Dull pain in the back on the left. How to quickly get rid of pain in the lower back and sacrum or on the left side of the abdomen. Development of tumor processes

The appearance of pain in the lumbar region cannot but worry. Pain occurs in almost every person, but more often it occurs in older people. Often citizens are skeptical about the pain that has arisen and are in no hurry to consult a specialist. This decision is wrong: if the lower back hurts on the left, then this indicates the development of a serious illness, so do not delay treatment. More details below on what causes lower back pain on the left side and how to cure it.

Conventionally, doctors divide all the factors influencing the formation of back pain in the lumbar region into 5 main types.

The first group includes mechanical injuries and diseases in the motor system.

If your back hurts in the lumbar region on the left, the reasons are as follows:

  • stretching of muscles and interarticular ligaments;
  • the appearance of compression fractures in the spinal column;
  • the presence of damage to the intervertebral joints and microtrauma of the vertebrae;
  • the appearance of disorders in posture caused by,.

The second group of reasons includes various infections that can appear in both men and women. They are formed due to the development of:

  • endocarditis;
  • spinal osteomyelitis;
  • tuberculous spondylitis;
  • purulent discitis;
  • epidural abscesses;
  • flu;
  • infections affecting internal organs.

The third group of reasons includes the formation of malignant tumors. Pain in the left side of the lower back occurs as a result of:

  • multiple myeloma;
  • lymphomas;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • neoplasms.

The fourth group of factors influencing the occurrence of pain is associated with the occurrence of various metabolic disorders. They are formed as a result of the development of:

  • osteomalacia;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • alkaptonuria and other serious diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

The causes of lower back pain on the left, belonging to the fifth group, are conventionally divided into psychogenic and neurogenic. This is pain resulting from the development of deforming ostosis, fibromyalgia, and herpes zoster.

Doctors note that if your back hurts in the lumbar region, this indicates the development of the following diseases:

  • chronic pathologies in the urinary system, renal colic and kidney stones;
  • inflammation of the lungs on the left side and in the pleural region, ovaries in the female reproductive system;
  • chronic constipation, colitis and disruption of the digestive system;
  • pathologies in the pancreas;
  • ulcerative erosion and gastritis;
  • severe diseases localized in the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, the cause of left lower back pain in women may be the development of pregnancy. This is due to the internal pressure that the growing uterus puts on the internal organs.

If there are pathologies

Back pain in women often occurs as a result of the development of inflammation in the muscles or if there are serious diseases in the spine. Doctors note that pathologies in the spine can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital ones are formed as a result of a hernia in the intervertebral discs, due to a lack of development of the muscular system and other anomalies in the spine.

Acquired pathologies in both men and women are formed against the background of the development of:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • various infections;

Pain on the left, resulting from inflammation, is often caused by thinning of the intervertebral disc, pinched blood vessel and nerve. As a result of this, a person experiences pain that is cutting in nature.

With pathology, pain is constant, aching and paroxysmal. If a person has a pinched nerve, then not only does he have pain on the left side of the lower back, but he also has to reduce his motor activity and his general well-being worsens.

If a person has affected nerves in the lower lumbar region, then he is bothered by a dull pain in the lower back on the left, spreading to the buttocks and lower extremities. If a person does not consult a specialist in time, the process affects the lower extremities and impairs their sensitivity. The unpleasant sensations become permanent. If the inflammatory process has affected, then the person also suffers from constant pain and develops serious complications, which can only be gotten rid of surgically.

If a person’s body is overcooled, then he develops inflammation in the muscles, called myositis. And it is also caused by excessive physical activity of a person and a sharp decrease in the activity of the immune system. The pain in the left side of the lower back becomes aching and constant and appears suddenly. They may intensify with a deep breath or bending over. To get rid of them, Menovazin is used for rubbing, rest.

Also, nagging pain can occur due to displacement of the vertebrae. A person has to reduce his physical activity, he often experiences numbness and tingling in his lower extremities.

Pain in the lower back on the left, accompanied by shooting, is caused by lumbar hernia, rheumatism, prolapse of the intervertebral disc. It can shoot during physical activity, under severe stress, coughing or during deep breaths.

Shooting pain in the lower back on the left side during physical activity indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the sciatic nerve and the formation of piriformis muscle syndrome.

Thus, if a person has pathologies in the spinal column, he will experience the following symptoms:

  • A sharp and nagging pain appears in the lower back, during which he cannot freely straighten his back.
  • Pain sensations are localized in the center of the lower back and radiate to the lower extremities.
  • During physical activity, he experiences unpleasant sensations, which are often accompanied by spasms in the kidneys.

You can get rid of pain only by rubbing the sore spot with warming and anti-inflammatory agents.

If there are diseases in the internal organs

Often, if the lower back hurts on the left side, this is due to the development of pathologies in the internal organs. Such bodies are:

  • pancreas and intestines;
  • left kidney and spleen;
  • left ovary in women.

And also a sharp pain in the lower back on the left may indicate the development of urolithiasis. At the same time, it is difficult for a person to go to the toilet and his body temperature rises sharply.

When the left kidney is damaged, a person experiences constant, dull, aching pain in the lower back. It can also hurt in the lower abdomen, in the hypochondrium.

If a woman is bothered by a dull pain in the lower back that radiates to the abdominal area, then this indicates the development of uterine fibroids.

With the development of inflammation in the ovarian area, women are bothered by continuous pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and lower back. The development of inflammation is often accompanied by the appearance of discharge, pain during sexual intercourse and menstrual irregularities.

Often pain in the left lower back is due to the fact that a person has abnormalities in the kidneys. In this case, he develops the following symptoms:

  • the general state of health worsens: the person feels lethargic, he gets tired quickly, he develops weakness;
  • blood pressure rises sharply, and headaches often occur;
  • the face and legs swell, this is especially evident in the morning;
  • chills, increased sweating, increased body temperature;
  • complete lack of appetite, frequent nausea, which turns into severe vomiting;
  • frequent urge and pain when going to the toilet;
  • When lying down, the pain does not disappear.

Kidney pain that radiates to the lumbar region can be acute or chronic.

Acute pain in the lower back on the left appears for the following reasons:

  • As a result of acute sprain of the spine. With it, a person suffers from pain in both parts of the spine and he has to limit his physical activity.
  • With a fracture of the lumbar vertebra. A person experiences sharp pain during an injury; while walking, the lower back on the left side behind is very painful. Over time, a person's pain becomes easier, but it may intensify when taking a lying position.
  • When intervertebral discs are displaced. With them, a person experiences pain on the left side of the lower back, he has to take a comfortable position to relieve the pain. Moreover, if he remains in one position for a long time, the terminal part of the spinal cord becomes pinched. As a result, his sensitivity decreases, reflexes decrease, and pelvic function is impaired.
  • Development of arthrosis in intervertebral joints. With it, a person is bothered by facet pain syndrome, manifested by unilateral pain in the back, sensitivity disorder and decreased reflexes.

Secondary causes leading to the appearance of the disease include:

  • malignant tumors localized in the spine and inflammation in the vertebral body. It is formed as a result of the development of tuberculosis, brucellosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, spondylitis;
  • the appearance of spinal stroke and osteomalacia;
  • severe illnesses in the digestive system, pelvis and kidney area.

A specialist will be able to answer in more detail the question of what to do if there is pain in the left lower back after the diagnostic procedures have been performed.


Initially, the patient should undergo several diagnostic procedures that will help more accurately determine the cause of the pain. The first person to see a person with pain is a physician. After he has studied the main symptoms, he will refer the person to a more specialized specialist:

  • Orthopedist.
  • Urologist.
  • Neurologist.
  • To the surgeon.

Additional diagnostic procedures that the patient will need to undergo are ultrasound diagnostics. With its help, the condition of the organs located inside the body and the presence of a malignant tumor are determined.

A person must also undergo a general blood and urine test. They help identify the development of the inflammatory process.

If these diagnostic procedures do not help to make an accurate diagnosis, then the patient is referred to an ECG.

Acute lumbar pain

When your back hurts in the lumbar region, and the sensations are aching, you need to consult a doctor. After the diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment. Sharp pain requires special attention. When they appear, you need to provide first aid, which consists of the following actions:

  • take an antispasmodic;
  • get a massage.

The massage consists of the following steps:

  • The patient is placed on his stomach and a small pillow is placed under him.
  • The lower back is massaged with light movements, avoiding pressure. Movements are carried out from the lower back, along the entire spinal column and move to the neck. After this, the sides are massaged.
  • After the skin has warmed up well and reddened, the massage is done more intensely.

What to do if there is pain in the left lower back?

In this case, treatment is carried out using conservative methods: tablets, injections.

However, if pain symptoms constantly appear and the disease progresses to a severe stage, the person is prescribed surgery.

If the pain is associated with neurological disorders or injuries, then treatment is carried out using the following methods:

  • warming ointments are used;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

When a person is experiencing severe pain, he is prescribed injections.

If a teenager has pain in the left lower back, then specific treatment procedures are not needed. Parents should monitor their child’s posture and force him to engage in active sports. They should also remember that all furniture should be selected in accordance with the age of the child. Carefully monitor the baby’s body weight: you should not overfeed him.

If your lower back begins to hurt unexpectedly, then to treat it you need to take hot baths. This method is used when the formation of pain is not associated with the spread of inflammation or the development of a malignant tumor.

If the left side of the lower back hurts and this occurs as a result of compression of the nerves, then the person needs to be positioned correctly. This should be done in such a way as to relieve tension from the spine. To do this, you need to place a pillow under your legs and back.


In order to get rid of unpleasant sensations forever, each person is recommended to follow the following preventive procedures:

  • Engage in active sports. With their help, you can strengthen the back muscles and relieve the lower parts ending in the spine.
  • To get rid of pain that has already appeared and eliminate its further spread, you should go for several massage sessions. Remember that it should only be carried out by an experienced specialist and can be carried out after consultation with your doctor.
  • People with weakened immunity should strengthen it.
  • All citizens, especially women, should avoid hypothermia.

To avoid pain, which often occurs in older people, the following preventive measures should be taken:

  • Do not work in one position for a long time in the country. If this is not possible, then take breaks during work and stretch your body and limbs.
  • Do not lift objects that are too heavy.
  • Do not lie down or sit for a long time.
  • Play accessible sports. However, before doing this, you should consult your doctor. The optimal sport for senior citizens is walking with poles. It helps to develop not only the legs, but also uses the arms.
  • Do squats and walk outside regularly.

Remember that if there is pain in the lower back on the left, this is not normal. If such a symptom appears, then any person should immediately consult an experienced doctor.

Back pain on the left is not uncommon; many people believe that its occurrence is associated with spinal problems, but this is not always the case. Often the sensations are not concentrated in one place, so it is difficult to determine the source. In what cases do painful sensations occur, what causes them, what organ signals a problem in it?

Types of back pain

Back pain on the left side may vary in severity, intensity, frequency, and irradiation to other parts of the body. It can occur suddenly or torment a person for a long time. It can be aching, pulling, stabbing and bursting. The pain can be located in the back on the left, in the lower back, and in its upper part.

Depending on the nature of the pain, it can be caused by:

  • nerve damage (neuropathic);
  • not associated with the nervous system (nociceptive).

Diseases of internal organs also manifest themselves in various pain sensations.

How to understand the variety of types and causes of pain? The best option, when your lower left back hurts, is to consult a therapist, a specialist will compare the totality of symptoms, look at the test results and refer you to the doctor whose competence is in charge of this problem.

To the left of the spine

Dorsopathy is the general name for various pathological changes in the spine and soft tissues - sprains or inflammation are among the most common pains.

In this case, the internal organs are not related to pain syndromes. Unpleasant sensations arise due to irritation of pain receptors or compression of nerve endings. It is often provoked by:

  • active movement or static posture;
  • upper spine;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • hypothermia;
  • injuries and fractures, heavy lifting;
  • stress, osteoporosis.

Sometimes painful sensations indicate problems in the organs:

  • Pain to the left of the spine can signal a disruption in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels; if it appears under the shoulder blade, then myocardial infarction cannot be ruled out, then a person’s life depends on timely access to a doctor.
  • When the back hurts on the left, responding with sharp dry tingling sensations, this can cause pleurisy or left-sided pneumonia. In this case, a cough does not necessarily have to be present; if there is a fever, wheezing, or sweating, then you should not delay going to the doctor;
  • A tumor in the lungs can also cause unpleasant symptoms in this part of the body.

When the pain is localized in the region of the costal part, the nerve trunks between the ribs are probably inflamed; if the suffering intensifies with a deep breath, then a consultation with a neurologist is very helpful. My patients use a proven remedy, thanks to which they can get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

In the lower back

If your back hurts in the lumbar region on the left, the cause is often problems in the spine. These may be congenital pathologies, injuries, degenerative changes, pinched nerves, neurological disorders.

Spinal diseases can be distinguished by specific symptoms:

  • pain in the left lower back in the lumbar region:
  • burning and tingling appears in the legs;
  • there is numbness in some areas;
  • pain radiates to the lower leg or knee.

Acute sharp lumbago radiating to the leg or buttocks indicate an exacerbation of osteochondrosis (radiculitis). At the same time, the mobility of the spine decreases, and muscle tension is observed at the location.

Lumbago often occurs after heavy lifting, bending, or sudden movements. The cause of these ailments:

  • degenerative changes in the spine;
  • congenital diseases;
  • vertebral displacement or hernia.

Extra pounds also often cause back pain in the lower back on the left. Excess weight can provoke these sensations, because the load on the organs and musculoskeletal system is increased.

Pain in the left side of the back, below the lower back, sometimes suggests that a tumor has appeared in the spinal cord or a dangerous bone infection is developing.

Other reasons

Often, pain in the lower back on the left is a sign of inflammation of the genitourinary system; in this case, self-medication is unacceptable, inflammation can spread to other organs:

  • If the pain that appears is accompanied by pain in the urethra, there is often a pull to the toilet, and the portions of urine are insignificant, and an unpleasant pulling sensation appears in the symphysis pubis, we can say that the cause of the symptoms is inflammation of the bladder;
  • There are strong and nagging pains in the lower back on the left, aggravated by physical activity, the temperature is elevated, chills, fatigue appears, this resembles a manifestation of pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys.

Among women

Pain in the left lower back in women, a frequent companion to inflammation and infectious diseases of the reproductive system, can be:

  • inflammation;
  • endometritis;
  • tumors;
  • cysts.

This list can be enumerated for a long time, the danger is that women associate their appearance with overwork and heavy lifting, they do not consider it necessary to consult a doctor, contributing to the development of pathology, increased back pain on the left below the lower back, there may be other reasons:

  • Nagging pain in the back on the left below the lower back during menstruation is caused by an increased amount of prostaglandins.
  • Often, the threat of miscarriage also manifests itself as aching in the lower back;
  • It happens that after childbirth, severe aches are concentrated in the lower part;
  • Pulling, with accompanying similar sensations in the lower abdomen, indicate the consequences of injury, the formation of adhesions;
  • Pain in the left side of the back, below the lower back, sometimes indicates prolapse of the internal organs, kidneys and uterus;
  • Weak muscles and a curvature of the uterus are also the cause of discomfort in a woman in everyday life, at the time of sexual intercourse.

A woman should be sensitive to her health, pain does not arise out of nowhere, sometimes it signals that emergency assistance from a gynecologist is needed, and by confusing it with osteochondrosis, a woman risks losing her health and reproductive functions.

These are not all diseases that cause back pain in the lumbar region on the left; sometimes they are very dangerous, and attempts at self-medication and neglect of health aggravate the situation. Some people try to improve their condition by heating, which leads to complications and irreparable consequences.

Video on the topic

Complaints to the doctor about lower back pain are a very common occurrence from patients.

As statistics indicate, these are the symptoms that take second place after complaints about signs of respiratory disease. In most cases, complaints are of pain on the left side of the lower back, the causes of which can be various pathologies associated with the inflammatory process of internal organs or ordinary injuries.

Treatment of such symptoms involves establishing the true cause of the pain syndrome, otherwise the therapy will simply not be effective. Why does the lower back hurt on the left side in the back? What could be the causes and complications in this case?

Left lower back pain: what are the causes?

First, let's remember the anatomy. At the bottom of the back, in the lumbar region, there are a number of large muscles that perform a supporting function relative to the spine and the entire torso during movement. In this part of the body there is a reflex zone, which receives pain associated with pathologies of internal organs. Therefore, the patient may feel that the lower back hurts from behind, and also radiates to the sides.

If your lower back hurts in the back, on the right or left, the doctor may suspect the following diseases:

  • chronic pathologies of the urinary system, renal colic, stone formation;
  • inflammation of the lungs of the left-sided type, where the pleura is affected during the pathology;
  • inflammatory process in the ovaries or acute diseases of the gonads;
  • chronic constipation, colitis, gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • with pathological processes in the pancreas (pancreatitis);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative erosions, gastritis);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular the spine, associated with degenerative changes or the development of oncological pathologies.

Also, pain in the lower back, both on the left and right behind in women, is typical during pregnancy, since it is precisely this area of ​​the back that begins to be affected by the load that gradually increases with the growth of the fetus.

Treatment of these symptoms will depend on the pathology that provoked the pain syndrome. Therapy may involve the use of medications or surgery.

Low back pain: spinal pathologies

Pain in the back of the lower back due to an inflammatory process in the muscles or diseases of the spine is considered a fairly common occurrence. At the same time, spinal pathologies can be congenital or acquired. The congenital disease is characterized by the presence of hernias in the intervertebral discs, insufficient muscle development and various spinal anomalies. As for acquired diseases, most often these include various types of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, infectious diseases and oncological processes.

If we talk about pain associated with an inflammatory process of a dystrophic nature, then we are talking about thinning of the intervertebral discs, as well as pinching of blood vessels and nerves. All this provokes inflammation of the nerve roots that “grow” from the spinal cord and, as a result, pain syndrome develops.

In this case, lower back pain can be of a completely different nature: from constant and aching, to paroxysmal acute type. When a nerve is pinched, the patient feels not only pain in the lower back, but also stiffness in movement, as well as a general deterioration in condition.

In cases where the nerves of the lower lumbar region have been damaged, the patient complains of a dull pain in the right back, which extends lower to the buttocks and also affects the left leg. Untimely contact with a specialist can lead to impaired sensitivity of the limb, which subsequently becomes permanent. This phenomenon is also dangerous due to the development of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which can lead to constant pain and other complications requiring surgical intervention.

When the body is overcooled, for example, in winter or when exposed to a draft for a long time, it can lead to an inflammatory process in the muscles - myositis. This disease can be provoked by prolonged physical activity, as well as a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system. With myositis, the patient complains of aching pain, which is constant and intensifies even with a deep breath or bending over. In this case, no special drug treatment is required. It is enough to use Menovazin rubbing, heat and a few days of rest. Additionally, you can take medications to boost immunity.

Low back pain as a cause of organ pathologies

The cause of lower back pain can be both inflammatory processes and diseases of the internal organs. Thus, pathological processes in the kidneys provoke dull pain, which is constant and nagging in nature. With urolithiasis, at the moment of movement of stone formations, the pain becomes cutting and acute, and there is a disturbance in the outflow of urine. When diagnosed, you may notice an enlargement of the organ (kidney).

If the patient observes that the lower back hurts on the right side, as well as on the left, then most likely there is left-sided pneumonia. It is worth noting that with this pathology, the main symptoms include an increase in core body temperature and a slight cough.

Pain in the lumbar region can also indicate diseases of the pancreas, in particular pancreatitis. The pain syndrome is localized in the lower back and is aching, but not intense. Over time, the pain in the left lower back behind the back becomes shingles and begins to be accompanied by constipation. It was noted that after eating too spicy, salty or sour foods, the pain syndrome was complemented by the development of nausea and deterioration of the patient’s general condition.

Various gastrointestinal diseases, including ulcerative lesions and gastritis, can also provoke the development of pain in the lumbar region (back and left), but against the background of intestinal obstruction or other disorders. Pain in the lumbar region may also indicate pathologies of the spleen and its enlargement. In addition to pain, the disease is accompanied by pathological changes in the liver tissue, yellowness of the skin, increased core body temperature, and general malaise.

It is a common occurrence for women to experience back and left lower back pain during pregnancy; they become especially intense towards the end of the second semester. This phenomenon is associated with an increase in pressure inside the peritoneum due to the growth of the uterus. The pressure goes to the spine and, as a result, pain develops. In this case, the pain may have a slight aching character and be constant. In this case, any drug treatment should be prescribed solely on the recommendations of a doctor. Most often, they are prescribed to wear a special bandage, which significantly relieves pressure on the spinal column, due to which pain is relieved.

How to treat lower back pain?

As mentioned above, it is necessary to begin treatment of such a symptom only after establishing the cause, namely, the disease that provoked it. After you notice that your lower back hurts, it is strongly not recommended to start self-treatment using various ointments or compresses. Since there are many pathologies that can cause such pain, it is recommended to immediately consult a general practitioner. The specialist will conduct a visual examination, collect anamnesis and prescribe the necessary list of tests, after which the patient can be redirected to a specialized doctor.

Painful reactions of the body from the back often become a symptom of disturbances in the functioning of any human organs and systems. When the left side of the back hurts, it is appropriate to say that in this case, pathologies of the internal organs that are nearby are most likely. However, this symptom is also present in diseases of the spine. Let's take a closer look at what could be causing pain in the side and how to reduce it.

There are many conditions under which back pain appears. First of all, the following factors should be excluded:

  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Drafts.

  • Excessive muscle tension.
  • Traumatic back injuries.

If none of these conditions exist, then chronic diseases of the organs and systems of the body in which this symptom is observed should be considered.

Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system

Often, back pain manifests itself as a malfunction of the cardiovascular system.

  1. Myocardial infarction is characterized by a sharp attack that radiates to the neck and left arm. A person feels sudden weakness, possible difficulty breathing, nausea. Doctors should be called immediately to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  2. The symptoms of angina are similar to those in the previous case. The pain comes in attacks, is localized in the middle and on the left side of the chest, and is felt in the back under the left shoulder blade.

Signs of angina

  1. Shooting pain on the left is characteristic of mitral valve prolapse. The person experiences shortness of breath, finds it difficult to breathe, and the rhythm of the heart is disrupted.
  2. An aortic aneurysm will manifest itself as a burning, throbbing, unremitting pain in the chest in the form of lumbago, which is also felt in the back and left arm.

Respiratory problems

The left side of the back may hurt due to diseases of the respiratory system. They are characterized by an exacerbation of pain on inspiration and a decrease in its intensity on exhalation. For example, if a person is diagnosed with inflammation of the pleura, then during breathing he experiences a pain in the chest, which is also felt in the back from below (on the left - if the lesion is left-sided, and on the right - with right-sided pleurisy).

Pneumothorax is diagnosed if the left side of the back hurts, as well as the shoulder blade. Inflammation of the lungs is also characterized by intense or minor pain reactions not only in the chest, but also in the right or left side of the back. Additionally, the patient develops a cough, a fever, and wheezing in the lungs.

With bronchitis, the pain will most often be tolerable; it is accompanied by paroxysmal intense cough, spasms in the bronchi, and difficulty breathing.

Bronchitis is a diffuse inflammatory disease of the bronchi, affecting the mucous membrane or the entire thickness of the bronchial wall.

Back pain on the left side is a symptom of tuberculosis. But it often appears and intensifies during a cough. A chest x-ray will help identify the disease.

Back pain on the left side can also occur in the case of malignant neoplasms in the bronchi and lungs. But these pains appear in the later stages of the disease, so it will not be possible to diagnose the problem using them at the initial stage.

In case of an acute attack of back pain on the left side, which is accompanied by a change in the rhythm of the heart or breathing, emergency medical attention is needed.

Gastrointestinal tract

In some situations, pain in the back on the side is caused by gastrointestinal diseases.

  • Gastritis is characterized by discomfort in the area under the ribs, but sometimes it also manifests itself as unpleasant sensations in the back. As a rule, the occurrence of a pain reaction is associated with eating.
  • Pancreatitis manifests itself as sudden, sharp pain on the left side of the back. The attack becomes encircling, radiating to the scapula, heart area, and lower part of the chest.

Gastroenterologist Julia Ron and surgeon Marat Khaikin and clinical nutritionist Adele Zusman will talk about inflammatory bowel diseases:

  • In the case of an intestinal infection, a person's large intestine may become inflamed. The disease is characterized by: unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower part of the left side, flatulence, and stool instability. Treatment of the disease involves following a certain diet and drug therapy.
  • If there are serious problems with the pancreas (necrosis, cancer), very severe pain occurs. The person may even lose consciousness. Treatment is only surgical - organ transplantation.

Urinary and reproductive systems

The urinary system is sensitive to cold, drafts and other negative conditions. This system is especially vulnerable in women due to the special structure of the body. But men should also be careful with these factors.

If the pain in the left side of the back does not subside for a long time, then it is likely that its cause is a violation of the functionality of the genitourinary area. It is concentrated in the lumbar region and can have a different character.

  1. Pyelonephritis. A kidney infection causes a dull, aching pain in the back on the left or right, depending on which kidney is affected. Most often, pyelonephritis develops as a complication of infectious diseases of the bladder. However, it happens that the kidneys become infected, regardless of it. The complex of signs of pyelonephritis, in addition to pain in the lower back, also includes: increased temperature, the urge to urinate frequently, and altered urine. Treatment is most often limited to antibiotics at home, but hospitalization is also possible.
  2. During an exacerbation, urolithiasis manifests itself as a dull pain in the left side of the back, which becomes much more intense after walking or physical stress. If a patient has kidney stones, this can provoke an intense pain reaction in the lower back, as well as in the lower abdomen and groin. The pain increases when the stone blocks the ureter or renal pelvis. To treat the condition, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are required. If the stones are small, the doctor will recommend following a special diet and drinking plenty of fluids so that the stones can pass and new ones do not form. The urologist will also prescribe the necessary means to dissolve the stones. If the stones are large, they are removed surgically.

  1. If a woman has pain from the lower back in the back on the left, then this is a manifestation of inflammation or infection of the reproductive system.
  2. A dull pain syndrome in the lower back in women, which also manifests itself in the abdomen, is a sign of uterine fibroids. In this situation, pain is often the only sign of the disease.
  3. If a woman has back pain, then during pregnancy this is associated with an increased load on the spine.
  4. A man often experiences nagging pain in his left side due to prostatitis, inflammatory processes in the testicles or spermatic cord.

Musculoskeletal system

The occurrence of pain in the left back is caused by various pathologies of the skeletal and muscular systems. Favorable conditions for its appearance are insufficient and excessive physical activity, long stay in an uncomfortable position. If the pain syndrome is not associated with inflammation, then it goes away when the person rests.

Some diseases are characterized by back pain.

  1. If your back feels tight, aches, there is difficulty in moving, and sometimes your legs go numb, there is a possibility that such symptoms are caused by displacement of the vertebrae.
  2. Lumbago (lumbago) will manifest itself as a severe, unexpected pain syndrome. It is a consequence of damage to the intervertebral disc, etc. The pain increases sharply due to movements, coughing, and deep breaths.

  1. back pain during movement (walking, running) appears due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve. When pain appears in the lower back on the left, and then radiates to the left leg, the pathology of the nerve roots of the lumbar spine is a factor in its occurrence.
  2. Osteochondrosis, kyphosis, as well as traumatic injuries to the spinal column, sprained ligaments and muscles are the causes of the body's pain reaction in the back.
  3. As the intervertebral discs wear out with age, they put pressure on the nerve endings, which in turn causes severe back pain. Painkillers, physiotherapy, massage will help relieve it.
  4. When the sciatic nerve is compressed by the intervertebral disc, sciatica occurs (). The pain is characterized as sharp and can radiate below: to the buttocks, lower extremities. The pain can be so severe that it is difficult for a person to stand.
  5. If a narrowing of the spinal canal occurs, due to which it begins to put pressure on the spinal cord, then the person experiences. This phenomenon usually occurs in older people, and it can be triggered by lipomas (benign tumors from adipose tissue), intervertebral hernias, epiduritis (inflammatory processes in the membranes of the spinal cord), and salt deposits.
  6. Intercostal neuralgia is a fairly common cause of acute and burning pain in the back. It is diagnosed as a consequence of osteochondrosis, lumbar hernia, scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis, spondylitis, etc. And also due to hypothermia, excessive physical stress, and a stressful situation.

How to find out the cause of pain?

To determine why the lower left back hurts, doctors will recommend a comprehensive examination, which will include the following manipulations:

  • X-ray of the thoracic and lumbar spine.
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal and pelvic organs.

  • General and special clinical tests of urine and blood.
  • Histological examination if neoplasms are suspected.
  • Consultations of narrow specialists.

In what situations do you need to urgently call a doctor?

As mentioned earlier, persistent pain in the left back in some cases is a symptom of dangerous diseases. Therefore, you should immediately call doctors if, in addition to pain, a person notices:

  1. Unexpected sharp pain in the abdomen.
  2. Disturbed rhythm of the intestines and bladder.
  3. Unreasonable weight loss.
  4. Weakness, increased body temperature.

One of the symptoms is weakness and fever

Each of these signs can signal pathological changes in the body, including life-threatening ones.

There are many factors and causes that cause pain in the left side from the back. It is not always possible to accurately describe and classify them. Therefore, you should not try to diagnose yourself and start taking medications. In such a situation, it is wiser to consult a doctor.

Pain in the left side behind can be due to various reasons. They need to be known in order to carry out targeted, correct treatment, since pain syndrome negatively affects the patient’s life, but improper treatment can also lead to very sad consequences. This can be either a blockage of the muscles in the back due to compression of any of the vertebrae, or a disease of the internal organs. We will talk about this in more detail below.

On the left side behind in the lumbar region

The main groups of causes of pain in the left side behind can be:

  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • damage to the spleen;
  • pathological process in the digestive system;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • pathological processes in the musculoskeletal system, etc.

The determination of the exact source of pain is carried out by the doctor using both methods of objective examination of the patient and when prescribing certain additional research methods. We'll talk about this in more detail when describing each type of pain.

If the unpleasant sensations are associated specifically with the back, then we offer a special set of exercises for you.

Above the waist

If pain appears on the left back above the lower back, then you should think about the following possible options for its occurrence:

  1. pathological process in the pancreas (most often this);
  2. osteochondrosis of the spine (degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spine, which is accompanied by a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs);
  3. damage to the adrenal glands (most often the adrenal glands can be affected by a tumor process, which leads to pain).

In order to confirm damage to the pancreas, it is necessary to conduct a biochemical blood test, which reveals an increase in the activity of pancreatic enzymes (amylase, lipase, trypsin and others). Prescribing appropriate treatment helps to stop the pathological process. To do this, the following principles apply:

  • cold;
  • hunger;
  • peace.

Osteochondrosis can be confirmed by a detailed neurological examination, which reveals pain at the exit sites of the nerve roots. In difficult diagnostic cases, it is recommended to perform computed tomography or nuclear magnetic resonance.

Adrenal tumors can be detected either during an ultrasound or x-ray examination, or during a computed tomography scan. The “golden” standard for diagnosing any oncological process is histological examination.

At the bottom

If pain occurs on the left back and below, then you should think about the following reasons:

  1. intestinal damage (most often it is colitis, that is, an inflammatory process in the large intestine);
  2. kidney pathology (either pyelonephritis or urolithiasis);
  3. osteocondritis of the spine;
  4. myositis (especially if the pain is localized along the spinal column)

Most often, the cause of pain that has this localization is diseases of the urinary system. To identify them, it is recommended to conduct a general clinical urine test, as well as an ultrasound examination of the kidneys. A general clinical urine test can reveal the following types of abnormalities:

  • increased amount of protein (may be associated with an inflammatory process or impaired filtration/reabsorption in the kidneys);
  • an increased number of leukocytes indicates an inflammatory process (most often it is pyelonephritis - inflammation of the pyelocaliceal system);
  • An increased number of red blood cells occurs in urolithiasis, when the stone leads to trauma to the urinary tract.

Under the ribs

The appearance of pain under the ribs is usually associated with pathological processes that affect the spleen. It is an organ that helps dispose of damaged blood cells. Therefore, with various oncohematological problems (leukemia), its significant increase occurs, which is accompanied by stretching of its capsule. This is precisely the cause of the pain syndrome, which is localized under the ribs on the left. Injury to the spleen from a fall or blow can also be the cause of this pain syndrome.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum can lead to the appearance. The pain can be acute, which indicates various complications (penetration, perforation), or aching. Carrying out fibrogastroduodenoscopy and tests to identify Helicobacter (the cause of peptic ulcer development) allows us to make a final diagnosis.

We also wrote about the symptoms, and we will also look at what diseases can cause such discomfort.

When driving

Pain that is localized in the back left and intensifies with movement is usually associated with the following reasons:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • myositis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

How to carry out a differential diagnosis with this pathological process is indicated above. To identify myositis, it is recommended to carry out, in addition to an objective study, electromyography.

Gives to the leg

Typically, the pain radiates to the leg in the presence of a calculus in the urinary system, neuralgia, as well as in the presence of intra-abdominal bleeding, the causes of which can be very different (peptic ulcer, ovarian apoplexy, impaired ectopic pregnancy, trauma, etc.). The principles of diagnosis are the same as with those that have already been discussed. If the pain intensifies when lifting the straightened leg, then this indicates a pathology of the nerve trunk (this is the so-called tension symptom).

Thus, the reasons why pain appears behind and on the left are very diverse. Their accurate identification will be the key to successful treatment, which will significantly improve a person’s well-being.

Video about tingling in the side
