Awful smell in an intimate place. Bad smell: an intimate question

The appearance of an unpleasant odor in the intimate area, reminiscent of the aroma that depletes fish, in most cases is the first sign of the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases. And women often use various scented panty liners or deodorants to combat this aroma. But this cannot be done. In addition to the fact that they simply delay the treatment of the disease, which can subsequently lead to the development of serious complications,fish-smelling dischargeevery day they become stronger and stronger, causing even more discomfort.

To get rid of herring-smelling discharge, you must first establish the exact reason why it appeared. And only a doctor can do this after receiving all the results of the examination.

general information

Before considering why it appearsfishy smell of discharge in women, its causes and treatment, it is necessary to say a few words about the physiological characteristics of the female body.

The discharge of mucous secretions from the vagina is quite natural for every girl and woman. In the absence of pathological processes, they do not have a specific aroma, are excreted in small quantities and appear in the form of colorless or white mucus.

Depending on the age and phase of the menstrual cycle, discharge in women may become abundant, but normally they should not exceed 4-6 ml per day. As a rule, an increase in vaginal mucous secretion is observed:

  • At the onset of the ovulation phase.
  • A few days before the start of your period.
  • With sexual arousal.

However, it never has a specific aroma! Ifdischarge smells like fish, then this already indicates a change in the vaginal microflora, which was caused by the uncontrolled growth of bacteria in the vagina.

The components of the vaginal microflora are good bacteria (lactobacilli) and bad (fungi, gardnerella, etc.). Under the influence of the immune system, these bacteria are in a certain balance. But when the immune system ceases to cope with its functions, the growth of bad ones increases and the amount of their waste products in the mucous secretion increases, which becomes the reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The smell of fish mainly appears with active reproduction in the vagina of gardnerella or a fungus of the Candida family.

Since these pathogenic microorganisms provoke the development of various pathologies, the appearance of the herring smell in the secreted secretion should alert the woman and force her to immediately seek help from a doctor in order to undergo a course of treatment in a timely manner and avoid serious health problems.

Main reasons

As mentioned above, the main reason for the appearance of an unpleasant fishy odor from the intimate zone is the active growth of pathogenic microorganisms - fungi and gardnerella. Against the background of reproduction in the vagina of the latter, a disease such as gardnerellosis (its second name is bacterial vaginosis) begins to develop. Most often, it is detected in women aged 20-35 years, however, in medicine, there have been cases when gardnerellosis was diagnosed in men.

It is believed that the main factors that can trigger the development of this ailment are:

  • Promiscuous sex life.
  • Frequent douching, which adversely affects the vaginal microflora and inhibits the growth of lactobacilli.
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives or antibacterial drugs (both inhibit the growth and function of lactic bacteria).
  • Poor immunity.
  • Injury to the vaginal mucosa (for example, during rough sexual intercourse, during abortion, during childbirth or surgery).
  • Wearing underwear made from low-quality materials, such as synthetics).

Also, factors such as hormonal failure, for example, at the onset of menopause, intestinal dysbiosis, wearing an intrauterine device, etc., can provoke the development of gardnerellosis.

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White discharge with the smell of herring occurs as a result of the development of candidiasis. The main provoking factors of this disease are:

  • Frequent stress.
  • Improper nutrition.
  • Irregular sex life.
  • Taking hormonal and antibacterial drugs.
  • Douching.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene.

Despite the fact that gardnerellosis and candidiasis are infections that are easily treatable, they can lead to serious consequences. These microorganisms can also infect other organs of the reproductive system, provoking the development of other diseases that can provoke menstrual irregularities and infertility. Therefore, when a discharge with a fishy smell appears in women, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only adequate and timely treatment will allow you to maintain health for many years.

Clinical manifestations

Discharge with a fishy smellcan manifest themselves in various symptoms and they depend, first of all, on the cause of their appearance. So, for example, if they arose as a result of hormonal changes, then in addition to an increase in mucous secretion and the appearance of an unpleasant odor, women, as a rule, do not notice any other accompanying symptoms.

If vaginal discharge was provoked by the active growth of gardnerella in the vagina, then the general symptomatic picture is complemented by symptoms such as:

  • The appearance of the smell of rotten fish from an intimate place.
  • Strengthening the production of mucous vaginal secretions.
  • Coloration of the secreted mucus in a white, yellow or greenish color (rarely, with this disease, a brownish discharge appears).
  • Itching and burning in the intimate area.
  • Discomfort when having sexual intercourse.
  • Increased irritation in the perineum before the onset of menstruation.

It should be noted thata discharge that smells like rotten fishare the main sign of the development of this ailment. Even in the absence of other symptoms, when they appear, it is necessary to immediately pass a vaginal smear for bacterial culture.

When candidiasis occurs, the smell of rotten fish from the vagina is rare. With this disease, the aroma of herring or sour milk most often emanates from it. Allocations with candidiasis change their consistency - they become thick and contain inclusions, as a result of which, in appearance, they often resemble cottage cheese.

In addition to changes in the nature of the discharge, this disease is also characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Itching and burning.
  • Swelling of the labia.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Cuts when urinating.
  • Discomfort during intercourse.

If candidiasis is chronic, its symptoms generally worsen 5-7 days before the onset of menstruation. After menstruation, the symptomatic picture subsides, but not for long. It should be noted that candidiasis is also characterized by the appearance of brown discharge outside of menstruation. As a rule, this is observed in cases where the disease has been going on for a long time and the woman does not treat it.

If you begin to notice the appearance of a fishy smell from the intimate area in combination with the above symptoms, then you urgently need to go to the doctor. Only he will be able to correctly identify the cause of this problem and choose a treatment that will quickly solve it.

In the event that a woman was diagnosed with gardnerellosis, then in this case it is required to take antibacterial drugs in combination with multivitamins that strengthen the body's defenses.

If, according to the test results, candidiasis was detected in a woman, then special antifungal drugs are used to treat it. Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, agents for external use (ointments, gels), topical preparations (vaginal suppositories) and tablets can be used.

If everything is clear with the treatment of candidiasis and gardnerellosis, then how to treat the unpleasant odor that appears in the intimate zone with age-related hormonal disorders? As a rule, in this case, hormone therapy is used, which is selected on an individual basis. Before prescribing her, the doctor must necessarily take an analysis for hormones and conduct a complete examination of the patient to assess her general health.

It should be understood that it is not normal for a fishy smell to come from the vagina. He always points to various disorders in the woman's reproductive system. And in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina and eliminate the impact on the body of negative factors. And this can be done only if all the recommendations of the attending physician are strictly followed.

Useful Tips

The production of a mucous secretion with a characteristic odor is the normal functioning of a woman's body. It is produced by specific glands in the vagina.

Normally, vaginal odor is mild and not unpleasant.... The change or increase in odor may depend on a particular phase of the menstrual cycle.

But if unfavorable factors begin to influence the normal physiological process, then as a result, unpleasant odors may appear in the intimate area. Most often, this indicates the presence of an infection. Since pathogenic microbes release specific gases that become a source of stench.

To avoid complications and eliminate discomfort, it is important for every girl and woman to know the causes of vaginal odor, how to treat it, folk remedies to get rid of such a problem.

Before determining how to eliminate the stench from the vagina, you should find out the cause of its occurrence.

It is important to understand that the release of transparent liquid mucus in small quantities without a strong odor is normal and does not require any treatment.

In some cases, it may appear due to metabolic disturbances and increased work of the glandular system. But if the smell is sharp and unpleasant, and with it other signs of the inflammatory process appear, this can be an alarming symptom.

The main factors that lead to its appearance:

It is possible to correctly establish the cause only by contacting a doctor. Timely examination and identification of provoking factors will help prevent complications and speed up the healing process.

In addition to the main reasons, there are additional ones:

Often after childbirth, the discharge smells like fish.... This phenomenon does not cause discomfort to either the woman or those around her. Over time, such discharge changes its brownish tint to transparent. The process lasts no more than two months.

If the discharge takes on a putrid odor, then an infection may have been introduced.... In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist. Sometimes a foul-smelling discharge can be released if intercourse occurs after menstruation.

Smells can vary in type. Based on this, you can determine the reason for their appearance:


The smell of fish or onions is the main symptom... But an unpleasant smell can be accompanied by the manifestation of other symptoms:

  • clear or yellowish discharge;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • sticking together of the labia minora;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages.

Treatment should be started immediately after the first symptoms are detected..

Timely measures taken make it possible to avoid the spread of infection and complications.

Before treating the smell of fish from the vagina, it is better to consult a gynecologist and pass the necessary tests. The doctor will quickly identify the cause of its appearance and prescribe the necessary treatment.

It is mainly carried out at home and includes:

  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • the use of lactic acid to restore acidity;
  • hormonal treatment;
  • taking bacterial drugs that provoke an increase in the formation of benign bacteria.

If there is no inflammatory process in the uterus or vagina, then effective recipes of traditional medicine will help to restore the normal microflora:

A healthy, balanced diet is essential in the fight against unpleasant vaginal odor:

Alternative methods can be used as an adjunct to drug treatment. But after agreement with the doctor and his permission. It is better to refuse such methods during pregnancy.

The presence of an unpleasant odor from the vagina means a violation of its microflora... Timely identification of the cause and treatment will help to quickly eliminate a delicate problem.

To do this, it is better to immediately go to a medical institution and undergo an examination. In the absence of inflammatory processes in the genitals, alternative methods of treatment are perfect.

In an intimate place, it is a frequent companion of promiscuous sex life. This symptom occurs in many pathological processes in the pelvic organs. An unpleasant smell in an intimate place causes some discomfort. When such a symptom appears, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence as early as possible and treat it. This is what will be discussed below. You will learn why an unpleasant odor can appear in an intimate place and how to get rid of it.

Causes of the symptom

An unpleasant smell in an intimate place can appear for many reasons. Among the most common are the following:

  • violation of microflora in the vagina;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • the use of gaskets;
  • infections acquired through intercourse;
  • postpartum period;
  • thrush or fungal infections;
  • non-compliance with the instructions for using tampons and so on.

Treatment of an unpleasant odor in an intimate place should be carried out only after a thorough examination. Only in this case will you achieve a positive effect. Before starting the correction, you must visit a gynecologist and pass some tests. Depending on the reason why an unpleasant odor appeared in an intimate place, the appropriate treatment will be selected for you.

Using antibacterial agents

If you have an unpleasant odor and discharge in an intimate place, then most likely we are talking about an infection. Diseases such as ureaplasma, gardanella, trichomoniasis and others manifest themselves with similar symptoms. They are all transmitted through sexual contact. That is why the correction must include the treatment of both partners. Otherwise, you run the risk of re-infection with the next contact.

Most often, these symptoms are treated with broad-spectrum antimicrobials. These include "Trichopolus", "Naxogen", "Terzhinan", "Klion", "Vilprafen" and so on. Usually, gynecologists prescribe several types of such funds. These can be oral capsules or vaginal suppositories. In more advanced situations, intravenous or intramuscular injections may be recommended. This treatment is quite effective due to the fact that the effect on microbes occurs in several places.

Treatment usually lasts one to two weeks and requires restorative therapy.

Microflora restoration

After antibacterial treatment, it is imperative to restore the vaginal environment. This can be done using special capsules ("Vagilak") or conventional tablets ("Linex", "Acipol"). Alternative medicines may also be prescribed by the doctor.

Often, tampons with a specific composition can be recommended for recovery. So, decoctions of chamomile and gynecological collection restore the integrity of the mucous membrane and improve tissue regeneration.


If the cause of an unpleasant odor and itching in an intimate place is thrush, then we can talk about a decrease in immunity. Moreover, in addition to the usual treatment, the doctor prescribes drugs with an immunostimulating effect. These drugs include "Genferon", "Interferon", "Isoprinazine" and others.

All these formulations are used simultaneously with the main treatment and cannot be a substitute for the prescribed correction.

Unpleasant odor associated with poor hygiene

If the symptom arose due to the fact that you have not changed the pad or underwear for a long time, then no treatment is required. Carry out all cleansing manipulations and change clothes. If it is not possible to use soap and water, then purchase wet wipes for intimate hygiene. Of course, they will not replace water treatments, but they will improve your sensations and get rid of odors.

Often, an unpleasant odor occurs during menstruation. Experts strongly recommend not using one sanitary napkin for more than four hours. The tampon can be worn for the same time. Remember that if the intimate hygiene product is saturated with secretions earlier, then you need to change it, and not wait.

Postpartum period

Some of the fairer sex who have recently become mothers complain of an unpleasant odor from the genital tract. Immediately after the appearance of the baby, discharge begins, which resembles menstruation. They are called lochia.

This mucus removes the remaining epithelium from the uterine cavity, which can be filled with microorganisms. That is why lochiae have a specific smell. However, it cannot be called fetid. If you feel that the discharge smells very strong and harsh, then you should see a doctor. Perhaps we are talking about the addition of an infection. In this case, medical treatment is required. Remember that correction must be combined with breastfeeding.


Some of the fairer sex use folk methods and grandmother's recipes. The most popular of these is douching. Doctors strongly discourage such manipulations. You can only aggravate the process by bringing the infection into the uterus.

If an unpleasant odor appears, which is accompanied by discharge and itching, it is worth contacting a doctor for help. Follow the recommendations of the gynecologist and be healthy!

How many women are bothered by the smell in the intimate area, the feeling of moisture. There are problems in sex, it becomes impossible to visit the pool and gym. In women, complexes and limitations appear. They stop enjoying the holidays, do not go to theaters and parties. There is a threat to a relationship with a beloved man. Meanwhile, discharge from women with an unpleasant odor is a symptom of diseases that can be treated. It is necessary to see a gynecologist on time, undergo an examination, find out the reasons and solve these problems.

Causes of unpleasant vaginal odor

The female vagina has its own microflora that does not have a pungent odor. You should sound the alarm if he suddenly changed. An unpleasant smell in an intimate place appears for various reasons. This could be:

  • bacterial vaginosis: appears due to the rapid growth of its own microorganisms;
  • thrush: caused by the rapid multiplication of fungi;
  • : an infection that is transmitted through intercourse;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • cancer of the vagina, cervix;
  • use of contraceptives;
  • poor daily hygiene.

What vaginal discharge is considered normal

The female body is individual, and vaginal discharge is also specific. Many factors affect their number, color: age, medication intake, health problems, pregnancy. Discharge is considered a healthy norm:

  • cream, white: after sex with a condom;
  • abundant, liquid: in the morning, if unprotected intercourse is performed at night;
  • transparent, white: immediately after sex without protection;
  • light, milk-colored, viscous: during pregnancy;
  • pink ichor: after childbirth, caesarean section;
  • brown: in the first months after starting contraception.

Discharge associated with menstruation is normal:

  • transparent, mucous - in the middle of the menstrual cycle, before ovulation.
  • insignificant, jelly-like - in the second part of the cycle.
  • creamy, copious at the end of menstruation.
  • scarlet, bloody - during menstruation.
  • dark or brown in color - within two days after menstruation.

Don't worry if you have vaginal discharge when it:

  • in the form of transparent mucus;
  • do not have a strong pronounced odor;
  • thick consistency;
  • in small quantities;
  • not accompanied by lower abdominal pain;
  • do not irritate the mucous membrane;
  • do not lead to itching of the genitals;
  • do not cause an increase in temperature.

What diseases are indicated by discharge with an unpleasant odor

If unpleasant odors appear in the intimate area, it is necessary to urgently visit the doctor, since these are symptoms of diseases that have serious consequences. If the diagnosis is made on time, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment leading to recovery. What diseases are we talking about? Among them:

  • delay, violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • obstruction of pipes;
  • infertility.

One of the most common is vaginal dysbiosis, or gardnerellosis. It is characterized by a strong smell of fish, itching, burning and the appearance of viscous mucus of a greenish-yellow hue. For treatment, use gels, creams, tablets. The fungal disease candidiasis, or thrush, is characterized by symptoms. These are curd-like discharge with the smell of onion, garlic, or sometimes they smell like sour kefir. There is a disease with an ammonia odor. It increases with intercourse. Both partners are treated with antifungal drugs.

What other problems can there be with similar symptoms:

  1. Colpitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, has different forms and symptoms of the disease. Discomfort during sex, cutting pains, increased secretions in the form of mucus and pus, and urinary disorders are often observed. For treatment, suppositories, gels and antibiotics in the form of tablets are used.
  2. Postpartum profuse discharge with a specific putrid odor indicates the appearance of inflammation. These symptoms are closely monitored by doctors in the hospital.
  3. Abundant transparent discharge in women, if they are colorless, may indicate inflammation of the appendages, diseases of the cervix. It is worth visiting a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.
  4. Very often, venereal diseases become the cause of the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the intimate area. These include chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. All of them can have serious consequences. However, if you undergo treatment with a venereologist on time, the disease will recede.


If white odorless discharge appears in the intimate area, this is a sign of thrush. Often they are in the form of a film or resemble cottage cheese in appearance. This disease also occurs in those women who are not sexually active. Sometimes white discharge with a fishy smell appears with bacterial vaginosis. In order to properly prescribe the treatment, the gynecologist must take a smear.


A discharge that is yellow indicates an infection in the vagina or uterus. If they are thick, yellow-green in color, then the causative agent of the infection is gonococcus. The disease is accompanied by itching and unpleasant burning sensation in the genital area. If such symptoms appear after sex without protection, you should urgently see a doctor. Sexual infections, for example, trichomoniasis, also have a foamy structure. In the event of purulent diseases, the appearance of yellow discharge is accompanied by an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood.

If a woman had an abortion or had a difficult birth, there is a risk of developing inflammation caused by staphylococci, streptococci - endometritis and adnexitis. Their symptoms are yellow discharge. Thrush is characterized by a sour smell, the consistency of cottage cheese. When a woman has yellow discharge between periods, this indicates the likelihood of inflammation in the fallopian tubes or ovaries. The process is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen.


One of the main reasons for the appearance of such secretions is inflammation of the organs responsible for reproduction: ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, vagina. More often, these diseases are transmitted during sex, are associated with a decrease in immunity, poor ecology, and non-observance of intimate hygiene. The color and nature of purulent discharge depends on the type of infection that led to the inflammation. They are thick and white-yellow in color with purulent vaginitis. With Trichomonas - greenish-yellow, in the form of foam.


In the female body, in the microflora of the vagina, there is always a fungus of the genus Candida, which contributes to the maintenance of constant acidity. When its amount increases sharply, thrush disease occurs, which is accompanied by cheesy discharge. In addition, sleep disturbances, burning and itching occur, and urine comes out painfully. A white coating appears in the vagina. There are several reasons for this disease:

  • dysbiosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • medicines;
  • decreased immunity;
  • the influence of the environment;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • stress;
  • use of synthetic underwear.

If a woman, in addition to thrush, is diagnosed with erosion of the cervix, the cheesy discharge becomes pink, because fresh blood is released. Another thing is when hormonal imbalances occur along the way. A brown color appears due to impurities of clotted blood. Green curdled discharge is formed during genital purulent infections. Look at the photo. This is what white discharge looks like with thrush.

Foamy and thick

Foamy, thick discharge indicates the body's response to trichomoniasis. Men do not get this disease, but become carriers of it during intercourse. Sometimes it occurs due to basic non-observance of hygiene rules. It is accompanied by severe lower abdominal pain, burning sensation, and frequent urination. It is treated with special drugs.

Bloody: red or brown

The color of these secretions is associated with the presence of blood in their composition. Before menstruation, brown discharge signals the onset of endometriosis, hormonal disorders. In the middle of the cycle, they are signs of polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes infertility. In the last days of menstruation, they can turn dark brown, sometimes black, with blood clots. This suggests the possibility of chlamydia and herpes. Brown discharge after menstruation signals the threat of an ectopic pregnancy.

Discharge of red or scarlet color speaks of erosion of the cervix, if it began a few days before menstruation. During pregnancy, they signal placental abruption. There is a threat of termination of pregnancy. If discharge appears after intercourse, this signals that the woman has microcracks in the vagina or erosion of the cervix.

Which doctor to contact

Depending on the symptoms of the disease, in which an unpleasant odor appears from the vagina, you should contact different specialists. If there is itching, watery mucous discharge, burning sensation associated with intercourse, you should visit a venereologist. He will also help with purulent vaginal discharge, which is accompanied by abundant urination. Your doctor will order tests if you suspect that you have contracted sexually transmitted diseases after unprotected intercourse. According to the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed.

You should visit the department of gynecology and in other cases. Discharge from women with unpleasant odors is often associated with physiological processes in the body. Menstrual irregularities, inflammation in the uterus and vagina, the presence of tumors, complications during pregnancy are the reason for visiting a gynecologist. Only he, having done all the tests, will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Video: how to treat a discharge with the smell of rotten fish

Watch the video and you will understand the reasons for the discharge in women with unpleasant odors. Check if it is dangerous to your health, and how to behave in such a situation. In the video, you will receive information from renowned medical professionals. You will learn why it is important to see a doctor on time in order to conduct an examination and get rid of a disease in which it smells of fish from the intimate area.

One of the main indicators of a woman's health problems and the development of gynecological diseases are specific secretions. They may differ from normal ones in color, aroma, consistency and may be accompanied by some symptoms: pain, itching, and others. If the discharge smells like fish, then you can judge the presence of a pathological process or disease, which we will talk about in this article.

Natural vaginal secretion and abnormalities

The woman's body every second secretes a certain secret, in particular, from the mucous membrane of the reproductive system and the skin. It is individual for each female representative. Normally, transparent mucus is released from the intimate zone, moderately sticky and watery, without impurities and odor. Since in different phases of the menstrual cycle there are jumps in the hormones estrogen and progesterone, then the nature of the mucus changes. For example, after menstruation, it is more sticky, unclear and has a sour smell. Later it becomes plentiful, odorless and similar to egg white, such a sign is the onset of ovulation.

The above description is a daily norm, but it happens that the discharge begins to exude an unpleasant aroma, which cannot be eliminated by ordinary washing. , rot, sour cottage cheese and even fish. Sometimes it is present. Added to this are symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen, inguinal and vaginal itching, burning, including when urinating, discomfort during intimacy. All this indicates a disease, and only a gynecologist will make an accurate diagnosis by taking a smear.

Why does women's discharge smell like fish?

The fishy smell from the intimate area may be without discharge, but most often it is accompanied by this symptom. It occurs due to the excessive development of pathogenic bacteria in the natural microflora of the vagina. Its components, lactobacilli, cannot cope with the spread of harmful microorganisms. Their activity leads to the destruction of lactic acid bacteria, which are eventually replaced by gardnerella - pathogenic particles. These, in turn, give rise to volatile amines, which is why the rotten and fishy smell spreads. Thus, gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis develops, manifested for a number of the following reasons:

  1. Weakened immunity reduces the protective function of the body, allowing pathogenic microbes to penetrate unhindered.
  2. Mechanical trauma to tissues due to abortion, surgery and even rough sex.
  3. Promiscuous sex life and unprotected sexual intercourse.
  4. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  5. Synthetic underwear and wearing a thong can cause a fishy-smelling vaginal discharge.

When an unpleasant-smelling secret appeared in a girl who is not sexually active, it was these factors that provoked the problem.

Discharge with a fishy smell in bacterial vaginosis

In 75% of cases, this pathology can explain the unusual aroma of leucorrhoea.
Gardnerellosis is difficult to detect because it is asymptomatic. After only a week, vaginosis makes itself felt with the following signs:

  1. begins to smell like rotten fish, becomes green, yellow or white, becomes thick and, in some cases, cheesy, there may be rather large lumps in it.
  2. Itching, burning and discomfort during intercourse are annoying.

This problem can appear at any time, but most often it denotes itself before menstruation and during sexual intercourse. There is a likelihood of increased symptoms even after attempts to eliminate the aroma with intimate hygiene products or deodorants.

If you do not take any measures and do not treat this ailment, it will give complications to other organs: kidneys, bladder. There is a chance of developing pyelonephritis or cystitis.

Discharge with the smell of rotten fish during pregnancy

From the first weeks of conception

Such discharge is most often a sign of disease, and it, in turn, can contribute to improper attachment of the ovum. Then, unfortunately, one cannot be sure of the normal development of the embryo. In this case, pink, bloody or brown mucus is added to the unpleasant odor.

In the second trimester

If white, yellowish or purulent discharge with a foul smell of fish is found coincides with the gestation period, you should immediately contact your gynecologist, as this threatens with premature birth, deformation of the membranes and even miscarriage.

Third trimester

The appearance of a watery secret with such a fragrance, most likely, indicates due to vaginosis. If the ailment is discovered at a later date, then the cardinal treatment is usually transferred to the postpartum period.

Other causes and treatments for fishy discharge in women

Often, experts associate rotten fish with some infectious diseases, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia. But they have slightly different symptoms, or pain during urination, in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back, is added to the above with STDs. The consistency of mucus is usually thinner, and the discharge may even be leaking.

An abundant curd secret without such a fragrance is called candidiasis. Its symptoms are very similar to vaginosis.

It is up to a specialist to establish the true cause of the problem. He will tell you how and how to treat the discharge with the smell of fish.

Since gardenerrelosis is not a sexually transmitted disease, antibiotics can be dispensed with. It will probably be vaginal suppositories or topical cream. Immunostimulating and general tonic agents are often prescribed together with them. To restore normal local microflora, it is necessary to take probiotic drugs, for example, Linex, Hilak Forte. If a disease from a number of STDs is established, antibiotics will be used.

Self-medication in such situations is unacceptable, especially during pregnancy.

During the recovery period, the main condition is the isolation of the source of the disease and abstinence from sexual intercourse.

Prevention of odor from the intimate area

  1. Adhere to the rules of hygiene of the intimate area. It is necessary to wash yourself regularly, especially in the hot season.
  2. Choose the right products for the care of the genitals: they should be free of dyes and fragrances, while maintaining the ph balance.
  3. Avoid tight, synthetic underwear, especially thongs.
  4. Do not skimp on barrier contraception if you do not have a regular partner.
  5. Periodically use prophylactic folk remedies such as medicinal infusion of thyme and lovage, chamomile. You can use herbs not only by douching, but also drink infusions from them. Read
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