Somnambulism - causes and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of somnambulism. Additional education in psychology Who is more likely to suffer from somnambulism - children or adults


1. Is somnambulism a mental illness?

Somnambulism is not a disease. It can act as one of the manifestations, a symptom of the main problem in people predisposed to it.

2. Causes of somnambulism

Sleepwalking occurs during non-REM sleep. It is known that sleep has a structure. Each cycle consists of: falling asleep, superficial sleep, deep sleep (this is the phase of non-REM sleep, the phase of sleep without eyeball movement), the next stage is the phase with rapid movement of the eyeballs or the REM phase, here we see dreams, then awakening comes. This cycle, lasting about 90 minutes, is repeated 6-9 times during the night. Somnambulism occurs at the end of the first phase. That is, the phases of deep sleep without the movement of the eyeballs. Most often, sleepwalking is inherent in childhood.

The peak frequency occurs at 4-8 years. It is believed that 25% of healthy children had an episode of somnambulism in their lives. Numerous studies consider the cause of the immaturity of the cerebral cortex, namely the disconnection and failure of cortical-subcortical connections. Sleepwalking in 25-33% of cases is combined with enuresis, obsessional neurosis, sleep apnea syndrome. Restless legs syndrome, more often than in the main population, sleep-talking, nightmares occur.

This confirms the assumption of Z. Freud, who was also interested in this problem, that sleepwalking is an unconscious impulse, a need that is realized during sleep. "The desire to sleep in the zone (area of ​​psychological comfort) where he slept in childhood." The interaction of unconscious needs, dreams and conscious reality that come into conflict. Somnambulism becomes more frequent after mental stress, stress, sleep disturbance, lack of sleep. That is, all this confirms that somnambulism is one of the manifestations of neurosis. Until puberty practically passes. It also occurs in adults, but more often in adulthood and old age. Some diseases (epilepsy, hysteria, senile delirium, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Parkinson's disease, taking certain drugs (neuroleptics, sleeping pills), overwork, sleep deprivation, fever, etc.)

3. Symptoms of somnambulism

Somnabulism is manifested by outwardly purposeful, complex actions of patients that they can perform in wakefulness. However, this occurs in the absence of wakefulness in patients. Outwardly open eyes do not reflect awareness of what is happening. Activities can be as simple as sitting in bed, walking, cleaning, sometimes dangerous activities such as cooking and even driving. More often this happens 1-2 hours after falling asleep and lasts - from 30 seconds to 30 minutes.

4. What to do if a person walks in a dream almost every night: see a doctor or it is impossible to fix

In fact, somnambulism more than once a week is rare. The main thing is to provide the patient with a good sleep, psychological comfort, exclude potentially dangerous objects, it is better to sleep on the 1st floor in order to exclude injuries. There are successes from the use of certain medicines, about which it is better to consult a doctor.

5. Is somnambulism genetically transmitted?

It is determined that there is an autosomal dominant type of inheritance, with incomplete penetrance. In 45% of cases, somnambulism will appear if one parent is affected, in 60% if both. There are no gender differences.

6. Is it true that sleepwalkers should not be awakened?

Awakening will cause confusion, psychological discomfort, some shame, which can increase the manifestations of neurosis. Better not waking put to bed.

7. Is it true that during sleepwalking all organs of perception of a person are active: he hears, sees, feels everything, distinguishes smells and even taste?

During sleepwalking, there is no objective perception of reality. Although patients can partially reproduce the "events".

8. Can a lunatic manifest abilities in a dream that were not observed before? For example, speaking in a previously unfamiliar foreign language.

Of course, these are people with increased sensitivity, sensitivity, often of an artistic type, suggestible and hypnotizable. Perhaps during the sleep period, their unconscious does a huge creative job, however, it does not “give out” what was not laid there.

Myths about somnambulism:

1. Somnambulism is a disease.

2. It is believed that sleepwalkers in a dream cannot harm themselves the way they do in real life. For example, if they fall from the window, then there will not even be a scratch.

3. Only children suffer from somnambulism, and this disappears with age.

4. The person does not remember any of their nightly activities.

5. Often cases of somnambulism occur during the full moon.

6. This disorder is more typical for men than for women.

7. Sleepwalking does not occur during the daytime.

8. Most often, somnambulism is observed in overly emotional people.

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Somnambulism, which was formerly called sleepwalking, is a condition in which the patient periodically performs complex purposeful actions in a dream.

Most often, children from 4 to 8 years old suffer from somnambulism.

This problem sometimes occurs among adults. Usually somnambulism is a random event that does not signal any serious illness.

Sleepwalking itself is not a threat, unless the person harms themselves (such as going out the window). Somnambulism can be manifested by unusual and complex actions, so the relatives of the patient may think that he is not sleeping.

If someone in your family sleepwalks, it is very important to consult a doctor and take steps to protect the person from accidental injury during nighttime walking.

Causes of somnambulism

Many external and internal factors can lead to sleepwalking, including:

Sleep deprivation.
. Fatigue.
. Stress.
. Anxiety.
. Fever.
. Unusual environment.
. Some drugs: zolpidem, antihistamines, sedatives.

Sleepwalking is sometimes associated with physical and mental illnesses that affect sleep, including:

. Head injury.
. Convulsive disorders.
. Restless legs syndrome.
. Obstructive sleep apnea.
. Other diseases that affect breathing patterns during sleep.

In some cases, the use of alcohol, drugs and other illegal substances can lead to sleep disturbances and episodes of somnambulism.

Risk factors for somnambulism

Somnambulism is considered a condition that can be inherited. In one genus, it is not uncommon to meet several people at once who periodically walk in their sleep. If one or both of your parents suffer from somnambulism, then you should talk to your doctor.

Symptoms of somnambulism

Somnambulism is classified as parasomnia - a behavioral disorder or discomfort during sleep. American doctors call sleepwalking "parasomnia of excitation." This means that it occurs during non-REM sleep (NREM).

With somnambulism, people may:

Sit on the bed with your eyes open.
. Look with a blind, "glassy" look.
. It is awkward to move and talk, unnatural.
. Walk around the house, open doors, turn lights on and off.
. Do daily chores: get dressed, cook breakfast, and even drive a car.
. Screaming, especially if they have nightmares. This is another parasomnia in which patients behave aggressively, screaming, talking and fighting.

During episodes of somnambulism, the patient can be very difficult to wake up. Walking begins, as a rule, during deep sleep, a couple of hours after falling asleep. If a person goes to sleep in the afternoon for a short time, then episodes of somnambulism are unlikely. A person never remembers a night incident in the morning.

Episodes of somnambulism can be very different. They can occur often or rarely, sometimes repeating several times a night for several nights in a row. Sleepwalking is more common in children when their sleep patterns and behaviors change.

When should you see a doctor?

Rare episodes of somnambulism are not a cause for concern. You can simply mention it during your periodic health check.

Be sure to seek help if:

The episodes become more and more frequent.
. Somnambulism is accompanied by dangerous behavior.
. There are other unusual symptoms.
. Somnambulism in a child does not stop during adolescence.

Complications of somnambulism

Sleepwalking sometimes leads to injury, especially when a person goes outside, drives, or confuses a window with a door. Prolonged sleepwalking can cause unusual drowsiness during the day, reduced performance and academic performance. In addition, people with such problems disturb the sleep of others.

Preparing to visit a doctor

In children, sleepwalking episodes should stop during adolescence. But if something is bothering you, see your doctor. The clinic may refer you to a sleep disorder specialist.

What you can do before visiting a doctor:

Keep a sleep diary. For at least 2 weeks, record your daily bedtime routine, time to fall asleep, time of sleepwalking episodes, patient activities, and time to wake up. Indicate what the person ate and drank before going to bed, what medications he took and what he did. All this will help your doctor.
. Write down all the symptoms that the patient has, even if these symptoms do not seem to be related to the reason for the visit to the doctor.
. Include all important personal information, including recent severe emotional stress, lifestyle changes, and moving.
. Make a complete list of all medications, vitamins, and supplements the patient is taking.
. Even an adult patient should not go to a consultation alone. It is recommended to take a close relative with you, who will help you remember what was said during the appointment, as well as describe the symptoms from the outside.

Before visiting a doctor, you need to write down in a notebook the entire list of questions that interest the patient and his family members.

Here is a typical list of questions American doctors are asked for somnambulism:

1. What can cause sleepwalking?
2. What tests will I need to have?
3. Is my condition temporary or permanent?
4. What should I do first?
5. What are the treatment options?
6. What restrictions should I follow?
7. Should I visit other specialists?
8. Do you have any helpful brochures on my subject?
9. What websites do you recommend visiting?

Feel free to ask your doctor questions.

He will also likely ask you a few questions that you need to be prepared to answer:

1. When did the symptoms first appear?
2. Have you had trouble sleeping in the past?
3. Who else in the family suffers from somnambulism?

Analyzes and diagnostic tests for somnambulism

Even if you live alone and are unaware of your somnambulism, there is a small chance that one day you will stumble upon evidence. If a member of your family suffers from somnambulism, then everything is obvious here.

Your doctor will want to do a physical exam and a mental exam to look for possible causes of sleepwalking. Among the reasons may be convulsive disorders, panic attacks, etc. In some cases, polysomnography is recommended - a study in the sleep laboratory.

During this procedure, the patient will have to spend the night in a special laboratory. Before going to sleep, many sensors are connected to the patient, which record pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, brain waves, eye movements, muscle contractions and blood oxygenation. Based on these data, the doctor can diagnose many neurological diseases.

Treatment for somnambulism

Treatment for somnambulism is not always necessary. If you notice that your child or other family member is sleepwalking, do not try to wake them up. The best option is to gently take the person by the hand and take them back to bed. It is possible to wake a sleepwalker, but it will be difficult for him. The person may be disoriented and frightened after such an awakening. An adult, for example, can hit the one who woke him up.

Treatment for somnambulism may include hypnosis. In rare cases, sleepwalking is caused by medication, so a simple change in therapy will suffice.

If somnambulism causes daytime sleepiness or is associated with a risk of serious injury, the doctor will advise special medications. Benzodiazepines or some antidepressants are sometimes used. They can stop sleepwalking episodes.

If sleepwalking is associated with a physical or mental illness, treatment should be directed at addressing that underlying cause. For example, if somnambulism is caused by obstructive sleep apnea, then a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP or CPAP) system is used. The patient is put on a special mask, and the machine maintains positive pressure in the airways during sleep, which prevents them from closing.

If sleepwalking has become a serious problem for you or your child, try these simple tricks:

Create a safe environment for sleepwalking. Lock all windows and outside doors, keep the keys. You can put sound alarms on the doors in the house to let you know when the sick person is trying to open them. Keep away potentially dangerous and fragile items that can cut you.
. Enter a regular relaxing ritual before bed. Before going to bed, be quieter, stop violent activity. Take a hot bath. Meditation and relaxation techniques will also help you.
. Try to get good sleep. Fatigue can greatly affect your sleep. Try to go to bed earlier, enter a reasonable schedule of work and rest.
. Control stress. Identify the things that annoy and stress you and limit their impact. Take a look at your child's environment.

No matter what, keep a positive attitude. Somnambulism is not usually a serious condition. Most of the time, this problem goes away on its own.

Not many people thought about what happens around when people sleep. Somnambulism is sleepwalking. In another way, this condition is called sleepwalking. This definition is more established in society. As a rule, this condition is uncontrollable by a person. Only the central nervous system is involved, turning off consciousness completely. As a rule, somnambulism is observed mainly in young children. The older the person, the less likely it is to enter such a state.


Somnambulism represents walking in the state of sleep. In this case, the movements can be quite clear and coordinated. During somnambulism, a sleeping person may get out of bed and simply walk around the room. But there are often cases when the sleeper performs rather complex actions, while the witness of what is happening may not even understand that the person is sleeping.

As a rule, somnambulistic disease does not require special treatment. It is only based on taking antidepressants, sedatives and antipsychotics. But it all depends on the specific case and problem. Before prescribing treatment, a person must undergo an examination. It is worth noting that moon sickness is associated with incomplete awakening from a deep phase of sleep. People almost never remember what happened at that time. A person cannot remember all his dreams. Some fragments may appear in memory, but they will not give a complete picture of the actions.

The actions of the somnambulist are performed at the moment of dreaming. As a rule, actions are performed that a person sees in a dream. According to scientists, only 15% of people were able to become participants in sleepwalking. Most of them were small children. It is believed that the nervous system is much thinner and well controlled by the subconscious.

Is somnambulism dangerous?

As a rule, somnambulism is not dangerous for the sleeping person and the environment. During sleep, quite familiar actions are performed that are performed in life: dressing in clothes, less often cleaning and complex tasks. Rarely, there are cases when a somnambulist tries to drive a car or cook food in a sleeping state. This development option is considered the most dangerous. The sleeper is not capable of killing a person or committing suicide. If you have witnessed how your friend or relative performs actions in a dream, then you should not wake him up.

If such a condition is observed in a child, then this does not indicate his nervous disorders. He does not violate all the basic functions of the body. Activity remains the same and development does not stop. The main thing is to protect, if possible, the child from injuries while walking in a dream. Often there may be cases when a child inflicts minor injuries on himself with toys.

Reasons for sleepwalking

Scientists have not established the specific causes of the manifestation of this condition. It is known that somnambulism manifests itself mainly in the phase of slow sleep in the first half of the night. Perhaps this is due to sudden manifestations of electrical activity in the brain. Also, the real cause of sleepwalking has not yet been established. One of the assumptions suggests that due to the inhibition of brain activity, the phase of slow sleep is disturbed and incomplete awakening occurs, which becomes partial. At the same time, the nervous department responsible for consciousness remains dormant, and that responsible for movement wakes up. As a result, a person performs uncontrolled actions at an automatic level.

Evidence for the existence of partial sleep is that a person can fall asleep in a standing position, while the body is in complete control of the position and the person does not fall to the ground, but only sways slightly. A good example is also a woman who cradles a child in her arms. She may fall asleep, but her hands will continue to make the same movements.

Factors that provoke somnambulism

As a rule, somnambulism depends on the work of the central nervous system. There are triggering factors. Sleepwalking rarely occurs in a perfectly healthy person.

Factors affecting somnambulism are:

  1. Nervous breakdown after stress. When a person is under stress, processes occur in the body that may soon affect the nervous system. As a rule, the consequences are very negative and unfavorable. The main thing is to monitor your condition and not drive yourself into complete depression with all the ensuing consequences.
  2. Parkinson's disease.
  3. Chronic fatigue. It often manifests itself in those people who work for a long time with little or no breaks. The brain ceases to rest, which affects the central nervous system and the state of the body as a whole.
  4. Jar of Hearts. In the life of every person there are situations that can get out of control and lead to a nervous breakdown. Often this is due to the death or departure of a loved one. At these moments, the body is experiencing a severe disorder.
  5. Bright lighting in the room while sleeping. A sharp flash of light during sleep can be a trigger for somnambulism. The partial wake-up mechanism starts. Bright lighting can also refer to a full moon. The light from the moon in this case is provoking. Therefore, somnambulists in the people began to be called lunatics. Such a state is not connected with the energy of the cosmos.
  6. Traumatic brain injury.
  7. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs.
  8. Certain medications can also affect the nervous system.
  9. epileptic seizures.
  10. Heredity. If somnambulism was noted among relatives, then we can talk about the structure of the brain, which was inherited or through a generation.

Some people believe that somnambulism is something abnormal, mystical. But these are just myths and prejudices that should not be believed. Everything is explained at the scientific level, which studies the issue, and does not make false guesses.

Symptoms of the disease

Somnambulism is commonly referred to as sleepwalking. This state can take absolutely any form. People just sit on the bed for a while. But more complex processes can be observed, up to playing a musical instrument or cooking.

During partial awakening, the person's eyes are open, but they are still. Basically, a sleeping person can sit in bed for a few minutes, and then go to bed without getting up. But there are quite difficult cases that require constant supervision of a person suffering from somnambulism. The sleepwalker can simply walk around the house. His arms are lowered along the body, and the steps are quite small. The eyes are open, but the face is completely expressionless. In a state of somnambulism, a person may try to cook food, walk on eaves and rooftops, try to drive a car, open a window or door. Often there are cases when the sleeper can pretend to be looking for a book on a bookshelf or sorting through jewelry.

All these cases have their own symptoms, which are characteristic mainly of somnambulism.

  • Clear consciousness. Or rather, its absence. Many eyewitnesses and witnesses of the actions of somnambulists are often surprised by what is happening. Some of the moments that occur during somnambulism, a person does not do in everyday life. All movements and actions are performed at an automatic level, depending on sleep. The absent consciousness confirms that while walking in a dream, the somnambulist does not react to the actions of people. He can't make contact and also doesn't feel threatened. In severe cases of somnambulism, a person can harm others or himself. It all depends on what kind of dream a person sees.
  • Eyes. As a rule, they are in the open state, but motionless. A sleeping person looks only in one direction. The gaze is quite focused, but does not react to what is happening.
  • Emotionless. Earlier it was said that consciousness is absent during somnambulism. Thus, nothing can bring to the emotions of a person at this moment. Even the occurrence of sufficiently dangerous situations that threaten life will be accepted with indifference, which will be visible in facial expressions and “empty” eyes.
  • Memory loss. After awakening, a person does not remember what happened during somnambulism. It is like a state of sleep. After all, a person cannot remember absolutely all the dreams that he saw in a dream. Those who try to tell about what is happening, as a rule, do not believe. Many somnambulists believe that this did not happen to them, and eyewitnesses are simply trying to play it.
  • End. As a rule, after their “wakefulness”, somnambulists return to their starting place, to bed or find another place in the house in order to continue sleeping in a natural position. All the same happens when an eyewitness is forced to return to the place. But this is not easy to do. Some try to wake the person during an episode of somnambulism. But experts do not recommend doing this. Waking up a person during somnambulism is possible only by causing pain or “shaking”. It is impossible to wake up with simple words or strokes. Due to the lack of consciousness during the period of somnambulism, a person does not react to what is happening around. Only the method of causing pain is used by a slight tingling or pinching of the skin, or by shaking. But, as a rule, after that, the sleeper cannot understand where he is for a long time. Especially emotional and impressionable people who experience somnambulism often develop a feeling of fear and may experience a panic attack. It is possible that the sleeper may harm someone nearby or himself during this process.

Quite rarely, there are cases when, during somnambulism, a person begins to talk. Moreover, his speech is quite clear and coherent. It is worth noting that episodes of somnambulism last no more than an hour. Exactly as long as slow sleep lasts. But everything can end in just a few minutes before the somnambulist gets out of bed.

Diagnosis of somnambulism

Experts believe that the state of somnambulism is caused by improper functioning of the brain, which should be eliminated or corrected. In order to understand the cause of what happened, a person must undergo some examinations. In the event that somnambulism is observed in a small child, this does not pose any danger. You may not want to see a doctor for help. A simple heart-to-heart conversation will suffice, during which you can find out all the experiences that cause periods of somnambulism.

But in the event that somnambulism is observed in adults, this only speaks of disorders of the nervous system, which was provoked by certain factors. Then the examination and treatment is carried out by a neuropathologist or psychiatrist. During the initial examination, the doctor is interested in the details of life, as well as sleep patterns. Often, the somnambulist cannot give answers to some questions. In this case, eyewitnesses of episodes of somnambulism come to the rescue, who will tell all the details. The sleepwalker is sent immediately for an ECG, to check the work of the heart, as well as for a general blood test. It is also advisable to write down all the medications that the patient is taking. Perhaps they can be the cause of the development of somnambulism.

The following studies are also being carried out:

  1. MRI or CT of the brain in order to check the condition of the vessels and possible damage.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the brain.
  3. Polysomnography.

Based on the data obtained, the cause of the development of somnambulism is determined, and a possible disease is identified that requires timely treatment with the help of specialists.

Somnambulist treatment

After the state of somnambulism is noted, it is advisable to seek help from a doctor. This may indicate the occurrence of mental disorders or Parkinson's disease, which began to develop. After diagnosis and conversations with a specialist, treatment is prescribed, which will be aimed at eliminating problems. As a rule, appointments are strictly individual in nature and completely depend on the characteristics of the disorder or disease.

Many have heard of somnambulism, but not everyone has wondered about the treatment. As a rule, if a similar condition is observed in a small child, then it is worth waiting for growing up. Somnambulism goes away on its own within a short time. For adults suffering from somnambulism, medications are already being prescribed, which are sedatives and antidepressants.

At first it seems that somnambulism is not dangerous for a person. But, if everything is left as it is, this can lead to a violation of some functions, as well as a severe disorder of the nervous system. Often there are epileptic seizures.

Previously, people suffering from somnambulism were woken up consistently after two hours of sleep. This time was considered a manifestation of somnambulism. This method is not safe and can aggravate the situation, causing chronic sleep deprivation.

Basically, medications are used to treat somnambulism, which are sleeping pills, sedatives and antidepressants. Often they give a referral for a massage or recommend relaxation in a pleasant environment.

It is also desirable to regulate sleep and monitor the state of the nervous system.

Somnambulism (sleepwalking) is a pathological condition in which a person in a state of sleep can perform actions unusual for a sleeping person. If you do not delve into and do not pay close attention to it, then by the nature of the movements, its activity may seem adequate and purposeful. However, such an impression is deceptive, since the consciousness of a person at this moment is clouded, since he is in a state of half sleep and does not give an account of his own actions.

The danger of somnambulism lies in the fact that a half-asleep patient can perform actions that the dream prompts him to do and this cannot be controlled. A person can harm himself, which often manifests itself in falls and physical injuries. In an extremely rare form of the disease, the patient may show aggression towards other people. Most often this happens with those who are trying to help, stop, return a person to bed, or just get in the way.

In its usual non-critical form, somnambulism manifests itself in the fact that a person can walk in a dream or just sit on a bed. The half-sleep-half-wake period continues in most cases no more than one hour, after which the patient falls asleep normally, returning to his bed. Waking up in the morning, people do not remember their nightly adventures at all.

Sleepwalking is most common in children of preschool and primary school age. In adolescence, manifestations of somnambulism are associated with hormonal changes in the body. In most cases, sleepwalking passes without any pathological consequences in the process of growing up a child.

In adults, somnambulism indicates mental, psychological, neurological and physiological disorders. If the manifestations of sleepwalking in children are easy enough to observe and timely correct if necessary, then the causes of this condition in an adult must be carefully ascertained. If timely diagnosis and treatment are not carried out, then the patient's condition may worsen, attacks become more frequent and eventually result in serious deviations.

In the past, this pathology was called "sleepwalking", but in modern medicine it is considered incorrect. It arose from a combination of the Latin words "moon" and "madness". However, in fact, somnambulism is not associated with the cycles of the moon, as it was believed in antiquity, the term lunatic is sometimes used out of habit.

Causes of somnambulism

Sleep is divided into two phases: slow fast. The slow phase is the longest, it accounts for 80% of the total night's rest. It is divided into several states - drowsiness, medium and deep sleep. The REM sleep phase takes a significantly shorter time, on average about 20%.

A full night's sleep includes 3 to 5 cycles, each of which lasts from one and a half to two hours. First, the person falls into a short nap, then falls into a deep sleep. Slow-wave sleep is the first 2-3 cycles, REM sleep is short-term and is typical for pre-morning and morning hours.

Slow-wave deep sleep is the main part of our rest. Fast bears such a name not only because of its brevity, but also because at this time a person’s eyes move quickly in a dream. This happens before awakening, when a person sees dreams.

Somnambulism manifests itself in the phase of deep sleep, when a person's consciousness is most detached. The cause of this condition is believed to be sudden bursts of electrical nerve activity in some neurons of the brain. In this state, part of the brain is asleep, while the other part continues to be active. To put it simply, we can say that the part of the brain responsible for conscious meaningful activity is in a state of sleep, and the centers that control motor coordination are active.

In children, sleepwalking in most cases is associated with immaturity and insufficient development of the central nervous system. Children, due to their emotionality and impressionability, perceive the information received during the day very sensitively. Due to the functional immaturity of the nervous system and excessive loads, they develop a state of partial sleep. Active games, strong emotional experiences, overexcitation due to computer games, cartoons, video programs in the evening or an excess of information can contribute to its manifestation. In fact, the child's brain simply does not have time to calm down and this is manifested by night walks.

Other causes of somnambulism in children include:

  • heredity - manifestations of somnambulism occur in almost half of the children, one of whose parents suffered from sleepwalking at some point in their lives;
  • fever disease;
  • stress that the child's psyche could not cope with;
  • epilepsy - sleepwalking can be one of the signs, and can also be one of the early manifestations of the disease.

In adults, sleepwalking is a rather rare phenomenon; diseases can provoke it:

  • neurosis of various etiologies, most often hysterical and obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia with panic attacks;
  • diabetes mellitus with nocturnal hypoglycemia;
  • migraine;
  • intoxication with brain damage;
  • a state of chronic stress;
  • obstructive sleep disorders;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • magnesium deficiency in the body (with malnutrition or illness);
  • consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  • vascular diseases of the brain;
  • epilepsy;
  • neoplasms of the brain;
  • senile dementia;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • taking certain medications.

A sharp loud sound or a sudden flash of light can cause sleepwalking, disturbing the peace of a sleeping person. It is this factor that led to the fact that sleepwalking in the past was directly associated with the influence of the full moon. In fact, there is nothing mystical about somnambulism, it is caused by disorders of the brain.

Symptoms of somnambulism

Not all people who are prone to somnambulism walk in their sleep. Signs of the disease may be other manifestations of partial sleep. The passive symptoms of somnambulism include a condition in which the patient in a dream sits up on a bed with open eyes and a fixed gaze. As a rule, after sitting like this for a short time, he goes to bed and continues to sleep peacefully until morning.

In difficult cases, the patient can move around the house and even go outside. At the same time, all movements from the outside look calm and purposeful. The eyes are open, but the eyeballs do not move, the gaze is absent and unconscious. Some patients perform a whole range of actions - take certain things, change clothes, leave the house, walk on the roof, balance at dangerous heights and unstable surfaces.

For all manifestations of somnambulism, a number of generalizing factors have been identified:

  1. Lack of awareness. Performing any actions, a person does not react in any way to the speech addressed to him, does not perceive dangerous conditions in his movements. This, as mentioned above, is a sign that part of the brain is in a state of sleep.
  2. An absent look. The eyes of the somnambulist are always open, the gaze is focused on something far away. Even if someone comes close to the patient and tries to draw attention to himself, he looks through him. Consciousness is sleeping.
  3. Detachment. A person in a state of drowsiness cannot show any emotions, his face does not express them at all, facial expressions in most cases are completely absent, as is the case during deep sleep.
  4. Lack of memories. Sleeping consciousness is not able to fix in memory the nightly adventures of a person. In the morning, he remembers absolutely nothing about what happened to him during the night attack.
  5. Same ending. For all somnambulists, the end of the attack is the same - he falls asleep in a normal sleep. If he managed to return to his own bed, then he spends the night there until waking up. But the end of a REM sleep can catch him far from his bed, then he goes to bed where he has to. In the morning, such people experience a real shock, because after falling asleep in their bed, it is not clear how they ended up in another place.

Diagnosis of somnambulism

To prescribe the correct effective treatment for sleepwalking, you must first find out the cause that provoked it. To do this, you need to contact a specialist - a neurologist or psychiatrist.

The first stage of diagnosis is a patient interview with a thorough identification of details. You can help the doctor if someone close will mark the time of going to bed, the beginning and end of an attack of somnambulism, the time of morning awakening. Also important factors for the specialist will be the list of medications taken and the main foods from the daily diet.

Depending on the results of the examination and questioning of the patient, the doctor may prescribe instrumental, laboratory tests and consultations of narrow specialists - an endocrinologist, a pulmonologist, a cardiologist. Instrumental studies used in such cases include:

  • electroencephalography;
  • polysomnography;
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the brain;
  • fundus examination;
  • MRI of the brain.

Laboratory studies are carried out according to indications. You may need to test for hormones, infection, and blood levels of vitamins and minerals. According to the data collected, the cause of sleepwalking is revealed, on the basis of which therapy is prescribed.

Treatment of somnambulism

In children, the disease goes away on its own in the process of growing up and developing the brain. Treatment of a child suffering from somnambulism most often comes down to correcting the daily regimen, nutrition and psychological stress.

In the case of an adult disease, the treatment process is not so simple and unambiguous, since the causes of its origin are much deeper and more serious. Sleepwalking therapy is carried out with the help of psychotherapy and medications. If attacks of nocturnal movements appear after stress, emotional or mental stress, then first of all, the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist is needed.

Medical treatment

According to individual indications, the patient may be prescribed sedatives or hypnotics, in some cases tranquilizers are used. The choice of drug therapy is a very crucial moment, the specialist takes into account many factors before prescribing a particular drug.

If the patient has vascular, neurological, endocrine or cardiac diseases, the therapy focuses on the treatment of the underlying disease. For example, if the cause of sleepwalking is severe arrhythmia attacks, then it is the heart disease that should be treated. In the case where the problem is caused by neoplasms of the brain, surgery is likely to be required.

Mainly during treatment it is important to create conditions under which a person will feel calm and confident. You can relieve the state of fatigue and anxiety with the help of physiotherapy methods and relaxation practices.

Forecast and prevention of somnambulism

In general, experts give a favorable prognosis for getting rid of sleepwalking. With the help of drugs, physiotherapy, psychotherapy and preventive measures, the manifestations of somnambulism in adults can be eliminated. Problems can arise only in the case of paroxysmal (epileptic) sleepwalking. In such situations, treatment can be lengthy and give only a temporary result. However, with the help of complex methods, in this case, it is possible to achieve stable and long-term remission.

Prevention of somnambulism is primarily based on the elimination of psychologically traumatic factors from the patient's life, the correction of sleep and wakefulness, and the selection of a diet. Experts say that most often the cause of somnambulism is psychological factors, mental and physical overstrain. Relapse prevention concerns simple rules - a person must have a good rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day, eat a balanced diet, minimize stress and eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome.

Speaking about preventive measures, one cannot fail to mention the creation of safe conditions for the somnambulist before, during and after treatment. It is necessary to ensure that windows and doors are always closed in the patient's bedroom, there are no sharp objects and corners. This is necessary to reduce the risk of injury during night attacks.

Somnambulism- a special abnormal state of the central nervous system, in which the individual performs any actions, while being in one of the stages of sleep - the phase of deep slow sleep. This disorder is commonly referred to as "sleepwalking" or "sleepwalking".

According to official data, somnambulism is recorded in more than 2% of the inhabitants of the planet. In most cases, sleepwalking is determined in persons with mental disorders or diseases of the neurotic level, however, this phenomenon can occasionally occur in objectively healthy people. Most often, somnambulism is determined in the age category from 17 to 23 years, regardless of gender.

Somnambulism is manifested in the fact that a sleeping person, being in a special state: half-asleep-half-awake, gets out of bed and performs actions familiar to him. Somnambulist is able to walk around the apartment, turn on electrical appliances, open water taps, dress, put his appearance in order. In some cases, a sleepwalker performs extremely dangerous actions, for example: driving a car, making suicidal attempts.

An attack of sleepwalking lasts an average of 10 to 30 minutes, but cases of somnambulism lasting about three hours have been recorded. At the end of his nightly "walks", the somnambulist returns to bed, and in the morning does not remember his "adventures" at all.

Causes of somnambulism

Sleepwalking is most often recorded when there is an incorrect transition from the phase of deep slow sleep to the second stage. In some cases, somnambulism is a kind of continuation of nightmares that occur when the brain works in a delta rhythm.

The phenomenon of sleepwalking in most cases is determined in persons who suffer from depressive conditions, in particular, have a history of bipolar disorder. Often, sleepwalking is a companion of the initial stages of schizophrenia. Sleepwalking is also recorded in patients with a neurological profile under the following conditions:

  • with neurasthenia;
  • with hysterical neurosis;
  • with obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • with chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • in Parkinson's disease.

One of the most common causes of sleepwalking is epilepsy. Also, somnambulism can develop after a strong emotional shock, being in a chronic stressful state. Often episodes of sleepwalking are determined in people with chronic sleep deprivation due to persistent insomnia.

External factors can also trigger somnambulism:

  • loud conversation or harsh sounds in the sleeping person's room;
  • sudden flash of bright light;
  • excessive lighting in the room, which can also be the result of saturated moonlight during a full moon.

A hereditary predisposition to sleepwalking has been established: at risk are 45% of people in whom one parent suffered from somnambulism and 60% of those in whom both ancestors had this condition.

The mechanism of development of somnambulism

In healthy people, the sleep process starts with the first phase of orthodox (slow) sleep, the scientific name of which is Non-REM sleep. The duration of this stage varies from 5 to 10 minutes. Brain activity operates in the theta wave mode in the range from 4 to 8 Hz. Typical phenomena for this state are drowsiness, fantasies and dreams, illogical thoughts, hallucinogenic visions, visual illusions.

This is followed by the second phase - the stage of light sleep, the duration of which is approximately 20 minutes. The appearance of a sigma rhythm is fixed - accelerated alpha waves in the range from 12 to 20 Hz. In this segment, consciousness is turned off, the threshold of perception rises significantly.

The next stage of sleep, lasting from 30 to 45 minutes, is the phase of slow and deep slow delta sleep, corresponding to the third and fourth stages of sleep. The rhythm of the brain consists of high-frequency delta waves at a frequency of 2 Hz. It is at this stage that a person has nightmares and bouts of sleepwalking.

At the end of the fourth phase, the sleeping person again returns to the second stage, after which the first segment of paradoxical (rapid) sleep, called REM sleep, begins, the duration of which does not exceed 15 minutes. The range of brain activity is beta waves with a frequency of 14 to 30 Hz. It is assumed that fast-wave sleep provides a kind of protection for the human psyche, carries out the processing of incoming information, and establishes links between consciousness and the subconscious sphere.

The above sequence is called sleep cycles, the number of which during a night's rest is five episodes. Failure during stage four sleep is a trigger for somnambulism.

Characteristic features of somnambulism

Somnambulism is characterized by a combination of two conditions: the sleepwalker has signs of drowsiness and wakefulness signals, so the status of the brain can be conditionally called half-awake-half-awake. The somnambulist's brain responds to tactile stimuli and sound signals, but it is unable to connect the received signs into a single chain due to the fact that the vigilance function is "off".

The eyes of a person during sleepwalking in most cases are open, the pupils are significantly dilated. Acceleration of the heart rate and more frequent intermittent breathing are determined. The sleepwalker is able to maintain the balance of the body and deftly carry out a variety of movements, for example: skillfully bypass existing obstacles. The person retains the ability to perform complex actions that require coordinated movements, such as driving a car.

The main danger of somnambulism: the disappearance of feelings and emotions, the inability to logically control their actions. With this abnormal state, the clarity of consciousness disappears: the sleepwalker has no sense of fear, a sense of threat and danger. That is why he can perform such deeds that he would never have dared to do in the waking state. Due to the lack of mind control, a somnambulist can harm himself or cause significant harm to others.

The absence of any sensations in the emotional aspect is evidenced by the “detached” and impartial face of a person. Even in the event of a real threat to life, no changes will occur in the appearance of a sleepwalker. A person's gaze during sleepwalking is focused, but it is not fixed on some object, but is directed into the distance.

After getting up in the morning, the somnambulist has no memory of how he spent the night in an unusual way. An individual often learns about his nightly adventures from relatives, while he perceives information about himself as an absurd evil joke.

All episodes of somnambulism end according to the same scenario: the person returns to bed or goes to bed in some other place and continues to sleep. In the same way, the somnambulist will continue his sleep if he is put to bed by close people.

What to do with a sleepwalker: an algorithm of actions

Doctors do not recommend making attempts to wake up a sleepwalker: this can be dangerous for a person’s mental health and cause him psychological discomfort. You should not try to stir up the somnambulist by applying physical violence to him. In the case of a violent awakening, a strong attack of fear is likely to develop, in which a person can commit acts that are dangerous for himself and those around him.

It is advisable to carefully take the person by the hand and take her back to bed. Almost all lunatics react to appeals to him and gestures of loved ones, so it would be appropriate to address him with “setting” words, for example: “You are sleeping and will continue to sleep.”

Somnambulism Treatment Methods

In the case of single manifestations of somnambulism, there is no need for therapeutic measures. However, with chronic sleepwalking, medical attention should be sought, as there is a high risk of a person committing life-threatening actions. Treatment is focused on the elimination of the underlying disease, in the therapy of which pharmacological agents of various classes are used. The choice of a particular medication is based on the clinical picture of the underlying ailment and the general health of the patient.

Hypnosis is a safe and harmless alternative to medical treatment for somnambulism. During hypnotic sessions, a person is immersed in a state of somnambulism - the deepest stage of hypnosis. At the same time, it is possible to achieve the functioning of the brain in such a mode when it is possible to subordinate all the properties and characteristics of the psyche to the required idea, the necessary feeling, the necessary experience. The criteria for assessing this state during hypnosis can be considered amnesia - memory loss and the appearance of hallucinations with the client's eyes closed. With deep slow delta sleep, it is possible to act directly on the cause of the painful condition: neurotic, anxiety, post-stress or depressive disorders, thereby saving a person from sleepwalking once and for all.

“Tell me, please, where should I go from here?
- Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.
- I don't care ... - said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.
- ... just to get somewhere, - Alice explained.
“You’re bound to get somewhere,” said the Cat. “You just have to walk long enough.”

Somnambulism (deep stage of hypnosis) is such a mode of operation of the brain, in which all mental forces are subordinated to one idea or feeling. Amnesia (loss of memory) and hallucinations (with closed eyes) can be considered as the criterion for achieving this state.

  • Audio recordings to reach the ultra-deep stages of hypnosis.

For therapeutic purposes, "somnambulism light" is usually used - the middle stage of hypnosis (two points according to Katkov, the level of eyelid catalepsy in Elman's induction), but even this level of immersion will require you to be brave. It will be necessary to get rid of everyday fears about hypnosis (“they will turn into zombies, break the psyche”) and think about why the two-century practice of using hypnosis in medicine has not led to the licensing of hypnotherapy? Having answered this question in yourself, think about the purpose of immersing yourself in somnambulism. Do you want to get rid of a psychosomatic illness or just experience a feeling of hypnotic nirvana? Both are good, but in the first case, one must be prepared for the fact that familiar symptoms will appear at some stage. Do you want to get rid of them? Then, while listening to the recording, you will not only have to put up with them, but also hold on to and even savor them. This is necessary so that the process of therapy begins in the free layers of the psyche that you have opened.

Feel free to handle audio recordings. You can turn on any of them from the place where you can surrender to the surging experiences: and sob excitedly, and laugh convulsively, and fight in tantrums, and express thoughts aloud. You can use both tracks alternately, switching from the first to the second or vice versa as soon as any obstacle arises. The main thing is not to forget that this is not a treatment, but a "probe" - a game of hypnotherapy. The hypnosimulator is designed to create a publicity stunt to get you more serious about the possibilities of hypnotherapy. Therefore, the smoothing or even complete disappearance of painful symptoms should not mislead you - you just got the opportunity to make sure that hypnotherapy is indicated for you. Now you know for sure that you should make an appointment with a live specialist in order to undergo a full course of treatment.
