What is the best alarm to put on the car. What kind of car alarm with feedback is better to put on a car: tips for choosing and installing. Rating of the best car alarms according to users

Car thieves make their decisions after long observations of the owner-machine interaction. First of all, the theft attempt will be made in relation to cars that do not have protection.

High-quality signaling will help you not get on the list of easy prey.

The car alarm is designed to alert the owner of the car about an attempted theft, harm, or an attempt to get inside the car. The device can be installed in cars of any class.

Principle of operation

  • dynamic code. Each time the buttons located on the key fob are pressed, a new code is generated. Picking up a cipher is much more difficult, which increases the reliability of the device.
  • dialogue principle. Has a high degree of protection.

There are several stages during which the security system recognizes the car's key fob according to the dialogue principle:

  • Pressing a button on the key fob initiates a signal containing an individual number to the base unit.
  • Then there is a check whether this key fob is registered in the security system, and not once, but in a dialogue.

  • If it turns out that the key fob has been identified, the system dynamically generates a request code in the form of a pseudo-random number.
  • The signal containing the code is sent to the key fob. In it, by processing according to a special algorithm, the command is encoded.
  • The command arrives at the base unit, which, by processing according to the same algorithm, decodes the command, then executes it.
  • Performance information appears on the keychain.

Using a request, which is a random number, which is sent several times, excludes disarming using code grabbers.

  • Security. Designed to protect the car from theft. Provide driver protection.
  • Service. Provides comfort and added convenience.
  • Feedback. Informs the car owner that something unauthorized is happening to his car. This will allow him or someone close to him to quickly be near the scene and correctly assess the situation.

With this function, data is transmitted to a key fob that has an LCD or LCD display.

Innovative models of car alarms keep in touch with the owner using a mobile phone.

  • Engine blocking. If the feedback simply provides information about the hijacking attempt to the owner and further actions are left to him, then this function begins to fight the hijacker on its own.

Blocking is implemented using a relay, turning off the blocks with which the engine runs.

  • Tamper alarm. A loud sound should scare off an intruder, as well as alert the driver.
  • Impact sensor. Gives information about an attempt to break glass and steal things in the cabin.
  • Tilt sensor. Indicates an attempt to raise the machine with . The purpose of these manipulations may be an attempt to evacuate it or remove the wheels.

Additional functions

  • Vehicle break-in warning. It will allow you to specifically specify which sensor triggered the signal. When the driver gets into the car, it is necessary to analyze the flashing of the indicator light on the panel.
  • Panic mode. When the key fob button is activated, the side lights, siren and lock are turned on.
  • Antiscanner. Fires when attackers fail to find a code for protection.
  • Antigrabber. The function opposes another device - a grabber, which tries, by copying the code from the key fob, to use this to disarm the car.
  • The door opening is two-step. The function can be activated when the car already has electric locks. With their help, a reverse impulse is sent.

When this mode is turned on, a command is sent to open the driver's door. All other doors remain locked.

  • Automatic arming. When the door closes behind the exiting driver, the alarm starts counting the time. If, after a short period, something opens, then security is activated.
  • Starter lock. The car cannot be started if the starter is blocked.
  • Auto engine start. The function is a service one. For example, it allows you to warm up the interior by the arrival of its owner. Allows you to save time and comfortably use your car.
  • Valet mode. It is reasonable to apply when the car is left at a service station. Allows you not to leave a key fob with the car in the car service. Only panic mode remains enabled.

All other security functions of the car alarm are disabled. It is possible to control the car door locks remotely.

  • Key fob transmitter activation mode. This feature is useful if the key fob is lost. It is possible to activate a new one.
  • Function programming. Allows you to set your own preferences. In modern systems, it allows you to supplement the device with new functions.
  • Power window controller. It works if the driver left the windows down or not tightly closed. When arming, they will rise automatically.
  • Possibility of silent arming and disarming. Designed for delicate drivers who do not want to disturb the peace of other people.

  • Remote trunk opening. service function. Creates additional comfort when approaching the trunk with hands full of bags.
  • Arming with a delay. If an absent-minded car owner, having left the car, forgot to press the button, the system, having counted the required number of minutes, will independently set the security mode.
  • Keychain control. The car, as it were, “welcomes” the owner approaching it, in whose pocket or bag there is a key fob. After identification, opening occurs.
  • Possibility of arming with deactivation of sensors. It makes sense if someone is left inside. All security functions will be preserved, except for the shock sensor. False triggering due to movements of those remaining inside is excluded.
  • Emergency shutdown of the security system. If the key fob is missing, turn off the alarm immediately using the key.

How to choose a car alarm

Important parameters:

  • Since there are car alarms of different price categories on sale, you should roughly determine the amount that is possible and appropriate to spend on this purchase.
  • If you are the owner of an inexpensive vehicle, then the alarm system you buy should perform the most basic security functions.
  • For middle-class cars, it makes sense to invest in a feedback alarm.
  • For expensive cars or corporate vehicles, it is better to purchase satellite car alarms.
  • For car owners of vehicles that are in the garage at night, mechanical means of protection are suitable.
  • In all cases, first of all, you need to make sure that there is a necessary and sufficient set of security functions.

Various service functions are considered secondary. If prestige is not the main criterion, then you can figure out which of them you can do without. Overloading with a large number of options can confuse the car owner.

The best car alarms with auto start

  • Tomahawk LR-1010 is the cheapest budget alarm model. Properties: ease of use; the presence of basic anti-theft devices; the presence of the service function "polite backlight".
  • Sher-Khan Logicar A - is the best in terms of the presence of functions of different degrees of protection. Properties: the presence of an encoding option in which the signal is not transmitted to the open air; signal interception protection; does not lose its performance due to interference.
  • StarLine A91 is the most noise-immune model. Properties: dialog code; signal coding has high protection; automatic start; finding the coordinates of the machine; performance in the presence of dense radio interference.


Engine starting and preheating can be done remotely. The basic principle is pre-configuration.

The range is up to two kilometers.

  • Increased operating comfort. Significantly saves the time of the car owner.
  • Installation versatility. Suitable for machines of various designs.
  • Has a low price.

The best one-way car alarms

  • Sheriff APS-35 is a great option for budget car owners. The protection mode is provided during engine operation. It is possible to use the Valet and Panic modes, there is an option for arming in the passive mode.

Glasses are automatically compressed when arming. For control, there is a key fob with an active and passive option.

  • Pantera CL-550 is a security system with the most advanced dynamic control code. Properties: modern means for car protection; 4 protection zones.
  • Car alarm KGB VS-130 is a model suitable for a wide range of drivers of both domestic and foreign brands.

  • Simplicity in management and reliability.
  • Low cost.

  • Alarm triggered by strong gusts of wind or heavy rain.
  • There is no special channel for notifying the owner.
  • Range 250 meters.

The best car alarms via mobile phone

  • StarLine E95 BT 2CAN+LIN GSM – the model is equipped with Bluetooth Smart software. Properties: "Hands free" function; recognition of the owner by his smartphone, which plays the role of a contactless tag; low power consumption.
  • Pandora DXL 3945 is the most advanced model of this line. Properties: high speed of response to key fob commands; radio interference protection; radio key fob; ease of setup.
  • Pandect X-1000 is the most recommended system in this range. Properties: contactless tags; small base unit.

The mobile will receive messages about everything that happens with the machine. Commands are dialed either by direct dialing or via SMS.

  • Thanks to the presence of a GSM module, it is possible to start the engine from a mobile phone.
  • Notifications are sent to the mobile for what reasons the alarm was triggered.
  • With the help of a mobile phone, blocking at any distance is possible.
  • High price.

The best car alarms without autostart


  • Pandora DXL 4300 - using a contactless tag. All functions are controlled from a mobile phone.
  • Pharaon LC-40 - the best features for these models. Properties: long warning range - up to 2000 m; energy saving mode; keychain lock.
  • Pharaon X180 - equipped with the necessary functions. Mode "Security", "Comfort", "Panic". Remote trunk opening. The shock sensor is two-level.

A car alarm is essential for any car owner. No car is immune to theft. Installing a protective system will reduce risks. Today, most often a car alarm with feedback is installed on the car, which allows you to monitor the condition of the vehicle at a distance, configure the security system and turn off the sound signal if necessary.

At risk are not only expensive models, but even domestic cars that have been in operation for a long time. Any car can be stolen for a variety of purposes. The result for all owners is the same - material losses, which can be avoided by installing an alarm on a car.

Which alarm is best suited for a particular brand of car depends on a combination of factors that need to be considered when choosing the right security system. For the city, many owners choose modifications for their car with auto start, which allows them not to constantly configure the system after false positives.

When choosing a security system for a car, you should pay attention to a number of important factors and characteristics that would provide the perfect combination of price and specific model. Which alarm system is best suited for a particular car brand will help you find out an overview of top-end security systems.

A car alarm is essential for every car owner. The experts claim The choice of car alarm depends on:

When choosing a suitable protection system, insurers recommend paying attention to the cost of the protection system. It is believed that a good model should have a price of 10% of the total cost of the car. Will help with the choice and instructions for such a device. Most often, for budget cars, a cheap alarm is bought, which is able to perform its functions well. However, two-way alarm systems such as the sheriff security system are very popular today.

The best alarms should be a multi-level protective complex, which includes an audible alarm and various mechanical interlocks. In addition to protection against theft, such a system should protect against theft of tires, freezing or damage to the body in the parking lot by another careless driver of a neighboring car.

Experts will tell the car owner how to choose the right type of alarm for your car. First of all, you should accurately understand the operating conditions of the machine, its parking lots and the likely dangers that threaten it. In most cases, budget protection systems are chosen, such as sheriff or excellent, which traditionally top the rating of budget-type alarms. Their price does not exceed 10,000 - 12,000 rubles. The instruction manual allows you to quickly master the protection functionality.

Types of protection system

Modern security systems are usually divided into:

  • regular;
  • one-sided;
  • bilateral;
  • equipped with a GPS module.

Full-time security system is provided for all modern cars. But this is a too average security system that does not guarantee protection. Even expensive car models have only one immobilizer. Older models do not have built-in alarm systems. For such cars and new cars, owners install special anti-theft systems.

One way alarm

In one-way alarm systems, the central lock is controlled by the owner from the key fob. When the car is under the alarm, upon impact, opening the doors, the sound and light signals turn on, and when you try to start, the engine stalls. But control can be carried out at a short distance. To date, such protection systems do not save either from burglary, or from theft, or from theft of wheels.

Two way alarm

This is a system for exchanging coded signals between the owner's key fob and the key fob placed in the car. The owner can control his car at a remote distance, and the security system can monitor the state of the car and send such information to the owner on the key fob. The simplest two-way alarms have a fairly large range within 500 meters. For more expensive burglar alarms, it can reach several kilometers.

Such protection systems differ in the type of signal encryption into dynamic and interactive. The most resistant to hacking and the most expensive are alarms with a dialogue form of feedback recording.

Two-way alarm models can be equipped with various sensors that provide automatic engine start, oil level check and other functions. Systems that automatically start warming up the car during the cold season are very popular.

Such protective systems are usually used for commercial purposes or on expensive cars. They carry out:

They cost more, but they are much more effective. And the range of their action is not limited, and all information will be sent to the owner on the phone. Satellite devices are considered "heavy artillery" in the signaling market. This is an expensive pleasure and most often the insurance company requires its installation. A car with a GPS alarm is under round-the-clock dispatch protection, and any information about illegal actions against your car is instantly sent to dispatchers and to your phone. And if, nevertheless, an attempt was made to steal, then the data is immediately transferred to the duty department of the traffic police.

In addition to security functions, this is an opportunity to track how and by whom the transport is operated. Relevant for commercial use in that the manager will always be aware of the delivery of goods, the use of a working vehicle during non-working hours, etc.

They allow you to control the car from your phone, allowing you to start the engine and open the doors. The machine can be controlled remotely from any distance, even from another country. Even when the car's power is off, satellite security alarms continue their work due to the built-in backup power supply.

Important! The only drawback of such a security and search system is that it can be silenced with a special device.

Interesting! In addition to a search and security system with a navigator controlled via the owner's phone, models that can be controlled via the Internet are also used today.

Two-way alarm system: advantages and features of work

The most reliable protection system is considered to be a two-way alarm system, which allows:

  • Use a signal encoding method using a conversational encryption method. The command from the owner's key fob is analyzed by the security unit. If he recognized it as his, then he generates a set of random numbers and sends it back in the form of a password. The built-in keychain algorithm processes this set and feeds it back to the main module. The mechanism of interaction of key fobs is always individual, only they can recognize each other. The control pulse changes all the time, which makes it impossible to intercept it by various digital devices.
  • Increase the range of the signal. The strength of the connection between the module and the remote control depends on it. Depending on the manufacturer, it ranges from 500 to 2000m and weakens with distance.
  • Use different protected areas. Sensors that transmit information to the processor can be located anywhere in the car. They can control the appearance of subjects at a certain distance from the car, the movement of the car in space.
  • Ability to connect to the CAN bus, when the security system is installed in the car's wiring with a minimum amount of communications.
  • Invisibility of the main signaling unit, which defines the security of the "guard".
  • Possibility to connect new sensors, controlling the technical condition of the machine.
  • Small energy consumption. Economical consumption extends battery life and improves machine safety.

Keyfobs have a brighter display, are durable and reliable than in single-sided models of burglar alarms. Such protection systems can be connected to an on-board or home computer, they have an additional set of functions and a large number of tracking sensors.

When choosing an alarm, you should not only take into account the functions of the protective system itself, but also the frequency rating of the theft of car brands.

Most often today, Japanese cars are stolen, which can be quickly dismantled or sold. Cars like Citroen are stolen less often, since the sale of such non-standard cars is limited. When choosing the right alarm for your car, this factor should be taken into account. In a variety of theft ratings, the Japanese brands Mitsubishi Lancer and Mazda 3 are considered the most stolen.

For atypical models, an inexpensive burglar alarm may be suitable. But an increasing number of car owners are choosing two-way anti-theft devices that provide feedback to the car and allow you to expand the functionality of the alarm. New reversible models with auto-start provide the opportunity to use digital technology that replaces mechanical devices.

The more sensors can be used in the car security system, the more reliable such an alarm will be. The cost of a good security system with feedback on average should cost at least 15,000 rubles. for luxury cars.

In general, the alarm system should, according to the most minimal scenarios, be able to:

  • block the engine;
  • turn on to open the trunk, hood, doors and windows;
  • react to the blow.

Without such a minimum set of functions, today they do not use a security system for cars.

Alarm manufacturers adapt their electronic system to certain car brands. Therefore, when buying it, you need to specify which alarm would be better to put on a particular brand of car. It should also be noted that two-way protection systems should be installed by professionals in service centers, and not independently.

Review of the best alarm models for cars: TOP 5, advantages and disadvantages

The Sheriff car security system uses a dynamic coding algorithm when transmitting service pulses, due to which attempts to write down the code and apply it do not lead to success. Each time a command is transmitted from the key fob, the code changes, so the previously recorded signal will not work.

When choosing a Sheriff model, the main selection criterion is its factory characteristics and compatibility with the car by the type of engine and gearbox. The product line includes various options for protective systems. costing from 2000 to 13 000 rubles.

EXCELLENT signaling has a network structure and is capable of solving any problems. The manufacturer offers several options for completing such an alarm with auto start. The EXCELLENT security system is distinguished by the network construction of the multitasking complex. This is a reliable car guard capable of solving various problems. The price of such a car alarm depends on the set of functionality and fluctuates within 7800 - 11 150 rubles.

The final cost of such an alarm is determined after consultation with a specialist installer based on the model features of the car.

This brand belongs to the Moscow company "MEGA-F". The development of the car alarm of this model is carried out in Russia, and it is produced in South Korea. Popular models with a 5-year warranty period are in demand among Russians. The disadvantage is the large amount of energy consumed during the cold season.

The cost of this protection system consists of a key fob and a main blocking body is from 4,500 to 10,000 rubles. The system releases the lock after the pin code is presented.

The brand belongs to the domestic company Alarm Trade. It has recently appeared on the market, but has already been able to gain popularity with its high quality and affordable prices. All Pandora car alarms have a long warning range. It costs an average of 14 thousand rubles.. After disarming the car, the driver had to enter a pin code by pressing a secret button to start the engine. The line includes budget and more expensive protective systems.


The brand belongs to the Japanese corporation Nec, which specializes in the production of electronic accessories for cars. Niteo produces one-sided and two-sided budget-type protection systems, which are in constant demand among buyers in Russia. The price of a protective two-way system of this brand in the Russian market is about 3000 rubles. The disadvantage of such a protective system is a small range in control mode. It is only 600 meters. In alert mode, the protective system operates within a radius of 1200 meters.


When choosing a suitable car alarm, you should be guided by the specific operating conditions of the vehicle, the degree of protection of the parking lot and the model of the car. There is a large selection of budget and more expensive alarms with wide functionality on the market.

By choosing the right type of alarm, even with the help of inexpensive protection systems, you can eliminate the possible theft or theft of car parts. Experts will help you choose and install the appropriate type of security system. Today, two-way alarms are usually used, allowing you to control the security complex from a distance.

Today, there are a large number of car alarms on sale, from which it is very difficult to make a choice. And among this variety it is very difficult to choose an option that will match the security functions, and at the same time be a friendly price. To facilitate the choice, the top 10 best car alarms with feedback of 2015-2016 are presented.

Modern technologies provide buyers with more and more new products, which makes it more and more difficult to choose. Car thefts are constantly increasing, and both foreign and domestic cars are being stolen.

Therefore, everyone should think about the quality protection of their vehicles. All alarms can be conditionally divided into one-way, two-way and with a satellite system. The first type of car alarms is characterized by an audible signal and an alert at a distance of about 200 m, but these models are already outdated.

Two-way car alarms are equipped with feedback from the owner, in addition to sound and light lighting, they send a signal to the owner's key fob about the state of the car. The latest type of car alarms is equipped with a satellite alert signal. Such an alarm does not work only in places where there is no light communication coverage. Thanks to such an alarm, the owner can accurately determine the location of the car and its condition.

We will talk about the most popular car alarms with feedback. Among the wide variety, a list of the main popular models can be distinguished.

Rating of alarms with feedback in 2016

  1. StarLine Twage A91
  2. MegaF Scher-Khan Logicar 2
  3. Pandora Deluxe 1870
  4. Sheriff ZX750
  5. Alligator cm30GC
  6. Tomohawk TZ9020
  7. Stalker MS-600LAN 3
  8. Pantera SLK-625RS

Car alarm StarLine Twage A91

One of the numerous family of StarLine security systems produced by the Russian

NPO Starline. Being an inexpensive car security complex, from 6800 rubles, it most fully reflects all modern trends in the field of security electronics:

  • has a dialogue coding system;
  • practically inaccessible to electronic hacking;
  • successfully counteracts widely used code grabbers;
  • the encrypted code is used in both alarm key fobs.
  • the "Megapolis" mode was applied, which reduces the level of radio interference and increases the range of operation up to 2000 meters;
  • the presence of an intelligent autostart will allow not only to start the car, but also to do it depending on the temperature, remotely or by an alarm clock.

The democratic nature of the StarLine Twage A91 security system, at the same time, provides an opportunity for its further development and creation of a whole security complex for a car of any brand.


The long-established and well-known security equipment of SCHER-KHAN, the Russian company Mega-F, positions itself among inexpensive (from 6250 rubles) gadgets. It is fully functional and includes:

  • MAGIC CODE™ PRO 2 coding system with block-stream signal encryption;
  • receiving alert signals - 1500 meters;
  • modern autorun function;
  • by time;
  • by temperature;
  • remote start;
  • the "Turbotimer" function will be in demand by owners of turbocharged cars.

A distinctive feature of the device is the possibility of its use on cars with both automatic and manual transmissions.

Car alarm Pandora DeLuxe 1870

This is an inexpensive (from 6840 rubles), but quite comfortable, in terms of its functionality, security system. The model has now been discontinued and replaced by the 1870i, with two-way communication and conversational coding. The differences between them are in the modern D154 keychain and improved consumer characteristics:

  • range for reception, in line of sight, 1700 m;
  • remote control - 500 m;
  • the possibility of delaying engine shutdown in the "Turbotimer" mode has been implemented;
  • optionally, a remote autorun function is available.

To successfully operate such a gadget, the data on the temperature of the engine and passenger compartment displayed on the key fob also allow.

Car alarm Magnum M25

The Ukrainian company MCC has launched the Magnum M25 model on the market of car security devices. The cost is 960 UAH. (2500 rubles), the gadget does not impress with its unique functionality, but it is reliable and easy to use. Its characteristic features:

  • dynamic coding with scan protection;
  • one-way communication;
  • control range - up to 100 meters;
  • no autorun feature.

Ease of use and a wide variety of functions, along with low cost, make this device indispensable for those who value simplicity and cost savings.

Car alarm Sheriff ZX-750

Security complex with two-way communication and dynamic coding, Russian manufacturer - Progressive Innovative Technology Inc. Quite democratic price and the usual set of service functions allows this gadget to compete with its own kind. The characteristics are not striking - rather familiar:

  • alarm radius up to 2000 m;
  • remote control range - 900 meters;
  • 4-button keychain - 70 meters;
  • the cost of the kit is 4850 rubles.

Such a device, with the remote control function of the "Turbotimer" and separate door opening, may be of interest to owners of inexpensive cars.

Car alarm Alligator CM-30G

The American model of the Saturn High Tech company, positions itself in the category

business class. High-quality performance of components and a full-color display of the key fob, with a range of more than 2 km, will attract attention. Technical data confirms the first impression:

  • dynamic BACS encoding code;
  • two-way communication;
  • autorun;
  • by timer;
  • by engine temperature;
  • by voltage in the car network;
  • blocking an unauthorized running car engine (Anti-Hi-Jack).

With a full set of service functions and a cost of 9800 rubles, this set of security alarms is more than a worthy representative of similar equipment.

Car alarm Tomahawk TZ-9020

The reliability of the Taiwanese auto security system Tomahawk TZ-9020 is ensured by dynamic coding of the transmitted two-way signal at a distance of up to 1200 meters. Specifications guarantee:

  • engine autostart;
  • by timer;
  • the possibility of periodic engine starts;
  • the presence of "Turbotimer";
  • remote trunk opening (optional);
  • the cost of a set of equipment - 3890 rubles.

Reliability and functional sufficiency will be the best characteristics of an inexpensive, imported system.

Car alarm Clifford Matrix 350

This car alarm equipment is an American brand of Korean production.

Excellent quality, color display keychain communicator, excellent functionality and price from 6490 rubles. make this gadget a major competitor in the market for similar products. Technical parameters speak volumes:

  • type - two-way communication with dynamic coding:
  • control range - 500 meters;
  • notification range - 1000 meters;
  • auto start of any types of cars (by programmed temperature, regular programmable start, start at a set time);
  • setting the duration of the engine;
  • The task of "Turbo Cooldown" is to ensure the operation of turbocharged engines.

A unique set of technical indicators, high quality and reliability are the main features of this brand.

Car alarm MS STALKER LAN 3

Modern anti-theft equipment of the 5th generation of the Russian company "Magic Systems". Thanks to the high quality of its products and their software, it occupies a leading position in the auto security equipment market.

The system is equipped with an anti-theft tag, with a range of up to 3 km. and the price of 19.900 rubles, distinguishes this complex from the business class group. Specifications leave no doubt about it:

  • dialog view of the control code;
  • built-in shock and tilt fixation sensor;
  • autorun;
  • action of the warning signal at a distance of up to 4.5 km;
  • 12 programmable security zones.

Quality, modern design and the use of progressive technical solutions are the key to the safety of the car and the health of the driver.

Car alarm Pantera SLK-625 RS

One of the brands of the American company "Saturn High Tech" made in Taiwan.

A modern security system for passenger cars of any modern modifications. Two-way communication, using the "BILARM" system and dynamic type coding, made it a reliable, practical and quite democratic model.

The cost of 5300 rubles does not deter car owners. Technical features make this equipment even attractive:

  • distance of functional actions;
  • control - 1000 meters;
  • alerts - 2000 meters;
  • programmable control of the engine start (remotely, by time, by preset temperature, in case of voltage drop at the battery terminals);
  • the ability to work with "Turbotimer".

Comfortable programming options in the form of preheating and “polite lighting” when the security mode is turned on will attract the attention of potential buyers.

As you can see, not only expensive car alarms are produced today. Among the new products, everyone will be able to choose a worthy option that will not only provide high-quality protection, but also be optimally priced without causing much damage to the family budget. Of course, you can use earlier reliable car alarms, but do not forget that car thieves are improving and inventing new methods of breaking and stealing. With the release of a new alarm model, rating manufacturers are also trying to take into account all the changes in order to maintain their leading position in the modern automotive market.

Every year, car alarm manufacturers expand and modernize their product range, for this reason, vehicle owners constantly hear about new products in this market segment. When choosing a car protection system, you need to focus on the best models available for sale.

Overall rating

After analyzing consumer reviews, experts compiled a rating of car alarms in 2016 in terms of reliability. Consider the most popular brands in the modern market:

  • Pandora;
  • sheriff;
  • Scher-Khan;
  • Magnum.

Trademarks Starline, Pandora, Scher-Khan occupy approximately 70% of the entire market of our state and high positions in the rating of alarms. These notorious devices are equipped with feedback mechanisms, provide excellent opportunities in the matter of protection and control of the state of the vehicle.

Undoubtedly, the products developed by these brands manifest themselves in different ways and have very specific features, advantages and disadvantages. But, All alarms have one functional feature - a feedback device.

The equipment is mounted between the car alarm device itself, located in the vehicle, and the key fob, located by the driver. This feature provides the ability to track the state of the machine at any moment and prevent possible theft.

It is for this reason that most vehicle owners, having familiarized themselves with the car alarm rating for 2016, prefer models with auto start and the possibility of feedback.

Alarms with auto start

star line

The rating of car alarms 2016 is headed by the Starline brand. The brand is the most famous and in demand among motorists in our country. Today, tens of millions of car owners can fully trust the alarms produced by this corporation.

The most popular in the ratings is the line of alarms with the Dialog function. By such an index, it is easy to determine the main advantage of the produced series, more specifically, the dialogue method for encrypting the broadcast signal. This advantage is due to the resistance of technology to devices that provide the possibility of intellectual hacking, which today are used as often as possible by intruders.

Important! An interesting question arises: who really produces such complex devices that allow hacking alarms? Naturally, the demand for new, more advanced alarms will increase if attackers learn how to hack the old ones. Do manufacturers of car alarm devices themselves create systems that facilitate their hacking?

Consider the features of the Starline alarm:

  • the signal operates at a sufficiently large distance;
  • autorun mechanism;
  • protection against various interferences;
  • reasonable price.


  • shock sensor;
  • system of remote control of work of locks;
  • ignition circuit control.


Alarms of this brand are also considered one of the most popular in the domestic market and occupy worthy positions in the ratings. The main difference between such systems is an improved mechanism for encrypting the blocking code, built according to the "friend or foe" algorithm.

Such alarms are equipped with CAN-modules that help expand the possibilities of installing security systems. The main advantage of such devices is the installed mechanism for reading an extended list of sensors, as well as an algorithm for monitoring the quality of the passing signal, which will be appropriate if the probability of leaving the signal reception radius is high. But the cost of such technical equipment is considered very high, which affects the position of alarms in the ratings.

Scher Khan

Such alarms got into the ratings due to the relatively large signal reception radius, which can be even 2 km. At the same time, the alarm system has a sufficiently high functional reliability. The highest positions in the popularity ratings are occupied by models with the characteristic mark MAGICAR 7.

The updated line of alarms of the trademark in question is distinguished by increased protection of the transmitted data, preventing them from getting into the open air, which cannot be said about other alarms. Thus, the probability of successfully intercepting the signal is greatly reduced, no wonder they are in the rankings.

Additional interest among domestic motorists is the possibility of adapting to the conditions of our climate. The disadvantage of a relatively small configuration is fully compensated by the reasonable cost of such alarms.


In our area, such alarms are quite well known and occupy high positions in the ratings. One of the reasons for the high demand for Sheriff alarms is the relatively low cost. Such models are often taken into account when rating car alarms due to the presence of the entire necessary set of protective capabilities of vehicles:

  • regulation of the state of locks in each door;
  • management of available security modes at a distance;
  • activation of the alarm in the active as well as the passive position;
  • adjusting the state of the central lock;
  • autorun options.

The negative sides include the algorithm for dynamic encryption of the emitted signal. Many vehicle owners are satisfied with this purchase as this alarm system can be retrofitted with other optional modules.


The rating of car alarms with auto start cannot be compiled without this trademark. The main feature of the systems is the ability to install GPS modules, serving as a worthy alternative to the radio transmitters of competing devices. Vehicle protection capabilities are significantly increased due to the large number of sensors and additional functions included in the basic car alarm package. Naturally, such technological features contribute to an increase in the cost of the system.

The highest positions in the ratings among domestic motorists are occupied by security systems for cars that can provide reliable protection, taking into account constantly updated security requirements and expanding functionality for maximum ease of control.

Important! Additional functionality that increases the level of protection of the car is presented as separately installed sensors, which contribute to the growth of popularity for a particular model, if the cost varies within reasonable limits for ordinary citizens.

How to choose the right car alarm

Consider the main criteria for selecting car alarms, perhaps they are the ones that most influence the positions in the ranking:

  • The range of each alarm is determined individually. The average signal reception distance is 500-2000 m.
  • Thanks to such a device as a CAN bus, a car alarm device can be integrated into the vehicle's wiring in order to reduce the need to get into an electrician.
  • Additional functionality, for example, an autorun mechanism, shock sensors, navigation systems, a turbo activation timer, hidden buttons, key fobs with a large number of commands, the ability to adjust settings, synchronization with digital gadgets, etc.
  • The possibility of encoding the emitted signal and a feedback system that ensures the operation of the dialogue encryption algorithm. The security unit conducts a preliminary analysis of the key fob command. After confirmation is received, a random combination of several numbers will be generated. The algorithm used is unique, the two devices recognize each other, and the code interceptor does not count the pulse, since it changes regularly.
  • The number of protected zones and the ability to support sensors will always depend only on the power of the installed central processor. Such sensors are placed in various places of the car in accordance with the attached instructions. Additionally, you can install motion or volume sensors.
  • It is advisable to take into account the consumption of electricity in order to save battery power and additionally install an alarm power supply that works offline.
  • Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the cost of car alarms and calculate the possibility of your own budget.

Which alarm is better

There is no single answer to such a question. All existing security systems can be divided into 4 main subgroups, and their ratings are formed in them:

  • Unilateral. The package of such systems includes a minimum number of functions. If you try to start the engine, it will start to stall when the door is opened or the car is hit - the light and sound warning mechanism is activated. Unfortunately, this kind of protection will not protect against theft of wheels.
  • A two-way alarm with a feedback device allows you to fully control the vehicle. In the event of an emergency, an appropriate signal will be sent to the key fob held by the car owner. Such systems can transmit a signal over a distance of 500 to 1500 m.
  • The standard system in most cases is represented by a device called an immobilizer, which is integrated in the manufacturing process of the vehicle. The level of security can be characterized as medium.
  • The GPS module can be installed in the car in the form of a satellite tracker that will systematically track the location of the car. The efficiency of such devices is quite high, and the signal transmission radius is large.

Security alarm systems are in demand more than ever today, due to the rapid pace of development of digital technologies. With the help of software, an insufficiently reliable car alarm system can be disarmed, so it is necessary to track the rating of updated systems every year.

The car owner, who cares about the reliability of the protection of the car, primarily relies on the alarm. When choosing a security system, each car owner seeks to choose the best one that matches his financial capabilities. To determine which are the best representatives of their class in terms of reliability in 2017-2018, ratings compiled by Internet resources, print media, insurance companies, and statistics help.

Criteria for choosing the most reliable signaling

Modern samples of security systems are a combination of electronic devices, sensors, electrical wires. The coordinated actions of the components of car alarms ensure the successful implementation of the protection of vehicles. The best in 2017-2018 are security devices that have a set of basic parameters:

  • Data is transferred at high speed, with a good level of contact;
  • There are additional elements for blocking car alarms;
  • Compact dimensions of the alarm, allowing convenient placement;
  • Reliability of sealing of the main components;
  • Resistant to changes in ambient temperatures.

Manufacturers offer many brands, models of security tandems with similar options, but at the same time different. All alarms have advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the best option is made taking into account the characteristics of the machine. Having collected information, taking into account the advice of experts, it is easier to determine the reliability of a particular car alarm model.

Ratings will help you choose an instance of the required reliability. The best security systems are those that perform the tasks of car protection with maximum maintenance of options, increased range.

Rating of car alarms

In different ratings of the reliability of car alarms, for the most part, systems of the same models appear among the best, changing places. The popularity of systems at the end of 2017, beginning of 2018 from various sources is presented below:

Below we offer a little more information about the most reliable models of car alarms.

The top position of the ranking of 2017, 2018 - the 1st is occupied by the Pantera CL-550 alarm. The reliability of the sample is ensured by the electronics of the control unit and the key fob. The device is protected against burglary by means of electronic devices. The demand for signaling is ensured by the best blocking mode - two-level regular and emergency. With the perfect electronic filling of the key fob and the car alarm control unit, it is difficult to scan signals. It is possible to connect an additional pager to the key fob included in the delivery package, which increases the reliability of the car alarm. The pager is equipped with the option to display the position of the vehicle. In cars with such a security system, it is possible to open one door from the key fob while the engine is running.

The 2nd line of the list in 2017, 2018 for the StarLine A91 car alarm is not accidental. Car alarms are not new to the security systems market, but are regularly featured on the list of the best devices. The reliability of the device is ensured by good noise immunity. Autostart, optimal notification system, made it easy to use. The increased battery capacity keeps the car alarm in working condition for a long time.

The 3rd place is taken by statistics to Pandora DXL 3910 car alarms. It is distinguished by reliable operation, ease of use, due to the minimum set of functions. Despite the small number of options, the alarm can be controlled by a smartphone. Despite the lack of an autorun option, it is still classified as the best by motorists, thanks to a simple interface.

StarLine B64

The 4th line in the ranking went to StarLine B64 Dialog CAN, thanks to the versatility of the car alarm. For this alarm model, it is possible to install it on cars of past years of production and modern ones. The reliability of the device is confirmed by an individual cipher that protects against hacking. Among the best options, in addition to security, is the possibility of remote control of heating, power windows, perform actions with lighting fixtures, headlights.

The 5th result in the rating is occupied by the Alligator C-500 security device. It became the best in 2017, 2018 due to the high degree of reliability in protecting cars from intrusions and thefts. The considered car alarm is able to warn the driver about engine problems. The issuance of alarm codes for errors in the operation of the power plant prevents serious damage. The device is recognized as the best among analogues.

The 6th in the list is the Pantera SLK-868RS system. It belongs to the best thanks to the option of blocking motors. The security device is the best, thanks to the built-in function that notifies you of problems with the motor. Equipping with a unique security code puts the car alarm on a par with the best, characterized by increased reliability. Saturn Hi-Tech produces alarms that protect cars of Russian and foreign manufacturers equally well.

The 7th position of the rating is rightfully occupied by the Jaguar Ez-Ultra car alarm. The alarm from the model range of 2017, 2018 is distinguished by a fast response time, literally tenths of a second. It appears among the best, as it has improved protection against radio interference. The security device in question provides for automatic temperature control inside the cabin. Reliability is confirmed by the engine condition monitoring option. The car alarm is distinguished by the possibility of registering several key fobs. Turning on and off the alarm occurs in silent mode.
The honorable 8th place was taken by the Tomahawk Z1 model, which is distinguished by its reliability and belongs to a new generation of security devices. Car alarms have proven themselves well on Japanese cars. The geolocation option allows you to quickly find a car in large parking lots. A high signal level is felt at a distance of up to 1.3 km. Referred to the best, as it is equipped with the option of protection against burglaries.

9th place is given to the StarLine D94 2CAN GSM/GPS Slave alarm. Differs in fast switching of the modes by users. Substantial battery power ensures long-term operation. The increased durability of the components has increased the reliability of the car alarm and makes it the best in its class.

The best alarms in terms of reliability among new products on the market

Technological progress does not stand still. The Russian market annually offers new models of car alarms. Among the noteworthy are the best:

Read the details of each model below.

Pandora DXL 3910 PRO, with the maximum number of options, powerful processor. Controlled by smartphone via app. The alarm provides the ability to update the firmware via a USB port. Reliability is increased thanks to the built-in GSM interface.

Scher-Khan Logicar 3 is a simple alarm system with a CAN module. The new principle of coding car alarm radio signals increases resistance to burglary. In the absence of a key fob, the car is disarmed with a PIN code. The key fob display displays information on many parameters.

The three systems reviewed are distinguished by the reliability of protection and have many built-in options.

Choosing a reliable alarm is not an easy task. The security device is selected based on the brand, model of the car, the owner's requirements for car alarms. The financial side of the issue also plays an important role, the more options, possibilities, the more expensive the device. The car owner independently determines the necessary protective functions for himself.
