When you hurt your leg what to do. Leg injury - what should I do? What ointments are effective for serious injuries

Due to a bruise, damage to the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles occurs. Sometimes even blood vessels and nerves suffer from bruises (then blood flows from the injured vessel, bleeding inside with a bruise is possible). There are ways to treat a bruised leg at home that help relieve pain and get rid of bright external manifestations.

Important! Swelling always appears at the site of the bruise, there may be pronounced edema. Pain is possible with pressure on the affected area, with movement. Acute pain passes quickly, but discomfort when feeling the affected area can persist for several weeks.

A leg injury in the shin area in front is very painful due to the lack of subcutaneous fat. In this case, bones and blood vessels can be easily injured. It must be understood that any leg bruises are serious conditions that require immediate proper treatment.

First aid

What to do if there was a bruise of the leg and it swelled up? Initially, the bone and joints are checked, it is necessary to accurately determine that they are not affected. If there is any suspicion of a fracture or doubt, you should immediately contact a traumatologist!

What to do if you hurt your leg:

  • apply a pressure bandage to the bruised area;
  • provide rest to the limbs;
  • in the presence of abrasions and scratches, even before applying the bandage, the damaged areas must be disinfected with alcohol, iodine or another agent that is at hand;
  • put the leg above the body;
  • within a few hours, abandon any load.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to steam the leg with a bruise. This will aggravate the injury. For the first 2–3 days, the leg is treated only with cold to constrict the vessels and provide an analgesic effect.

Treatment in the acute period

When 2-3 days have passed since the injury, you can abandon the cooling regime and switch to warming. Warm baths, compresses and lotions will help. They are needed to relieve swelling, the fastest disposal of a hematoma.

Severe leg injury, hematoma - how to treat

Elimination of a hematoma depends on the severity of the injury. With a severe bruise, subcutaneous hemorrhage can deprive the limb of its functions. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor. The first thing you need is a cold compress. Next, you should fix the leg with an elastic bandage or improvised means.

  1. Take painkillers: Analgin, Ibuprofen.
  2. Lubricate the leg with Fastum gel or Traumeel C - they will relieve pain and inflammation.
  3. After a few days, you can apply warming ointments, make compresses and UHF.

Interesting! Pharmacies sell special patches that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. They can be used already on the second day after the leg injury.

Treatment of a bruise during pregnancy

It is necessary to apply cold, fix the leg in a position convenient for you, do not strain it. Most drugs are contraindicated during this period, so it is better to consult a doctor for recommendations. Prohibited and x-ray exposure during pregnancy, keep in mind. You can use folk remedies: in 1 liter of water, add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, soak a towel and cotton cloth in this solution and apply on the leg.

Rehabilitation Therapy

Within 1-2 weeks, you need to rub the bruised area. If you refuse such a procedure, then this can lead to blockage of the veins with blood clots (thrombophlebitis). Swelling, bruising should go away within two weeks. If this does not happen, you need to go to the doctor, you may need an additional course of physiotherapy procedures (magnet exposure, electrophoresis, UHF therapy).

Traditional medicine methods


One of the effective ointment recipes that can be used for a severe bruise:

  • 1 st. l. birch tar;
  • 1 st. l. fresh lard;
  • 1 st. l. put spruce resins in a clay container with a lid.

Put the dishes with the contents in the oven in which they just baked. And leave the pot for a day. Put the resulting mixture on a cloth and apply to the site of injury.

Soft tissue injury

With a bruise of soft tissues, the following recipe will help:

  • honey mixed with aloe juice. Apply the mass to the affected area, fix with a bandage;
  • use laundry soap to gently rub the sore spot.

Bruised joints

For the treatment of joints with a bruise, you must use the following tips:

  • grate the onion, add a tablespoon of mashed plantain, honey. You will get a compress that is applied to the area of ​​the affected joint for several hours;
  • add 200 ml of vodka to three tablespoons of chopped wormwood. Leave for a week for the composition to infuse. Then soak the fabric in tincture, apply to the affected joints.

Leg bruise

For legs in general, you can use the following recipes:

  • decoction of wild rosemary flowers. A strong decoction is poured into a warm bath. Take a bath for a quarter of an hour;
  • to 0.5 liters of vinegar (6%) add a head of garlic (grate). Send to infuse for a day. Rub the composition into the sore leg;
  • grate raw potatoes and put the mass in gauze. Apply to the bruised limb at the site of pain localization;
  • take a banana peel, fix it with the inside on the leg for several hours.

bruised fingers

Fingers are quite sensitive when bruised, so you should use these recipes:

  • grind badyagu into powder. Add a glass of boiling water to a few tablespoons of the powder. Apply a decoction to the finger, bandage;
  • soak the bandage in fir oil, then rewind the sore finger with it.

Knee injury

For a knee injury, do the following:

  • tear off a leaf from white cabbage, incise in several places so that juice appears. Tie to the knee, leave for an hour. The compress can be changed every hour;
  • mix a tablespoon of chopped dry wormwood with petroleum jelly. Hold for several hours in the oven and rub the ointment into the knee three times a day.

foot injury

The foot with a bruise is also prone to pain, in order to remove a possible hematoma and pain, make such a compress:

  • dissolve a spoonful of salt in water, add bay leaf, birch, chamomile;
  • leave to cool completely, soak in an infusion towel, tie to the foot overnight.

When treating a leg injury at home, it is important to provide proper assistance during the first day, and then adjust the treatment, depending on the degree of injury. In the first 2-3 days, cold is definitely needed, then you can switch to thermal procedures.

A bruise is an injury to soft tissues and muscles, in which the integrity of the structure of these tissues is not violated. Initially, vascular rupture occurs, blood penetrates into the subcutaneous tissue, swelling and redness occur. Swelling is formed as a result of spilled lymph in the area of ​​​​the injury site. Soon the inflammatory process begins, and the pain does not subside.

Usually, after three days, the swelling subsides, the hematoma becomes yellow with a greenish tint. If the bone and tendons are not damaged, then the legs can be cured at home.

Causes and symptoms of leg injury

A fall on the lower limb, a blow to the leg can occur during physical exercises, during hard work, in winter with ice. High heels have also endangered the weaker sex more than once. The most commonly injured knee, shin, thigh and heel.

Injury symptoms:

  • aching pain in the area of ​​damage;
  • swelling with a blue tint, swelling;
  • redness at the site of injury;
  • compaction of the injured area;
  • inflammation of the damaged area on the leg;
  • in some cases, the movement of the lower limb is limited.

Consequences and complications after injury:

  • The hemorrhage did not occur in muscle tissue, but in a nearby joint. An extensive hematoma appeared, the lower limb became inactive, any movement causes pain.
  • During the appearance of a bruise with clear boundaries, the blood does not enter the tissues, but pushes them apart. Its accumulation compresses neighboring large vessels and nerve fibers. In this situation, the surgeon releases blood by making an incision and treats the wound.
  • Depending on the strength of the impact, tissue death may occur. An infection can aggravate the situation.

Help needed for a leg injury

Timely help helps relieve swelling and pain in a short time:

  • abrasions and scratches are treated with an antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, Miramistin;
  • you need to apply cold to the site of injury (a heating pad with ice water, ice, products from the freezer wrapped in cloth), during cooling, the vessels begin to narrow, the blood stops pouring out, the area of ​​​​the edema decreases;
  • it is better to lift the diseased limb and lie down like this for a couple of hours, you can put a roller under the leg;
  • after 2 hours, a bandage is applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leg so that it does not squeeze the blood vessels;
  • if the pain is severe, then you can take painkillers: Ketanol, Ibuprofen, Analgin.
  • coolants are used: Reparil, Efkamon, Menovazin, Gevkamen.

Positive dynamics occurs 3-4 days after the injury. If during this time the pain does not go away, the edema increases, and it is impossible to move the leg, then you should definitely consult a doctor to rule out more serious consequences (sprains, fractures, torn ligaments, etc.).

If only the subcutaneous tissue of the leg was injured, the limb can be done at home. At first, try to move less so as not to disturb the injured leg.

We must not forget about cold compresses: 4-5 times a day for 15 minutes. On the third day, heat is applied to the leg: compresses (not higher than 40 degrees), warm baths, but not hot (high temperatures will increase swelling).

  • The following drugs dissolve blood stasis: Lyoton, Trombless, heparin ointment, Venolife.
  • Strengthen blood vessels, reduce swelling: Troxevasin, Troxegel. Carefully, without pressing, the product is rubbed into the damaged area three times a day, following the instructions for use. For pain and inflammation, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen are used.
  • Bodyagu is used for various bruises and injuries (it can leave a burn, it is not recommended for children to apply it);
  • On the third day, alcohol rubbing is done with camphor or formic alcohol.
  • Within 5-10 days (depending on the injury), you need to massage the injured area of ​​​​the leg daily with massage movements, without pressing.

Folk remedies for bruised limbs

Folk recipes are used to help with drug treatment.

3 spoons wild rosemary flowers brew 1 liter of hot water (90 degrees), leave for 20 minutes and pour into a warm bath. The diseased limb is placed in water and sit in it for 15 minutes.

grated potatoes apply to the site of injury in the evening and leave until the morning. The potatoes are covered with a plastic bag on top. Instead, you can apply a leaf of cabbage.

home ointment: take one spoonful of birch tar, resin and pork fat, mix the mass in earthenware and leave it in it for the whole day. Apply the mixture to the injured area at night, do the procedure for a week.

Onion gruel placed on gauze and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, covered with polyethylene. After half an hour, the compress is removed and the leg is washed with water.

Soaked gauze in aloe juice is applied to the injury site for 2 hours. Aloe relieves pain and inflammation, you can add honey.

Mix one spoonful of: pure water, vinegar and vegetable oil, lower a cloth (cotton) into the solution and place it on the leg area, covering it with a film and a scarf. Do every day until complete recovery.

Wormwood tincture helps with bruised leg joints: 3 tablespoons of grass are combined with a glass of vodka. Store in a dark room for a week, apply the soaked cloth in this infusion to the leg once a day.

Wormwood can be mixed with petroleum jelly, keep the ointment in the oven for an hour, rub three times a day on the sore spots of the leg.

Hematoma reduces next compress: in a glass of water, stir a spoonful of salt, add bay leaf, birch leaves, chamomile flowers(everything on a spoon), boil for 5 minutes and defend, make a lotion for the night.

plantain leaf wash, lightly mash, and apply a new fresh leaf to the leg every 8 hours, this procedure dissolves the hematoma.

Trays with a bruised leg with essential oil of wormwood (5 drops) and sea salt do 30 minutes daily.

In order not to endanger yourself and avoid complications after an injury, it is better for a traumatologist to examine a bruise on the leg and prescribe the correct treatment.

Bruises are one of the most common leg injuries. They can be accompanied by serious consequences, for example, a fracture, rupture of soft tissues and ligaments. If there are no such complications, then the manifestations of a bruise are reduced to pain, swelling, hematoma. It requires treatment. Consider how a bruised leg manifests itself, and if it is swollen, what to do in such cases.

In today's life, few citizens pay attention to warming up the muscles of the foot. Because of this, a leg bruise is a common injury among the population that occurs when a strong blow is struck by an object, against it, or after falling from a height. The most common lesions are subcutaneous adipose tissue.

A bruise of any severity is accompanied by pain.

You can recognize a leg bruise using the following signs of damage:

  • leg pain;
  • bruise;
  • hematoma;
  • swelling of the limb;
  • limitation of leg movement.

Doctors distinguish four types of bruises:

  • bruises 1 degree;
  • bruises of the 2nd degree;
  • 3 degree of injury;
  • 4 degree of damage.

The first one is easy. In this case, the epidermis of the damaged area has scratches or abrasions. If the damage is not treated, then it passes after 4 days on its own and does not entail consequences.

The second degree of injury is characterized by hematoma and swelling.

The second degree involves muscle injury. Muscle rupture occurs. This causes the development of a hematoma, and provokes swelling of the soft tissues. In the second degree of injury, a person feels severe pain, because of which his general condition worsens. Medical practice indicates that tendon rupture or sprain is more common. In severe cases, the injury is accompanied by a dislocation.

Hazardous to health - those blows that are characterized by the third degree of severity. Such an injury affects the knee, its joint, and the coccyx may also suffer if the injury is caused by a fall.

Describing the 4th degree of bruises, it must be said that this injury is most pronounced. More often this is due to violations that can permanently change the quality of human life. Bruised places after healing do not fulfill their functions, and the general condition of a person can be threatening.


The symptoms of a leg injury vary depending on the severity of the injury.

Pain is the main sign of a bruise that occurs with any of its types. If the knee area is damaged, then a large lump is formed there, painful on palpation. The process is accompanied by swelling and hematoma.

If the pain is very strong, then this condition indicates that a bone fracture has occurred. In this case, immediate medical attention is required after providing first aid to the victim.

When a toe is bruised, soft tissues are damaged, and the process can be complicated by a dislocation or a fracture. This is a common injury that occurs in the summer due to wearing open shoes. With a slight bruise, the finger hurts sharply, the skin color changes, it is impossible to move it.

When the phalanx is injured, severe pain occurs, hemorrhage occurs. Sometimes the nail is damaged.

What to do with such an injury?

Bruises are much easier to cure than fractures or muscle strains. But, regardless of the degree of injury, first aid is necessary, and the need for further treatment is determined by the doctor.

First aid

Immediately after the injury, ice should be applied to the leg.

Before starting treatment, the victim is given first aid. To do this, he is seated in a comfortable position or laid on a comfortable surface. In this position, the injured limb will be at rest. So that the blood does not rush to the site of injury, the leg is placed on a hill, and to avoid the development of blood smudges or bruises, ice is applied to the bruised area. Ice floes are best wrapped in a towel, then applied to the skin for 15 minutes, providing the victim with complete rest.

In the absence of ice, the sore leg is substituted under a stream of cold water and kept for about 5 minutes. Then they are taken out of the water, and the procedure is repeated with the same duration. After cooling, a pressure bandage is applied to the sore spot, which will help stop the development of the hematoma.

Such actions will help minimize the negative consequences of bruises.

Important! The patient should not walk and stay on his feet for a long time after the injury. In the future, after first aid, treatment is carried out.

Why first aid for bruises is important, the specialist tells in this video:

Further treatment

Next, the bruised tissues are warmed. The application of warming lotions, compresses and taking thermal baths helps to reduce swelling and the manifestation of a hematoma. Use warming ointments for bruises -,. It gives a good effect, and if necessary, painkillers are also prescribed.

Pain is relieved with the help of painkillers and special medications. If the bruise persists for a long time, then doctors advise you to go to the hospital.

Important! After a day has passed since the injury, cooling of the bruised area is not required.

Rubbing is not allowed in therapy, as such actions will lead to the formation of blood clots. This disease is characterized by the formation of a blood clot in a vein.

If bacteria actively multiply in the resulting bruise, then this condition causes infection and provokes an inflammatory process. The treatment of this injury is carried out in a hospital, where the surgeon opens the festering place.


There are the following methods for the treatment of bruises using traditional medicine:

  • application of plantain leaves;
  • taking foot baths with salt;
  • applying and fixing a cabbage leaf;
  • rubbing with alcohol.

For treatment, folk methods are also used.

Compresses to damaged areas are applied from the following ingredients:

  • warm milk;
  • boiled or raw potatoes, mashed or cut into slices;
  • crushed aloe leaves help in the event that a hematoma has formed on the leg;
  • a mixture of salt and chopped onions;
  • fresh wormwood in powdered form.

When a patient is allergic to plants or does not tolerate medicines, a badyagi compress is used for treatment. The lotion is made from 20 grams of badyagi powder, which are diluted in warm water until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. With a mixture under a bandage, walk throughout the day. Change the bandage to a fresh one twice a day.

Possible Complications

Severe bruises provoke serious consequences.

When a person receives a minor injury, then there are no consequences in this case. Symptoms disappear as early as three or four days after injury.

If the injury affected the muscles, ligaments, joints or bones, then the consequences take place. It can be:

  • lameness;
  • hematoma;
  • violation of the integrity of blood vessels;
  • inability to move the injured joint.

A dangerous consequence of a bruised leg is manifested by periostitis. This is an inflammatory process, which is characterized by bursting pain and a pronounced pulse. At the same time, the body temperature rises. To avoid further complications, antibiotics are prescribed in this case.


A bruise is a soft tissue injury that occurs as a result of a blow or fall. The injury manifests itself in varying degrees of severity, and in mild cases it does without consequences. In severe cases, damage affects the muscles, ligaments or bone, and also causes inflammation or suppuration of the damaged area.

Treatment of a bruised leg with swelling is a mandatory procedure if you want to maintain the normal functionality of your limb. Modern people lead a fairly active lifestyle, so injuries to the legs and arms are not uncommon. Bruises can lie in wait for us at every step, you always need to keep ready several methods of "ambulance" that will relieve discomfort and help remove the tumor.

Bruises are injuries that cause pain, but do not injure the bone, but only provoke ruptures of small vessels. Due to the fact that the vessels are damaged, hematoma and edema develop. The picture, at first glance, may seem terrible, but you should not panic prematurely. Medicine is already far advanced in the treatment of injuries, and can deal with injuries even much more serious.

Treatment of a bruise in traditional ways

An injury such as a bruise is recognized solely by the fact that the leg is swollen and a little blue. If the bone isn't sticking out of the skin and you don't have trouble moving your fingers, there probably isn't a fracture.

It is necessary to treat the damage, since later cysts may form at the site of the injury or soft tissue necrosis will begin. By the edema itself, it is difficult to determine the degree of complexity of the bruise, but by the color of the hematoma, you can understand how long ago the leg injury was received. The darker the hemorrhage under the skin, the more “fresh” the bruise.

Only a qualified doctor can draw conclusions about the severity of the bruise and develop a treatment regimen. Calling doctors is a matter of a few minutes, and this will protect a person from possible consequences of injury and complications. While the ambulance is on the way, you can give the victim or yourself first aid, which will certainly ease your suffering.

The first thing to do is to sit the patient on a flat surface and put the leg on a raised platform, this will normalize blood flow and avoid hematoma. Next, you need to apply a bandage, but not too tight to stabilize the position of the leg.

You can relieve swelling at home with ice or cold. An ice pack or cold water should be applied to the injury site for no longer than 2 hours. The sooner you react to the injury, the sooner you can remove its consequences, that is, remove the swelling, which brings a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes a person has to cancel their plans for several days due to a swollen leg. If the patient experiences severe pain, painkillers can be used:

  • - No-shpa;
  • – Nurofen;
  • – Dolaren;
  • - Paracodamol;
  • - Movasin;
  • - Aspirin;
  • – Celebrex;
  • – Nimulid;
  • - Nimesil and others.

Before use, re-read the instructions, exclude contraindications and side effects that may appear after taking the remedy.

Treatment of a bruised leg with swelling can be started independently on the second day, if the bruise does not spread and the tumor has not increased in size. Remove the tumor after injury with NSAIDs, Badyagi, Comfrey, Heparin ointment, Troxevasin. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help normalize blood flow in the injured limb, and make the body less susceptible to pain. Ointments, including NSAIDs, have a quick effect. Among these ointments, the best proved to be:

  • - Diclofenac;
  • – Dicloran;
  • – Ortofen;
  • – Voltaren;
  • – Diklak;
  • – Diklovit;
  • - Diclogen.

For a long time, ointments with NSAIDs should not be used, as they have a number of side effects. The expediency of their use and does need to be negotiated with the doctor.

Ointments to eliminate hematomas

Ointments for bruises and bruises also give a good result, they are able to dissolve hemorrhages under the skin. Among these ointments can be noted:

  • – Express bruise;
  • – Bruise-off;
  • - Indovazin;
  • – Indomethacin;
  • – Lyoton;
  • – Lavenum;
  • - Troxerutin.

Some of the above remedies are contraindicated in children under 14 years of age and pregnant women. Therefore, do not use them without the recommendation of a doctor, although most medications in this group are sold without a prescription.

Warming ointments relieve swelling

No less effective for bruises and swelling will be warming ointments, they accelerate the healing of abrasions and have a relaxing effect. Among these warming ointments can be noted:

  • - Dexpanthenol;
  • – Allantoin;
  • – Dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • – Heparoid Zentiva;
  • – Finalgon;
  • - Apizartron;
  • – Nikoflex;
  • – Betanycomylon;
  • - Efkamon;
  • – Espol;
  • - Kapsikam;
  • - Viprosal.

As you can see from the range of the above medications, modern pharmacology has made sure that people can heal minor injuries as quickly as possible. But it is important not to self-medicate for a long time, so as not to incur unforeseen consequences.

Sometimes patients note that after the swelling subsides, some seals form. You should not worry in advance, this is a normal reaction of the body to a blow. Some portion of the blood from torn vessels gets under the skin, and some settles in the muscle tissue. The seal will resolve itself within a month. If you want to speed up this process, you can make an iodine mesh or apply a compress with magnesia.

Therapeutic exercises at home

Treatment of a bruise does not end with taking medications and applying warming ointments. To restore normal leg mobility, rehabilitation is required, that is, physical exercises and gymnastics. Of course, before the end of the treatment period, it is forbidden to lean on the sore leg, but when the swelling subsides, you need to start physiotherapy. Even if the swelling and bruising went away quickly, after a severe bruise, you are more at risk of arthrosis and arthritis of the knee joint. No one talks about marathon loads, but light exercises have never hurt anyone. There is a certain technique that allows you to quickly restore a limb after an injury, it looks like this:

  • - Phase 1 consists in self-massage of the injured leg;
  • - Phase 2 is aimed at restoring the endurance of the limb, you can raise and lower, bend and unbend the limb in the prone position;
  • - Phase 3 consists of stretching and strength exercises.

If after rehabilitation your gait has changed, it means that the injury caused the weakening of the muscles of the limb and you need general strengthening therapy with the necessary micro and macro elements in its composition. Separately, I would like to note sports for prevention. If you cycle, run in the morning, or go to the gym, the risk of limb damage will be minimized, because trained muscles are less prone to injury.

You can help your body recover by adjusting your diet. When you are sick, they try to provide you with peace and protect you in every possible way from physical work. The same must be done for your internal organs. Try not to eat heavy foods that force the body to work overtime. All the protective forces in your body should be directed to the place of failure - to the injured leg.

Alternative methods of treatment of bruises with edema

In addition to traditional methods of therapy, attention should also be paid to methods of alternative treatment. Of course, with severe injuries that violate the integrity of the skin, they are unlikely to help, but with minor bruises they will definitely give a result.

Treatment consists of compresses and ointments. Funds for internal use are practically not used, and if they do occur, then only as a general strengthening therapy. It is known that cold compresses give a good effect, but the result will be much faster if this cold compress is based on medicinal herbs, such as, for example, tansy, St. John's wort, plantain, yarrow or heather. You need to boil one of the herbs or the whole collection for 5 minutes, then let it cool. Bandages or towels are moistened in the resulting product and applied to the affected area. The compress should only be cold, do not do warm compresses in any case, this will only aggravate the situation and increase swelling.

If there was a dislocation or severe pain is felt when bruised, our great-grandmothers applied fresh crushed wormwood leaves to the painful leg. Traditional healers say that if there has been an injury, cut or burn, crushed green leaves of any plant should be applied in the first few minutes. According to them, the pain ceases to be felt after 5 minutes. This theory is not refuted by scientific sources. The fact is that in all green plants there is a substance called chlorophyll, which can stop bleeding and dull the feeling of pain.

In case of tendon rupture and severe bruises, it is recommended to apply a garlic compress. A clove of garlic is crushed and poured with vinegar. The resulting mixture is wrapped around the leg overnight. By applying the remedy in time, a tumor can be avoided. In order for the compress to give an effect faster, the gauze with garlic gruel is wrapped with plastic wrap on top.

There are several ointments that are prepared from improvised means and plants. The following recipes have shown themselves well:

In most cases, bruises go away on their own without medical intervention, but still, they should not be ignored. This is especially true for the elderly, in whom damaged soft and bone tissue recovers very slowly due to age-related changes. No one is immune from a possible injury, so try to be more careful when moving around the city in winter, walking in high heels and doing outdoor sports. Like any disease, injury is easier to prevent than to treat and deal with its adverse effects.

Our legs are under tremendous stress every day, so it is not strange that sometimes they get injured. The limbs of a person need no less care than the rest of the body and internal organs. Try to minimize the load on them and get more rest. If the injury did occur, make sure that it is not a rupture of the ligaments and a fracture, but really a bruise. An x-ray and a traumatologist can help you with this. Running dislocations and other injuries can cause limping, and in the future, even disability, therefore site recommends that you do not delay the trip to the doctor.

No one is immune from soft tissue injuries. It is impossible to predict when you can stumble, hit a corner or drop a heavy object on your foot. Athletes, tourists, fans of an active lifestyle often encounter bruises, bruises on various parts of the body. The number of falls into ice is in the thousands.

Despite the fact that the problem of hematomas, bruises, swelling after a blow is familiar to most people, not everyone knows the rules of first aid and further treatment of bruises. Fill the gap, learn the rules for treating bruises and bumps. Then you do not have to suffer from unbearable pain, for a long time "show off" with blue or yellow-green spots.

Some useful information

What happens with bruises:

  • damaged skin, muscle tissue, subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • bone tissue in most cases remains intact;
  • vessels, capillaries are often injured;
  • after local hemorrhage, the site of the bruise swells up, soreness is felt;
  • the stronger the blow, the greater the area of ​​subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • not finding a way out, the blood spreads to neighboring tissues - a hematoma is formed;
  • the penetration of blood into the cavities located near the site of injury causes hemarthrosis. Joints are affected;
  • the color of the bruise changes from red to purple, sometimes almost black. Further, the bruised place becomes green, then - yellow-green;
  • the shade will help determine the statute of limitations of the bruise.

Note! Unbearable pain can mean bone damage. Be sure to visit a traumatologist, take an x-ray. Local remedies will only slightly relieve soreness, but a late appeal for medical help will drive the problem deeper. Consequences - suppuration of the bones, a serious inflammatory process.

First aid for bruises

What to do in case of injury? How to minimize the consequences? How to prevent the appearance of extensive hematomas?

For bruises on the coccyx, fingers, arms, legs, feet, knees, ribs and head, act correctly:

  • rest the bruised area. Keep your arms and legs in a natural position. If possible, lie down, try to move less;
  • make sure that the bruised area is above the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart;
  • Apply something cold to the impact area as soon as possible. Your task is to reduce swelling, stop the "spread" of the hematoma. The ideal remedy is ice wrapped in a cloth, a cold compress from wet gauze or a terry towel;
  • can't compress? Use any means at hand: scrape snow from the freezer, pack it in cellophane. Attach a cold bag of kefir or sour cream, a bottle of water, a cold egg, a jar of canned food to the bruised area, in a word, everything that will have a low temperature. One condition - the item must be clean;
  • if there is no ice, put the limb under cold water, hold the bruised area for 5–7 minutes under a gentle stream;
  • cool the sore spot for 15–20 minutes, no more, otherwise tissue necrosis will begin. You only need to slow down the blood circulation, stop the internal hemorrhage;
  • after removing the cold compress, gently blot the area, apply pharmaceutical preparations. It is good if there is a tube of gel or ointment for bruises in the refrigerator. Folk remedies effectively dissolve hematomas.


  • drink alcohol, which dilates blood vessels;
  • massage the bruised area;
  • move actively;
  • warm the hematoma. Heat is recommended after two days, but not earlier than after 24 hours.

In case of severe bruising of the eyes and brain, contact a specialist immediately.

Remember! The sooner treatment is started, the smaller the area covered by the hematoma. Failure to follow the rules of first aid will complicate recovery. A cold compress applied a day after the bruise is absolutely useless.

Further treatment

After 48 hours, the methods of struggle change dramatically:

  • You will need not a cold, but a warm compress. Heat relieves pain, irritation, restores blood circulation;
  • an excellent remedy is a warm, but not hot bath. During the procedure, clots dissolve due to the restoration of blood microcirculation;
  • massage. Gently massage the affected area. Act without pressure, with pronounced pain, postpone the procedure to a later date;
  • Simple exercises will help improve blood circulation. For bruised limbs, strain and relax the muscles at the site of impact;
  • continue to treat the affected areas with home remedies for bruises, ready-made formulations.

Folk methods and recipes

Before the advent of pharmaceutical preparations, people were saved by simple, affordable means. There are many proven compounds.


  • badyaga. One of the best natural remedies for bruises and bruises. Sponge powder is sold at any pharmacy. Dilute the greenish-gray powder with water in a ratio of 2:1. Apply the mass, change the bandage twice a day;
  • banana peel. In the absence of a cold compress, use a simple method. Peel the banana, hold the peel on the cone with the inside;
  • applying a penny- the old, proven way. Moisten a coin with cold water - the effect will intensify;
  • bruises and bumps will help dissolve the usual butter. Lubricate the sore spot every half hour;
  • ointment for bruises and bruises from hop cones. It will take 200 g of interior fat, 50 g of dried hop cones. Melt the fat, add the chopped raw materials, strain. The pain quickly goes away, hematomas dissolve well;
  • connect 0.5 tsp sea ​​salt and ½ cup vinegar. Wet a napkin, hold over the site of internal hemorrhage for 30 minutes;
  • plantain. Wash the leaf, attach to the bump, change several times. The pharmacy sells plantain juice. Lubricate the sore spot;
  • aloe. Tear off the fleshy leaf, cut lengthwise. Attach a whole leaf or gruel of pulp. Change every half an hour;
  • compress of birch buds and horsetail. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. medicinal raw materials 250 ml of water, boil. After 40 minutes, strain, apply to the hematoma;
  • mountain arnica. Wet gauze or a napkin with healing tincture, apply several times during the day;
  • cabbage. An ordinary cabbage leaf dissolves bruises, relieves swelling, and reduces pain. If possible, put the leaf in the refrigerator, then - on the affected area;
  • wormwood from bruises. Take fresh stems, chop, make a compress. Change two to three times a day;
  • burdock ointment. Prepare the composition, let it be stored in your refrigerator. Grind 75 g of roots, combine with 200 ml of vegetable oil. Let it brew for a day. Warm over low heat, strain. After removing the cold compress, lubricate the bump.


Local remedies for bruises and bruises also dissolve hematomas well, relieve swelling, and reduce pain. Always keep a tube at home “just in case”, because the sooner you start processing the bump, the less consequences for the body.

Proven gels and ointments:

  • Badyaga-forte;
  • Badyaga 911;
  • bruise-off;
  • Balm lifeguard;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Troxigel;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Heparin ointment.
  • resolves hematomas;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • anesthetizes.

Use the Miracle Patch for 3-9 days. In most cases, the effect is clearly visible.

Rehabilitation Therapy

In some cases, after an injury or fall, a week, 10 days pass, and the bruise does not disappear. Perhaps the bruise has affected the deep layers of the dermis, or you have not taken the necessary measures in a timely manner.

What to do? Be sure to visit a therapist. The doctor will prescribe physiotherapy.


  • magnetotherapy using high-frequency magnetic fields;
  • electrophoresis with solutions of drugs;
  • UHF - exposure to an electric field of high frequency.

Now you are armed with enough knowledge. You will not be taken by surprise by the question: “What to do with bruises?”. You need to deal with hematomas, bumps correctly. And the less often, the better!

Further medical video - reference. Learn more about the treatment of bruises:
