How to plant nightshade in the garden. Useful properties and harmful qualities of black nightshade. How is nightshade used in folk medicine

Do you want blueberries? But not simple, but Canadian - a harsh northern berry with a restrained taste and luxurious color. Then take note of the sunberry, as well as the sun berry and garden nightshade. The mysterious berry appeared in North American vegetable gardens a little over 100 years ago, and our summer residents and gardeners are just mastering the overseas guest of the Sunberry. Its medicinal properties and contraindications are not inferior to other famous berries, and the jam turns out to be very unusual. Are you ready to try it?

A relative of tomatoes and potatoes

Not only our native biologist and breeder Ivan Michurin worked wonders for the benefit of science. His American colleague Luther Burbank (the "author" of a special variety of potatoes for French fries) introduced the sunberry plant to the world in 1905. This is a hybrid of a huge Guinean nightshade and a small European one, more flavorful and quite edible.

Sunberry's closest relatives are tomatoes and, it bears fruit with black berries, which are collected in bunches. One brush can hold up to 10 pieces the size of a cherry, color - like.

According to its biological characteristics, the plant resembles tomatoes, and its main advantage is its great resistance to cold and drought. Gardeners joke: a teapot is enough to grow Canadian blueberry seedlings at home. And in the greenhouse and in the garden, she will already cope on her own - even without extra feeding and with moderate watering.

For eyes and joints

Sunberry came to Russia quite recently, and is already actively crowding out tomatoes with zucchini in our gardens, and on the table - vases with cherry and raspberry jam. The mysteriousness and persistence of the American berry has given rise to various myths and a lot of conflicting information regarding the properties and uses of Canadian blueberries.

Sunberry can hardly be called the richest storehouse of vitamins: its beneficial properties and contraindications are mainly due to the mineral complex. Potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc and chromium - all these substances, indispensable for humans, are in one modest berry. The Canadian blueberry is saturated with tannins, valuable and - it contains about 15%.

One of the popular names for sunberry is blueberry forte. Many people say that it is she who is part of the popular dietary supplement of the same name. This is nonsense (it is enough to look into the composition of vitamins to see there "blueberry extract", not nightshade), but the fact is fact. Canadian blueberries are really good for the eyes. And what else is Sunberry famous for, the medicinal properties of which are so actively studied today?

  • has a mild laxative effect and improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • is an effective tool for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins;
  • strengthens the eye muscles and maintains vision while constantly working at the monitor;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • helps in the treatment of colds of various etiologies;
  • eases the condition with angina;
  • soothes the nerves and helps to cope with persistent insomnia;
  • relieves joint pain;
  • copes with edema and improves the condition of the kidneys (due to the diuretic effect);
  • relieves headaches;
  • helps in the treatment of skin conditions (including psoriasis).

How to apply?

In its pure form, Sunberry is a berry for everybody. Each person perceives the taste of a garden nightshade in his own way - someone spits it out right away, someone eats in handfuls, many are simply indifferent to it. Traditional medicine also advises against eating Sunberry straight from the bush if you are not fond of its aroma - there are many other options for treatment.

The sunberry plant and its use is a whole collection of recipes with the most unusual ingredients - honey, nuts, and even ... feijoa. What can I say, here is such an intricate doctor - this Canadian blueberry.

With a breakdown

To maintain the strength of the body and recover from fatigue, Sunberry is mixed with honey. A glass of nuts and three glasses of Canadian blueberries are passed through a meat grinder and poured with a glass of lime honey. Such a mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon before meals.

With iodine deficiency

If you brought home from vacation or a regular supermarket, do not miss the chance. An exotic medicine will not only replace a full-fledged dessert, but also support the thyroid gland.

For 2 cups of garden nightshade, take 1 cup of feijoa, grind with a blender and fill with a glass of honey (best of all). This medicine is stored in the refrigerator, taken before breakfast and lunch. One tablespoon is enough.

With angina

First option. Squeeze juice from nightshade berries, dilute in warm water (3 times more water!) And gargle.

Second option. We take 4 grams of berries and sunberry leaves, the same number of lungwort leaves, a glass of boiling water on top. Steam in a thermos, after 2 hours cool to room temperature and rinse a sore throat.

With purulent wounds and abscesses

Grind the fresh berries of the garden nightshade into a fine, fine gruel, lightly dilute with sour milk. We apply lotions to sore spots for 2-3 hours.

And what is the harm?

On forums and on horticultural sites, there are constant debates about the Sunberry - the benefits and harms of the American berry are described by each person in their own way. Many lovers of traditional garden delicacies have one argument against Canadian blueberries - “tasteless”. Scientists and doctors are spared sweet stereotypes, but they warn: you need to be very careful with the Sunberry.

  1. Sunberry is a powerful allergen. If this is your first time trying nightshade, be sure to eat a couple of berries to sample and wait for the body's reaction. But even if it does without negative reactions, doctors do not advise eating more than a handful of berries per day. The laxative reaction has not yet been canceled.
  2. Pectins in Sunberry have the ability to forcefully "drag" lead and other heavy metals from the soil. Therefore, it is generally forbidden to plant a garden nightshade within the boundaries of the garden, and in summer cottages and in villages the same principle of a handful must be observed.
  3. During pregnancy, you will also have to dwell on ordinary blueberries - Canadian is strictly impossible. In nightshade there are substances that can increase the contraction of the uterus and even provoke a miscarriage.
  4. Sunberry has a mild sedative effect, so you should not get behind the wheel if you are actively eating an overseas berry. But a couple of spoons of Canadian blueberry jam or jam won't hurt your driving skills - these are not tranquilizers, but ordinary nightshade.

"Sunny" Canadian blueberry jam

Sunberry berries have a weak, tart taste, not at all like the usual sweetness and richness of currants or. Some sunshine berry lovers describe its taste as "a unique bouquet of sour currants, tart gooseberries and sweet blueberries with a touch of freshly cut grass," but most of them frankly dislike it.

But almost everyone who has tried Canadian blueberries admits that in jam its taste changes in an amazing way, and for the best. The color is also amazing - dark purple, similar to the color of saturated ink, funny coloring of the tongue and lips. Not only jam is prepared from the garden nightshade - also jams, filling for pies and dumplings, marmalade and jelly, they are even dried for the winter for tea.

But do not forget: jam is a rather high-calorie product, the "Canadian" one has as many as 220 calories per 100 g. Therefore, one or two tablespoons of tea will be enough to keep your figure and enjoy the benefits of Sunberry to the fullest.

Sunberry jam with lemon

You will need: 1 kg of ripe sunberries, 1 kg of sugar, a glass of water, juice of two lemons and 2-4 (to taste).

Cook the sugar syrup, when it boils, throw in the washed berries. After 5 minutes, remove the jam on the stove to stand for 4 hours, repeat this 2-3 times. (Therefore, it is better to start cooking in the morning). Add mint and lemon nectar to the last cooking.

Sunberry jam with ginger

You will need: a glass of sun berries, a third of a glass of sugar, a heaped teaspoon of grated, juice of half a lemon.

Mix sunberry, sugar and ginger in a saucepan and cook for 10 minutes (stir constantly!). Add lemon juice, remove from the stove - and into the jar. Then we put the jar in a saucepan with hot water so that it does not reach the lid by 1-2 cm. After 10 minutes, you can take it out, cool it and hide it in the refrigerator.

What do the reviews say?

It is difficult to find a more controversial berry in Russian dachas and garden plots than a sunberry: reviews say only good things about it or mercilessly scold it. Subjective assessment plays an important role here.

Northern berry lovers appreciate its unusual taste, soothing properties and the ability to relieve headaches.

“Sanberia is a great berry, you can make anything from it: juice and jam. The taste of the jam resembles black currant, only it is very colored. And to remove the specific bitterness of Sunberry, you just need to pour boiling water over the berries before boiling. "

Opponents of Canadian blueberries have their own reasons, too.

“The sunberry jam tastes quite unusual, much better than the tasteless fresh berry. But its medicinal properties are not so unique, because it is full of other useful berries, ours, relatives. "

Experienced skeptics-gardeners agree on one thing: garden nightshade is absolutely unpretentious and always gives an excellent harvest. If all of a sudden the cherry has not been born, the raspberry has failed or the currant has withered, Sunberry is guaranteed to provide you with bright and healthy jam for the winter.

And in order to feast on fresh berries, it is important to wait until they fully ripen: they should be dark purple, elastic, but already soft enough. It is these berries that will fully give you their unusual taste and healing power, and you will definitely become a sincere fan of this unusual North American hybrid.

Plant species of the Solanaceae family

Most often it can be found on the territory of Northern Mongolia and the Himalayas. The plant is perennial; with age, the herbaceous stem turns into a semi-lignified one. P. red got its name from its bright red fruits.

A heat-loving plant with poisonous bright orange berries ripening in autumn or winter. In the countries of active cultivation, it was named Jerusalem cherry.

Herbaceous plant, annual. Long, oval leaves are strongly pointed at the end. P. black flowers are collected in the form of a drooping umbrella. The flowers are small, inconspicuous. The plant is poisonous. Unripe berries and leaves can lead to poisoning.

The plant is small and compact. Convenient for growing at home. Not whimsical to care for, does not require pruning. There are practically dwarf varieties. Poisonous.


Representative of the weed family.

Interesting! The nightshade got its name thanks to the thorns with which it is penetrated from roots to flowers.

This is probably the only plant on the roots and flowers of which there are needles. The root of the plant is powerful, pivotal. It can go several meters deep.

It is very difficult to fight P. Koluchiy. Due to its structure, it is very fertile. One stem of a plant can contain 50-70 branches with flowers and fruits. Cracking, one fruit scatters up to 120 seeds. In one season, the nightshade of this species ripens from 5 to 20 thousand seeds.

The seeds are very hardy. Do not lose their germination for several years. Due to their small size and large number, seeds spread quickly, occupy sown land and pastures. The nightshade of this species causes great harm to animals. If it gets into the stomach with the grass, it can significantly damage the internal organs.

P. Kolyuchiy is classified as a quarantine weed, and is constantly being fought against. But recently, due to the economic crisis and the lack of funds for preventive measures, this weed manages to capture more and more territories of the Caucasus and Kazakhstan.

Curly (moonstone)

There are not so many curly forms of nightshades. The most famous and widespread P. is bittersweet. Outwardly it looks like a bush with very long branches, vines. One plant has several stems up to 3 meters long.

Interesting! The leaves of P. bittersweet are different in size and shape.

At the very top, they look like the leaves of tropical plants. Most of all they look like a monstera leaf. Growing up, the smooth stem gradually becomes spirally twisted.

The flowers are very bright, deep purple, with a yellow center, collected in umbrellas. Coral colored berries. The plant is poisonous and primarily appreciated as an ornamental plant. Used in landscaping parks and gardens. In the wild, it settles in a humid warm climate. Loves river banks. Less common in the forest.


This is another representative, which is usually attributed to the curly species. This species chose the coastal habitat. Loves sandy soils of sea and lake shores. Creeping stems, grayish. The plant looks soft because of the cannon it is covered with. Leaf color is bluish-green. Flowers are collected in bunches.

Ripe berries are the same as in P. bittersweet. Perhaps someone gave one of these species the name "Moonstone". Officially, the plant P. "Moonstone" does not exist.


Evergreen bush, up to 2 meters high. It is often used to form a standard tree. Egg-shaped leaves, simple, not dissected. The entire leaf plate is covered with a small fluff. The color of the flower is dark blue, there are specimens with purple flowers.

Interesting! Fruits are small red berries, 1-2 cm., Heart-shaped.

Having carefully studied the plant, breeders propose to classify P. Ratonetti to another family. By the way, the name of this type of plant was presented by a gardener from France, so the state thanked the humble gardener for his many years of work. Plants brought from different parts of the world, thanks to this person, have successfully taken root and delight the French to this day.

Gentian (blue potato tree)

In the descriptions, they look like twins. Perhaps the confusion was due to the fact that P. Rantonetti was first found and described in Paraguay. Hence another name P. Paraguay. And the homeland of P. gorechavkovidny is Brazil. No matter how this type of nightshade is called at the moment, it is the most demanded.

In some countries, it is grown for sale in huge quantities, almost on an industrial scale. Home care is difficult, the plant requires systematic pruning.


Received by the American breeder L. Burbank as a result of crossing two species of nightshade. P. Guinea and P. European creeping became the basis for the creation of this species. P.sunberry is an annual plant. It has a thick stem with four distinctly visible edges. In open ground it grows from one to two meters. The plant is grown because of the black-purple berries, from which jam, compotes are prepared. The plant is not whimsical.

Flowers are collected in umbrellas of 20 pcs. The fruit grows quickly and becomes cherry-like. P. Sunberry is also highly valued in folk medicine. Dozens of recipes for various diseases are made from this plant by folk healers.


Annual plant, herbaceous. Taproot. The creeping stems of the plant can reach up to 80 cm in length. If moisture permits, the stem takes root, takes root and several plants grow from one plant. The flowers of this weed are located in the leaf axils.

The color of the flower is white, sometimes pale lilac. Ripe yellow fruit.

Attention! One plant can produce more than 30 thousand seeds per season.

If the weather conditions are not very favorable, the seeds can remain viable for up to ten years without germinating. The plant is very poisonous. Animals don't eat it. If accidentally ingested, poisoning occurs.


The Latin name "Solánumtuberosum" is the most familiar and beloved species of nightshade in our country. There is no family where potatoes are not used as food. The potato tubers are tasty, in contrast to its poisonous fruits.

There are a great many varieties of potatoes. Potatoes are propagated vegetatively. Small tubers are used for planting, large specimens are divided into parts. You can also grow potatoes from seeds. Potatoes can grow just about anywhere. Different varieties differ in shape, color of leaves and color of flowers.

Mainly two types of P. tuberous are grown. The first is technical, from which starch is obtained and the second is table starch, suitable for human consumption.

Walking-leaved annual

Fruits are round, red, no more than 2 cm in size. After flowering, the ovary develops in a shell that looks like paper. The leaves of this species are deeply dissected, not very large, 7-8 cm. The stems are powerful, prickly.

Blooms in summer, flowers can be white, blue or blue-violet up to 3 cm in circumference. Under favorable conditions, the plant grows up to one meter in height and at least 0.5 meter in diameter.


A perennial that grows in the tropics of Australia and New Zealand. Reaches a height of 2.5 m. Flowers are large, blue-violet, collected in 5 -20 pieces. The fruit is orange, no more than 2.5 cm. The plant is poisonous.

It is grown as decorative. P. lobular is also used in traditional medicine for the preparation of drugs for the treatment of many diseases (polyarthritis, inflammatory processes, skin diseases, rheumatism, etc.).

Important! Traditional medicine suggests using this plant to treat headaches, inflammatory processes in the ears, and bruises.

Why do people love nightshade? Traditional healers for medicinal properties. Designers for beauty. Florists for unpretentiousness. Breeders for the opportunity to create new varieties.

Nightshade is one of the underrated crops. Most of the gardeners undeservedly consider it only an ornamental plant. But this is not entirely true - the topic deserves additional discussion.

What is it and what does it look like?

Nightshade (also known as "solyanum") is one of the most interesting garden and garden plants. His appearance can be very diverse: there are tall grasses, shrubs of various sizes. But nightshade can also be a tree. In woody forms, there are various stem configurations: straight, recumbent, or creeping. There is also a difference in the geometry of the leaves. Among them, along with ordinary ones, pinnately dissected specimens stand out.

During the formation of flowers in nightshade, they are grouped into different inflorescences:

  • brush;
  • shield;
  • panicle.

There is not even a single "standard" for the color of the corollas. They come in yellow, white, pink, and even purple. Everything is determined by the specific type of plant. Such a variety of appearance has made nightshade an extremely popular decorative crop. Using various subspecies of it and combining them with each other, with other plants, you can create stunningly beautiful garden compositions.

Botany defines the fruits of the nightshade as real berries. They also differ in their graceful appearance, for the bright red tint the plant even received the nickname "coral tree". The culture is considered thermophilic, but it has no special claims to the type of soil. Nevertheless, experts advise to breed it on loose earth, composed of clays and loams with an alkaline reaction. Nightshade belongs to the vast family of nightshades, so its relatives are:

  • pepper;
  • potato;
  • eggplant;
  • tobacco;
  • petunia;
  • tomatoes.

In nature, this plant is found in the tropics, subtropics, partly in the temperate climatic zone. But outside of South America, chances of finding wild nightshade are slim. It should be noted that the prickly species (height from 30 to 100 cm) is a very aggressive weed. Other varieties are safe in this sense. However, they deserve a thorough discussion.


Thorny nightshade is covered with completely robust, slightly yellow thorns 5 to 12 cm long. These thorns cover not only the stem, but even the peduncles. One plant is capable of forming 60 or even 70 branches. The flowering period is in the summer and the first month of autumn. Fruiting period is approximately 1 August - 31 October.

The forming fruit is like a ball. These dry berries crack during ripening. There can be 180 berries per bush (under favorable conditions). When the seeds are ripe, they do not germinate, but remain unchanged for 5 or 6 months. They are ideally sized for revitalization after wintering.

Seed germination of prickly nightshade lasts for at least 7 years. They are easily carried over long distances by air currents and can suddenly settle on the site for gardeners. If this species is deliberately bred, it will have to be looked after with great attention, otherwise the soil will quickly become clogged with falling seeds. Soon, 80 to 100% of cultivated and wild grasses in this area will be displaced, and it will not be so easy to return them back.

False-pepper nightshade has another common name - "Jerusalem cherry". It is misleading, however. This plant has nothing to do with cherries (except for the external similarity of fruits) or the Middle East. It comes from the island of Madeira. Wild thickets of false nightshade were repeatedly found on the Crimean peninsula.

Botanically, it is an evergreen dwarf shrub, mainly up to 1 meter in height. The foliage is devoid of edging, belongs to the oval or lanceolate type. Flowering occurs in July and August. The flowers are not particularly attractive: they are small and discreet in appearance. The external beauty of the pseudo-pepper nightshade is revealed only with the formation of round, gradually reddening fruits.

Pepper solanum originating from Uruguay and southern regions of Brazil is somewhat larger than the pseudo-pepper subspecies. The difference in size also applies to the fruits of these plants. Young shoots on pepper-shaped shoots are distinguished by a grayish edge. The leaves are relatively short, flowering occurs in summer, and by the end of autumn, deep red berries are formed, slightly larger than a cherry.

Pepper nightshade has not only decorative but also medicinal value. Like its false-pepper cousin, it can be used in indoor culture. Sunlight for him should be intense, but not falling directly. But the papillary nightshade got its name from the oblong endings of the fruit. The plant height can be noticeably more than 1 meter.

This species has leaves as soft as burdock. The relatively thick stem is densely covered with spines. The flowers of the papillary nightshade are small, painted in a white or purple tone. Ripe fruits are orange or yellow berries with a waxy tint. It is worth noting that such a plant is quite rare, and this is its main drawback.

Red nightshade is a perennial shrub. It has large leaves. Stems of red nightshade are prone to lignification. The fruits are bright scarlet. The plant is found in the wild, it has been repeatedly found in:

  • Siberia;
  • northern part of Mongolia;
  • Himalayan mountains.

Bittersweet climbing nightshade is also a shrub with elongated creeping branches and slightly pointed foliage. It reaches a height of 30-180 cm. Flowers are painted in purple, and later, deep red fruits are formed from drooping brushes. Important: these berries can be considered edible only conditionally, since the alternation of sweet and bitter tastes is unlikely to please many people.

Bittersweet nightshade is used for hedges. In nature, it inhabits the shores:

  • lakes;
  • swamps.

It makes no sense to talk about the tuberous nightshade for a long time. After all, this is an ordinary potato, known to everyone from childhood. But the variety of species of this group does not end there. So, coastal nightshade is one of the climbing subspecies.

Quite true to its name, it inhabits sandy areas on the shores of lakes and seas.

The fluff makes the plants of the coastal nightshade soft in appearance. Its leaves are green, with a bluish tint. By the appearance of the berries, it is similar to the bittersweet type. In everyday life, the plant received the name "Moonstone". But not a single botanical reference book or other official source uses this term.

Lobular nightshade deserves special attention. It is a highly developed perennial herb. Its height can reach 2 or even 2.5 m. The flowers are approximately the same in appearance as those of potatoes. Fruits are oval-shaped berries. They are not eaten due to toxic properties.

Lobular nightshade naturally lives in Australia, New Zealand and a number of subtropical regions of the world. In the post-Soviet space, it is found only as a cultivated plant (ornamental annual). Breeding for this purpose began only in 1955, for the first time the culture of lobular nightshade was bred in Romania.

The pharmaceutical industry shows interest in this species, uses it as a raw material for the production of hormonal medicines.

It is worth mentioning the Rantonetti nightshade. It is an evergreen shrub up to 2 meters high, mainly used for planting standard trees. After flowering, small (up to 2 cm) heart-shaped berries are formed. Along with dark blue, purple flowers are also present. But it is worth noting that some breeders doubt that this culture belongs to the nightshade.

This kind of controversy does not arise around the Sunberry species. It was bred by the famous American botanist Burbank by hybridizing the European and Guinean varieties. It is an annual crop with a thick tetrahedral stem. Gardeners appreciate it for its dark berries, which are used in the preparation of jam and compote. There are no special requirements for growing Sunberry

How is it useful?

It is extremely difficult to give an unambiguous description of the benefits and medicinal properties of nightshade, because this genus has a good thousand species. Some of them have no practical value at all, many are used purely for decorative purposes. Nutritionists identify only black (aka ordinary) nightshade. Important: when harvesting berries, you must mercilessly get rid of the stalks. It contains a number of toxic substances.

The chemical composition of black nightshade is well balanced. Thanks to ascorbic acid, it helps:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • improve the absorption of iron;
  • intensify the action of some vitamins.

Glycosides are of great value. They not only help fight heart disease, but also suppress many serious infections. Regular intake of glycosides facilitates the fight against infectious pathologies of the digestive system. In addition, glycosides dilate blood vessels and increase phlegm waste.

Thanks to carotene, nightshade eliminates night blindness and also reduces the risk of cancer.

The fruit contains manganese, which is very important for the full formation of connective tissue. It also improves the absorption of carbohydrates. Due to organic acids, nightshade berries:

  • inhibit the development of atherosclerosis;
  • optimize hematopoietic function;
  • normalize the balance between acids and alkalis in the body.

The combination of calcium and magnesium helps to strengthen bones, slightly increases urine output and has a positive effect on the nervous system. Judging by the reviews, this combination improves sleep, reduces the risk of stress. The role of rutin (vitamin P) is threefold:

  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • reduction of bleeding gums;
  • adrenal support.

Plant sugars provide replenishment of energy resources used by all organs, tissues and even individual cells. In addition, endorphins are produced from sugars. The use of tannins (tannins) is great. They stop bleeding and help heal abscesses, burns, and other mucosal lesions. With the help of tannins, it is possible to suppress viral skin lesions.

By consuming nightshade regularly, you can increase your insulin production while reducing your sugar concentration. This property is very valuable for patients with type 2 diabetes, as well as for everyone who is at risk. I must also say about quercetin. This flavonoid helps to cope with allergic reactions by blocking histamine.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning such valuable properties of quercetin as covering cells from free radicals and eliminating acute arthritic pain. Preparations based on nightshade and jam obtained from its berries are useful for:

  • hypertension;
  • gout;
  • systematic constipation.

The choleretic effect of the plant reduces the likelihood of liver ailments. The role of nightshade is great in the restoration of the liver, which has been poisoned or accumulated excess fat. Doctors recommend supplementing with berries the intake of drugs intended for the treatment of cystitis and other diseases of the excretory organs. Of course, each combination must be selected individually: taking into account age, metabolism, concomitant pathologies, and so on.

The diaphoretic and antipyretic effects of nightshade make it suitable for influenza and respiratory diseases.

Eating berries helps to reduce the severity of symptoms, make breathing easier, swallowing. The anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties of the plant help to treat a number of diseases (they do not cure, they help!). The substances contained in the fruits relieve spasms and spasms of smooth muscles. Nightshade helps rejuvenate the body by enhancing collagen synthesis and helping to flush out toxins. Although nightshade jam is difficult to consider as a dietary food (it contains a lot of sugar), moderate consumption of it against the background of strenuous training will definitely not hurt your figure.

Thanks to nightshade, the blood composition improves, and a number of chronic pains are relieved. You can use it to combat worms of various nature. The benefits of this plant are also undeniable for:

  • rheumatism;
  • lichen;
  • psoriasis;
  • asthma;
  • eczema;
  • a variety of rashes;
  • epilepsy;
  • persistent rhinitis;
  • headache.

Potential harm

The danger of nightshade is that it is a poisonous species (or rather, species). Only ripe black nightshade berries do not contain toxic substances. You need to pick berries as carefully as possible. If the stem is touched, you must not touch the skin with your hands, especially the face or eyes, as well as food products. We must first wash our hands.

Sort the berries as carefully as possible. If you consume at least one unripe fruit, you can get severe poisoning. Before starting the collection and when using nightshade, it is imperative to study all the recommendations given by doctors and biologists. It is categorically unacceptable to use this plant when:

  • persistently low blood pressure (hypotension);
  • weakness of the kidneys;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • acute liver disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • regular flatulence.

How can the plant be applied?

For harvesting for the winter for medicinal purposes, both young shoots and ripe fruits are used. Grass can be harvested during the flowering period. First, cut off the upper part of the blades of grass (everything that is higher than 20 cm above the ground). Shoots must be carefully checked so that there are no damaged leaves and rotten areas. Drying is carried out in a thoroughly shaded area that is well ventilated.

The workpieces are constantly agitated and turned over until they are 100% dry.

Fruits are harvested from the first days of August. First, the berries are torn off along with the stalks. Then they must be washed in cold water and air dried. Only after drying are the stalks removed. The collected fruits are laid out on pallets or baking sheets. The containers are pre-lined with paper or fabrics made of cotton fibers.

Important: there should be only one layer on the pallet. Put them in the same way after drying on a wide baking sheet. Shock freezing in the freezer takes 2 hours, then the nightshade is poured into those bags or containers in which they plan to store. Sugar is added there (as much by weight as berries), and after 3 or 4 hours it is ground to a puree state.

The easiest way to prepare nightshade for food is by cooking jam. First, the fruits are boiled in sugar syrup. Alternatively, mashed potatoes are boiled when making jam. Freezing nightshade is also a good option. This recipe, among other things, ensures that the beneficial characteristics of the product are preserved.

But nightshade can be used to prepare dishes of various kinds (not just jam). The open pie turns out to be very good. For its preparation use:

  • 700 gr. water;
  • some dry yeast;
  • margarine in a pack;
  • 15 gr. salt;
  • 60 gr. Sahara.

Sugar and salt are dissolved in water, to speed up the process, you need to stir it. Then the margarine is melted in a skillet and poured into the water. Yeast is mixed with flour. Important: no egg addition is required. After kneading the dough, knead it twice as soon as it rises.

Jam can be used as a filling instead of berries. Additionally, they put 30 grams there. starch (thickening the filling). After laying out the dough on a baking sheet, relatively low sides are formed. It remains to sprinkle the filling with powder, made up of:

  • 60 gr. Sahara;
  • 30 gr. sunflower oil;
  • 15 gr. starch;
  • 100 g wheat flour.

An attractive recipe is green cabbage soup. Cooking begins with boiling meat broth. While it is cooking, cut carrots, onions and parsley into smaller pieces. Then they are fried in sunflower oil, put in flour and fry for 2 minutes. The nightshade foliage is boiled until softened. Then this product is passed through a sieve.

The roots, which are pre-fried (preferably in the same saucepan), are mixed with the grated nightshade. Together they are diluted with broth and decoction of the leaves. Pepper is added to enhance the taste. Cooking will take 20 minutes. When 5 or 10 minutes remain until readiness, add sorrel and table salt in a saucepan.

The total costs of the products will be:

  • 500 gr. young leaves;
  • 500 gr. preferred meat;
  • 200 gr. sorrel leaves;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 root of fresh parsley;
  • onion head;
  • 60 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 30 gr. wheat flour;
  • salt and black peppercorns to your liking.

You can make scrambled eggs with nightshade. The leaves are cut larger, then they are simmered in a frying pan in heated ghee. After filling with beaten eggs, the dish is brought to readiness in the oven. Readiness is assessed individually. The dish is served with a sprinkle of black or green pepper. For 1 serving use:

  • 200 gr. leaflets;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 50 gr. ghee.

Lovers of Armenian cuisine will be delighted to prepare a salad. Start by sorting and washing young nightshade leaves. Then they are cut into larger pieces and placed in boiling water. Having let the leaves in it, they are thrown onto a strainer and cooled. Having transferred the product to a salad bowl, salt it, add table vinegar.

Cut the garlic head as finely as possible. To prepare this dish, you spend:

  • 250 g leaves;
  • 15 ml vinegar;
  • 2-3 gr. garlic;
  • black pepper and salt on your own.

Another option is curd pudding. At 75 gr. leaves use 150 gr. cottage cheese, 15 gr. butter, 10 gr. sugar, 15 gr. semolina, 40 gr. low-fat sour cream, 5 gr. ground crackers. You will also need a couple of chicken eggs. First of all, cottage cheese is ground, then mixed with raw yolks, ground with sugar. Then put salt, semolina, 50% warmed butter. The workpiece is mixed well.

Raw nightshade leaves are applied to this mass. They are pre-peeled and chopped smaller. When foliage is laid, egg whites are added, beaten until frothy. Mix everything again, put on an oiled baking sheet, 2.5-3 cm each (on top of rusks). Smoothing the layer, smear the dish with sour cream, sprinkle with crackers, sprinkle with sunflower oil and bake.

It's also helpful to know how to make nightshade gravy. The dish includes:

  • sorrel;
  • nightshade;
  • parsley (all of these are leaves);
  • a couple of pieces of white bread or loaf;
  • a couple of egg yolks;
  • 1 protein;
  • 15 gr. sunflower oil.

For work, you need only fresh young leaves. They are washed and finely flogged. Then the prepared mass is mixed with bread (soaked in milk) and a couple of yolks. One of the yolks is taken raw and the other is hard boiled. When the mixture is ready, add vegetable oil with a thin stream.

Season it all with lemon juice. Mustard, pepper, table salt, sugar are added. After them, chopped boiled protein is also added. The gravy can be used as an additive to cold meat, boiled eggs. But it is best compatible with various types of fish.

A very attractive recipe is dumplings with nightshade. It is distinguished by its simplicity, but at the same time it allows you to experience an extraordinary taste. To prepare 45-50 pieces of dumplings you will need:

  • 400 gr. quality flour;
  • 200 gr. boiled water;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 10 gr. salt;
  • 800 gr. fruits;
  • 100 g Sahara.

You can get ready for work in 19 minutes. The preparation itself will take 80 minutes. Experts recommend making this dish for breakfast. First of all, bread flour is sifted into a deep container (bowl). A recess is made in the poured slide, where you can break eggs, add water and salt.

Next, knead the elastic dough. Suitability criterion - minimal sticking to hands and to the table. After kneading, it should "rest" for 30 minutes. Then they transfer the workpiece to the table and roll out "sausages" with a width of 6 to 8 cm. These pieces are cut into about halves along the length, and after boning in flour, they are slightly crushed.

Now you need to roll out the pieces of dough to a state of thin layers. On each of them put 15 grams. nightshade fruits and 7 gr. Sahara. By connecting the edges of the dough, dumplings are fashioned. Boil them in salted water. After surfacing, cooking takes no more than 4 or 5 minutes.

Some chefs prefer to make Canadian jam. First, the syrup is boiled, for which 2 kg of fruit are taken. The water is replaced with juice squeezed from 1 lemon. You will have to set aside the syrup during the preparation process 4 or 5 times. During the last cooking, add juice from a couple of lemons, and after evaporation of the liquid, lay 2 or 3 mint leaves. Following this, the fire is turned off.

A simpler recipe for jam involves pouring 600 gr. berries with syrup, which was boiled from 600 gr. sugar and 200 gr. water. The pan is left from evening to morning, waiting for the juice to come out. When the time comes, the berries should be boiled until softened. Grind them and put them to cook again.

The food is done when it has shrunk by 1/3 or more.

For information on how to grow nightshade at home, see the next video.


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Many gardeners know nightshade as a wonderful ornamental plant that pleases with its beauty all year round: white nightshade flowers in combination with beautiful berries, the color of which changes as they ripen, will not leave anyone indifferent. But this plant is valued not only for its decorative effect, but also for its medicinal properties, which we will talk about in detail in this article.

Nightshade plant

What does nightshade look like?

Nightshade (or "solyanum") is an interesting plant, because it can look different: it is herbs, and shrubs, and trees, in which the stem can be lying, erect or creeping, and the leaves - simple or pinnately dissected.

The flowers of the plant are collected in shields, brushes or panicles, while the corolla of the flower can be painted in white, yellow, purple or pink (it all depends on the type of nightshade).

The fruit of the nightshade is a berry. It is for the beauty and grace of its bright red fruits that nightshade is called the "coral tree".

Nightshade is a thermophilic plant that is not picky about the type of soil, although it thrives best on loose, alkaline loamy or clay soils.

Nightshade family

Nightshade belongs to the Solanaceae family, numbering about 1,500 species. Moreover, this family contains both agricultural crops (for example, potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers) and useful medicinal plants, including:
  • nightshade false pepper;
  • pepper nightshade;
  • papillary nightshade;
  • nightshade red;
  • bittersweet nightshade;
  • nightshade black.

Where does it grow?

Plants from the Solanaceae family are found in tropical, subtropical, and temperate areas, but they are predominantly found in South America.

Collection and storage

For medicinal purposes, herbs, leaves and nightshade fruits are used.

So, the grass and leaves of the plant are harvested from July to September, while the fruits - from August to October.

Raw materials are dried in the fresh air or in a carefully ventilated room, and stored in boxes, which are pre-lined with paper.

The shelf life of nightshade is quite long - 6 - 8 years.

Important! For medicinal purposes, only dark (or black and blue) nightshade berries are used, but green fruits cannot be used, since they contain a large amount of solanine, a poisonous glycoside that can provoke the development of symptoms of intoxication.

In general, nightshade can be dried, frozen, and twisted with sugar or honey.

Nightshade is a weed

Often they talk about nightshade as a dangerous weed, which is very difficult to get rid of. But this statement is not entirely true, since the weed is mainly one type of nightshade - prickly nightshade.

This type of nightshade reaches a height of 30 - 100 cm, while its stem, branches, and leaf veins, and peduncles have strong, subulate thorns of a yellowish color (the length of the thorns is 5 - 12 cm).

One such nightshade can form up to 70 branches.

The prickly nightshade blooms from June to September, and bears fruit from August to October. The fruit of this type of nightshade is a spherical, semi-dry berry that cracks when ripe. One such nightshade can produce up to 180 berries, and each of them contains about 50 - 120 seeds.

Interesting fact! Ripe seeds of this type of nightshade do not germinate, being in a state of biological dormancy for 5-6 months. Seeds germinate only after overwintering directly in the soil. The viability of seeds in the soil is also striking, it is 7 - 10 years.

The danger of nightshade is not only that it retains its viability for a long time, but also that this plant (or rather, seeds) is easily broken off and carried by the wind over long distances.

Important! With insufficient care for prickly nightshade, soil contamination by plant seeds increases sharply, while often all herbaceous vegetation, without exception, is replaced by prickly nightshade.

Is it okay to eat nightshade?

You can eat berries of not all types of nightshade. Most often, black nightshade berries are eaten, and they are rarely consumed fresh (the berries have an unpleasant odor).

Mostly nightshade berries are used as a filling for pies, for making jam and preserves.

It is important to eat only ripe berries that are rich in sugars and ascorbic acid. Unripe nightshade berries contain poisonous compounds that are completely destroyed when the berries ripen.

Nightshade species

As mentioned above, the Solanaceae family contains more than 1,500 different plant species that prefer temperate and warm climates.

This amazing family has united the most diverse and often unexpected species, among which there are poisonous and quite dangerous plants (for example, mandrake, belladonna, dope, as well as henbane and brugmansia).

There are in this family and beloved by many vegetables, and fragrant decorative flowers (for example, petunias, tobacco, physalis).

But we will dwell in more detail on those types of nightshade that are used in traditional medicine.

False Nightshade

False-pepper nightshade, which is also called "Jerusalem cherry" for the similarity of fruits with cherries, is a native of the island of Madeira. In turn, in the wild, this species of nightshade can be found on the territory of the Crimea.

This type of nightshade belongs to evergreen semi-shrubs, because in height it rarely exceeds 1 m. The leaves of the nightshade are lanceolate or oval and have no edge (the length of the leaves is 8 - 10 cm).

The plant blooms with small single white flowers that appear in the months of July and August. But the false-pepper nightshade acquires its famous attractiveness only when round fruits appear, which gradually turn red. The berries form on the stem, towering over the foliage. Ripe nightshade berries boast all shades - from orange to scarlet.

The fruits of the nightshade are considered inedible, as they contain the poisonous alkaloid solanine. However, in South Africa, boils and stomach cramps are treated with this plant, while in India decoctions and infusions from this plant are used to treat drowsiness and acute pain.

Pepper nightshade

Pepper nightshade in its appearance is similar to false pepper nightshade, with the only difference that the first is smaller in size (and its fruits are also smaller).

Young shoots of pepper nightshade have a grayish edge and short leaves.

The homeland of this species of nightshade is southern Brazil, as well as Uruguay.

It must be said that the nightshade peppers bloom most profusely in summer: for example, small white flowers cover the entire plant. By the onset of winter, bright red berries about the size of a cherry ripen.

This type of nightshade is not only an ornamental, but also a medicinal plant, which is called "sore throat" or "sore throat tree", because pepper nightshade berries help to cope with sore throat. For this, the following infusion is prepared: 1 tbsp. crushed dry berries are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for two hours. This infusion gargles the throat up to five times a day. This rinsing helps to quickly stop inflammation and eliminate pain in the throat with tonsillitis.

The juice from the berries of the nightshade pepper perfectly heals wounds and cuts, and also promotes the resorption of boils.

Important! False-pepper and pepper nightshade are indoor plants that love bright sunlight, although they do not tolerate direct sunlight quite well.

Nightshade papillary

This type of nightshade is also called "cow's udder", and all due to the fact that the ends of the fruit are elongated and look like an udder with nipples.

Nightshade papillary in height can reach one or more meters. This type of nightshade is distinguished by the presence of soft leaves that resemble small burdocks. The stems of the plant are rather thick and speckled with thorns.

The plant blooms with small flowers that can be purple or white. After flowering, waxy yellow or orange fruits are formed.

I must say that papillary nightshade is rightfully considered a fairly rare plant. Despite this, this type of nightshade has found use in homeopathy: preparations based on it are taken for hemoptysis, and also as an effective expectorant.

Nightshade red

It is a perennial shrub with large leaves and woody stems. The fruit of the red nightshade is a bright red berry.

This type of nightshade is common in Northern Mongolia, Siberia and the Himalayas.

Red nightshade contains a small amount of bitter glycoside and solanine, which are very close in their action to tannins, vitamin C, carbohydrates and other substances.
For medicinal purposes, young shoots of the plant are used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • skin diseases (eczema, rash);
  • metabolic disease;
  • respiratory tract diseases (bronchial asthma, colds);
  • cystitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • inflammation of the middle ear.
A decoction of red nightshade berries is recommended for epileptic seizures and headaches.

Important! When taking large doses or with prolonged use, preparations from red nightshade can provoke poisoning.

Bittersweet nightshade

This type of nightshade, which is a semi-shrub, has long creeping branches and oblong (somewhat pointed) leaves. Plant height varies from 30 to 180 cm.

The purple flowers of bittersweet nightshade are not only large, but also very bright, they are collected in drooping brushes (later, red fruits are formed from these brushes).

Bittersweet got its name thanks to its fruits, which, when bitten, have a sweet taste, which gives way to bitterness. People know this type of nightshade as "wolf berries" and "worm".

The plant grows mainly in shrubs, along rivers, lakes and swamps, as well as in hedges.

For medicinal purposes, the stems of the plant are mainly used in the treatment of lichens, rheumatism, as well as catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. But the poisonous berries of the bittersweet nightshade have not been used in pharmacology.

Raw materials are harvested (young grassy top of the branches) at the beginning of flowering or directly during flowering. Raw materials are dried in the shade, and stored in boxes covered with paper (it is important to store nightshade separately from other plants, since the plant is poisonous).

The composition of the bittersweet nightshade determines its medicinal properties. So, the active substances of the plant are:

  • alkaloids;
  • bitterness;
  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
Properties of bittersweet nightshade:
  • astringent;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • blood-purifying;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • calming;
  • wound healing;
  • anthelmintic.
Diseases and conditions for which the use of bittersweet nightshade preparations is indicated:
  • metabolic disease;
  • skin conditions (rashes, itchy eczema and lichen);
  • flu;
  • rheumatism;
  • convulsions;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • diarrhea;
  • irregular menstruation.

It is recommended to drink an infusion of leaves for dropsy, jaundice and whooping cough, while externally it can be used for scrofula and rheumatism. The fruits are used for sexually transmitted diseases, as well as epilepsy and migraine attacks. A decoction of flowers is indicated for pulmonary diseases and catarrh of the respiratory tract.

Important! It is recommended to use bittersweet nightshade in combination with other herbs, namely, wintergreen, birch, bearberry, strawberries, calendula, licorice, fennel, horsetail, marshmallow, lingonberry, egg capsule, chicory, lemon balm, yarrow, rose hips.

To prepare the infusion, 15 g of the herbal collection, taken in equal quantities, are poured with half a liter of boiling water, after which the mixture is heated in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then the remedy is infused for two hours, filtered and taken three times a day during meals.

Preparations from bittersweet nightshade are contraindicated in children and pregnant women.

We should not forget that this plant is poisonous, and therefore its incorrect use can provoke poisoning, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • overexcitation;
  • swallowing disorder;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • speech disorder.
In order to avoid the listed symptoms, it is necessary to exclude self-medication with preparations from bittersweet nightshade.

Indoor nightshade: care, transplant - video

Black nightshade (common)

Black nightshade is an annual herb that does not exceed one meter in height. The stem of this plant is erect, branched and slightly pubescent. The leaves are distinguished by a pointed-oval shape (their length is 10-13 cm).

White flowers of black nightshade are small, they are collected in drooping umbellate inflorescences.

The fruit is a black juicy round berry (white or greenish fruits are rarely found). Nightshade berries have a pungent and sour taste.

Black nightshade blooms from June to September, and the fruits ripen from July to October.

This species of nightshade grows almost throughout the territory of Russia (the exception is the northern regions and Kazakhstan). Black nightshade settles in arable lands and gardens, along the banks of reservoirs, lakes and rivers, you can find this plant in gardens and among shrubs.

Important! Black nightshade is widely used in folk medicine, therefore, further we will talk about this particular type of nightshade.

Nightshade composition

  • reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • regulates protein synthesis;
  • restores metabolism;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • promotes the full formation of bones and teeth;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.
Organic acids
  • promote hematopoiesis;
  • normalize the digestive tract;
  • stimulate sluggish intestines;
  • eliminate constipation;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • normalize digestion;
  • improve metabolism;
  • lower the concentration of cholesterol;
  • neutralize free radicals;
  • normalize the reproductive system;
  • break down fats;
  • remove toxins;
  • strengthen the immune system.
  • eliminate foci of inflammation;
  • neutralize bacteria and germs;
  • accelerate the healing process;
  • normalize the digestive tract.
  • relieve pain;
  • promote blood clotting, due to which they are used to stop bleeding;
  • relieve spasms;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • lower blood pressure.
They are the main source of energy for the human body. It is sugars that ensure the course of metabolic processes, thereby normalizing the work of all body systems.

Vitamin C

  • removes oxidized products from the body that damage healthy cells;
  • removes toxins;
  • restores liver cells;
  • normalizes the functioning of the pancreas;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • strengthens the immune system.

  • dilate blood vessels;
  • increase the excretion of urine from the body;
  • neutralize the action of microbes and bacteria;
  • increase the discharge of sputum from the bronchi;
  • calm the nervous system.
  • strengthening the walls of the capillaries by increasing their strength and elasticity;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • slowing down of heart rate;
  • decrease in intraocular pressure;
  • regulation of the daily rate of urine excretion;
  • stimulating the function of the adrenal cortex;
  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • relief of the course of allergies;
  • neutralization of free radicals.
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • helps to strengthen the skeleton;
  • binds and removes toxins from the body;
  • strengthens the heart (in particular capillaries and blood vessels);
  • normalizes the functions of the digestive tract;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • promotes the formation of bone and connective tissue;
  • restores lipid metabolism;
  • enhances insulin synthesis;
  • promotes the absorption of carbohydrates;
  • synthesizes thyroid hormone.
  • promotes the formation of bone tissue;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • promotes the release of insulin;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • regulates the functions of the central nervous system.

Useful properties of nightshade

  • Pain reliever.
  • Diuretic.
  • Antipyretic.
  • Anthelmintic.
  • Expectorant.
  • Sedative.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Spasmodic.
  • Antirheumatic.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Wound healing.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Laxative.

The benefits and harms of nightshade

Black nightshade has been used in folk medicine for a very long time. So, Hippocrates used this plant to prevent nocturnal involuntary ejaculation in young men, as well as in men (this condition, called wet dreams, occurs most often when the psyche is relaxed and is accompanied by dreams in which the object of excitement is present).

Dioscorides prepared remedies from nightshade to help heal burns to the esophagus and stomach. In addition, this herb, which has an analgesic effect, was used in ancient times as a narcotic, which was taken before surgery.

Indian medicine to this day uses the fruits of the nightshade in the treatment of fever, diarrhea, eye diseases, while the plant sap is indicated for chronic liver diseases, tuberculosis, dysentery, and hemorrhoids.

But this is not a complete list of diseases for which it is recommended to take drugs from nightshade.

Diseases and conditions in which the reception of black nightshade is indicated:

  • headache;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • angina;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • fever;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • cramping pain in the abdomen and bladder;
  • colitis;
  • urine and gallstone disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • neuroses;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • scrofula;
  • boils;
  • lichens;
  • wounds;
  • ulcers;
  • pyelitis;
  • epilepsy.
In general, black nightshade preparations help dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. If we talk about the effect of the plant on the nervous system, then at first the preparations of the black nightshade are stimulating, and then depressing.

Fresh leaves of the plant are used as an effective wound healing agent (an ointment can be prepared from the leaves, which helps to treat festering wounds and ulcers).

Berries (fruits) nightshade

The fruits of the plant have choleretic, anti-febrile, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and anti-rheumatic properties, which determined the area of ​​their application. So, preparations from black nightshade fruits are used for rheumatism, colds, inflammations, diseases of the respiratory tract, atherosclerosis, hypertension.

It should be said that the fruits of black nightshade contain substances that have a calming effect on the nervous system and eliminate pains of various origins.

Fresh (and necessarily ripe) fruits of the black nightshade can be consumed in 5 - 10 g for atherosclerosis, as well as hypertension.


Nightshade stems are used in a similar way to the leaves of this plant. The powder, made from the dried stems of the plant, is used to treat conditions such as pancreatitis.


This part of the plant is not used in traditional medicine.

Nightshade application


An infusion of herbs and nightshade flowers is used as an expectorant, diuretic and pain reliever.

To prepare the infusion, 5 g of crushed raw materials should be poured with one glass of boiling water, after which the agent is infused for at least three hours. The filtered infusion is taken 3-4 times a day, one tablespoon.

This remedy will help with neuroses, headaches, joint and rheumatic pains. In addition, it can be used in the form of compresses in the treatment of boils and lichen.


Nightshade tincture is prepared with 60% alcohol, for this one part of the fruit is poured with five parts of vodka and infused for a week. Tincture is taken orally, 10-15 drops for colds, spastic stomach pains, flu, skin rashes, otitis media, as well as neuralgia.


1 tsp 250 ml of nightshade herb is poured, after which the mixture is sent to a water bath for 15 minutes. The strained broth is drunk for 10 days, one teaspoon twice a day. This remedy is recommended for coughs, neuralgia, colitis, bronchial asthma, gastritis, cystitis, rheumatic pains and itchy eczema.

Nightshade juice

The juice from ripe nightshade fruits, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 (for example, 50 ml of juice per 150 ml of water), is used to rinse the mouth for inflammation of the mucous membrane and sore throat. In addition, the sap from the leaves of the plant is buried in the nose with a cold (2 - 3 drops in each nasal sinus). In case of abdominal dropsy, it is recommended to take 20 - 35 drops of juice twice a day (the juice can be washed down with milk). However, it should be remembered that nightshade juice is contraindicated in hypotension.

Nightshade ointment

To prepare nightshade ointment, powder from the herb of the plant is mixed with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 4, respectively.

The resulting ointment lubricates festering wounds, ulcers, lichens, boils.

Contraindications to the use of nightshade

Despite the fact that nightshade berries are edible, prolonged use and non-compliance with the dosage can provoke poisoning. For this reason, it is imperative to consult a doctor before taking nightshade preparations. Ingredients for the dough:
  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • dry yeast - 1 sachet;
  • sifted flour - 3 glasses.
Ingredients for the filling:
  • ripe nightshade berries - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 1 glass.
First, the filling is prepared. To do this, the berries are carefully sorted out and washed (unripe berries cannot be used to prepare the filling).

Next, the berries are mixed with sugar, after which the resulting mixture is placed in a deep frying pan or saucepan and put on fire. Berries with sugar are simmering on the fire for half an hour (the mixture should acquire a uniform purple color and thicken). The finished filling should cool down.

Important! A properly prepared filling tastes like blueberry jam.

Let's move on to making the dough. So, vegetable oil is mixed with kefir, after which the mixture is slightly warmed up. Further, salt, sugar and dry yeast are added to the resulting mass. The mass is stirred until it becomes homogeneous, after which flour is added (the dough is mixed well again).

Now the dough must be kneaded well and put in a warm place for half an hour so that it "comes up".

When the dough comes up, roll it out and put it in a baking dish, which should first be greased with vegetable oil. The filling is laid out on top, on top of which a "mesh" can be made from the rolled pieces of dough.

The pie is baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees until tender.

Nightshade jam

To make black nightshade jam, you will need the following components:
  • ripe nightshade fruits - 500 g;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • water - 250 ml.
The berries are thoroughly washed and placed in a saucepan. Next, a syrup is prepared from water and sugar, with which the nightshade is poured, while the syrup should be hot. The resulting mixture is left overnight (the berries should be juiced). In the morning, the mixture is brought to a boil, after which the jam is simmered over low heat until cooked.

You can also make jam from nightshade. The ingredients and quantities are the same as for making the jam. Only the cooking technology is different. So, washed berries are poured with water and boiled until the nightshade becomes soft. Next, the berries are ground with sugar and cooked over low heat until the mass is reduced to half.

Now let's move on to recipes that will help to heal the body.

Decoction for colitis and gout

Boil 20 g of ripe nightshade fruits with a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. This remedy is taken in a tablespoon four times a day. This broth will also help alleviate the course of urinary and gallstone diseases.

Infusion to eliminate pain of various etiologies

Boil 10 g of chopped black nightshade herb with 500 ml of boiling water, and then leave for 4 hours. The filtered infusion is drunk in a tablespoon three times a day as a pain reliever for neuroses, headache, gouty and joint pain, for spastic pain localized in the abdomen and bladder. In addition, this infusion can be used as a lotion in the treatment of scrofula, boils and lichens.

Infusion for rheumatism

2 tsp nightshade flowers are filled with two glasses of boiling water. The product is wrapped up and left to infuse for two hours, after which it is filtered and drunk on a tablespoon three times - four times a day.

Infusion for spastic cough

Pour 10 g of herbs with half a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The product is taken warm, 150 ml three times a day before eating. If desired, you can add honey to the infusion to taste.

Infusion for hemorrhoids and purulent wounds

8 tbsp dry nightshade leaves to insist for four hours in ten glasses of boiling water. The infusion is used as a sitz bath in the treatment of external hemorrhoids and purulent wounds.

How to cook nightshade - video

Before use, you must consult a specialist.

Black nightshade is an annual plant that is fairly widespread in Asia, Europe, Australia and America. Most often it is perceived as weedy and poisonous. Not many people know about the benefits of this plant. Can black nightshade harm? How is it used in traditional medicine? We will talk about this in the article.


Black nightshade, a photo of which you can see below, is common in our country. It grows everywhere, including the northern regions. The plant is found even in the southern regions of Siberia. It is a native of Europe and Asia, which was later introduced to North America. The plant perfectly adapts to temperate climates.

Black nightshade is considered a weed because of its unpretentiousness: it is undemanding to the composition of soils and moisture. It develops equally actively among garden plants and in ravines, gullies, along roadsides.


Black nightshade is an annual herb. Unlike other varieties of this plant, it does not differ in the outstanding beauty of flowers and is practically not grown in garden and summer cottages, it is rarely cultivated for harvesting. The needs for this plant, as a rule, are satisfied by the nightshade growing in natural conditions. Consider the structure of the nightshade:

  • Stems. The nightshade has massive erect cylindrical stems that branch upward. The stems can be either naked or slightly pubescent.
  • Leaves. They are simple, without stipules, placed on the stem alternately on the cuttings. The leaf plate is ovoid, slightly elongated. Its length can reach 13 cm, with a width of 8 cm. The surface of the plate is deep green, matte, with well-pronounced venation. The edge is most often even, but sometimes it is angularly notched.
  • Flowers. In black nightshade, they are bisexual, painted white. Flowers have a double perianth and a five-pointed stellate corolla. Small flowers (up to 1 cm) are collected in umbellate inflorescences, they are often called curls. Black nightshade bloom begins in mid-May. Under favorable weather conditions, it lasts until September.

  • Fruit. Globular black berries of black nightshade do not exceed a centimeter in diameter. They are covered with a smooth, matte skin. Fruits ripen from early August to mid-October.

There are different opinions about the benefits and harms of black nightshade: some consider the plant poisonous, others useful and medicinal. You will be surprised, but both sides are right. The fact is that only green nightshade berries are poisonous, containing solanine, which has a toxic effect on the body. When fruits ripen, solanine is destroyed, and ripe berries become an effective remedy.

Chemical composition

The composition of different parts of the black nightshade plant contains many useful substances. This explains its powerful effect on the body. The main useful substances include:

  • glycosides and alkaloids;
  • carotene;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • sugar compounds;
  • magnesium salts;
  • calcium;
  • manganese

Medicinal properties

The beneficial properties of black nightshade are used by folk healers to get rid of many diseases. For healers and healers, the entire aerial part of the plant is valuable. The selectivity of the action of nightshade is interesting in the manufacture of preparations in the same way. For example, the infusion of the plant is equally effective for both internal and external use.

Black nightshade has the following properties:

  • choleretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • laxative;
  • diuretic;
  • pain relievers;
  • antiallergic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • sedative.

When is the use of the herb indicated?

Preparations from black nightshade herb are used in the following cases:

  • with diseases of the stomach, intestines;
  • with cholecystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • with epilepsy, neuroses;
  • with skin diseases.

Water extract from the grass for lichen, furunculosis, allergies of unknown nature purifies the blood. In addition, herbal infusions are an effective addition to medicinal baths. The nightshade herb is known for its expectorant and bronchodilatory properties, and therefore drugs based on it are used for colds, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and tuberculosis.

Fruit use

Numerous patient reviews confirm the benefits of black nightshade fruits when using its fruits in different forms:

  • Fresh berries. Fresh berries are useful for hypertensive patients, used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis, infectious diseases, kidney diseases, and improving vision.
  • Alcohol extract. It has anticonvulsant, sedative, muscle relaxant properties. It is used in the treatment of neuroses, mild forms of neurasthenia.

  • Berry juice. This nightshade remedy is used to treat inflammation of the oral cavity: periodontal disease, stomatitis, tonsillitis. Lotions from the juice help fight conjunctivitis and chronic rhinitis, when instilled into the nose. Berry juice has anti-inflammatory, astringent, healing, bactericidal properties. It is diluted and used in the form of compresses for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, lichen.

Traditional healers believe that nightshade is able to heal from malignant tumors, including blood cancer. In oncology, extracts from flowering grass or fruits are taken. The plant cures hepatitis of any origin, cirrhosis of the liver. The hypoglycemic properties of this plant have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels.

Nightshade preparations

From black nightshade at home, you can prepare effective remedies for the treatment of many serious diseases. We offer you recipes for some of them.

Nightshade ointment

The nightshade herb is used to treat many skin lesions: infectious, mechanical, allergic, trophic, autoimmune in nature. To enhance the effect, the ointment is covered with a bandage. The procedure takes two to four hours. For the preparation of the ointment, dry nightshade herb is used. It should be ground into powder in a mortar or coffee grinder.

Mix a teaspoon of powder with four teaspoons of refined vegetable oil. The resulting drug is applied to the damaged skin three times a day.

Berry juice

It is used for edema, ascites, hypertension, for external use in diseases of the mucous membranes and skin. Juicing is easy. To do this, you need to grind a glass of berries through a sieve or grind in a blender. The resulting mass must be squeezed through cheesecloth. A quarter of a glass of freshly squeezed juice is diluted with boiled water at room temperature until a glass is full.

The resulting solution can be used to rinse the mouth, throat and wounds. When rhinitis, instill 2-3 drops of diluted juice in each nasal passage. For cystitis, hypertension, dropsy, take 30 drops of undiluted juice every day. It should be washed down with milk or clean water. A decoction of the herb is used as an antispasmodic, antitussive, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiallergenic agent.

Pour a teaspoon (teaspoon) of chopped dry nightshade herb over a glass of boiling water. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes. When the composition has cooled, strain it. Take the remedy in a spoon (teaspoon) twice a day. A new portion is prepared every two days.

Alcohol extractor

When taken orally, it has an anti-inflammatory, anti-cold, diuretic and choleretic agent. Pour dry nightshade fruits with 60% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 6. For a week, the mixture is infused in a dark place, shaking the container daily. Take the remedy 15 drops once a day.


It is used to treat joint, stomach, headaches, and disorders of the nervous system. From a warm infusion, lotions are made for ulcers, boils, wounds.

Steam 5 grams of nightshade herb with a glass of boiling water. Let the composition brew for three hours. Then the composition can be filtered. Inside, the infusion is taken in a tablespoon up to four times a day.

Bath with nightshade

In the cold season, such a bath strengthens the body's resistance, relieves joint and muscle pain. Eliminates allergic rashes, helps in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis. Pour two liters of boiling water over three tablespoons (tablespoons) of herbs. It is insisted until it cools down to room temperature, filtered, and the cake is squeezed out. Pour the resulting infusion into a bath filled with warm water.

Safety regulations

Opening any guide to herbal treatment, you can see a photo of black nightshade. The benefits and harms of this plant are closely intertwined. We have already said that the green fruits of the plant are toxic, therefore, when preparing raw materials, you must be extremely careful. Only fully ripe fruits, evenly colored black, can be harvested.

Preparations based on black nightshade are contraindicated for children under three years old, pregnant women, as well as during lactation, people with individual intolerance to the substances that make up the plant. Side effects to look out for when taking drugs made from nightshade include:

  • increased fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • nervous irritability;
  • diuresis;
  • diarrhea.

According to the reviews of people who took these funds, the negative effect of the plant is very rare and only if the dosage was exceeded. Its violation leads to intoxication of the body, which, in the absence of medical assistance, can be fatal, since the harm of nightshade is due to the content of potent substances in its composition. Traditional healers claim that the side effects of nightshade are effectively eliminated by natural bee honey.

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