Human sleep, fast and slow dream, how is a dream. What is the difference between a slow dream from fast? Physiological characteristics of fast and slow sleep


People were interested in the nature of sleep always, because a person gives this physiological state a third of his life. This is a cyclic phenomenon. For 7-8 hours of recreation, there are 4-5 cycles, including two phases of sleep: fast and slow, each of which can be calculated. How many lasts each stage, and what value it carries for the human body, we will try to figure out.

What are the phases of sleep

For many centuries, researchers are studying the physiology of sleep. In the last century, scientists managed to record bioelectric oscillations arising in the cerebral cortex during a fall asleep. They learned that this is a cyclic process, having different phases, replacing each other. The electroencephalogram is removed using special sensors attached to the head in humans. When the subject is sleeping, the devices first record slow oscillations, which are subsequently become frequent, then slow down: a change in the sinking phases is shown: fast and slow.

Fast phase

Sleep cycles follow one after another. During the night rest, the fast phase follows slow. At this time, the rhythms of heartbeat and body temperature are rising, the eyeballs move sharply and quickly, breathing becomes frequent. The brain works very actively, so a person sees a lot of dreams. The rapid sleep phase activates the work of all internal organs, relaxes the muscles. If a person is wake up, he will be able to tell the dream in detail, because during this period the brain is being recycled information received in the day, the exchange between the subconscious and consciousness occurs.

Slow phase

The oscillations on the electroencephalogram of slow rhythm are divided into 3 stages:

  1. Dund. Breathing and other reactions slow down, consciousness floats, different images appear, but man still reacts to the surrounding reality. In this stage, solutions to tasks often come, illness appears, ideas.
  2. Shallow sleep. There is a disconnection. Cardiac rhythm and body temperature decrease. During this period, the dream is easy to wake.
  3. Deep dream. At this stage, a person is difficult to wake up. In the body there is an active development of growth hormone, the operation of the internal organs is regulated, tissue regeneration occurs. At this stage, people may have nightmares.

Sequence phases sleep

In a healthy adult, the dream stage is always held in the same sequence: 1 slow phase (radical), then 2.3 and 4, then reverse order, 4, 3 and 2, and then fast sleep. All together they form one cycle, repeated 4-5 times in one night. The duration of the two stages of the dream may change. In the first cycle, the phase of deep sleep is very short, and at the last stage it may not be. The sequence and duration of the stages may affect the emotional factor.

Deep dream

Unlike fast sleep, the deep phase has a longer duration. It is also called orthodox or medalenovna. Scientists assume that this condition is responsible for the restoration of energy consumption and strengthening the functions of protecting the body. Studies have shown that the beginning of the phase of slow waves shares the brain into active and passive sites.

In the absence of a dream, areas responsible for conscious actions, perception, thinking are disconnected. Although during the deep phase, cardiac rhythm and brain activity decrease, catabolism slows down, but the memory scrolls already studied actions, as evidenced by external signs:

  • twitching limbs;
  • a special order of breathing;
  • play different sounds.


Each person has an individual value of delta sleep (deep phase). Some people grabs 4 hours of rest, and others need 10 to feel fine. In an adult, a deep phase occupies from 75 to 80% of the total sleep time. With the onset of old age, this duration decreases. The smaller the delta-sleep, the faster the organism is aging. To increase its duration, it is necessary:

  • make a more effective billboard / rest schedule;
  • before the night rest in a couple of hours to give the body physical exertion;
  • do not drink coffee, alcohol, power engineers, do not smoke and do not overeat shortly before the end of wakefulness;
  • sleep in a ventilated room in the absence of light and extraneous sounds.


The structure of sleep in the deep phase is heterogeneous and consists of four NON-REM phases:

  1. The first episode occurs memorization and understanding of the difficulties that were during the day. At the stage of the brain, the brain is looking for solving problems arising during wakefulness.
  2. The second phase is called the "sleepy spindle". Movement of muscles, breathing and heart rhythm slow down. The brain activity smoothly fades, but there may be brief moments of a special acute hearing.
  3. Delta-sleep, in which the surface stage is shown on very deep. It lasts only 10-15 minutes.
  4. Strong deep delta sleep. It is considered the most significant, because throughout the entire period, the brain reconstructs the ability to work. The fourth phase is distinguished by the fact that the sleeping person is very difficult to wake.

Fast sleep

BGD (Fast Eye Movement) - Phase or English Rem-sleep is distinguished by the enhanced work of the brain hemispheres. The biggest difference is the rapid rotation of the eyeballs. Other features of the fast phase:

  • continuous movement of the organs of the visual system;
  • bright dreams are drawn, filled with movement;
  • independent awakening favorable, gives good health, energy;
  • the body temperature is growing due to energetic metabolism and strong blood tide.


After falling asleep, the person spends most of the time in the slow phase, and the fast sleep lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. Under the morning, the ratio of steps is changing. Periods of BGD become longer, and deep - shorter, after which a person wakes up. The fast stage is much more important, therefore, if they interrupt it with an artificial way, it will adversely affect the emotional state. A person throughout the day will chase drowsiness.


The fast phase, which is also called paradoxical sleep, is the fifth stage of dream. Although a person is in complete motionlessness due to the complete absence of muscle activity, the condition resembles wakefulness. Eyeballs under the abnormal centuries periodically make rapid movements. Of the 4 stages of slow sleep, a person returns to the second, after which the BDG phase comes, which finishes the cycle.

Sleep value by the clock - Table

How many people need to sleep - impossible to say exactly. This indicator depends on the individual characteristics, age, sleep disorders and the day. The infant for the restoration of the body may be needed 10 hours, and a schoolboy - 7. The average sleep duration, according to specialists, varies from 8 to 10 hours. When a person correctly alternates a quick and slow dream, even in a short period, each cell is restored in the body. The optimal time for recreation is the period until midnight. Consider sleep efficiency on the clock in the table:

Start sleep

Value of rest

Best time for awakening

If you contact the dream value table, you can see that less benefits for recreation brings time from 4 to 6 in the morning. This period is the best for awakening. At this time, the sun gets up, the body is filled with energy, the mind is maximum clean and clear. If you constantly wake up with the dawn, then fatigue and diseases will not be terrible, but you can do it for a day much more than after the late lift.

Which phase is better to wake up

Sleep physiology is such that the person is important all the recreation stages. It is desirable that 4-5 full cycles of 1.5-2 hours passed overnight. The best time to lift your own. For example, the owls are better to wake up from 8 to 10 am, and the larks get up 5-6 hours. As for the stage of the dream, then everything is ambiguous here. From the standpoint of the structure and classification of the phases, the best time for awakening is the pair-triple minutes that fall on the end of one cycle and the beginning of the other.

How to wake up to fast sleep phase

Since the cycles are repeated, and the duration of the slow phase increases to 70% of the night recreation, it is advisable to catch the end of the BDG stage for awakening. Calculate this time is difficult, but to facilitate life, it is advisable to find motivation to get up in the morning early. To do this, you need to learn immediately after awakening not to lie in the bed without a case, but to carry out a breathing gymnastics. It will saturate the brain with oxygen, activates the metabolism, will give a positive energy for the whole day.

How to calculate sleep phases

Independent calculation is complicated. On the Internet you can find Calculators of circadian rhythms, but this method also has a flaw. This innovation is based on averages, does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body. The most reliable method of calculation is to contact specialized centers and laboratories, where doctors, connecting the devices to the head, determine the exact data on the signals and the oscillations of the brain.

You can easily calculate the person's sleep stages. The duration (average) slow stage is 120 minutes, and fast - 20 minutes. From the moment you go to bed, count 3-4 of these periods and put alarm clock so that the lifting time hit the specified period of time. If you go to bed at the beginning of the night, for example, at 22:00, then feel free to plan to wake up from 04:40 to 05:00. If it is too early for you, the next stage for the correct lift will be in the time interval from 07:00 to 07:20.


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All sleep is divided into two fundamentally different types - this is a slow dream and fast sleep. In turn, slow sleep is divided into 4 phases. It turns out that 5 phases of sleep differ.

Slow Son.

Also, it is called the Stage of Dream. It is characterized by thinking and experienced problems arising during the day. The brain on inertia is trying to find a solution to the tasks over which he worked, being in a state of wakefulness. A person can see images that implement a solution to the problem.

There is a further reduction in muscle activity, pulse and breathing slow down. The brain gradually ceases to work. For this stage, short outbreaks of hearing sensitivity are characteristic. Several times a minute, a person is able to wake him very easily.

Is a transitional. Differences between the third and fourth phases of sleep is in the amount of delta oscillations. But in such details we will not understand.

Characterized by the most deep sleep. It is considered the most important, since at this time the brain gets the most fully rest and restores its performance. In the fourth phase of sleep, a person is difficult to wake up. Cases of conversation in a dream or lunatism occur just in this phase.
The first two phases are considered to be superficial sleep, and the second two are deep. A slow dream is also called an orthodox bed or non-rem bed.

On the site you can download Android apps. For example, one of the proposed Sleep Time applications will analyze the fluctuations of your body, and determine which phase of sleep at the moment you are. When the time of awakening comes, the most suitable moment will be selected for your awakening. Very much useful applications! Go to the site and make sure that yourself.

Quick Sleep (Rem sleep)

This stage is also called BDG-SHO (from English Rapid Eye Movements, which means "fast eye movements"). As you already guessed, for fast sleep, the accelerated movements of eyeballs under closed eyelids are characterized - this is the first essential difference from slow sleep.

The second difference is that in the fast sleep phase, the brain does not rest at all, but on the contrary, it is activated. The frequency of heart rate increases, but the major muscles are completely relaxed.

And the most interesting thing is that in the rapid sleep phase, a person wake up the most difficult thing, although its condition is most close to the state of wakefulness. Therefore, fast sleep is also called paradoxical.
It is not entirely clear the assignment of fast sleep. There are several assumptions about this:

1. In the rapid sleep stage, the brain folds the received information on the shelves.
2. The brain analyzes the environmental conditions in which the body is located and produces an adaptation strategy. Indirect confirmation of this judgment is the fact that the newborn quick sleep is 50%, in adults - 20-25%, in older people - 15%.

But there is one fact that does not cause disputes - the brightest dreams come to us in a rapid dream! In other stages, dreams are also present, but they are blurred and we remember them very badly. Scientists also argue that the dream will be remembered for you only if you wake up in the rapid sleep phase.

Sequence of dream stages

The sleep begins with the 1st phase, which lasts about 10 minutes. Then the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th phases are consistently. Then in the reverse order - the 3rd, 2nd and the phase of fast sleep occurs. All together they form a cycle, which is repeated 4-5 times per night.

In this case, the duration of different phases from the cycle cycle changes. In the first cycle, fast sleep is very short, more time takes a deep slow dream. But in the latest deep sleep cycles may not be at all. Usually one cycle is 90-100 minutes.

And now the most interesting. From what phase of sleep you will wake up, your well-being depends. The most unsuitable for awakening is deep sleep. Waking up from deep sleep, you will feel broken.

It is best to wake up after the end of the fast sleep phase, that is, at the beginning of the first or second phase. Waking up of fast sleep is not recommended.
Now you probably have a question about how to do so to wake up in the right phase.

I will express only one thought about this. As already mentioned, in the stage of deep sleep, a person is quite difficult to wake up. Therefore, if your sleep is interrupted in a natural way, and not a call of the alarm, then you will most likely be wary in the right phase.

Now a little about the importance of fast and slow sleep. Some scientists suggest that fast sleep is the relic of the past, allegedly he does not need a person, as well as appendix.

In favor of this approval, such facts are given:

If it is forced to limit sleep duration, then the duration of the deep phase of sleep is practically not changed, the brain reduces the duration of fast sleep primarily.

But it only proves that deep sleep is more important than fast - no more!

Experiments were performed when people were completely deprived of rapid sleep for two weeks. At the same time, the state of health has not deteriorated.

Two weeks it is not so much, if we consider that some people can live so much time without sleep.

But other scientists conducted experiments on rats. As a result, in 40 days without rapid sleep, the rats died.

Sleep process is a very little studied phenomenon. Scientists-Somnologists will have to find answers to many controversial issues.
Well, we need to take care of your dream and lead a healthy lifestyle!


Immediately before bedtime, the state of drowsiness occurs, a decrease in the activity of the brain, characterized by:

  1. reduced level of consciousness;
  2. lower sensitivity sensitivity;
  3. demunion of heart rate, reduced secretory activity Znights (salivary → dry mucous meal; tears → burning eyes, sticking of the eyelid).

Structure of sleep

The rapid sleep phase from the cycle to the cycle is lengthened, and sleep depth is reduced. Quick dream interrupt more difficult than slow, although it is a quick sleep closer to the wake up threshold. A quick sleep interruption causes more serious impaired psyche compared with slow sleep disorders. Part of the interrupted fast sleep must be assessed in the following cycles.

It is assumed that fast sleep ensures the functions of psychological protection, information processing, its exchange between consciousness and subconscious.

Sleep deprivation is a very difficult test. For several days, the consciousness of a person loses clarity, he is experiencing an insurmountable desire to fall asleep, periodically "falls" into the border state with confused. This method of psychological pressure was not found at interrogation, it is currently being considered sophisticated torture.


see also

  • Flights in a snow
  • Hypersomnia.
  • Syndrome of the sudden death of children (SBS in infants)
  • Dream Dictionary


In Russian

In English

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    The electroencephalogram is highlighted in a red frame, the rapid sleep phase is underlined by the rapid sleep phase (Synonym: BDG Phase or Rem Phase, from BDG Quick Eye Movements, English ... Wikipedia

  • Electroencephalogram, a rapid sleep phase is highlighted in a red frame of fast sleep phase (Synonym: BDG Phase, from BDG Quick Eye Movements, English Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep phase characterized by increased brain activity. One of the signs ... ... Wikipedia

    Sleep "slow" phase - One of the two main phases of sleep, during which the tonic (persistent) changes of vegetative and motor indicators are observed: the tone of the muscles is reduced, breathing slows down, heart rhythm. At the stage of the "slow" sleep thresholds of behavioral ... ... Psychomotorika: Wikipedia Certificate

    SLEEP - - mental state characterized by the absence of a person from the world around. In saline, the sleep is a condition for restoring the vitality and energy reserves in the human body. In psychological plan, sleep is ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    - (σ rhythm, sleepy spindle, spindle-like activity, explosive or flare activity, spindle-shaped outbreaks, α similar rhythm animals, barbitue spindle) one of the main and most clearly pronounced elements of spontaneous EEG, ... ... Wikipedia

    Request "Lunatism" is redirected here; See also other values. Somnambulism ... Wikipedia

Fast sleep (Rem-sleep) is a unique phase of mammalian sleep, characterized by a random movement of eyes, low muscle tone throughout the body and the ability of sleeping dream. This phase is also known as paradoxical sleep (PS) and in some cases as desynchronized sleep due to physiological resemblance to wakefulness, which includes fast, low-voltage and desynchronized brain waves. The electrical and chemical activity regulating this phase occurs from the brain barrel and is characterized by a more noticeable excess of the neurotransmitter of acetylcholine in combination with the almost complete absence of monoamine neurotamitters of histamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. Fast sleep is physiologically different from other phases of sleep, which generally wear a deep sleep (NREMS, synchronized sleep). Fast and deep sleep alternate for one sleep cycle, which lasts about 90 minutes in adults. Since sleep cycles are resumed, they are replaced towards a higher share of rapid sleep. The transition to rapid sleep is associated with noticeable physical changes, starting with electrical impulses, called Ponto-genquilo-occipal waves that occur from the brain barrel. In organisms in the rapid sleep phase, central homeostasis is suspended, allowing large fluctuations in breathing, thermoregulation and circulation, which are not observed in all other phases of sleep or awakening. The body sharply loses muscle tone, entering the state, known as fast sleep atony. Fast movements of the eyes and their relationship with dreams were established by Nathaniel Claytman and his student Yevgeny Azerinsky in 1953 and later described by researchers, including William Dement and Michel Zhuve. Many experiments included the awakening of the subjects when they started to fall into the rapid sleep phase, thus experiencing a condition known as fast sleep deprivation. Subjects allowed to sleep as usual, allowing minor recovery of fast sleep. Techniques of neurosurgery, chemical injections, electroencephalography, positron-emission tomography and, of course, Sleeping reports after awakening were used to study this phase of sleep.


Electric brain activity

A quick sleep is called "paradoxical" due to its resemblance to awakening. Although the body is paralyzed, the brain acts to some extent in the wakefulness. Electricencephalography during fast sleep usually shows fast, desynchronized, low-amplitude "brain waves" (neural oscillations), which differ from the slow δ (delta) of deep sleep waves, but have similarities with patterns observed during wakefulness. An important component of these waves is θ (feta) rhythm in the hippocampus. The cortex demonstrates 40-60 Hz gamma waves, as when we wake. Cortical and thalamic neurons in the brain during wakefulness or in the paradoxical sleep phase are more depolarized, i.e. Can "be excited" more quickly than in the brain in the phase of deep sleep. The right and left hemisphere of the brain are more consistent in the stage of fast sleep, especially during informed dreams. A fast sleep is mixed with PGO (Ponto-geniklo-occipal) waves, pulses of electrical activity originating from the brain barrel. These waves are observed in clusters approximately every 6 seconds within 1-2 minutes during the transition from deep sleep to the paradoxical. They demonstrate the maximum amplitude after the shift in the visual bark and cause "fast movements of the eye" in the paradoxical phase of sleep. The energy of the brain used in the rapid sleep phase as determined by the oxygen and glucose exchange is equal to or exceeds the amount of energy used during waking. Speed \u200b\u200bin a deep sleep by 11-40% below.

Brain Chemicals

Compared to a slow-screen sleep, and wakefulness, and paradoxical sleep phase includes an increased use of acetylcholine neurotrusmitter, which can cause faster brain waves. Monoamin neurotransmitters Norepinephrine, serotonin and histamine are completely unavailable. The injections of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, which effectively increase the availability of acetylcholine, cause paradoxical sleep in people and other animals even in the phase of a slow-wall sleep. Carbachol, which imitates the action of acetylcholine on neurons, has a similar effect. Awakening people have the same injections of paradoxical sleep, only if monoamine neurotransmitters have already been consumed. Two other neurotransmitters, orcin and gamma aminobutanic acid (GABA) contribute to wakefulness, weaken deep sleep and inhibit paradoxical sleep. Unlike sharp transitions of electrical patterns, chemical changes in the brain demonstrate continuous periodic oscillations.

Heat brain role

Neural activity during fast sleep is observed in the brain barrel, especially in a pontine tire and a blue spot. According to the hypothesis of the activation-synthesis proposed by Robert McCarly and Allan Gobson in 1975-1977, control over the rapid sleep phase includes the paths of "Rem-including" and "REM-switch" neurons in the brain barrel. Rem-including neurons are predominantly cholinergic (i.e. includes acetylcholine); Rem-switching neurons activate serotonin and norepinephrine, which, in addition to other functions, suppress Rem-including neurons. McCarly and Gobson indicate that Rem-including neurons actually stimulate REM-switching neurons, thus providing a mechanism for cyclic repetition of fast and deep sleep. They used the Volterra Tray equations to describe this cyclic reverse effect. Cayouz Sakai and Michelle Zhive put forward a similar model in 1981 while Acetylcholine appears in a cortex equally during the wakefulness and phase of fast sleep, it is observed in higher concentrations in the brain barrel during the rapid sleep phase. The excitation and GABA removal can lead to the absence of other excitatory neurotransmitters. Study in the 1990s, which used positron-emission tomography, confirmed the role of the brain barrel. It also indicates that, within the foremost brain, limbic and paralyambic systems, usually associated with emotions, to a greater extent demonstrate activation than other areas. The brain areas activated during fast sleep are almost opposite to those that are activated during deep sleep.

Movement of the eye

Most of the movements of the eyes with the "fast" dream are actually less quick than usually observed in waking people. They are also shorter than duration and more likely returned to the starting point. About seven such returns are observed within one minute of fast sleep. While in a slow-screen dream, the eyes can disperse, the eyes of sleeping in the phase of the paradoxical phase move together. These eye movements are followed by ponto-genquilo-occipal waves occurring from the brain barrel. The movements of the eye themselves may be related to a visual feeling experienced in a dream, but the immediate connection must be accurately installed. It was observed that the blind from the birth of people who usually do not have visual images in dreams, during fast sleeping eyes still move.

Circulation, breathing and thermoregulation

In general words, the body suspends homeostasis during the paradoxical phase. Heart rate, cardiac pressure, minute heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory frequency are becoming irregular when the body enters the rapid sleep phase. In general, respiratory reflexes, such as hypoxia reaction, weakened. In general, the brain to a lesser extent controls breathing; Electric stimulation of the breath-related brain regions does not affect the lungs, as during deep sleep or in wakefulness. The fluctuations in the heart rate and blood pressure seek to coincide with PGO waves and fast eyes, twitching or sudden changes in breathing. The erection of the penis (Night Erection or NPT) usually accompanies the rapid sleep phase in rats and people. If a man suffers from erectile dysfunction (ED) during wakefulness, but demonstrates the episodes of the night erection during a fast sleep phase, this indicates that erectile dysfunction has a rather psychological reason than physiological. In women, the clitoris erection (night clitient erection or NCT) causes a concomitant increase in vaginal blood flow and transduction (i.e., lubrication isolation). Throughout the normal nights of sleep, the penis and the clitoris can be in a state of erection from one hour to three hours and half the duration of the fast sleep phase. The body temperature is not regulated sufficiently during fast sleep and, thus, the organisms become more sensitive to temperatures outside their thermal-lane zone. Cats and other small mammalian-coated mammals vibrate and breathe faster to regulate the temperature during deep sleep, but not fast sleep. Due to the loss of muscular tone, animals lose the ability to adjust the temperature due to the body movement. (Nevertheless, even cats with pontin injuries that prevent muscle atonia during fast sleep, do not regulate the temperature by vibrating.) Neurons, which are usually activated in response to cold temperatures, launching for neural thermostat, are not activated during the fast sleep phase, So they do it during deep sleep and wakefulness. Consequently, the hot or cold ambient temperatures can reduce the share of fast sleep, as well as the total amount of sleep. In other words, if the body is at the end of the deep sleep phase, and temperature indicators go beyond a certain range, it will not enter the rapid sleep phase to avoid deregulation, allowing the temperature to slowly change to the desired value. This mechanism may be "deceived" with artificial heating of the brain.


Fast sleep atony, almost full of paralysis of the body, is achieved by inhibiting motor neurons. When the body enters the rapid sleep phase, motor neurons throughout the body are subjected to hyperpolarization: their negative transmembrane potential is reduced to an additional 2-10 Milvolt, thus growing the limit that must exceed the incentive to activate them. Muscular inhibition can be the result of the inaccessibility of monoamine neuropers, excess of acetylcholine in the brain barrel and, possibly, mechanisms used for muscle inhibition during wakefulness. The oblong brain, located between the Varoliye Bridge and the Ostic Culture, has the ability of muscle inhibition spreads into many organisms. Some localized muscle contractions and reflexes may be observed. The lack of rapid sleep atony causes a violation of behavior during rapid sleep, which suffers from physical actions during dreams. (An alternative explanation is that the sleeping "acts in a dream": the muscular impulse precedes a mental view. This explanation can also be distributed on ordinary sleeping, whose signals are suppressed.) (It should be noted that ordinary sleeping is observed during a slow-screen sleep. .) Narcolepsy, in contrast, includes excessive and unwanted fast sleep aton. Capaciance and excess daytime drowsiness during wakefulness, hypnogogical hallucinations before entering the phase of the slow-wall sleeping or sleepy paralysis during wakefulness. Other psychiatric disorders include depression, which is associated with a disproportionate phase of fast sleep. Patients with potential sleep disorders are usually diagnosed by polysomnogram. Damage to the Varolai Bridge, preventing fast sleep aton, cause "violation of behavior during fast sleep" in animals.



The rapid sleep phase since its opening is closely associated with dreams. The awakening of sleeping during the fast sleep phase is a common experimental method for obtaining sowing reports; 80% of neurotypical people report a certain type of dreams in these conditions. Sleeping, awakened during the rapid sleep phase, seek to give a longer narrative descriptions of dreams, which they survived, and evaluate the dream of duration as longer. About conscious dreams is reported most often in the rapid sleep phase. (In fact, they should be taken into account as a hybrid state combining the essential elements of fast sleep and the awareness of wakefulness.) The thinking processes that occur during fast sleep most often have distinctive features of dreams, including the narrative structure, awareness (experimental similarity with life in reality) and combining instinctive motives. Gobson and McCarly suggested that PGO waves characteristic of the "phasic" fast sleep can provide a visual bark and the front brain with electrical excitation, which enhances the hallucinator aspects of the dream. Nevertheless, people awakened during sleep do not report much more bizarre dreams during phasic fast sleep compared to the tonic rapid sleep. Another possible connection between two phenomena may be that a higher limit of cessation of sensitivity during a quick sleep phase allows the brain to move along the unrealistic and specific chains of thoughts. Some dreams can be observed during the deep sleep phase. "Cutely sleeping" can observe dreams during a stage 2 of deep sleep, while "fast sleeping", after waking up at this stage, most likely, will be reported on "thinking", and not a "dream". Certain scientific efforts to identify the unique abnormal nature of dreams taken during sleep were forced to conclude that thinking can not be less bizarre, especially in conditions of reduction of sensitivity. Due to dreams during deep sleep, some sleep researchers categorically reject the importance of responding to dreams with a phase of fast sleep. The prospect of the fact that the well-known neurological aspects of fast sleep themselves are not the cause of dreams, indicates the need to revaluate the neurobiology of dreams on the merits. Some researchers of the paradoxical sleep of the Old Guard (Dement, Gobson, Zhuve), nevertheless, oppose the idea of \u200b\u200bthe absence of dreams with a phase of fast sleep.

Creative skills

After waking out of the rapid sleep phase, the consciousness "Hiressociative" is more susceptible to semantic instruction. People awakening the fast sleep phase, better fulfill such tasks as an adagrems and solving creative problems. Sleep promotes the process by which creativity converts associative elements into new combinations that are practical and meet certain requirements. This happens rather in the fast sleep phase than in the deep phase. It is hardly due to memory processes, but is attributed to changes during the rapid sleep phase in cholinergic and noradreengic neuromodulation. High levels of acetylcholine in the hippocampus suppress the feedback of the hippocampus with neocortex, while lower levels of acetylcholine and norepinephrine in neocortex stimulate the uncontrolled strengthening of associative activity in neocortical regions. This is the opposite of the consciousness of wakefulness, where high levels of norepinephrine and acetylcholine inhibit repeated compounds in neocortex. The phase of fast sleep by means of this process enhances creativity, allowing "neocortical structures to reorganize associative hierarchies, in which information from the hippocampus is re-interpreted with respect to previous semantic representations or nodes."


In a sleep cycle, a duration of less than 20 hours of the body alternate deep sleep phases (slow, large, synchronized brain waves) and paradoxical sleep (fast, desynchronized waves). Sleep is observed in close connection with a large circadian rhythm, which affects drowsiness and physiological factors based on the inner clock of the body. Sleep can be distributed throughout the day or clusters for one part of the rhythm: in night animals during the day and day animals at night. The body returns to homeostatic regulation almost immediately after the end of the rapid sleep phase. During night sleep, it is usually observed about four or five periods of fast sleep; They are short enough at the beginning of sleep and a longer closer towards the end. Many animals and some people tend to wake up or dismantle a period of very sensitive sleep for a short time immediately after a rapid sleep period. A comparative amount of rapid sleep is largely changing with age. The newborn child spends more than 80% of the total sleep time in the fast sleep phase. During the rapid sleep phase, the activity of neurons of the brain is sufficiently similar to activity during wakefulness; For this reason, a rapid sleep phase is called a paradoxical sleep. Quick Sleep usually takes 20-25% of the total sleep time in adults: about 90-120 minutes of night sleep. The first episode of fast sleep is observed after about 70 minutes after immersion in sleep. Cycles have a duration of about 90 minutes, while each cycle includes most of the fast sleep. Newborn spend more time in the rapid sleep phase than adults. The share of fast sleep is then significantly reduced in childhood. Adults generally tend to sleep less, but the rapid sleep phase occupies about the same time, and as a result of this fast sleep takes most of the time of sleep. Fast sleep can be divided into tonic and phasic modes. Tonic fast sleep is characterized by feta rhythms in the brain; Fazic fast sleep is characterized by PGO waves and actual "fast" eye movements. The processing of an external stimulus is significantly inhibited during the phasic fast sleep, and recent facts indicate that the sleeping is more difficult to awaken from the phasic fast sleep than from the slow-factory.

Fast sleep deprivation

Fast sleep deprivation significantly increases the number of attempts to fall into the fast sleep phase in sleeping state. In reducing nights, the subject flows into the stage 3 and the rapid sleep phase faster and demonstrates the restoration of fast sleep, which is directed towards a significant increase in time spent on fast sleep, compared with normal levels. Data discovery is consistent with the idea that fast sleep is biologically necessary. After completion completion, light psychological disorders may develop, such as anxiety, irritability, hallucination and inability to concentrate, and can also be reduced appetite. There are also positive consequences of fast sleep deprivation. Some depression symptoms are suppressed by fast sleep deprivation; Aggression and food behavior may increase. High levels of norepinephrine acts possible causes such results. As far as long-term deprivation of fast sleep has a psychological effect, it remains the subject of disputes. Some reports indicate that fast sleep deprivation strengthens aggressive and sexual behavior in laboratory animals. It has been proven that short-term fast sleep deprivation can facilitate certain types of depression, when depression is related to the imbalance of certain neurotransmitters. Although sleep deprivation in general makes most of the population, it has repeatedly demonstrated the relief of depression, although temporary. More than half of the subjects who demonstrated such relief reported that it became ineffective after sleep overnight. Thus, it was investigated to develop such methods as a change in sleep mode for a certain period of time after a rapid sleep deprivation period and combining changes to sleep mode with pharmacotherapy for prolongation of action. Presumably most of the antidepressants selectively inhibits fast sleep due to their action on monoamine, this action is weakened after long-term use. Sleep deprivation stimulates hippocampal neurogenesis to a greater extent than these antidepressants, but whether the effect of fast sleep phase is definitely not known. Fast sleep deprivation studies on animals differ significantly from human research. There is evidence that fast sleep deprivation in animals has more serious consequences than people. This may be caused by the fact that the duration of the time of sleep deprivation in animals is significantly large (up to seventy days), or that the various protocols used are more uncomfortable and unpleasant than protocols for people. The "Flower Pot" method includes the location of laboratory animals over the water on the platform, so small that they fall from it as soon as they lose muscle tone. Natural unpleasant awakening, the results of which can cause changes in the body, which are necessarily superior to a simple lack of a sleep phase. Another method includes computer observation of brainwaves, completed by automatic mechanical shake cell when the animal flows into the fast sleep phase. Facts show that rapid sleep deprivation in rats violates the study of a new material, but does not affect the available memory. In one study, the rat did not have learned to avoid a painful incentive after a fast sleep deprivation, which could be done before deprivation. The absence of violations of learning was revealed from people who have undergone a fast sleep deprivation. Fast sleep deprivation in rats causes an increase in the number of attempts to fall into a rapid sleep phase, and after deprivation, quick sleep is restored. In rats, as well as cats, fast sleep deprivation increases brain excitability (for example, electrical amplification of sensory signals), which reduces the threshold for paroxysms during wakefulness. This increase in the excitability of the brain is similar to people. One study also found a decrease in the sensory excitability of the rear brain. The rear brain is generally less susceptible to the information of the afferent path, since susceptible to improving the amplification of these paths.

Animal sleep

Fast sleep is observed in all terrestrial mammals, as well as in birds. The quantity of fast sleep and the cycle time varies among animals; Predators are experiencing more pleasure from fast sleep than victims. Larger animals also strive to be in the rapid sleep phase more time, possibly due to the fact that the higher thermal inertia of their brain and the body allows them to transfer a longer suspension of thermoregulation. The period (full cycle of fast and deep sleep) lasts about 90 minutes from people, 22 minutes in cats and 12 minutes in rats. In the womb, mammals are carried out more than half (50-80%) of the day in the rapid sleep phase.

Hypothesis regarding fast sleep functions

While the fast sleep feature is not understood enough, several theories are offered.


Sleep generally contributes to memory. A fast sleep can help preserve certain types of memory: in particular procedural, spatial and emotional memory. Fast sleep increases the subsequent intensive learning from rats, especially after a few hours, and in some cases, after several nights. Experimental fast sleep deprivation in some cases inhibits memory consolidation, especially with regard to complex processes (for example, how to get out of the complex labyrinth). People have the best proof with regard to the improvement of rapid sleeping memory lies with the study of the procedures - new ways of body movement (such as jumping a springboard) and new techniques for solving the problem. Fast Sleep deprivation violates verbal (ie, unprolent) memory only in more complex cases, such as memorizing long stories. Quick Sleep clearly counteracts attempts to suppress certain thoughts. According to the hypothesis of the dual process of sleep and memory, the two main phases of sleep correlate with different types of memory. "Midnight" studies tested this hypothesis through the tasks for memory, which began either before bedtime, or in the middle of the night, or began in the middle of the night and were evaluated in the morning. MedineNews sleep, part of deep sleep, is important for verbal memory. Artificial increase in deep sleep improves recovery from memory the next day of the memorable words of words. Tucker and others have shown that the daily light sleep, which includes only deep sleep, enhances the verbal memory, but not procedural. According to the next hypothesis, two types of sleep interact in order to consolidate memory. Monoaminoxidase inhibitors (MAO) and tricyclic antidepressants can suppress fast sleep, but there are no evidence that these drugs cause memory violation. Some studies show that monoaminoxidase inhibitors improve memory. Moreover, one substantive study of a subject, which had a short-term or missing fast sleep due to fragmentation damage to the brain barrel, did not find that his memory was broken. (For more detailed critics of communication between sleep and memory, see the link)) with a direct relation to reviews relative to the function of fast sleep in the consolidation of memory, Graham Mitchsison and Francis Creek were assumed in 1983, which, due to the characteristic spontaneous operation, the fast sleep function concludes In order to eliminate certain unwanted modes of interaction in the cell network in the cerebral cortex, "the process they defined as" breaking ". As a result, those memories that are relevant (underlying the neuron substrate is sufficiently strong in order to resist such spontaneous, chaotic activation), further strengthened, at the same time weak, temporary, "background" memories are destroyed. Consolidation of memory during paradoxical sleep is specifically interconnected with the rapid movement periods, which does not occur continuously. One explanation of this relationship is that electric PGO waves, which precede eye movements, also affect memory. A fast sleep can provide an opportunity for "breaking" in the main neural networks involved in homeostasis, which are protected from this "synaptic downskeling" during deep sleep.

Development of stimulating the central nervous system as the main function

According to another theory, known as the ontogenetic hypothesis of fast sleep, this phase of sleep (also known as active sleep in newborns) is partly important for the development of the brain, it is possible due to the fact that it provides neural stimulation that needs newborns to form mature nervous bonds and for proper development of the nervous system. Studies that studied the action of the deprivation of active sleep have shown that the deprivation in early periods of life can lead to behavioral problems, sustainable sleep disturbance, reduce the mass of the brain and an abnormal scale of the cellular death of neurons. In the future, this theory supported the fact that the amount of fast sleep in humans is reduced by age, which also applies to other species (see below). One important theoretical conclusion from the ontogenetic hypothesis is that fast sleep may not have a vital function in relation to mature brain, i.e. When the development of the central nervous system is completed. However, since the processes of neural plasticity are not limited to the brain, fast sleep can be continuously involved in neurogenesis in adults as a source of supporting spontaneous stimulation.

Protective immobilization: dream predecessor

According to Tsukalas (2012), fast sleep is an evolutionary transformation of a well-known protective mechanism, reflex to death. This reflex, also known as animal hypnosis or the simulation of death, acts as the last method of protection against an attacker predator and is to generally immobilize the animal in such a way that it seems dead. Tsukalas argues that neurophysiology and the phenomenology of this reaction demonstrates striking similarities with a phase of fast sleep; For example, both reactions are monitored by a brain barrel, are characterized by paralysis, sympathetic activation of thermoregulation changes.

Switching attention

According to the "scanning hypothesis", the direct properties of fast sleep are associated with switching attention in dream images. Against this hypothesis acts that such fast movements are observed in those who were born blind, as well as in the embryos, despite the absence of vision. In addition, binocular fast sleep is inconsistent (i.e. both eyes may not be in one direction from time to time) and, thus, there is no point of fixation. In support of this theory, the researchers found that in targeted dreams, the eye movement is directed over the action in a dream, which is determined by the relationship of eye and body movements in patients with behavioral impairment during fast sleep, which makes actions from dreams.

Other theories

Other theories indicate that the monoamine is disconnected in such a way that monoamine receptors in the brain can be recovered before reaching full sensitivity. Moreover, if fast sleep is periodically interrupted, a person compensates for it more long to sleep, "restorative sleep", with the first opportunity. Some researchers lead arguments that the preservation of complex brain processes, such as fast sleep, indicate that they perform an important function for the survival of mammals and birds. It satisfies important physiological needs, vital for survival to such an extent that the long-term deprivation of fast sleep leads to the death of experimental animals. And in humans, and in experimental animals, the loss of fast sleep leads to severe behavioral and physiological pathological deviations. The loss of fast sleep was observed in various natural and experimental infections. Experimental animal survival decreases when fast sleep is completely weakened during infections; This leads to the possibility of the fact that the quality and quantity of fast sleep is generally important for normal organism physiology. The protective hypothesis of rapid sleep was proposed by the Frederic Snider in 1966. It is based on observations that behind the phase of rapid sleep in several mammals (rat, hedgehog, rabbit and macaque) should be a short awakening. It is not observed in cats and people, although people can more easily awaken from fast sleep than deeply. Snyder advanced the hypothesis that fast sleep periodically activates animals in order to test the environment on possible predators. This hypothesis does not explain the muscular rapid sleep paralysis; However, a logical analysis may show that muscle paralysis manifests itself in order to prevent the animal's complete awakening without necessity, allowing you to easily immerse yourself in deep sleep. Jim Horn, Sleep Researcher at the Loughborough University, testifies that the quick dream among modern people compensates for a reduced need for awakening to search for food. Other theories are lubricating the cornea, heating brain, stimulation and stabilization of neural circuits that have not been activated during the wakefulness, the development of internal stimulation that promotes the development of the CNS, or in the absence of goals, as if he accidentally was created by the activation of the brain.

Opening and further research

German scientist Richard Clom in 1937. For the first time discovered the period of the rapid electrical activity of the brain of cats. In 1944, Oglmeyer reported on the 90-minute sleep cycles, showing erection in men for 25 minutes. At the University of Chicago in 1952, Evgeny Azerinski, Nathaniel Kleitman and William K. Demant opened the phases of the rapid movement of the eyes during sleep and tied them with dreams. Their article was published on September 10, 1953. William Dement conducted a study of fast sleep deprivation, experiments in which subjects were walked every time the electroencephalogram testified to the occurrence of fast sleep phase. He published an article "Action of Sleep Defense" in June 1960 ("Fast Sleep Decision" became a more common concept as a result of subsequent studies that showed the possibility of deep sleep.) Neurosurgical experiments of Michel Jew and others in the following two decades introduced the concept of Atonia and the proof of importance Pontine Tire (Dorsolateral Barolic Bridge) on startup and regulation of paradoxical sleep. The rude and others found that the violation of the reticular formation of the brain barrel inhibits this type of sleep. The zhuvea came up with the name "paradoxical sleep" in 1959 and in 1962 published the results indicating that it could be observed in cats with full removal of the front brain.

Deep sleep is a full-fledged night rest. The human performance, emotional and physical condition depends on its quality. An adult deep sleep rate ranges from ninety to one hundred and twenty minutes, taking into account several night cycles. The duration of a healthy sleep man is eight-nine hours a day. It consists of four full-fledged periods: dorms, shallow, slow and deep sleep. Dund is characterized as a superficial state, which is ongoing five minutes. At this stage, the body temperature becomes lower, pulse and metabolism slows down, breathing becomes quiet. During the fall asleep, consciousness turns off, but the reaction to the external stimuli is preserved.

Deep sleep mode helps the body cope with tension and illness. It helps to strengthen the immune system. Immersion in deep sleep lasts for an hour, after which the fast phase comes.

A full-fledged night cycle of a healthy person consists of a slow and fast phase, and takes only about a hundred and twenty minutes. For the night, approximately four cycles are replaced, the duration of which depends on individual characteristics. The first cycle of deep sleep begins. By time, it lasts long, but gradually its duration decreases.

How much should a deep sleep lasting in an adult? A normal cycle is the one that consists of a slow and fast phase, taking into account individual biorhythms. The slow phase consists of the state of dorms, falling asleep, deep and delta sleep. During the longest cycle, the human body is completely relaxed, fading functions, weak impulses pass through the brain. It was during this period that the body restores forces is charged with energy.

What are the steps of a slow phase? What is their feature?

  1. Dund. The person begins to fall asleep, but the brain continues to be active and creates dreams intertwined with reality. The peculiarity is that it was in a state of dorms that there would seem that the unresolved problems.
  2. Fall asleep. The slow phase continues. Consciousness is gradually disconnected, but the brain continues to react. At this stage, the person is easy to wake even a little noise.
  3. Deep. There are changes in the body, all processes are slowed down, functions, there is a complete relaxation of the body.
  4. Delta. A person is difficult to wake up, as the body is absolutely relaxed, its temperature decreases, the frequency of respiration and blood circulation slows down.

What is the duration of slow sleep? This stage is the longest in time and depends on the characteristics of the body. Physical endurance and mental activity depends on its quality. If a person is not poured, he will feel broken. Insomnia and overwhelms the body at all, leading to diseases. How many hours is the entire norm of a dream of an adult? It is necessary to sleep at least eight hours a day. Sleep duration depends on many factors: age, health, working conditions, biorhythms.

How to increase nightlife? This is an integral part of a person's life. In a healthy person, he lasts eight hours, but it all depends on biorhythms. For example, the elderly to sleep, it takes less time, and the growing body is twice as much as an adult. Some need for a full-fledged rest nine hours, another six enough. All individually. The main thing is to feel cheerfulness during the day and be in a great mood.

Slow sleep consists of four phases: dorms, falling asleep, deep and delta. The peculiarity is that wake up a sleeping person in the last two cycles is very difficult.

It is at this time that dreams are starred, including nightmares. Normal condition is when four stages of one cycle occupy eighty percent of all sleep.

Deep and slow sleep has its own characteristics:

  • in the slow phase, the body is physically healed, the forces are restored, tissue regeneration occurs, cells;
  • people who sleep seven or eight hours a day are fasterly restored by intelligent resources, their daily activities are much more efficient;
  • an increase in the duration of sleep helps to strengthen the immune system, and its reduction is to reduce the protective functions of the body;
  • if the slow phase lasts a small number of hours, the aging of the body is noticeably accelerated;
  • if the deep phase lasted little, such signs appear as a deterioration in memory, the impossibility of concentration on the subject of a conversation or problem, a decrease in working capacity;
  • the slow phase, in contrast to fast, does not have compensatory properties, it is impossible to "attain" the next night.

Thus, human health depends on the number of hours of the slow phase. If you want to establish a night rest, you just need to teach the body to fall asleep about the same time. The deep phase takes from 12 to 15% cycle, characterized by rhythmic, calm breathing and full relaxation of the body. Completes the cycle of the stage of dreams, during which the pulse and breathing are participated.

How much time do you need for a full sleep? In this matter, everything is individually. Someone for a normal healthy rest is required only five hours, others to sleep will need ten. On average, for most people, the recovery night period lasts from seven to eight hours. What is fast sleep? This period is from ten to twenty percent, the remaining eighty occupies a slow phase.

The more the hours a man sleeps during the Delta phase, the better he will feel during the day. Increases the duration of the deep cycle correctly built recreation mode and its observance. In order to double the time of deep sleep, Somologians recommend adhere to some tips.

  1. The normal condition of the body guarantees a competently built population and awakening mode. If you independently adjust the duration of the rest at night, in the morning waking up much easier.
  2. There is heavy food, before bedtime, doctors are not advised. Smoking, energy drinks, caffeine - all this negatively affects sleep. A good snack will be a glass of kefira or milk, as well as an apple or any other fruit.
  3. The deep phase will last longer, if approximately four hours before rest, give the body an adequate physical activity.
  4. Walking in the fresh air, active lifestyle, intense exercise during the day contribute to rapid falling asleep and strong calm sleep. Improve leisure light music, aromatherapy. Specialists argue that the singing of cricket has a positive effect on the quality of deep sleep.
  5. Before bedtime, it is important to spin well. Foreign smells, bright light, and noise does not contribute to falling asleep and duration of rest.

If you follow these recommendations, you can forget that there is insomnia and significantly increase the length of the slow phase. Its feature is that it is during this period a person restores his physical opportunities. The fast phase helps to establish the work of mental processes. Healthy, well-established sleep increases immunity, normalizes pressure, reduces the risk of heart disease and vessels, as well as mental disorders.

Characteristic of deep sleep

During the night holiday, each other alternate the slow-factory and faster periods. The cycle forms one period of slow and fast sleep. In total, they are replaced by four to six cycles, which last one and a half hours. For a child and adult, the norm, if the deep period is thirty percent.

If the sleeping is sharply wake in the phase of deep sleep, during the day he will feel tired and broken. People with arterial hypertension can occur pressure jumps.

The peculiarity is that if a person gets good enough, he wakes up in the morning independently even from a small noise, and the morning rise will be easy. In the period of deep sleep, a connection with reality is lost, the body is fully relaxed, which gives him the opportunity to recover.

During such recreation with the body, some changes occur:

  • muscles are completely relaxed, the metabolism is slowed down;
  • at night, the parasympathetic department of the CNS is most active, so the pulse becomes less often, the blood pressure drops, the brain practically does not respond to external stimuli;
  • the gastrointestinal tract slows down its activity, so sometimes awakening you can feel easy nausea;
  • organism cells are restored at night, as growth hormone is actively produced;
  • the body spends much less energy than during the day;
  • immunity strengthened;
  • if you sleep longer than usual, physical opportunities are increasing.

Fast Sleep Phase - the exact opposite of deep. The body consumes a large amount of oxygen, glucose, breathing is expensive, the pulse rises. Women and men sometimes feel excited, erection occurs. Doctors advise to sleep at least seven hours. For children, pregnant women and patients with various diseases, this rate is higher.

How dangerous is the absence of a full sleep? Almost every person at least once came across insomnia. When you try to fall asleep, but it does not work, it causes irritation, the body loses more forces than during the day. Single cases of insomnia do not harm health if it becomes systematic - problems arise. This case discharges sleepy natural pills or sleeping pills, depending on the duration of insomnia.

Sleep disorders - a wide concept that includes problems of falling asleep, changes in the process of night rest and poor well-being after awakening. All of them are temporary reversible disorders, but manifest themselves the same. A person feels fatigue, lethargy, apathy, the mood is reduced, there is no motivation to work.

The main reasons of violations are the problems of psycho-emotional nature and somatic diseases.

  1. Long-term insomnia provokes chronic stress, overvoltage, traumatic factors. Sometimes it becomes the cause and consequence of the depressive state, as well as other mental disorders.
  2. Diseases of the heart, vessels, CNS, malignant neoplasms play not the last role in deep sleep disorders. Paints, obsessive thoughts of illness, injury, osteochondrosis, frequent urges for urination become grounds for insomnia.
  3. Heavy physical exertion, unfinished affairs and questions.
  4. Poisoning, problems with gastrointestinal tract.
  5. High body temperature.

If a dream was broken, there should be any changes in the emotional sphere of man. It has been proven that it is more difficult to sleep with people with psychological problems, a high level of anxiety and depression.

The treatment of insomnia is prescribed after the reason for this state is found. For the prevention of such violations, it is recommended to walk in fresh air more frequently, including vegetables and fruits in the diet. Folk remedies, aromatherapy - all this helps in the fight against the ailment.

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