Competitions for adults. Balloon games for kids

Ball games for kids:

· "Merry Dances", the minimum number of children is two, a balloon is tied to the left ankle for each child. You need to step with your right foot and burst the enemy's balloon. The child wins, whose ball remains intact. A funny show for all guests, it looks like a fun dance. The game develops dexterity and understanding of where left and right.

· "Air football", you need 4 bouquets of balloons (or something else, suitable) which are placed in pairs, forming a gate and a balloon for the role of a ball. Children are divided into two teams, the goal of the game is to score a ball into the opponents' goal, in general, everything is like in real football.

· "Play like Beckham», each child is given a ball, the goal of the game is to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible, tossing it up with his foot. You can also arrange something like beach volleyball, children stand in a circle and collectively try to keep the ball in the air by tossing the ball with their hands or feet.

· "Rocket", each participant in the competition is given a non-inflated balloon. Children stand in one line and inflate balloons. At the signal from the presenter, the children release the balls, and they fly, releasing air and rattling. The winner is the one whose ball flew the farthest. Very fun game, kids love to play it.

· "Merry starts", children are divided into two teams, each team is given a balloon. The ball is clamped between the legs of the participant of the starts and the child should jump with him to the conditional line and back, passing the baton to the next one. The winner is the team whose members finish the competition first.

· "Choose a color"- a game for children using balls under the ceiling. Participants in the game are tasked with collecting balls of a certain color, for example, by drawing lots. The goal of the game is to collect balls of your color faster than anyone else. You can also use another version of the game - to inflate balloons on the floor and collect them in pre-prepared large boxes.

· "Surprise "- put a small surprise in one of the balls in advance - a movie ticket, candy or a prize coupon. In the midst of the holiday, invite the children to burst balloons (for example, using toothpicks) and find a prize. It's a lot of fun. You can arrange a win-win lottery in the same way so that no one is left without a present.

· "Sculptor"- invite the children to split into two teams and use balls, modeling balls, double-sided tape and improvised objects to build a sculpture on a given theme (love, for example). The winners are chosen by the birthday person or the parental council.

· Advice: If you have balloons inflated with helium, you can tie small postcards or cards to their ribbons and invite the children to write on them (by themselves or with the help of their parents) a wish for the birthday person or their own wish and go out together on the street or balcony and let the balloons fly free.

Balloon games for adults:

· "Air shooting range": balloons are inflated with small prizes or coupons for prizes, balloons are tied in a row or in circles in the form of a target. Participants of the attraction are given darts from darts, the goal of the game is to hit more balloons and win more prizes.

· "Competition for the most beautiful breasts" among men. Men are given a pair of non-inflated balloons and are invited to build themselves a beautiful female body part by inflating and placing balloons under their clothes. After finishing the preparations, the men arrange a fashion show and the winner is determined by the general voting of the guests. A very funny competition.

· "Pop the balloon": couples involved. Men sit on several chairs in a row, on whose knees balloons are placed, and the woman's task is to sit on the balloon and burst it. The pair with the best result in 3 rounds wins.

· "Guess the Hero" Participants are divided into two teams and after consulting with each other, make up a character of a literary work or movie hero. At the second stage of the competition, a hidden character is constructed from balloons, double-sided tape and items from the participants' wardrobe. Then the teams must guess each other's heroes.

· "Air battle": thick balloons are inflated to simulate - sword and round balloons is a shield of two different colors. Participants are divided into two teams and take armor of their own color. It is necessary to knock the shield out of the hands of the enemy with the help of a sword - he is defeated. The winning team is the one where more players survived.

These are the games that Charlotte invites you to play. Play for health and create your own balloon games!

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Elizaveta Sklyarova
Balloon games and contests

Colorful balloons are not only a bright decoration for the holidays, but also fun games! Ordinary balls have many options for using in organizing children's leisure. Today I want to present to your attention a selection of balloon games. These fun games are perfect for summer kindergarten fun, themed parties, fun starts, camp activities and birthday parties.

Ball games give a sea of ​​positive emotions that remain in the memory of children for a long time. And besides - it is the safest and most fun entertainment for children of all ages, both indoors and outdoors.


Each participant receives three to five balls. Objective: to keep them flying in the air by throwing up your arms. Whoever has at least one ball touched the floor is eliminated from the game.

Do not snooze!

The number of participants is from 4 people, but the more participants, the more fun. Children stand in a circle, in the center of this circle they put balloons - one less than children. Then they turn on the music. While the music is playing, the guys are dancing. As soon as the music stops, the children must grab one balloon. The one who did not have enough ball is eliminated

Balloon mosquitoes

Give all children a ball and a high-quality marker for glass and plastic. Task: paint the ball with insects in the allotted time. You can draw: butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars, ladybirds, flies and so on. At the end, we count the insects and identify the winner.

Relay "Centipede"

It is necessary to divide the children into two teams. Children stand one after another, the ball is clamped between the back of the previous child and the belly of the next child. Hands down. Now let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair, take the "strawberry" (the first player takes the small red ball, go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The centipede, which does not crumble along the way, won!

Air hockey

There may be options. In the gate (do it yourself), you need to drive the balls in the following ways:

A badminton racket, acting like a hockey stick

Another inflatable ball (long and thin, "sausage" they are called)

This is not a team game. It's just that two players stand side by side on the same line, each has a ball and a "club". The winner is the one who scored the goal earlier.


You need to tie a handkerchief to the ball at speed and draw a face.

Relay "Kangaroo"

Children are divided into two teams (from 2 people) The first two "kangaroo" children must jump a distance with a ball sandwiched between their knees. Our kangaroo should have a small cloth bag (pocket) on its neck. Any soft toy can be used as a kangaroo. We jump 5-7 meters, hand over the "kangaroo" to kindergarten (bag or hoop, come back, pass the ball and bag to the next member of the team.


Another version of a similar competition with balloons, but the balloon must be squeezed between the ankles from below, 10 cm from the floor. There is no need to jump, we go in small steps to the goal (we reduce the distance to 3 meters, trying not to lose the ball.


Pour many small balls without strings on the floor. You need to keep as many balls on yourself as possible: under the T-shirt, pin them with hairpins, hold the “tail” with your teeth, pinch the balls with your hands and feet. Very funny competition


There are many green balls on the floor - watermelons. Each team is given a huge open garbage bag (preferably a colored one). Of course, the team that has collected the most watermelons wins.


Two teams of children. Cut off the bottom corners in a huge garbage bag (120 liters for children, 240 for adults). These will be the leg holes. Have one team member climb into the bag, put his feet in the holes, and hold the top edge of the bag with his hands and back. You should get a barrel. Now we collect watermelons already familiar to us for pickling in a barrel. The main thing is that the one who is inside the bag does not fall down laughing. The winner is the team with more watermelons


For the first stage of the relay, one yellow ball is needed for each team. This will be the sun. Team members stand in line one after another, passing the ball back over their heads (sunrise, and from the last player to the first - between the legs (sunset). The team that succeeds faster wins.

Humpty Dumpty

We need two balls with faces. Each team is given a badminton racket. You need to run 5 meters and return to the beginning of the distance with Humpty Dumpty on a racket so that he does not "fall off in your sleep".


Again, many colored balls on the floor. Divide the balls and all guests with a line (draw in chalk) into two equal parts. Designate the green balloons as "bad flies" that you need to get rid of. On command, the players begin to throw "flies" across the line. The winner is the team with the least number of harmful insects on its side.

Thank you for your attention and thank you for your support!

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When planning a corporate or friendly get-together at home, in a cafe, you should think about entertainment. Interesting contests and games will help you to have fun, get a positive charge and unforgettable impressions. For adults, the company GdeRadost offers the best selection of balloon contests for any festive event:

  1. Air Combined is a fun couples game. Tie an inflated balloon to the ankles of each partner and play romantic slow music. The task of the players is to try to burst the balls of the opponent in the dance, but keep their own until the end of such a "dangerous" dance.
  2. “Fan Sweep” - of course, will please all the ladies present! Give each participant a fan and a balloon. With the help of graceful strokes of the fan, the girls must bring the ball to a certain line, making sure that the ball does not touch the ground.
  3. "Tell it to another!" - team competition. Players of both teams line up at a sufficient distance from each other. The presenter gives out one long ball and asks to squeeze it between the legs. As soon as the start of the competition is announced, you need to transfer this "load" to the next player without using your hands. The winners are those who finish the relay first.
  4. "Air Goddess" - two or three couples from the opposite sex must participate in this competition. Girls are excellent models, and men are "sculptors". During the allotted time, you need to sprinkle the ladies with balls, securing them in any way and in any place. After counting, it is easy to identify the most diligent "master". But! The competition doesn't end there! Now the models have to find on themselves and burst all the balls as quickly as possible! To the applause of the audience, reward the most agile lady and resourceful man.
  5. "Magic ball" - this competition is interesting because everyone who wants to get a prize can participate in it! Give each of them an un-inflated balloon of a different color and ask them to inflate them, but do not bandage them with anything. Place the box with the prize at a distance of 3-4 meters from the expected starting point. Now, in turn, each one approaches this line and releases his ball towards the box. The luckiest player, whose ball, after an unpredictable flight, falls closest to the coveted box and receives a prize.
  6. "Air maneuvers" - this competition can be played both by teams and individually. Two players with badminton or tennis rackets stand at the start. On command, they put the inflated ball on the surface of the racket and try to carry it to a certain place, and then return back. Whoever turns out to be more agile and agile does not miss the ball and comes first, he will win!
  7. "Everyone dances!" - the most danceable and fun competition for the whole company. To the sounds of incendiary music, everyone becomes one after another. A ball is clamped between the back of one participant and the stomach of the other participant. Moving rhythmically, this centipede should not lose a single balloon! You can play in teams.
  8. In "Attraction" - play only in pairs! The man sits down on a chair and puts a balloon on his lap. And the lady should try to burst the ball as soon as possible, sitting down on her partner's knees.
  9. "All for yourself!" The host invites guests to take as many balls as they want. But! It is worth putting small notes with phantoms in them in advance. The most "greedy" guest will entertain the whole company throughout the evening!

10. "Penguin Relay" - this game can be played by teams or pairs of people who want to have fun. Squeezing a balloon between your ankles or knees, you need to run to the agreed place and be the first to pick up the prize. If the ball did not burst and you didn’t lose it, then you won!

These adult balloon contests have an infectious effect on absolutely everyone, involving them in a fun competition and leaving only happy memories!

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Today we will talk about what balloon contests can be organized for the holidays.

If you are preparing for a children's holiday, be sure to look through the article "", "". You will find many interesting ideas in it. And if you are preparing for the New Year, then this one - “.

What balloon contests can I use?

Let's take a closer look:

1. Fants

You need to prepare for this competition as follows: inflate the balloons, and put notes with assignments inside.

Children from a heap of balls must take one ball at a time and burst it. Next, complete the task written on a piece of paper. A small prize can be awarded for each task well done.

2. Relay "Popping balls"

Children are divided into two teams and stand one after the other. We put balls a few meters away from them. Their number should correspond to the number of children in each team. The essence of the competition is that the child must run to the heap to take one ball and sit on it. And then jump on it until the balloon bursts. As soon as the balloon bursts, the player returns to his team and the next one enters the game. The winner is the team that will burst all the balls the fastest.

3. Relay "Tennis"

Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives a tennis racket and a balloon. The first participants must take the rackets, put balls on them, and, knocking them, run to the indicated place. Turn around and return to the team, passing the baton to the next player. If the ball falls, the competitor starts over. The team that completes the relay faster wins.

4. Pioneerball with balls

The space must be divided into 2 parts using a mesh or a screen. Put a certain number of balls in each part, at the rate of 2-4 balls per person. The essence of the game is that, upon a signal, both teams must throw all balls from their territory to the opponent's side. The team with the least number of balls wins.

5. Dribbling the ball

To play, children must also be divided into 2 teams. Each team receives a ball and a stick. We put two chairs on the opposite side of the room. The essence of the game is that each player must circle the ball with a stick around the chair. Do not touch the balloon with your hands. The team that first brought the ball to the finish line wins.

6. Pierce the ball

We tie all the players to the right leg on a ball, with a thread length of 30 cm. We give a signal, after which the children try to break through the ball of other participants in any way, while keeping their own intact. Children whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. The kid who is left with the whole ball is the winner.

What other balloon contests can I use during the holidays?

7. Game "Mosquitoes on a balloon"

Give each child a balloon and a marker. They must draw a large number of mosquitoes on the ball in a certain time. The winner is the one who draws the most insects.

8. Game "Caterpillar"

Children are divided into two teams and stand one after the other. They must clamp the balls together in this way: between the back of the previous one and the belly of the next baby. That is, their task is to form a caterpillar. All children's hands should be down. We put two chairs at the opposite end of the room. The essence of the game boils down to the fact that each caterpillar must reach the chair, go around it and return without losing the balls. The caterpillar that does not "crumble" will win.

9. The game "Sister Alyonushka"

Here is a task for all children. And this is a quieter balloon competition. Each child should tie a scarf to a ball and draw a beautiful face. The winner is the one who painted Alyonushka more beautifully.

10. Relay with balls

Children are divided into 2 teams. The first player must squeeze a balloon between his knees and jump over the entire distance. Returning, he passes the ball to the next participant.

11. Relay "Penguin"

The conditions of the competition are the same. But, the ball must be clamped between the ankles from below, about 10 cm from the floor and not jump, but just walk slowly so as not to lose the ball.

12. Competition with balloons "Greedy"

Scatter a large number of balls without threads on the floor. The essence of the competition is to collect as many balls as possible and keep them. You can hide it under clothes, hold it in your hands, teeth, between your legs, whatever you like. The kid who collects the most balls wins.

13. The game "Bloodhound"

Children stand in a circle, and in the center of it we put a box with gifts. Each baby receives an inflated, but not tied, balloon of a certain color in his hands. At the command "Search!" children let go of the balls, directing them to the center, that is, a box with gifts. The trajectory of the balls' flight is difficult to guess. The winners are those players whose balls land closest to the gift box.

14. Game with balloons "Harvesting"

Children are divided into 2 teams. We scatter a lot of balls on the floor. These are our watermelons. After the words: "They are already ripe, it's time to collect!" each team starts collecting balls in a large trash bag. The team with the most balls wins.

15. Relay "Pass the ball"

Children are divided into two teams and stand one after the other. Place 4 balls in front of the first player: yellow, red, blue and purple. The essence of the game is to pass these balls over the head from the first player to the last, as quickly as possible.

16. Competition with balloons "Competition of the Winds"

Of the requisites, you need a table and one ball. Two players stand opposite each other and simultaneously blow on the ball in the direction of the opponent. He must either touch him or fall from his side.

17. Dance with balls

If you have boys and girls at your party, let them pair up and face each other. You need to hold hands, and hold a balloon between your foreheads. The winner is the couple who steadfastly withstood the dance and did not drop the ball.

Bright and colorful balloons are not only a great decoration for a festive hall. They will become indispensable helpers in any celebration. It doesn't matter how many people come to visit you. It makes no difference how old they are. Balloon contests for a fun company will help make any event unusual and memorable. The holiday will receive only positive feedback from guests.

Quiet games

Even if retired grandmothers come to visit you or you have gathered a large company in which no one wants to run and have fun, contests with balloons will help fix the situation. Here are some options.

"Blow it harder"

As the name implies, the essence of the competition is to inflate the balloon as soon as possible. Each participant is given 3 pieces. You can stipulate in advance the size to which the balloon should be inflated, or you can continue until it bursts. The winner is the one who completes the task the fastest. To complicate the task, you can stock up on special balls. It will be quite difficult to inflate such without a pump.

"Planet" or "Forest Glade"

The players are handed out one large ball and a felt-tip pen. It is necessary for the agreed time to depict on the ball as many people or bugs, butterflies, flies, mosquitoes - in general, those who live in the meadow. The winner is the one with the most drawings.


This game is suitable for a company of over 20 people. The players line up and pass the ball to each other. The first one counts: "one" and passes the ball to its neighbor. He says: "two" and sends the ball on. The third player picks up the ball, jumps or crouches and says, "Oops!" or "Booms!" and gives the ball to the next one. The essence of the game is as follows: the count lasts up to 30, but every number that is divisible by 3 is not named. The player who got it should say “Oops!”, Sit down and pass the ball further. Wrong? You're out of the game.

Sports contests

For children, balloon contests can be livelier. You can arrange a real competition - both single and team.

"Ball Battle" or "Fencing"

This competition is best held in a large room or outdoors. Draw a circle about 2 meters in diameter. Give the participants a "sword" - a long ball from which it is customary to twist various figures. The winner is the one who forces the opponent to go outside the circle in a game duel.

"Field hockey"

To play you will need 2 clubs or at least sticks. We put a chair about three meters from the players, and on the way to it we place 3-4 pins at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. The task of the players is to circle the ball around the pins with a stick, then around the chair, and go back the same way. The team that completes the task faster wins.

If there are a lot of children and there are enough clubs and free space, you can arrange a real field hockey. Only instead of a puck, the guys will have a small balloon. The team that scores more goals wins.

For a big fun company, you can think of relay competitions with balloons. Divide the kids into several teams and offer to complete several tasks at speed. For example, the following:

  • carry the balloon on a plastic plate, spoon or badminton racket;
  • run around the obstacle, pushing the ball in front of you through the air;
  • clamp two balls between the elbows and run the distance;
  • carry the balloon on your head or nudge it with your nose;
  • jump around the chair, squeezing one or two balls with your knees.

Accuracy competitions

Competitions and games with balloons will help to identify the most accurate in the team. Here are 2 options for games.

"Billiards on the floor"

For each participant, take one long modeling ball and another small round. Build a gate on the floor of the cubes. These will be "pockets". Put the participants in their starting position and ask them to choose the "pocket" they like. The winner is the one who will be able to drive the ball into his collar the fastest with the help of a "cue" (long ball).

Darts "Desire"

Take 10-20 small balls. Inside each one put small notes with the names of the prizes or just with numbers. Use double-sided tape to place the inflated balloons on the wall. Distribute darts to the children. Everyone can make 3 attempts. The player takes the prize from the bursting ball for himself.

To make the game more fun and interesting, you can put forfeits in some balls instead of a note with the name of the prize. Anyone who falls into such a surprise ball will have to sing a song or jump on one leg.

Quests for two

Funny balloon contests can be arranged even when there are not too many children in the company. Here are a few options that require two to four people to participate.


Here you will need two pieces of linen elastic approximately 50-60 cm long. They are tied at the waist of each participant. A long "sausage" ball is pushed under the gum. He will depict the tail of a monkey. Participants are located opposite each other on opposite sides of an obstacle, for example a table. On the whistle, they start chasing each other around the obstacle. The winner is the one who is the first to tear off the opponent's "tail".

Explosive hug

A minimum of 4 people are required to participate in the competition. Two participants clamp the ball between themselves and hug tightly. The couple who will be able to crush the ball in their arms earlier will win. Judging by the feedback from the participants, it is psychologically scary enough to burst the balloon. Therefore, there will be a lot of screeching and fun during the game.

Team races

Balloon contests always cause a lot of noise and fun. Of course, the larger the children's company, the more fun the holiday will be.

"Shepherds and Sheep"

To play, you need 15-20 small balls of one color and the same amount of another. The room is conventionally divided into 2 halves, and the kids - into 2 identical teams. Each "shepherd" is given a staff (stick or long ball for modeling). The task of each team is to move all the balls of their color to the half of the opponent. The team that managed to do it first wins.


Here you will need a lot of balls, about 3-4 for each participant. The room is divided in half with a rope. The balls are also divided into 2 equal parts, distributed to the teams. At a sign from the leader of the team, they begin to throw balls at each other. The object of the game is to get rid of all the balls on your side of the playing field. The winner is the team on whose side there are fewer balls left at the end of the specified time.


Players are divided into several teams and line up at the back of the head to each other. The second player takes the ball and presses it with his stomach against the back of the person in front. Thus, the couple runs around the chair and returns to their place. The third player takes another ball and "sticks" to the second. Now there are three running around the chair. "Centipede" will consist of as many "legs" as there are people in the team. When all the players grappled with each other, the "centipede" must run to the chair and grab the "strawberry" - a soft toy or a red ball lying on the chair. The difficulty of the competition is that the balls interlocking the "legs" cannot be supported by hands. Only stomachs and backs can be used.

Creative contests

Balloon contests like this one really develop children's imaginations. For their implementation, in addition to balls, other items can also be useful: markers, ribbons, double-sided tape, beads, scarves and more.


It is necessary to prepare in advance a scarf, a marker or parts of the face cut from self-adhesive. Each child is given one object and for a certain time it is necessary to create from the ball "Alyonushka" - put on a handkerchief, draw or stick a face. To make it even more interesting, children can be blindfolded. The winner is the team whose "Alyonushka" will be more beautiful.

"Theater of fashion"

Give the children different sizes and shapes of balloons, beads, ribbons, scissors, double-sided tape, and other items. For a certain time from the proposed set, each team must make, for example, a beautiful hat or skirt. The accessory must be such that it can be used and truly worn. Ready? Let's start the fashion show.

"Young designer"

Distribute oblong modeling balls to the children. At the command of the leader, you need to twist an interesting figure out of him: a flower, a swan, a dog, a bow, and so on. The most interesting and complex construction wins.

Games for moms and dads

Balloon contests will delight adults too. You can have fun at any age. Especially such contests will be appropriate for corporate parties, weddings or outdoor picnics.

"Ball dances"

The players are paired and each gets one balloon. During the dance, you should hold the ball with different parts of the body. Which ones? This is invented by the presenter or the audience. The couple that will last the longest wins. To make the competition more fun, choose different music: chalk, fast, disco, tango, rock and roll, twist, jazz. A special prize goes to the couple who demonstrated the most original dance.

"Pass to another"

The competition will require several people and a "sausage" ball. The first player squeezes the ball between his knees. The second takes the "sausage" from him without using his hands. In this case, each time the ball must be transferred in a different way. For example, one participant takes his armpit, the second takes it with the bend of the elbow, the third with his teeth, and so on. Anyone who could not come up with his own way to pick up the ball is eliminated. The winner is the one who was able to come up with the most non-repetitive ways to pass the ball.

This is an incredibly fun and entertaining competition. Judging by the feedback from the players, decent seats and poses end very quickly. Then you need to either drop out of the game, or be smart.

"Air Goddess"

Play in pairs: girl + guy. The girl acts as a model, and the guy acts as a designer. For the set time, the guy must, in any way, fix the largest number of balls on the girl in different places. The fastest and most diligent one gets the prize. But the competition continues! Now the girls have to find for a while on themselves and burst as many balls as possible.


There are just an incredible number of different balloon contests. If you didn't like any of the ones suggested here, you can get creative and come up with something of your own. Show your wit and ingenuity, and your holiday will become the most interesting and memorable. And the hosts will receive only positive feedback from the guests.

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