Why do you dream of numbers in a dream - interpretations from various dream books. Adventure and change. Tell me what you dreamed about

A dream in which you heard some numbers warns you of good or bad things. Such a dream can predict a huge win, receiving money. The more numbers you hear in a dream, the more money you will receive in reality. Try to also remember these numbers, as they can also mean in how many days, weeks, months, or years an important event awaits you. Seeing many different numbers in a dream portends anxiety and troubles.

Seeing zero or zeros in a dream means that you are haunted by empty hopes and worries. After such a dream, do not count on success in business. The more zeros you see in a dream, the longer your torment and state of uncertainty will be.

One in a dream is a sign of loneliness, solitude, or the uniqueness of a given object or phenomenon.

A deuce in a dream means duality, two-facedness, deceit or self-deception. But sometimes a two can mean a couple.

Troika - lucky number, the number of Divine Providence. Such a dream often foreshadows the fulfillment of a wish.

A number of four in a dream foretells change, renewal, provided that you do not sit idly by.

Five in a dream is a sign of adventurism, a penchant for risky undertakings. After such a dream, beware of gambling or entering into risky transactions, as they are doomed to failure and threaten you with danger.

Six in a dream is a sign of great love that will influence your destiny.

But three sixes in a dream, as in the Bible, are a harbinger big trouble, danger warning, number of the devil.

A seven or talking about seven objects, days, etc. in a dream foretells happiness or means that your trip will be successful.

Eight in a dream warns you of the upcoming trials that fate has in store for you, and indicates that you can achieve success at the cost of personal happiness.

Nine in a dream indicates intemperance and temperament of your character, which is fraught with bad consequences.

The number ten in a dream is a sign of the completion of some matter, the correctness of the decision you made.

The number eleven in a dream foretells success, despite numerous obstacles and dangers.

The number twelve in a dream means the vicissitudes of fate.

The number thirteen in a dream is a sign of destruction, collapse, failure, for which you will have no one to blame but yourself.

The number fourteen in a dream foretells natural disasters.

The number fifteen in a dream indicates your extraordinary abilities, thanks to which you can achieve success.

The number sixteen in a dream warns you of a possible accident and a real danger to life.

The number seventeen in a dream is a sign of harmony of feelings and the ability to foresee the future.

The number eighteen in a dream warns you of possible quarrels, squabbles and scandals.

The number nineteen in a dream means that fortune will not leave you. Such a dream often indicates that some brilliant idea will dawn on you, and if you implement it, you will achieve amazing success.

The number twenty in a dream indicates a bad influence that someone has on you. Such a dream usually warns of the need for strict self-control and giving up bad habits.

The number twenty-one in a dream indicates that you will achieve your goals, but provided that you do not take risks or rush.

The number twenty-two in a dream warns you that you have your head in the clouds and do not want to reckon with reality.

A thousand in a dream means the same as one and indicates that your loneliness will last for a long time.

If in a dream you cannot see a number or numbers, then expect trouble or a stop in business. Try to understand why the failure occurred. Without this, you will not be able to succeed in life.

Doing arithmetic with numbers in a dream means that you have to make an important decision. If you dream that you are making calculations using a computer, then your partners or friends will provide you with serious support. After such a dream, you can count on great success. An error in calculations in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business due to one’s own carelessness. See interpretation: arithmetic, error.

Counting something in a dream is always a sign of anxiety associated with material difficulties. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you are trying to find out the reasons for your failures. If in a dream you got the right result, then in life you will be able to correct your mistakes and achieve success. See interpretation: count.

Losing count in a dream means that you do not have enough patience to finish what you started. The dream indicates that your haste and laziness are preventing you from realizing your intentions.

If in a dream you hear information about a quantitative ratio (like two to one, five to one, etc.), then such a dream indicates what are your chances of success in some business (or of fulfilling a cherished desire). See interpretation: interest.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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The most important and interesting on the topic: “Seeing the number 7 in a dream” with a full description.

Why do you dream about the number 7? The dream book gives this symbol not only favorable, but sometimes even mystical meaning. Such a vision in a dream promises success in business, at work, marital happiness, and even winning the lottery.

Successful business, fulfillment of desires

The dream book considers the number 7 to be a very favorable omen. It portends success in business and achieving goals. Coming good period to introduce new projects and implement plans. Even if there are shortcomings, circumstances will develop in such a way as to smooth them out.

Dreaming of seven also promises fulfillment of desires. And if it was multi-colored or shone with a bright light, the meaning of the dream intensifies many times over.

Seeing her while at work in a dream promises the dreamer the making of successful transactions or a profitable business partnership.

Magic note

Why do you dream about the number 7? This sacred number symbolizes secrets, riddles, magic, so the dream book promises mysterious incidents that will soon occur. Perhaps they will be painted with some kind of magical flair.

This omen is especially strong if you saw 777 in a dream - your ability to anticipate important events or predict their outcome will be most fully manifested.

You are waiting for a promotion at work

Also, 777 is a very lucky number, foreshadowing good luck in business and personal life. After such a vision, you can safely implement even the most unrealistic plans - they will definitely come true.

Why do you dream about the number 7 before an important event? The dream book suggests: this is an indication of a successful completion of the upcoming event for the sleeping person.

Several sevens in a dream in a work environment are a harbinger of a successful initiative or promotion up the career ladder. The bosses will appreciate the sleeping person’s abilities and, at the first opportunity, either increase his salary or promote him.

Well-being, harmony of relationships

Often seven is interpreted as the personification of family. Therefore, seeing her means family happiness. A large number 7 in a dream symbolizes well-being family life, mutual understanding between spouses. Small - excitement, anxiety of spouses about each other.

If you dreamed of seven people at one table, the dream book explains: your family will be very strong, almost ideal. All family members will trust, love, and help each other.

Why do many sevens dream? This portends friendship and good relations with many married couples.

Other dream details

The interpretation of the dream also takes into account how many sevens you dreamed about:

  • one is a rich inner life;
  • two - strengthening good omens;
  • three - it is possible to win the lottery;
  • a lot - successful completion of postponed complex cases;
  • one, but several times in a row - emphasis on the need to take some action.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Seeing numbers in a dream often means: the dreamer is overstraining his brain, so he may make a mistake. However, the number 7, with its favorable meaning, softens this interpretation and gives the dream a positive meaning: a person, with effort and ingenuity, will achieve good results.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Number 7 in a dream?

Number 7 – family happiness. The big number 7 means a happy family, the small number means the spouses are worried about each other. In the office space - successful deals or business in which the whole family is involved. Many sevens - the friendship of several married couples. Seven people at one table are an ideal family.

Why do you dream about Number 7?

Number 7 is a magic number, a sign of mystery, riddles, it means perfection, ideal. In a dream it is deciphered as a mysterious sign, a decisive magic number. You need to observe whether otherworldly forces are interfering in your life. The number 7 in a dream also means a completed cycle, summing up (God took 7 days to create the Earth). Number 7 means that you need to reconsider what is desirable and feasible.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

In addition, what you see means will be indicated by the dream layout according to Lenormand. And it will help you understand what you dreamed even more accurately. moon calendar dreams


Post your dream in the comments, and our expert interpreters may be able to figure out why you dream about Number 7 in your dreams.

Tell me what you dreamed about:

The text should describe in detail the content of the dream. The impressions, emotions and thoughts of the sleeper at the moment of sleep are important. You need to describe what you dreamed about in Russian. Irregularities in spelling and spelling are not welcome. To obtain free interpretation sleep, find out why Number 7 is dreamed of - it is advisable to interest our readers and experts in your dream.

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It's no secret that in a dream we can see anything - and positive images, and negative. Also, our dreams often contain signs whose meaning is almost impossible to interpret. What if you dreamed of numbers in one form or another? How to interpret such a night vision? Does it promise the need to be more careful with money, to constantly count? Or are there other meanings? So, today we propose to find out together what the numbers in our dreams promise us. The most famous and trustworthy dream books available today will help us interpret the meaning of visions with such images.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

First, let’s find out the opinion of a famous American esotericist about the meaning of numbers in dreams. So, according to Miller, such a dream promises health problems and mental fatigue. In addition, this vision calls on the sleeper to be more careful in his actions and words, since there is a high risk of failure of a big business.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

According to information from this source, seeing or writing numbers means good luck in business. If you managed to remember a series of numbers from your dream, then write them down. IN real life, perhaps they will bring victory in the lottery or roulette. But the number 9 in a dream is considered a good sign. This image promises winning the lottery or another kind of luck.

Intimate dream book

Let's find out more options for interpretation of why a person sees numbers in a dream. The compilers of this collection associate the meaning of such a vision with gender relations. So, such a dream can serve as a reflection of your personal life and internal needs. Numbers repeated in dreams are a kind of code for the subconscious of the sleeper. They are able to point you to your immediate goals and tell you how to achieve them. Let's look at the meaning of each digit:

  • 1 – you are not confident in your partner, and this greatly spoils your life, preventing you from being happy;
  • 2 – you suspect your loved one of lying or even cheating;
  • 3 – in your dreams you have long seen yourself as the legal spouse of your current partner;
  • 4 – your personal life weighs on you, try to add variety to it;
  • 5 – subconsciously you would like to achieve new sexual victories;
  • the number 6 in a dream indicates that in real life your relationship with your loved one is calm and prosperous;
  • 7 – a stranger has already attracted or will soon attract your attention;
  • 8 – your sexual dissatisfaction can result in aggression towards others, and also lead to a serious quarrel with your loved one;
  • 9 – your main goal is to achieve harmony in your relationship with your partner.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Let's find out what numbers mean in dreams, according to the authors of this collection. Thus, they believe that numbers do not carry any specific information, but act as a mechanical repetition of some calculations, as well as a reflection of the worries and confusion in the head of the sleeper. Most often, such a vision indicates overwork. Sometimes numbers in a dream can be considered a quantitative measure of something, and can also be correlated with certain dates. Let's consider several meanings of the numbers given in this dream book:

  • 0 - a wasted idea, a failure, in a word, nothing will come of your plans;
  • 1 – loneliness;
  • 2 – a dual meaning of something; students can get a bad mark on the exam; this number also symbolizes the need for choice.
  • 3 – love triangle, mediocrity;
  • 5 – mark “excellent”, recognition of your merits;
  • 6 – endure humiliation;
  • 7 – gain a sense of integrity;
  • 8 – invulnerability, infinity;
  • 9 – cyclicality of any events, pregnancy for women;
  • 10 – success;
  • 13 – fail, perhaps some events in your life will be the consequence of someone’s magical manipulations;
  • 666 is, as you know, the number of the devil, which does not bode well;
  • big, multi-digit numbers promise the dreamer the acquisition of wealth, various large purchases, as well as unforgettable impressions.

Modern dream book

According to the interpretation from this source, seeing numbers in a dream means possible mental fatigue, which will increase the likelihood of making mistakes. There is also a risk of incurring losses if you do not carefully consider your every word and action.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you see numbers in a dream? This source answers this question as follows:

  • 0 is a sign of frustration and failure. Also, such a figure can be a harbinger of the dreamer’s appearance constant feeling irritability.
  • 1 is a symbol of recognition of the sleeping person by society. There will be some minor difficulties along the way, but you will be able to overcome them without any problems.
  • 2 - a harbinger of gossip and slander directed at you.
  • 3 – a sign promising quick resolution complex issue or a confusing situation.
  • 4 - a harbinger of doing some unpromising and meaningless things.
  • 5 – you will be able to defend the truth and your rightness in a difficult dispute.
  • 6 is a sign of deception, duplicity, cunning. Having seen such a number in a dream, in real life you should exercise maximum vigilance and caution.
  • 7 – lucky sign well-being, success and stability.
  • 8 is a symbol of uncertainty; some situation or problem will remain, as they say, in limbo for a long time.
  • 9 is a sign promising the possibility of a big win in a very risky game. You may have to go all in to succeed.

Russian dream book

This source advises remembering numbers whenever possible, especially if it is a dream from Saturday to Sunday. Its meaning is quite easy to determine. So, numbers usually show the number of days before some event. If overall the vision in the dream was pleasant, then the event will be positive. If you didn’t like something in your dreams, then something not very good will happen in real life.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Why do you dream about numbers? If you dreamed at night that you were writing numbers, then in real life you are a person who is accustomed to systematizing everything. Perhaps you could even be called a pedant. A dream in which you make some calculations foreshadows the imminent need for a difficult choice that will radically change your life. Therefore, there is no need to rush. Think it over carefully. If you are not sure, then do not hesitate to seek help from a person you trust. A dream in which you erase numbers written in chalk on a blackboard suggests that you will soon have to make every effort to get rid of the consequences of recently committed rash actions. It will be possible to do this. However, learn from this and try not to repeat similar mistakes in the future, since luck will not always be so favorable.

Why do you dream of numbers that you find in the text while reading a book? Such a vision promises a surprise, for which you need to prove yourself. Perhaps you will be offered a job that you have long dreamed of. However, to get a vacancy, you will need to show all your talents and abilities.

What do the numbers seen in a dream mean, made of some durable material? Such a vision warns that soon your life principles will be subjected to a test that they will be able to withstand. But if the numbers you dreamed of were made of some fragile materials (cotton wool, fabric, etc.), then you will have to give up your principles. Moreover, this will happen not because circumstances will be stronger than you, but because of your own cowardice and spinelessness.

Hearing numbers in a dream or seeing someone writing them is a sign of admiration for one of your friends. However, be careful. After all, admiration can quickly develop into feelings of envy, which can destroy friendships.

Esoteric dream book

The compilers of this collection claim that if you see even numbers, then good luck awaits you. Odd numbers indicate that the plan is not destined to come true, so it makes sense to abandon the idea so as not to waste precious time on it.

A collection of tips received in a dream

Why do you dream of numbers in a dream, according to information from this source? Thus, the compilers of the collection argue that such dreams make sense in two cases: if during have an interesting dream some numbers stuck in your memory or if you paid attention to the number of people or objects in your vision. Let's look at how this dream book interprets individual figures and numbers:

  • 1 is a symbol of self-sufficiency. So, if you see an object in a dream in the singular, then its meaning will be much stronger than if there are several objects.
  • 2 – a sign of completion of the action. It is also a symbol of stillness and balance. For example, two identical flowers promise a fading of feelings, a pair of identical coins indicates that your well-being will not change in the near future, etc.
  • 3 is a symbol of friendship, cooperation, interaction.
  • 4 – sign of freedom of action. What does such a dream mean from Saturday to Sunday? The meaning of this vision is that you will have complete freedom of action. However, you may not be ready for it, so you will be left with a feeling of uncertainty.
  • 5 is a sign symbolizing the apogee. For example, five beautiful red apples promise maximum success.
  • 6 is a symbol of intemperance in feelings and emotions.
  • voters: 7

Why do you dream about the number 7? The dream book gives this symbol not only favorable, but sometimes even mystical meaning. Such a vision in a dream promises success in business, at work, marital happiness, and even winning the lottery.

Successful business, fulfillment of desires

The dream book considers the number 7 to be a very favorable omen. It portends success in business and achieving goals. This is a good period for introducing new projects and implementing plans. Even if there are shortcomings, circumstances will develop in such a way as to smooth them out.

Dreaming of seven also promises fulfillment of desires. And if it was multi-colored or shone with a bright light, the meaning of the dream intensifies many times over.

Seeing her while at work in a dream promises the dreamer the making of successful transactions or a profitable business partnership.

Magic note

Why do you dream about the number 7? This sacred number symbolizes secrets, riddles, magic, so the dream book promises mysterious incidents that will soon occur. Perhaps they will be painted with some kind of magical flair.

This omen is especially strong if you saw 777 in a dream - your ability to anticipate important events or predict their outcome will be most fully manifested.

You are waiting for a promotion at work

Also, 777 is a very lucky number, foreshadowing good luck in business and personal life. After such a vision, you can safely implement even the most unrealistic plans - they will definitely come true.

Why do you dream about the number 7 before an important event? The dream book suggests: this is an indication of a successful completion of the upcoming event for the sleeping person.

Several sevens in a dream in a work environment are a harbinger of a successful initiative or promotion up the career ladder. The bosses will appreciate the sleeping person’s abilities and, at the first opportunity, either increase his salary or promote him.

Well-being, harmony of relationships

Often seven is interpreted as the personification of family. Therefore, seeing her means family happiness. A large number 7 in a dream symbolizes the well-being of family life and mutual understanding between spouses. Small - excitement, anxiety of spouses about each other.

If you dreamed of seven people at one table, the dream book explains: your family will be very strong, almost ideal. All family members will trust, love, and help each other.

Why do many sevens dream? This portends friendship and good relations with many married couples.

Other dream details

The interpretation of the dream also takes into account how many sevens you dreamed about:

  • one is a rich inner life;
  • two - strengthening good omens;
  • three - it is possible to win the lottery;
  • a lot - successful completion of postponed complex cases;
  • one, but several times in a row - emphasis on the need to take some action.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Seeing numbers in a dream often means: the dreamer is overstraining his brain, so he may make a mistake. However, the number 7, with its favorable meaning, softens this interpretation and gives the dream a positive meaning: a person, with effort and ingenuity, will achieve good results.

Find out what numbers mean in dreams - don’t miss the opportunity to get a hint from higher powers. Perhaps these dreams mean important dates or numbers, or maybe they just signal fatigue.

In the article:

Why do you dream about numbers - important signs of fate

When asked what numbers mean in dreams, Eastern dream book answers like this - higher powers are sending you a sign that cannot be ignored. Most likely they mean an important date for you. Think about the question you most often asked yourself in Lately. Perhaps you are expecting profit or hoping for failure to end? If what you see looks more like a date, most likely this is the “hour X” you are expecting.

According to the same dream book, the numbers can mean the length of the life period that is currently observed.
In addition, they can point to another important information. For example, you could see successful lottery ticket numbers or the office number of the institution where you will receive help. Listen to yourself, and you will understand these signs of fate - no interpreter will do this better than you.

The numbers are quite difficult to interpret. In order to understand their meaning, remember what you thought about before going to bed. If you previously asked questions to higher powers through meditation, or in other ways, this is how you could get an answer. The answers of higher powers are rarely simple and understandable; you almost always have to puzzle over them. This convinces your patrons that you are worthy of receiving their tips. They especially like to give clues in numbers. There is even a separate esoteric discipline -.

If you often see numbers in your dreams, dream books recommend memorizing them. You need to pay attention to such dreams, otherwise you will miss important events or gifts of fate. However, numbers can also mean tests - their dates, duration and much more.

Writing or hearing numbers in a dream - dream books of different authors

Why do you dream about numbers if you write them down? By To the newest dream book , they indicate awakening magical abilities. If you take dictation, remember who dictated them - that's who your teacher will be. The appearance of a teacher often depends on the student - perhaps the meaning of the dream suggests searching for him. But he can also warn about the teacher’s arrival - as you know, he appears when the student is ready for it.

By Longo's dream book writing down numbers in a dream means that in reality the person is a pedant. Your love of organizing information seriously interferes with your relationships with others. In order to improve the situation, try to break away from this habit at least for a while and listen to the opinions of loved ones.

If you are not just writing down numbers, but doing some calculations, the dream suggests that soon you will have to seriously think about making an important decision. Your choice will be able to change your life - for the worse or better side

. The dream recommends not to rush into making a decision. It may make sense to seek advice from someone knowledgeable.

If you erase the written numbers, the dream warns that in the near future you will have to get rid of the consequences of your actions. How easy it will be to do this depends on how easy it was to erase the numbers in the dream. If the numbers remain visible despite attempts to erase them, the consequences of your actions cannot be completely eliminated. If you observe numbers being written down, this portends admiration or envy towards someone from your environment. If you remember the person who wrote the numbers in your dream, we are talking about him. Try to avoid envy towards his achievements, leaving only positive emotions

to maintain friendship. Hearing numbers in a dream - good sign

, if the voice was pleasant. An unpleasant voice reading out numbers warns of negative events. With a high probability, the events that the dream predicts will be associated with the numbers heard. Perhaps it is a time, a date, a quantity of something, or something else.

By Numbers in a dream as a sign of fatigue Family dream book the meaning of numbers in a dream is a sign of extreme fatigue. It can influence your behavior. You may fail an important meeting or disrupt an event that has great value

. Dreams warn you that before taking on an important task, you need to give yourself some rest. recommends checking all the things you did in a state of mental fatigue. Most likely you made a mistake. Remember this mistake and don't make it again.

In addition, the numbers may portend an emergency period that will seriously tire you. This is a warning dream that you saw for a reason. Higher powers have decided to give you time to prepare for difficulties. Try to settle all matters that will distract you from solving problems.

The meaning of numbers according to different dream books

By Dream interpreter D.N. Ushakova, each number seen in a dream has its own meaning. A one foreshadows the company of people, a two - gossip, a three - a conversation about business. The number 4 indicates efforts that will be in vain, 5 indicates an argument. If you saw the number 6 or any other higher number in a dream, this is a sign of deception.

IN dream book of Peter Leiman numbers have a different meaning. They are reflections of future events or expressions of desires that come from the subconscious of the sleeper. The meaning of numbers in a dream according to Leiman is as follows:

0 - emptiness, absence.

1 - flexibility and mobility.

2 - understanding and submission to fate.

3 - joy and creative enthusiasm.

4 - stability.

5 - change. Why do you dream about the number 5? Either to major changes, or this dream means a desire to change something.

6 - the need to make a choice, as well as guidance or advice from higher powers.

7 - manual.

8 - balance and harmony.

9 - completeness.

10 - new cycle or working on old mistakes.

According to the same dream book, the number 11 means strength - either manifested in your life, or the need for it.

12 - endurance, patience.

13 - giving up the old or leaving something from life.

14 - knowledge.

15 - the need to see the will of higher powers in what is happening.

16 - the need to find gifts from higher powers in situations that seem catastrophic at first glance.

17 - search for differences, comparison.

18 - courage.

19 - vitality or personal energy.

20 - honor and dignity.

21 - a new beginning.

22 - selfishness.

23 - destructive behavior, destruction.

24 - fear.

25 - temptation.

26 - illusions.

27 - resistance.

28 - abuse of the benefit given by higher powers.

29 - abuse in a general sense.

30 - manipulation.

31 - danger from the mind or logical thinking.

32 - disharmony.

33 - freedom.

According to Layman, numbers that are greater than 33 must be reduced to a smaller value through numerological manipulation. Using this dream book as an example, let’s look at the numbers seen by many people in their dreams - 666:

Accordingly, in in this case Number 666 signifies the need for courage.

Why do you dream about numbers that you can’t remember?

Seeing numbers in a dream but not remembering them is a bad sign. It portends financial problems on a large scale. Most likely, they will happen due to your own carelessness. Perhaps in the recent past you made a serious mistake that will be reflected in the near future.
