How to express milk with your hands stagnation. How to develop breasts after childbirth and decanting. Don't stop feeding your baby

Breast milk is the best food for a baby. Almost all women can breastfeed. A real lack of milk, when its production is reduced due to hormonal reasons, serious illnesses, is a rarity. And you need to do your best to maintain lactation. Ideally before the child is 2 years old. But sometimes there are reasons that prevent breastfeeding. For example, when milk is retained in any lobe of the mammary gland. It is also called lactostasis. At the same time, the woman experiences severe pain, the body temperature rises, chills and severe weakness appear. Expressing with lactostasis can help, stagnant milk must be removed. How to do it right?

First, what not to do. Many women seek help from their husband. Namely, they ask him to replace the child, to help suck milk. This absolutely cannot be done. The mouth of an adult contains a huge amount of pathogenic bacteria, which, once in a favorable environment, will begin to develop. And then just decant the stagnation will not help. There will be mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland, in which antibiotics, and sometimes surgical care, can no longer be dispensed with. And then breastfeeding may have to be abandoned altogether.

When milk stagnation occurs, that is, lactostasis, you can get rid of it with the help of a breast pump, manual or electric, as well as your own hands. But the best way to restore breast health is to often attach a child to it. Breastfeeding a baby is the best way to drain congested breasts. In this case, it is necessary to apply the child correctly so that he sucks milk precisely from the diseased lobe of the mammary gland. To do this, the baby's chin should be directed towards her.

To decant lactostasis at home quickly, you need to hold your breasts under warm water before you feed your baby or express. This will make the milk come out faster. You can apply something warm to the place of stagnation. For example, compresses with camphor oil. For these purposes, people advise cabbage leaves or baked onions. And doctors recommend that if the chest hurts during feeding and stagnation of milk has formed, make compresses with magnesium sulfate - popularly called “magnesia”. It is necessary to buy ampoules of the specified drug or its powder and then dissolve it. Moisten gauze with magnesia and apply to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gland. It is important that the drug does not get on the nipple area. By the way, breastfeeding consultants advise doing such compresses even in the maternity hospital, as a prevention of lactostasis and breast engorgement. Do it for a week until lactation is more or less established.

If you are interested in how to drain the stagnation of milk with a breast pump, then here you need to apply the method of warming the breast. Although not the fact that everything will work out. In practice, it can be seen that only women with not very sensitive breasts, and these are usually multiparous, as well as those who have a very large amount of milk, can use the breast pump.

If there is not too much milk, hand pumping is recommended. It is very important to keep them away from the nipple and areola, so as not to injure and not only make it worse. At the same time, you should try not to move your hands across your chest, namely, to strain the milk, to move it towards the nipple.

If pumping breast milk during stagnation does not work, you need to seek help from doctors. It is clear that mommy has no time to go to the doctors, but you can call a doctor or a nurse from a private clinic to your home. And there are always specialists in decanting lactostasis in maternity hospitals.

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When there is no experience in breastfeeding, then most nursing mothers face difficulties in organizing it. Troubles arise immediately with the arrival of milk, usually 2-3 days after birth. How to prevent these undesirable phenomena, and if they occur, quickly deal with them?

Stagnation of milk after childbirth and its causes

Many mothers are familiar with such a phenomenon after childbirth as lactostasis. This is the stagnation of milk in the breast, which causes pain and makes it difficult for the newborn to empty the breast. Symptoms of lactostasis - "stone" swollen breasts with palpable seals in the form of lumps, a feeling of fullness, soreness. When trying to express a diseased breast, milk streams flow unevenly, milk flows drop by drop from some ducts or is completely absent.

If no measures are taken, then literally in a day the body temperature rises, the chest turns red and it hurts even to touch it. Lactostasis is not considered an independent disease, but mastitis, an inflammation of the breast tissue, can become its consequence. In the treatment of mastitis, antibiotic therapy is used, and in advanced cases, surgical intervention, which jeopardizes the very process of breastfeeding.

The occurrence of a situation of blockage of the duct with stagnant milk is most likely in the first month after childbirth.

This can happen due to the rare attachment of the child, the separation of the mother and the newborn for various reasons, the weakness and inexperience of the baby in sucking.

In the first weeks after childbirth and on days 2-5, when breast milk replaces colostrum, overcrowding of the mammary gland and stagnation occur due to a strong rush of milk, an uncoordinated feeding rhythm, and a discrepancy between the volumes of milk produced and the needs of the child.

Over time, the process of breastfeeding adjusts to the individual needs of the baby, but up to this point, in order to develop an overflowing breast and prevent lactostasis, it will be necessary to decante in a timely manner.

Please note: do not express until completely empty, namely, decante to eliminate the resulting seals.

Otherwise, the hot flashes will become even stronger, and the nursing mother will fall into a vicious cycle of endless pumping and excessive milk production.

Mistakes of novice mothers in the organization of the lactation process

Very often, young mothers make mistakes in establishing lactation, which leads to stagnation of milk. The most common of them are:

1. Feeding according to the regimen. On the first day after birth, the volume of the stomach in a newborn is only 7 ml, after 2–3 days it reaches 22–27 ml. Breast milk is absorbed much faster than artificial mixtures, hence the norm developed for artificial feeding - to feed after 3 hours. Rare applications on a schedule every 2.5–3 hours are not suitable for a breastfed baby. Milk accumulates and stagnates, the mammary glands are worse emptied. Frequent attachments, night feedings solve these problems and contribute to the development of lactation. The absence of night feedings leads to overflow of the mammary glands with milk in the morning.

The newborn needs to be fed on demand. In the first days after childbirth, the interval between feedings can be only 20–30 minutes with several breaks for 1.5–2 hours of sleep. Some time after the birth of the crumbs for themselves and the rest of the family "no time to live." Over time, as the stomach grows and the internal mechanism of the biological clock is established, the gap will increase, and milk production will more flexibly adapt to the mother-child tandem. This ordering usually occurs in the first three months of a baby's life.

2. Squeezing the "dimple" with a finger in the chest, so that the child does not "suffocate", its capture with two fingers in the form of "scissors" leads to clamping and squeezing of the milk ducts. If it is necessary to hold and direct the chest, then this should be done by prying it from below with the whole palm and placing the thumb on the side.

3. Lack of control over the correct, deep grip.

The breast is put into the child's mouth, waiting for him to open it as wide as possible.

In this case, the nipple should be captured entirely, with all, or almost all, of the areola. The lower lip of the baby should be turned out, a tongue should be inserted between the lip and the chest, moving in waves when sucking. Failure to maintain proper grip leads to inefficient emptying, microtrauma and cracked nipples.

breastfeeding pads

4. Supplementation with water, formula supplementation, use of a pacifier in the first 1–3 months after childbirth. When supplementing, supplementing and using a pacifier, an inexperienced child "gets confused" nipples, the manner of sucking changes. Which, again, leads to a violation of the natural mechanisms of milk production, poor emptying of the mammary glands and nipple injuries.

5. Pumping after feeding. By expressing the breast after feeding until it is completely empty, you signal to the body that there is not enough milk, and the volume of its production increases. Hyperlactation starts, as a result - stagnation.

6. Feeding in one position. If you constantly feed the baby while sitting and holding in your arms, then the outflow of milk from the axillary lobe of the breast is the worst. Therefore, during the day it is desirable to change positions for feeding, not limited to one.

7. Wearing tight underwear, sleeping on the stomach during lactation debugging squeezes the milk ducts. Stop again!

How to unwind?

If you feel soreness and tightness of the breast, and after feeding it does not become softer, then first of all change the position in which you feed. In this case, the baby's chin should point to that part of the chest where the stagnation has turned out. With lactostasis in the middle of the mammary gland, the child will cope better if the mother lies on her side, but she does not feed with the breast that is below, but with the one that is on top. Sealing from the side of the armpit - you need to apply in the position of the child from under the arm. The lower part is overflowing - the child will better suck out the milk in a position sitting on the mother's lap, facing the chest. With a blockage in the upper part, the situation will help to cope when the child lies on the back with his feet away from the mother, and the mother herself feeds, bending over him from above.

To restore the outflow of milk, you need to feed often and in small portions.

In the case when the child is not able to cope with the overcrowding of the breast, it is required to drain it. If there is no temperature, this is done in the following sequence:

  • to expand the ducts, you can take a warm shower, or you can apply a compress from a towel moistened with hot water for 5-10 minutes;
  • gently massage the area of ​​stagnation;
  • express milk manually or with a breast pump, massaging the area with stagnation until a feeling of relief;
  • then, to relieve swelling, you need to apply a cold compress for 5-10 minutes.

How to take care of your breast while breastfeeding your baby

Relieving pain and resolving stagnation is helped by applying 20-minute compresses between feedings from a cool cabbage leaf beaten to the appearance of juice, low-fat cottage cheese or a honey cake made from a mixture of flour and honey.

Best of all, a child can cope with the resulting stagnation. Therefore, you can not stop feeding. When you are not going to immediately express, you can not warm up the chest between feedings, apply Vishnevsky ointment and warm up with alcohol compresses. It is not difficult to develop breasts in the initial stages of lactostasis, so carefully monitor your condition and take action in time. In cases where the stagnation does not go away after a week, or the temperature persists for more than two days, it is possible that the matter is moving towards mastitis, or another inflammatory disease occurs. Then do not start the process, and seek medical help!

Milk after childbirth does not appear immediately, usually after 36 hours. All this time, colostrum is secreted from the nipples, an extremely valuable product that transmits antibodies to the baby. Therefore, the first day you need to apply it to the chest as often as possible. Today they are discharged from the hospital rather quickly. If there are no complications, then on the second or third day you will be allowed to go home. This means that a young mother may encounter such a phenomenon as lactostasis, and, due to inexperience, not be able to help herself. Today we will talk about how to drain the chest. This information can be very important for those who are preparing for the birth of the crumbs, especially if this is to happen for the first time.

First symptoms

If you notice warning signs and do not know what to do, then call the antenatal clinic. If it is night now, and the pain does not allow you to fall asleep, then you can make a call to the duty consultant in an ambulance. His recommendations will calm and give important information on what to do next, how to drain the chest.

However, we are getting ahead of ourselves a bit. The symptoms can be intense and very unpleasant. This is soreness, sometimes tuberosity and redness, as well as fever and chills. Mom in this state really needs competent support and, above all, reassurance that feeding should be continued. You just need to know how to drain the chest. Very often, noting similar symptoms in themselves, women confuse mastitis and lactostasis, so let's distinguish between these two concepts.

What is the difference

Both of these pathologies are similar to each other. However, lactostasis is a non-infectious lesion of the mammary gland due to blockage of the milk duct. That is, the milk has nowhere to go corny, there is a seal. On the one hand, it is a natural protein of the body, but if it is in the duct for an unnaturally long time, then rejection occurs. Elevated body temperature is a consequence.

Now let's look further. If the mother does not know how to drain the breast, and does not take action, then as a result of neglected lactostasis, uninfected mastitis develops on days 3-4. The swollen tissue becomes inflamed. It will take another 2-3 days, and bacteria will begin to multiply in this environment. Now mastitis turns into an abscess.

When to Express

Until recently, doctors recommended doing this all the time. Feeding the child had to go strictly by the hour, and after each application, it was necessary to express all the remaining milk to the drop. Today, experts say that this should be done only in some cases:

  • When a large amount of milk comes immediately after colostrum, and the child cannot take the full breast. But in this case, you need to know how to properly decompress the breast so as not to cause hyperlactation.
  • After feeding, if you continue to be bothered by a feeling of heaviness.
  • If necessary, leave a small “reserve” at home if mom needs to leave.
  • And, of course, if you feel the symptoms of lactostasis (redness, heaviness, high temperature).


If the expressed milk is intended for feeding a baby, then everything must be sterile: hands, breasts and a bottle. In other cases, you can just wash your hands. A warm shower and a compress in the form of a warm towel will facilitate this process. If pumping is performed to relieve the symptoms of lactostasis, then you can take the No-shpy pill, because the sensations are far from joyful. However, if you do not follow the procedure in accordance with all the rules, then the situation will only worsen, so you need to start.

Don't stop feeding your baby

If the child was born weak, and the ducts of the mammary gland are clogged, then he will not have enough strength to drain his chest. Therefore, the mother should help him and develop the glands herself. But to refuse feeding, despite the pain, is not worth it. Apply a warm compress, massage, and then attach the baby to your chest again. After he falls asleep, you can continue the procedure until the condition is relieved.

Speaking about how to properly drain the breast with lactostasis, it should be noted that this procedure is at least unpleasant. Unfortunately, there are no pills or injections that will allow the seals to dissolve. Therefore, start with a smooth and soft massage, preparing the chest in a circular motion. The longer, the better. And then start pumping, with a constant massage from top to bottom towards the nipple. In this case, you can not put pressure on the nipple or halo, press hard or exert other strong physical influence. Otherwise, you can provoke blockage of the ducts. It is necessary to decipher the chest during stagnation very carefully. Usually this phenomenon does not last long. Just a few days after the milk appeared, you need to pay maximum attention to the breast. Then the outflow of milk will improve, and there will be no problems in the future.

Using a breast pump

Straining your breasts after giving birth can be quite painful. Experiencing discomfort, a woman may stop the procedure. However, the consequences can be the most deplorable, therefore, if it is possible to visit a hospital, then it is better to trust professionals, a mammologist or a gynecologist. There is usually a breast pump in the treatment room, which works much more efficiently than manual pumping. A woman does not need to think about how to drain her breasts after childbirth, it is enough to press the silicone pump tightly against her breasts. Due to the overflow of the glands, the sensations will be painful, but the next time everything will be much faster and easier.

How much time do you need

It will not be possible to drain the stagnation of milk in the breast at a time, but high-quality emptying can greatly facilitate further care. Now, as often as possible, apply the baby to the sore chest. After he is satiated, continue to do gentle massage and pumping. When lactostasis occurs, someone manages to get rid of stagnation in one day, while others take at least three. But in any case, if four days have passed, and you still have painful seals, then you won’t be able to solve the problem on your own, consult a doctor, and if you have a high temperature, call an ambulance. The only way to help yourself is to repeatedly massage.

No technology anywhere

The massage technique will be very useful for those who want to know how to drain the breast with lactostasis. First, the mammary glands are stroked clockwise with the palm of the hand, then light clapping is performed. Now the most important thing is that with the knuckles you need to forcefully draw along the chest from the base to the halo around the entire circumference, paying special attention to the blockage zone. Such manipulations are mandatory before each feeding and pumping. It is also important to perform them between applying crumbs to the chest. It is then that the procedure will be effective, and the pain will pass quickly.

During feeding, it is also very useful to massage the compacted part with the knuckles. It is not always possible for a child to help a mother empty her chest, especially if there is a blockage in the ducts. Prolonged sucking is tiring for him, and as a result he can get only a small fraction of milk.

Additional tricks

  • Before each feeding or pumping, you need to lower the breast into a basin of warm water, this greatly facilitates the procedure.
  • Watch your diet, it is very important to eat fatty fish and vegetable oils.
  • Nature itself comes to the aid of mothers. Apply a cabbage leaf to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes. It must be beaten off until the juice appears.
  • But at night it is very useful to make a warm compress. To do this, the chest should be smeared with warm camphor oil and wrapped with something warm.

The most important thing is to prevent the transition of lactostasis into mastitis. Therefore, if you feel that you can’t cope on your own, then be sure to consult a doctor.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, take precautions so that later you do not have to suffer, clearing lumps. It is very important to change your position during sleep and wear a suitable bra so that nothing is squeezing anywhere. From the day of birth, you need to start doing exercises to ensure good circulation of milk. These are simple hand swings in a circle back and forth. If the intervals between feedings increase, then it is very important to express the breast at least half. Finally, change your position every time you feed. You can feed sitting and lying down, hanging over the child. Useful for this can be a pregnancy pillow, which allows you to choose a number of comfortable positions for feeding.

Instead of a conclusion

When a young mother has milk stasis, she is usually frightened. Because he does not know how dangerous it is. As we have already found out, the most important thing is not to waste time and start implementing the above recommendations in time. Then the seals will quickly dissolve and the long-awaited relief will come. If earlier women lay in the maternity hospital for up to two weeks and managed to get competent advice or professional help, today they face hot flashes while already at home. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to help yourself in order to prevent the condition from worsening.

There are many myths and misconceptions around breast pumping. Now medical workers do not recommend getting involved in such a procedure, however, in some situations, a nursing woman cannot do without it.

The most accessible and most natural technique is hand pumping. That's why new parents need to know how to express breast milk with their hands and when to really do it.

Breastfeeding is certainly a natural process, so the composition of the milk secretion and its volume adjusts to the needs of a particular newborn.

If a woman constantly puts her baby to her breast (especially at night with the maximum release of the hormone prolactin), the glands are emptied. But in certain cases, expressing milk will help normalize a woman's well-being.

Optional conditions

Before pumping the breast, the mother needs to consider whether she really needs this procedure. Breastfeeding experts are skeptical about the necessity of artificial stimulation of the mammary glands, considering the following reasons far-fetched.

Mandatory conditions

There are few cases in which it is permissible to express milk, but every new parent should remember them. This will eliminate unnecessary procedures and help you make the right choice.

In other situations, expressing milk with natural feeding is not necessary. If the child eats well, is not hungry, develops normally, the mother feels fine, unnecessary procedures will only harm.

Two main hormones are responsible for the process of formation and secretion of milk secretion. It is from their “work” that the course of lactogenesis depends, the woman’s nutrition or heavy drinking practically does not participate in lactation.

  • Oxytocin. This hormonal substance provokes the flow of milk under the action of certain "irritants". For example, oxytocin is activated when a newborn is attached to the breast, smelling a native baby, and stimulating the glands. If oxytocin is released, the milk flows on its own, without requiring any effort.
  • Prolactin. A similar hormonal substance is designed to control the volume of milk secretion. It "calculates" the amount of milk removed from the breast and returns the same volume. Due to this, the breast during lactation is practically not emptied.

Breast pumping will be effective if these hormones begin to act. To “turn them on” and cause the flow of milk to the glands, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation.

It may include the following activities:

  • applying towels to the chest, previously soaked in warm water, or standing under the jets of a non-hot shower;
  • drinking warm weak tea or any other liquid (it is important that the drink is warm);
  • light and gentle massaging of the mammary glands;
  • stimulating the flow of milk, for example, by tilting down.

When performing these activities, the mother should think about her beloved newborn baby. The ideal option is to sit next to the baby in order to better feel it.

The influx of milk secretion will be more effective if one breast is offered to the baby, and the other is decanted. This technique is good because the milk, when sucked by the baby, will flow into two breasts at once.

Marmet and other pumping methods

How after childbirth and "get" milk with your own hands? To simplify the process of pumping, breastfeeding experts offer several methods, each of which has its own characteristics.

It is specially designed for breastfeeding mothers. Since this procedure is not entirely natural for the female breast, it is necessary to carefully study all the intricacies of the process and follow the following steps.

In addition to the Marmet technique, there are other techniques that help get milk from their mother's breasts. They are usually used if the previous method did not bring results.

The warm bottle method

A similar method is used if the nipple is in a tense state, and the mammary glands are inflamed. In such situations, it is extremely difficult to get milk, and it’s impossible to attach a baby.

A bottle is used to express milk with your hands or relax the breast to such an extent that the child can take the nipple in his mouth. This container with a neck width of at least 4 centimeters must be heated with boiling water, and the upper part should be cooled.

Then, the peripapillary area must be lubricated with petroleum jelly and a container should be applied to it. The papilla will begin to retract into the bottle and the milk will flow out. As soon as the jets become weak, the bottle is removed.

Nipple squeeze method

If the nipples begin to coarsen, and pain is felt when they are pressed, a special method will be required, which involves the primary secretion of milk.

To implement this method, it is necessary to place all the fingers directly on the nipple and press on it for three to four minutes. Such actions soften the mammary gland and make the pumping process less painful.

Possible errors

Expressing breast milk will be effective and painless only if you follow all the steps correctly. During the procedure, the following errors are possible.

To erroneous actions, experts on breastfeeding also include the refusal to decante, if during the very first procedure the woman felt pain or did not receive milk. It is necessary to try - to choose the right time, the best posture and a favorable mood. In this case, the return of the white product will not keep you waiting.

Before expressing milk secret, a woman should understand how to use it. This will help the recommendations of specialists in natural feeding of newborns.

Do not heat up expressed milk in the microwave. Such a product turns out to be unevenly heated, and this is fraught with the presence of excessively hot parts in the container and a burn of the oral mucosa.

Expressing milk by hand is a procedure that can only be mastered after some time. If a woman who is breastfeeding is unable to drain her breasts, a doctor or natural feeding expert should be consulted for advice. And although experts recommend not to get involved in such a procedure, pumping will allow the mother to stock up on a useful product and prolong breastfeeding as much as possible.

It is rare that a mother can avoid at least one-time stagnation of milk for the entire period of breastfeeding. This is especially true in the first time after childbirth, when optimal lactation has not yet been established. Stagnation of milk, or lactostasis, is a rather dangerous phenomenon that must be immediately responded to, decanted so that mastitis does not occur, it is not necessary to drink antibiotics, it is not necessary to go to the hospital and be separated from the child.

Milk stasis is best eliminated by the child himself. Mom should try to apply the child to the problem breast more often. As a rule, a couple of times is enough for the breast to become soft, without seals. Attention: even at elevated temperatures, you need to put the baby to the chest! It will best dissolve stagnation. Turn the baby while feeding so that he is turned to the problem area with his chin.

But not always the mother is next to the child, or the child does not take the breast, in these cases, manual pumping and a breast pump come to the rescue. It is necessary to express in a good mood, in the absence of external irritating factors.

Breast preparation for pumping

  1. Folk way: put a broken cabbage leaf on it for a couple of hours. So unpleasant painful sensations will subside a little, and the chest will become softer.
  2. Warm up your chest. Attention: these actions are permissible only when you do not have an elevated body temperature! A warm diaper placed on your chest, taking a hot bath or shower will help you. You can drink hot tea.
  3. Get a little massage breasts with light movements, without strong pressure, so as not to squeeze the milk ducts even more.

When pumping, it is important to achieve a rush of milk to the breast and its easy flow. Even a warm shower can contribute to the flush, but simple leakage is provided by the release of the hormone oxytocin. You can speed up and enhance its production by pleasant thoughts about the baby during pumping, looking at the baby or a baby photo, for example.

Get it right:

  1. Press on the areola around the nipple, on it, and not on the nipple itself. Don't press hard on your breasts when pumping, as too much pressure can aggravate the congestion.
  2. While expressing with one hand, knead the area with stagnation, massage, gently pressing it towards the nipple, as if showing the milk where to flow.
After successful straining, you can put cold on the chest for 10-15 minutes.

How to identify milk stasis?
To determine the stagnation, you need to frequently examine and touch the chest. This should be done lying on your back, and feel the chest clockwise. Signs of congestion:

  • unpleasant pain in the chest when you don’t even touch it;
  • sensation of painful compaction when palpated;
  • external redness of the area with stagnation;
  • sometimes there is an increase in temperature. But this is a very worrying factor that requires a visit to a doctor and possible subsequent hospitalization or even antibiotics.
How to prevent milk stasis?
  1. Dream. Sleep on your back, this is the best position. If you are used to sleeping on your side, then try to lean your back on something so as not to lean forward too much towards the bed and not squeeze your chest. Sleeping on your stomach is categorically not recommended, however, you should have already weaned from this position during pregnancy. Often, doctors recommend that the puerperal lie on her stomach for the fastest and best uterine contraction. Therefore, when you do this, do not lie down on the bed with your chest, rest your hands on them so that the support is on them.
  2. Clothing. Be sure to wear a breast-supporting, non-wired nursing bra. Do not try to fit into a dress that you wore before pregnancy, wear loose clothing that does not restrict movement and does not squeeze the chest. Dress for the weather so you don't sweat or get cold.
  3. Take care of yourself. Avoid stress, nervous situations, bruises, injuries, lack of sleep, overwork.
  4. Attach the baby correctly to the breast. Even in the hospital, ask the nurse to teach you how to do this. Try not to teach your baby to bottle and pacifier feeding so that he does not forget how to latch on properly. Prevent the appearance of cracks on the nipples or treat them in time so as not to provoke the child to improper attachment. Use special nipple shields if yours are flat so that your baby can eat normally.
  5. Alternate breasts while feeding. But if now, it seems, is the time to feed with one breast, and it feels like there is more milk in the other, then feed the other.
Milk stasis can also happen due to previous breast surgeries, physiological factors: narrow milk ducts, for example. But in most cases, it occurs due to some wrong actions of a woman and is easily eliminated without the need for medical assistance.