallpaper first,” he suggested.

No sooner said than done. Once the little mice already saw on TV how everything is done. They took out potato starch and, pouring water into it, cooked wallpaper paste. After all, as they said on TV: “there is nothing stronger than it in the world.” Then, having laid newspapers on the floor, they spread wallpaper on them and carefully coated them with glue. At the same time, they themselves got smeared in glue and stained the wallpaper with their paws.

“Nothing, when we do everything, the dirt won’t be noticeable at all,” said Peppe and Duppy agreed with him.

After gluing the wallpaper, the mice decided to take a break and lay down on the sofa. But they didn’t notice how they fell asleep.

When the mother mouse woke up in the morning and did not find the little mice in the house of the rat aunt, she was very scared. She immediately rushed to look for them. And on the way she met Istvan the cat, who told her that Duppy and Peppe had run into the hole that night. Mother mouse, thanking him, rushed home. When she ran into the hole, she almost fainted from what she saw: there was wallpaper on all the walls, but it was very crooked and, in addition, there were paw prints of little mice on them.

“Mom has come,” said Duppy, waking up, “and we decided to give you a surprise.”

At that moment, the rat aunt came out of breath, accompanied by Mr. Field Mouse. What they saw made their fur stand on end. But mother mouse smiled and said:

— It’s okay, because the little mice just wanted to help.

Aunt Rat and Mister Field Mouse smiled. Exactly two weeks later the repairs were done.

Journey of mice.

Mother mouse usually read fairy tales to the little mice at night about all sorts of fabulous journeys. It talked about the famous navigator Sinbad the Sailor. Duppy and Peppe, imagining all this happening to them, quickly fell asleep. But this time they only pretended.

“That’s great, they’ve already fallen asleep,” said the mother mouse and went to her room.

— Pippi, are you awake? - Duppy suddenly asked her brother.

- No and you? - Peppe answered her.

“And I’m not sleeping,” answered Pippi, “my mother read to us about the wonderful journey.” And I really wanted to go somewhere too.

“Yes, these fairy tales are my favorite,” said Duppy, “I often imagine myself as a princess.”

— Let's go on a trip? - suggested Peppe.

— What about mom? - Duppy asked him.

“And we’ll leave her a note,” Peppe answered her.

As soon as the sun rose, the little mice collected everything they needed for the hike: salt, tea, matches, sugar, compass, crackers, dried meat, a pot, warm blankets and sleeping bags. Then they quietly left the house.

-Where shall we go? - asked Duppy.

Peppe, scratching the back of his head with his paw, replied:

— Let’s go into the forest first, and we’ll see there.

Soon they found themselves among centuries-old pines and spruces. The forest was just beginning to wake up. Neither the birds sang, nor the animals rushed about their business. The little mice carefully walked forward along the path until a fast stream appeared on their way.

— How will we cross it? - asked Duppy.

Peppe looked around and soon noticed an oak branch.

“Let’s throw it to the other side,” he suggested.

Soon the bridge was ready.

“I’m afraid,” Duppy suddenly said, looking down where the water was seething.

“You go forward, and I won’t let you fall,” Peppe reassured.

Duppy took only three steps and suddenly tripped over a twig.

— “Save me, I’m falling!” - she screamed and soon the stream picked her up and carried her to the river.

Peppe ran along the shore, without losing sight of his sister.

— Save! Help! - Duppy did not stop screaming.

— Who doesn’t let me sleep? - someone suddenly asked.

Peppe raised his head and saw an old owl.

— My little sister fell into the stream! Save her please! - the mouse cried.

The owl immediately rushed to save Duppy. Soon the frightened mouse sat next to her brother and shivered from the cold.

— “How did you kids go so far without asking your mothers?” What if I wasn't there? Or were there any predatory animals caught? - the owl was indignant.

— We will never do this again! - promised Peppa for two.

Then the cat Istvan jumped out of the raspberry bushes towards them.

— It’s so good that you are alive! Your mother can't find a place for herself! - he exclaimed.

“Well, I have to go,” said the owl and flew home.

- Thank you very much! - the little mice shouted to him.

“That’s it, climb on me and go home,” said the cat Istvan.

At home, the mother mouse immediately rushed to them.

“My dears,” she said, kissing and hugging the little mice, “I was so scared for you when I read the note.

— Mommy, we will never do this again! - the little mice promised.

“Well, it’s time for me to go,” said the cat Istvan.

“Thank you, neighbor,” the mouse mother thanked him...

Adventures in Toyland

Little crow Andrew sat on the highest branch of a birch tree and enjoyed a fine day. The sun was shining cheerfully, warming everything around with its gentle rays. A light breeze whispered with the leaves of the trees. The ubiquitous Sparrows, swarming in the sand, were loudly arguing about something. Song thrushes, larks and nightingales delighted the ear with their wondrous songs. Here old Thomas the Cat came out into the yard. He jumped onto the bench and, stretching out to his full height, soon dozed off.

Suddenly, crying was heard from somewhere. Andrew had a very kind heart and, without thinking for a long time, he flew to find out who was so bad.

Soon he saw a little girl in a green clearing, not far from the forest. She sat on the girl's lap and cried.

“Hi, I’m Andrew,” Little Crow greeted.

But the girl continued to cry.

- What happened to you? - Andrew asked her.

The girl, wiping her tears, sobbing, answered him:

— I'm Emmy. I'm crying because I lost my little bunny.

Andrew hugged the girl with his wing and said:

— Don’t worry, we will definitely find him, I promise.

— But where to look for it? - the girl asked him.

She had completely stopped crying and looked at him with curiosity. The little crow winked at the girl and asked:

—Have you heard about the land of toys?

The girl shook her head negatively. Andrew smiled and said:

— It is located at the very top of the Rainbow. All sick, lost and abandoned toys go there. They are looked after and, if the boy or girl is kind, then returned to them. We will go there to find your little bunny. Does he have a name?

“Yes, yes, his name is Plut,” said the little girl, “How do we get to this country?”

— Let's go through the forest, then turn south, swim across the river and find ourselves at a three-hundred-year-old oak tree. The good wizard Owl lives in a hollow there. “He will tell us the way,” Little Crow answered her.

Emma looked at him with interest with her beautiful blue eyes, listening to every word.

“But they’ll be looking for me,” Emmy was alarmed.

“Don’t be afraid, we’re only going back and forth,” Andrew reassured her.

They passed the forest, swam across the river and soon stood by a three-hundred-year-old oak tree.

“Uncle Owl,” called Little Crow.

But no one answered him. Then Andrew called louder.

— Who wakes me up during the day? - a dissatisfied voice was heard.

— Uncle Owl, it’s me, Little Crow. “We need your help,” Andrew answered him.

— Who else is with you? - the sage asked again.

— Little girl Emmy. “She lost her little hare,” answered Little Crow.

The owl looked out of the hollow and looked at them intently.

— Could you tell us how we can get to Toyland? - Andrew asked him.

The owl disappeared into the hollow and soon appeared with a book. He put on his glasses and read:

— To get to the Land of Toys, you need to climb the Rainbow immediately after the rain on Thursday, when Cancer whistles three times on the High Mountain.

Then he leafed through it some more and continued:

— You can also get to the Land of Toys using a Spell. You need to go to the water and whisper: “Become a mirror, little water, let the world be reflected there.” Then wish for the place where you want to move.

Andrew and Emmy thanked him and ran to the river. Soon they found themselves in the Land of Toys. Caramel trees grew everywhere you looked. And cotton candy clouds floated across the sky. Suddenly, a bunny dressed in a white T-shirt and blue overalls ran past Andrew and Emiya.

- This is Plut! - the girl exclaimed and ran after him.

Andrew followed. But the closer Emmy ran to the bunny, the farther away he ended up. At the same time making all sorts of faces. But the girl did not want to give up, but continued to run. The little crow could barely keep up with her. Soon the Dodger ran into the gingerbread house. But when Emmy and Little Crow entered it, they saw no one except teddy bears. The girl was very tired and sat down on a chair. And Andrew asked the bears:

—Have you seen a little bunny in a white T-shirt and blue overalls?

— No, there’s no one here. “except for us, no,” they answered.

— But I saw how he ran to you! - the girl exclaimed.

“It just seemed like it to you, honey,” the teddy bears answered her.

There was nothing to do and the friends went to look further. And the Dodger, coming out of the closet, pushed the teddy bear towards the teddy bears and said:

— You can take your son.

Once in the Land of Toys, the little bunny turned from kind and fluffy into a villain. Why did it happen so? Yes, because a fragment of the Evil Mirror of the sorcerer Burdock fell into his heart.

The bears were very happy, and the Dodger ran on. Soon he saw Emmy and Andrew.

“We need to get rid of them!” - thought the little bunny.

He tied the girl and Little Crow tightly, and then threw them into a deep ravine.

“That’s it, now no one will stop me from becoming the King of Toyland!” - thought the Dodger and ran on.

Luckily for Emmy and Andrew, they fell on something soft. The little crow immediately began to peck at the ropes and soon freed himself, and then the girl.

— Why did he become so bad? - Emmy asked, crying.

But Andrew didn't know what to say in response. After all, he was still very young. Only in the evening they managed to get out of the ravine.

Meanwhile, the little hare had already reached the royal palace, where the straw lion Boni, the King of the Land of Toys, lived. He was the kindest and fairest ruler. Everyone loved and respected him very much. The trickster burst into the throne room, but there was no one there. Then he ran to look in other places and soon heard someone snoring. I followed the sound and found the Straw Lion. The little hare took out a rope and tied the King.

— Now I am the ruler of the Land of Toys! - the Dodger exclaimed and laughed loudly.

And Emmy and Andrew continued their search. They walked for a long time, but when the full moon appeared in the sky, they found themselves in front of the royal palace. A knitted crow immediately flew up to them.

- Trouble! Trouble! What a terrible hare has seized power in the Land of Toys! - she shouted.

— “And by chance he’s not wearing a white beacon and a blue jumpsuit?” - asked the girl.

The crow looked at her suspiciously.

— How do you know him? - she asked.

Then Emily told about everything.

“Yes, that’s the story,” said the crow, “probably someone bewitched your little bunny.” But don’t cry, we have a good wizard, a rubber poodle. He can do anything in the world!

She flew to the wizard's house, and Emmy and Andrew followed.

“Hello,” the sorcerer greeted them, “my name is Chrismus.” You don’t have to say your names - I already know them. Yes, Emmy, your Trickster was bewitched by the evil wizard Burdock. And you can only disenchant it with the help of the tears of a golden deer. He lives in the Fairytale Forest, just behind the palace. Go to him and tell him the whole truth.

Emmy and Andrew thanked him and then went into the forest. The golden deer, having heard the whole story, immediately burst into tears, for he had a kind heart. Emmy caught his tear in the jug that Chrismus gave her for this.

“And now to the palace,” she said.

When the friends entered the throne room, they immediately saw Plut sitting on the throne.

— Arrest them and throw them into the deepest hole! - he ordered the wooden panthers, glass wolves and stuffed tigers.

They growled and rushed at their friends. But Little Crow was not afraid.

— “Run to the bunny, and I’ll distract them!” - he shouted.

Emmy immediately rushed to Pluto. Running up to him, the girl immediately dropped a tear of a golden deer into the bunny’s eyes. Immediately he became kind again. And the predatory toys calmed down and left the throne room. After all, they themselves didn’t really want to attack their friends. They were kind after all.

— Emmy? Where I am? - asked the Dodger.

“My beloved little bunny, you are in the Land of Toys,” answered the girl.

“But I want to go home,” the Dodger cried.

Emmy hugged him tightly and said:

— “Be patient, we’ll be there soon.”

Having freed King Boni, the friends went home. Although the lion invited them to stay forever in the Land of Toys and be his advisers.

About how the brave engine outwitted the evil Rust.

Guys, do you believe that there is a fairyland where only trains live? No? Then this tale is for you.

In one fairy-tale country there lived a family - a mother-train, a father-train and two engines. The eldest's name was Chukh, and the youngest's. Wasting away. Every day my parents carried mail throughout the fairyland. Moreover, one was traveling from north to south, and the other was traveling from west to east. They left the depot early in the morning and returned late in the evening. Therefore, Chukh had to look after his younger brother. Although more than anything he wanted to go on a trip. “Nothing,” thought Chukh, “he’ll grow up a little.” Then I will be able to fulfill my deepest desires!”

One day my parents had to leave for ten whole days.

“Chukh,” said the mother-train before leaving, “I ask you, be smart, don’t take your eyes off your brother.” You know how naughty he is.

“Mommy,” the engine answered her, “drive calmly.” Nothing bad will happen, I promise.

“I believe you, son,” said the train dad, “you are an excellent helper.”

As soon as they were out of sight, in parting, giving the children a long beep, Chakh asked his older brother:

— “Let’s race.” Oh please.

Chukh loved him with all his heart and could not refuse:

— “Okay, but only as far as the old forest.” You know that the old witch Rust lives there, who destroyed many trains.

- Fine! - exclaimed. He wasted away and immediately rushed forward along the rails.

Soon he forgot about his promise. After all, he was a very little engine and wanted to play all the time.

Chukh laughed and followed his brother along the neighboring rails. Soon he caught up and even overtook Chakh. The brothers did not even notice that they had already entered the forest a long time ago.

— Who came to me here? - someone suddenly asked in a creaky voice.

Chukh turned around and saw Rust. Only then did he realize that they had long been in the domain of the evil sorceress. It was dark and damp around. No birds or animals nearby. Everywhere you look - unfortunate trains covered with acrid rust. The engine suddenly became very scared. But, looking at his brother, Chukh immediately remembered the words of the train dad:

— Son, there is a way out of any situation, even a very terrible one. You just need to calm down, take a good look around and think.

“Aunt Rust,” said Chukh, smiling, “we heard that you are the greatest sorceress in the world.” Honestly, we believe in this, but I really want to look at your magical art at least with one eye.

The mistress of the dense forest looked at him intently and answered:

— You are a very smart boy, so so be it, I will show my skills. And then you will forever remain in my service.

Hearing this, Chakh almost burst into tears, to the delight of Rust, but Chukh whispered to him:

— Don’t be afraid, brother, I’ll outsmart her, you’ll see.

The evil sorceress first began to turn into all sorts of animals and birds. Chah looked at her in admiration. Chukh also found all this strange, but he pretended to be bored.

“I heard that you can turn into machine oil,” said the engine, but for some reason I don’t believe it.

Rust laughed loudly. Then she whistled, stomped three times and soon turned into machine oil. Chukh immediately took it and drank it. Thus the evil sorceress was defeated and the sick trains were saved. The birds and animals returned again and the forest came to life. And the engines hurried home.

When the parents returned, Chukh immediately told them everything.

— You, son, are a real hero! - Dad the train exclaimed.


Not far from the dense forest, which, for some reason, was called fairy-tale, lived grandmother Klava and granddaughter Mashenka. And right next to their house there was a railroad. Trains traveled back and forth day and night. And Masha so wanted to sit on one of them and go on a journey. One early morning, when grandma was baking pancakes and Mashenka was still dreaming, a beep was heard.

Grandma quickly opened the window and saw a small dazzling white train. She began to wake up her granddaughter, but she did not want to interrupt her sweet sleep. Finally Mashenka got up, hastily straightened her silky curls and ran to the window.

- What a beauty! – the girl said enthusiastically, “I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life!”

The engine really liked the little girl’s compliment and he winked at her cheerfully. “Come on, girl, let’s repent,” he invited.

“But, I just woke up and haven’t even had breakfast yet,” Mashenka said, almost crying.

“It’s okay,” answered the granny, “I’ll wrap you pancakes and pour milk into the thermos.” You can eat yourself and treat your new friend. Eh, whatever you say, grandma was kind and wise! Masha loved her very much and always obeyed her in everything. And the grandmother simply doted on her granddaughter.

Mashenka, having kissed her grandmother, ran out of the house. When she approached the engine, she saw that it was completely covered in ice. The girl suddenly felt very cold and scared.

— “Are you scared? – asked the white engine.

“Yes,” Masha stammered.

“Don’t be afraid, I’ll tell you one little secret,” the engine reassured her, and then, looking at her tenderly, he said, “I’m actually magical!” Do you want us to go with you on an exciting journey called “Seasons”?

“You can’t warm yourself up here with warm milk,” the girl thought, and answered out loud: “Thank you very much, but I’ll probably refuse.” Otherwise I’ll soon turn into ice. “So you go back home and dress warmly,” the engine suggested, smiling. Masha ran for warm clothes. The girl quickly put on a hat, a warm sweater, mittens, a fur coat, and felt boots on her feet. “Just don’t walk for a long time,” the grandmother asked her, “by the evening the frost will get stronger.” The girl just nodded and ran outside.

“Forward to new adventures!” the locomotive hummed with joy as they could, and they set off on a long journey.

They rode for a long time or a short time, but finally found themselves in a fairytale forest. Everything around seemed to be covered with a white fluffy blanket. And the rivers and lakes turned into a real skating rink. - What beauty all around! - Masha exclaimed and the engine agreed with her. Suddenly the sparrows flew in and plaintively chirped: - Let me eat, girl, please! We haven’t had anything like poppy dew in our mouths for three days now. The girl took pity on them and gave them her pancakes. The sparrows immediately began to peck at them, looking around every now and then. “Oh, oh, oh!” What a bad winter! Poor birds! – said Maria. “Wait, girl, don’t scold Winter like that,” said the engine, “you love sledding downhill, skiing in the forest, playing snowballs and making a snowman.” And the New Year and Merry Christmas come at this time of year. Do you like receiving gifts? And if there is no Winter, then Santa Claus will not come to visit on a trio of white-maned horses. Yes, it can be cold. But animals have warm skins, and people have woolen hats, sheep’s mittens, and felt boots with fur coats. And it’s not a sin to feed the birds. After all, they hunt for harmful insects in Spring, Summer and Autumn. So in winter we must repay kindness with kindness. Masha asked the engine to stop. She really wanted to build a snowman and ride down the hill on a sled that she found in the trailer. The engine did not argue with her, but asked not to stay long, because time in a fairy tale flows much faster than in life. Half an hour passed and the girl was again riding in the train, listening to his winter tales. She didn’t even notice how everything around her began to melt. And the train suddenly turned from icy to bright green. Masha even opened her mouth in surprise. The engine, seeing this, said: “Masha, there’s nothing surprising, we just came straight to Vesna.” The girl took off her warm clothes and began to look out of the window with all her eyes. Here and there the ubiquitous streams gurgled, carrying the Song of Awakening across the earth. The first leaves appeared on the trees, and the air was filled with the fragrance of the first spring flowers. Old acquaintances, the sparrows, chirped cheerfully, enjoying the sun and warmth. A hare ran by, changing his white fur coat to a gray one. A woodpecker knocked somewhere, looking for larvae. All this lifted Masha’s spirits. She asked the engine to stop and pick a bouquet of snowdrops. “I’ll give it to my grandmother,” she said, “she’ll be surprised.” The engine smiled and moved on. It became warmer and warmer. And soon it became simply unbearably hot. Masha, looking around, realized that they had arrived in the Red Summer. All around, wherever you looked, it was green and green. Birds sang joyfully in different voices, glorifying Summer. Then a bear appeared and quickly plowed into the raspberry field. A gray wolf ran by, probably chasing a hare. And the train turned from bright green to orange. - Why did you become this color? - the girl asked. “Because in the summer everything around is orange from the bright and hot sun,” the engine explained, smiling. Masha soon asked him to stop at the forest lake. She really wanted to pick summer flowers, wild strawberries and swim. The engine happily agreed. “Just bring me some water,” he asked. Having given her friend a drink, the girl bathed to her heart’s content. Then I collected a bouquet of summer flowers and a small bucket of strawberries. She really loved strawberry jam. Soon the train moved on. Suddenly it became noticeably colder, the leaves on the trees instantly became multi-colored and soon fell to the ground. Only the spruce and pine trees stood as green as before. High in the sky a wedge of cranes appeared, flying south. And the engine changed from orange to red, like a clown. “This is because, Masha, they call Autumn red, because of the colorful fallen leaves that covered the ground like a soft blanket,” he explained, smiling. A magpie flew past, grumbling: “This Autumn again.” ! No, to take it with Winter and cancel it! Only Spring and Summer should be all year round! Suddenly a strong cold wind blew, the sky became clouded with dark clouds and heavy rain began to fall. Masha immediately wrapped herself in a warm blanket, which she also found in the trailer, as well as the sled with the tuesk. “It’s cold!” I don't like Autumn! - the girl exclaimed. “You shouldn’t be doing that, Mashenka,” said the engine, “after all, it is at this time of year that the fruits on the trees ripen and a lot of mushrooms and berries appear.” Soon the girl asked him to stop again. She saw a beautiful clearing in which mushrooms and berries grew. Masha soon collected two huge baskets of both. The girl really loved mushroom soup and potatoes with mushrooms. “It’s time for us to return, Mashenka,” said the engine. Soon they reached a turn and, a few moments later, Winter came. Masha immediately put on everything warm. The train was not traveling very fast and the girl could watch everything that was happening in the fairy-tale forest. A hare ran by, exchanging his gray coat for a white one. Now the fox and the wolf will not find him right away. A familiar magpie flew by, grumbling: “Winter, damn it!” Frost, wind, blizzard, blizzard - what's good about that?! And why didn’t I fly south? Masha began to tell her about how good it was in Winter, but her efforts were in vain. The magpie looked at her with displeasure and quickly disappeared from sight. Soon Masha saw a house familiar from childhood. “Thank you, little engine,” the girl thanked. “Thank you, girl.” “You brightened up my loneliness,” he replied, “if you suddenly want to travel again, then just think about me.” Masha unloaded everything she had collected onto the ground. The locomotive blew its whistle and... melted into thin air. When grandma saw a bouquet of spring flowers, a bowl of strawberries and summer flowers, a basket of mushrooms and a basket of berries, she at first did not believe her eyes. Then Masha told her everything. “I always said that miracles still happen in the world!” - exclaimed the grandmother. Masha rode with the train around the “Seasons” more than once, until she became an adult. And as she grew up, her little children, the boy Vanya and the girl Polina, began to travel to the fairytale forest.

The first task of the train Chakha.

Chakh the engine was playing in the yard. Suddenly he heard the sound of a propeller. Chakh raised his head and saw an airplane. The little engine decided to meet him. He buzzed and soon the plane landed next to him.

- Hello! I am Chakh. What is your name? - said the engine.

- Hello! “And my name is Boltik,” the airplane introduced himself.

—Where are you flying? - asked the curious Chakh.

“I’m flying to deliver a very fragile parcel to my Aunt Marie in England,” the airplane answered him, “my mother asked me.” This is my very first independent assignment. If I can handle it, I will deliver parcels all over the world.

“How I envy you,” he admitted with a sad sigh. I'm wasting away, - but they don't give me any task and don't allow me to travel far... How I would like to fly like you, but, alas...

— Don’t worry, Chakh. Soon you will receive the task, and then tell me about it. “I’m sure you’ll succeed,” the airplane reassured him.

In reply. Chah, smiled and buzzed to his friend. He always did this when he couldn't find the right words.

— Well, that’s it, see you later, Chakh! I have to go! - Boltik said goodbye.

Chah, I was glad that I found a friend. After walking for a while, he returned home. Mom and brother were talking about something.

— Your grandmother Lucien lives in the suburbs. “She needs to send a package,” said the train mom.

“Mommy, but I just went to see her yesterday,” Chakh’s brother, Chukh, answered her.

— “Then who will deliver the porcelain set?” - Mom-train was upset.

- I! I want! - the engine exclaimed.

“Okay, Chakh,” my mother agreed, “you’ve already grown up and this will be your first task.” Everything needs to be delivered safely.

— I will do everything in the best possible way and not a single porcelain figurine will be harmed! - the engine assured her.

Night fell, but Chakh could not sleep. He introduced Boltik, who had met him, and he wanted so badly to see him again. Mom sat down next to me.

— Can’t sleep before the first task? - she asked tenderly.

“Yeah,” Chakh answered, already falling asleep, “Mom, why was I born as a train, and not, for example, as an airplane?” What a pity that I can't fly.

He even wanted to cry. But he restrained himself so as not to upset his mother.

— Son, being a train is not so bad, and you will soon understand it. Even though we don't

“We can fly like airplanes, but there is no one faster than us on the whole Earth,” his mother said and stroked his head.

— Today I met the airplane Boltik. “He became my friend,” he said. Wasting away.

- I'm very happy! - Mom said smiling and kissed the engine, - Sleep well!

The sun rose and everything took on bright colors. The locomotive woke up like never before

joyful and cheerful..

- I'm ready! - said the important one. Chah, anticipating the trip.

Mom loaded the china into his trailer. Chakh hummed his horn fervently and set off along the rails. Butterflies were flying everywhere, trying to catch up with him, and sparrows sat on his head and began to chirp joyfully. And the locomotive kept picking up and picking up its speed. So he passed the lake, which was very wide and at some point it seemed to him that it would never end.

“And behind the lake is Grandma Lucien’s house,” he thought to himself. Wasting away.

Soon the lake ended. Having approached his grandmother’s house, Chakh buzzed three times.

- Oh, how you have grown, grandson! - Lucien said and hugged him, - Let's go into the house. Welcome!

The engine kissed grandma and smiled.

— Oh, how many years have passed, and now you are already so big! - Lucienne said with a smile.

- Grandmother! I brought you a porcelain set and everything, delivered it safe and sound. -

said joyful and satisfied. Wasting away.

“Well done, grandson, now I can decorate my room, which I recently renovated,” said Lucienne, “are you probably tired?”

— Well, if only a little. - admitted the tired one. Wasting away.

Night has come. Chakh stayed with his grandmother. They talked for a long time and drank tea. They felt very good around each other. But I had to go to bed, because tomorrow I need to go on the road again.

Chakh woke up when the sun was just starting to rise.

“Sleep, sleep, it’s still early,” said the grandmother.

She was sitting in a chair and writing something in a magazine.

— Grandma, what are you doing? - asked the curious Chakh.

“I do crossword puzzles,” she answered.

- Crosswords? And what is it? - asked the engine.

“These are such riddles, grandson,” said Lucien, “the answers to them need to be entered in separate cells.” So that the words coincide with each other. For example, answer me. Red berry. Starting with the letter "M", six letters.

- Raspberries! - the engine said joyfully.

And he and his grandmother began to solve crossword puzzles. Soon the sun rose high and it became very bright.

- What a beautiful day! Why don’t you go for a walk,” she suggested to the engine.

He drove out into the street. He saw a ladybug on a flower leaf. And there's something in the sky -

then it flew, performing pirouettes.

— This is Boltik! - exclaimed the delighted Chakh.

He recognized it by its blue color. Clouds were painted on it. It could not be confused with any other airplane. Chakh hummed.

- Oooh! - it rang loudly.

Boltik did not seem to notice Chakh at all and continued to pirouette in the air.

— Boltik, hello! Why are you spinning around like that? - the engine shouted with all his might.

“I’m doing pirouettes,” he answered, without stopping for a minute.

— What are pirouettes? - Chakh asked.

— My dance for successful delivery of a parcel. Do you remember when I flew to Aunt Marie in England? - said the airplane.

- Yes! - answered the engine.

— “So, I completed the task. What are you doing so far from home, Chakh? - said Boltik.

“This is my first task,” Chakh said with a smile and began to drive back and forth, “I took it to my grandmother

fragile porcelain.

- Keep it up! - Boltik shouted back - Well done!

“And being a train is not so bad,” Chakh admitted to Boltik, “even very

The engine signaled and cheerfully winked at his friend Boltik, who was tumbling in the sky above his head.

- That's it! We'll see you again, for sure! - Boltik said and flew on.

The day of departure arrived. The grandmother hugged Chakh tightly and quietly wiped a tear from her cheek.

“Come again, grandson,” she said, “don’t forget Grandma Lucien.”

Again I heard: “Oooh” - and Chakh went home.

— “I delivered everything to Grandma Lucienne in the best possible condition. Not a single porcelain plate

suffered,” said the important Chakh when he arrived.

— Well done, brother! Well done, son! - Mom-train and Chukh exclaimed.

And the little engine did its pirouettes, almost like Boltik but only on rails.

Okay, Pi-pi, let your friend stay. You two will have more fun.

And he can look after you while I have work to do. Tomorrow I'll go for

shopping, and you will be alone. Just don’t open the doors for anyone, but

lock it with a key. I'll come and open it. - I told my little mouse, and he

friend, mom.

All morning the baby and the mouse played pirates. Passed by unnoticed

day and night came.

— “Baby, read me a bedtime story.” - asked Pi-pi.

- It's OK. “My mother will teach you,” the mouse answered him.

“That one,” he said, “about the little mouse Andrew.”

— “Baby, I came up with an idea!” We'll call you Andrew!

The kid smiled in response.

— Hurray! I now have my own name, like everyone else!

— Now, Andrew, you can meet and find many, many

With these words the mouse fell asleep. And Andrew fell asleep in the crib next to him.

He dreamed of clouds and a blue river along which paper


The warm rays of the sun woke up the sleeping friends. In sequence

rays slipped from under the doors and sparkled through the window.

- How sweetly I slept! Thank you, Pi-pi! - Andrew said. - Thank you

that I sheltered you, I will never forget you. But I need to go further to study

“And we are not saying goodbye to you, because we will meet again more than once.” - said

in response the mouse.

Getting to know the cloud and the sun and the little sparrow

Andrew walked down the path. Seeing a tree, he climbed onto it.

- How beautiful it is here! And everything is visible! - he thought. - Now I can

make friends with everyone, because I have a name - he thought. He looked up at the sky. On

Clouds were floating on it. There were a large number of them. They were in the form of different

animals. And then a cloud in the shape of an elephant floated by.

- Hi baby! What is your name? , the cloud asked him, approaching

— My name is Andrew. The mouse Pee-wee gave me my name.

— “And I’m an elephant cloud.”

— Nice to meet you, little cloud. - Andrew said.

The sun was shining strongly and the baby closed his eyes.

— You can open your eyes. - the sun suddenly said. - I am the sun.

And what is your name?

— I'm Andrew. Nice to meet you, sunshine. - he said. - And I’m pleased, baby! - the sun said smiling.

Suddenly a chirp-chirp was heard - it was a sparrow chirping on a branch.

- Hi baby! I'm Chirik the sparrow. And what is your name? - asked


— And I'm Andrew.

- Chir-rik! Nice to meet you.

— “And I’m pleased, little sparrow.”

Andrew thought how many friends he had now! He wanted

explore the world again and again, discovering something new.

Another day has passed. Andrew looked at the stars and slowly

Andrew woke up to the sound of a dog barking and a cat meowing.

Meeting with a cat and a dog

"What's going on here?" - thought the kid, the dog was chasing the cat. And that one

climbed a tree.

— Now the dog won’t get you! - the baby answered joyfully.

The white cat with only a black tail looked back, but saw no one

— Is there anyone here? - she asked.

— It’s me, Andrew.

A little boy appeared from behind a branch.

— “And I’m Vicky’s cat.” - she said moving closer.

- Nice to meet you.

They sat down on one thick and long tree branch.

— Now you, Vicky, have nothing to fear. The dog has already run away.

- What are you doing here? - Vicky asked.

— I like to sit on a tree and admire the clouds and the stars at night.

They looked at the cloud together.

— Look, this cloud looks like you.

— Yes, and this is on you, Vicky.

They laughed.

- Yes baby. But it’s time for me to go, I don’t think we’ll meet again yet

once. - said the cat and walked along the path home. After all, three people were waiting for her at home

Meeting with the cat Basalio

Suddenly the kid saw a beautiful sign from a distance. He climbed down from the tree and

went to her. It was a candy store. What was not there!

Chocolates and sweets of different shapes: in the shape of buildings, animals and even

ships. The kid immediately wanted to try it. - Give me that chocolate bar and that candy. And that one too. - began

show it to the saleswoman.

— Do you have anything to pay?

— Pay? But I have nothing... - he said sadly.

— I’d like that chocolate bar over there. - said the one standing behind. It was a cat

named Basilio. He bought a chocolate bar in the shape of a ship.

- Hi baby! - said the cat. - I'm Basilio the cat.

—And I'm Andrew. I wanted that chocolate bar over there, but I have nothing to pay with.

— Don’t worry, Andrew! This will be my gift to you. I am very happy


- And I! Andrew said holding the chocolate. He stained his lips and face.

- Hee hee! You're all dirty. - said Basilio.

They had everything, and you could also see how they do

cakes, figurines, chocolate fondue. There were a lot of different

sweets for every taste and color, small and large, in the shape of flowers,

animals, plants, houses, people, my eyes just ran wild. Fillings

you can also find something for every taste, but to be honest, I always liked it

regular chocolate with different types of nuts inside. Chocolate cakes

and chocolate figurines - it's simply amazing! They are in the form of cars

buildings, entire areas! I don't even have enough words to describe all this. But

The most interesting thing is how all these sweets are packaged. What kind are there?

no packaging! In the shape of the Egyptian pyramids, London Big Ben, just

poured into beautiful baskets and packed in transparent mica with

bows at the top. Even I, who seemed to have seen a lot, was very surprised

like this! I chose this chocolate bar because it is famous

landmark in Great Britain. This yacht belonged to

royal family. On it the royal family made official

visits all over the world, and the newlyweds of the royal family spent here

your honeymoon. Now it is a museum. So I want to give

for you a model of this yacht made of chocolate. She is very beautiful and I think she is very

The cat gave Andrew a chocolate bar in the shape of a ship.

— I’ll save it. Thank you, Basilio. - said the kid, thanking him.

They left the store. The baby and the cat climbed a tree and sat on one

big branch.

“I love chocolate,” said the cat, “and I often go to that store.”

sweets. Baby, where do you live?

— “But I don’t have a home.” I live in a tree.

“But it’s dangerous to be alone on a tree,” said Basalio, “You

may be grabbed by an owl or robbers.

- Robbers? Who are the robbers? - Andrew asked.

— You need a home. And it’s already cool on the tree in the evening.

- I already get used to it. - Andrew said.

It was already dark and stars were appearing in the sky. While the baby is with them

admired, the cat quickly made a house from the planks lying below. - Take the job.

The house had a table and a crib.

- Just what you need! - the baby was happy.

The cat climbed up the tree with the baby and they began to count the stars. They thought

until they fell asleep.

Travel to Chocolate

Basilio the cat had an amazing dream that he and Andrew were in

Country of Chocolate.

— “Baby, I had a wonderful dream, as if we were flying on

in a hot air balloon to the country of Chocolateland,” said the cat Andrew.

— But there is no such country. - Andrew said.

- No? How is it not? – Basalio was surprised. - I remember how my mother read to me

a book about the country of Chocolate, where everything was made of chocolate. And they live there

chocolate animals. Can you imagine? And I believe that this country

exists. It’s not for nothing that they wrote about her in the book. I dream of going there. To me

I need a friend for this long journey. Andrew, are you my friend now?

Let's fly with me in a hot air balloon to an unknown country!

— This should be interesting! - Andrew said and agreed with Basalio.

— My brother Mika has a large airy one lying on the veranda

The next day, Basalio came to Andrew with a balloon.

Basaglio fooled him.

- Wow! What a great! And will he fly? - Andrew asked.

— It will fly. - Basalio said with confidence.

And they flew.

The clouds were so close that it seemed you could touch them.

Andrew touched the clouds - they were soft, like fluff. Here it floated through

elephant cloud in the sky.

— Andrew, I see you have found another friend. - said the cloud. - I'm glad

for you! Where are you flying to?

— We are flying to the country of Chocolate. - the friends said together.

— “I know, she is very far away. May your journey be successful. -

said the elephant cloud.

- Goodbye, cloud. - Andrew said.

— We are not saying goodbye, Andrew, because we will meet again more than once. - was

heard from afar.

The sun approached them from above.

— Andrew, I'm glad to see you again. - admitted the sun.

— “And I’m glad to see you, Sunny!” We are flying to the country of Chocolate. -

Andrew said.

- Bon Voyage! -Have you been to that country? - asked the kid. - It’s true that everything there is from

chocolate? - the boy asked curiously.

- Is it true. And you can see everything for yourself. - said the sun,

which says: “Country of Chocolate”.

— We’re going there! - the friends exclaimed and turned in the direction indicated


The sky became clear and acquired colors. Already seen beautiful and

tall houses.

And so they began to descend and landed on the chocolate road. IN

At that moment, street magicians were performing on the street of Chocolate.

Meeting with rabbit magicians

These were two chocolate bunnies - two brothers.

- Wow! How interesting! - Andrew said and sat down on a bench on

The rabbit set fire to the paper and it turned out to be a real rose. Then he

tied handkerchiefs, blew on them and doves flew - doves made of white

chocolate. And another rabbit pulled out a bunny from a hat, which was gnawing

carrot. It was so exciting that I wanted to see it again and again.

— I see guests in our country. - said the rabbit to Brew.

— Would you like to take part in our next trick? -

suggested Rabbit Hack.

— We want! - they exclaimed joyfully.

The rabbits brought a box to show the crown number with

sawing. But not everyone knew that no one actually saws

no one. There are just boxes in which they hide.

— Crown number with sawing? - Andrew asked, trembling.

Rabbit Brew whispered something in his ear and he agreed.

Time passed quickly and everyone began to leave.

— Come again. - the rabbits said, bowing to the audience.

They were glad that the people of Chocolateland liked their tricks.

Andrew and Basalio approached the rabbits. They were curious about how they were

they do such wonderful tricks. Andrew wanted to learn too.

secret. How do you do it? Well, please... - Andrew Brew asked and

- Okay, if that's what you ask. But everything has its time. We invite you

for cocoa. - said brother Hak.

— Our house is around the corner, we don’t live far from here. - said the brothers

and everyone followed them home. The house was beautiful and spacious. Andrew and Basalio sat down at the table and began to look at the picture on the wall while the rabbits

poured everyone a cup of cocoa.

- And who is it? - Andrew asked.

- ABOUT! This is our grandfather. He was a very famous magician throughout

Chocolatey. So we decided to follow in his footsteps. - said brother Hak.

— “Yes, we hope someday we will become as famous as our grandfather in

all over Chocolate. - said Brother Brew.

— “You drink, drink cocoa, otherwise it will get cold.” - they said.

Andrew and Basalio began to drink slowly and blow, because if

Drink it hot, you might get burned. For dessert they had chocolate cake.

Andrew and Basalio were very happy and began to eat in large pieces, because

the chocolate was so delicious, but then we remembered that we shouldn’t eat too much

sweets, because this can make your teeth and tummies hurt. Having eaten they

thanked the rabbits for their hospitality.

- It is time. - said Basaglio.

— You can stay with us. - the brothers suggested. - The four of us

it will be more fun. - they said.

Andrew and Basalio smiled broadly.

— Let's go upstairs. - said brother Hak.

And they walked up the dark chocolate stairs.

They entered the room. There were two large beds there.

— This is for guests, because we love to host guests. - they said

There were many railings and pillows on the bed. They were tall and

soft and smelled like vanilla chocolate.

“Mmm... What a smell!.. Mmm... How soft...” said Basalio and

Andrew and went to bed.

They woke up to the ringing of bells - these were the rabbit brothers.

— It’s time to get up, you don’t want to miss breakfast and first lesson? -

asked one of the rabbits. Andrew jumped up quickly and said:

— Ready for the lesson.

- I'm glad. - said the rabbit.

And Basalio remained in bed. He wanted to sleep for another hour. He's still

he had never slept on such a soft bed and he had never dreamed of

such wonderful dreams.

— Andrew I dreamed about chocolate magician bunnies..

He woke up.

- Wow! So this is all for real! So this is all not for me

Basalio was tired and joyfully jumping on the bed, forgetting that his mother was his

I never allowed you to jump on it. But he was so happy that he could not hide

how happy he is. I quickly looked out the window. In him he saw brothers

rabbits and Andrew. Basalio quickly went outside.

— Good morning, Basalio! And my brothers teach me magic tricks. - said

Andrew. - I'm not interested. - said Basaglio. I guess I'll go for a walk.

Meeting with the robbers

— Don’t go far. Robbers come to the village of chocolate. -

said the rabbits.

- Robbers? - asked Basaglio.

“These are the ones who…” said Andrew, recalling his story about the robbers.

“I’m not afraid of robbers,” the cat thought and walked away.

He had never met them, although he had heard many stories about them. "This

“Everyone is spreading rumors that they exist, but this is not so,” thought Basalio

The curtains said Mickey Mouse's Cafe. stood at the entrance

The little mouse invited everyone to his cafe. The mouse was very

a famous chef - he could cook anything. He has many

bought and ordered cakes for home delivery, etc. My eyes ran wild from the abundance!

“It’s just like in that store where he met Andrew,” I thought

— “I’d like a piece of cake, please, Marquis.” - the cat asked with a smile.

Previously, the cat would have chased the mouse to catch it, but here he

I caught myself thinking that he didn’t want to chase the mouse at all, because

How then will everyone live without a mouse - the best cook in Chocolate?

No way. After all, he cannot be replaced here.

Basalio sat down. No sooner had I taken a sip of mulled wine than I heard a voice

— they were robbers. The rabbits warned the cat not to leave

far away, but he did not listen and so... The robbers Fox and Wolf from time to time

time they came out of the forest and robbed the mouse. They stole all the sweets

so that everyone is left without sweets.

— “Quickly put everything in our bag.” Ha, ha! - said the robbers, -

otherwise we will take you and tie you to a tree in the forest. Ha, ha! - they laughed.

The mouse trembled with fear and obediently began to put away all the sweets.

The fox and wolf were happy and went into the forest. “Everything worked out again,” they thought

Meanwhile, the cat was sitting under the table and trembling, saying:

- Mommy! There was a rumor in the town of Chocolate about a new robbery.

mouse cafe.

“Again we are left without sweets…” the children were sad throughout


They dreamed of someone who could not be afraid to fight with the Fox and

Basalio quickly ran back. Andrew let whites out of his hat

pigeons. - Andrew, Andrew, you have no idea what I saw! At Mickey's cafe

robbers came in - the Fox and the Wolf. They took all the sweets! - said,

barely catching his breath, the cat.

- Yes, oh, these robbers! They leave us without sweets. - they said

— I’m ready to fight them! - said brave Andrew.

When everyone went to drink tea, they saw from the window how the Fox and the Wolf were walking with

a bag full of sweets. The rabbits became sad.

“Well, it’s time to sleep,” said the brothers, “after all, it’s too early for you to get up.”

magic lesson. - the rabbits continued.

Andrew and Basalio lay down and immediately fell asleep.

In the morning, fragrant cocoa was waiting for them.

- So tasty! Such cocoa could only be drunk in the country


The rabbit brothers were waiting for them on the street and there were wardrobes.

— I wonder what this is? - Andrew thought. - Probably this is a new trick,

which I will definitely learn.

Having finished their cocoa, they went outside and immediately heard a lot

applause - the magicians again performed their tricks for the residents.

Everyone looked with admiration.

- Bravo! - Andrew said.

- Bravo! - everyone else clapped.

— Now I’ll ask you, Andrew, to come up.

Andrew went into the locker. The rabbit turned it over and opened it. Andrew isn't there

it turned out.

You may ask, where is Andrew? The answer is simple - it’s in the closet

secret passage. Interesting? So all the residents were very interested.

Then he spun the locker again and Andrew appeared. It came again

a lot of applause. The brothers and Andrew bowed to the audience.

— Do you want to go to the market with us? We need to buy a couple of things for

- Yes! - the baby exclaimed.

They all set off. Basalio was now afraid to walk alone,

so I followed them closely.

They came to the market. What was not there! One dog was selling

a canary in a cage, another goat was selling a drum. You can't list everything. A

the bear started the music by turning the knob.

— Interesting thing. - said Basaglio.

Then they saw the robbers again. Andrew overheard their conversation. IN

it said that they were planning a new robbery - they wanted to attack the house

magician brothers.

— “Have you heard that the robbers are preparing a new attack? - Andrew asked

- Robbers? - the cat asked, trembling slightly. “Shh..,” said little Andrew, “Magicians shouldn’t know anything,

I have a plan. - the baby calmed the cat.

Well, they bought everything they needed for tricks and went home.

The brothers turned on cartoons.

— Cartoons? - asked Basalio. Do you also have TV and cartoons?

Hooray! - he exclaimed.

And Andrew was already sitting on the chair. They fell asleep while watching cartoons.

We didn’t notice how morning came. Chocolate rays shone and

tickled their noses. This made the baby and the cat wake up.

- Good morning! - Haki and Brew told them, smiling.

- Kind! - Andrew and Basalio said in response.

Andrew noticed the Fox and the Wolf - they were hiding behind a locker.

Andrew went out into the street, and the robbers did not notice the baby, because for

to them he was very small and seemed to them just a bug.

— Oh, I wish they wouldn’t step on me. – Andrew said quietly.

— I wonder what’s inside? - asked Lisa.

— “I don’t know, let’s see what’s there?” - suggested the old chocolate

— Whoever draws a long match will go into the box. - suggested

The long match fell to the wolf.

— It’s up to you to climb. - said the cunning Fox.

The wolf climbed up.

Imperceptibly coming closer, Andrew kicked the Fox and she flew into

open closet.

— “The kid spun and spun the magic cabinet, so much so that

did they fly to the moon? - you ask.

story. A rumor spread throughout Chocolateland about the bravest little

a little man named Andrew!

In one kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a cat. Yes, so rich, so important! He had plenty of everything. And there are so many mice that you can’t even count them! It became difficult for him to manage the mice alone: ​​they tried to scatter across the fields.

The cat thought and thought about what he should do with them. I decided to call the dog.

The dog came. The cat looked at her poor clothes, narrowed his cunning eyes and said:

I need to herd my mice. You will herd them in the spring, you will graze them in the summer, and in the fall you will gather them all together and bring them to my yard. Well, do you agree? As a reward, you will choose the best cattle, big, big, even as tall as a bull.

The dog thought and thought, but there was nothing to do, she had to agree: she was too overcome by poverty.

The dog got to work. All spring I ran after mice through the mud and in the rain. All summer I steamed under the hot sun, herding mice. All autumn I chased mice across the prickly mown fields - my feet were skinned, all my shoes and clothes were worn out.

But she fulfilled her agreement: she collected all the mice and brought them to the cat’s yard.

And during this time the cat became even richer. He sits on a soft one and purrs.

The cat saw the dog, grinned into his mustache and said:

Well, if you raised a mouse the size of a bull, then so be it, put it on your collar.

Wow, the dog got angry at the greedy deceiver. As soon as she rushed at the cat, she would have torn her to pieces, but the cat managed to jump up a tree.

Since then, cats and dogs have not been friends.

Our four-legged friends, a dog and a cat, long tamed by humans, coexist in the house, sometimes peacefully, and sometimes looking at each other warily. If pets cannot be reconciled for a long time, we ask ourselves why dogs don’t like cats. Maybe because dogs and cats are smart, but very different.

Why do cats and dogs fight?

The difference between cats and dogs is obvious. The hunting character inherent in wild nature is still present in each of them. It is believed that once upon a time big cats chased representatives of the canine family, and now the instinct of hostility is triggered at the genetic level. And the cats, when they see the dog, are forced to run away. The bravest of them arch their backs and stick out when they meet. And some seem to tease dogs, more often those that are on a leash. They walk in circles, wagging their tail at a distance of a centimeter from the dog’s nose. So what can I say? If, nevertheless, the cat walked across the dog’s face with its claws, the latter will remember this for the rest of its life. And it would be unnecessary to ask the question why dogs don’t like cats.

The cat has always been and remains a sole owner, while dogs, which are more friendly by nature, strive for contact. Society is important to a dog. After all, in the wild they always lived in packs and hunted together. An abandoned dog is always unhappy. To be completely happy, she needs a family. She compares the family in which the dog lives to a pack and obeys its laws. For a dog, a cat is not just a member of the family, it is a member of the pack.

By showing genuine interest in the cat, the dog involuntarily violates its personal space, and this is unacceptable. In addition, the reason for the enmity of these two separately peace-loving animals is the eternal struggle for territory. In a private house, where there is much more space, life is easier for such different neighbors because they intersect less often.

The cat also does not accept the dog because it does not understand its language. As soon as the dog raises its paw, the cat is ready to attack, but the dog is just going to play. Dog games for Murka, as a rule, end with a chase and a climb into a tree. And the cute tail wagging? In a dog it means joy, and in a cat it means anger. When a cat purrs, we know that she is pleased. And the dog, looking sideways at its neighbor, thinks that they are growling at it threateningly.

Scientists have identified another possible reason why cats are not friends with dogs. It turns out that cats secrete an enzyme that has a special effect on dogs, provoking them to aggression. However, this discovery does not fit into the cases of peaceful coexistence of these cute animals. Otherwise, how can we explain the desire of cats to bask on a dog’s back? When you see this picture, it wouldn’t even occur to you that these two could be at enmity with each other.

How to make friends between a cat and a dog?

Friendship between a cat and a dog is possible if a caring owner, so as not to cause jealousy in anyone, evenly distributes his love. If you bring a puppy into a house where an adult cat lives, you will need to protect it at first. Because if he becomes interested in the mistress, Whatever Murka feels like, he risks getting acquainted with her claws.

You also need to protect a small kitten that is brought into a house where a dog already lives. It is recommended to put it on the dog for the first time, otherwise, especially if the dog is large, it can take the kitten’s life. You need to feed neighbors with different personalities from different bowls, making sure that none of them offend each other.

A win-win option would be to bring two kids into the house. Everyone knows that children find a common language faster than adults. Common games, and even a common bowl of food, bring them closer together and, after a while, they do not think about enmity among themselves.

It so happened historically that the two most beloved and closest pets to humans never experienced great sympathy for each other. As the wise old black cat from the cartoon “A Kitten Named Woof” used to say: “Dogs chase cats, puppies chase kittens - that’s how it always has been and that’s how it always will be.”

True, the owners who keep both of these wonderful animals on the same territory (living space) do not think so. “Why don't dogs like cats? My friends just adore each other!” - they say.

In what case do a cat and a dog not feel hostility?

That's right - a dog and a cat, accustomed to each other since childhood, will never share territory, since from their “young claws” they ate from the same bowl, slept on the same bedding and perceived each other as one family or representatives of the same species.

For such cases, the question is completely irrelevant: “Why don’t dogs like cats?” They love them, protect them and warm them. And the purrs, in turn, in gratitude lick their “big brothers” and massage them with their paws, expressing the highest degree of satisfaction.

It's all about sociability

If the problem of why dogs don’t like cats, the reasons for the hostility and its origins are considered from a scientific point of view, then several interesting versions arise at once. The first of them is the fundamental differences between a dog and a cat in how these animals perceive the need for communication.

This is vital for the dog, since he is a pack animal. But the cat feels great alone with herself, loved, she is self-sufficient, she is somewhat selfish, she “works” exclusively for herself: she tracked down the prey, she caught it herself, she ate it herself, she lay down to rest after lunch.

Its territory is inviolable, and if another creature (the same dog) penetrates there, such visits are very unpleasant for the cat. She begins to protest, arching her back or, climbing higher, simply waits until the “invader” leaves.

The dog, on the contrary, is ready to communicate with the cat with curiosity and joy and does not understand why the cat avoids contact. The only explanation for chasing a Murka is the dog’s desire to establish contact, and not at all bitterness and aggressiveness.

The reason is in genes

But there are certain breeds of dogs that are really ready to tear a cat that appears on the horizon to shreds. These are boxers, hunting dogs and shepherd dogs.

Watching the dog’s reaction to a cat going about its business, one can only guess why dogs don’t like cats.

For a hunting dog, a cat seems quite a worthy object for a trophy - no worse than a raccoon or a hare.

The boxer and the shepherd are completely indifferent to cats, who sit calmly and do not flicker before the dog’s eyes. But as soon as the cat begins to run quickly, the dog perceives this as a signal to action, the genes dictate to him: “Run! Catch up! Destroy! Although until this moment the dog behaved calmly and even indifferently towards the cat.

As for the Boxer, his aggression may be dictated by his breed, which obliges the dog to dislike other types of animals, as well as suspicious people.

Remember all

Another reason why dogs don’t like cats is often the good memory that all dogs have. If a dog is quite belligerent against a cat, he angers and irritates it, which means that he has already experienced a bad experience of meeting a purring dog, in which the dog could have been injured (often cats, desperately defending themselves, deeply scratch the noses of curious dogs and injure the mucous membrane of the eyes).

How can a self-respecting dog forgive and forget this? There are no options here - for the pain and humiliation experienced, the dog will begin to take revenge on all the cats in a row.

They're just not used to each other

In order not to find out for a long time why dogs do not like cats, some experts put forward the theory that the whole point of difficult cat-dog relationships lies in the fact that the animals are simply not accustomed to each other.

Again, the standard can be taken of a kitten and a puppy, raised in the same conditions, by the same owner and living in the same apartment from the age of several weeks. Such animals will never experience hostility under any circumstances.

If the owner took a risk and took a baby into the house where an adult animal (no matter a cat or a dog) lives, then he should be very careful - the other “owner,” who the cat or dog living in the house considers himself to be, will defend his rights to the territory and food, and can offend a new person, and very seriously.

Animals need at least a week to get used to it. In the meantime, they need an eye and an eye.


British scientists, interested in the fact that dogs do not like cats, found reasons that seemed to lie on the surface.

They proved that representatives of the cat family secrete special enzymes that cause inexplicable aggression in dogs. But, no matter how smooth the theory may be, it is shattered into pieces by practice. Or rather, about life.

How to explain the tender friendship of representatives of both species living in the same yard, on the same living space, with the same owner? After all, if cats secrete an enzyme, then everything, without exception, and if dogs react so negatively to it, then there should be no exceptions here too.

That was a long time ago…

And again about genetic memory. She seems to be the only explanation for the dog's eternal pursuit of the cat. Some childish question that excites the minds of adults and serious people, to which, apparently, there is no clear answer: “Why don’t dogs like cats?”

Some semblance of an adequate explanation can be found in the prehistoric period, when saber-toothed tigers (one of the most dangerous representatives of the cat family) walked the earth and brutally exterminated the canine family.

Dogs in those days were not distinguished by their gigantic sizes, they also did not have huge “saber” teeth, so many of them fell victims to ruthless “cats”, which were superior to dogs in size, sharpness of teeth, and cruelty.

And now, when the cats have “shrinked” to the size required by the dogs, they took a kind of carte blanche and considered themselves authorized to avenge the death of their ancient ancestors.

They would be friends if it weren't for the mice

While the canine “mafia” is doing its best to deal with cats, or rather, trying to do this (after all, it’s rare that a dog manages to catch up with a cat, even though the friends are faster than the Murzik), people from mouth to mouth pass on tales and epics on the topic of cat-dog unfriendship, thanks to which it is possible lift the veil of secrecy about why dogs don’t like cats and cats don’t like mice.

A third hero appears in the arena - a small rodent, the object of hunting for cats. What does he have to do with it? If you believe the legend - with everything. The mouse, without even knowing it, managed to quarrel between the dog and the cat forever.

So why don't dogs like cats? Legend claims that they used to live in perfect harmony (as evidenced by individual cases of animal friendship). As expected, they lived with one owner, who did not shine with wealth, and his modest well-being was given to him with great difficulty. Naturally, he also saved on keeping the animals, reasoning this way: the dog guards the house, so it is given rations, and the cat is not on a leash, so it can get food for itself on its own.

The cat got it (every time), but was offended by the owner, while the dog, observing how often the kitty remained hungry, decided to put in a good word for her friend in front of the owner. She did so, but asked the cat to sign an agreement that in the dog’s difficult moment the cat would also undertake to stand up for the dog. They signed it, the cat carefully folded the document and hid it in a crack in the floor.

And when the time came to save the dog from the owner’s wrath, and the dog decided to remind his cat friend of her responsibilities, the agreement was not in place. The dog got angry at the cat and began to perceive her as an insidious deceiver, and the cat, in turn, found out that the important paper (also not from a good life) had been eaten by mice.

Since then, it has been like this: dogs chase cats, demanding that the terms of the contract be fulfilled, cats catch the mice that caused them so much trouble. For what reason dogs do not like cats remains completely unclear.

Only children and romantics can believe legends, although the stories are truly beautiful. In fact, everything is much simpler: mouse fur contains a substance necessary for a cat - sulfur, so the indoor predator is not averse to eating a couple of rodents (in order to get enough of it and improve the condition of its own fur coat).

There is also an explanation for the fact that a cat likes to mock a half-dead victim by playing with a caught mouse - cats are “turned on” by a moving object. They catch grasshoppers and cockroaches with the same passion and eat them with the same appetite. But the mouse is much more interesting in the sense that you can chase it for another half an hour after catching it.
