Magic tales about animals. Tales about animals. Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse"

Throughout the history of mankind, animals have played and continue to play a huge role in the world of literary art, including fairy tales for children. In wonderful and mysterious fairy tales we meet witches and queens, princes and elves, dragons and talking animals. From ancient times, when man first scratched buffalo on cave walls, to the present day, animals have been depicted in mythical stories and Russian folk tales. The rich history of the animal world, represented in mythology and fairy tales, continues endlessly. These animals awaken our creative spirit and feed our imagination.
Fairy tales about animals for young children are one of the sections of the list of fairy tales that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. Wonderful and amazing things happen to small and large animals. Some of them are kind and sympathetic, others are evil and treacherous. In fairy tales, animals can turn into handsome princes and extraordinary beauties, speak human language, laugh, cry and worry.

The best fairy tales about animals with pictures

Young children always listen with enthusiasm and special interest to the fairy tales of Prishvin and Leo Tolstoy, where the main characters are animals, admiring their exploits and condemning evil deeds. Animals that help people are portrayed as strong, agile, fast, cunning and kind. Fictional talking creatures in the form of animals, possessing human qualities, entertain children and adults, making them experience extraordinary adventures, which are told in short fairy tales with pictures. For hundreds of years, we and our children have been learning about scary dragons, unicorns and other unusual creatures of animal origin. These creatures appeared in such fairy tales as “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Alice in Wonderland”, “Cinderella” and many, many others.

Storytellers characterize animals with human behavior in their stories, for example, in the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” or “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” evil, greedy and at the same time kind and sensual animals are shown. They, like people, are capable of loving and hating, deceiving and admiring. On our website 1 tale you can read a brief summary of each fairy tale and choose exactly the one that your child will like.

Fairy tales about animals will never go out of style. From year to year we will read, compose and tell them to our children, experience and admire the good deeds of animals and rejoice at their victories and achievements. Modern authors continue folk traditions and traditions of storytellers of past years, creating new stories with new titles, where the main characters are animals.

  • 1. Grandma and the bear
  • 2. Tale about black grouse
  • 3. Bean seed
  • 4. Bull, ram, goose, rooster and wolf
  • 5. The wolf is a fool
  • 8. Wolf, quail and jerk
  • 9. Crow
  • 10. Crow and cancer
  • 11. Where was the goat?
  • 12. Stupid wolf
  • 14. For a bast shoe - a chicken, for a chicken - a goose
  • 16. Hares and frogs
  • 17. Animals in the pit
  • 19. Golden horse
  • 20. Golden Cockerel
  • 21. How the wolf became a bird
  • 23. How the fox sewed a fur coat for the wolf
  • 24. Goat
  • 25. Goat Tarata
  • 28. Cat and Fox
  • 29. Cat, Rooster and Fox
  • 30. Kochet and chicken
  • 31. Crooked duck
  • 32. Kuzma is soon rich
  • 33. Chicken, mouse and black grouse
  • 34. Lion, pike and man
  • 35. Fox is a wanderer
  • 36. Fox and blackbird
  • 38. Fox and goat
  • 40. Fox and bast shoe
  • 41. Fox and cancer
  • 42. Fox and black grouse
  • 44. Fox Confessor
  • 45. Fox midwife
  • 46. ​​The fox-maiden and Kotofey Ivanovich
  • 48. Masha and the Bear
  • 49. Bear - fake leg
  • 50. Bear and fox
  • 51. Bear and dog
  • 52. The Man and the Bear (Tops and Roots)
  • 53. Man, bear and fox
  • 54. Mouse and Sparrow
  • 55. Scared wolves
  • 56. Scared bear and wolves
  • 57. Wrong court of birds
  • 58. No goat with nuts
  • 59. About Vaska - Muska
  • 60. About the toothy pike
  • 61. Sheep, fox and wolf
  • 62. Rooster and bob
  • 63. Rooster and hen
  • 64. Cockerel
  • 66. At the behest of the pike
  • 67. Promised
  • 68. About the toothy mouse and about the rich sparrow
  • 69. About the old lady and the bull
  • 71. Mitten
  • 72. The Tale of Ersha Ershovich, Shchetinnikov’s son
  • 73. The Tale of Ivan the Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf
  • 74. Tar goby
  • 75. The Old Man and the Wolf
  • 77. Three bears
  • 79. Sly goat

Read fairy tales about animals / Title of fairy tales about animals

Read stories about animals useful for all children from the youngest to the oldest. Title of animal tales speaks about the main character of the fairy tale: wolf, fox, rooster, hen, crow, hare. Russian fairy tales about animals are a unique type of fairy tale genre. Animals, birds, fish, and some plants act in the animal world. So, fairy tales about animals to read include tales about a fox who steals fish from a sleigh, and about a wolf at an ice hole; about a fox who fell into a pot of sour cream; famous folk tales about animals: the beaten one brings the unbeaten one (fox and wolf), fox-midwife, animals in the pit, fox and crane (inviting each other to visit), fox-confessor, peace among animals. All these stories fill the child’s soul with goodness, love not only for people, but also for animals. Animal heroes of Russian folk tales include: a wolf visiting a dog, an old dog and a wolf, a cat and wild animals (the animals are afraid of the cat), a wolf and kids and others...

In the fairy tale “Little Khavroshechka,” a wonderful apple tree grows from the bones of a cow: it helps the girl get married. Anthropomorphism in fairy tales is expressed in the fact that animals speak and act like people. Short fairy tales about animals “Bear and Lime Leg.” With the development of man's ideas about nature, with the accumulation of observations, tales include stories about man's victory over animals and about domestic animals, which was the result of their domestication.

In the fairy tale “The Fox Confessor,” the fox, before eating the rooster, convinces him to confess his sins; at the same time, the hypocrisy of the clergy is wittily ridiculed. The fox turns to the rooster: “Oh, my dear child, rooster!” She tells him the biblical parable of the publican and the Pharisee. Fairy tales about animals, creating images of characters that combine animal and human features, naturally convey a lot of characteristics characteristic of human psychology.

We find the names of fairy tales about animals: “once upon a time there was a godfather and a godfather - a wolf and a fox”, “once upon a time there was a wolf and a fox”, “once upon a time there was a fox and a hare”. In fairy tales about animals, dialogism is developed much more than in fairy tales of other types: it moves the action, reveals situations, and shows the state of the characters. Songs are widely introduced into fairy tales: a fox lures a rooster with a song, a wolf deceives kids with a song, a bun runs and sings a song: “I scrape the box, sweep the bottom of the barrel...” Fairy tales about animals are characterized by bright optimism: the weak always get out of difficult situations. It is supported by the comedy of many situations and humor. Funny tales about animals. The genre was formed over a long period of time, enriched with plots, types of characters, and developed certain structural features.

Welcome to the world of fairy tales! In this magical world there is always a place for marvelous landscapes, brave heroes and talking animals. But, most importantly, every fairy tale about animals has its own unique happy ending.

What do fairy tales teach?

Are these little stories really that simple? It turns out not. Every fairy tale about animals has a good name, a full-fledged plot, and colorful characters that largely reflect the essence of what is happening in reality. Thus, with each new fairy tale, the child learns to explore this huge world.

In fact, children's fairy tales about animals are the first textbooks for children in the difficult school of life. With their help, the child learns that good is the most valuable gift for a good person, and it always defeats evil. Friendship is no less important than hard work, and kids learn about this from fairy tales about courageous and noble heroes who, despite everything, overcome all difficulties. In addition, fairy tales about animals teach love for neighbors and respect for elders, compassion for the poor and honesty in everything.

The peculiarity of a child’s vision is such that all the stories told are perceived for the most part on an intuitive level, and the perceived situations and characters acquire their real appearance only later. Therefore, you should approach the choice of the first books for your baby with special attention. It would be great if the new book contains or. It’s better to start with well-known, good folk tales about animals.

Russian folk tales about animals

The main characters of such fairy tales are wild animals. Although there are many stories about domestic animals. According to legend, the first information about animals appeared in an era when hunting was one of the main crafts. Mothers told their children stories about powerful representatives of the animal world, and children, due to their developed imagination, already attributed human traits to the characters. Tales about animals were passed down from generation to generation, and with each retelling the characters acquired new features.

In Russian folklore, tales about animals have been interpreted in different ways. But the main characters have always been: a fox and a wolf, a hare and a bear, a dog and a rooster; goat and bull.

The fox character comes to us from Western fairy tales. The fox's cunning, deceit and cunning have always made her stronger than her eternal companions, the wolf and the bear. And this is not at all surprising, because the wolf’s anger, greed and lack of insight at the same time did not give him even a tiny chance in competition with the fox.

But the bear character is rarely endowed with any characteristic features, and the little reader always has the opportunity to create his own image of the hero. The cowardly hare, the proud rooster and the stubborn goat and bull were not always like this. Most of the traits attributed to these characters are firmly rooted in Russian folklore precisely because of the traditional vision of these animals.

As for the plot, in stories about animals there is always a place for deception and meanness, but the courage, bravery and kindness of the main characters conquers everything. The plot of many fairy tales about animals is based on life situations that adults experience every day in the real world. And due to the colorful depiction of characters and comical descriptions, little readers perceive all the stories quite realistically, but at the same time such stories evoke only good associations. After all, every fairy tale about wild or domestic animals has a happy ending.

Tales of different peoples of the world

No one can say for sure how many fairy tales have been written in our centuries-old history. Every nation has its own tales, parables and legends that reflect its culture and traditions. These animal tales always tell about something new and unknown. In them you can meet mysterious creatures and visit places that no one will tell you about. What could be more interesting for a young adventurer?

Each story is a small magical world with its own inhabitants and laws. Landscapes, images of characters, situations and endings in children's fairy tales of different peoples of the world are repeated quite rarely. Therefore, reading fairy tales about animals is always interesting. After all, despite the completely logical name, it is not known until the very end how the next story will end. Children perfectly perceive the images described in such fairy tales. Thanks to the skill of the writers, even great villains are perceived as good magicians.

Regardless of age, each of us at least once in our lives recalled those wonderful moments of our childhood joy in anticipation of our next journey into the world of fairy tales. But in the life of every child there should be happy moments filled with joy and magic!

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The goat and the ram went into the deep forest to pluck grass and take a walk in the open air. We walked and walked and got lost in the dark forest. We went into a deep thicket and looked: wolves were cooking lunch under a tree. The goat quietly says to the ram: “What are we going to do, friend ram?” Apparently we are lost. Fierce wolves will eat us...

Once upon a time there was a godfather, Fox; In her old age, the Fox was tired of looking after herself, so she came to the Bear and began to ask for a place to live: “Let me in, Mikhailo Potapych, I’m an old, learned fox, I’ll take up a little space, not a lot, not a lot of food, unless I profit from you.” I'll gnaw the bones...

A fox was running through the forest, saw a black grouse on a tree and said to him: “Terenty, Terenty!” I was in the city. - Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo! It was like that. - Terenty, Terenty! I got the decree. - Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo! I got it, I got it. - So that you, black grouse, don’t sit in the trees, but still walk in the green meadows...

An owl flew - a cheerful head. So she flew, flew and sat down, twirled her tail, looked around and flew again - flew, flew and sat down, twirled her tail and looked around and flew again - flew, flew...

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather, a woman and a granddaughter Masha. They had neither a cow, nor a pig, nor any cattle - just a goat. Goat, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns. Grandfather loved this goat very much. Once the grandfather sent the grandmother to herd the goat. She grazed and grazed and drove home...

A crane met a fox: “What, fox, can you fly?” - No I do not know how to. - Sit on me, I’ll teach you. The fox sat on the crane. The crane carried her away high, high. - What, fox, do you see the earth...

Once upon a time there lived an old woman who spoke, and she had a goat with kids. In the morning people will get up and get to work, but the old woman still lies on the stove. Only by lunchtime will he get up, eat, drink - and let’s talk. She talks, talks, talks - both with neighbors, and with passers-by, and with herself...

The sparrow got angry with the sparrow: he lay down on the stove, did not eat, did not drink, and did not speak to anyone. The neighbors are bored without a sparrow. The rooster came: - Knock-knock-knock! Is godfather, sparrow at home? “At home, he’s sick,” the sparrow says...

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They had a granddaughter Alyonushka. The girlfriends got ready to go into the forest to pick berries and came to invite her with them. For a long time the old people did not let their granddaughter go. Then they agreed, only they ordered her to keep up with her friends. Girls walk through the forest, picking berries. Tree by tree, bush by bush - Alyonushka fell behind her friends...

Once upon a time there lived a peasant who had a Sheep. The owner didn’t like her and tortured her with nagging! She decided to leave home.

I walked, I walked. The Fox met her: “Where are you going, Sheep?”

Once upon a time there lived a hen and a cochet. They came to the forest for nuts. Kochetok climbed up a hazel tree to pick the nuts, and ordered the chicken to pick them up on the ground. The cochet throws, and the hen picks up. So he threw a nut and hit the chicken in the peephole. The chicken went and cried...

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They sowed turnips. So the bear got into the habit of stealing turnips from them. The old man went to look and saw: a lot of turnips had been picked and scattered around. He returned home and told the old woman...

The fox and the crane became friends. So the fox decided to treat the crane, and went to invite him to visit her: “Come, little kuman, come, dear!” I'll treat you! The crane went to the banquet. And the fox cooked semolina porridge and spread it on the plate...

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, the hare had a bast hut. The red spring has come - the fox’s hut has melted, but the hare’s hut remains as before. So the fox asked him to spend the night, and kicked him out of the hut. A dear bunny walks along and cries. A dog meets him. - Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! Why, bunny, are you crying...

Once upon a time there lived a goat and a ram in the same yard; They lived together amicably: a bunch of hay, and that in half. And if a pitchfork hits the side, it’s for Vaska the cat alone! He's such a thief and robber, he's out fishing every hour, and wherever he lies, his stomach hurts...

In a certain kingdom, a certain state, namely the one in which we live, there lived a landowner. The landowner had a cat, his name was Vaska-Muska.

The landowner loved Vaska-Muska, and the cat did his cat’s job well - he caught rats and mice in the grain stores...

Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush and a cockerel - a golden comb.  They lived in the forest, in a hut.  The cat and the blackbird go into the forest to chop wood, and leave the cockerel alone.  They leave and are severely punished: “We will go far, but you stay to be a housekeeper, but don’t raise your voice, when the fox comes, don’t look out the window...Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush and a cockerel - a golden comb. They lived in the forest, in a hut. The cat and the blackbird go into the forest to chop wood, and leave the cockerel alone. They leave and are severely punished: “We will go far, but you stay to be a housekeeper, but don’t raise your voice, when the fox comes, don’t look out the window...