Methodological development (preparatory group) on the topic: graduation in kindergarten (“the tale of lost time”). Scenario for the graduation party “Meeting with fairy-tale characters”

Tamara Stepanenko


Dear fathers and mothers, dear grandfathers and grandmothers! Today we are all a little sad because it is time to part. Very soon for our graduates The first school bell will ring. A difficult road ahead into the world of adulthood school life. And today they, solemn and excited, are rushing to the first time in their lives. prom. So let's support them with our applause.

Children read poetry.

Song “Goodbye, kindergarten!”


Guys, do you want to come to you? holiday your loved ones have arrived fairy-tale heroes? Just need it say the magic words:

The globe is spinning, spinning,

The welcome guest has appeared! (Children repeat, noise sounds sea ​​surf, appears "Gold fish")

Gold fish :

Hello, dear children and adults! You probably found out what I'm from fairy tales? Right! And today I sailed to you on holiday to make your wish come true. But first let the children come up with their own about me fairy tale. I see that you kids are smart and reasonable.


Don't doubt it, Goldfish, our children have learned a lot!

And now we will tell you our the tale of the Golden Fish.

Good mothers lived near the blue sea.

Their children were different, but they had common concerns.

(Mothers come out, holding bundles with dolls. Children are heard crying.)

They went to blue sea, in the hope that they will see a Goldfish there.

(A blue cloth is spread out. Mothers come up to it and sit down).

Mothers sit and think...

First mother:

I would said: “Fish, I don’t need much in life.

Do such a miracle that my child will be healthy.”

There’s always a long line at the clinic,

You'll go there and pick up something by chance!

Second mother:

I would come with a bow: “Have mercy, Lady Rybka.

Let all our children have enough places in kindergarten "Smile".

May they have fun here, feel comfortable, and have mutual respect for each other!

Third mother:

And I would ask Rybka for a little, but not a little,

So that there are more 24-hour kindergartens,

I would send my children for a week,

And they spent more time on the Internet.


A Goldfish swam to them.

They fell on their knees before her and begged:


Empress Rybka! Listen to our confessions

And help us fulfill our deepest desires.


The fish listened to them and quietly answered.

gold fish:

Go home quickly, look at the world more cheerfully!

Spend more time with your children

Don't get carried away with the Internet!

Don’t sit among your classmates, it’s better to look after the children!


The goldfish waved its tail and swam away into the blue sea. This is our morality fairy tales! Well, did you like ours? fairy tale?

gold fish:

I liked it very much! Now I can fulfill one of your wishes.


And today we have a wish one: have fun, sing and dance! (Goldfish leaves)

Dance "Yes, yes, yes, I love you"


Let's say these magic words again and see who will appear! Children They say:

The globe is spinning, spinning,

The welcome guest has appeared! (appears "Brownie")


Hello kids. I couldn’t stand it, now, old man, I couldn’t sit in the attic. How I heard your songs and conversations. So, I decided to go down. Guess you didn’t recognize me?

And I'm Brownie, so naughty!

I want to have fun with you

And some have sad faces!


We, dear Brownie, are a little sad today because we are seeing our children off to school. They're all grown up now, can't you see?


Who should I look at? Little girls and boys are sitting here. They don't look like schoolchildren at all. And it’s unlikely that they know anything about school.


But it’s not true, the children will tell you now "What is school":

1 child:

This is where all the children rush in the morning.

What a strange question if you are already grown up?

If seven, then just right

Get ready for first grade!

2 child:

What is school? How can I answer you?

This is where you learn about everything on light:

About the multiplication table, about verbs and addition,

About planets and seas, that the earth is round!

3 child:

What is school? How can I answer you?

Changes and calls, buns in the buffet,

And marks in the diary, and the task on the board.

You will know and understand everything.

If you come to school!


Look what you are! A lot of everything told about school, but the only thing I remember is that there are buns in the buffet! OK! Do you know how to solve problems? (Children answer.)

Let's start the fun moments

My math jokes.

A game "Merry Count" (conducted by Brownie)


Well done! I see that you are ready for school, but I don’t want to go to school. You have to learn your lessons, get up every morning and go to school. No... it's not for me

I'd rather go to my attic or to my side,

I will sleep and have no worries. Goodbye!

You are an excellent student, and behave yourself! (Brownie leaves)


And we continue to have fun and delight our guests!

Dance "Hussars"


Well, we’ll invite you again fairy-tale heroes? Children They say:

The globe is spinning, spinning,

The welcome guest has appeared! (The song plays "If it's long, long", appears "Little Red Riding Hood")

Little Red Riding Hood:

To your beloved grandmother

I'm walking along the path,

And pies as a gift to her

I carry it in my basket.

Oh! Where did I end up?


Don't worry Little Red Riding Hood, you've got it holiday in kindergarten. Today we are taking the kids to school.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Hooray! How amazing! I want to check how ready they are for school. I'll see how the children learned to form words from letters.

Game make up words ( "School", "Motherland", "World", "Teacher", "Turn", "Holidays", "Class")

Little Red Riding Hood:

Well, guys, we were surprised! It was not in vain that you were taught. Guys, do you want to look into the future? Maybe you dream: who will become who when he grows up?.

Children read poetry "Who to be!"

1 child:

When I grow up, I’ll get married right away.

I will choose a husband, like dad, so that met me at the gangway,

Ah... I forgot say, I will fly in the sky.

I want to become a flight attendant, I’ll fly on an airplane!

2 child:

I will be a businessman

Let them teach me!

I'll buy mom a fur coat

To dad - "Jeep" cooler!

3 child:

It's good to be a businessman, but better to be a model!

I want to be at shows, let them teach me!

To get the crown,

Conquer the whole world with beauty!

4 child:

Well, model, so what?

What did you find cool in her?

I'll run for president

I will receive gifts

I will rule the country

Increase everyone's salary!

5 child:

It's good to be president, but I'll become a banker.

I will make money, like all fakirs can.

My bank will prosper

Give everything at interest.

6 child:

Ha! I'll become a cool DJ, I'll play music,

I’m adding a new topic to get everyone excited.

With Kolya Baskov we will record a super hit dance,

The whole world will hear about me, the whole country will start talking!

Little Red Riding Hood:

Are you guys interested?

Only fame and salary.

But I have my own dream, it has simple beauty.

I want to become a teacher

Let everyone be surprised.

After all, from kindergarten and school

That's where it all begins.

There is no more honorable job!

There is no profession more needed

Give care every day -

What could be more important!


I want to thank Little Red Riding Hood for such a dream! We, educators, also chose this profession out of vocation and do not regret it at all. Well, I want you guys talk about it that no matter who you become or what profession you choose, it is important that you always remain kind, honest people.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Well, why are you having fun here, but it’s time for me to go to my grandmother! Goodbye, kids! Don't be bored at school, don't upset the teachers! Listen carefully, be sure to behave well! (K. Riding Hood leaves)


All mothers are very worried when they see off their children to school, but you will now see how worried our mother is by watching joke scene“Fees for 1st grade”

Will knock again

Twig in the gate

Accompanied me to first grade

Mommy Nikitka.

Mother (looking at the child):

There are shoes, there are trousers, a white shirt.

You put the handkerchief in your pocket.

So! I put all my notebooks, books and pencils.

Oh, kids have incredible strength (Tries the briefcase for weight, bends under the weight)

I'll put a diary in my briefcase,

Brush and pen

Only a smart student

He'll learn everything quickly.


Listen, mom, if so

Everything is familiar to you

Go to first grade by yourself

I'll wait for the second one.


All mothers are very worried about their children - first graders, because they see them off to long journey, for a whole 11 years, what if they fall behind on the way and catch a cold, but they are so used to kindergarten! The children were under our reliable wing, and today they, like birds, fly away from our nest.


We're leaving today

Like birds from a nest.

It's a shame we have to say goodbye

Happy kindergarten forever!

Song "Farewell"


Children, let's say the magic words again. Children pronounce:

The globe is spinning, spinning,

The welcome guest has appeared. (Walks in to the music "Carlson")


Wonderful! Wonderful! I heard you are playing letters here. It’s already time for school, and you’re still going on and on and on and on!


Shame on you, Carlson! We don’t just play with letters, we put words together. Are you going to school with your briefcase?


Here's more! I have my favorite jam there, and buns. I can do it without school count: how many buns should I eat, and how much jam?


You also can’t, Carlson, think about food every minute! You also need to learn something, otherwise you will get fat and won’t be able to take off. For example, do you know why children go to school? What do you put in your briefcase?


I know I know! Do your children know?

I ask you to answer me,

What will we take to school?

If you agree, then let's shout "YES",

If you don't agree - "NO" Let's shout then!

We put notebooks in the briefcase, - Yes, yes, yes.

We also need slingshots. No, no, no.

Album to draw - Yes, yes, yes.

Matches to set the school on fire, - No, no, no.

Notebooks to write - Yes, yes, yes.

Let's take outfits for the dolls, - No, no, no.

You need markers and paints - Yes, yes, yes.

Call your mom's cell phone - Yes, yes, yes.

Plasticine to sculpt - Yes, yes, yes.

Let's take the kitten to school - No, no, no.

We put the gun in the briefcase - No, no, no.

Pills for treatment - No, no, no.

The textbook will definitely come in handy. - Yes Yes Yes!



Well done! Just don’t forget to take a jar of jam with you, and I’ll definitely fly to you for the lesson. And now I want to check what grades you will study for?

Comic game “Who will study for what grades?”

Carlson lays out cards with marks in a circle, before showing the cards. All cards with good marks. Children name the numbers shown on the cards. Children run in circles to the music. As soon as the music stops, the children take a card and show it to everyone. Then Carlson offers to find out how the parents studied, and here Cs and Ds are added.


Well, I have to go! I flew, and I wish you to study better than your parents. Goodbye!


Guys, soon you will also fly from us to the other side of the river, the bank called "School".

Dance: “Coasts, coasts!”

Children read poetry:

1. Today we say goodbye

With my beloved kindergarten,

We've grown, we've grown,

We need to go to school.

2. Thanks to the teachers,

Thanks to our nannies,

And the doctor and the cook,

We will say “thank you” to everyone!

3. Today is a special day -

Both sad and cheerful.

We have grown, we have grown!

Let's go to school!

Educator: (takes out medals.)

You, my friends, tried.

Everyone worked diligently

I want to thank you and give you medals.

And also present to our wonderful memorable gifts for graduates. And our the holiday has come to an end. I suggest going to the alley graduates. To release Balloons with wishes.

Graduation party script kindergarten. Travel through fairy tales

Author-compiler: Bonadykova Olga Valerievna
Place of work: MDOAU "TsRR - D/S No. 4" Blagoveshchensk

Scenario for the graduation party "Journey through Fairy Tales"

Description of material: The material will be useful to music directors and teachers for the purpose of holding a graduation party based on fairy tales, with characters familiar to children from childhood. The event is recommended for children 6-7 years old. It is held in a music hall, divided into zones (using decoration).

Target: Creating a positive emotional atmosphere for a future first-grader.

Progress of the holiday.

Presenter: In that amazing country where I saw the light
How many have turned five and ten years old?
In the land of fantasies and mischief, and mischievous undertakings,
Once upon a time, each of us was one of those children.
All those who grew up with me then and gained years,
One day I said goodbye to this country forever.
The power of childhood is far behind.
"I want back!" - it’s easy to say, try it, hit it!

To the sounds of “Polonaise,” children enter the hall in pairs and perform a dance-rearrangement; finally they become pairs, in a checkerboard pattern.

Presenter1: There are various holidays throughout the year,
And today is our holiday:
Soon you will be first graders,
You are saying goodbye to the garden now.
Presenter2: Our parents came to our holiday,
And they look at you with excitement,
It's like everyone saw it for the first time
The children have grown up now.
Children: 1. The holiday is not an easy one for us, it only happens once
And today it’s not in vain that guests are in a hurry to visit us in kindergarten.
2. This holiday is our fun, because school is coming soon!
It’s just a pity that we have to say goodbye to our beloved kindergarten!
3. Here we were friends, played letters were the first to know,
They grew up imperceptibly and became quite big.
Children sing the song “Kindergarten - a magical land»

(To the sound of the polonaise, the children sit on chairs.)

Presenter1: Today you are saying goodbye to the garden, you are all getting ready to go to school.
There are school subjects, you must read them all.
I’ll tell you a riddle, name them in order.
1. In winter he runs along the street, and in summer he lies in the room.
But as soon as autumn comes, he takes me by the hand.
And again, in the rain and snowstorm, my...
2. My briefcase is neither big nor small,
It contains a problem book, a primer and...
(Pencil case).
3. If you perfect it, draw whatever you want:
Sun, sea, mountains, beach, what is it?
4. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line, be able to write on them!
You can also draw. What am I?
5. The teacher is in my briefcase.
Who? It can not be! Really?
Please look, he's here
Tell me, what is his name?

(After the children solve the riddles, the presenter shows the named object; At the last riddle, looks for the primer)

Presenter1: Guys, there is no ABC book here,
I put it here myself.
Maybe someone spied on us and wanted to play a joke on us.
What to do, what should we do now,
Without a primer, the door to school is closed.

(The lights go out, a bell rings, an old forest man enters to the music, walks around the oak tree and addresses the children)
Lesovichok: I'm an old forest man, I'm in a hurry to hear a child's voice,
I like to play with kids, at least cat and mouse.
So what kind of fun are you having here? Why did the guys gather?
What, it's someone's birthday, I could cheer you up.
Presenter1: We have no time for fun at all, there was an ABC book and there is none,
They're waiting for us, it's clear there's an accident, who took it and why?
Lesovichok: I’m glad to help your trouble, it’s not in vain that I rushed to your kindergarten.
There is a magical thing here, I just wish I could sit more comfortably.

(The presenter hands Lesovich a chair, he pulls out a saucer and an apple from his bag)

Roll, roll, apple, roll on the plate,
Show me, apple, where the missing primer is.
(In the other half of the hall the lights turn on, Koschey the Immortal sits on the throne with a primer in his hands, two devils sit next to him)

Koschey: I have this book, I left everyone without a primer
I did something really bad, my soul is so happy.
I’ll hide it away, and let the guys cry.
The children won’t find the primer and won’t go to school.
Hey you devils, get ready, don’t be shy about me, Koschei,
What the hell, I’ll show you, and tell you a secret.

(The devils approach Koshchei, he whispers in their ears, Koschey laughs and leaves for his possessions along with the devils)
(The lights in the hall turn on, Lesovichok appears in front of the children again)

Lesovichok: I found out where the primer was, the evil Koschey stole it.
I'm powerless here, guys, go to my brother.
He lives in a swamp and guards all the swamps.
Well, it’s time for me to go, goodbye, kids.

(Lesovichok leaves to the music)

Presenter1: How will we get to the swamp? After all, we will drown and disappear.
Guys, I’m kind of scared to go to his little brother.
Who will help us on our way?
Presenter2: The main thing is to go with the music.
If we stand in a chain and sing loudly in chorus,
Both swamps and drownings, together we will go through together.

Children stand one after another in a chain and, with musical and rhythmic movements, walk around the hall and sit down in their places.

1. We enter the fairy tale along a strictly mysterious path,
Where in the world will we go in the morning?

We walk carefully, because in a fairy tale everything is possible,
But we walk, we always walk the path of goodness.

2. There is an obstacle ahead, we need to cross the stream,
But a mighty, dark forest grew before us,

But we do not lose heart, because we all know for sure
That good fairy tales, as always, are full of miracles.

Here is a swamp, look, it’s quiet here, don’t talk.
Something seems to be clinking, the frogs are croaking.

The lights in the hall turn off, the lamp by the swamp turns on, and Vodyanoy appears to the music.

Water: I've been living here for three hundred years, nobody cares about me,
I hear the ringing of voices, I bolt the door.
Child1: Vodyanoy disappeared, where? Come out here quickly.
Your brother sent us as a little one, he would have been glad to meet us.
Child 2: Vodyanoy, help us,
And find us an ABC book.
Water: Since my younger brother sent you, I am very glad to meet you,
I will serve you, I will give you three tasks.
As you solve the problems, ask for whatever you want.
I will fulfill your first will as if it were my own.
1.How many little ducklings want to swim and dive?
Three swam far, two dived deep.
I can’t count how many of them there are in the pond. (5)

2. I’m pulling a net, catching fish, and there’s a lot of catches:
Two perch, three crucian carp, one pipe cleaner - and that’s in the pot.
I’ll cook fish soup and treat everyone, how many fish will I cook? (6)

3. Seven magpies flew to the gray heron for a lesson.
And of these, only three magpies prepared lessons.
How many lazy forty people came to the lesson? (4)

4. Eight brave kids ford a stream.
One fell behind: “I want to go home,” how many of them came to the stream? (7)

Water: Well done, guys, I won't play hide and seek.
I’ll give you a stream, it will lead you to the ABC book.
Presenter: Brook, run, run, lead us to the ABC book.

The girls perform the "Creek Dance".

(The light turns on on the other side of the hall. Two devils run out and conduct a dialogue)

Damn1: Listen, Thistle, trouble, children are coming here to us.
Damn2: We need to stop them, send a stream to the frog.
She has a big pot, dinner will not be easy.
Damn1: She loves to eat boys, bullies and braggarts.
You and I will take the stream and lead it into a different direction.
Damn2: We'll all confuse our tracks where they can't find the primer.
(The lights in the hall turn on)
Damn1: Before we had time to escape, we needed to meet the children here.
Damn2: Talk to them all and teach them something bad.
Devils turn to children.
Damn1: Ah-ah-ah! Here we are, your friends, you can’t go any further.
We will teach you the rules and how to behave.

Rules of bad manners (G. Oster):
1. Never wash your hands, neck, ears or face.
This stupid activity leads to nothing.
Your hands, neck, ears and face will get dirty again.
So why waste energy and waste time.
Getting a haircut is also useless, there is no point.
As you get older, your head will go bald on its own.

2.If a friend invited you to his birthday party,
Leave the gift at home - it will come in handy yourself.
Try to sit down straight with the cake, don’t engage in conversations:
You will eat half as much candy while talking.
Choose smaller pieces to swallow faster.
Don't grab the salad with your hands, you'll scoop more with a spoon.
If they suddenly give you nuts, put them carefully in your pocket,
But don’t hide the jam there; it will be difficult to take it out.

3.If you are racing along a corridor on a bicycle,
And dad came out of the bathroom to meet you for a walk.
Don't go into the kitchen, there's a new refrigerator in the kitchen,
You better brake for dad, dad is soft - he will forgive.

4. Girls should never be noticed anywhere.
And do not give them passage anywhere and never.
They need to put their feet up, scare them from around the corner,
So that they immediately understand: they don’t care about them.
When you meet a girl, quickly stick your tongue out at her.
Don't let her think that you're in love with her...

Presenter: Is it really possible to behave like this?
We don’t need such rules, our children know the rules of good manners and will tell you
How you need to behave not only at a party, but also at home.
Children: 1.Wake up early in the morning, wash yourself thoroughly,
To avoid yawning at school, don’t nod off your desk.
2. Dress neatly so that it is pleasant to look at.
Stroke the uniform yourself, check it, you’re big now.
3. Accustom yourself to order, do not play hide and seek with things.
Treasure every book, keep your briefcase clean.
4. Don’t giggle in class, don’t move your chair back and forth.
Respect your teacher, and don’t disturb your neighbor.
5. Don’t tease, don’t be arrogant, try to help everyone at school.
Don’t frown in vain, be bolder, and you will find friends.
Damn2: Are these really the rules? It’s for some arrogant and neat people to behave like that at all
not interested.
Damn1: Together with Thistle, we will sing a song for you.
About how they teach at school, what they will teach you all.
At school they teach you to tear books, dirty desks and notebooks.
They teach at school / 3 rubles.
Apply paint to children, do not give pencils
They teach at school / 3 r.
Presenter: Is this what they teach at school? Let's sing and prove to the devils that they teach at school
only good things.
The song “We are sitting at our desks for the first time” is performed. G Struve
Devils: All you hear at every step is: school, school! What’s so good about it?
Presenter: You have completely confused us, you can’t help us in any way,
Get the hell away from us quickly, don’t teach bad things to our children.
Devils: Let's go, Thistle, we have nothing to do here.
(The bell rings.)
Damn1: I hear the school bell, let's hurry to class.
Damn2: We’ll quietly sneak into the classroom and laugh at everyone.

(The bell rings and the children stage scenes)

1. Ira is crying, I can’t stop it, Ira is very sad:
There were exactly 5 chairs, and now there are four.
The younger brother began to count: 1,2,3,4,5.
“Don’t cry,” said the baby, “after all, you’re sitting on fifth!”
2. Ivan, here are two beautiful pears lying on a plate. Don't eat, but listen:
If my brother gets one of them,
How much will you have left on your plate?
Ivan:“Two,” I answer.
Mother: Well, why? You gave one to your brother!
Ivan: Yes, I would be glad, this example is clear to me,
But only my brother disagrees with one thing.
3.Come on, baby, answer my lesson,
There are 3 nuts in your pocket, my friend. (puts three nuts)
Presenter: Mom decided to pamper her son,
She put two more nuts in her pocket. (Places two more)
Mother: Do you remember? Now add all the nuts.
How many nuts are there in your pocket, tell me?
Child: How many nuts? Not a single one.
Mother: You'll make me so sad his father,
If you don't know how to count, it's a disgrace to your family!
Child: My pockets are full of holes, Mom!
Damn1: Nothing happened here.
Damn2: It was not possible to disrupt the lesson.
Damn1: It's time to go to Yagushenka,
There will be kids there soon!
(The devils leave)

The lights in Baba Yaga's house turn on, Baba Yaga comes out of the house and imitates movements to the song from the fairy tale "Masha and Vitya".

Baba Yaga: I’m waiting for Koshchei to visit, to taste someone’s bones.
And the grass is boiling in the cauldron, I’ll add firewood to the fire.
Dinner is coming to me on its own, Koschey will come on time.
What kind of stream is this here? I’ll take a look at it quickly.
The devils play with me like that, they send children to me.
What devils, well done, bloodsuckers, daredevils.

(Picks up a stream in his hands, begins to wind it into a ball and gets to the guys.)

Baba Yaga: What guests, how glad I am, and a reward has come to me.
Do you want to eat delicious food, are there any fat ones among you?
Presenter: Baba-Yozhka, don’t grumble, you better help us.
How to find the path to Koshchei, follow forest paths?
Baba Yaga: Show the way to Koshchei? The riddle needs to be solved.
And then, the soul-maiden, you can appear to Koshchei.
1. Who goes to school with a bag of books in the morning? (Student)
2. To have a place write at school we need … (Notebook)
3. If you know everything, you will get at school... (Five)
4. There is a clatter of feet in the corridor, calling everyone to class... (Call)
5. Letters are icons, like soldiers on parade
They were hardly built in strict order.
Everyone stands in the appointed place,
And everything is called... (Alphabet)
Baba Yaga: You guys are smart, you solved all the riddles,
Now, make up I have a word everything is ready here.

There is an attraction called “Make a Word”.

Baba Yaga: Now, have fun, dance more merrily.
Otherwise I’ll let him into the cauldron and treat Koshchei.
Presenter: What are you, what are you, wait, there will be a dance, look.
Children perform the "Chili-cha-cha" dance .
Presenter: Grandma was happy, look, she started dancing.
Baba Yaga: There are smart ones among you, but I won’t eat the kids.
It's just a pity that I'll be hungry now.
You have a tambourine as a gift that you can’t take your eyes off.
Children, play with a tambourine, quickly get up in a circle.

The “Tambourine Game” is being played.

Baba Yaga: Now it’s time for you to go on your journey, good luck to you all.
If you go straight, you will find your ABC book there.

(Baba Yaga shows the children the way and goes into her hut, the light goes out near the hut)

The light turns on near the children, and two devils appear.

Damn1: Eh, Babka Yaga, let us down, let us down.
Damn2: She showed them the way and did not justify their hopes.
Damn1: There is a Robber - Nightingale!
Damn2: So let's run to him quickly!

The devils run away, the lights in the hall go out, the garland lights turn on, and the Nightingale - the Robber appears.

Nightingale - Robber: I am the Robber - Nightingale, to everyone's surprise,
And now I'm going around all my possessions.
I whistle very loudly
I bring fear to everyone.
He walks around the oak tree and two devils run out to meet him.

Damn1: You are our dear nightingale, help us, dear.
Damn2: Children should not be allowed to see the book; all of them must be destroyed.
Damn2: No one is smarter than you, alas, you are three times wiser!
Nightingale: Should the children be destroyed and should they not be allowed to go to school?
Let me turn the children back into babies again.
I know the spell, all my strength is in the whistle.
Come on, little ponytail, get up and spin around me.
Look at the children, look at the kids.

Music sounds, children enter junior group.

Presenter: Oh, how small.
Children of the younger group:
1. Many, many years ago I saw other guys in the gym.
They came, congratulated us, and wished everyone success in school.
2. These children were you, and now we have come to you.
To congratulate you on your transition to first grade.
3. We thought for a long time and wondered what we could give you,
And we decided to write a goodbye song about love.

Children of the younger group perform the song “The Girl Cried.” (Leave)

Presenter: You, Robber, don’t joke, turn our children
Smart and funny, big and perky.
Nightingale: Let the tests pass, where are they?
Presenter: They're already here.
Nightingale: If you want to become big, it’s not so easy for you to become big.
First, you all need to dance in pairs.
Children of the preparatory group perform "Polka", Rachmaninov's music

Nightingale: I will continue the test, you have one more task.
I have two briefcases, collect them, friends.

The “Pack a Briefcase” relay race is held:

On two tables there are school supplies and foreign objects: cars, beads, combs, shampoo, etc. On the opposite side of each table there are children of 5-6 people in a team. At the signal, the first ones run to the table, take a briefcase, put one of the school supplies in it and return to the team, then the next one runs, until all the supplies have been collected.
Nightingale: I heard such a miracle: you have the tools.
Play them for me, make me happy now!

The orchestra performs "Waltz" from the film "Blizzard".

Nightingale: I don’t want to argue with them, just get big.
And go to the primer, I will give it to you,
If you take an arrow and hit the chain accurately.
And I go into a fairy tale, I am friends with a fairy tale.

(The Nightingale-Robber leaves, the garland goes out, the light above the castle of Koshchei the Immortal turns on).

Both devils: Oh, Koschey, we couldn’t, the children approached the castle!!!
Damn1: They almost laid down their heads, they served with faith and truth!
Damn2: Don’t just destroy us, let us go home!
Koschey (with a grin): I feel, I feel the Russian spirit, the fire in the stove has already gone out!
I feel that death is not far away, and the primer hangs high.
They will never get there!

(Russian folk melody sounds)

Look, the music is heard, the children start dancing.
Let them dance to themselves, let the devils wave their tails at them.
And I’ll hide here, and they won’t find me here.

Performing "Quadrille with Spoons"

Presenter: How long have we been walking, we won’t find Koshchei!
We know poems about school, we recite them by heart.
Koschey will listen to them, maybe he will become kinder.

Children read poems chosen by the teacher.

Koschey comes out to meet the children and says, smiling:

I will, I will, Koschey, love little children.
And I will never offend you, kids.
Presenter: Since you have become kinder, Koschey, quickly frolic with the children.
Get up in the circle quickly and don’t lag behind the guys.

Dance - game "K-KU".

(The devils run out from behind Koshchei’s throne and, interrupting each other, speak loudly)

Damn1: You take us to school, and we’ll learn to read there.
Damn2: We will work together to correct your “twos” into “fives”!
Presenter: You need to get up early for school, make your bed quickly,
Dress neatly so that it is pleasant to look at.
Here's a look at how our children and their parents are getting ready for school.

The attraction “Morning before school” is held.

Two families are invited: father, mother, child. Dad must tie a tie, mom must prepare a sandwich for everyone, the child must assemble a backpack and put it on his shoulders.
And then everyone eats the prepared sandwiches.

Presenter: (Admits devils to the first-grader squad and turns to Koshchei)
Koschey has become kind now, so give it to us quickly
Our primer is very necessary, we will read from it.
Koschey: Your primer is in the egg, then the chest stores the egg.
The mouse is guarding the chest; they won’t let us open it.

The boys run out and perform the “Bat Dance”.

Presenter: (Drives away the mice, turns attention to the tree)
There, there is a chest on this oak tree, hanging on chains,
There are arrows, there is also a bow, we will hit the target without pain.

The presenter asks the child to shoot a bow and hit the chest. The child shoots, the chest falls to the floor, and an ABC book is taken out of it).

Presenter: Here is the primer, it was in the egg, he missed us for a long time.
Koschey: Let me look through the book, let me read the word.

(The devils run up to the primer and look into it.)

Presenter: So all the adventures are over, everyone liked it without exception?
We managed to find the primer, so that means we are on our way with it.
Well, you, heroes of fairy tales, come back, it’s time for you.
We read a lot of fairy tales, see you bye!

(All characters come out, hold hands and, saying goodbye, leave the hall).

Presenter: You've grown up now, baby, and you've learned a lot.
Here the door to the world is open for you to walk boldly.
Kindergarten has become like family to you, like your mother’s gaze.
But the clock is striking, they tell you to part with him.
Under the rustle of September leaves, you will go to first grade.
But we will not forget you, and you... You remember us.
Children (in chorus): Today we say goodbye to our beloved kindergarten.
We have grown up, we have grown up, we need to go to school.
Child: We're leaving for school, goodbye kindergarten.
We will study well.
What they taught us in kindergarten
We will never forget!

Children sing the song “OUR FAVORITE KINDERGARTEN”.

Children: 1. How often have we chatted incessantly, let’s keep quiet this time, friends.
We swear that we will remember this day and you, teachers, for a long time!
2. And how much has been avoided here, traversed, and how much we still have to go through.
The whole group, if possible, would stay here for up to 20 years!
3. We will remember the planet of childhood more than once, that island, especially beloved,
Which was called “kindergarten”, our cute kindergarten is unique!
4. But just know, we will remember, this is unlikely to be forgotten,
Two “mothers”, girlfriends and friends who replaced our family.
5. We will remain friends forever, we will part, but let the friendship remain,
That’s why he was created - a man, so that his life would be filled with friends!
6. We thank our kindergarten and everyone who raised the children.
Thank you for your affection, for an amazing fairy tale.
Because they took us for walks in the forest, in the field, in the green meadow.
We were taught to love everything beautiful around us!

Children present flowers to employees.
The holiday ends


- create conditions for a festive mood and solemn atmosphere;

- call positive emotions;

- bring joy from participating in a festive event and in all types of activities at the holiday.

Equipment: costumes of holiday heroes, a satchel, a ball, stars with wishes written on them, cubes with letters.

1st presenter. Good afternoon, dear guests!

2nd presenter. Hello, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and everyone who came to the music room of the kindergarten on this exciting day for us.

1st presenter. The years fly by very quickly. Before we know it, kids become schoolchildren.

2nd presenter. Today we see off our graduates to school. A very important page in the life of preschool children has been passed.

1st presenter. Opens up for the guys new page, interesting and exciting - school awaits them. Meet the graduates.

The presenters call the names of the children who come out to bow.

2nd presenter. There is a difficult road ahead into the world of adult school life. And today they, beautiful, cheerful, smart and, of course, a little excited, came to their first prom in their lives.

1st presenter. Let us once again greet our graduates with loud applause.

There is applause.

2nd presenter. It has already become a tradition to start the prom with a wonderful dance - a waltz. So let's not give up on it. We give this waltz to all guests.

Children perform “Waltz” (from T. Suvorova’s program “Dance rhythms for children”).

1st presenter. We give the floor to our guys.

1st child

Our favorite kindergarten,

The kingdom of fairy tales is golden.

We ask you not to forget

We say goodbye to you.

2nd child

Kindergarten has become our home,

Let's say in this sad hour

To your teachers:

We love you with all our hearts!

3rd child

Even the sun is shining

It became brighter above the ground,

To give us all

This is a graduation holiday.

A. Metzger

Children perform the song “Goodbye, kindergarten” (music by G. Levkodimov, lyrics by V. Malkov).

1st presenter

It is always very difficult to part with childhood.

The white boat has sailed and cannot be returned.

Memories bright feeling

It will become stronger the longer you live.

M. Ryabinin

2nd presenter. But I wonder what our guys dream about? They will tell their secret in funny ditties.

Children perform ditties.


We'll sing ditties for you


Because we are children


My years are getting older

I'll be seventeen

Who should I work with then?

What to do?

Strive for knowledge.

To become very smart

And travel abroad.


I'll run for president

I will receive presents.

I will rule the country

Increase everyone's salary.

1st girl

I want to be a star

I am not silent about this.

Without much difficulty

I'm always ready to sing.

2nd girl. I would become a teacher, let them teach me.

3rd girl. Think about what you said, children will torture you.


We sang ditties for you,

Clap, try hard.

It was you who raised us,

You figure it out.

1st teacher

Yes, there are many different professions,

But the road to them is difficult.

Become a teacher, driver,

Businessman, sailor,

Conductor and actor

President and doctor

You will remember, friends,

It is impossible without teaching.

A boy runs in with a backpack behind his back - Petya Lentyaykin.

Peter. Who said it's impossible? Here I am, Petya Lentyaykin, I don’t like to study.

2nd presenter. What a suspicious name. And you say the wrong words. It’s better to say parting words to our children, future first-graders.

Peter. Don't go to school. School years are terrible, the most, the most terrible. I have already been to first grade twice, and second grade twice.

2nd presenter. So are you a loser?

Peter. I am not guilty. I came across the wrong teachers. Take me to school with you, maybe I’ll study well with you!

2nd presenter. Okay, what is that behind your back, it looks like a backpack? There should be a diary in it. Can I see what you were assigned for reading? Here is a task to solve riddles. Have you completed it?

Peter. No.

2nd presenter. Guys, let's help Petya and do it for him homework in reading.

There is a house, whoever enters it will acquire intelligence. (School.)

If it lies on the table, then the food appears on its own. (Self-assembled tablecloth.)

What object lies on the floor at home but flies in fairy tales? (Carpet plane.)

They were waiting for mother with milk, but they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these little children? (Kids.)

While eating rolls, a guy rode on a stove,

He rode around the village and married the princess.

Who is this? (Emelya.)

What do wizards wave when they cast a spell? (With a magic wand.)

Well, Petya, we guessed the riddles and completed the reading task. Let's see what is assigned in mathematics. Did you solve the problems?

Peter. No.

2nd presenter. Guys, let's help solve the problems so that Petya doesn't get a bad mark.

May beetles lived under the bushes by the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother, who managed to count them?

Seryozhka fell into the snow, followed by Alyoshka,

And behind him Irinka, and then Marinka.

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are there in the snow?

The hedgehog gave the ducklings

Eight brand new boots.

Which one of the guys will answer?

How many ducklings were there?

Seven sparrows landed on the beds,

They jump around and peck at something without looking back.

The cunning cat suddenly crept up,

He immediately grabbed one and rushed off.

This is how dangerous it is to peck without looking back,

How many sparrows are there in the garden now?

(Six flew away.)

Petya, you need to do your homework, and then you will do well at school.

Peter. I'll quickly run to school.

Petya runs away, leaving his backpack.

1st presenter. He ran away and left his backpack behind. Let's see what else is in it. (Names the objects that are in the backpack, but does not take them out.)

Guys, let's play school. I will name the lesson for which the student must prepare. You need to quickly get those supplies that will be useful, for example, for a drawing lesson.

The game “Get ready for the lesson” is played.

Now you know everything you need to take with you to school. But the little mice from T. Efimova’s poem take not only books and notebooks:

Two mice were going to first grade for the first time.

They took pens and notebooks, each took a chocolate bar,

Paints to paint and a pillow to take a nap.

We took our clubs, we took our helmets – that’s all for a change.

And also a tape recorder to make your sleep pleasant.

The mother mouse told them:

- We need to remove the excess

So that you don’t play, and don’t jump, and don’t sleep at school.

Mama Mouse helped and packed the backpacks herself.

And now for a fun break.

Children perform a dance (chosen by the teacher).

2nd presenter. And there’s also a book in the backpack. What a beautiful book of fairy tales. Let's open it on any page and read it.

In the depths of the forest there was a hut. Anyone who entered this forest could no longer find their way back, because Baba Yaga lived in that hut.

Baba Yaga runs in on a broom.

Baba Yaga. Stop, the apparatus is not letting me down, carrying me above the ground. Wow, where did I end up? Did you take my fairy tale to read?

2nd presenter. Hello, Grandma Yaga. This is us, the guys from kindergarten. We're having fun today because it's a holiday.

Baba Yaga. What kind of fun is this all of a sudden, is it your birthday?

2nd presenter. No, the kids are going to school, and that’s why the holiday is a prom.

Baba Yaga. What kind of holiday is this, what kind of ball is this? Who gave permission for such an event?

2nd presenter. Grandma, don’t be angry, because the guys love you and have always been waiting for such a cheerful old lady to visit.

Baba Yaga. Yes, I'm so cheerful and lively. What, you don’t believe me? Well, play with me, you can even tease me, I won’t be offended.

Game "In the Dark Forest"

There is a hut in the dark forest,

It's standing backwards.

There is an old woman in that hut -

Grandmother Yaga lives.

Crochet nose, big eyes,

Like lights are burning.

Wow, how angry

My hair stands on end.

Children perform movements according to the text, and at the end of the game they run away from Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. It's okay for you to tease. Better ask, and I will sing. The children applaud.

Baba Yaga sings (to the tune of the robbers’ song from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”).

They say I'm Grandma Ezhka,

And I limp a little

It's like my nose has become a hook,

Curls, curls - all upright.


Oh, la, la, oh, they are inventing in vain,

Oh la, la, oh la, la, oh ma!

I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful

And you laugh in vain,

Take a better look

My whole soul is inside.


And I don’t like to dance alone. Come on, where are my gentlemen? (He brings several boys onto the stage and dances with them.)

Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the girls.

2nd presenter. Yes, our girls are very beautiful today.

Baba Yaga. Not these ones, but the ones over there that took first place in the competition because they sang a song about me. Let's meet, meet.

Children sing a song about Baba Yaga (at the teacher's choice).

We made the old lady happy, I go into a fairy tale with a calm soul. Study well at school, but don’t forget to look into fairy tales, because “There is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” Hey, handsome guy, come on, see the old lady off.

The boy accompanies Baba Yaga to the door of the hall and waves to her.

1st presenter

We will study at school

Definitely a "five"

In gym class

Let's play with balls.

Ball competitions are held.

2nd presenter. Our children's dream at school is to study only for “B” and “F”, to find new friends, to see their class and their first teacher sooner. Oh, I unnoticed I found myself in a fairy tale...


I hear you want to dream,

Just talk about your dream.

I look at the stars in the night sky,

Now I’ll tell you about the secrets of the stars.

I took a few stars with me,

There are already too many lights in the sky.

I know everything, the stars tell everything. Here you are, boy, I know your name is Nikita. And you dream... Oh, you’re still small to dream about this. But this girl’s name is Masha, and she dreams... oh, what a beautiful dream.

1st presenter. Suleiman, give our guys a stellar dream, because you can do anything.

Suleiman. Oh, most beautiful of stars, help me arrange my stars on your magic carpet.

Game "Our Desires"


Let's run in circles now

One after another all forward.

And the star will now show

What awaits us all in the future?

Children jump around the carpet to the music, and at the end of the music they take one star. A wish is written on the back of it. Each child reads what is written on his star. For example, I want to learn to drive a car. I will only study for straight A's. I want to find a seven-flowered flower. I will be a military man and pass all my physical education tests with excellent marks. I'll go to trip around the world on a big ship.

I'll tell you guys this:

Dream more often, and I will help.


2nd presenter. Well, let's turn another page of the magical book of fairy tales.

Three girls sit on a bench.

1st presenter

Three girls on a spring day

Were in a nice mood.

On the bench they cooed and dreamed about the future.

1st girl

If only I were a queen

Then for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast.

2nd girl

What a miracle, sister.

If only I were a queen

Then there would be one for the whole world

I wove fabrics.

1st girl

Canvas? Well, you say too

Why does the king need mats?

2nd girl

Do you think he needs

Burnt pancakes?

Both girls(turn to the third girl)

Why are you silent?

Are you saying anything?

3rd girl

I want to study at school, I promise not to be lazy.

Because when I grow up, I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer, and be friends with mathematics.

Master geography in order to see the whole world.

Geometry and Russian, biology, French

You need to study at school to be the smartest.

1st girl

The smartest, that's how it is!

And aren't you tired?

2nd girl. Why do beauties like us go to school? We will find suitors for ourselves anyway.

The girls approach the boys and take them out to dance.

Children perform “Tango” (from T. Suvorova’s program “Dance rhythms for children”).

1st presenter. Girls dream of grooms, people dream of happiness, guys dream of school, new friends, a kind teacher and good grades.


Very soon, very soon

I'll go to school.

And for the first lesson

The bell will call me.

I'll grow up over the summer,

To make it visible to everyone,

That it's time to go

I'm in first grade.

The song “We are now students” plays (music by G. Struve, lyrics by K. Ibryaev).

1st presenter

The fairy tale is over, we are in kindergarten again,

It's time to say goodbye.

How fast our dear children are growing,

How quickly the years pass.

2nd presenter

Everything passes, but we are a little sorry,

That a page of childhood is closing.

Everything is ahead, but only to kindergarten

You will never return.

And again we give the floor to the main heroes of our celebration - the graduates.

The children take flowers for the employees, and the presenters bring out cubes with letters.

1st child

Today we all stand before you,

A little tired, but proud inside.

In five years in the garden we have become more mature,

We stand handsome, no matter what you say.

2nd child

We want to say “thank you” for everything

To all those who raised us so carefully.

To everyone who treated, fed, protected

And he loved naughty people very much.

3rd child

We will never forget the teachers and nanny,

We will miss you at school and visit you sometimes.

We'll get straight A's

We will never forget you.

4th child

And our manager is a beauty,

He can handle everything.

And her work is extensive,

And thank her very much.

5th child

We are leaving kindergarten

But still, there is no need to be sad.

After all, on a golden autumn day

We will all go to school together.

But we will always remember

The first time we came here.

Children perform the song “Goodbye, kindergarten” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).


Just one word we want

Add up from capital letters,

We want it for you today

Speak with love.

Children use large cubes to form the word “thank you.”

All(together). Thank you!

The children give flowers to the kindergarten staff.

Congratulations from the head and presentation of diplomas. Congratulations to the parents.

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Presenter. Dear guests! An unusual, exciting celebration awaits you today! Our children say goodbye to kindergarten and get ready for the new life stage- entering school. I really want this day to be remembered by both children and adults. We thought for a long time about how to spend our holiday, and decided... Childhood is always a fairy-tale world. Children, and we adults too, love fairy tales.

Ved: There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
In a fairy tale, anything can happen.
Our fairy tale is ahead.
She's knocking on our doors.
Let's say to the fairy tale: “Come in!”

The grandmother puts her granddaughter to bed and sings her a lullaby.

Grandmother.How quietly the night knocks on the window,

It's time for everyone to sleep long ago.

The stars spin in a magical waltz,

I think you'll dream about them,

Your dream will be painted with the brightest colors...

Granddaughter.Granny, tell me a story.

Grandmother.You know, granddaughter, unfortunately,

I'm not a story teller.

An old lady lived a long time ago

And she was Pushkin’s nanny

(Name was Arina Rodionovna)

Well, then everyone found out about her.

And how many fairy tales has she composed?

Yes, I told all of them to little Sasha,

And Sasha grew up and became a poet,

I rewrote magical stories in verse.

He didn't do it in vain

Listen to how wonderful it sounds:

“Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree,

Golden chain on oak volume.

Both day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around and around in a chain.

He goes to the right - the song starts,

To the left - he tells fairy tales.

There are miracles there, the devil wanders there,

A mermaid sits on the branches..."

Well, I fell asleep......(grandmother leaves)

The lights go out. "Dance of the Stars" During the dance, the Scientist Cat appears. The granddaughter sits down on the bed, watches, and towards the end of the dance approaches the Cat.

Granddaughter.Hello, you are a scientist cat.

Cat:Hello, my dear! The scientist cat is me. I am friends with fairy tales, I myself come to children!

Granddaughter.I just wanted to see the old lady -

Her name is Arina Radionovna.

Cat.The stars here are this guiding ray -

He is in the world of fairy tales, like a magic key,

The door will open for you to any miracles,

And you will find your old lady, believe me. (give a magic star)

Granddaughter.I can open the doors to fairy tales!

I don’t know how to thank you...

Cat.I'm glad I could help you,

It's time to hurry - the magical night does not last forever.

Granddaughter.Brighter, star, shine,

You and I are on the same path,

And with your miraculous power

Let me into a fairy tale!

Scene 1.

Fair scenery on stage. Peddlers come out to the accompaniment of a Russian folk melody.

1.Tara – bars, rastabars, there are good goods.

Sold without deception, empty your pockets!

2. All Alyonki, all nesting dolls! All here, all here,

There's a sale here, gentlemen!

3. Buy - don't rush. And if you buy it, don’t be angry!

Dance of buffoons

PEDDLER:;Once upon a time there was a pope with a thick forehead. The priest went through the bazaar to look at some goods... Balda walked towards him, not knowing where.

Balda: Why, dad, did you get up so early? What are you asking for?

Pop: I need a worker: a cook, a groom, a carpenter.

Where can I find such a servant, not too expensive?

Balda: I will serve you nicely, diligently and very regularly.

In a year, for three clicks on your forehead.

Come on, let me have some boiled spelled.

Cat: The priest became thoughtful: he began to scratch his forehead.

Click to click, it's different.

Yes, he hoped for Russian maybe.

POP. OK …. Live in my yard,

Show your zeal and agility.

The priest leaves, and Balda’s granddaughter approaches.

Granddaughter.Hello! I beg you very much




Scene 2

Granddaughter.Brighter, star, shine,

You and I are on the same path,

And with your miraculous power

Let me into a fairy tale!

(music sounds and the queen enters with a proud look and a mirror in her hands)

My light, mirror, tell me,
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?
(The mirror is silent. The queen breathes, rubs the mirror, shakes it)
Oh, you stupid glass, why are you silent to spite me! (puts the mirror on the tree stump)

Granddaughter. Hello!
The queen takes an apple from the “fairytale oak tree.” Addressing the child he says:
Take a pour-over apple!

So fresh and so fragrant

so rosy, golden,

as if filled with honey,

The seeds are visible right through!
Granddaughter. I beg you very much

Do me a favor: where does Pushkin’s nanny live, please tell me!

Queen.I'm sorry, but there is no such thing in this fairy tale.

Try it - look in another one.

Granddaughter.Goodbye, I have to go, I may not have time...


Granddaughter.Thanks for the advice, I'll take it into account

Then I’ll definitely read everything!

Scene 3.

Granddaughter.Brighter, star, shine,

You and I are on the same path,

And with your miraculous power

Let me into a fairy tale!

Girls in Russian sundresses perform the song "Spinning"

Cook (dreamy).

If only I were a queen

Then for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast.

Weaver (mockingly)

What a miracle, sister!

If only I were a queen

Then there would be one for the whole world

I wove fabrics.

CookCanvases? Well, say the same!

And why does the king need robes?

Weaver.Do you think he needs

Burnt pancakes?

The Weaver and the Cook grab their spinning wheels and begin to hit each other with them.

Queen (conciliatory) That's enough, that's enough for you, sisters!

If only I were a queen

I would for the father-king

She gave birth to a hero.

CookNo wonder tea!

WeaverLook! I wanted to be a queen!

Cook (mockingly)

Yes! Let's! Give birth to the king

Piglet: "Oink-oink!"

The weaver and the cook laugh. The door creaks. The music of Saint-Saëns “Carnival of Animals” sounds. A lion". The Tsar enters. The laughter immediately stops. All three girls stand up and bow deeply.

Tsar (to younger sister)

Hello, red maiden!

If you want, be a queen

And give birth to a hero

I'm at the end of September.

(Sternly to the Weaver and the Cook)

You, my dear sisters,

Get out of the bright room.

Follow me.

Following me and my sister:

Be one of you a weaver,

And the other is a cook.

The Weaver and the Cook bow low again. The Tsar and Queen leave, the Weaver and the Cook follow. The curtain closes.


Name this fairy tale!

An island on the sea lies

There is a hail on the island.

Living in the city is not bad

Here are the three miracles:

The tame squirrel lives there

Yes, what an entertainer

The squirrel sings songs

Yes, he gnaws nuts all the time.

And nuts are not simple

All shells are gold

The squirrel plays the bells “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”

And the second miracle in the city:

The sea is swelling violently

Okiyan will raise a howl,

It rushes onto the empty shore,

Splashes in a noisy run,

And they will find themselves on the shore,

In scales, like the heat of grief,

Thirty-three heroes

The heroes come out

Bogatyr.All the handsome men are young,

Daring giants

Everyone is equal, as if by selection,

Chernomor.Old uncle Chernomor

With them comes out of the sea

And takes them out in pairs,

To keep that island

And go around on patrol.

The heroes go around the hall and stand in the center.

In that city there is a princess

What you can't take your eyes off

During the day the light of God is eclipsed

At night it illuminates the earth,

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star is burning.

And she herself is majestic,

He acts like a peahen, but he speaks like speech,

It's like a river babbling.

Dance of the Swan Princess

Granddaughter approaches.

Granddaughter. I beg you very much

Do me a favor: where does Pushkin’s nanny live, please tell me!

Queen.I'm sorry, but there is no such thing in this fairy tale.

Try it - look in another one.

Granddaughter.Goodbye, I have to go, I may not have time...

Queen.I advise you to read the entire story to the end!

Granddaughter.Thanks for the advice, I'll take it into account

Then I’ll definitely read everything!

Scene 4.

Granddaughter.Brighter, star, shine,

You and I are on the same path,

And with your miraculous power

Let me into a fairy tale!

Cat.Let's turn the page

And we will see a miracle bird.

The golden one is a cockerel.


The clatter of hooves, the sound of fanfare.


The king leads the army to the mountains

And between the high mountains

Sees a silk fire

Everything is in wonderful silence

Around the tent: in a narrow gorge

The army lies broken

King Dodon hurries to the tent


What a terrible picture!

Both sons are in front of me

Without helmets and without armor.

Both lie dead.

The sword stuck into each other

Their horses roam in the middle of the meadow

On trampled grass

Through the bloody ant.

Oh, children, children!

Woe is me, caught in the net

Both our falcons!

Woe! My death has come.

(falls to the ground)

An oriental beauty comes out

Dance of the Eastern Beauty

Granddaughter. Hello!

Do me a favor: where does Pushkin’s nanny live, please tell me!

Queen.I'm sorry, but there is no such thing in this fairy tale.

Try it - look in another one.

Granddaughter.Goodbye, I have to go, I may not have time...

Queen. I advise you to read the entire story to the end!

Granddaughter.Thanks for the advice, I'll take it into account

Then I’ll definitely read everything!

Granddaughter.Brighter, star, shine,

You and I are on the same path,

And with your miraculous power

Let me into a fairy tale!

At the back of the stage, Arina Rodionovna sits and knits.

It seems to me that I hear someone’s steps... (sees a girl)

Oh hello, come in

Sit down quickly and closer.

Come on, tell me

Why did you come to me?

Granddaughter.You know, I barely found you.

Arina Rodionovna . Yes, that's right, I live far away.

Sometimes I even get a little bored.

but the kids really remember me

and Sasha’s fairy tales are read in books.

Granddaughter.Granny told me about you

But I haven’t read all the fairy tales yet.

Arina Rodionovna. And I will give them to you in a beautiful book.

Granddaughter.(takes the book) that’s great, thank you, I thank you.

Arina Rodionovna leaves. The granddaughter lies down on the bed and falls asleep. Light music is playing. Grandma comes in.

Grandmother.Granddaughter, it's time to get up! The granddaughter wakes up and hugs her grandmother.

Granddaughter.Oh, grandma, how many miracles there are!

I saw in a dream that it was as if from heaven

A magical star suddenly fell,

And with her help I visited a fairy tale:

I was looking for Pushkin's nanny all night,

And all the heroes were happy to help me.

But I still found her house,

Imagine, I even went to visit her.

She gave me all the fairy tales in the wonderful book!

Grandma, what a pity that it was all just a dream!

Grandmother.Listen, baby, what luck,

After all, today is your holiday - your birthday.

Sleep in hand - that's just one thing I'll tell you,

And I’ll show you your best gift right now.

Grandmother gives her granddaughter the book “Fairy Tales of Pushkin”

Granddaughter. Grandma, thank you! Is this really for me?

She is exactly the same as she was in the dream!

It's always nice to receive a book as a gift,

And I can’t wait to open it soon.

All participants in the performance come out.

Sing the song "Fairy Tales"

Presenter.This is how our children have become: talented, artistic, beautiful, musical, resourceful. But just recently, they crossed the threshold of kindergarten for the first time. And now we will look through the pages of our photo album together and remember how we lived.

A video from the life of the kindergarten appears on the screen (at this time the children are changing into graduation outfits)

1st presenter.
They came as little kids.
Both affection and comfort awaited them here.
They asked for advice in everything, like their mother,
Now they give us advice themselves.

2nd presenter.
The children are leaving! We know that this is necessary!
And yet there is a lump in my throat.
Kindergarten and dolls are being left behind,
And soon the bell will ring for them.

1st presenter.
Today the kindergarten is excited:
Accompanying his children to school.
How many people are at our holiday!

Meet! Almost first-graders are coming!
To the music, children enter the hall in pairs through the center and line up in a semicircle.

1st child.
Hello, moms, dads and guests!
Hello, our dear kindergarten!
We are impatient, especially excited
We were waiting for our big holiday!

2nd child.
The holiday is very important for us today -
Graduation day is coming.
It's a pity that we are leaving kindergarten,
But school is waiting for us in the fall.

3rd child.
We are not ordinary kids,
We are graduates!
Fidgety, naughty girls!
Oh, how quickly they grew up!

4th child.
We all went to kindergarten
For many years in a row
And today he sees off
He's off to school guys!


Ved:I wonder what our graduates dream about on the threshold of a new life? Now we will find out from them!


All: My years are growing,
I'll be seventeen.
Who should I work with then?
What should I do?

2. I will work
Our President.
I will ban it throughout the country
I porridge semolina!

3. I want to tell you guys,
I want to become a lawyer.
And not yet a lawyer,
I beat everyone up.

4. And I want to sing like Galkin,
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I'll like you too!

5. Oh, don’t think about her,
You're wasting your time.
You are for Alla Pugacheva
Already very old!

6. I would become a teacher
Let them teach me!
7. Did you think about what you said?
Children will torture you!

8. We sang ditties for you,
Clap, try,
It was you who raised us,
So figure it out!

REB. The teacher has a job -
This is such a concern!
We need to wipe the snot,
Songs to sing and dance.

Reb. Comb, kiss,
Feed and rock.
He laughs, he cries,
This one chases everyone with a stick.

Reb. Try and follow
Keep everyone safe.

Reb. It’s so difficult with just one,
And you can’t even count them.
How many eyes do you need?
And yes, there are definitely six hands.

Reb. Thank you to the teachers for your kindness and warmth. We were next to you and warm on a gloomy day.

Song "TUTOR"

Ved.Look, children, in this hall are those who took care of you, who met you in winter and summer, who were here with you every hour.

Reb. We loved the kindergarten. We went there with pleasure. We always have games and songs here in the morning!

Reb. We counted, danced, went out for a walk. We had dinner and were tired, and they put us to bed.

Reb. You raised us here with patience and love. We are leaving for school today. Hello, school, first grade!

Reb. To the teachers and nannies, the nurse and cooks, the methodologist and the caretaker, we say: “Thank you”!

Reb. For warmth, smiles, joy, For everything you tried to give us, every day, rushing here, - Always be happy!

Reb. To our laundresses and watchmen we say: “Thank you!”

Reb. And to our head - thanks to all the children! Every day, thanks to your care, this kindergarten is only becoming more beautiful, this kindergarten is becoming brighter!

Reb. Employees of our kindergarten, from your noisy and loving children, please accept our smiles and these flowers.

They give flowers to all employees.

Reb. Well, that's all! The time has come to say goodbye, and the school is waiting for yesterday's preschool children. Everything is ahead of us, but only to kindergarten We will never return!

Reb. Our dear kindergarten, you have become our home, we say goodbye to you and are a little sad.

Reb. There will be lively kids in our house; we wish them to be friends and not be naughty from the bottom of our hearts.

Reb. We will not forget how we were naughty in a quiet hour, don’t be sad, kindergarten, we are leaving for 1st grade.

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten"

Reb. Even if we part, they won’t forget us here. This farewell waltz remains as a memory.

Alumni Waltz.

Ved. And now the floor is given to the manager.

The manager's speech. Presentation of diplomas and gifts.
