Does blue blood exist in humans? Why is Blood Red? Does Blue Blood exist? Is there blue blood?

Usually, when they say “blue blood”, they mean a person of “noble” origin. But why exactly “blue” blood is aristocratic, and not “white”, “green” or another color?

Believes that this expression implies that people with light skin tones have bluish veins, which is not observed in people with dark skin. And whiteness of skin has long been a priority for aristocrats, people of high society, of noble birth.

You may be surprised, but blue blood actually occurs in nature (as well as blood of other colors and shades), but not as a sign of aristocracy.

The color of blood depends on its chemical composition, or rather, the substance responsible for the transfer of oxygen in the blood. For example, in spiders and their “relatives,” hemocyanin is responsible for the transfer of this substance, in which, instead of red iron-containing hemoglobin, there is a copper-containing pigment, which gives their blood a blue color in the veins and blue in the arteries. That's why the octopus's blood is blue.

Such blue blood is found in many lower inhabitants of the seas: cephalopods - squid, cuttlefish; in crustaceans, centipedes and arachnids.

Now, attention! According to a rough estimate by researchers, there is a group of people in the world, approximately 7,000 people, whose blood is truly blue. They are called kyanetics (from the Latin cyanea - blue). Typically, blood cells - red blood cells - contain iron, which has a reddish tint.

In kianeticists, instead of iron, the blood cells contain another element - copper. This replacement does not affect the functioning of the blood - it still distributes oxygen to the internal organs, taking away metabolic products, but the color of the blood is different. It is, however, not blue, as you might think from the name, but rather bluish or bluish-purple - this is the shade that is given by a mixture of copper and single fractions of iron.

Some scientists explained the appearance of kyanetics by the law of evolution. It is believed that nature is insuring itself in this way, preserving unusual individuals who, for example, may be immune to certain diseases. Apparently, taking into account possible changes in environmental conditions: natural disasters, sudden climate fluctuations, epidemics. If the majority of normal individuals die, the “deviants” will survive and begin a new population.

How much more resilient blue blood carriers are compared to ordinary people is evidenced by the following facts.

Kyaneticists do not suffer from ordinary blood diseases - microbes simply cannot attack “copper cells”. In addition, blue blood clots better and faster, and even serious injuries do not cause much bleeding.

However, blue blood is not inherited, so children of kianeticists have normal, red blood. This means that the statement about the noble origin of people with “blue blood” is nothing more than a fiction that has nothing to do with reality.

But where do kyanetics come from then?

They are born like all people. The only difference is that before their birth, the mother’s body was exposed to copper. It is assumed that this may be the result, for example, of wearing copper jewelry for a long time. Constantly wearing copper and bronze jewelry can lead to the penetration of harmless copper particles into the body, which, dissolving in the body, do not disappear completely, but penetrate into the blood and can gradually mix with single fractions of iron. For an adult, to “blue” the blood, you need quite a lot of copper, so it is almost impossible to change your blood without some achievements of modern science. But the concentration of “copper cells” that is small for an adult may be sufficient for a newborn child.

It is assumed that the spread of copper-containing intrauterine contraceptives (spirals) could also lead to an increase in the number of kyanetics. If you use these products for a short time, copper does not have time to accumulate in a woman’s body. And it’s a completely different matter when the coil is “forgotten” for 10–15 years: copper begins to be deposited in the body, and its content significantly exceeds the norm. In this case, the woman has a very high probability of having a child with “blue” blood in the future.

Green blood

But human blood, as it turns out, can be not only blue, but even green! Seeing this, Canadian surgeons experienced a real shock. This incident occurred several years ago at a Vancouver hospital.

On the Internet you can often find a myth that blood and veins are not red, but blue. And you shouldn’t believe in the theory that the blood actually flows through the vessels is blue, but when cut and in contact with air it instantly turns red - this is not so. Blood is always red, just in different shades. The veins only appear blue to us. This is explained by the laws of physics about light reflection and our perception - our brain compares the color of a blood vessel against the bright and warm tone of the skin, and ends up showing us blue.

So why is blood still red and can it be a different color?

Our blood is made red by red blood cells, or otherwise red blood cells - oxygen carriers. They have a shade of red depending on hemoglobin - an iron-containing protein found in them, which can bind with oxygen and carbon dioxide to transport them to the right place. The more oxygen molecules connected to hemoglobin, the brighter the red color the blood is. That’s why arterial blood, which has just been enriched with oxygen, is so bright red. After the release of oxygen to the cells of the body, the color of the blood changes to dark red (burgundy) - such blood is called venous.

Of course, the blood contains other cells besides red blood cells. These are also leukocytes (white blood cells) and platelets. But they are not in such significant quantities compared to red blood cells as to affect the color of the blood and make it a different shade.

But there are still cases when the blood loses its color. It is associated with medical conditions such as anemia. Anemia is an insufficient amount of hemoglobin and a concomitant decrease in red blood cells. In this case, we can say that the blood has a paler red color, although this is only visible to a specialist under a microscope. This is because when hemoglobin is not bound to oxygen, the red blood cells appear smaller and paler.

When the blood, due to health problems, does not carry enough oxygen and there is little oxygen in it, this is called cyanosis (cyanosis). The skin and mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint. The blood remains red, but even arterial blood has a color similar to the color of venous blood in a healthy person - with a blue tint. The skin under which the vessels pass appears blue in appearance.

Where did the expression blue blood come from and does it really exist?

We have all heard that the expression “blue blood” refers to aristocrats and it appeared because of the pallor of their skin. Until the twentieth century, tanning was not in fashion, and the aristocrats themselves, especially women, hid from the sun, which protected their skin from premature aging and looked appropriate for their status, that is, they differed from the serfs who “plowed” all day in the sun. We now understand that pale skin color with a blue tint is actually a sign of less health.

But scientists also claim that there are about 7,000 people in the world whose blood has a blue tint. They are called kyanetics (from the Latin cyanea - blue). The reason for this is not the same hemoglobin. Their protein contains more copper than iron, which during oxidation acquires a blue tint instead of the red we are accustomed to. These people are considered more resistant to many diseases and even injuries, as their blood is said to clot several times faster and are not susceptible to many infections. In addition, there are different theories about the origin of kianeticians, including that they are descendants of aliens. There is not much information about them on the Internet, but there are articles in foreign publications where the birth of such children is explained by the abuse of rudimentary drugs long before conception. As they say, “Don’t smoke, girl, the children will be green!”, but the results from birth control may turn out blue (meaning the color of blood).

But there are living creatures on Earth whose blood contains other types of protein, and therefore their color varies. In scorpions, spiders, octopuses, and crayfish, it is blue, due to the protein hemocyanin, which includes copper. And in sea worms, the blood protein contains ferrous iron, which is why it is generally green!

Our world is very diverse. And it is likely that everything has not yet been explored and there may be other creatures on Earth whose blood is not of the standard variety. Write in the comments what you think and know about this!

Blue blood

The fact that the gods entered into sexual contact with people, and as a result of this, half-breed hybrids could be born, indicates a fairly high degree of physiological compatibility of representatives of an alien civilization with earthly people.

On the one hand, this may raise doubts about the alien version of the origin of the ancient gods, since the likelihood of random compatibility of organisms from different planets is extremely low. But on the other hand, ancient legends and traditions of many peoples indicate that people themselves were already the result of gene experiments of the gods. Moreover, during these experiments, the gods modified a certain “earthly preparation” by adding part of their own gene pool. And here it would be inappropriate to talk about completely random physiological compatibility of representatives from two different planets. This compatibility could have been a side effect or even a deliberate result of the mentioned genetic modification of the “earthly preparation”.

In addition, we cannot exclude the possibility that life itself on our planet could not have arisen by chance, but under external influence. In this case, the possibility of compatibility is very, very high. But we will not consider here either the version of the artificiality of life on our planet, or the problem of the creation of man, since these are two large separate topics, each of which is worthy of the same book. Instead, let us pay attention not to the compatibility or similarity of the representatives of the two planets, but to those physiological characteristics that distinguish gods from people.

One of these noticeable features is that the gods have blue skin (or at least a shade). This strange blue skin color can be seen in images, for example, of the Egyptian Osiris and a number of gods of the Indian pantheon (see. Rice. 23-ts).

Rice. 23-c. God with blue skin

Blue skin color can be due to a variety of reasons. For example, the American Paul Karason acquired this skin color as a result of long-term use of silver compounds as medicine. This phenomenon has been known to doctors for a long time and even got its name - argyria. But this is an artificial change in skin color, and it can hardly be of interest to us, since we are here trying to find the natural differences between gods and people.

Here, perhaps, it is worth remembering that as a result of the “hybridization” of people and gods, according to the usual laws of biology, their offspring could manifest certain “divine” genes, which determined the visible differences between these descendants and ordinary people. Since the descendants of the “omnipotent” gods clearly had to have a privileged position, attention is drawn to the fairly widespread tradition of using the term “blue blood” to identify persons who have the right to a privileged position by the very fact of their birth. And blue blood could well appear in a blue skin tone.

But could the gods - that is, representatives of an alien civilization - actually have blue blood in a literal rather than figurative sense?.. And what is “blue blood” anyway?..

Here we will have to turn to such a science as biochemistry...

One of the main functions of blood is transport, that is, the transfer of oxygen (O 2), carbon dioxide (CO 2), nutrients and excretory products. Oxygen and carbon dioxide were not isolated from the general series by chance. Oxygen is the main element necessary for a living organism to function and provide it with energy obtained as a result of a whole complex of complex chemical reactions. We will not go into detail about these reactions; It will only be important for us that as a result of these reactions, carbon dioxide is formed (in fairly decent quantities), which must be removed from the body.

So. To ensure life, a living organism must consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which it does in the process of respiration. The transfer of these gases in counter directions (from the external environment to the tissues of the body and back) is carried out by the blood. For this purpose, special elements of the blood are “adapted” - the so-called respiratory pigments, which contain metal ions in their molecules that are capable of binding oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules and, if necessary, releasing them.

In humans, the respiratory pigment of the blood is hemoglobin, which contains divalent iron ions (Fe 2+). It is thanks to hemoglobin that our blood is red.

But even on the basis of iron, there can be a different color of respiratory pigments (and, accordingly, a different color of blood). Thus, in polychaete worms, the pigment chlorocruorin is green; and in some brachiopods the pigment hemerythrin gives the blood a purple hue.

However, nature is not limited to these options. It turns out that the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide can be carried out by respiratory pigments based on ions of other metals (besides iron). For example, the blood of sea ascidians is almost colorless, since it is based on hemovanadium, containing vanadium ions. In some plants, molybdenum is used as pigment from metals, and in animals - manganese, chromium, and nickel.

Among the respiratory pigments in the living world, there is also the blue color we are looking for. This color is given to the blood by the copper-based pigment hemocyanin. And this pigment is very widespread. Thanks to it, some snails, spiders, crustaceans, cuttlefish and cephalopods (octopuses, for example) have blue blood.

Combining with oxygen in the air, hemocyanin turns blue, and giving oxygen to tissues, it becomes discolored. But even on the way back - from the tissues to the respiratory organs - such blood does not completely lose color. The fact is that carbon dioxide (CO 2), released during the biological activity of the body’s cells, combines with water (H 2 O) and forms carbonic acid (H 2 CO3), the molecule of which dissociates (breaks up) into a bicarbonate ion (HCO 3 ) and hydrogen ion (H+). And the HCO 3 - ion, interacting with the copper ion (Cu 2), forms blue-green compounds in the presence of water...

The most interesting thing is that in the currently accepted “family tree” of the flora and fauna, related groups often have different blood, but seem to have originated from each other. For example, mollusks have blood that is red, blue, brown, and even with different metals. It turns out that the composition of blood is not so important for living organisms.

And a similar picture can be observed not only in lower animals. For example, human blood types are a sign of a very low category, since race in the narrowest sense of the word is characterized by different blood groups. Moreover, it turns out that chimpanzees also have blood groups similar to human groups, and back in 1931, blood was transfused from a chimpanzee to a person of the same blood type without the slightest harmful consequences.

Life turns out to be very unpretentious in this matter. It seems that she is using all possible options, going through them and selecting the best...

But can it happen that not only lower animals have blue blood?.. Is this possible for humanoid creatures?..

Why not!?.

Rice. 60. Octopus - owner of blue blood

Science has long established that the environment can greatly influence the elemental composition of living organisms. With their long-term isolated existence in certain environmental conditions, variability arises - the appearance of physiological races, which can occur even without visible external changes, but is accompanied by a change in the chemical composition of the organism. Chemical mutants appear with changes in the number of chromosomes in the cell nuclei, etc.; and variability can become hereditary.

It is clear that in conditions of a deficiency of any element, evolution will take the path of replacing it with another that is capable of providing the same functions, but is in abundance. In our country, apparently, evolution during the development of the living world reoriented organisms to iron, which forms the basis of the respiratory pigments of most living species.

A significant portion of iron is found in the blood. 60–75% of this metal is bound to hemoglobin, the protein part of which “blocks” the oxidation of iron from the divalent to the trivalent state, thus maintaining its ability to bind oxygen molecules. Hemoglobin is part of red blood cells - erythrocytes (see. Rice. 24-ts), making up more than 90% of their dry residue (about 265 million hemoglobin molecules in each erythrocyte), which ensures high efficiency of erythrocytes in oxygen transfer.

Rice. 24-ts. Red blood cells

Iron, like any other trace element, undergoes a constant cycle in the body. With the physiological breakdown of red blood cells, 9/10 of the iron remains in the body and is used to build new red blood cells, and the lost 1/10 is replenished from food. The high human need for iron is evidenced by the fact that modern biochemistry does not reveal any ways to remove excess iron from the body. Apparently, evolution does not know such a concept - “excess iron”...

The fact is that although there is quite a lot of iron in nature (the second most abundant metal after aluminum in the earth’s crust), the largest part of it is in the very difficult to digest trivalent state Fe 3 +. As a result, say, a person’s practical need for iron is 5-10 times greater than the actual physiological need for it.

But despite all the difficulties in the absorption of iron, despite the constant balancing on the brink of “iron deficiency,” evolution on Earth nevertheless took the path of using this particular metal to ensure the most important function of the blood - the transfer of gases. First of all, because respiratory pigments based on iron are more effective than those based on other elements (the high ability of, say, hemoglobin to transport oxygen has already been mentioned; and its other advantages will be discussed further). And since evolution has taken this path, it means that there is still enough iron on Earth for just such a choice of nature...

But let’s now imagine a different situation: on a certain planet there was significantly less iron than there is on Earth, and much more copper. Which path will evolution take?.. The answer seems obvious: along the path of using copper for the transport of gases and nutrients with blue blood!..

Could something like this happen in nature?

To answer this question, we use the known chemical composition of the Solar System. It turns out that in the outer shell of the Earth there is slightly more iron than is found in the Sun (in percentage terms), and copper is almost 100 times less than in the Sun!.. At the same time, for all reasons, the chemical composition of the Sun is as a whole, must correspond to the composition of the protoplanetary cloud that surrounded it at the stage of planet formation, and from which the Earth was formed. Consequently, if the excess of iron can still be attributed to a data error, then copper is still clearly “not enough.”

That is, on the home planet of the gods there may well be a situation where there is much more copper than on Earth, and less iron. And you can even find indirect evidence that this is exactly the case.

The first is indirect evidence.

According to ancient legends and traditions, the art of metallurgy was transmitted to people by the gods. However, if you carefully analyze the texts, you will notice that this applies specifically to non-ferrous metals, and not to iron. The Egyptians, for example, knew copper for a very long time, and already under the first pharaohs (4000–5000 BC), copper was mined in the mines of the Sinai Peninsula. Iron appears in people's everyday life much later - only in the 2nd millennium BC.

(Of course, the currently accepted explanation for the later development of iron due to the greater labor intensity of its extraction and the complexity of processing is quite logical. But it is not without flaws.)

Moreover. Even the gods on Earth had little iron. In mythology you can find descriptions of literally single objects made of iron; Moreover, these objects were of “heavenly” origin and belonged only to the gods.

The second is indirect evidence.

In fairy tales (as works that arose directly on the basis of ancient myths), “golden” objects very often appear as a characteristic of a certain “magical kingdom” or a certain “magical country”. Here is what, for example, the famous fairy tale researcher V. Propp notes:

“Gold appears so often, so vividly, in such diverse forms that one can rightfully call this thirtieth kingdom the golden kingdom. This is such a typical, enduring trait that the statement; “everything that is associated with the thirtieth kingdom can be golden in color” may also be correct in the reverse order: “everything that is painted in a golden color thereby indicates that it belongs to another kingdom.” The golden color is the seal of another kingdom” (V. Propp, “Historical Roots of a Fairy Tale”).

We have already mentioned the gods’ passion for gold earlier. But was it always gold?..

Manuscripts found during excavations of one of the tombs in Thebes contained the secrets of obtaining “gold” from copper. It turns out that all you had to do was add zinc to copper, and it turned into “gold” (the alloy of these elements - brass - really resembles gold). True, such “gold” had a drawback - greenish “ulcers” and “rashes” appeared on its surface over time (unlike gold, brass oxidized).

330 years BC, Aristotle wrote: “In India, copper is mined, which differs from gold only in its taste.” Aristotle, of course, was wrong, but one should, however, give credit to his powers of observation. Water from a golden vessel truly has no taste. Some copper alloys are difficult to distinguish from gold in appearance, such as tombak. However, the liquid in a vessel made of such an alloy has a metallic taste. Aristotle obviously speaks about such counterfeits of copper alloys as gold in his works.

Thus, in the homeland of the gods, rich in copper, much could be made from such “gold”...

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Over the past few years, a number of articles have appeared on the Internet about the existence of kyanetics, people with blue blood.

The story began in 2011, when 12-year-old Englishwoman Polly Neti was admitted to the hospital, where it turned out that her blood was an unusual blue color. Along with this news came an explanation from London professor Efresi Robert from the hematology center. It said that the girl's blood probably became like this because of pills containing copper compounds taken by the mother during pregnancy.

“There are about 7,000 people in the world whose blood is blue,” the professor is quoted as saying.

The news instantly spread to all corners of the Internet and firmly settled in people’s minds. People with blue blood exist. Quite a lot of assumptions have been made on this matter, ranging from the influence of medications and copper jewelry, ending with the intervention of aliens.

The most interesting thing is that the news was supported by a photograph of a man with blue skin. Moreover, this photo turned out to be real. People with such blood were credited with high coagulability, the absence of blood diseases, and everything that could be attributed to a descendant of aliens.

But still…

Let's get back to reality.

The blue color of blood is due to the presence of hemocyanin. In fact, it is an analogue of human hemoglobin, containing copper instead of iron. It would seem that this is the solution to the kianetic riddle.

But it's not that simple. Hemocyanin is indeed an oxygen carrier, but in its reduced form it is colorless. Simply put, the veins of such a person will be invisible on the body. But the arteries will have a blue tint that is quite familiar to normal veins.

It turns out that the blue man in the photo cannot possibly be a kyaneticist. Moreover, can you imagine a child whose parents did not notice his blue skin or colorless blood until he was 12 years old? Moreover, copper blood has a fluorescence effect, which, you see, is also difficult not to notice.

Evolution itself dealt another crushing blow to people with blue blood. Hemocyanin is 5 times worse at oxygen transfer than hemoglobin. There is not a single higher animal in which blood flows with copper compounds. Blue blood is found only in mollusks, arthropods and some worms.

But what about the photo?

Polly Neti's photo has never appeared online. The only real photograph of the blue-blooded man was that of Paul Caroson. But his story has nothing to do with the kyanetics. Paul Caroson decided to make his own medicine. But something went wrong. After taking the homemade drug, Caroson's body accumulated a large amount of silver. The resourceful American turned blue due to argyrosis. So it was not thanks to copper that it turned blue.

But where did this story come from?

It appeared on the first Friday of April 2011 on an American blog. Yes, this article is an April Fool's prank. The author himself added at the end of the news: “By the way... Happy April Fool’s Day!” (By the way...Happy April Fools!)

“Blue blood” is too “clouded” and a stable expression today for us to think long and hard about the meaning of this maxim, and therefore we use it purely automatically and most often as a synonym for the word “aristocrat”.

Meanwhile, “blue blood” is an interesting question both from the point of view of origin and from a purely physiological point of view; does it really exist?


“Blue blood” as a verbal expression of “aristocratism” appeared in the European lexicon not so long ago - in the 18th century. The most common version is that this aphorism originates from Spain, and more specifically, from the Spanish province of Castile. This is what the arrogant Castilian grandees called themselves, demonstrating pale skin with visible bluish veins. In their opinion, such bluish pallor of the skin is an indicator of exceptionally pure aristocratic blood, not defiled by impurities of “dirty” Moorish blood.

However, there are other versions according to which the history of “blue blood” is much older than the 18th century, and already in the Middle Ages it was known about blood of “heavenly” color. The Church and the Holy Inquisition were especially attentive to “blue” blood. In the chronicles of the Catholic monastery of the Spanish city of Vitoria, an incident was recorded that happened with... one executioner.

This executioner with extensive practical “experience” was sent to this monastery to atone for a terrible sin - he executed a man who, as it turned out, was a carrier of “blue blood”. An inquisitorial trial was held over the executioner, who committed unforgivable “negligence,” and, having carefully examined the unusual case, rendered a verdict - the executed victim was completely innocent, since people with blood the color of divine heaven cannot be sinners. So the blundering executioner had to repent within the holy walls.

In the chronicles of the 12th century, written by the historian Aldinar and telling about military actions between England and the Saracens, there are the following lines: “Every hero was wounded many times, but not a drop of blood flowed from the wounds.” This circumstance indicates that the heroes were owners of “blue blood”. Why? Read on.


There is no smoke without fire, and there are no simple accidents in our lives. Such a figurative expression as “blue blood” could not appear out of nowhere. And there could be no other color of blood in this expression. Only blue. And not because human imagination has not gone beyond the heavenly shade in describing blood. Enthusiasts dealing with this issue argue that blue blood does exist in reality, and there have always been “blue-blooded” people.

This special group of representatives of other bloods is extremely small - only about seven to eight thousand people throughout the entire globe. Such “blue-blooded” enthusiasts call “blue-blooded” kyanetics (from the Latin cyanea - blue). And literally point by point they can present their hypothesis.

Kyanetics are people whose blood contains copper instead of iron. The “blue” color itself to denote unusual blood is more likely a beautiful literary epithet than a really reflected fact, since, in fact, blood, in which copper predominates, has a purple and blue tint.

Kyanetics are special people, and it is believed that they are more tenacious and viable than ordinary “red-bloods”. They say that microbes simply “break” against their “copper” cells, and therefore kyanetics, firstly, are less susceptible to various blood diseases, and, secondly, their blood has better clotting, and any wounds, even very severe ones, are not accompanied by heavy bleeding. That is why in the events described in the historical chronicle with knights wounded but not bleeding, they were talking about kyanetics. Their “blue” blood simply coagulated very quickly.

Kyanetics, according to enthusiastic researchers, do not appear by chance: in this way, nature, by creating and protecting unusual individuals of the human race, seems to be insuring itself in the event of some kind of global catastrophe that could destroy most of humanity. And then the “blue-blooded”, as more resilient, will be able to give rise to another, already new civilization.

A special question is how can “red-blooded” parents have a child with “blue” blood? The theory of the origin of kyanetics is quite fantastic, but not without logic.

Copper, in the form of particles, simply cannot enter the body. In the past, its main “source” was... jewelry. Copper bracelets, necklaces, earrings. This type of jewelry is usually worn on the most delicate areas of the body, through which important blood veins and arteries pass. Wearing copper jewelry for a long time, for example, a bracelet on the wrist, could lead to individual particles of copper entering the body and over time mixing with individual fractions of iron. And the composition of the blood underwent changes, gradually turning blue.

Nowadays, the main source can be copper-containing contraceptives, such as intrauterine devices or diaphragms, which are placed for years.

Copper indeed plays a huge role in hematopoiesis. It binds to the blood serum protein - albumin, then passes to the liver and returns to the blood again in the form of ceruplasmin, a blue protein that catalyzes the oxidation of ferrous ions into


Or maybe “blue” blood doesn’t exist after all? Not at all, there are still real “blue-blooded” specimens on Earth, and a huge number of them are almost impossible to measure.

True carriers of “blue” blood are spiders, scorpions, octopuses, octopuses and a number of invertebrate animals, such as mollusks and snails. Their blood is often not just blue, but even the most blue!

This color is given to them, of course, by copper ions. Their protein contains a special substance - hemocyanin (from the Latin “heme” - blood, “cyana” - blue), which colors the blood in a special, “royal” color.

But we cannot talk about “heme” here. In hemocyanin, one oxygen molecule binds to two copper atoms. Under such conditions, the blood turns blue, and a specific phenomenon such as fluorescence is observed.

Hemocyanin is significantly inferior to hemoglobin in carrying oxygen. Hemoglobin copes with this most important task for the life of the body five times better. There is a hypothesis that hemoglobin is the result of the evolutionary development of blood. This idea was expressed at the beginning of the 20th century by V.I. Vernadsky’s student, biogeochemist Ya.V. Samoilov. He suggested that the functions of iron in the early stages of development could be performed by copper, as well as... vanadium. And then nature selected hemoglobin during evolution as a “transfer” of oxygen from higher organisms. But, nevertheless, she did not completely abandon copper, and for some animals and plants she made it completely indispensable.


"Blue blood". Fiction or reality?

Probably the first thought that comes to our mind when we hear “blue blood” is people of noble birth. Wealthy, empowered, with an ancient and distinguished pedigree. That is, with people who enjoy exceptional privileges in society and consider themselves among the highest society. But where did this comparison come from? And why blood, of this particular color, and not any other, began to be associated with the aristocracy.

There are two main versions of the origin of the term “blue blood” and giving it such a meaning. It is known that previously, whiteness of skin was considered one of the signs of aristocracy. And precisely thanks to the light skin, which ladies from high society were so proud of, the veins, appearing through the pale skin, acquired that same blue tint. Adherents of the first version explain why the color blue began to be “attributed” to the blood of noble people. But history has also preserved references to some people of noble birth whose blood, in fact, was blue. This, of course, did not go unnoticed, and soon began to serve among the aristocrats as yet another proof of their superiority over “mere mortals.” Although, it is likely that blue blood was also found among commoners, but who remembered them then?

It is difficult to say which version had a decisive influence on the formation of such an idea among people about the color of the blood of aristocrats. But we can say with complete confidence that there really are people with blue blood.

Science provides a very simple explanation for this rare phenomenon. As you know, the red color of blood is given by blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen into it. And the blood cells themselves owe their color to the iron they contain. In people with “blue blood”, instead of iron, the blood cells contain copper. It is she who “colors” the blood this unique color. However, it is worth noting that in fact the color of the blood of kyanetics (science gave this name to people with unusual blood, from the Latin word cyanea - i.e. blue) is still not blue, but rather bluish or bluish-purple.

But the few owners of “blue blood” have more than just an unusual blood color. Copper, more than successfully replacing iron, not only does not create any inconvenience for its “owners,” but also makes them immune to some diseases that occur in “ordinary” people. And, above all, this applies to blood diseases. The fact is that microbes, accustomed to attacking “iron” blood cells, turn out to be practically helpless when meeting “copper” cells. In addition, the blood of kianeticists clots better and faster. Therefore, even deep cuts do not cause them to bleed heavily.

Today, according to rough estimates, there are only about 7,000 such “lucky ones” in the world. Yes, there are very few of them, but there are reasons for the small number of people with “blue blood”.

Firstly, kyaneticists receive blue blood from birth. The color of blood and, accordingly, its composition cannot be “changed” during life. And the birth of people with “blue blood” is explained by the increased content of copper in the mother’s blood during pregnancy. It is known that with prolonged contact with the skin, copper gradually begins to penetrate the body. Most of the copper that enters the body (without any harm to health) dissolves and only a small amount is absorbed into the blood. Thus, abnormally high levels of copper in a woman’s blood are usually associated with wearing jewelry made from this metal. And since copper jewelry these days is not as popular as in the old days, kyanetics have become a truly rare phenomenon among us. And secondly, it is important that “blue blood” is not inherited - the children of kianeticists have the same red blood as almost all the inhabitants of the planet.

It is interesting to note that not only humans have “blue blood”. In the animal kingdom, molluscs, octopuses, squid and cuttlefish can also boast of “noble” origin. But unlike people, among these inhabitants of the world's oceans, blue blood is the norm rather than the exception.

Why nature has endowed the human body with the ability to change the “composition” of blood cells has not yet been fully clarified. But the general opinion among scientists studying this phenomenon is that nature has thus decided to diversify our “species” and thereby increase our survival rate.
