The best fortune-telling for the new year. Fortune-telling for the future. New Year's fortune-telling for the future

On New Year's Eve, people not only celebrate and hope for the best. There are many folk traditions and beliefs that help you find out what will happen next, help you fulfill your desires. New Year's fortune-telling is very fun and interesting. Yes, the probability of the fulfillment of the predicted is high. A whole company of like-minded people who have good feelings for each other creates an excellent energy background for the embodiment of joyful and good, destruction of unfavorable forecasts. Of course, it is better to guess about the innermost alone. But, the night is long, there will be time for everything!

New Year's fortune-telling 2019 in the company

The most desirable goals in your society are written on small pieces of paper. Better to choose something global and valuable. For example, almost everyone dreams of their own apartment (or its expansion), exotic countries, and so on. Choose what your friends might like, please them. Write everything down. Now you only need to distribute pieces of paper - wishes. You can do this, as in, by putting it in a large vase and asking everyone to choose. Can be hung on a Christmas tree.

And it is better to buy in advance - a Pig, and place the notes in a basket or a special bag with his image. Let the animal, which will steer the situation, "distribute" wishes. Everyone will be pleased. If you want everything to be fair (after all, it cannot be lucky for everyone). Then leave one piece of paper blank. This would mean an unfavorable turn of events.

New Year's pie divination

This is a gourmand action. It is necessary to bake a cake or pie in advance, in which symbols - predictions are laid. This New Year's fortune telling is similar to Chinese fortune cookies.

At night, the magic cake is cut and eaten. Each guest gets their own prediction. The symbols are:

  • Coin - to win money.
  • Beans - property acquisition.
  • A note is good luck with the documents.
  • Ring - marriage is coming.
  • Perstenek is a new romantic acquaintance.
  • A thread is a vehicle.
  • A piece of fabric - "carpet - plane", the fulfillment of the innermost.
  • Caramel is a sweet life.
  • Berry is a situation of temptation with an unknown outcome.

Fortune telling on New Year's glasses

Papers with wishes are glued to the bottoms of glasses or glasses. In this case, do not seat the guests. Let everyone choose their own place and "container". After the chimes strike, offer to turn the glasses and read what is written there. If people are not very close, then you can not write wishes, but glue color pictures. Let each one, to the extent of his "gaiety", determine what is destined for him.

Fortune-telling on New Year's Eve in the name of the betrothed

This New Year's fortune telling is recommended not only for girls, but also for guys. After midnight, it is recommended to go for a walk (short if you do not want to wander for a long time). If the first person you meet is a person of the opposite sex, then in the New Year 2019 you will meet your love. If yours, then it's too early to dream of a serious relationship. But that's not all. The first person of the opposite sex should be asked for a name. So they will call your betrothed (constricted). Do not be shy! It's New Year's Eve! Any miracle is possible! You can even meet a real betrothed at this very moment.

Serious divination for the New Year

When the holiday has already died down, you can start serious rituals, which will give a more accurate forecast for the coming Year of the Pig. For yourself, it is recommended that you write the twelve goals that interest you the most. Roll the leaves in the same way. Put all this under your pillow before bed. In the morning, immediately after waking up, select only one note. Read it. This wish will definitely come true!

This is fortune telling for purposeful people who are not afraid to make grandiose plans. You need to worry about the wish cards in advance. To do this, pictures are glued to pieces of cardboard of the same size, indicating your desires. Left alone on New Year's Eve, take the prepared "deck" and pull out five cards in turn. This will be the order of the execution of your plans in the coming year of the yellow earthen Pig. It is advisable to save the pictures so as not to forget the results of New Year's fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on chains

If the methods described above can be used to guess on any New Year's Eve, then there are special rituals that are used in the year of the yellow Earth Pig. For example, this.

Take gold chains (or gold-colored jewelry). They should be thin. In principle, one will do, only a long one. She is thrown into a crystal vase and shaken, making a wish to herself. Then you need to remove the chains. Take a look. If they are tied in knots, then count their number. Here are the results:

  • No nodes - will not be executed.
  • One - the likelihood of execution is high.
  • Two - there is a chance, but unexpectedly the execution may fail.
  • Three - it will be fulfilled for sure.
  • More than three is vanity.
  • If they did not guess anything, then the prediction is as follows:
  • No knots - calmness, even melancholy.
  • One - life is bright, but there will be difficulties.
  • Two knots - luck in personal, but there will be troubles at work.
  • Three - everything is fine! The whole year will be lucky. Try to make as many plans as possible. Everything is being implemented.
  • Four - serious trouble awaits.
  • Five is fun all year long, a lot of money.
  • More - vanity and confusion.

Special fortune-telling for the year of the Pig

Our ancestors were very close to wildlife, especially domestic animals. There were even special fortune-telling for livestock.

Pig tail divination

In Russia, there was such a fortune-telling. When a pig was slaughtered to the Christmas table, young people always left a tail for themselves. It was divided according to the number of participants, and then each one plugged his piece between the floorboards. They called the dog and watched whose piece he would choose. If part of the tail belonged to a guy, then it was believed that he would definitely marry. For a girl, this meant marriage in the new year.

Of course, now finding a pigtail is not easy. But you can cook a pig in advance from scrap materials by making it a twine tail. Then divide the twine among the fortunetellers and place the pieces around the room. If there is no dog, cat or other pet, you can blindfold someone from those guests who are already married or in a relationship, because according to the rules, only those who do not have a partner now can guess. Whose piece of twine is found, a romantic story awaits in the new year.

Fortune telling by the piglet for the future

In the old days, they used to guess so, went into the barn and watched how the piglet would behave.

If the animal began to scratch its right side, it promised a successful year in all respects. If the pig scratched its left side, it promised failure, a lot of small troubles, which would take a lot of effort to eliminate.

If the pig continued to lie serenely in its place, the new year did not promise any particular problems, but success came only to those who made efforts.

Now the barn is almost exotic, but still there are several modern versions of this fortune-telling. The first is to type in a search engine in the video section "pig" or "piglet" and see what the animal will do there. The second option is to go on December 31 or January 1 to the contact zoo, where there is a pig, and observe the behavior of the animal.

Fortune telling by figurines of pigs

Prepare 6 or 8 piglets cut out of thick paper from paper in advance. Half of the piglets should be funny, half - sad. This fortune telling is suitable for both a company and one person.

It is necessary to put all the piglets in some kind of bowl or container. Then, think of three questions, the answer to which is yes or no. Then mentally or aloud, ask a question to a bowl of piglets and pull the piglet with your eyes closed. If the pig is funny, the answer is yes. If the pig is sad - alas, the answer is no.

Here is such an interesting fortune-telling. We wish you good predictions, a happy holiday, and don't forget it right!

New Year is the most magical holiday, when everyone hopes for the fulfillment of cherished desires, so magical New Year's fortune-telling can give a special atmosphere to your holiday. And of course, every person wants to know what awaits him in the coming year, whether his dreams will come true or not. Many questions can be answered without leaving home. Just tell fortunes in the ways that we offer you. According to folk customs, many people read fortunes on New Year's Eve or from December 25 to January 5.

Fortune-telling for the New Year on December 25

This fortune-telling for the old new year is performed only once a year - December 25, the day of the solstice! Suppose you are faced with some important problem (for example, you want to move to a new job, or buy an apartment, or you are already unbearable to get married), but you are not sure if you have the strength and luck to do it. Be sure to imagine a favorable result, go to the bird cherry and break off a small twig - no more than 7-10 cm in size. Dip the twig into a glass of water and place it on the window. Do the following every day for 12 days: take a glass with a twig in your hands, clasping it on both sides with your palms, and hold it there for 5 minutes, imagining that your problem has been safely resolved. If after 12 days, that is, by about January 6, your twig will bloom (yes, yes, real bunches of flowers can bloom on it, only very small ones!), You can safely consider this as a positive answer to your question. In this case, you are not only guessing, but also, as it were, conjuring - you attract good luck.

New Year's fortune-telling under the chimes

This is the most popular divination for the new year. Write a wish on a piece of paper, set it on fire, and pour the ashes into a glass of champagne. Drink it to the chimes, and then your wish will come true. An hour before the start of the chiming clock, write your wish on a small piece of paper. Set it on fire with the first blow, and if it has time to burn out by the last blow, consider that the wish has already begun to come true!

New Year is a great time to look into your own future or get an answer to a specific question. Fortune-telling for the New Year is a very popular magic ritual. But at the same time, you should be careful and strictly follow the instructions of the rituals. It should be understood that during the fabulous New Year's period, not only good higher forces are activated, but also evil forces capable of harm. It is important to remember that if fortune-telling for the New Year is carried out in a positive mood, then you will not be afraid of any intrigues of evil spirits.

Of course, most people dream on New Year's Eve, so that their cherished desire will certainly come true in the coming year. But whether this can happen with a high degree of certainty, you can find out after fortune-telling.

With water overflow

You can carry out such a fortune-telling by pouring water from a glass into a glass. To do this, fill one glass to the top with water, and leave the other empty. After that, you need to mentally formulate a cherished desire, and this must be done very clearly.

Then you need to pour the water into an empty glass. If you managed to do this very carefully and only a few drops spilled on the table, then this means that in the coming year your wish will definitely come true. But if a puddle forms on the table in the process of pouring water, then the wish will not come true. It is very important to remember that you cannot train before carrying out this ceremony.

On desires under the pillow

Each person, as a rule, has several desires. And it is on the New Year that, using fortune-telling, it is most likely to determine which of them can come true in the coming year. To do this, you need to take 12 small pieces of paper and write your cherished desires on them. After that, they need to be rolled up and placed under the pillow. On the first morning of the New Year, waking up, you need to get one of the leaves at random. It is this wish that will come true in the near future. But this does not mean at all that eleven other desires should be attributed to unrealizable ones, it is just that you will have to make an effort to fulfill them.

Fortune telling on the windows

New Year's Eve is filled with magical energy, which makes it easy to get an answer to your question. For example, if you want to know whether your wish will come true, then you should go out into the street, stand with your back to an apartment building and, turning your gaze to the sky, loudly ask a question of interest. Then you should turn to the house and count the windows in which the light is on. An even number of them indicates that your wish will come true in the near future.

How calm will the year be?

You can determine how calm the next year will be for you as follows. For such fortune-telling, you should put a saucer filled with water on the street or on the balcony. In the morning you will need to go out and assess the condition of the ice in the saucer. If the ice turns out to be smooth and transparent, then a calm year awaits you. And if the ice has reared up and became cloudy, then the year will be turbulent, but at the same time it will be filled not only with problems, but also with joyful events. But if the water in the saucer froze in such a way that a hole was formed, then the year will be unsuccessful. It is clear that such a ceremony can be performed only in case of frosty weather.

Will the next year be successful?

You can also conduct fortune-telling for success in the next year as follows. An assistant is required for the ceremony. He should take four glasses, fill them with drinking water, and in each glass, respectively, put a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of sugar, a wedding ring, a piece of bread. After that, a person who is wondering about success next year is blindfolded and brought to glasses. He must choose one of them.

This fortune-telling is interpreted as follows:

    Water with added sugar promises a good year; Water with salt portends tears in the coming year; If a glass with a ring is chosen, then a personal life will be arranged in the coming year; A glass with a slice of bread predicts financial well-being.

Fortune-telling for the New Year for the fulfillment of wishes will be reliable only if you sincerely believe in the power of magic. In this case, you can use any option, since the clues are surrounding you. For example, you can interpret the first phrase of a song heard on the radio in the morning or after turning on the TV.

Fortune-telling for the New Year for the betrothed

Fortune-telling on the betrothed is very popular on New Year's Eve. The ceremonies can be carried out both alone and together, when a group of girls gathers at a common table.

Using hair

A very popular divination is a ritual using hair. To do this, before going to bed on New Year's Eve, put a small bowl of water next to your sleeping place, throw a pinch of salt, sugar, ash there and stir.

Then, on the surface of such a mixture, you need to carefully put three hairs of your own and your chosen one next to each other in locks. In the morning you need to look at the condition of the hair in the bowl. If the hairs have joined or at least have come closer, it means that you will soon unite your destinies, and if the hairs have parted in different directions, then parting will soon follow.

For the company of girls

If a group of girls gathered at a common table, then another fortune-telling can be done on New Year's Eve. For this, a sieve is taken, which must be filled with cereals of different varieties. After that, three rings should be thrown there: silver, gold and copper. Decorations must be mixed with cereals. After that, the girls take turns scooping up a handful of cereals. If you come across a ring, marriage is expected in the coming year, otherwise you will have to wait another year. Moreover:
    The copper ring indicates that a poor man will become a spouse; A silver ring predicts marriage with a hard-working person; The gold ring becomes a harbinger of a rich marriage.

How to see your betrothed in a dream?

Everyone knows that prophetic dreams are dreamed on New Year's Eve. Therefore, there are many rituals aimed at seeing the betrothed in a dream. For example, you can put a pan under the bed and say the following words before going to bed:

"My betrothed, dressed up, I'm waiting for you in a dream, come I'll feed you."

After such words, you need to try to fall asleep as soon as possible. In a dream, the betrothed must appear, whom you can then easily recognize in the real world. In addition, you can find out in a dream the character of your future husband. To do this, you need to put four card kings under your pillow on New Year's Eve. At the same time, say the following words:

"Whoever will be my betrothed will come to me in my dream."

On this night, you must definitely dream of one of the kings, while:
    The king of spades indicates that your spouse will be much older than you and will be jealous of you all your life; The king of hearts predicts life with a young and rich husband; The king of diamonds predicts that your beloved will be with you and the marriage will be happy; The king of clubs indicates that your spouse will be a military man or a businessman.

Fortune telling to find out the name of the betrothed

To find out the name of the betrothed, you need to go outside on New Year's Eve and ask the first man who meets to give any male name or introduce himself. It is the named name that will be the name of your future husband. Fortune-telling on New Year's Eve at all times was considered the most accurate. Therefore, one should hardly give up on them. If you have such circumstances that at this magical time it was not possible to tell fortunes, then you can do this at Christmas or at Epiphany. But at the same time, it should be remembered that if the result does not suit you, then you can try to change your fate on your own. And if you are a confident person, then it will most likely work out.

On New Year's Eve, everyone is worried about the question - what the coming year is fraught with, whether the wishes made on New Year's Eve will come true. Every person believes in a miracle, that the coming year will definitely be better than the outgoing year. And it is this time, the most favorable moment for various predictions and fortune-telling.

Ancient and more modern, simple and interesting fortune-telling for men, for women, or for the whole family - New Year's fortune-telling and fortune-telling for the old New Year, will be able to please and entertain you, instill hope in the wonderful future that awaits us in the coming year.

Fortune-telling on New Year's Eve

Write your wish on a piece of paper a few minutes before the new year begins. When the chimes strike for the first time, light this leaf. If it successfully burns out before the beginning of next year, then you can assume that your desire has already begun to come true, if it goes out, your desire will not come true, at least in the coming year.

Making a wish

Just before the beginning of the new year, write your wish on a small piece of paper. Then burn this leaf, pour the ashes of which into a glass of champagne. Then, after waiting for the chimes to strike, drink the contents of the glass. It is believed that the wish you wrote will come true.

Divination for marriage

This method of fortune telling is most suitable for a single girl who wants to marry a guy she likes.

Before New Year's Eve, you need to go to the house in which the chosen one lives and break off a small chip from the fence surrounding his house or from the door, if it is an apartment. After that, you should go home and go to bed. If no one meets on the way home, and at night exactly the guy you are thinking of dreams about, then you can be sure that it is this year that he will ask for your hand.

Bread and scissors

It is believed that girls who put scissors and bread under their pillow on New Year's Eve will certainly dream of their future life partner.

Divination in the mirror

Quite a mystical way of fortune telling. You will need three candles, a mirror, and a decanter filled with water.
- Place the water carafe on a hard surface.
- Place a mirror behind the decanter.
- Place candles on three sides of the decanter and light them.

Your task is to look through the water in the decanter at the mirror, it is believed that your future should be reflected in it.

Overflowing water

For this fortune-telling, you will need two glasses, one of which must be filled to the top with water.
On New Year's Eve, you need to make a wish and immediately start pouring water from one glass to another.
Whether your desire will come true or not is determined as follows: if no more than three drops of water remain on the surface on which these same glasses were placed, then your desire has a chance of success. If there are much more drops, then, alas, you can not even hope - the plan will not come true.

Divination by wax

Melt, in a container, a wax candle, lowering the container on the surface of hot water, and pour the wax into a deep plate filled with cool water. Depending on the shape of the cured wax, you can try to determine your future. For example, a horseshoe denotes happiness in the coming new year, the star predicts receiving the long-awaited news. Use your imagination to interpret the meanings of other cured wax figures.

Divination for the fulfillment of wishes

Late in the evening, before going to bed, fill the glass exactly halfway with water. Then, looking into the reflection of the water, make a wish and go to bed. In the morning, look at the water level in the glass. If during the night the water has increased, then your desire will certainly come true, but if part of the water has evaporated, then the dream is not destined to come true.

New Year's divination with needles

This method of fortune telling can be used only for the new year or your birthday. For fortune-telling, you will need 13 needles, 3 of which must be bent. The best option would be to use the needles from the set for fortune telling, since it usually contains all needles of different lengths, which will allow you to easily distinguish them from each other during fortune telling. Give each needle its own name according to the names of people you know, and give one of the needles your name. Bent needles do not need to be named.

Gather all the needles together, lift them above the table and pour them onto a clean sheet of paper. Find the needle with your name and designation for you. If it is located in the center of the leaf, then you can expect stability and a certain constancy in life. If this needle falls on the top of the sheet, expect quick changes; if on the bottom - changes await you, not necessarily unpleasant, but you, alas, will not be able to influence them.

Next, we will determine for each zone of the sheet its value in the interpretation of fortune-telling.
The left side of the sheet is all negative
The right side of the sheet - everything is positive, good
Top right corner of the leaf - spiritual growth
The lower right corner of the sheet - bad luck while maintaining the purity of thoughts
Top left corner of the sheet - luck in everything, in any of your desires
ยท The lower left corner of the sheet - failures associated with strong emotional disturbances.

By looking at the position of your needle, determine its direction. The eye of the needle indicates what (to whom) you will strive, and the point - what or who should be avoided.

Determine the position of the needle in relation to the sheet. If the needle is located along, then changes will occur as early as next year. If the needle lies across, then serious changes, in the near future, you are not threatened.

Now let's define the meaning of the other needles. Straight needles pointed to your needle by the eye will be your allies. The needles pointed towards your needle with the point will be hostile towards you. Needles that intersect with your needle will have a very close relationship with you.

Now let's look at the bent needles that portend trouble. If they are on the left side of the sheet, then this indicates past or past troubles. The bent needles located on the right side of the sheet predict future troubles.

If your needle points with its eye to a crooked needle, it means that your actions are likely to get you into trouble. If the tip of the curved needle is directed at yours, then this indicates that no matter what you do, trouble will overtake you anyway.

In all other options, you have the opportunity to avoid trouble, it would only be your desire.

New Year's divination with a needle to determine the sex of the unborn child

With the help of fortune telling on needles, the sex of the unborn child is determined. To do this, thread a thread into the eye of the needle, the length of which is approximately equal to twenty centimeters and hold it in weight above the palm of the future woman in labor. If the needle begins to move, making circular movements, then most likely it will be a girl; if the needle swings from side to side - a boy.

The night at the turn of the old and new years is not at all like the rest. She has a special magical power, she is associated with the expectation of mandatory changes for the better. Therefore, fortune-telling on New Year's Eve has been so popular for many centuries - after all, everyone wants to know what exactly awaits him in the near future. And even people who are skeptical about predictions perceive them as a fun game that accompanies this magical night.

Divination by the Christmas tree

Since ancient times, the New Year's spruce has been considered a sacred tree - and the traditions of fortune telling with its help came to us from Europe, along with the custom of decorating this festive tree.

Fortune telling on Christmas tree decorations.

Anyone who wants to find out about their future love is blindfolded and asked to turn clockwise several times, after which they are brought to the tree to take off one of the toys, the color of which will indicate the events of the future:

  • white - no changes in personal life are expected;
  • black color - unhappy love awaits you in the near future;
  • pink, red or orange colors - in the new year you will experience real passion;
  • green color - there will be new love;
  • purple and blue colors - cooling of existing love relationships;
  • silver, gold and yellow colors foreshadow the love of a rich man.

Fortune telling on a paper snowflake

Let each of your guests, as best they can, cut a snowflake out of paper. After that, he needs to stand on a chair next to the decorated Christmas tree and release the snowflake from above, watching what decoration it will touch first when falling:

  • beads - career prediction;
  • rain - there will be a lot of empty troubles;
  • star - true love will meet this year;
  • garland - difficulties will be encountered, but friends will help to overcome them;
  • ball - a fateful meeting will take place, love or business;
  • bump - indicates the absence of health problems and an increase in monetary income;
  • cracker - promises changes in life;
  • bare branch - happy moments in the new year will be short-lived;
  • did not touch anything, fell to the floor - do not expect any changes.

Fortune telling by a spruce branch.

To find out your future, break off a twig from the Christmas tree and, when you go to bed, place it under your pillow. It is believed that on this night your dream will be prophetic - what you dream about will certainly come true in the near future.

Fortune telling to the chimes

The most famous New Year's ritual is to write down a wish and, during the chimes, burn the paper with the record, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it. According to tradition, if you manage to do this procedure while the chimes sound, then the recorded wish will certainly come true, and the year will be happy.

But during the striking of the clock, you can tell fortunes.

Fortune telling by pieces of paper

Each takes two different colored sheets of paper. Specify in advance what color will mean the fulfillment of your wish. When the clock strikes, everyone goes out onto the balcony and throws the leaves down - accordingly, the one who reaches the ground first will predict whether a person's dream will come true or not.

Nowadays, New Year's fortune-telling may well take place with the help of modern technical devices. For example, a mobile or landline phone, as well as a TV or computer.

New Year's fortune telling by phone

Ask fate a question to which you can get an answer "yes" or "no", and during the New Year's Eve wait for who will be the first to call you. If it is a man, the answer to your question is yes, if it is a woman - no. You can also call any random number yourself. If the man answers, the wish will come true, if the woman does not. If no one answers, it means that the fulfillment of your desire has been postponed for the time being.

Fortune telling in the name of the betrothed

This fortune telling is suitable for unmarried women. In the text file of the computer, you must write down in random order all the male names that come to mind. Then close your eyes and move your mouse over the rug. Leave the mouse, open your eyes - next to which name the cursor stopped, this is how the betrothed will be called.

Fortune telling on TV

Conceive a wish and arbitrarily switch the TV program - the first remark that you hear from the screen will tell you whether your dreams will come true.

New Year's fortune-telling on the street after a feast

Some time after celebrating the New Year, many go out for a walk - to meet friends, launch fireworks, and finally, just to cool off in the air. Along the way, you can entertain yourself and your guests with New Year's fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on the elevator

Suitable for those who live on the middle floor of a multi-storey building. Make a wish and just stand by the elevator, waiting for it to be called from another staircase. If he drove up past you, your wish will come true. And if you are down or have not reached your floor - unfortunately, you will have to dream about something else.

Fortune telling under the windows of neighbors

Leaving the entrance, stand at the nearest windows and listen to what is happening in the neighbors' apartment. If they quarrel there, the coming year will be nervous and difficult. If your neighbors have silence or fun, then in the near future your life will remain calm.

Divination by glowing windows

Turn your back on the house next door and make a wish. After that, count the number of windows illuminated in the house. If you get an even number, your dream will come true, if it's an odd number, it will have to be postponed for another year.

Divination by patterns on a mirror

If the night is frosty, take a small mirror and a glass of water with you outside. Splash on the mirror and wait until it freezes. The patterns on it say the following:

  • circular drawings predict that material wealth awaits you in the coming year;
  • herringbone drawings prophesy that the coming year will pass for you in works and worries;
  • the presence of right angles indicates future personal problems;
  • triangles are the best signs, they promise good luck in all endeavors.

Fortune telling on ice on a spoon.

Before leaving the house, you can give each of your guests a tablespoon and fill them with captured water outside. As with the mirror, wait for it to freeze. Those who have frozen water with depressions are in for trouble in the coming year, and even ice on a spoon predicts a successful year.

New Year's fortune telling on the name and appearance of the groom.

Unmarried women can use the old fortune-telling about the name and appearance of the future groom. To do this, you need to carefully look at the first man you meet and ask his name. According to legends, this is what the betrothed will be called, and his height and appearance will most likely coincide with the appearance of the person you meet.

New Year's fortune telling by melted snow

Returning from a walk, invite your guests to grab a handful of snow. Have everyone at home put it in a bowl or plate and wait for the snow to melt. Future events promise what was in the container along with the water:

  • straw, twig, twig - your plan will not come true soon;
  • pebbles, coals - everything that you dreamed about will come true in the near future;
  • feathers, pieces of glass - a wish will come true, but not right away.

Coming home

Returning from a walk, you can continue the amazing night of predictions.

Fortune telling with coins and plates.

This ceremony predicts whether money will come to you in the coming year. To carry it out, you need three plates and a coin. The one who is being guessed at leaves the room, and someone from the rest puts a coin under one of the plates. The returnee's task is to guess which plate the coin is hiding under. If it was discovered immediately, incomes will increase significantly next year. Two attempts mean that there will be no shortage of funds, but no solid enrichment is expected. Well, if the coin is found only from the third time, the new year will be less successful than the previous one.

New Year's fortune telling by the book

Take the book without opening it, put your left hand on it, palm down, and ask the question you are interested in aloud. Without looking, with the same hand, open a book on any page, put your left palm on it and read the line that will be under your thumb. - she will answer the question asked.

Of course, the listed fortune-telling is only a small part of those that can be used on New Year's Eve. The main thing is not to be upset if your desires are not always confirmed by the necessary signs. Take fortune-telling as part of the holiday, believe in the good, and everything will be wonderful for you!

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