Fallout new vegas console commands quests. Fallout New Vegas: codes for ammo and weapons

In Fallout 3 you will become a survivor in a post-apocalyptic world. You must fight for survival while simultaneously moving along the storyline and completing tasks to save the world from another destruction. Of course, you can only use for this the tools that the developers have left for you on the surface, but do not forget about the existence of the console. After all, this is not something forbidden, it is a special debugging tool that the developers deliberately left in the game so that gamers could make detailed settings. Naturally, many people use the console for cheating, but in most cases console Fallout teams 3 are completely legal. In our article today we will look at them in more detail.

How to use?

Before you start learning the details of the Fallout 3 console commands, you need to understand how you can even call up and use the console in the game. So, it is called using a key called “tilde”. She looks like this - ~. If you're having any difficulty finding it, here's a little hint: on most keyboards you'll be able to find it on the top left, right below the Esc key. By default, this is the same key as the letter “е”, but it is not called that because it is not universal, because this letter is only in the Russian alphabet. And the tilde is everywhere, so its name is used. After pressing the key, a console will appear on the screen, consisting of an input line and a status screen. You will notice a flashing cursor in the input line. This means that you can enter Fallout 3 console commands there, which is how you can use the console in the game. Just remember that you need to call it in gameplay, and not in the pause menu.

Free camera

The first Fallout 3 we'll talk about will involve your character's camera. On game process they will not affect and are intended mainly so that you can take a better and more beautiful screenshot, well, or optimize the game screen to suit your needs. The first command you need to know is tfc. By default it has a value of 0, but you can change it to 1, and then your game will stop, and the camera will become free, and you can take screenshots from any angle or just look at your character.

Another useful command is tm, it enables or disables all extraneous icons on the screen (health indicators, ammo, mini-map, etc.). If you have free camera activated, then you can use the sucsm command, which will allow you to control the rotation speed of the camera. And fov gives you control over the camera's viewing angle. Now you see how useful console commands can be. You may not know everything about Fallout 3, but some of the commands are still worth learning, and which ones depend on what you want to achieve.


Some of the following console commands are considered codes for Fallout New Vegas (addition to Fallout 3) and directly to the third part itself. Why? The thing is that certain teams can give you an advantage in the game. This automatically makes them cheats. For example, a common command that could be classified as a cheat is player.additem. It needs to be written in a special way. After the command itself, you should first specify an identification number the item you want and then the quantity. If you add the combination healthpercent to it, you can get items that are not in the newest condition. Only you will need to indicate how much they are worn. In exactly the same way, you can remove items from your inventory using the player.removeitem command.

Regarding inventory, there is also one useful command that forces an item to be active - player.equipitem. It would seem, why is it needed? But it will come in handy if you encounter any bugs or glitches that prevent you from equipping the desired item.

Well, the last command you should remember is srm. It does possible repair item using caps rather than other items, which makes the gameplay much easier. As you can see, you can provide both codes for Fallout New Vegas and harmless console commands. Which one to use is up to you.


Naturally, you can view all the codes for Fallout New Vegas. Cheats and codes for this game can even be downloaded as ready-made files and configs, but you should not assume that console commands are so harmless and therefore useless. They can also help you a lot, depending on your goals. If you want to learn advanced handling of your character, then you need to start with the most important cheat - setessential. After it, you should enter the ID of a specific character and set the value to 1, which will make him immortal. There is also an interesting command player.placeleveledactoratme, which allows you to specify the identification number of any creature, which will allow you to clone it, and place the clone next to you - this way you can level up the hero much faster and collect dropped items and caps. And of course, don’t forget about the console teleport, which you can use absolutely free. Using the player.moveto command, you will enter the ID of a specific character and instantly move directly to him. As you can see, the codes for the game Fallout 3 are intelligently intertwined with regular commands, and you can choose what exactly you want to use.

Object Commands

It's time to pay attention to a modern, different type of command that requires the initial selection of an object in the Fallout 3 New Vegas game itself. Cheat codes for games, game walkthroughs can most often be offered by different people, but their essence remains the same. So if someone tells you to use these commands without an object, don't listen because you will just waste your time. So, if you click on the character, you can enter, for example, the command inv. This will allow you to see his inventory.

If you remember about the command that allows you to teleport to another character, then there is another one that works in the opposite way: moveto player is a command that moves the selected character towards you. The simplest one is kill, with its help you can instantly kill any character, but you should remember that some characters in the game are key to the storyline, and if you kill them, you will not be able to complete the game.

There are also commands that let you fix what you've done (or what evil monsters or bandits have done). The resethealth command allows you to fully restore a character's health, and resurrect allows you to resurrect him. Please note that you will not be able to resurrect yourself this way. Using the tdetect command, you can make a character invisible to others. You can do the same with your hero. And if you wish, you can use the tai command. Then all characters, creatures and other elements of the game controlled by artificial intelligence will stop moving and functioning. If you want the characters and monsters to continue moving, but not engage in combat with you, use the tcai command.

And of course, we can’t help but mention a couple of commands that are very often used for a variety of purposes - disable and enable. As you can easily guess, with their help you can turn off the selected object or selected character or turn it back on. Summary table of console commands Fallout games 3 most often brings this pair as a unit and suggests wide list examples of using both.


On a well-known site dedicated exclusively to this game, called fallout3.ru, cheat codes for the game Fallout 3 begin with the manipulation of various stats and skills, because most often people are looking for exactly this opportunity among all console commands. If you are also interested in the opportunity to increase your stats and improve your skills, then you need to remember a number of commands that will be very useful to you in this matter. The most basic one is player.getav, after which you need to indicate which parameter you want to receive. This will come true instantly.

If you already have a parameter indicator, then you can quickly upgrade it using the player.modav command, after which you now need to indicate not only the name of the parameter, but also the value by which you want to increase it. If you don’t want to waste time on trifles, then use the player.forceav command. It will allow you not to add a certain number of parameter points, but will simply set specific meaning for them.

As for perks, they can be added using the player.addperk command, and removed, respectively, using player.removeperk. However, this is not the end of the Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas console commands, which relate to the skills of your hero.

Further work with parameters

Each command in the game is unique in its own way, so you will need a lot of time to learn console commands, item IDs, monsters, characters and characteristics in Fallout 3. As for the latter, there is also a certain set of commands, which, if desired, can also be written as cheats that will allow you to have an even more serious impact on your skills. For example, you can speed up the leveling of your hero or slow it down. To do this you need to use the player.setscale command. If we relate to characteristics, for example, gender, then the player.sexchange command will be useful, which allows you to make a woman out of your male character and vice versa. As you understand, the gender can only be changed when you create a hero, after which it will no longer be possible to change it, only through the console. The same goes for your hero's name and race, appearance and so on. If you still decide to make changes, then use the shownamemenu and showracemenu commands. This will allow you to open the same menu windows in which you created your hero at the beginning of the game.

You can also increase your character's level using the player.advlevel command. IN in this case There is also a second method that allows you not to suffer, but simply set a specific level indicator for your hero - player.setlevel. There is also a useful little command called reward, with which you can influence skills, characteristics, and even levels indirectly. You can simply add karma and experience to your hero.

Well, the last thing worth mentioning in this section, are the movements of your hero. You can speed up the hero using the setgs fmoverunmult command, and also increase his jump height using setgs fjumpheightmin. Please note that these console commands for Fallout 3 New Vegas can be used at any time, and they are reversible, so you can change your character and game conditions as much as you like.


Another one important group commands in this game are responsible for the reputation that your hero has with various game factions. This command looks a little cumbersome. However, you will need to remember it if you want to use it. So, the command itself looks like this: addreputation. However, after this you will need to enter the identifier of the faction in question, then indicate with a numerical value what kind of reputation you want to earn from them - good or bad, and then indicate the number of reputation points that you want to credit yourself. If you just want to set a specific value, as you can do in many other cases, then you will need the setreputation command. There is nothing complicated here, everything is done the same as before, you just need to indicate not how much you are raising your reputation, but what kind final result you want to see.

Other manipulations

Naturally, it will be very difficult to describe all the teams, since there are incredibly many of them. There is a useful unlock command that opens any door, any lock, and so on. The same can be said about activate. You will use this command quite often if you decide to get serious about console gaming. Moreover, you can use setownership to take ownership of any item that comes your way. Nobody can oppose you.

As you can see, all you have to do is figure out how to get the Fallout console working, learn some commands, and an unlimited number of possibilities will open up before you. With commands you can even change the size of items, monsters and characters. Use the setscale combination for this. Also, do not forget about the set timescale to command, after which you need to specify the value of the speed of time. This can be useful in cases where, for example, you do not want it to get dark. Slow down time and always play during the day. Be careful, however, as excessively slowing down or speeding up time may cause the game to crash, so do so at your own discretion and at your own risk.

Other cheats

Well, by and large the main commands have already been described. Among them there were also those that affect not the gameplay, but, for example, the perception of the game, or they allow you to bypass bugs and glitches. In general, these are the commands that cannot be classified as cheats, but there are plenty of codes among them. You've already met many of them, but you should also pay attention to the last few that might interest everyone. One of the most important such commands is tgm. It is most likely the most used of all. The fact is that it makes your hero immortal, but does not stop there and also presents him with an infinite amount of ammunition for all types of weapons. In general, with this team you turn into a real killing machine. There are cheats for walking through walls (tcl), and for instantly completing quests (CompleteQuest), as well as many other things that may attract your attention during the game.

October 22, 2010 7615 0

To access the mode for using codes for Fallout New Vegas, press the "~" button on your keyboard. A console line will appear at the bottom right. At some resolutions it is not visible, but the codes are entered one way or another.

Basic codes for the game:

  • tgm- gives your character immortality.
  • tcl- Allows you to pass through walls. Useful if you are stuck somewhere and can't get out.
  • tmm 1— shows all locations on the map
  • tmm 0— removes all locations from the map
  • advlevel— adds 1 level. But be careful - don't make it so that you have extra experience points, otherwise you won't be able to continue the game.
  • getXPfornextlevel- provides experience that is not enough to reach a new level. Be careful as with the previous code.
  • addspecialpoints x- gives x attribute points. Be careful with scoring here. The game may not continue either.
  • showracemenu- allows you to enable a menu where you can customize your face, hair color and hairstyle, and select your gender.
  • kill- kills the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
  • tfow— displays and hides everything on the area map.
  • movetoqt— teleports the hero to the goal of the current quest. Be careful - some quests do not work with this code.
  • resurrect- resurrects the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
  • agerace x— changes the age of the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
  • player.agerace x- the same thing, but for yourself.
  • SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1— allows you to wear power armor without learning the corresponding perk.
  • SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 0— removes the ability to wear power armor.
  • tsb x— stains the screen with blood (instead of x, put a positive number, the larger it is, the more blood);
  • fov x— changes the viewing angle (x=1...180);
  • set timescale to x- changes the speed of time. The larger x is, the faster day follows night, and night follows day. From about 500,000 the disco starts.
  • player.modScale 1 or -1 - makes you a giant or returns you to normal height.
  • ShowNameMenu- the ability to change your name.
  • setgs fJumpHeightMin x— sets the jump height to x (default x=64). If you're going to jump high, don't forget to turn on immortality.
  • setgs fMoveRunMult x— changes running speed (by default x=4).
  • SetScale x— changes the size of any item or hero under the cursor (x=-10...10, default x=1).
  • tcai— enemies stand in a column and do not attack.
  • tai- disables artificial intelligence at the NPC.
  • sexchange male or female- makes the protagonist male or female.
  • Killall— kills everything living and robotic in the current location. If you use the code directly on the Capital Wasteland, there will not be a single living soul left on it.
  • EnablePlayerControls— allows you to move during story scenes.
  • disableallmines— clears all mines in the game.
  • player.modav actionpoints x— changes the maximum action points by x (V.A.T.S.).
  • player.modav carryweight x— changes the maximum carried weight by x.
  • Removeallitems— removes all items from the character under the cursor.
  • rewardKarma x- gives or subtracts x karma points (-1000<х<1000).
  • setgs iMaxCharacterLevel x— sets x to the maximum possible level that can be achieved by honest work. We do not recommend setting it more than 45-50, otherwise you will upgrade everything and will not be able to exit the menu for distributing ability points.
  • tfc— free movement of the camera (the hero cannot be controlled in this mode).
  • tm— hides/shows the interface.
  • unlock— unlocks locked doors, boxes, safes under the cursor.
  • lock x- locks the door to x level (where x is from 1 to 100).
  • activate— opens doors under the cursor, which are unlocked using buttons and switches (that is, not keys or master keys).
  • Player.SetWeaponHealthPerc 100- repairs weapons.

If you love role-playing games, as well as post-apocalyptic themes, then you should definitely play all the games in the Fallout series. This is a classic of the genre that will allow you to get maximum pleasure, achieve the best immersion in the exciting story of the protagonist who can save humanity, while solving less. The world of Fallout is a desolate and scary place where you will have to fight for survival with all your might, because There are only enemies all around. And sometimes this is not so easy to do - there are no good weapons at hand, ammo is constantly running out, and so you have to replay entire sections of the game over and over again. Codes for ammo and weapons will help you change the situation in the game Fallout: New Vegas. However, you will have to learn how to use them first.

Codes in computer games

If you want to know how to enter ammo codes and other cheats in Fallout: New Vegas, then you first need to get an idea of ​​what you're up against. What are codes for computer games? These are special commands that allow you to get certain items, abilities, and also change many other features of the game so that it is easier for you to complete it. However, please note that using codes is not legal. Naturally, no one will punish you for cheating, but in this case you are unlikely to be able to find your results in the record tables, you will not receive any achievements, and the pleasure from the gameplay will be much less. Therefore, you need to first think about whether you need cheats, and then use them. Now you have a general understanding of cheats, so you can move on to more specific questions regarding the game Fallout: New Vegas. Codes for ammo and weapons are what interests you the most at the moment, so that's what you need to focus on.

Entering codes in the game

So, now you are ready to learn all the secrets of cheating in Fallout: New Vegas. Ammo codes on their own, however, won't do you any good. The first thing you need to know is how to enter cheats in the game. Most computer games have their own separate menu for entering codes. However, this project is a little different from the others, because here you have to call the console into which you will write your cheats in the format. Therefore, here it will not be enough for you to simply enter a set of characters and press “Enter” - such codes require greater accuracy, their own syntax . Often you will need to specify the number of items, duration of validity, location of the code activation, and much more. On the one hand, these are unnecessary difficulties, but on the other hand, it is a much more flexible system that allows you to influence the maximum number of areas of the Fallout: New Vegas game. There is no code for cartridges as such - but how can you get them then?

Code for receiving items

As mentioned above, in the game Fallout: New Vegas, the code for cartridges is registered only on an individual basis, just like the code for weapons or armor. The whole point is that there is one general code that you can use to get various items. It looks quite simple - player.additem, accordingly, it sends the command to the game that it needs to give the player a certain item that exists in the game. But how will the items that should be given to the player in Fallout: New Vegas be determined? Codes for weapons and ammunition promise you any number of necessary guns and shells for them. But how can all this be achieved?

Item IDs

Now that you know the command that will allow you to add items to your inventory, comes the tricky part. In Fallout: New Vegas, cheat codes for cartridges all look completely different - there is not a single non-unique cheat. This is due to the fact that in order to obtain ammo, weapons, or anything else, you need to use that item. Thus, you write the command described above, and then add the identifier of the desired item to it. It turns out that to get one gun you will need one cheat, and to get another - a completely different one. Naturally, the main text part of it will remain the same, but the identifier will completely change. So, if you wanted a code for endless ammo in Fallout: New Vegas, you will be disappointed - it is simply impossible to make this a reality here. But you can specify any number of items.

Number of items

So, you know that to introduce cheats you need to call the console, then write a command in it, add an identifier that will determine which item you need - but that's not all. The point is that you can specify exactly the number of items you need. That is, you can get a hundred guns to use one and sell the rest. There is no way to enter a cheat for endless ammo. You can create huge ammo for your weapons by using large numbers for the ammo code. In general, as you can see, there is always a way out.

Lists of identifiers

Now the most difficult moment has come - you know exactly how to enter the code for cartridges, weapons and other items. But at the same time, you must understand that in this game there are hundreds and even thousands of different objects with which you can interact. Naturally, no one can know all the identifiers for each item by heart, so you need to download a special reference book. There you can find themed lists of ID numbers for a given game. Now all you have to do is select the desired IDs from the list, insert them into your cheat, indicate the number of items and enjoy unlimited power and enormous possibilities.

Of course, it is recommended to remember a basic set of cheats that may be useful to you more often than others. For example, you can remember the ammo ID for the gun you use most often, so you don't have to go through the list every time you run out of ammo. To get the laser you need code 000E07D1. To get a flamethrower, you need to enter 00039550, and for a plasma gun - 0003954F. As for ammo, you will need the code 00160c41 to get it for the Magnum revolver. You will receive grenades for the grenade launcher using the code 00096c40, and electronic charges for the laser by entering 0006b53e. That's the whole not-so-complicated process of introducing cheats in the Fallout game. Now you will have the richest arsenal, which will never run out of ammo.

Hello, Igrozor! I managed to notice that the topic of codes, cheats and passwords has not yet been touched upon, therefore, I will cut the red ribbon with a combined list of codes for Fallout 3 And Fallout New Vegas.

To enable code usage mode in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, press the "~" key on your keyboard. A console line will appear at the bottom. At some resolutions it is not visible, but the codes will be entered one way or another, or change the screen mode to windowed.

Basic passwords for the game:

Are common:
tgm- invulnerability and endless ammo.
tcl- mode of walking through walls (flight mode).
tmm 1- shows all locations on the map.
tmm 0- removes all locations from the map.
tfc- free movement of the camera (the character cannot be controlled in this mode).
tfow- displays and hides everything on the area map.
help- displays a list of console commands.
tdt- on/off Debug information mode.
tm- hides/shows the interface.
coc NAME- teleport to a name or place.
enableplayercontrols- allows you to move during story scenes.
tsb x- stains the screen with blood (instead of x, put a number, the larger it is, the more blood).
fov x- changes the viewing angle (x=1...180).
save save name- save the current game with a description.
save save name 1- save the current game with a description and an output .txt file with information about the game.
load save name- load the game from a previous save.
qqq– Quick exit from the game.
To adjust your character's attributes and skills, use the code player.setav x y- where x is the name of the attribute or skill, and y is its desired value.
For example: player.setav strength 10- will set the strength value to 10.
Attribute names:
strength - strength
perception - perception
endurance - endurance
charisma - charisma
intelligence - intelligence
agility - dexterity
luck - luck
Skill names:
barter - Barter
unarmed - Without weapons
lockpick - Hacking
explosives - Explosives
survival - survival
speech - Eloquence
medicine - Medicine
science - Science
guns - Weapons
smallguns - Light weapons
repair - Repair
sneak - Stealth
meleeweapons - Melee weapons
energyweapons - Energy weapons
bigguns - Heavy weapons

player.setlevel- set the level of your character.
advlevel- adds 1 level to your character. Be careful, don't make it so that you have extra experience points, otherwise you won't be able to continue the game.
advSkill- add skill points.
addtagskills- adds the specified amount of Tag Skill Points.
settagskills- adds the number of skill points.
addspecialpoints x- gives x attribute points. Be careful with scoring, the game may not continue.
setspecialpoints- indicate the number of points for basic statistics.
rewardkarma x- gives or subtracts x karma points (-1000<х<1000).
getxpfornextlevel- provides experience that is not enough to reach a new level. Be careful with gaining experience, the game may not continue.

tdetect- turns on/off the ability to detect the player character by other NPC characters.
kill- kills the selected NPC. To do this, you need to select the desired character in the console by pointing at him with the left mouse button (an inscription will appear at the top of the screen). Immortal characters, as they should, faint.
killall- kills everyone in the current location. If you use the code in the wasteland, then there will be no survivors left on it.
tai- disables artificial intelligence for NPCs.
tcai- enemy characters stand in one place and do not attack.
resurrect- resurrects the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
removeallitems- removes all items from the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
agerace x- changes the age of the character you selected in the console menu by pointing at him with the left mouse button.
sexchange male or female- makes the character a man or a woman.
setscale x- changes the size of any object or hero? which you selected in the console menu by pointing at it with the left mouse button (x=-10...10, by default x=1).
resethealth- will restore the character's health.
player.resethealth- restores your character's health.
caqs- complete all parts of the quest (everything in general).
completequest- complete the current (active) task (quest).
movetoqt- teleports the hero to the goal of the current quest. Be careful, some quests do not work with this code.
shownamemenu- ability to change your character's name (opens a menu for changing the character's name).
showracemenu- allows you to enable a menu in which you can customize the character's face, hair color and hairstyle, as well as change the gender.
player.agerace x- changes the age of your character.
player.modscale 1 or -1- makes you a giant or returns you to normal height.
player.setscale x- set character height to x (default - 1.0).
setgs fjumpheightmin x- sets the jump height to x (default x=64). If you're going to jump high, don't forget to turn on immortality. :)
player.sexchange- changing the character's gender.
setgs fMoverunmult x- changes running speed (by default x=4). Note: If the running speed is not changing in the current game, try crouching and standing up.
player.modav actionpoints x- changes the maximum action points by x (V.A.T.S.).
player.modav carryweight x- changes the maximum carried weight by x.
setgs imaxcharacterlevel x- sets x to the maximum possible level that can be achieved by honest work. It is not recommended to set it more than 45-50, otherwise you will upgrade everything and will not be able to exit the menu for distributing ability points.
set timescale to x- changes the speed of time. The larger x is, the faster day follows night, and night follows day.
unlock- opens the specified door or container that you selected in the console menu by pointing at it with the left mouse button.
lock 0-9- locks the specified door or container (a number from 1 to 100, indicates the difficulty level of the lock), which you selected in the console menu by pointing at it with the left mouse button.
activate- opens doors that are unlocked using buttons and switches (that is, not keys or master keys). In the console menu, point to the door with the left mouse button.
disableallmines- clears all mines in the game.
setownership- make an object yours (for example, a closet, a bed, a weapon).
setpccanusepowerarmor 1-0- the ability to use power armor (Power Armor), 1-enable, 0-disable.
player.additem 000000F x- get the specified number of caps (x - value).
Player.SetWeaponHealthPerc 100- repairs your weapon.

coc testqaitems(only works in Fallout 3) - takes you to a room with all the items that are in the game (they are put in mailboxes). To get out of here, dial the code:
coc megatoncommonhouse. (Attention, do not take: rolling pin, Tiny Killer knife, Tiny Killer mask. Otherwise, you won’t be able to change weapons).

player.additem xxxxxxxx 0-9- Adds the specified item and the specified quantity to the character’s inventory (xxxxxxxx is the item code, 0-9 is the quantity).

Basic item codes for Fallout New Vegas:
"Shish-kebab" - 0000434e
Thermal spear - 0015c881
Super sledgehammer - 00004352
Throwing spear - 0014d2ac
"Nahrap" - 00155e6d
Ballistic Fist - 0015ba03
“Knock-knock” - 00156f7c

“The same one” - 00133058 (cartridges 0140a9f)
12.7 mm pistol - 0008f213 (001429cf cartridges)
Ranger's Sequoia - 00129a44 (cartridges 0013e43d)

12.7 mm submachine gun - 001429d1 (cartridges 001429cf)

Police shotgun - 0008ed0a (0008ecf5)
Hunting shotgun - 0008ed0b (0008ecf5)

Pathfinder Carbine - 000cd539 (ammo 0013e437)
Bear gun - 00121148 (cartridges 00121133)
Large-caliber sniper rifle - 0008f21c (0008ecff cartridges)
Sniper rifle - 00004353 (ammo 0006b53c)

Light machine gun - 000906df (ammo 00004240)

Plasma Defender - 00090727 (ammo 00020772)
Alien blaster - 00004322 (ammo 00029364)
AER14 prototype - 001479b3 (cartridges 00004485)
Gauss rifle - 0015837b (ammo 00004485)
YCS/186 - 0015b38d (cartridges 00004485)

Flamethrower - 0000432d (ammo 00029371)
Gatling laser - 0000432e (0006b53e cartridges)
Plazmoliv - 000906cf (cartridges 00004485)
Tesla gun - 000e2bec (cartridges 0006b53e)

"Fat Man" - 0000432c (cartridges 00020799)
Multi-charge 40 mm grenade launcher - 0007ea25 (0007ea26 cartridges)
"Annabelle" - 00162019 (cartridges 00029383)

Holy Frag Grenade - 0014ea5a
Time bomb - 0013d534

Spacesuit - 000ce552
Chinese stealth armor - 0015fd5c
Vault 34 Security Armor - 00138dc2
Reconnaissance armor - 0003064d
Combat armor, enhanced "Mark 2" - 0015ef66
Power armor T-45d - 00014e13
T-51b power armor - 000a6f77
Power armor of the Remainers - 00133166

That's all. I hope the list of codes and passwords for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas will be useful to you.
