Feather grass that can be made into decorative material. Beautiful feather grass: description and agricultural technology. Botanical description of the most beautiful feather grass

Feather grass is a fairly well-known plant that belongs to the cereal family. It is a grass from 30 cm to a meter high, with a short rhizome (not creeping) and a rather dense bush. The feather grass plant is perennial and reproduces by seeds. In nature there are about 300 species of feather grass. About 80 of them grow in our country. Under natural conditions of the steppes it often forms dense turf, but due to active agricultural activity it is now rare.

Feather grass leaves are thin and hard, reminiscent of wire, sometimes even twisted into a tube. The stems are erect and also thin. Feather grass flower releases in the form of a dense paniculate inflorescence-spikelet at the end of May. It has a very original structure, in which the grain is located in the lower flower scale, which has a callus (pointed apex) and an awn. The bristles on the spikelet are located in the opposite direction to the awn, and the awn itself is twisted into a spiral.

Ripe seeds are spread by the wind. But there is another method, due to the unique structure of the spikelet. Under the influence of dew or rain, the stems of the feather grass take root to the ground, the spiral-shaped awn straightens slightly from moisture, and, like a corkscrew, is screwed into the ground. The scales prevent her from getting back out. Then the spikelet dries out and breaks off, and the seeds remain in the soil.

Use in landscape design

Due to its modest and natural beauty, feather grass is often found in gardens and flower beds (what feather grass grass looks like can be seen in the photo below). In addition to its natural charm, this plant has another important advantage - unpretentiousness.
Of course, this does not apply to all varieties, since some of them, due to other natural conditions The plants require special care in the climate of our country. With the help of feather grass, you can create spectacular compositions that imitate the natural combinations of steppe plants. Its thin spikelets are mesmerizing, fluttering in the wind with smooth lines. It looks especially beautiful when it is planted in a large dense group.

For creating naturgarden ( natural garden) , next to the feather grass it is recommended to plant those plants that will look natural in combination with it, as if they were to be seen in a meadow. These are, of course, other cereals: , foxtail, and others.

Also looking impressive next to feather grass scabiosa, especially in bright, rich shades, poppies, heather, sage, hyssop, chamomile, echinacea, decorative bow or garlic. Moreover, feather grass can act both as the basis of a composition and as a background for more striking opponents.

IN Lately landscape designers are coming up with new and original combinations, and now cereals highlight the beauty. Moreover, they look more advantageous next to varieties with miniature flowers.

Feather grass will fit perfectly into the plant environment of the pond next to irises, sedges and reeds. Although it is better to place it not at the very edge of the water, since this is not a coastal plant, but, for example, along the path to the pond.

Feather grass can grow a thick strip along the board fence, filling the space between the picket fence, and thus emphasizing the division of garden space. It will look no less beautiful next to a fence or near pergola pillars.

Despite the fact that feather grass is a steppe plant, it can be planted next to ornamental bushes, for example, Thunberg barberry or turf. It harmonizes no less beautifully with some conifers, especially. Therefore, feather grass is quite appropriate for.

The use of feather grass in landscape design is not limited to the above, so designers continue to delight the gardener with new ideas for beautiful compositions.

Growing from seeds

The easiest way to propagate feather grass is by dividing the bush when it reaches good density. However, if it is not yet in the garden, then all that remains is to sow the seeds.

Growing feather grass from seeds does not require any special knowledge or effort. Varieties that grow in the climate of our country can be safely sown before winter - that is, in the fall directly into the ground on permanent place. To do this, make a hole about 3 cm deep, moisten the soil and pour 3-4 seeds into it. In the same way, sowing is carried out in late April-early May during spring planting.

However, it is not always possible for seeds to survive the winter or survive spring frosts. Therefore, in order for the feather grass to decorate the garden already this season, it is better to sow it seedling method. In addition, heat-loving varieties are grown only as seedlings.

The soil can be purchased at the store or prepared in the fall from your garden. Feather grass is not a demanding plant, so it has no special preferences for soil. Rather, he prefers not too fertile soil. You can sow the seeds directly into separate cups, since the feather grass sprouts are thin and fragile and can be easily damaged when planted from a common container.

Sowing is usually done in March. The seeds are not planted deeply and the soil is periodically moistened. Shoots usually appear in 4 days. Seedlings are planted in the ground in May.


The photo shows the finest feather grass “Pony Tails”

When sowing feather grass seeds in the ground or through seedlings, the distance between plants is made about 20 cm. Basic care comes down to periodically weeding out the weeds. If desired, you can mulch the soil.

Frequent watering or fertilizing is not required, since feather grass is the plant is steppe and is accustomed to drought. The main thing is to choose a good sunny place for it, where it will not be threatened by groundwater located close to the surface, since he doesn’t like excess moisture. Also, feather grass does not really like acidic soils, so if the acidity level is high, it is necessary to add lime.

If the feather grass bush has become dense enough, it can be divided in the spring. This is not only a method of propagation, but is also useful for the plant itself, so that it blooms more effectively.

What is feather grass like?

Despite the fact that quite a few varieties of feather grass are known, only a few of them are used for landscape design (photos and descriptions are attached):

  • - the most frequent visitor to the gardens and. This is no accident, since he is an original inhabitant of the Russian steppes and is accustomed to all the vagaries of our climate. It reaches a height of about 90 cm. It blooms in May-June. Overwinters without shelter. The stems of the plant are smooth, the panicles are narrow;
  • - very similar to the feathery one, but unlike it, it has denser panicles, which, under their own weight, bend toward the ground, forming a smooth bend;
  • Feather grass “Fluffy cloud” is a compact bush no more than 50 cm high, often lower. Its spikelets are erect and lush in shape, which is how this plant got its name;
  • comes from Mexico, so winter temperatures below 15° are contraindicated for it, as well as high temperatures (more than 25°). Grown as an annual. The leaves of this plant are quite hard, the spikelets are whitish with a silvery tint. Bush height - about 80 cm;
  • Feather grass "Fireworks"- a perennial plant about 80 cm high, in our climate it can be an annual. This feather grass got its name due to the leaves changing their color, which from dark green in the spring at the end of summer become golden-pink, and in the fall they become almost red or Brown color;
  • - from the genus of feathery feather grass. It grows on low-humus soils and is also often found on solonetzes. The leaves are covered with hairs and pimples, the panicle is loose and slightly pubescent;
  • Feather grass "Hairy"- a plant about 60 cm high. It differs from other feather grasses by its thin and long spine (about 20-25 cm), which resembles horsehair. The color of the spikelet is silver-green;
  • – about 60 cm in height. The leaves are slightly rough on the outside, curling when dry. The panicles have a purple tint, as can be seen in the photo of the plant.

Feather grass in the garden. Signs

Like many other plants, feather grass has its own halo of signs and beliefs. For example, it is generally accepted that this herb cannot be stored in the house, since it is also called widow’s grass, and if it is in someone’s home, he will become a widow. This belief is connected with the fact that in the distant past, the raids of nomads occurred precisely at the time when the feather grass was blooming, and people began to identify the spikelets of the feather grass with the hair of mothers and wives gray from sorrow.

However, there is also a belief that feather grass is a sacred plant of the spirits of the steppes, and if a person hides a bunch of feather grass under his shirt, the spirits of the steppe will take him under their protection and cleanse him of past adversities.

This means that it is better not to place feather grass in the house, but it is quite possible to grow it in the garden!

prairie garden

The video below shows how to create an American-style garden reminiscent of scenes from Western films. Plants like feather grass, and it itself, although it is a typical plant of the Russian steppe, will be able to show their best side in such a garden.

For dry areas exposed to all the winds and sun, feather grass is suitable - the most beautiful of the steppe grasses. The long, silky awns of feather grass, pliable to the slightest breath, attract the eye during flowering time (late May - June). The only drawback is the short flowering time.

Feather grass forms dense turf and does not tolerate transplanting. After this, he gets sick for a long time, so plan the area for feather grass in advance. This could be a focal point in the lawn or a spot in the rock garden.

Plant feather grass turfs densely, at a distance of 20-25 cm. Carefully fight weeds in the rows, remove shoots of foreign grasses from feather grass clumps in a timely manner. To enhance the decorative effect, it is useful to mulch the soil between plants with fine gravel or expanded clay.

Planting feather grass: Feather grasses prefer fertile soils, respond well to organic fertilizers and somewhat dislike acidic soils.

Reproduction of feather grass

Feather grasses reproduce slowly. From time to time you can divide overgrown clumps in early spring. Cut them into 2-3 pieces with a sharp tool (smaller pieces are less viable).

You can also try sowing seeds. It takes 10-15 years from sowing to flowering. Feather grass emerges only during winter sowing, forming very tender seedlings.

Varieties and types of feather grass

The most unpretentious is Lessing's feather grass (S. lessingiana), or feather grass. He tolerates the transplant better than others. However, the awns in the inflorescence of this species are shorter than those of others.

IN middle lane Feather grasses are quite cold-resistant; wireworms can cause some damage to them. Soggy soil is completely unsuitable.

One of the representatives of cereals perennial plants is feather grass (photos can be seen in the article below).

There are about 80 species of feather grass in Russia, although there are many more around the globe - about 300.

Full description

The plant lives in desert and steppe areas. It is distinguished by an erect stem and narrow leaves located along it.

Membranous ears can reach 25mm in height. Grass spreading occurs naturally, that is, the seeds are carried by the wind over quite long distances.

At night, with the appearance of dew, the feather grass closes. The spiral-shaped lower knee unfolds, bending the stem to the soil. This leads to the grain being screwed into the ground.

When the sun rises, it returns to its original state, but does not leave the ground. This is due to the presence of bristles on the grain, which cling to the soil surface.


Grass has several types, each of which is worth considering in more detail.

  1. feather grass

A perennial plant with bare shield-shaped leaves framed by a brush of hairs at the end. The height of the feathery awns can vary between 20-40 cm. Flowering occurs at the end of May - beginning of June.

  1. Feather grass

The plant reaches 40-100cm. It is distinguished by greenish-gray, hard, tube-shaped leaves. The average length of the hairy awn is approximately 16 cm. The plant blooms in May-June.

  1. Feather grass

This type of feather grass can be found exclusively in the steppes. The stems have pubescence under the nodes and grow from 30-80 cm. The leaves, framed by small long hairs, have a diameter of up to 0.2 cm when folded. The height of the awn does not exceed 45 cm. Flowering time May-June.

  1. Far Eastern feather grass

Feather grass grows in the Far Eastern steppes, China, Eastern Siberia and Japan. This type differs from the rest in its height and grandeur. Its length can reach 1.8 m. The grass is erect, has openwork leaves with a shiny surface, the width of which is up to 3 m, and the height of the axes can be up to 0.5 m.

  1. Feather grass is beautiful

The plant can be found in stony, steppe and rocky places in Europe, the Caucasus, Asia and western Siberia. The grass reaches a height of no more than 70 cm. It has dark green leaves and the length of the feathery spines is about 30 m. The feather hair is about 30 mm.

note: In ancient times, feather grass is surrounded by many superstitions. It is considered a symbol of loneliness. This is due to the fact that it was during its flowering period that many raids occurred, which entailed the death of men and the theft of children.

This is only a small part of the varieties that can be found in the vastness of Russia.

Growing with seeds

According to gardeners, it is better to propagate feather grass by dividing the bush. However, if this is not possible, there is the option of growing from seeds.

To increase the chances of seed germination, you need to stock up on soil. There are no special requirements for it, since the grass is quite unpretentious. Sowing is done in early March directly into cups or special containers. For each seed, it is worth selecting a separate container initially.

It is important to know: the plant has a vulnerable root system, so a transplant can have a detrimental effect on it.

Seeds are planted at a shallow depth. With moderate soil moisture, you will be able to observe the first shoots within a few days. With the onset of warming (around the beginning of May), the feather grass is ready to be transplanted into open ground.

Rules of care

Feather grass is not picky about care, so it is enough to rid the soil around it of weeds. In addition, the plant calmly tolerates dry weather, so it does not require frequent watering and fertilizing.

It will take root well in a sunny area. To ensure successful grass growth, you can mix the soil with a small amount of lime.

Plants that are too dense can be divided in spring. This way you will make its flowering more spectacular and multiply the crop.

Since grass is an evergreen plant, the period of winter cold in the middle zone is impossible for it. To preserve the feather grass, it should be carefully transplanted into a container and moved to a room with a stable positive temperature.

Application in landscape

Natural beauty and pickiness allows you to grow feather grass in garden plots and flower beds, creating intricate compositions. A dense wall of grass looks great when combined with other grains.

The plant will be an excellent backdrop for wildflowers and will fit perfectly into rose gardens, highlighting the beauty and bright color of roses. If on your site there is an artificial pond framed, then the feather grass will look advantageous along the path leading to it.

Grass planted along the perimeter of the fence looks no less beautiful, filling all the gaps in the fence and creating the feeling of an enclosed space.

If you are planning to plant in your garden, do not ignore feather grass. It will add zest in combination with dwarf coniferous trees.

Despite the fact that the plant is considered a steppe plant, it is loved by many gardeners and is successfully used by them in landscape design.

ABOUT beneficial properties feather feather grass, watch the following video:

Feather grass is a grass of the grass family, which has about 300 species. But within our region, only 80 of its species are found. The stem is straight with hard and thin leaves. The feather grass inflorescence is dense and has the appearance of a panicle. Its favorite habitat is the steppe. Feather grass fell in love with Eurasia, where it is most often found in the steppe or on a rocky slope.

Description of feather grass

This grass is characterized by the absence of creeping roots. Growing in semi-desert or steppe zones, feather grass forms dense thickets. It can be recognized by its straight stem and narrow, folded leaves. Small racemose panicles. The spikelets have membranes. They are long and pointed at the top and have a leathery structure at the bottom. The cultivated species reaches a height of up to 2.5 m.

This herb got its name from the word “stupe”, which when translated from Greek language means "tow". The plant reproduces with the help of the wind, which carries the feather grass seed over long distances. But at the same time, the seed does not immediately fall into the ground. Most often they for a long time languish in dense thickets of other plants or on the cover of old dry leaves.

In the dark, when dew appears, the grass has the habit of hiding. The lower knee, which was twisted in a spiral, gradually unfolds, thereby pressing the stem to the ground. Following this, the grain has to be screwed into the ground. At dawn, having unraveled back, it can no longer fully emerge from the soil, as its hard bristles are firmly caught on the ground. Most often, as a result, the grain breaks and partially remains in the ground.

Feather grass as a landscape decoration

Feather grass captivates at first sight. This easy-to-care herb has won the hearts of gardeners, decorating gardens and flower beds. Naturally, not every variety of feather grass is equally interesting for landscape design. In addition, only certain varieties of this plant feel good in our climate. Swaying like waves, the feather grass spikelets surrender to the power of the wind, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. And the denser the grass is planted, the more spectacular its appearance.

With the help of feather grass in gardens you can create wonderful natural compositions. The right combination of feather grass grass with some other plants found in meadows will make your flower bed irresistible and as close as possible to the wild landscape. For this purpose, you should pay attention to: fescue, foxtail, miscanthus and many other interesting cereal grasses.

For example, the proximity of feather grass with scabiosis, a bright and juicy shade, will help to achieve a harmonious look in the garden. With poppies, heather, sage, hyssop, chamomile, echinacea, decorative onions or garlic. The role of feather grass in these compositions can be either leading or secondary.

Feather grass can also fit perfectly into the vegetation of ponds, being planted next to heuchera, iris, sedge or reeds. Ideally, plant it along the side of the path to the pond, and not near the pond itself.

It's not a bad idea to line the feather grass along the fence. It will fit perfectly into the design of the garden, outlining its boundaries with an airy mood. And how beautifully it combines with a wicker fence made of twigs or near pergola posts.

And although feather grass is a steppe plant, it can still be safely planted next to ornamental plants. For example, it will be an excellent neighbor to Thunberg barberry or turf. Dwarf breeds coniferous plants Feather grass is also welcome into their environment, and therefore they can even decorate an alpine hill.

Moreover, the fantasy of landscape designers does not end there. Every day they invent new combinations of feather grass with other plants, delighting their customers.

Growing from seeds

The easiest way to propagate feather grass is to divide its dense bush into parts. But if this plant has not yet started in your house and there is nothing to divide, then you can grow it from seed.

There is nothing simpler than this activity. You can plant feather grass grass seeds in the fall (before winter) or in the spring (in April-May). To do this, simply make a shallow hole (up to 3 cm deep) and drop 3-4 seeds into it. The soil should be moist at the time of planting. The method is the same for autumn and spring planting.

Remember that, despite its unpretentiousness, the feather grass may not be able to cope with the frosty coolness, suddenly dying in the bud. And therefore, the only one the right way Growing feather grass remains a seedling option. And besides, if your choice fell on a heat-loving variety, then there is no other way to plant it other than seedlings.

The soil can be bought in a store or selected in the fall from your own garden. Due to the fact that feather grass has no special soil requirements, our task becomes even easier. Seeds are sown in separate cups. This is done so as not to accidentally damage the thin stems of the sprouts during the process of planting them.

Sowing is done in early March; you need to place the seeds not deep in the soil. Be sure to moisturize it as needed. The first shoots hatch after four days. Seedlings are planted in open ground after 2 months, in May.


It is necessary to sow feather grass in the ground or using seedlings at a distance of 20 cm from each other. All crop care comes down to clearing the land of weeds. If there is such a desire, then you can mulch the soil. There is no need to specially water or feed this plant, as it tolerates drought.

So that feather grass can grow with pleasure, it is important to plant it in sunny places, away from bodies of water. This plant does not welcome excess moisture. He also has a dislike for acidic soils. Therefore, if high acidity of the soil is noticed, lime must be added to it.

Feel free to divide bushes that are too dense in half. Better time for this event it is spring. After this procedure, the plant will acquire a more spectacular appearance, and besides, as we already know, this is an excellent way to propagate feather grass.

What is feather grass like?

A little earlier we already talked about the fact that feather grass has many species. But you can decorate the landscape with only a few of them, such as:

  • Feather grass is the most frequent guest in the garden or flower bed. And they love him because he is better adapted to our climate than others, because he lives in the local steppe zone. The bushes can reach a height of up to 90 cm. It blooms at the end of spring - beginning of summer. In winter it can easily cope without shelter. The stem is particularly smooth, and the panicle is narrow;
  • Beautiful feather grass - this species has similar features to the previous version. Its only difference is that this “beautiful feather grass” has a denser panicle. Being quite weighty, they smoothly bend down, forming a beautiful bend;
  • Feathergrass “Fluffy Cloud” - this plant is very compact in size. Its height is only 50 cm, sometimes even less. The spikelets are straight and fluffy. Visually, such a bush resembles an air cloud, which is why it was called that;
  • The finest feather grass - this species has Mexican roots, and therefore does not like cold and heat at all. Borders permissible temperature for him they are within +15+25 degrees. This is an annual plant that has hard leaves and whitish spikelets with a silver sheen. The bushes reach a height of 80 cm;
  • Feathergrass “Fireworks” - bushes of this type of plant can be up to 80 cm in height. In our climate, “Fireworks” lives only for one year. This feather grass has amazing abilities- change its color depending on the time of year. In spring, its leaves, as usual, have a rich green tint. But in August, they suddenly turn golden pink. With the arrival of autumn, the situation changes again, and the leaves of “Fireworks” turn red or brown;
  • Feather grass of Zalessky - this feathery feather grass prefers low-humus soils or solonetzes for growth. You can find many hairs and small bumps on its leaves. The downward panicle has a loose appearance;
  • Feather “Hairy” - Interesting view feather grass, which has an average height of about 60 cm. Its spine is quite thin and long (about 20-25 cm). It has a clear resemblance to horsehair. The spikelets are silver-green;
  • Lessing's feather grass - the height of this grass does not exceed 60 cm. The leaves have a rough surface. When they dry out, they can curl. The panicles have purple hues.

Signs associated with feather grass

Feather grass is shrouded in secrets no less than other plants. There is a belief that feather grass is a widow's grass, and therefore should not be kept at home. Because if one of the women disobeys and brings this weed into the house for safekeeping, she will become a widow. And this sign arose from ancient times, when during the flowering period of feather grass, nomads attacked villages, killing men. It’s a strange coincidence, but it’s what gave rise to this belief. And the spikelets of feather grass resembled the graying hair of widowed mothers and wives.

Despite the first sign, there was another one. It said that feather grass is not an ordinary plant. It belongs to the steppe spirits and is capable of protecting a person from all kinds of troubles. To do this, it was necessary to hide a bunch of feather grass under your clothes.

According to these beliefs, the conclusion is obvious - it’s still not worth keeping feather grass at home, but grow it in the garden with peace of mind. Feather grass will not only decorate your landscape design, but will also give you a feeling of merging with wild nature.

Two years ago I saw feather grass seeds in the store and immediately bought them. This ornamental grass very elegant, its delicate fluffy spikelets sway in the wind and look simply magnificent. The seeds were from the Poisk agricultural company; this manufacturer usually does not disappoint. This time too the purchase was successful.

Although the bag says to sow feather grass in open ground, I did not do this. There are not many seeds. There is a high probability that they will not sprout, especially when it is not possible to constantly keep the soil moist. I grew feather grass through seedlings, more work, but for sure.

Feather grass seeds

I sowed feather grass seeds in March in a pot and sprinkled it with a centimeter of soil. A week later, thin hair shoots appeared. A month later there were more leaves, I picked the seedlings into separate pots. At the end of May I planted it in open ground.

In the first year, the feather grass from seeds only bushed, but did not bloom. This cereal does not particularly need watering; on the contrary, you should choose the driest, non-flooded area in the garden for it. But this summer, spikelets have already appeared (see photo).
