I choose a healthy life. Class hour: “I choose a healthy lifestyle!” “I don’t know any greater beauty than health.” G. Heine. Factors negatively affecting human health

Class hour on the topic:

“I choose a healthy lifestyle” (lesson - competition)

Purpose of the competition : to form students’ need for a healthy lifestyle.


help students realize the importance of a reasonable attitude towards their health;

promote children's health;

develop skills in working in groups, communication skills, attention, imagination, ingenuity, creativity, speech;

cultivate a culture of behavior and communication when working in groups.

Office decoration:

a poster with the name of the competition program “It’s great to be healthy!”;

student drawings on the board;

along the perimeter of the office there are family wall newspapers “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”;

tables for two teams.

Equipment: computer; sheets with the letters Z, D, O, R, O, V, L, E; cards with proverbs; casket and items for it; assignment sheets; markers; diplomas.

Teacher : Hello, dear guys! I am glad to see you at our health festival called “It’s great to be healthy!”

Together: Hello! We wish everyone good health!

Teacher: Human health is the main value in life. Money can't buy health. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to solve vital problems. We all want to grow up strong and healthy. Being healthy is a natural human desire; sooner or later everyone thinks about their health. Each of us must realize what a priceless treasure this is. Let's think together about what health and a healthy lifestyle are.


So that we can be beautiful

So as not to be whiny,

So that any business is in your hands

They argued and burned...


So that the songs can be sung louder,

To make our life more interesting...

Boy and girl:You need to be strong and healthy.

Teacher: Our competition is called "It's Great to Be Healthy!" And today we will try to prove it to each other and to ourselves. The game involves 2 teams. First gaming table - team _____________________________________;

the second gaming table is the team.

Our competition will be monitored by a strict jury consisting of _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

So, let's begin our competition program. The first competition is called "Health".

Competition "Health"

For each letter in the word “health” you need to select other words that are related to health and a healthy lifestyle. Each word will bring the team one point. One minute is allotted to complete the task. (Music plays while the teams work.)

Competition "Folk Wisdom Says"

Teams receive cards with unfinished proverbs. The participants’ task is to complete the proverbs about health. At the end of the competition, team representatives read out their options for ending the proverbs. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Purity - ___________________________________________.

(Answer: the key to health.)

Health is good – _______________________________.

(Answer: thanks to the charger.)

If you want to be healthy – _______________________________.

(Answer: toughen up.)

In a healthy body - _____________________________________.

(Answer: a healthy mind.)

Teacher: In the meantime, the teams are responding, let's play with the fans. Answer in unison, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” if you agree with me. If this is not about you, then be silent, don’t make noise.

Game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends" (for fans)

Questions for students:

which of you is always ready to live life without doctors;

who doesn’t want to be healthy, cheerful, slim and cheerful;

who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education;

whoever is not afraid of frost flies on skates like a bird;

Well, who will start dinner with chewing gum and a couple of sweets;

who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons;

who has eaten and brushes their teeth regularly twice a day;

Which one of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

who performs physical exercises according to the schedule;

who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and relax?

Competition "You can't buy health - your mind gives it"

Teams are given questions to which they must give affirmative or negative answers. For each correct answer, the team receives one point. Questions:

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health?

(Answer: yes.)

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (Answer: no.)

3. Is it true that you should brush your teeth once a day? (Answer: no.)

4. Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? (Answer: yes.)

5. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging of the body? (Answer: yes.)

6. Is it easy to quit smoking? (Answer: no.)

7. Is it true that lack of sun causes bad mood? (Answer: yes.)

8. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (Answer: no.)

9. Is it true that you need to drink two glasses of milk every day? (Answer: yes.)

10. Is it true that a bad mood affects your health? (Answer: yes.)

Teacher: To be healthy, you need to know and be able to do a lot. During the next competition you will also need to answer questions.

For each correct answer the team will receive 2 points.

Competition "Knowledge is power"

Questions are given that need to be answered. Questions:

1. What is the name of the result of the impact of frost on the human body? (Answer: frostbite.)

2. Who can infect a person with rabies? (Answer: animals.)

3. What are the names of drinks that ruin human health? (Answer: alcohol.)

4. What is the name of the dressing material? (Answer: bandage.)

5. What is the name of the injury caused by fire? (Answer: burn.)

6. What helps to harden the body? (Answer: sun, air, water.)

Competition "Riddles about the daily routine"


1. You decided to become healthy, so follow... (answer: regimen);

2. In the morning at seven our cheerful friend rings persistently... (answer: alarm clock);

3. Our whole friendly team got up to exercise... (answer: family);

4. Of course, I won’t break the regime - I wash myself in a cold... (answer: shower);

5. After a shower and exercise, a hot meal awaits me... (answer: breakfast);

6. I always wash my hands with soap, no need to call us... (answer: Moidodyra);

7. After lunch you can have a nice sleep, or you can go in the yard... (answer: play);

8. After dinner, fun - we take dumbbells in our hands, play sports with dad, our mother... (answer: smile);

9. The moon is looking through our window, which means it’s been a long time to sleep... (answer: it’s time).

For fans


Friends, I have poems for you,

But you will help me read them.

As soon as I raise my hand up,

Everyone says the word “health”!

We must know the laws of ____________ firmly!

Take care and protect your ____________!

Means a lot!

Most important of all!

Captains Competition.

Teacher: Now answer the riddles. You will be given a verbal clue, and you must guess what it is. Listen carefully to the hint:

1. These plants with a characteristic pungent odor are a good remedy for the prevention of colds (answer: onions, garlic);

2. Substances that must be taken if you are taking strong medications (answer: vitamins);

4. Liquid, not water, white, not snow (answer: milk).

Competition “A healthy lifestyle is stylish!

Students should write down the rules of a healthy lifestyle on sheets of paper. Teams work to music, then read out their rules. For each rule, the team receives one point.

Girl: Now let's rest a little. I ask everyone to stand up. Straighten your toes, clasp your hands behind your back, and squat several times. Close your eyes, open your eyes (5 times). Raise your shoulders one by one (5 times). Hands on the waist, tilts to the right, left. What can you call what we are doing now? That's right, warm up, exercise, i.e. we lead an active lifestyle that helps improve health.

(The jury sums up the results of the competition and awards the teams with certificates.)


A man was born

Got up on my feet and walked!

Made friends with the wind and the sun,

May you breathe well!


Accustomed myself to order,

He got up early in the morning.

He was vigorously doing exercises,

I took a cold shower.


Every day he ran, jumped,

I swam a lot, played ball,

Gaining strength for life,

And he didn’t whine or get sick.


Went to bed at eight thirty

I fell asleep very quickly.

I went to study with interest

And I got straight A's.


Everyone get up early in the morning,

Take a cool shower,

Get ready to exercise,

Fortify yourself with porridge and butter!

Teacher: Health is an invaluable wealth in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. I hope that today's game was not in vain and you learned a lot from it. It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything.” So be healthy everyone, goodbye!


  • give the basics of a healthy lifestyle,
  • teach you to value and maintain your own health,
  • develop horizons and cognitive activity.

Equipment: children's drawings, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper, a drawing - a poster of a neatly combed man and overhead drawings of bad habits

The little son came to his father.
The little one asked:
"What is good
And what is bad?”

If you are doing exercises,
If you eat salad
And you don't like chocolate -
Then you will find a treasure of health.

If you don't want to wash your ears
You don't go to the bathroom
You are friends with a cigarette -
You won't find health that way.

You need to, you need to study in the mornings and evenings.

Wash, toughen up, boldly play sports,

Try to be healthy.

Only we need this.

1. Introductory conversation.

Over the centuries, people's ideas about what it means to be healthy have not changed. Health, as a natural state of man, is the same in both the West and the East. Doctors and philosophers of antiquity quite rightly believed that man is an inseparable part of the surrounding world.

In Russia, Catherine II understood how important it was for the younger generation to learn to take care of their health. She established city public schools, where students were already taught how to take care of their health.

What do you think health is?

In 1783, the author of the textbook wrote: “We call the health of our body the state when our body is free from all defects and diseases.” In modern dictionaries, health means one or another physical state of a person.

What expressions do you know related to the word health? (I started for health, but brought it together for peace, I wish you health, good health, etc.)

What affects our health and what does it depend on?

2. Game-competition.

Before you is the image of a sloppy, sick man. Now we will try to find out what bad habits led him to this appearance. I ask you questions, if you answer correctly, the bad habit is removed and gradually the person takes on a normal, healthy appearance.

Why shouldn't you chew the end of a pencil or pen? (Teeth will be uneven)

Why can't you smoke? (bad breath, yellow teeth, cough, lameness)

How does drinking alcoholic beverages affect your health? (Vasodilation, red nose, liver disease, stomach disease, poor memory)

How often and why should you wash your hair? (To keep your hair clean and prevent lice, wash it once every 5-6 days).

Why shouldn't you bite your nails? (Under the nails there are pathogens of various diseases, helminth eggs).

What can the habit of putting inedible objects in your mouth lead to? (You can swallow an object, pierce your palate or cheek, or become infected with diseases)

Why can’t you exchange clothes and shoes, or wear other people’s hats? (you can get infected with skin infections)

Why can’t you watch TV and sit at the computer for hours? (Vision will deteriorate)


Don't take other people's dresses
Don't bite your nails either,
Don't be friends with a cigarette
You can't find health that way.

3. Creative task.

At home, you were given the task of drawing one picture each on the theme: “We are for a healthy lifestyle.” Everyone must explain the meaning of their drawing. (Discussion of drawings)

4. Quiz.

1. What common insect serves as a carrier of microbes, contaminating unsealed food? (Fly)

2. Hand washing is an elementary rule of personal hygiene. List four times when hand washing is necessary to ensure food safety. (Before eating, after using the toilet, after touching pets, after handling raw meat).

3. What plants cause allergies? (poplar, alder, bird cherry, wormwood)

4. This vegetable is very cool,

Kills everything around.

Phytoncides help

And from smallpox and plague.

And we can also cure their colds. (Onion)

5. Name the means of hardening. (Sun, air, water)

6. Why shouldn’t you pet other people’s cats and dogs? (Possible infection with worm eggs, fleas, lichen)

7. Why shouldn’t you chew the tip of a pencil or pen? (The teeth will be uneven and germs may enter)

8. Why can’t you change clothes, shoes, and hats? (you can get infected with skin and infectious diseases).

9. What can squeezing out blackheads and pimples lead to? (to the emergence and spread of infections, including death from blood poisoning)

5. Final word.

Maintaining health is regular work. Now you are young and healthy. But don’t delude yourself – you should always remember to maintain your health. And in conclusion, we will try to draw up the main provisions of the health code.

What rules should you follow to be healthy? (I hand out codes to children)

Health Code:

Do not smoke, do not drink alcoholic beverages.


Eat fish, vegetables, and fruits more often.

Breathe fresh air.

Drink water, milk, juices, tea.

Walk as much as possible.

Enough sleep.

Show kindness.

Smile more often.

To love life.

Try to follow this health code, and you will maintain youth and beauty for many years.

6. Final words from students.

1st. We were born to live in this world for a long time:

2nd. Sad and sing, laugh and love.

3rd. But so that all dreams become possible,

5th. Ask yourself: are you ready to work -

6th. Move actively and eat and drink in moderation?

7th. Throw away the cigarette? Throw away the cigarette butt?

9th. Look around: beautiful Nature

10th. She calls us to live in peace with her.

11th. Give me your hand, friend! Let's help you

I choose a healthy lifestyle


MBOU "Verkhnenalimskaya Secondary School"

Zainsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Abzalova Alfiya Rafisovna

  • “The main thing on which physical health depends is moral health... to maintain your health, think about the health of others” Likhachev D.S.
  • “Health is not a gift that a person receives once and for life, but the result of the conscious behavior of each person and everyone in society.”
  • Makarenko A.S.

  • To give up smoking. Refusal of alcoholic beverages. Quitting drugs. Physical education and sports, physical activity. Balanced diet.
  • To give up smoking.
  • Refusal of alcoholic beverages.
  • Quitting drugs.
  • Physical education and sports, physical activity.

  • Team captains must choose a petal from a seven-flowered flower. On these petals are tasks for “warm-up”. The name of the sport is written on the piece of paper
  • One team shows a pantomime, the others guess what kind of sport was shown.
  • For pantomime, the team receives 1–3 points. The team that is the first to solve the sport gets 1 point.

  • 4 people from each team participate in the competition. Each team member has a special task:
  • The first one is running backwards
  • The second – running with “giant steps”
  • For the third one, run “squat”
  • The fourth – running “sideways”

  • 1. A.P. Chekhov said: “Kissing a smoking woman is the same as...”
  • 2.What would the ancient Greeks call a person suffering from the desire to become torpid?
  • 3. In December 2000, the city authorities of this city, for the first time in the world, adopted the strictest smoking law, prohibiting smoking in public places, at work, in cafes, bars, and restaurants. Smoking in a public place is punishable by one year in prison or a fine of $1,000. Where was this law passed?
  • 4. Finish the English proverb: “A smoker lets into his mouth an enemy who steals...”
  • 5. The famous doctor P. Bragg said that there are 9 doctors. Starting from the fourth it is natural nutrition, fasting, sports, rest, good posture and mind. Name the first three doctors mentioned by Bragg.
  • 6. Name the principles of hardening - “Three Ps”
  • 7. Name insects that indicate a person’s lack of hygiene skills
  • 8. What saying teaches us the correct diet?
  • 9. Who are “night owls” and “larks”? (
  • 10. Why shouldn’t children under 15 do weightlifting?
  • 11. How many hours a day should a person sleep?
  • 12. Why do cold foot baths to prevent sore throat and runny nose?
  • 13. What sports should you do to develop your posture?

  • rejection of bad habits; optimal motor mode; balanced diet; hardening; personal hygiene; positive emotions; highly moral attitude towards people around, society, nature.
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • optimal motor mode;
  • balanced diet;
  • hardening;
  • personal hygiene;
  • positive emotions;
  • highly moral attitude towards people around, society, nature.

Everyone has heard about such a concept as a healthy lifestyle. But many view this capacious concept as something one-sided, presenting only physical exercise, healthy food and giving up bad habits. This is partly correct. However, to dwell only on these three principles means to remain silent about the other, no less important components of a healthy lifestyle. The media talks about how important it is to value and take care of your health. “Yes, living healthy is good,” people agree. But why then do only a few still adhere to a healthy lifestyle? And how much is needed for this?

What is a healthy lifestyle?

Health is our happy life, our wealth. By approaching your health one-sidedly, it is impossible to be sure that this health will last until old age. By sometimes eating raw vegetables and fruits or taking a “health” trip to the seaside once a year, taking alcohol “only” on holidays and taking vitamin tablets, some believe that they adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Still, this is by no means a guarantee of health and problem solving. The concept of a “healthy lifestyle” is multifaceted and has many important components, without which our life cannot be called harmonious, fulfilling, healthy and happy.

We are too accustomed to our way of life. We are too busy, too lazy, too afraid to change anything in our lives. Bad habits and unhealthy food have tied our will and dictate theirs. We consciously submit to this process, and only when we encounter a serious illness do we reproach ourselves for our mistakes and habits. So why not change your life? Health is God's priceless gift to man. An amazingly fine-tuned person often does not appreciate what has been given to him for free. He wastes his health on temporary “life celebrations,” neglecting his health and depriving himself and his loved ones of a long, productive, happy life.

What is a healthy lifestyle? Why is it needed? Is it possible to live a healthy life today? Or is a healthy lifestyle not the key to good health? A healthy lifestyle is the key to a new interesting life, new joy and new health. By accustoming ourselves to new, useful habits, we move forward step by step - towards a happy and harmonious life.

Eight Keys to Health

It pays to be healthy. But how? There are eight basic factors essential to life that form the basis of the philosophy of health. What are they? Proper balanced nutrition, exercise, drinking enough water, friendship with sunlight, fresh open air, proper rest, abstinence and giving up bad habits, faith - these are the eight keys to health. Is it simple or not? It is worth answering the following questions: why is it “unfashionable” to drink water today? Why have regular water been replaced by sugary soft drinks, coffee, tea, beer or bottled sparkling water? Why is food today turning into a cult, and almost no holiday feast is complete without alcohol? Why do you want to be healthy, but at the same time you don’t want to do anything for it? Why is life so inexpensive?

Today's life is like a race; people rush, fuss, strive for new acquisitions, entertainment and pleasures, calling this a chance to live better and more interesting. Hurry sets the modern rhythm of life. Today it is common to have a snack at home and at work, at school, in transport and while walking. Well-organized family lunches and dinners have become a rarity. Hastily eaten sandwiches, heated fast food - and all this without stopping from work - this is the real situation. Hence, indigestion, bloating, heartburn and other gastric problems. Why do thoughts about healthy eating appear only after terrible diagnoses? After all, it has long been no secret that many diseases are associated with nutrition, that fresh, well-prepared, varied plant foods provide the body with all the fats, proteins, fiber and other important substances it needs. Vegetables, fruits, root vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts - a real pantry of tasty and healthy foods. Tastes are not given to a person from birth, they come with time and are cultivated. They can be changed. And every good habit we choose needs to be repeated again and again with persistence, patience, conviction, until it becomes a way of our life.

Speaking about physical activity, we cannot help but note the fact that today we are too lazy to move. Modern children do not run outside, climb trees, skate or play hide and seek. TV and computer now take up precious time. A sedentary lifestyle weakens body functions and is the shortest path to premature death. We want
live, have and maintain good health, energy, ability to work, live an interesting life. At this point, the desires end, because moving has become boring. But it is physical exercise that gives us a feeling of vigor, gives us a good mood, strengthens the heart, helps overcome depression and fights many diseases, increases our ability to work and maintains normal weight. Walking, running, swimming, cycling, gardening, climbing mountains and skiing help make life long and interesting. Sunlight strengthens the immune system, and fresh air calms and eliminates irritability, headaches and insomnia.

Today's times, no matter how difficult they may be, are wonderful to live in! A little optimism and a positive attitude towards life will also strengthen the body's defenses and its immune system. Scientists have found that if negative emotions - fear, anger, resentment, indignation, hatred, sadness, jealousy - accumulate for a long time, this can lead to a decrease in the number of “warrior cells” that protect the human body. None of this is new. King Solomon teaches us: “A merry heart does good, ... but a depressed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).

New start

Health is not everything. But without him everything is nothing. In the stressful, challenging modern life, people so often experience stress, disappointment, pain and hopelessness that they are tempted to trade their health and even their lives for anything that will bring them even temporary relief. But the joy of life and peace in the soul are not sold at the pharmacy. This secret is revealed in faith, in
in truth, in love. Hope exists through personal faith, and faith is synonymous with mature trust. Such hope in our lives is like the promise of spring. Faith is the greatest guarantee of health; it is not a psychological device that prevents you from touching solid ground. Faith is questions, doubts, and the search for answers. If the answers make sense, then faith is not a leap into the unknown, but the attainment of a state of increasing love and unity. One of the questions that faith asks is: “What is the purpose of life and where do we come from?” Discovering a new truth will be life's greatest achievement.

We represent great value. God created us for health and prosperity. Therefore, it’s time to go to the start, a new start in life, which will lead us along a healthy, truly kind route towards happiness. There is an exit. And this solution is in our conscious choice to lead a healthy lifestyle! On your marks! Attention! March!

Inna Belonozhko

Goals: To form a stable rejection among students of alcohol, drug addiction, and smoking. Promote a healthy lifestyle.

Form: Competition program.

Participants: Class students, teacher.

Preparatory stage: When preparing for class, you can prepare a photo exhibition “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “The world of my hobbies”, “Healthy children should be on the planet”, etc., and also invite students to answer the questions of an anonymous questionnaire that will help the teacher to determine their attitude to the problem under discussion.

Opposite the statement with which students agree, it is necessary to put a “+” sign; if they disagree, they must put a “-” sign.

Alcohol. Cigarettes. Drugs:

They lift your spirits.

Gives confidence.

Promotes communication.

Relieves boredom.

They lose control over their actions.

They shorten life.

Lead to serious illnesses.

They weaken the offspring.

They harm the family, society, and the state.

Gives a feeling of freedom.

Promotes growing up.

It is also necessary to select a jury, which may include a biology teacher, psychologist, parents or students from other classes.

Class progress

Considering that high school students have certain information about the harmfulness of bad habits to human health, the teacher invites them to explain the relevance of the class topic.

Summarizing the students' answers, the teacher draws their attention to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among young people, but a lot depends on the person himself, on how he feels about himself and his future.

You can discuss the problem in groups. After discussion, students conclude that the main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

To give up smoking.

Refusal of alcoholic beverages.

Quitting drugs.

Physical education and sports, physical activity.

Social poster competition on the theme “No to bad habits!”

Poster evaluation criteria:

The relevance and importance of the depicted situation within the given topic.

Match the text to the depicted situation.

Conciseness and literacy of the text.

Compositional solution for the poster.

The quality of the poster.

The jury has the right to reward originality in the approach to the competition work with additional points.

Erudite competition

1. A.P. Chekhov said: “Kissing a smoking woman is the same as...” (...kissing an ashtray).

2. One of the fire safety rules in Bulgarian is: “Don’t push into the fire!” Translate it into Russian. (Don't smoke in bed.)

3. What would the ancient Greeks call a person suffering from the urge to become torpid? (Addict, from the Greek nark - numbness, mania - attraction.)

4. In December 2000, the city authorities of this city, for the first time in the world, adopted the strictest smoking law, prohibiting smoking in public places, at work, in cafes, bars, and restaurants. Smoking in a public place is punishable by one year in prison or a fine of $1,000. Where was this law passed? (This law was passed by the authorities of New York.)

5. Finish the English proverb: “A smoker lets into his mouth an enemy who kidnaps...”. (Brain.)

6. The famous doctor P. Bragg said that there are 9 doctors. Starting from the fourth it is natural nutrition, fasting, sports, rest, good posture and mind. Name the first three doctors mentioned by Bragg. (Sun, air and water.)

Competition "The most compelling argument"

Team captains need to make the most convincing argument for the need for a healthy lifestyle within a minute.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Information lecture hall

1. Components of a healthy lifestyle

a) Correct breathing.

It is very important to always breathe through your nose. In the nasal passages, the air is purified, warmed, and moistened. In the health-improving gymnastics called “yoga,” it is generally accepted that “just one generation of people breathing correctly will revive humanity and make diseases so rare that they will be looked at as something extraordinary.”

Of course, it is also important that the air we breathe is clean.

b) Balanced nutrition.

Famous Russian publicist and literary critic D.I. Pisarev assured: “Change a person’s food, and the whole person will change little by little.” Human health is largely determined by the quantity and quality of food and diet. The modern diet of most people is characterized by a high consumption of foods containing a lot of carbohydrates. The result is overeating and obesity. “Moderation is nature’s ally,” said the ancient Greek physician, father of medicine, Hippocrates. Yes, nutrition should be moderate, but varied and nutritious.

Food must contain vitamins! Fresh vegetables and fruits, honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet - these are foods that increase the vital functions of the body. You need to include them in your diet. And bread made from finely ground flour, pasta, sausages, sausages, and fried potatoes are devoid of most biologically active substances. Such a diet reduces the vital activity of the body. It is also important to remember that products that contain various preservatives, sweeteners and dyes are not healthy and even dangerous to health.

c) Physical activity, physical education and sports, positive emotions and hardening.

It should be added that components of a healthy lifestyle also include physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day). It improves the functioning of all vital organs. Without physical activity there can be no health. “If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick,” said the Roman poet Horace.

The most useful and accessible sports: swimming, cycling, gymnastics, hiking.

Positive emotions are also necessary for a healthy lifestyle: joy, happiness, life satisfaction, kindness.

Negative emotions that destroy health: anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, melancholy, suspiciousness, greed. Try to avoid such emotions and protect the people around you from them.

2. Factors negatively affecting human health

a) Tobacco smoking.

It is often classified as a bad habit, but it is one of the dangerous diseases called chemical dependency. According to global statistics, about 2.5 million people die prematurely from smokers every year. There are about 400 components in tobacco smoke, 40 of which have a carcinogenic effect, i.e. can cause cancer. The most dangerous radioactive polonium-210.

Smoking has a particularly detrimental effect on a woman’s body. If a woman smokes during pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage increases, the weight of the fetus decreases, and premature birth may occur. The child of such a woman gets sick more often. If a woman smokes while breastfeeding, the child becomes weak, sickly, and lags behind in development. Smoking is very harmful for children and adolescents, boys and girls. After all, it is during adolescence that the body is finally formed, which should serve for the rest of its life. Smoking is dangerous not only for the smoker himself, but also for the people around him. So-called “passive smoking,” when a person is forced to inhale smoke while in a smoky room, has the same negative effect on the body as smoking itself.

b) Alcoholism.

“Alcoholism causes more devastation than the three historical scourges combined: famine, plague, war.”

W. Gladstone

In ancient times, people became acquainted with the unusual, cheerful effect of certain drinks. The most common milk, honey, fruit juices, after standing in the sun, changed not only their appearance and taste, but also acquired the ability to excite, instill a feeling of lightness, carelessness, and well-being. It didn’t take long for people to notice that the next day a person was paying with a headache, fatigue, and a bad mood. Our distant ancestors had no idea what a terrible enemy they had acquired.

The main component of most alcoholic drinks is ethyl alcohol. Taken orally, after 5-10 minutes it is absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Alcohol is poison for any living cell. Burning quickly, it deprives tissues and organs of oxygen and water. Under the influence of alcohol, almost all physiological processes in the body are disrupted, and this can lead to serious illnesses. Alcohol has the fastest and most destructive effect on brain cells; the tissue of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and liver is degenerated.

Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels first dilate, and blood saturated with alcohol rapidly rushes to the brain, causing a sharp excitation of the nerve centers - this is where the overly cheerful mood and swagger of a drunken person come from. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, a sharp weakening of the inhibition processes occurs. The cortex ceases to control the functioning of the (lower) subcortical parts of the brain. Therefore, an intoxicated person loses control over himself and a critical attitude towards his behavior. Losing his restraint and modesty, he says and does things that he would not say or do in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes the nerve centers more and more, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the chaotic activity of the sharply excited lower parts of the brain.

The famous Russian psychiatrist S.S. Korsanov described this state as follows: “An intoxicated person does not think about the consequences of his words and actions and treats them extremely frivolously... Passions and bad impulses appear without any cover and encourage more or less wild actions. But in a normal state, the same person can be well-mannered, and modest, even shy. Everything in his personality that is restrained by his upbringing, his habits of decency, seems to come out. In a state of intoxication, a person can tell any secret, loses vigilance, and ceases to be careful. It’s not without reason that they say: “What’s on a sober man’s mind is on the drunken man’s tongue.”

Beer is not as harmless as it sometimes seems. It is made from a healthy product - barley. This drink contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and even vitamins. But in the process of making beer, fermentation microbes destroy all useful components, so there is little benefit from it, to put it mildly. In addition, 0.5 liters of beer corresponds to 60-80 g of vodka. According to the observations of the German psychotherapist E. Kraepelin, 45% of his patients became alcoholics as a result of drinking beer regularly and a lot. In addition, do not forget that this is a very high-calorie drink. Regular beer consumers quickly get fat.

c) Drug addiction.

Often the first step towards drugs is made out of curiosity. Up to 60% of drug addicts “tried” drugs this way. Drug addiction develops very quickly, its process is so rapid that at the age of 30-40 a drug addict is already a very old man. It only takes 2-3 months from psychological addiction to physical dependence.

Drugs have an extremely pronounced effect on the human body. Nerve cells seem to burn out, and the body’s protective functions sharply decrease. The defenseless body is attacked by many diseases. All organs and systems of the body suffer: the heart muscle is affected, gastritis, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, AIDS occur.

All types of metabolism are disrupted: protein, carbohydrate, fat. Personality changes are expressed in progressive degradation, often turning into dementia.
