What is the place of the name Gleb. Male name Gleb - origin and secrets

The name Gleb sounds very rough, cold and courageous. The bearer of this name is often an interesting and original person.

Translated from Old Slavic means "favorite of the gods."

The origin of the name Gleb:

The origin of this name is not yet clear. It is only known that it is very ancient and rare. Perhaps the name was borrowed from the Old Norse language and comes from the word "goodleithr", meaning "favorite of the gods."

But, along with this opinion, there is something else. It is assumed that the origin of the name Gleb is associated with the Old Slavonic word "gleb", which translates as "land", "arable land".

The nature and interpretation of the name Gleb:

Since childhood, Gleb is distinguished by a serious and calm character, accordingly, he looks more adult than his age. He is unhurried and judicious in his actions and actions. Throughout his life, he can give the impression of a somewhat gloomy person, however, the people around him have a rather reverent attitude and respect towards him, since he has a generous nature and good nature.

He himself does not like to give empty promises, to throw words to the wind. This is a man of his word, if he said, then, accordingly, he did. In a serious conversation, he behaves courageously and with dignity, even though his opponent is his blood enemy.

If Gleb holds a leading position, then his subordinates believe that they are very lucky with their boss, since he is a fair, strict, but moderately diplomatic, objective and benevolent person. Concrete and consistent in his actions. Gleb has "golden hands", in his house everything was done by him - shelves for books, or mezzanines, beautiful renovation and more.

Gleb is a passionate person with a strong sexual temperament. Very romantic, can be very passionate about his partner, to the point of madness. However, the partner learns about his affection last, since he will look at her for a long time and look for the right moment in order to pour out his ocean of love, because he is afraid of disappointments that he experiences very deeply. Sometimes, he can be quite straightforward and hasty, without a prelude to sexual intercourse. In most cases, this is characteristic of the "winter" Gleb - he has a more unstable psyche and straightforwardness that does not tolerate objections, compared to, for example, the "summer" type. "Winter" is more capable of spontaneous sexual relations, which, in his opinion, relieve sexual tension.

Often falling in love in his youth, or in his youth, he carries this love through the years, all his life, and this, sometimes, complicates relations with other women, so it is rather difficult for him to find real happiness. Entering into an intimate relationship, Gleb does not think about how long it will last, and accordingly does not think about getting married. From a partner he expects strong passions, exquisite caresses, great feelings, sexual relaxedness.

He is quite loving, and, on the second day of acquaintance, is able to lead his chosen one down the aisle. In marriage, he completely trusts his wife and gives her the reins of government, however, if he doubts her loyalty, then long questions and investigations cannot be avoided. And, conceived, having chosen one chosen one for her whole life, she does not notice any shortcomings in her.

Gleb loves to be independent and independent, but strives for the woman who will take care of him all his life, who will share his interests and hobbies, listening to his every word. The marriages of the "winter" Gleb, at times, are short-lived because of the despotic character of this man in family life, and the unkindness of intimacy.

For children, Gleb is a wonderful nanny - he washes diapers, cooks porridge for babies, reads them bedtime stories. And also has no addiction to alcohol.

Several years ago, when it was fashionable to call children unusual Old Slavonic names, the name Gleb became very popular. Now interest in it is waning, it becomes rare again.

During the growth of cities, this name lost its popularity, the city residents undeservedly considered the name too rustic. Today the topic of our article is Gleb: the meaning of the name, character and the fate that awaits a boy with this beautiful name. We will start, as in the rest of the articles, with the history of its origin ...

Gleb: an accurate description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, a guy, a man with that name?

In this article, you will learn:

The origin and meaning of the name Gleb

The name Gleb has taken root in Russia for a very long time. The reason may lie in the fact that it is one of those names that does not have foreign roots and is considered native Russian. Another reason for love for this name is the Orthodox Saint Gleb, the noble prince.

Here is his story:

The Grand Duke Vladimir, who baptized Russia, had two half-sons: Gleb and Boris. They were pious and very friendly brothers, both of them eradicated paganism in Murom and Rostov. In 1015, after the murder of Boris in an internecine struggle, the third brother, Svyatopolk the Damned, was afraid of Gleb's revenge and sent a messenger to him with the news of his brother's fatal illness - at that time already deceased.

Without thinking twice, Gleb gathered a small squad and headed to Kiev. On the way, having fallen from a horse, he broke his leg and continued on his way through the water from Smolensk. Then he received the news of the death of his father and brother. While mourning the deceased relatives, Gleb was attacked by armed mercenaries of Svyatopolk and killed him. The body was buried on the banks of the Dnieper. Gleb and Boris are considered the first Russian saints, however, the date of their canonization, for the distance of years, is not exactly known.

How the origin of the name Gleb influenced its meaning

There are several variants of the origin of this name:

  • The first version says that the name Gleb came to Russia from Scandinavia, is derived from the ancient Germanic Gottlieb, translated as "favorite of the gods", "heir to God", "under the protection of the gods."
  • The second version tells us that this name is Slavic and scientists claim a connection with the Russian word "Glyba".
  • The third version says the name Gleb has Old Slavonic roots and comes from the word "gleb", which is still used in Polish with a meaning similar to the word "land".

What kind of character can the boy Gleb have?

The name Gleb has absorbed the best qualities of a real man, a protector of the family.

The most outstanding traits of his character:

  • Responsibility for business and loved ones;
  • Kindness and restraint:
  • Neatness at home and at work;
  • Strong and strong-willed character;
  • He never leaves the work started unfinished.

From childhood, you need to develop a sense of humor in him, if this is not done, his seriousness and calmness can be perceived by others as gloomy, although close people know that he is very good-natured. Among other things, he is artistic, inclined towards drawing and music.

What kind of fate could Gleb have?

Gleb may seem laconic and very serious. For him, his own principles are important, which he is ready to defend with special persistence.

When working, for him in the first place is the family, its comfort and stability, only then career advancement. Nevertheless, having achieved a high position, he commands respect from employees for his fairness, his word always has a foundation, and his authority is beyond doubt. In a team, he always creates a friendly atmosphere.

Very often he chooses a rare profession, to which he remains faithful. He gets used to people at work rather than makes friends. He does not like familiarity and noisy parties, rarely drinks alcohol. He behaves a little stiffly with women, but he is ready to enter into marriage quickly - without wasting time.

Love and family

A woman can reveal passion and romance in him. He assesses the subject of his sighing for a long time and purposefully, since it is difficult for him to experience his failures and disappointments. But no matter how contradictory it may seem, he is always ready to have sexual contact immediately.

He expects openness and full dedication from his partner, does not like shackled women in bed. Loves affection and aesthetics in sex. The most suitable sexual partners: Dina, Lyubov, Tamara, Ada, Maya, Raisa, Maria.

The strongest energy is possessed by the name Gleb combined with the patronymics Andrianovich and Andreevich.

In family life, the dominant role is given to the wife. He is loyal to his wife's shortcomings. He is very jealous of his companion to other men, if there is a doubt about the woman's loyalty, he is even able to arrange an investigation. Strives to create a strong family for life, where harmony, comfort and warmth will reign.

Gleb can be described as a hospitable host. A successful marriage can develop with Tamara, Eugenia, Maria, Raisa, Maya, Sophia. If he chooses Catherine, Lydia, Victoria, Inna, Svetlana as his wife, it will be very difficult to get along.

Character traits

  • If Gleb's middle name is Vasilyevich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Dmitrievich, Mikhailovich, Ilyich, Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Ivanovich, Petrovich, in this case he is a very reasonable and reliable person, in extreme cases he can quickly make the right decision, does not give in to panic.
  • Capable of heroic deeds in moments of danger. Very responsive, will come to the rescue at any difficult moment. Physical strength and endurance are well developed.
  • Controls emotions well, external stimuli do not greatly affect his behavior. Loves risk and excitement, perceives losses painfully.
  • A man with this name is popular with the opposite sex. Does not feel material need, even if temporarily experiencing difficulties with a place of work, will always find a way to earn money. Likes to make expensive gifts to loved ones and does not attach importance to the price. There is quite a chance to become the head of the information department, director of a small plant, to become an irreplaceable link in any company.

Characteristics of the name Gleb, features of character and fate

What will the child named Gleb be like?

Little Glebka is very kind to the household, loves to spend a lot of time with his parents. From early childhood, he behaves calmly and seriously, sometimes he can seem like a sad boy.

Here are the traits inherent in him as a child:

  • He is eager to help elders, loves to fix and tinker with something.
  • A very diligent and diligent child. The people around him give him much more years than they actually are.
  • Quite often, he has a not bright appearance and a low voice. May not show decisiveness and leadership qualities.
  • It is important for parents to teach him to distinguish sincerity from tactlessness, to explain that not every deception should break the relationship forever.

Famous people named Gleb

  • St. Martyr Gleb - Prince of Murom Gleb Vladimirovich - canonized together with his brother Boris; commemorated July 24 (August 6)
  • Uspenikiy G. Ivanovich (1843-1902) - Russian writer.
  • G. Maksimilyanovich Krzhizhanovsky (1872-1959) - public and political figure, author of the song "Varshavyanka", literary critic.
  • G. Petrovich Struve (1898-1985) - literary critic, translator, historian; in the USA, where he taught at various universities, published collected works of Russian poets: N. Gumilyov, N. Zabolotsky, Anna Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, N. Klyuev.
  • G. Pavlovich Glebov (real name Sorokin) (1899-1967) - People's Artist of the USSR; Soviet actor, since 1926 - on the stage of the Kupala Belarusian Theater.
  • G. Aleksandrovich Strizhenov (July 21, 1925, Voronezh - July 21, 1925 in Voronezh) - Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974), Soviet theater and film actor. Brother of the actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1988) Oleg Alexandrovich Strizhenov.
  • G. Anatolyevich Panfilov (born May 21, 1934 in Magnitogorsk) - Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR, Russian film director, husband of actress Inna Mikhailovna Churikova.
  • G. Olegovich Pavlovsky (born March 5, 1951 in Odessa) - publicist, Russian politician, political scientist.
  • G. Borisovich Grebenshchikov (born December 14, 1984) - son of B. Grebenshchikov, works as a DJ gebe
Published: 2017-02-26, Modified: 2017-02-26,

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Gleb.

What does the name Gleb mean?

The name Gleb means - granted to God (Greek)

The meaning of the name Gleb - character and fate

A man named Gleb is serious, reserved, taciturn. However, he is very benevolent, objective, and respected by his friends. Gleb is decisive, he is rarely tormented by doubts. He does not spend a lot of time courting his future wife, if he liked her, he proposes to her. Maybe on the second day after they met, lead the beloved down the aisle. He is not interested in someone's opinion, he only listens to his inner voice. Rarely makes mistakes in their choice, marriage is usually successful. Gleb sincerely believes in his wife, is condescending to her shortcomings, generous, patient. The spouse just should not try to make him feel jealous. If Gleb doubts her loyalty, then interrogations and investigations will begin, he will torture himself and his wife. Gleb does not strive for leadership in the family, he allows his wife to lead the house, and at the same time he himself. He builds family relationships on full trust and mutual respect. Gleb loves tinkering; all the shelves, shelves and mezzanines in the house are made by him. A man named Gleb does not need to be reminded of any breakdowns, he sees everything himself, he knows how to fix everything. She loves to tinker with children, willingly plays the role of a nanny: she washes, diapers, feeds the children, redeems and puts them to sleep. Very attached to home, family. Gleb does not like to drink, even with close friends. A man named Gleb often gives birth to sons.

The meaning of the name Gleb for sex

Gleb is a passionate nature, he is characterized by violent hobbies, in love he is a romantic. He has a strong sexual personality and can be very diplomatic to avoid difficulties with a partner. A man named Gleb does not like to pour out his feelings, hides them, and does not immediately reveal himself during intimate meetings with women. He studies his partner for a long time, fearing to make mistakes, because he can be assertive, seeks to get down to business immediately, without preliminary preparation of sexual contact. To a greater extent, this is characteristic of the "winter" Gleb, a person with an unstable psyche, straightforward, and does not tolerate objections. Such a Gleb is capable of spontaneous sexual relations simply out of a desire to relax, relieve sexual tension.

The nature and fate of the name Gleb, taking into account the middle name

Name Gleb and patronymic ...

Gleb Alekseevich, Gleb Andreevich, Gleb Artemovich, Gleb Valentinovich, Gleb Vasilievich, Gleb Viktorovich, Gleb Vitalievich, Gleb Vladimirovich, Gleb Evgenievich, Gleb Ivanovich, Gleb Ilyich, Gleb Mikhailovich, Gleb Petrovich, Gleb Yuri strong-willed, decisive and resourceful. She is not afraid to take risks and most often wins. He is attentive and condescending to women, enjoys success with them. A man named Gleb is independent, does not tolerate pressure from the outside, if he allows a woman to lead, it is only because he does not want to argue once again. He will still do everything in his own way, but without scandal and unnecessary explanations. Gleb is ready to help everyone, but he himself rarely asks someone for a favor, he relies only on his own strength. Likes to do pleasant things to loved ones, but does not attach much importance to it. Easily gets along with the spouse's relatives, is a beloved son-in-law. Gleb is easy to communicate, although the first one does not make contact. Loves children, spends a lot of time with them. He teaches his sons to craft, introduces them to sports: he goes skiing with them, loves equestrian sports. He loves animals, both a cat and a dog often live in his house. There is enough space and warmth for everyone. Children adore Gleb. He is jealous, but he carefully hides it, and if there is no reason, then one can only guess about his jealousy.

Name Gleb and patronymic ...

Gleb Aleksandrovich, Gleb Arkadievich, Gleb Borisovich, Gleb Vadimovich, Gleb Grigorievich, Gleb Kirillovich, Gleb Maksimovich, Gleb Matveyevich, Gleb Nikitich, Gleb Pavlovich, Gleb Romanovich, Gleb Tarasovich, Gleb Tarasovich, Gleb Timo stubborn and principled. It is difficult to find an approach to such Gleb. He is very good-natured, but only if he sees sincerity in relation to himself. Gleb is quick-tempered, but then he is tormented by remorse for a long time. In relations with women, a man named Gleb is modest, indecisive and careful. Disgusted. He does not like to change sex partners, is strongly attached to his beloved woman. He marries late, but not because he is not sure of the correct choice, but because he wants to acquire a profession, to stand firmly on his feet in order to be able to provide the family with decent living conditions. Often he marries a girl he knows from school, if only she has the patience to wait for an offer from him. Gleb has a cheerful character, a subtle sense of humor. Friends are happy to spend time in his company, they often visit him at home, Gleb himself does not like to visit him too much. More often sons are born. Gleb is a good father, he does a lot for his children, but the most valuable thing that he instills in them since childhood is respect for a woman. He is attentive to his wife, rarely comes home without a bunch of flowers, loves to do something nice for his loved ones.

Name Gleb and patronymic ...

Gleb Bogdanovich, Gleb Vladislavovich, Gleb Vilenovich, Gleb Vyacheslavovich, Gleb Gennadievich, Gleb Georgievich, Gleb Danilovich, Gleb Egorovich, Gleb Konstantinovich, Gleb Robertovich, Gleb Svyatoslavovich, Gleb Yaroslavich has a subtle sense of humor, cheerful and charming. He is amorous, has success with women. Elegant, knows how to dress, carefully monitors his appearance. Gourmet, appreciates good cuisine, he himself loves to cook delicious dishes. Artistic, eloquent, wonderful lover. A man named Gleb has good manners, a developed intellect. An optimist by nature. Somewhat eccentric, emotional, susceptible to failure. However, he does not transfer troubles at work to the family, hides, everything goes through alone. Before marriage, he has many sexual partners, often changes them, loves variety, romantic adventures. Having married, he becomes a good husband, a wonderful father, a master of the house. Jealous, which the spouse should always remember. He is very attached to his family, not inclined to betrayals. Wife will not forgive betrayal. There are always many friends in Gleb's house, sons often invite comrades to their place. Gleb knows how to get along with children, takes part in their games, finds everyone an interesting activity. Gleb loves going out into nature, gathers all the kids in the yard and goes for a walk with them. There is always some kind of living creature in his house, he loves animals very much.

Name Gleb and patronymic ...

Gleb Antonovich, Gleb Arturovich, Gleb Valerievich, Gleb Germanovich, Gleb Glebovich, Gleb Denisovich, Gleb Igorevich, Gleb Iosifovich, Gleb Leonidovich, Gleb Lvovich, Gleb Mironovich, Gleb Olegovich, Gleb Ruslanovich has a strong character, strong will, but in the family he is docile and condescending to all household members, considering them weaker natures. Loyal to others, susceptible to other people's troubles. A man named Gleb gives birth to children of different sexes, he is strict with his son, and his daughter pampers. Loves family evenings, remembers all dates of birth, celebrations. He completely trusts his Wife, shares with her all the troubles and successes, does not neglect her opinion. Rather, a friend than a wife, Gleb has no. However, he is demanding of his wife, values ​​cleanliness and order in the house, and loves to eat deliciously. He chooses an intelligent and respectable wife, appreciates wit and loyalty. Easily converges with the spouse's parents, especially friendly with the father-in-law. Gleb is sexy and attaches great importance to this. He is not a supporter of romantic adventures, but the spouse should be as sexy as he is. Gleb does not seek to make a career, he knows very well what he is capable of, and is content with what he can get. He prefers to be a good specialist rather than a bad leader.

Name Gleb and patronymic ...

Gleb Alanovich, Gleb Albertovich, Gleb Anatolyevich, Gleb Veniaminovich, Gleb Vladislavovich, Gleb Dmitrievich, Gleb Nikolaevich, Gleb Rostislavovich, Gleb Stanislavovich, Gleb Stepanovich, Gleb Feliksovich energetic and lively. Does not tolerate monotony, loves to travel. He does not know how to make acquaintances himself, but he will never refuse to communicate to those who wish. Easy-going, wonderful companion. He is fond of tourism, rarely alone. Loves women and entertainment. A man named Gleb is gambling, often visits casinos and hippodrome. However, he is lucky and rarely loses. She does not marry for a long time, but often falls in love. He is popular with women, knows how to attract their attention, is charming and eloquent. After marriage, his wife does not remain faithful, but she will not forgive her betrayal. Children of different sexes are born, whom Gleb loves very much, but puts the problem of upbringing on the shoulders of his wife. He does not strive for leadership, he does not need unnecessary trouble, and his authority in the eyes of his family is already indisputable. Gleb's relationship with his daughter is closer and warmer than with his son, but he takes care of his son.


There are two versions of the origin of the name Gleb. According to the first version, this name may have come from the Old Norse name "Gudleifr". According to the second version - from the ancient Germanic "Godleib". However, both versions are interpreted in the same way - “descendant of God”, “heir of God”, or “favorite of God”.

The male name Gleb is popular in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, is considered modern and has excellent energy. And also this name is compatible with most modern female names and is able to endow the carrier with a real masculine character ...

Conversational options: Glebka, Glebushka, Glebchik

Modern English counterparts: Not available

The meaning and interpretation of the name

According to the main version, the meaning of the name Gleb promises such character traits as calmness, prudence, self-confidence, sincerity, friendliness, gentleness, benevolence. Usually Gleb is a person with a unique character, on the one hand, who is strict and exacting, and on the other. Demonstrating exceptional benevolence and generosity.

Usually this is a strong-willed person, proudly passing through the masses of everyday troubles. He is proud of himself and invulnerable to emotional impulses, always achieves the set goal, strives for self-improvement and self-sufficiency, and from childhood tries to develop in all directions. Of course, there are exceptions, but for the most part all Gleb are like that.

Advantages and positive features: prudence, responsibility, punctuality, generosity, willingness to take desperate actions for the sake of self-improvement, unwillingness to give up and a unique mindset, initiative and hard work.

Gleb treats badly people who are evil and cunning, selfish and fraudulent, to those who behave incorrectly in relation to weaker people, and to those who show their strength in every possible way. And this person also hates people who, in one way or another, go out on the weaknesses of other people.

The first Russian version of the name Gleb sounded like Uleb (this version appears in the Old Russian chronicles), and only after a while this name acquired a modern sound.

The nature of the name Gleb

The nature of the name Gleb is such that it promises the bearer of this name-form many good qualities. So, usually Gleb is a kind, positive, optimistic, purposeful, stubborn, fair, cheerful, positive, benevolent and cheerful, hardworking and unprincipled person. His character attracts people and allows him to make many friends, even where it is almost impossible to make them. And the nature of the man named Gleb allows such a representative of the strong half of humanity to achieve success in any chosen business, be it just a hobby or professional activity. Gleb's character is positive in all respects, without exception, this is a fact, he is a good friend, an excellent companion and interlocutor, and the second half will be happy with him, but there is also a flaw - Gleb does not forgive betrayal, even if it is insignificant, he is ready to say goodbye to a person once and forever, if he committed a treacherous act, even if he was really close to him. True, as he grows up, Gleb's character usually changes, and not always for the better.

Well, one cannot fail to note the fact that in many respects the character may not be at all the same as described above, because additional factors can influence it. So. The character can be affected by the energy of the zodiac sign, the significance of the season of birth, or parenting.

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, for whom his parents decided at birth to choose the male name Gleb, is filled with good impressions and positive emotions. The meaning of this name endows the bearer with a good character and a whole bunch of quite good qualities. Responsive, kind, good-natured, honest, cheerful, optimistic, positive, always in good health and never falling into hysterics - that's what he is, little Gleb, over whom the meaning of this name is patronized. From an early age, he never ceases to please his parents, he tries to help in everything, always comes up with some things, fantasizes a lot and, on rare occasions, may disobey his mother. He treats dad with the greatest respect, wants to be like him. Another meaning can endow this boy with prudence and prudence not inherent in such early years - before doing anything, he will think over the consequences a hundred times and weigh all the pros and cons. Responsive, sincere, has a unique manner of communication, tries to be the same with everyone, loves to communicate with peers and calls everyone his friends - in general, this boy has solid positive sides. And he also loves to learn everything new, but unfortunately, at such a small age, he does not have the diligence necessary to achieve the goals he has set for himself. With peers, but he has excellent relations - Gleb respects every person in his social circle.


The teenage boy named Gleb has practically no flaws. The meaning of the name Gleb can bestow on him a bunch of good characteristics, and not give a single flaw. Kindness, responsiveness, openness, fairness, straightforwardness, honesty, sincerity, decency, cheerfulness, positive thinking, optimism and playfulness, restlessness and activity, energy and intricacy - this is what almost every Gleb can boast, over whom the meaning of this name-form patronizes. The disadvantages can be attributed only to the inability to be callous at the right moments - it is easy to offend him, but he easily forgives any offense, and he tries to write off everything on the fact that every person, without exception, has shortcomings. The only thing that he will never forgive anyone is betrayal - no matter who the traitor is, a friend, a girl, a relative or a simple acquaintance, betrayal for him is the most unacceptable factor. At school, he usually has excellent academic performance, he copes with any subjects with a bang, never a philonite, diligent and not lazy, hardworking, but not too purposeful, in everything he needs to be pushed forward. And the meaning of the name Gleb can reward this boy with leadership inclinations, however, they will begin to manifest themselves best in adulthood - in adolescence, Gleb tries not to demonstrate his superiority and not attract the attention of the environment. And the meaning can turn this boy into a fidget and a mischievous ...

Grown man

An adult boy, more precisely, one that has already become a man, endows value with even more good qualities. Among their huge number there are not only those named above, but also such as dedication, hard work, self-sufficiency, self-confidence, idealism, attentiveness, diligence, commitment, responsibility and honesty. Gleb usually has a social circle that is not limited only to relatives and work colleagues - he easily makes contact, gets to know people in the most unpredictable places and can easily support any topic of conversation, even being a beginner in this topic. He has many friends, this is a fact, but the same fact is that meaning is bestowed on an adult man with the name Gleb and a charm that attracts representatives of the opposite sex. Gleb is in demand among women, changes potential soulmates like gloves, is afraid of losing his freedom and tries not to limit himself to a serious and long-term relationship, although in the end he dreams of finding the one with whom he could build a really strong relationship. As for professional activity, everything is simple here - men named after Gleb, who are patronized by the meaning of this name, usually try to work in a field where there is an opportunity to express themselves and imagination, these are dreamers who want to throw out all the accumulated energy outside.

The interaction of the character of Gleb with the seasons

Winter - three months of severe frost with its meaning give rise to a cheerful, optimistic, dreamy and humorous nature. This is an eloquent and sociable boy, calm and balanced, guided not by emotions, but by reason and logic. Women are delighted with his charm and attentiveness, but only an obstinate and patient lady will be able to win his heart - he is secretive and fearful, afraid of disappointment in the ladies.

Summer - and hot days, on the contrary, endow the person with indecision and uncertainty. This guy from childhood will be shy, modest, secretive, dependent on society. He is not destined to become a leader or boss, he is not a leader, but an excellent performer, hardworking and reliable. Easily solves the assigned tasks in the presence of a dictated solution. Needs a strong and domineering lady-manipulator, although he himself has a weak character and will.

Spring - like the season itself, Glebushka, born under the auspices of spring, is also mysterious and unpredictable in origin and nature, enigmatic and charming. Ladies will admire him, friends will be drawn to his company, but he himself will never tell about his desires and intentions. This is a man with a bunch of masks - today he is a gallant suitor, and tomorrow he is a monster and a tyrant. This is an egoist who lives for himself.

Autumn - it grants sociability, openness, sincerity, sociability, the ability to be a leader and manipulate people. He loves to be in the center of everyone's attention, he needs honor and respect - he feeds on them. Loving - womanizer, seducer. Women are good with him, but he will not sacrifice his own freedom for the sake of love. Marries at a late age, and only to a patient lady who knows how to indulge.

The fate of the name Gleb

The fate of the name Gleb in relations with the fairer sex, in marriage and love as such is such that it involves a stormy personal life and a huge number of changes of potential partners. The fate of Gleb to be a guy in great demand, but he will never use these, on the contrary, he does not want the popularity that will pursue him throughout his life.

The fate of a guy named Gleb in a relationship with girls suggests that he is always in the henpecked position. He does not like to dominate, does not want to be the head of a couple and a family, he just needs a warm and trusting relationship, one in which there will be a solid positive. Although not every lady may like it. And fate can turn Gleb into an unprecedented jealous person - he will be jealous of his soul mate without exception.

Nevertheless, in the end, fate may lead Gleb to create a really strong family. There will be no equality in his family, but there will be no patriarchy either - matriarchy, that's what governs relations in the family of a guy named after Gleb. For him himself, fate presupposes becoming an ideal father and a good, albeit jealous, husband.

Love and marriage

Gleb behaves with women very gallant and courteous, but a little hesitant. He lacks assertiveness and courage, so women very often perceive him as a spineless man who does not have willpower and his own opinion, although in fact he is not.

In his youth, he can start many stormy short-term romances, but sincerely and strongly the bearer of this name can fall in love once, at most twice, in his entire life.

Gleb can get married both at an early and at a more mature age. It will depend on when he meets a soul mate and succumbs to an outburst of passion and love. His wife should be calm and docile, ready to share all his interests, passions, thoughts and experiences. It is important for him to subordinate her to his will, so that in the future she does not try to limit his personal space and independence.

The bearer of the name Gleb prefers equality in family relationships. Trust, understanding, consent and mutual assistance are the main requirements in a relationship with a beloved wife. He gladly helps her in housekeeping and in creating home comfort, but he will not become a slave. And in no case should you make Gleb jealous, since excessive jealousy is, apparently, his only drawback.

Gleb as Father

It is assumed that almost every man named Gleb will make a wonderful family man and a caring father. He just adores his kids. He is not only ready to help his wife with housework, but will also be happy to help her in caring for the children, and in the future, in the process of raising them. Standard worries are not unusual for him. Changing diapers, washing diapers or washing the baby's bottom is not a problem for Gleb.

Gleb loves to play different educational games with children: puzzles, mosaics, dominoes, or just building beautiful castles from a construction set. Children love Gleb, because he spends a lot of time with them, makes their childhood fun and interesting. Regular trips to the circus, cinema, zoo, children's playrooms or even fishing trips give them an unforgettable and wonderful childhood.

However, when necessary, he can be strict, for example, in the learning process. He believes that education plays a very important role in the life of every person, and that everyone should acquire new knowledge and skills on their own. This is exactly what he will instill in children from childhood.

Compatibility with female names

Ideal compatibility for the name Gleb in terms of feelings and passion with such female names as Rimma, Flora, Ulyana, Gloria, Kaleria and Marta.

With Agata, Alevtina, Nelly, Natalya, Rosa and Edita, named Gleb will be able to build a reliable, lasting, happy marriage.

And with such as Frida, Claudia, Bella, Lada, Inga and Isolde, there can be no connection at all, only a negative impact on fate.

In general, this man needs a woman who is ready to sacrifice for his sake - he adores when other people sacrifice something for him ...

The short form of the name Gleb. Glebka, Glebushka, Glebchik, Glebus.
The origin of the name Gleb. The name Gleb is Russian, Slavic, German, Orthodox.

The name Gleb has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Gleb, which came to Russia from Scandinavia, came from the name Gottlieb, which means "favorite of the gods", "heir to God", "under the protection of the gods."

According to the second version, the name Gleb is a Slavic name, some researchers associate it with the Russian words “globa”, “glyba”, meaning “pole”. It is also possible that the name Gleb is associated with the Old Slavonic word "gleb", which has survived in modern times in the Polish language with the meanings "land", "soil", "arable land". There is also a related Slavic name Globa.

Since childhood, Gleb has been surrounded by attention, but the boy seeks to get away from him. He is disgusted with such behavior of others, he wants to achieve everything with his own labor. He is not one of those people who rush about looking for solutions. Gleb is able to instantly make decisions, which, more often than not, are the most correct and correct.

Gleb is laconic and does not throw words to the wind. His beliefs are very important to him, he will defend them with stubbornness and thoroughness. Gleb does not strive to be a leader, but in a team he is able to create a good working atmosphere where there will be no room for disagreements.

In family life, Gleb does not strive to be a leader, he allows his wife to lead him. But he is very jealous of his beloved. He loves family comfort and wants to have a strong family. Gleb is an attentive father, a zealous owner. He likes to receive guests.

Gleb's birthday

Famous people named Gleb

  • Gleb (David) Prince of Murom (son of Vladimir Saint)
  • Gleb Kotelnikov (Soviet inventor, creator of the first aviation backpack parachute (1872-1944))
  • Gleb Krzhizhanovsky (politician, academician (1872-1959))
  • Gleb Panfilov (Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, People's Artist of Russia (films: "Beginning", "I beg your words", "The Romanovs", etc.))
  • Gleb Uspensky (Russian writer)
  • Gleb Strizhenov (theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Gleb Lozino-Lozinsky (one of the leading developers of Soviet aerospace technology)
  • Gleb Samoilov (vocalist, guitarist, bassist, leader of the group "Gleb Samoiloff & The Matrixx", in the past - the leader of the Russian rock group "Agatha Christie")
  • Gleb Zheglov (one of the main characters of the Weiner brothers' novel "The Era of Mercy" (1976) and the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" (1979) based on it, the role was played by Vladimir Vysotsky)
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