Genres of literature in English. About books in English: literary genres and types of books. Neutral lexis: neutral vocabulary

As you know, a book is a source of knowledge and joy.

By reading books, we get acquainted with interesting characters, plunging into their inner world, learning the culture of communication and, thus, creating our own inner comfort.

When reading in English, we pay attention not only to the characters and their experiences, but also to the words that these characters use. Today we will concentrate on words, devoting an article to “book” vocabulary.

Verb to read has many analogues. This and to look through– view, and to scan(literally “scan”) – look through, look through, and to read through– read to the end. But there are also words that we do not often use in our speech:

  • to skim (through/over) smth– quickly scan with your eyes to find something specific, important
  • to scrutinize- to examine carefully, to scrutinize
  • to examine- examine, study
  • to peruse– read carefully
  • to read up on a subject– read a specific topic in order to prepare for a report or speech
  • to read between the lines– read between the lines, grasp the hidden meaning

If you read aloud ( read aloud), you can practice diction and articulation by reading silently ( read to yourself), you focus on the main event in the book. Curled corners on pages in books ( dog-eared pages) often remind us of the most interesting episodes, and books that we can’t put down ( page-turner), remain with us forever. By the way, have you read an amazing book called “The Universe Versus Alex Woods”? If not, be sure to take the time to dedicate it to this book. There you will meet an amazing turn of events ( plot twist), and moments that bring tears to your eyes ( tearjerker).

I won’t say that the hero will immediately become an open book for you ( to read somebody like an open book), but you will learn about his difficult life and how he managed to find himself when everything around him was against him.

If you not only learn foreign languages, but also find time to read, read, read, then you are probably familiar with the expression “bookworm” - bookworm. Many people envy you now, if only everyone had so much free time.

Books are learning, so the expression to hit the books(to study) characterizes this situation perfectly.

But as for choosing a book by its cover, that’s about me. Recently I literally fell in love with the cover of the book and bought it. After reading the novel “The Incredible Adventures of a Fakir Locked in an IKEA Closet,” I was happy and sad at the same time. The first half of the book made me laugh like a child, but the second was very predictable, and it seemed that the author did not have enough “fuse” to finish it the same way he started it - surprisingly funny and extraordinary. That's why " don’t judge a book by its cover"(in the case of books, they are greeted by the cover, but escorted by the mind of the writer). Follow certain rules ( live by the book) when choosing a book, although in life this is not at all necessary. Sometimes it's better to be in the wild with your head than with one foot in the puddle.

This article is dedicated to all reading lovers. We have already examined in detail the English word “ book” – how it is used and in what contexts it is used. But the words " book" And " read” is clearly not enough for the vocabulary of an actively reading person. So let's dive into this topic more deeply: let's look at the types and genres of books, basic “book” terms, synonyms of the verb toread, useful phrases and expressions for describing books.

Describing books in English

With the advent of digital technologies, books began to be divided into two types: ordinary paper ones, which in English are called paperbackbooks , And e-booksdigitalbooks or E-books. The question of which books are better, more enjoyable to read, more “real” and so on is one of the most pressing among reading enthusiasts. If you talk to a native English speaker about books, don't be surprised if they ask you: What type of books do you prefer reading?

Fiction or non-fiction – what choose ?

Books are also divided into fiction and documentary: fiction and non-fiction . By analogy with these words, a term such as “ lightfiction"-"easy" reading. In total, there are more than a dozen main book genres in fiction. genres:
Science fiction - sciencefiction ,
fantasy - fantasy ,
detectives - detectivebooks ,
thrillers - thrillers ,
satire - satire .
Collections of stories or poetry are called anthologies - anthology .
In English there is a special term for women's literature - chicklit: These are women's novels like Bridget Jones's Diary.

Nonfiction literature can also be different: books on business and finance - Business & Financebooks , autobiography - autobiography, cookbooks - cook-books, encyclopedias - encyclopedias, dictionaries - dictionaries .

Books can be read in different ways.

Main verb – toread– describes the reading in general, without any specifications or details. You can add words to it aloud or toyourself- read aloud or silently. What if you want to emphasize that you read the book very carefully or, conversely, looked between the lines?

Here are some useful synonyms for the verb to read :
to peruse or to scrutinize - read carefully,
to scan or to skim (through /over )– quickly view,
to read through– read to the end.
When reading, it is important to be able to grasp the hidden meaning, the author’s message - to read between the lines .

Very interesting, fascinating books that are difficult to put down are called in English page-turner. As a rule, in such books there are unexpected turns of events - plottwists or touching moments - tearjerkers. If you really liked an excerpt or phrase from a book, you can fold a corner on this page - such pages are called in English dog-eared pages because they look like dog ears.

Good afternoon friends!

Today I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the topic on the topic “Genres of books in English" with the translation . With its help you can learn many useful words on this topic (by the way, at the end I have attached a list with them) and learn how to compose story about your favorite book yourself.


Different genres of books

I think that books are an indispensable part of our culture. Books tell us stories about love, friendship, loyalty, faith and other eternal values ​​that inspire us and teach us to overcome certain life situations. Moreover, it is simply an esthetic pleasure to read a well-written book.

Nowadays one can read paper books and e-books or digital books that are much more convenient to carry around since they are lighter and smaller. However, there are people who will never resist the pleasure of reading a paper book, even in the era of technologies.

There are many different genres of books. They can be divided into fiction and non-fiction books. Non-fiction books tell us about real facts and situations, for example, biographies. They are based on real events, and tell about the life of a certain person, usually famous and important. If the author and the main character are the same person, it is called an autobiography.

Fiction is the type of stories written about invented characters and events. There are many kinds of fiction books. For example, there are fairy tales that are usually meant for children. They tell different stories about unreal events, magic, talking animals etc. Every nation has its own fairy tales that reflect the national character.

There is also such a genre as fantasy that has a lot in common with fairy tales. Any composition about magical creatures and wonderful adventures can be called fantasy.

Science-fiction books are usually about technologies that do not exist in the present but might exist in the future, traveling to space and discovering life on other planets.

Another genre of books are historical novels. An author who is interested in a certain historical period makes his characters part of this time. Although such books are fictional, and the majority of people described never existed in real life, they can still be quite informative. The authors always have to conduct a very thorough research in order to recreate the past. This is my favorite genre because this way I learn many interesting facts about history.

Detective stories have always been popular. They are dedicated to solving a real or an imaginary crime and are usually very captivating for those who love mystery and solving puzzles.

Thrillers and horrors are written to scare people. Thrillers are usually about some mysterious forces and events, while horrors are about terrible murders and serial killers.

Romance is a genre about romantic feelings, unhappy lovers, jealousy and revenge. It is much more interesting to read about two people who want to be together but they cannot for some reason, than about perfect relationships of imaginary characters, that is why romances are usually quite dramatic.

Of course, the same book can be more than of one genre. For example, my favorite book “Gone With The Wind” is at the same time a historical novel and a romantic story.


Different genres of books

I think that books are an integral part of our culture. Books tell us stories about love, friendship, fidelity and other eternal values ​​that inspire us and teach us to overcome various life situations. In addition, reading a well-written book is simply an aesthetic pleasure.

Today you can read paper books or e-books, which are much more convenient to carry with you because they are lighter and smaller. However, there are people who will never deny themselves the pleasure of reading a paper book, even in the era of technology.

There are many different genres of books. They can be divided into fiction and non-fiction. Nonfiction talks about real facts and events, such as biography. They are based on real events and tell the story of the life of a specific person, usually famous and important. If the author and the main character are the same person, it is called an autobiography.

Fiction is stories about fictional characters and events. There are many types of fiction. For example, fairy tales, which are usually intended for children. They tell various stories about unreal events, magic, talking animals, etc. Each nation has its own fairy tales that reflect the national character.

There is also a genre called fantasy, which has a lot in common with fairy tales. Any composition about magical creatures and wonderful adventures can be called fantasy.

Science fiction usually deals with technologies that do not exist in the present but may exist in the future, travel into space and the discovery of life on other planets.

Another genre of books is historical novels. An author who is interested in a specific historical period makes his characters part of that time. Despite the fact that such books are fiction, and most of the people described never existed in reality, they may be informative. Authors should always conduct detailed research to reconstruct the past. This is my favorite genre, because this way I learn a lot of interesting historical facts.

Detective stories have always been popular. They are dedicated to the investigation of a real or fictional crime, and are usually enjoyed by those who enjoy riddles and solving puzzles.

Thrillers and horror are written to scare people. Thrillers are usually about mystical powers and events, and horror is about gruesome murders and serial killers.

Romance novels are a genre about romantic feelings, unhappy lovers, jealousy and revenge. It's much more interesting to read about two people who want to be together but for some reason can't than about the ideal relationship of fictional characters, which is why romance novels are usually quite dramatic.

Of course, the same book can belong to more than one genre. For example, my favorite book, Gone with the Wind, is both a historical novel and a romantic story.

List useful expressions

Indispensable- obligatory, inalienable

Eternal values- Eternal values

To overcome certain life situations- overcome life situations

An esthetic pleasure- Aesthetic pleasure

Paper books- paper books

E-books, digital books- e-books

Fiction and non-fiction books– fiction and non-fiction literature

Autobiography– autobiography

Fairy tales- fairy tales

To reflect the national character- reflect the national character

Fantasy- fantasy

Science-fiction- Science fiction

Historical novels- historical novels

Detective stories- detectives

Thrillers and horrors– thrillers and horrors

Romance– romance

Mysterious forces and events– mysterious forces and events

Serial killer- Serial killer

I hope this article is helpful in improving your knowledge! See you again on my blog!

Reading books in English with children

Reading is one of the important skills in English, so it is important to practice it from the very first stages of learning. By reading books in English, it is possible to become familiar with a literary language that is more “correct” than spoken English.

Note: More details about how to learn to read in English can be found in the ““ section.

We offer a selection of colloquial expressions and vocabulary (words) in English that can be used in classes with children and adults learning English.

Note: To help adults who “do not know enough” English, there is a selection of dictionaries with transcription in the ““ section.

Vocabulary (words) in English on the topic “Books”

article- article;
author- author;
dook- book;
chapter- head;
cover— cover;
editor— editor;
editorial office— editorial staff;
epilogue— epilogue;
page- page;
picture— illustration;
front page- first page;
headline- title;
issue- publication;
reporter- narrator;
prologue— prologue;
publishers— publishing house;
title- Name;
volume- volume.

Colloquial expressions in English on the topic “Books”

Do you want me to read a bed-time story?- Do you want me to read a fairy tale?
I am going to read a new book.— I will read a new book.
How about a bedtime story?— How about an evening story before bed?
Why don’t you pick out a book to read?- Why don't you choose a book to read?
You can take a new book from the shelf.— You can take a new book from the shelf.
Do you want to choose a storybook for our story time?— Would you like to choose a book to read?
Don't turn the page.- Don't turn the page.
Let's turn the page. - Let's turn the page.
Let me slip a bookmark between the pages.- Let me put a bookmark between the pages.
Do you want me to read the rest of the story?- Do you want me to read the story to the end?
Do you like this picture?— Do you like this illustration?
Let's find out what happens next.- Let's find out what happened next.
I wonder what happens next.- I wonder what happened there next.

Useful verbs on the topic “Books and reading”

Note: You can read everything about English verbs in the material “ “

to skip- skip, scroll through;
to skim- read diagonally;
to look up- search, view;
to dip into- view superficially;
to browse- look through a book in a store, slowly choose;
to peruse- read carefully, thoroughly;
to refer to- refer to, refer to;
to wade through- reach the end, master;
to flip through- skim through, scroll through;
to read from cover to cover- read from cover to cover;

Genres of books in English

genre[ˈʒɑːnrə] – genre;
fairy tale- fairy tale;
fiction[ˈfɪkʃn] – fiction, fiction;
non-fiction– scientific literature, or works based on real events;
light fiction– easy “light” reading;
chick lit– books for women;
science fiction[ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn] – science fiction;
fantasy[ˈfæntəsi] – science fiction (fantasy);
business & finance[ˈbɪznəs ənd ˈfaɪnæns] – literature on business and finance;
politics[ˈpɑːlətɪks] – political literature;
travel books[ˈtrævl ˈbʊks] – books about travel;
autobiography[ɔːtəbaɪˈɑːɡrəfi] – autobiography;
history- story;
thriller / mystery[θrɪlər / ˈmɪstri] – thriller / mysticism;
romance / erotica– romance novel / erotica;
satire[ˈsætaɪər] – satire;
horror[ˈhɔːrər] – horrors;
religious/i inspirational– religious, literature for inspiration;
health /medicine– books on health topics, medical literature;
cookbooks[ˈkʊkˌbʊks] – cookbooks;
children's books[ˈtʃɪldrən bʊks] – books for children;
dictionary[ˈdɪkʃəneri] – dictionary;
encyclopedia[ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə] – encyclopedia;
series[ˈsɪriːz] – series of books like “Harry Potter”, “50 Shades of Grey”, etc.
anthology[ænˈθɑːlədʒi] – anthology (poetry, collections of short stories).

Names of types of books in English with translation

Let's start with what kind of books there are:
paper back books– paper (printed) books;
E-books/digital books– e-books that can be downloaded on the Internet or purchased in online stores.

almanac- calendar, almanac;
best seller- bestseller;
book- book;
booklet- booklet, brochure;
brochure- brochure;
comic book- comic book;
dictionary- dictionary;
encyclopedia- encyclopedia;
hardcover- hardcover book;
magazine- magazine;
novel- novel;
paperback- soft cover book;
periodical- periodical;
pamphlet- brochure, pamphlet, catalogue;
picture book- book with pictures;
reference book- reference book;
textbook- textbook.

Useful English Adjectives to Describe a Book

thrilling[θrɪlɪŋ] – exciting;
riveting[ˈrɪvɪtɪŋ] – exciting, attracting attention;
scary[ˈskeri] – frightening, creepy;
gripping[ɡrɪpɪŋ] – capturing attention, stunning;
easy to read[ˈiːzi tə riːd] – easy to read;
complex- complex;
brilliant[ˈbrɪliənt] – brilliant;
heartbreaking[ˈhɑːrtbreɪkɪŋ] – heartbreaking;
action-packed[ˈækʃn ˈpækt] – full of events;
predictable– predictable;
unpredictable[ʌnprɪˈdɪktəbl] – unpredictable;
boring– boring;
nonsensical– meaningless;
confusing– confused;
realistic– realistic;
erratic[ɪˈrætɪk] – inconsistent, strange;
absorbing[əbˈzɔːrbɪŋ] – fascinating.

  • How to write and format correctly
  • How to correctly write and format () in English
  • in English

“Harry Potter” in English is not very easy to read, but it is much more interesting than in Russian. There is nothing to say about “Alice in Wonderland”: no matter how many talented translations there are, all the puns can only be fully appreciated in the original. In general, reading in English is correct and useful. And we will help you choose a book that suits your level, so that it is also enjoyable.

In contact with

The more that you know, the more places you’ll go.

Dr. Seuss

Any English-speaking child will confirm: Dr. Seuss will not give bad advice. If you love to read, but are afraid to start with a long and full-length English novel, don't worry. Publishing houses publish specially for educational purposes adapted books in English: for beginners, for intermediate levels and so on. Yes, full picture work of art you will receive it a little later, but you can congratulate yourself on the first English book you read starting at the Elementary level!

1. Reading in English increases your vocabulary

Reading on foreign language enriches vocabulary, even if we ourselves do not realize it. Of course, in order to learn new vocabulary more effectively, it is better to read a book, writing down unfamiliar words and memorizing their translation. When choosing books to read, be guided by your learning goals: if you need spoken language, pay attention to modern “light” prose, but if you want to master special vocabulary, the most obvious advice is to read literature from your area of ​​professional interests.

2. Reading improves spelling

English spelling is full of mysteries and surprises. The spelling of many words defies logic: you just have to memorize them. And the best way to do this is to read more English-language literature so that the images of words are stored in memory.

3. Reading broadens your horizons

E-books and blogs, news sites and social media feeds: reading in the twenty-first century has reached a new level. A single information space makes it possible to learn about what is happening in the most remote corners of the world and to become familiar with the world’s cultural and scientific heritage.

4. Reading in the original language increases self-esteem

Listen to how you feel when you finish the last page of your first English novel: a wonderful feeling. “She reads Orwell in the original” - sounds proud! Any psychologist will tell you: motivation is important when performing any task. So don’t miss an opportunity to praise yourself once again, this one is not superfluous at all! :)

How to choose a book to read

  • Select adapted books in English for your level (see the list of recommended books for levels A2-C1 later in the article).
  • Choose works according to your strengths: start with short stories, gradually moving on to larger literary forms.
  • The more exciting the learning, the more effective it is: try to find books that are interesting to you. Detectives, thrillers, mysticism, or any other topic that awakens your imagination and makes you read the book to the end are suitable.

Children's books in English

If you only know a few hundred words in English, pay attention to children's literature: many children's books are also interesting for adults. In addition, children's literature, as a rule, is generously supplied with illustrations, which helps to understand the plot.

Interesting fact: the famous children's writer Dr. Seuss, who was discussed earlier in our article, wrote his best book The Cat in the Hat(“The Cat in the Hat”), using only 220 words. This list of children's first words was compiled by the publisher, obliging the author to use them in his work: everything to earn the love of the target audience!

Free English-language children's books can be found on the Internet. For example, on the KidsWorldFun resource.

Comics in English

Like children's literature, comics are a great way to start reading in an unfamiliar language. There are a great many genres of comics: there are comics for children, for adults, entertaining and educational.

Film scripts in English

One of the proven and effective methods learning a new language, recommended by many polyglots, is to read books in the target language that are already familiar in translation. The same applies to film adaptations: it is useful to read the scripts of the films you have watched. Advantages: the context is known, the plot is clear, you can guess the meaning of new words as the story progresses.

Books in English about personal development and professional literature

By reading them, you kill two birds with one stone: you study vocabulary that is relevant to you in English and learn new things on a topic that is important to you. If you are keenly interested in something, why not read about it in English? Another advantage of such literature: it is easier to read than fiction novels. The style is simpler, the vocabulary is limited to the topic under consideration.

3 “life hacks” for beginning readers of English literature

You don't have to understand every word

Сontext is king(context is king)! If you have grasped the main idea of ​​the story, that is quite enough. Moreover, if you understand everything you read, most likely you took a book of too low a level for yourself. Try to find books where about 70% of the vocabulary will be familiar (the rest will have to be written out and learned).

Read aloud in English

It may seem strange, but reading has proven itself to be excellent in improving pronunciation and listening comprehension - if it is read aloud. By reading aloud, you tune in to the sounds of the language you are learning. However, it is important to work on pronunciation in addition to reading, otherwise the incorrectly “guessed” pronunciation of a particular word can annoy you for years later.

Listen to audiobooks when reading English

Learning English, in which the same combination of letters can be pronounced by a dozen different ways, it is very important to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of new words. We have already written about the format: when reading an English book, you listen to its audio version, voiced by native English speakers. Very convenient for learning pronunciation!

Books adapted for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of English (A2-C1)

Level A2 - pre-threshold level (waystage level, elementary level)

The Fisherman and His Soul

Oscar Wilde

Level: elementary
Genre: romantic fairy tale
Volume: OK. 30000 characters
English version: British

A poignant romantic tale about the mad love of a dolphin fisherman and a mermaid.


Bram Stoker

Level: elementary
Genre: mysticism, horror
Volume: OK. 50000 characters
English version: British

A chilling story of eternal love and eternal damnation: that's where all the modern vampire sagas come from.

The Million Pound Bank Note

Mark Twain

Level: elementary
Genre: adventures, humor
Volume: OK. 25000 characters
English version: American

Witty and instructive story about the adventures of a poor man with a million pound note in his pocket.

Mr. Bean is in town - Mr. Bean In Town

Level: elementary
Genre: humor
Volume: OK. 20000 characters
English version: British

Mr. Bean will always find adventures for his wild little head! The eccentric eccentric continues to surprise and make the reader laugh.

Level B1 - threshold or intermediate level

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde

Level: average
Genre: fiction
Volume: OK. 80000 characters
English version: British

What is more important, the beauty of the face or the beauty of the soul? An incredible story about a beautiful mask and the terrible essence of a person. Mr. Gray, weren't you the prototype for the hero of Fifty Shades of Gray?..

Appointment With Death

Agatha Christie

Level: average
Genre: detective
Volume: OK. 125000 characters
English version: British

Christie, Poirot, detective. A must read!

Forrest Gump

John Escott

Level: average
Genre: drama
Volume: OK. 45000 characters
English version: American

A book about a man whose fate makes you believe in the impossible.

Three Men In a Boat

Jerome K. Jerome

Level: average
Genre: humor
Volume: OK. 50000 characters
English version: British

Three cheerful friends decided to go on a trip. What came of it - read in the original.

Intermediate level of English (intermediate, B1-B2)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Level: average
Genre: drama
Volume: OK. 45000 characters
English version: American

A fantastic story about a man who “lived in reverse.” But you've probably already seen the movie?..

George Orwell

Level: average
Genre: prose
Volume: OK. 150000 characters
English version: British

A landmark work of English literature that should definitely be included in the reading arsenal of every modern person. So that you don’t have to blush in polite society.


Dewey Gram

Level: average
Genre: historical novel
Volume: OK. 100000 characters
English version: American

This book will tell about the difficult fate of the Roman gladiator. That's who had a really difficult job!

Four Weddings and a Funeral - Four Weddings and a Funeral

Richard Curtis

Level: average
Genre: romance, humor
Volume: OK. 100000 characters
English version: British

The best way to understand the culture of a people is to study their customs. A funny, touching, slightly frivolous book by Richard Curtis tells about the love between a British man and an American against the backdrop of four weddings and, alas, one funeral. Is there hope for a happy ending? Read about it for yourself.

B2 - intermediate-advanced level (vantage or upper intermediate)
