after gynecological. Discharge during pregnancy after examination by a gynecologist. What to do with bleeding after a gynecological examination

Brown discharge before labor is common, meaning that you are most likely about to go into labor.

In general, any colored substances from the vagina, throughout pregnancy, were a frightening and alarming symptom, especially in the early stages, because they often indicated danger. The end of pregnancy and the period before childbirth changes the attitude towards such secretions and now they no longer frighten, although they can puzzle.

Before childbirth, leakage is blood that has changed its color (“old”), and, as a rule, they are just a small daub, usually mixed with mucus.

Gynecologists, in the presence of brown discharge in a pregnant woman, give her very little time before, they actually appear immediately before the event. Do not confuse them with bloody smudges, which may indicate danger.

There are several situations in late pregnancy that can trigger brown discharge.

Brown discharge before childbirth after examination

During the entire pregnancy, the gynecologist in the consultation tried not to disturb you. After that, you had to climb onto the gynecological chair only a couple of times - when taking tests, and routinely every visit you were not looked at like that.

But then the 37-38th week of pregnancy came up, and you again have to remember how they are examined on the chair. The purpose of the examination before childbirth is to assess the condition. If she is soft and mature, misses 1-2 fingers of a gynecologist, childbirth will most likely begin very soon, there are only a few days left.

During this examination, the doctor examines the condition of the cervix and puts his fingers into the cervical canal. Such stimulation can even cause, and. Often, after examination before childbirth, brown discharge appears, usually this happens in the first hours. At the same time, and may appear, and as a result, childbirth may begin.

It is not at all dangerous for you or for the child. With an immature cervix, such an examination is simply not possible - it is closed, and there is nothing to worry about, and if it is already ripe, you can say they helped you, give birth soon.

Cork discharge before childbirth

What does brown discharge before childbirth mean if there was no gynecological examination?

Throughout pregnancy, the cervix is ​​tightly closed, and the cervical canal is filled with thick mucus, which is called the mucous plug.

The maturation of the cervix is ​​accompanied by its discharge, as a rule, this occurs shortly before childbirth. If the cork has gone, it takes from several days to several hours before the birth, sometimes it leaves already with the onset of childbirth, and then this moment can simply not be noticed.

Cork is a lump of rather thick or liquid mucus, which can have a very different color, from white, yellow to pink or brown. Its volume is quite large, 1-2 tablespoons, and of course, not knowing about such a phenomenon, you can get scared.

Brown spots before childbirth during pregnancy can also be provoked with deep penetration, the reason is the same, a cork leaves the disturbed cervix and will soon give birth.

Brown discharge should not cause alarm if it is not abundant, mixed with mucus, is just an impurity in this mucus, or resembles a daub. If the smudges are plentiful - do not forget that there are also bleedings with quite serious reasons, then you need to see a doctor.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Raisa asks:

Why do light brown vaginal discharge appear after examination by a gynecologist?

During the examination, the doctor usually takes smears to study the microflora of the vagina and to microscopy the smear to look for atypical cells. In some cases, this manipulation may slightly injure the delicate mucous membrane of the vagina, as a result of which slight pinkish or brownish discharge may appear. They usually go away on their own within 1-2 days.

Also, slight discharge after examination by a gynecologist may be in the presence of:

  • ectopia of the cervix;

If the discharge continues for more than 3 days or even becomes stronger, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist again. Alarming symptoms can also be fever, chills, pain in the lower abdomen.
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Passing an annual medical examination, every lady is obliged to visit a female doctor in order to exclude the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, and if they are, to cure them in time. Sometimes this turns into complaints of spotting after an examination by a gynecologist, accompanied by discomfort, a feeling of heaviness at the bottom of the body.

It happens that a woman, after being examined by a doctor, discovers brown discharge. This is considered the norm: when taking material for research, small vessels are damaged, so a small amount of blood is allowed that is released due to instrumental intervention.

The occurrence of bloody discharge after a gynecological examination is also provoked by the behavior of an overly nervous woman, who, fidgeting in her seat, can cause mechanical damage inside the vagina with a sharp movement.

Blood vessels are fragile, so a visit to a specialist for a considerable number of the fairer sex ends with meager secretions of light or dark brown. If after a couple of hours they stop on their own - do not worry.

Sometimes manipulations performed by a doctor can accelerate the onset of menstruation, at the beginning of which smearing brown discharge also occurs.

An alarming reason is a bloody trace observed on the underwear for two to three days after a visit to the antenatal clinic. There is a possibility that a serious injury has occurred or a latent ailment has made itself felt. It can be confirmed by fever, pus, and an unpleasant odor. In the process of sexual intercourse, pain, discomfort, itching are observed.

In the case of heavy bleeding, reminiscent of menstruation, it is necessary to immediately visit a medical facility to identify the cause and eliminate the consequences.

It is impossible to ignore the situation when discharge appears after a smear during pregnancy, even when they are quite insignificant. The doctor should conduct an examination no earlier than the eighth week so that placental abruption does not occur. After all, when taking an analysis, you have to “scrape off” the cells of the mucous membrane, probably tissue injury, leading to a miscarriage. There are times when, at an extremely short gestation period, with sharp movements, the gynecologist himself provokes the abortion of the fetus. In this case, bleeding can occur even the next day, when it is too late to take any action.

Symptoms such as lack of strength, exhaustion, urge to vomit, fever, accompanied by hemorrhage from the reproductive organs, may indicate a spontaneous abortion. Do not neglect the recommendation of doctors to go to the clinic for preservation and undergo additional examinations.

Causes of discharge after a gynecological examination

By examining a smear to identify suspicious cellular elements, a specialist can damage the vulnerable surface of the vagina, which causes brown discharge after examination by a gynecologist. They usually pass quickly.

Brownish discharge after taking a smear can also signal pathological changes in the pelvic organs, be the result of experienced stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, taking contraceptives, wearing an intrauterine device.

By the way, they can be just as different, so we advise you to read separate information on this topic.

The pink color of the discharge indicates the presence of hormonal problems, endometriosis. The doctor, making a scraping, scratches the erosive surface or touches the excess growth, which begins to bleed.

Normally, the representatives of the weaker sex should have a discharge of short duration if emergency contraceptive methods (Postinor) are used, laparoscopic surgery was performed, erosion was cauterized, or low functionality of the thyroid gland was detected.

They may be unusual, so special attention is required to this issue.

Bloody discharge after examination in pregnant women

If, with caution, discharge is still observed after examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy, this can be caused by:

  • injury to tissues to which blood rushes;
  • separation of the mucous plug;
  • damage to internal organs, which is dangerous and requires medical intervention;
  • detachment or placenta previa.

After checking at the fortieth week of pregnancy, bloody or brown discharge often indicates an early birth. This is usually preceded by shedding of the mucous plug that clogs the uterus, protecting the fetus from infections.

Normally, small discharges are not accompanied by annoying symptoms, such as itching, inflammation. If they occur, this indicates possible pathologies.

In the early stages of pregnancy, hemorrhages can threaten the development of inflammatory or infectious diseases, deformation of the cervix, miscarriage.

Spotting can occur after examining the cervix of the expectant mother, cytology, since this organ is very traumatic, any intrusion from the outside can cause damage to the epithelium and, as a result, discharge from the genital tract.

Existing neoplasms inside the reproductive organs (polyps, tumors) are very often injured during examination, causing hemorrhage. This should be disturbing and serve as a reason for contacting a specialist.

What to do with bleeding after a gynecological examination

If, after returning from a female doctor, bleeding has opened, you should pay attention to its nature: color, density, frequency and volume.

Short-term (several hours or one day) bleeding of small volume caused by manipulations with the gynecological mirror is allowed. After returning from the doctor, you should carry out the necessary hygiene procedures, change clothes, lie down. If the blood of a scarlet or dark color continues to go, you should not endure it, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Saturated secretions should alert when they are accompanied by:

  • significant pain in the lower torso or vagina;
  • increased discomfort;
  • burning sensation in the genitals;
  • bad smell;
  • impurities of pus;
  • labored breathing;
  • cardiopalmus.

In these cases, urgent assistance is required to identify the problem in a timely manner and correctly solve it.

Examination after examination on the chair can reveal the following pathologies:

  1. Endometriosis. It occurs in 10-15 percent of women of childbearing age and is characterized by painful periods, discharge from the genital tract, and uterine bleeding. The mucous membrane of the uterus grows into other organs and tissues of the small pelvis, disrupting their function.
  2. Polyps are benign neoplasms in which a significant number of blood vessels grow, with the slightest damage starting to bleed. At the initial stage of development, they may not appear in any way and do not bother a woman, so they can only be detected when examined by a specialist.
  3. . The inner layer of the uterus grows, and there is a high probability that the process will turn into oncology.
  4. Dysplasia of the cervix. Violation of the epithelial structure, if left untreated, can lead to irreversible consequences, in particular to cancer.
  5. Myoma, fibromyoma.
  6. Tumor of a malignant nature.
  7. Venereal disease (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis).

All of these pathological abnormalities are characterized by bloody discharge.

Contact bleeding suggests the presence of problems in the female body. In rare cases, in the gynecological chair, you can "catch" an unpleasant infection - bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis. This happens if the doctor neglects the rules of hygiene. Harbingers of such infections, as a rule, are discharge mixed with blood immediately after examination.

In nulliparous women, pain and discomfort after a physical examination are observed more often than in those with children. Their vaginal muscles are less stretched, the cervix is ​​rather narrow, access to it has to be expanded with tools. As a result of increased sensitivity of the epithelial membrane to mechanical stimuli, short-term bleeding may begin.

Making the correct diagnosis

For a correct diagnosis, a complete history of all symptoms is needed. Light spotting, which ended in the shortest possible time, should not cause concern. More voluminous ones require close attention and additional examination.

Abundant separation of blood interferes with gynecological examination. In such cases, an ultrasound is done, which is completely harmless even for a woman in position. With its help, you can diagnose the disease, determine the gestational age, existing pathologies.

For fear of possible consequences, you should not refrain from visiting a gynecologist for prevention purposes. It will be much worse to discover an already neglected disease in yourself, which will take a long time to treat. Each representative of the fair sex should approach the choice of "their" doctor individually and carefully. After all, if you have problems related to health, you will have to turn to a qualified specialist, often not even one. This contributes to the correct diagnosis and timely treatment.

Absolutely every girl should undergo a gynecological examination every year. It is advisable to do this more often - if possible. If a woman is in a position, then do this procedure as often as possible. Some of the fair sex deliberately refuse to consult a gynecologist because, as a result of the last examination, they felt pain, discomfort, bloody discharge, and pain in the lower abdomen. There are two explanations for this: careless and unprofessional treatment of a doctor and pathologies, as a result of which a painful sensation arises. During pregnancy, bloody discharge after examination by a gynecologist is a signal of serious disorders occurring in the body. If there are none, and the blood still flows after the examination, then this is due to the fact that the gynecologist used a gynecological mirror during the examination. A similar device is designed to examine the vagina in a woman and the cervix. When the doctor carelessly handles the mirror, the vaginal mucosa is damaged, resulting in bleeding of varying strength.

In a woman, when taking a smear, cells of the vaginal mucosa are taken, and as a result, a microtrauma occurs. If the bleeding does not stop, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. Most likely there was some kind of violation and, as a result, bleeding opened. It should not be ruled out that this may be some kind of pathological process. In any case, whatever the true cause of bleeding, you need to seek emergency help, because a woman risks not only her health, but also the life and health of her baby. Also, one should not deny cases when, during an examination, a doctor can introduce an infection or a bacterium if he conducts an examination with non-hygienic gloves or an undisinfected device.

Blood after examination - what to do?

Often there are situations when a woman bleeds after examination. In some cases, of course, this may be the norm. This is explained by the fact that the cervix of a woman feeds on blood, especially during pregnancy. So it’s not always worth panicking if you see blood on the pad. Most likely, minor bleeding occurs as a result of a fairly slight mechanical damage to a metal speculum. The individual features of the structure of the uterus in a woman can be rather weak walls of blood vessels. In this case, there is no particular reason for panic and concern, the main thing is to find a doctor who can really point out the pathology. A pregnant woman should not be nervous and worried once again. Do not despair, try to change the gynecologist for a more accurate and attentive, as well as more professional. Normally, women during pregnancy can experience quite minor spotting, which is observed during urination. This feeling is also due to the fact that after a woman takes a urine sample, slight mechanical damage to the membranes may occur.

So, if a discharge with blood or a slight daub appeared after an examination by a gynecologist with mechanical objects, then this is the norm. This phenomenon cannot be attributed to the most common pathologies that threaten danger.

What is the danger of gynecological examinations?

It was noted above that gynecological examinations should become an obligatory phenomenon in a woman's life. It should be understood that absolutely all gynecological examinations are aimed at taking a swab from the walls of the vagina from a woman. This procedure is carried out both in a pregnant woman and in a non-pregnant woman. Only the cells of the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina carry information about the development of various gynecological pathologies. Of course, there are cases when, after a very careless examination, a woman may develop serious problems, due to which bleeding begins and pains appear in the lower abdomen. In such clinical cases, it is necessary to provide a woman with urgent ambulance and prescribe therapy. All women undergo a gynecological examination in different ways. Mentally prepare for the fact that after the examination you may feel pain in the lower abdomen and a slight daub will be observed from the vagina. If you have opened bleeding and it does not stop for several hours and even days, then in this case, consult a doctor, do not hesitate.

What to do if bleeding starts after a gynecological examination?

The first thing a woman needs to do is to accurately determine the nature of the discharge. If the blood is scarlet and at the same time smears quite a bit, then this is not a cause for great concern. Be sure to calm down, rest, lie down, so that your body comes to its senses and completely calms down.

The second thing to do is to accurately determine the time of bleeding in a person, in particular, the duration of the spotting. Normally, discharge is allowed after a gynecological examination during the first day after visiting a doctor. If the bleeding lasts for several days, then do not wait, consult a doctor. It is imperative to seek emergency medical care to identify a number of pathologies.

In some clinical cases, you can see spotting that is so strong that it is identical to menstruation. You can lose a large amount of blood and this condition threatens the child. It is highly likely that during the examination there was an injury to the mucous membrane of the cervix and the vagina itself. The first thing that a woman should exclude during pregnancy, observing bleeding in herself, is a miscarriage. According to medical statistics, early miscarriage occurs as a result of hormone deficiency.
