Evil nicknames for dogs. What to name the dog? Rules for choosing a dog name. Examples of dog names. Beautiful Russian dog names with character descriptions

Your pet’s name is what will be with him throughout his life, what will become his “face” four-legged friend. That's why we so diligently understand the variety of names for boys' dogs, their meanings, and offer you a lot there alternative options! What beautiful and cool, rare and popular, Russian and foreign names for male dogs exist are described in this article. Shepherd, Hound, Laika and others - none of them will remain without a name!


How to choose a name?

Animal psychologists say that choosing a name for a pet is a whole science. There is a lot that needs to be taken into account: the breed of pets, their color, their size, and, of course, their character.

There are some well-established principles according to which male puppies large breeds must be called by majestic and serious names. In contrast, small dogs are given humorous and frivolous names.

The name reflects the “purpose” of the four-legged friend: hunting and hound breeds have names that personify speed and search. Large guard dogs often associate their names with strength and calm.

However, the owner does not always adhere to stereotypes; sometimes he is guided by his instincts and intuition. That is why a boy puppy who ends up in a family often goes nameless for several days, while he and his owners take a closer look at each other. All the same animal psychologists claim that a nickname can really influence the future of your four-legged friend.

In support of this, examples are given of how a male dog, named Typhoon, subsequently really destroyed everything in its path. And the pet, who was named Lightning, actually moved unusually quickly, despite the fact that he was not a hound breed. And a very sad example is a dog named Jack the Ripper - the terror of all dogs and a lover of bloody fights. It would, of course, be useful to find out the meaning of the future nickname. After all, every combination of sounds carries a certain energy charge, which is why our names and the names of our pets have such an influence on destinies and characters.

When choosing a nickname for a dog, you can also be guided by the following principle: slowly begin to list the letters of the alphabet, include those that will arouse the greatest interest on the part of the puppy in the nickname.

The letter “P” in a dog’s name is also controversial. Yes, it is first associated with a dog’s growl, and therefore with aggression. But, despite this, it is considered “native” for the dog. Be that as it may, it is noted that male dogs with an “R” in their name are determined, strong and self-confident.


Of course, breed is often the main criterion when choosing a name for a dog. Storozhevoy large males such as shepherd dogs or Caucasians and you need an appropriate name, endowed with a certain power. Such as, say, Titan, Atlant, Buran, Hard, Polkan, note that among boys’ shepherd dogs one can find a record number of Dicks. Northern, snowy names are almost always chosen for Laikas and Huskies; A Laika with the name Ice, Aquilon, Iceberg, Baikal, Lyuty will look quite decent.

For Hunting and Russian hound dogs, conciseness and sonority are important in the name. The dog should hear its name at a decent distance if you are hunting. Hounds are generally considered the oldest group of dogs, because even the ancient primitive man was helped by the ancestors of our hounds on the hunt. We don’t know what the hounds were called then, but now they can be called Bas, Dozor, Gudok, Bushui, Guy.

For dog friends and companions, names are chosen that are non-aggressive and calm, such as Addie, Gordon, Milan, Oscar. And the males are small ornamental breeds, as a rule, they want to call it cute, such as Tiny, Baby, Spike, Macy, Kinder. If the baby is purebred, then he can be called Antonio, Louis, Perseus or Gratiano.

Well, if a mongrel has settled in your house, don’t stop at Sharik and Bobik. Perhaps, by giving the dog a more “noble” name, you will program it accordingly, because, as they say: “I am mongrel - this is a minus, but noble is a plus!”

By color

The color of the puppy is considered a secondary factor influencing the name of the dog. However, sometimes it is the color that can tell the owner the most successful nickname. So, for a black boy puppy, you can consider the following options: Angus, Black, Raven, Zorro, Shadow, Coal, Black. If your pet is spotted, the names Motley, Domino, Bud, Patch, and Pockmarked may suit him. For white dogs, experienced owners recommend Almaz, Zephyr, Snowball, and Frost.

If you adopted a chocolate or brown color, the name for it could be: Brownie, Chestnut, Choco, Mocha, Chocolate. For red dogs there are the following options: Ginger, Scarlet, Fire, Pepper, Red, Red. And finally, for a beautiful gray color, Ash, Dusty, Silver, Smokey, Smokey, Flint are suitable. As you can see, there are also plenty of nicknames for different colors.

According to dog size

Size often leaves a serious imprint on a pet's name. An inverse proportionality has been noticed: for puppies of large breeds, names are often short, such as Thor, Zeus, Horus, Dar, Dick. But for small breeds, on the contrary, can be longer, they are called Andreas, Wilhelm, Herbert, Marcel, Sebastian. As if the owner wants to compensate for the modest dimensions of his pet at the expense of the name. Of course, this doesn’t always happen, but it still happens very often.


Of course, there are always names that are in great demand. Due to their versatility and popularity, they can be adapted to pets different breeds and sizes. At one time, the screen name Hachiko gained popularity. However, dog experts and animal psychologists will not advise you to name your puppy after screen or book characters, especially if this character is negative or as sad as Hachiko.

After all, there is a high probability that every time you will look at “your” Hachiko with tears, while remembering the sad story of his prototype. This can leave a negative mark on your pet's life. For the same reason, we do not recommend naming your dog by the names of previously deceased pets. In this case, every time you pronounce a name that was previously associated with loss, you are unlikely to experience pleasant emotions. And they will probably be passed on to the new pet.

So, well, the TOP 10 most popular and common best names for male puppies are:

  1. Archie.
  2. Tyson.
  3. Rex.
  4. Jack.
  5. Hachiko.
  6. Grai.
  7. Lord.
  8. Charlie.

Rare and unusual

There are also a lot of people who want to stand out from the crowd and do it at the expense of original nickname pet is best. Rare and unusual are names that have foreign origin and the meaning is not entirely clear to us. Among them are, for example, the following: Aman, Bagus, Gesang, Intan, Niken, Soleh, Elang. There are inventors who certainly want their boy puppy to be one of a kind. To do this, they simply come up with their own unique series of sounds and, as it were, invent a nickname that they can call their pet on their own.


Cool nicknames for dogs are, one might say, a whole big trend. When choosing a cool and humorous option, remember that the dog will have to live with it for the rest of its life. And a nickname that seems funny to you today may become boring and even annoying tomorrow. In addition, a cool name is more suitable for a small dog; for a large breed dog, find funny option much more difficult, and is it even necessary?

There are some Russians cool names, such as Kusay, Malets, Hipster. By the way, human names It is highly discouraged to transfer this to dogs; sooner or later, calling your dog Kolka on the street can lead to embarrassment.

We also included the following humorous nicknames for boys' dogs: Borsch, Goblin, Mixer, Google, Snickers, Cupcake, Extreme, iPhone, Beavis, Dude, Cheburek. But whether to name your dog that way is up to you!

List of names

There are even more nickname options that will help you name your pet boy in the table below!

LetterMale nickname
AAlf, Ike, Cupid, Adam, Amigo, Ares, Amadeus
BLeopard, Bim, Buddy, Baron, Ben, Balto, Brooks, Brian, Bucks, Bantik, Byron
INWillie, Wind, Vince, Cog, Wotan, Woody, Vincent
GGaston, Harold, Thunder, Hans, Count, Henry, Gold, Hercules, Gaf
DJohnny, Dex, Dominic, Dandy, David, Jedi, Jem, Jeffrey, Dolph, Drake
HEREron, Erosha, Efim
ANDZhorik, Zhuchok, Jacques, Jean
ZFervor, Bell, Zane, Zidane, Zilber
I, JIcarus, Ingor, Yoda, Yorick
TOKenny, Quint, Klim, Clark, Calvin, Kai, Kent, Queens, Cooper, Keiko
LLime, Lucky, Locky, Larry, Leonard, Louis, Larson, Lenny, Lucas, Ray, Buttercup
MMike, Milan, May, Max, Major, Mars, Mario, Milo, Marat, Mel, Mukhtar, Martin, Marley
NNike, Norman, Nikas, Nair, Nord, Norton, German, Niki
ABOUTOris, Orion, Odin, Onyx, Orlando, Omar, Otis, Olaf
PParis, Patrick, Pirate, Pierre, Perry, Pink, Plato, Plush, Paul
RRaph, Rusty, Ralph, Wrigley, Rocky, Romeo, Robert, Randy, Ron, Rex, Red
WITHSimon, North, Samson, Scooby, Spike, Snape, Snow, Simon, Santo, Spartacus, Sam, Steve, Sandy, Smart, Spider, Smurf, Stitch
TTai, Twix, Tihan, Tobik, Ted, Toto, Timati, Typhoon, Tiger, Tarzan, Tony
UWatson, Sooty, Hurricane, Lancer
FPhoenix, Fabio, Phil, Fix, Fresh, Frank, Funtik, Fidel, Bassoon, Fox
XHart, Harley, Khan, Hunter, Harvey, Ponytail
CCaesar, Cero
HCharlie, Charles, Chucky, Chase, Chester
Ш,ШShine, Shalun, Sharik, Sherlock, Sean, Shelton, Sherman
EErnie, Ashton, Eddie, Elvis, Eros
YUYugan, Eustace, Yukon
IJanis, Hawk

Video “How to choose a name for your pet”

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The name of a puppy is often the subject of discussion, often even for a very long time. Why is it given such importance?

A puppy's name can tell a lot about its owner. About his thoughts, even to some extent about his character. But more often than not, the owner comes up with a nickname for the puppy.

You just need to apply a little imagination! This article will talk about names for dogs - boys.

How to name?

The most important thing is where you purchased your dog. If he is purebred and purchased from a nursery, then . Most often it is intricate and quite complex. Many owners try to choose a name derived from this nickname. Or they come up with an abbreviation if the nickname consists of several words. In fact, this is not at all necessary.

You can choose a unique nickname, but you should remember simple rules:

  1. It is still worth calling the animal by human names. Does it look a little strange if a girl in the park calls, for example, Seryozha, and a Doberman comes running to her call? Separately, I would like to emphasize that the name of the dog should be different from the name of the neighbor in the apartment where the dog’s owner lives, because few people will be pleased to learn that an animal was named in his honor :) It is better to choose exclusively dog names. For example, Lord, Richie, Court.
  2. Any dog ​​needs to be taught and practice the acquired skills. That's why nickname should not contain commands. For example, if the owner teaches the dog the command “Fu!”, then the nickname Fugas or Funtik will confuse the animal with this command.
  3. Dogs don't think like people. Therefore, it is better to give them a name with a maximum of two syllables, and containing loud sounds. For example, Buran, Bim, Jack.
  4. The breed, appearance, character, and other characteristics of the pet should also be taken into account.. For example, sizes. True, it is better to choose a neutral nickname for your pet. Because the owner looks strange walking with a small dog and calling it with the words: “Poseidon, come to me!” Although this indicates the owner’s sense of humor. Just like calling a small dog Terrible, Giant or Gulliver. You need to choose the most characteristic feature, which will not change over time. For example, Chernysh or Belyak are excellent nicknames for pure black or white puppies, respectively.
  5. It is absolutely not necessary to give the puppy a name as soon as he crosses the threshold of the owner’s apartment. It's better to observe his behavioral characteristics and make a final decision.
  6. There is no need to come up with anything special if you are the owner of a mongrel. She has the same right to beautiful name, like her purebred brothers.
  7. If you cannot find a single suitable word in Russian, foreign dictionaries at your service. Sometimes a simple designation of a characteristic, for example, color on foreign language looks original and fresh. For example, Schwarz means “black” in German. You can use this name if your dog is black in color.

Why is it important that a pet’s name be short and as sonorous as possible? Because even if a grown-up puppy is busy with something (most often, passionate about playing), he could hear the owner’s call.


Many people dream of giving their dogs Russian names because it is convenient and familiar. List of nicknames:



Choose one of these memorable names for male dogs:

  • Locky (from ancient Germanic mythology, a malicious God, suitable for a naughty dog),
  • Thor (also God, but fair, powerful and beautiful, suitable for a large, stately and kind dog),
  • Ragnarok,
  • Hans,
  • Werther (in honor of the iconic literary hero from "The Sorrows of Young Werther")
  • Charles,
  • Dirk (after the famous king),
  • Rhine (after the river)
  • Sigmund,
  • Siegfried,
  • Ulrich,
  • Besten (best).


Many people are crazy about France and want to give their dog the flair of this beautiful country. How can you name a boy's dog in the French manner:

Japanese with meaning

  • Amai: sweet,
  • Aiko: beloved,
  • Aki: born in autumn,
  • Genkito: healthy,
  • Dai: great,
  • Gin: silver,
  • Willow: strong,
  • Yoshiko: obedient child
  • Kadan: friend,
  • Kamede: long-lived,
  • Katana: samurai sword,
  • Keiko: lover
  • Kumiko: baby
  • Kuri: chestnut,
  • Kuro: black,
  • Kawaii (with emphasis on the long I): cute,
  • Kuma: bear,
  • Mamoru: protector
  • Taske: assistant,
  • Machiko: lucky guy
  • Mikan: orange (can be called a red dog),
  • Natsuko: born in summer,
  • Nikko: sunny,
  • Ricky: strong
  • Sumi: pure,
  • Taji: silver yellow,
  • Taka: noble birth,
  • Fuku: bringer of luck and wealth,
  • Haru: child of spring,
  • Hoshiko: starry,
  • Tsuyoshi: strong, healthy,
  • Shishio: lion,
  • Chibi: cute
  • Choco: chocolate,
  • Shiro: snow-white,
  • Yume: a dream (like Putin’s).

English and American

We give cool foreign language nicknames with translation:

Light and beautiful

Tired of banal dog names? Do you want something beautiful, but at the same time “unpretentious”? Then what can you call a male dog from this list nicknames:

  • Iceberg,
  • Avalon,
  • Adam,
  • Berkeley,
  • Gucci,
  • Baldo,
  • Indigo,
  • Emelyan,
  • Irbis,
  • Iris,
  • Zeus,
  • Gurion,
  • Galahad,
  • Gilbert,
  • Yves Saint,
  • Desmond,
  • Space,
  • Claudius,
  • Leonard,
  • Lafayette,
  • Neville,
  • Easter;
  • Pluto,
  • Percy(val),
  • Harry.

Cool and funny

If the owner of a “man’s friend” called it funny, this may indicate a well-developed sense of humor. But choosing a beautiful and at the same time cool name for your dog may not be so an easy task. Although it often comes to the mind of the future owner on its own. Here are just a few of them:


The dog's name should be short, maximum 2 syllables. So that the dog remembers it better and faster. And the owner didn't have to spend much time calling his dog.

The future owner can name his dog as follows:

  • Alan,
  • Alur,
  • Breeze,
  • Venya,
  • Damon,
  • James,
  • Friend,
  • Jam,
  • Charles,
  • Queens,
  • Mulder,
  • Malik.


Non-trivial nicknames speak of a good sense of humor of dog owners. But you need to be careful. Because not everyone can understand how you could call your dog, for example, Shtanogryz? Yes, and you need to think three times before giving such a nickname, imagine how you shout “Pant-gnawer, don’t chew the curtains” :)

The best

This is a matter of taste for each dog owner and its characteristics. Let's name the most popular of them, from those that have not yet been named.

  • Argo,
  • Rich (from English “rich”),
  • Amur,
  • Caesar,
  • Oscar,
  • Marseilles,
  • Simon,
  • Arnie,


If a person who owns a dog does not have the time and/or desire to come up with an original nickname for his puppy, then here is a list of the most popular male names:

  • Rex (in Arabic it means "king"),
  • Hachiko (it became especially popular after the release of the film of the same name),
  • Buddy,
  • Teddy,
  • Charlie,
  • Zeus (this looks especially funny if a very small dog bears this name),
  • Baby (If this name is given to a “dog” of the Alabai breed, then similarly),
  • Sharik (out of competition in the Russian Federation 🙂).


Everyone decides for himself which dog name is unusual and interesting for him. Two dozen more names should be added to the existing list.

  • Augur was the name of the priest who protected the people from bad deeds.
  • Argus was the name of the giant who had a hundred heads, he was the personification of the starry sky,
  • Cupid - he was the god of love among the ancient Romans,
  • Antaeus was a ruler who drew strength from Mother Earth,
  • Argo - the ship on which, according to the legend of the Argonauts, the journey for the Golden Fleece took place,
  • Atlas is the titan who, according to legend, holds the vault of the sky,
  • Aten is a god who personified the sun in the mythology of Ancient Egypt.
  • Achilles - great hero Trojan War,
  • Ares - in ancient greek mythology he is the god of war, and at the same time the son of Zeus,
  • Akhat is a common noun in Greek. It is used when one wants to say about someone as true friend, which is what a dog is,
  • Ajax is also, like Achilles, a hero of the Trojan War,
  • Balu - translated as “lord”, and in ancient Simitic mythology is the god of fertility, thunder and lightning,
  • Veles is an ancient Slavic God, patron of animals,
  • Vulcan is the god of fire
  • Helios is the sun god
  • Hephaestus - in ancient Greek mythology, was the god of fire,
  • Daksha is a deity in Hindu mythology,
  • Dionysus is the god of fertility in ancient Greek mythology, winemaking, and viticulture,
  • Zephyr is the god of the wind,
  • Icarus is a hero who wanted to fly to the sun, but unfortunately, he couldn’t. His wings were singed
  • Yima is a ruler in Iranian mythology.


Again, everyone has their own concept of “cool”. Almost all the nicknames from the lists can be called cool for someone. Let's just add a few more cool names to the list.


They are given by those owners who want to make their boy stand out from the crowd and make him unique.

For example, a car lover can name a dog after his favorite (and/or desired) car brand, a traveler - after a place he has visited and/or wants to visit, book or film lovers - after a favorite character. For example, rare nicknames can be like this:

  • in honor of pagan gods- Perun, Yarilo;
  • the names of dogs are unusual, taken from mythology or other languages ​​that are incomprehensible to the majority of people: Chur, Ragnarok, Bacchus, Jarahsus;
  • there may be a series of sounds to which the pet reacts, and then it becomes his nickname;
  • I would like to say separately about comic “names”. They will bring good mood to the house. For example, Chow Chows or Russian Terriers can be jokingly called Tedy, Barsik or Pinky.


They usually occur when pets are officially registered. For example, the names of puppies of the same litter in a kennel must begin with the same letter. Nicknames also have an additional prefix from the breeder.

But still, in ordinary life a short, sonorous name is used. This is dictated by the peculiarities of canine perception. They can only perceive the first syllables of their nickname. Therefore, double names like Don Fleming Panda remain only for the owners. Or Double - Trouble (translated from English this means “double trouble”)


The most interesting, beautiful and noble names for male dogs come from the names of gods and war heroes. For example:

  • Geb is the god of the earth in Egyptian mythology.
  • Honor is the god of honor among the ancient Romans,
  • Hero - a legendary king or hero, who was glorified by his exploits,
  • Hercules is a hero who performed many feats in ancient Greek mythology,
  • Diomedes was a hero of the Trojan War,
  • Centaur is a legendary creature, the embodiment of wild power,
  • Neptune is the Roman god of the sea,
  • Odysseus was a hero of the Trojan War,
  • Odin is the supreme god in Scandinavian mythology,
  • Perun - main god in Ancient Rus'.

What do famous people call their pets?

  1. Vladimir Putin: it all started with Kony. This funny black Labrador, without ceremony, violated official ceremonies. It was presented by Sergei Shoigu. The head of state also has a Bulgarian shepherd dog, which he received as a gift. Very rare breed. The animal's name is Buffy. Another dog, an exact copy of the dog from the film Hachiko, appeared with the President in 2012, it was presented by the head of one of the provinces of Japan. Her name is Yume, which translates to “dream” in Japanese. He also has an Alabai dog named Verny. It was presented to him by the President of Turkmenistan.

  2. Leonid Yarmolnik— he and his family have 3 dogs: scotch terrier Solomon, dachshund Zosya, and mongrel Dusya. His wife created charitable foundation“Giving hope”, Leonid helps her.

  3. The singer Sergei Lazarev there is a mongrel Daisy. She is a frequent guest in his photographs on social networks. He got the dog by chance. Actually, he wasn’t going to start her because of his very busy tour schedule. He adopted a dog from a shelter, which he advises all people who are planning to get a dog to do..

  4. At the singer's Lyubov Uspenskaya I have a pet - Yorkshire terrier Frankie. It was important for her to buy exactly her puppy, the one that her eye would immediately fall on. It only looks like a toy, but in reality it is a toothy lion in miniature.

  5. TV presenter Yana Poplavskaya It has Belgian Shepherd Dusya. Poplavskaya and her children found her in terrible condition. Wounded and doused with water in the cold. She started calling veterinarians, but their only answer was that she could bring the dog to be euthanized, because there was no point in treating it.

    At these words, Yana sent them away and decided to treat the dog on her own. And cured! Then she wanted to give Dusya, she found good people, but her son intervened in the matter. He was 11 years old at that time and he said, “Dusya trusted you, and you are giving her away.” Afterwards Dusya remained in the family and was loved by everyone.

  6. Actress Irina Lachina, her pet is Mickey the mongrel. She found Mickey in the park while she was on tour in Kislovodsk. It was scorching hot, and the puppy was lying in the rays of the sun. He looked like he needed help. And this was true - his leg was broken, he was emaciated and dehydrated. But Irina took him to the veterinarian and took him home.


Naming a pet is not always an easy task, but it is a very important one. If it does not come right away, then you need to choose based on the breed of the dog-boy, from the very characteristic feature(character or appearance), or you can use examples of celebrities who have a dog.

There are many different names for male dogs with national accents: French, English, Spanish, Eastern, Northern. For those who find it difficult to choose, we have compiled a list of rare and beautiful ones. Choose what to name your boy puppy, based on his character and disposition.

Original Russian nicknames for boys

IN Lately The dominance of foreign pretentious names makes itself felt. For some reason, owners believe that their dog will be more successful if they give it a European-style name.

Russians have their own superiority: they always sound good, soft (and you don’t even need to shorten them), funny, playful, many funny. Various, can be chosen to suit any character. Take a look at some of them.

Find the answer

Do you have any problem or question? Enter “Breed” or “Name of the problem” into the form, press Enter and you will find out everything about the issue that interests you.
  • Bandit,
  • Tramp,
  • Tramp,
  • Thunder,
  • Buddy,
  • Volcano,
  • Pie,
  • Cake,
  • Bobik,
  • Jackal,
  • Robber,
  • Cupid,
  • Warrior,
  • Tail,
  • Ryzhik,
  • Pie,
  • Dobrynya,
  • Hog,
  • Svarog,
  • Rodion,
  • Happy,
  • Handsome,
  • Baby
  • Tsar,
  • Volchara,
  • Whistle,
  • Beast,
  • Hermit,
  • Savage,
  • Grozny,
  • Brukhan,
  • Winnie the Pooh,
  • Nightmare.

Modern nicknames for four-legged “gentlemen”

But if you notice the habits of a true Englishman in your dog, you should not deny it a national name.

Your dog tries to serve in everything (brings slippers in the morning, and then carries them after you all day), is too obedient, friendly, stable, but is afraid to show his feelings, extremely loves order and comfort - then choose something for him - something from this list.

  • Armstrong,
  • Bentley,
  • Barton,
  • Jeeves,
  • Webster,
  • Bobby,
  • Burgher,
  • Watson,
  • Sherlock,
  • Duke,
  • Winfred,
  • Glenmore,
  • Beardsley,
  • Graph,
  • Lancelot,
  • Greenwich,
  • Bosswell,
  • Carrington,
  • Digby,
  • Chadwick,
  • Fergie,
  • Cromwell,
  • Dandy,
  • London,
  • Wesley,
  • Rochester,
  • Charles,
  • Lard,
  • Spencer,
  • Wilson,
  • Wilston,
  • Oxford,
  • Tower,
  • Tennyson,
  • Maxwell.

Nicknames for puppies with a French accent

If you notice that your pet has cheerfulness, gaiety, an ardent temperament, enthusiasm, and loves to be the center of attention, then choose a French name for him.

  • Armani,
  • Andre,
  • Dandy,
  • Kavier,
  • Neville,
  • Cousteau,
  • Garson,
  • Dominic,
  • Maurice,
  • Pierre Paris,
  • Chianti,
  • Faber,
  • Chardonnay,
  • Eiffel,
  • Ludwig,
  • Corporal,
  • Sedan,
  • Orleans,
  • Jules,
  • Grasse,
  • Gautier,
  • Julienne,
  • Gerard,
  • Philip,
  • Modest,
  • Cordel,
  • Bullen,
  • Chevalier,
  • Besançon,
  • Valentin,
  • Victor,
  • Adye,
  • Cognac,
  • Justin,
  • Blaise,
  • Rouen,
  • Christophe,
  • Alonso,
  • Grasse,
  • Poitiers.


Options for “little” doggies

If you have decided to have a baby, then this list of the “smallest” playful names is for you.

  • Karapet,
  • Baby,
  • Shket,
  • Micro,
  • Electron,
  • Smallest,
  • Small,
  • Junior,
  • cog,
  • Tinkle,
  • Dwarf,
  • Karapuz,
  • Siskin,
  • Shustrik,
  • Small,
  • Midge,
  • Malets,
  • Proton,
  • Baby,
  • Little,
  • Smarty,
  • Cake,
  • Mini,
  • Kinder,
  • Funtik,
  • Kutsyi,
  • Byte,
  • Carnation,
  • Fluff,
  • Sweeties,
  • Zaki,
  • Swippy,
  • Shorty,
  • Micron,
  • Pretzel,
  • Zigo,
  • Chico,
  • Fluffy.

Name for different dog breeds

Each breed is unique in itself, because it has unique habits and has its own universal character.

Breeds of watchmen and security guards: German Shepherd, Alabai, Rottfeiler, Moscow Watchdog, black terrier.

Family and friendly - pugs, poodles, St. Bernards, shelties, poodles. Now we will look at which names are best suited for some breeds.

  • Timmy,
  • Coconut,
  • Bow,
  • Lucky,
  • Darling,
  • Small,
  • Bambi,
  • Smile,
  • Didi,
  • Volt,
  • Pixel,
  • Knop,
  • Boni,
  • Zorro,
  • Alcor,
  • Sparky,
  • Smokey,
  • Benji,
  • Richie,
  • Mini,
  • Lloyd,
  • Best,
  • Kiki,
  • Agate,
  • Freddie,
  • Boss.

For dachshunds:

  • Pirate,
  • Bruno,
  • Hunter,
  • Stif,
  • Baxter,
  • Black,
  • Brown,
  • Rocky,
  • Flint,
  • Rave,
  • Pitti,
  • Timka,
  • Fritz,
  • Sema.

Male nicknames of the Husky breed:

  • Loki,
  • Thunder,
  • Buran,
  • Amur,
  • Frost,
  • Fierce,
  • Archie,
  • Daemon,
  • Wolfe,
  • Silver,
  • Cold,
  • North,
  • Ural,
  • Shaman,
  • Gray,
  • Caesar,
  • North,
  • Hugo,
  • Sniper,
  • Baikal,
  • Snor.

Shepherd boys will be happy if you choose one of these for them:

  • Diamond,
  • Graph,
  • Empire style,
  • Conrad,
  • Perseus,
  • Marcus,
  • Lord,
  • Antey,
  • Dingo,
  • Austin,
  • Jaco,
  • Uranus,
  • Grant,
  • Pier,
  • Martin,
  • Rhine,
  • Lobster,
  • Nero,
  • Corsair,
  • Main,
  • Cascade,
  • Zinc,
  • Bodo,
  • Rhine,
  • Jeff,
  • Zhigan,
  • Rudolf,
  • King,
  • Dux,
  • Carat,
  • Oscar,
  • Falcon,
  • Flint.

To successful Labradors:

  • Amigo,
  • Atom,
  • Brun,
  • Casper,
  • Jack,
  • Bond,
  • Ajax,
  • Zorro,
  • Clyde,
  • Gucci,
  • Winston,
  • Kelvin,
  • Boomer,
  • Toby,
  • Crow,
  • Chaos,
  • Nugget,
  • Orion,
  • Adonis,
  • Ricochet,
  • Gigolo,
  • Byron,
  • Champion,
  • Jack,
  • Homer,
  • Ranger,
  • Bambino,
  • Butch,
  • Jazz,
  • Flash,
  • Sunny,
  • Romeo,
  • Tango.

Beautiful names for Alabais:

  • Aspar,
  • Arden,
  • Farhad,
  • Murad,
  • Hummock,
  • Ardak,
  • Nubar,
  • Vagr,
  • Topush,
  • Barut,
  • Diram,
  • Margos,
  • Nazar,
  • Radash,
  • Miro.

Note to those who are planning to get a Staffordshire Terrier. Nice nicknames:

  • Asik,
  • Bard,
  • Bavar,
  • Arro,
  • Hephaestus,
  • Butuz,
  • Kaab,
  • A tan,
  • Imar,
  • Bidi,
  • Helot,
  • Zagrai,
  • cube,
  • Caffey,
  • Vikort,
  • Proud,
  • Kuchum,
  • Ataman,
  • Dary,
  • Kinto,
  • Dux,
  • Werther,
  • Jibo,
  • Buckingham,
  • East,
  • Le Havre,
  • Buyan,
  • Hasan,
  • Viking,
  • Euphrates.
  • Rydon,
  • Takumi,
  • Samurai,
  • Tobiko,
  • Darius,
  • Goro,
  • Jaco,
  • Fudo,
  • Setsuko,
  • Haru,
  • Neko,
  • Nikko.

The most suitable names for spaniel boys:

  • Ailat,
  • Alan,
  • Jeremiah,
  • Lorgnette,
  • Sparky,
  • Ferocious,
  • Punks,
  • Robin,
  • Sniper,
  • Scimitar,
  • Bachem,
  • Golden eagle,
  • Freakley,
  • Bold,
  • Catchy,
  • Charlie,
  • Muffy,
  • Hawk,
  • Natsmen,
  • Sebastian,
  • Lonket,
  • Cracker,
  • Nimble,
  • Vytyaz,
  • Saiga,
  • Daring.

But no matter what successful and beautiful name you choose for your puppy, he will not be happy if you do not care for him properly.

Remember the words of the great Saint-Exupery: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” Therefore, try to pay as much attention as possible to your four-legged friend, and he will thank you doubly for your work.

Funny dog ​​names

A good sense of humor helps in life and is even an integral part of it. Often, owners want their pet’s name to bring a smile and a wave of positivity. Why not? The main thing is that you like the nickname, but in no case should it be offensive or insulting to your devoted comrade.

What can you focus on when choosing a “cool” name? For example, the size of a dog. Opposite meanings can be used here, so a tiny toy or Yorkshire terrier can light hand the owner will turn into Gulliver, the Giant, Cerberus or the Terrible. Such names for babies sound unexpectedly funny, and if the dog has character, then they sound quite eloquent.

There is also a reverse trend, when representatives of giant breeds are called diminutive names. Can be found Caucasian Shepherd nicknamed Fluff, the dog Krosha or the mastiff Tsvetik, who frightens others with his appearance.

But here you should be more careful, given that the name leaves its mark on the character of the pet, and, wanting to get a vigilant guard, there is a risk of becoming the owner of a good-natured giant. With medium-sized pets, you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with a nickname based on their characteristic qualities.

Owners of mestizos often experience unintentional confusion with nicknames. Initially a gentle, tiny creature named Donut, Ray or Mouse can grow to a decent size. And there are also the opposite situations, when a puppy is taken into the house, which former owners positioned as a large, guard animal, and the dog grows up to be the size of a dachshund.

And these Polkans, Mukhtars and Caesars run around, and the owners are somewhat confused by their original, not entirely appropriate, name. If you don’t want to choose a playful nickname, and the future size of the pet is not clear, you should name the puppy so that the name is not associated with dimensions.

You can focus on the color of the pet. The nickname will reflect the inherent quality of the pet - its color:

  • A dog with black fur can be called Coal, Imp, Blackie, Demon, Zorro, Gypsy, Agate, Imp, Blackie, Blade, Raven, Rook, etc.
  • For males with white hair, names such as Snowball, Bely, Belyash, Frost, Bars, Buran, Nord, Chalk, Svetly, Casper, Edelweiss, White, Zephyr, Polar, Sugar, Refined are suitable.
  • Dogs with a spotted coat are called Spot, Pockmarked, Fifteen, Motley, Bright, Domino, Harlequin. Among the English nicknames we can consider Bud, Spotty, Patch, Tubby.
  • Chocolate favorites can be named after your favorite delicacies - Snickers, Mars, Twix, Milky Way, Toblerone, Picnic, Chocolate. Suitable nicknames include Brownie, Chestnut, Mocha, Bruno, Bob, Darkley, Maroon, Brownish, Choco, Porter, etc.
  • Males with gray, ash coat can be called Ash, Grey, Gray, Silver, Smoke, Smokey, Smoke, Steel, Steel.
  • Red-red dogs are often given nicknames, one way or another, associated with the red, fiery color - Fire, Scarlet, Pepper, Red, Bright, Ruby, Garnet, Fire. Pets whose fur is similar to a fox's coat are called Fox, Fox, Foxy, Golden, Orange, Honey,

When choosing a nickname, you can also focus on the character of your pet. Puppies, like any children, begin to show some of their outstanding qualities from birth. What can we say about grown-up children who end up in new house. For puppies with obvious leadership qualities, it is worth choosing an appropriate nickname: Commander. King, Leader, Favorite, General, Pharaoh. Captain.

The name of your pet is something that will be with him throughout his life, something that will become the “face” of his four-legged friend. That's why we so diligently understand the variety of names for boys' dogs, their meanings, and offer you many alternative options there! What beautiful and cool, rare and popular, Russian and foreign names for male dogs exist are described in this article. Shepherd, Hound, Laika and others - none of them will remain without a name!


How to choose a name?

Animal psychologists say that choosing a name for a pet is a whole science. There is a lot that needs to be taken into account: the breed of pets, their color, their size, and, of course, their character.

There are some well-established principles according to which large breed male puppies should be given majestic and serious names. In contrast, small dogs are given humorous and frivolous names.

The name reflects the “purpose” of the four-legged friend: hunting and hound breeds have names that personify speed and search. Large guard dogs often associate their names with strength and calm.

However, the owner does not always adhere to stereotypes; sometimes he is guided by his instincts and intuition. That is why a boy puppy who ends up in a family often goes nameless for several days, while he and his owners take a closer look at each other. All the same animal psychologists claim that a nickname can really influence the future of your four-legged friend.

In support of this, examples are given of how a male dog, named Typhoon, subsequently really destroyed everything in its path. And the pet, who was named Lightning, actually moved unusually quickly, despite the fact that he was not a hound breed. And a very sad example is a dog named Jack the Ripper - the terror of all dogs and a lover of bloody fights. It would, of course, be useful to find out the meaning of the future nickname. After all, every combination of sounds carries a certain energy charge, which is why our names and the names of our pets have such an influence on destinies and characters.

When choosing a nickname for a dog, you can also be guided by the following principle: slowly begin to list the letters of the alphabet, include those that will arouse the greatest interest on the part of the puppy in the nickname.

The letter “P” in a dog’s name is also controversial. Yes, it is first associated with a dog’s growl, and therefore with aggression. But, despite this, it is considered “native” for the dog. Be that as it may, it is noted that male dogs with an “R” in their name are determined, strong and self-confident.


Of course, breed is often the main criterion when choosing a name for a dog. Large guard dogs such as Shepherds or Caucasians need an appropriate name, endowed with a certain strength. Such as, say, Titan, Atlant, Buran, Hard, Polkan, note that among boys’ shepherd dogs one can find a record number of Dicks. Northern, snowy names are almost always chosen for Laikas and Huskies; A Laika with the name Ice, Aquilon, Iceberg, Baikal, Lyuty will look quite decent.

For Hunting and Russian hound dogs, conciseness and sonority are important in the name. The dog should hear its name at a decent distance if you are hunting. Hounds are generally considered the oldest group of dogs, because even the ancient primitive man was helped by the ancestors of our hounds on the hunt. We don’t know what the hounds were called then, but now they can be called Bas, Dozor, Gudok, Bushui, Guy.

For dog friends and companions, names are chosen that are non-aggressive and calm, such as Addie, Gordon, Milan, Oscar. And as a rule, they want to name male dogs of small decorative breeds in a cute way, such as Tiny, Baby, Spike, Maisie, Kinder. If the baby is purebred, then he can be called Antonio, Louis, Perseus or Gratiano.

Well, if a mongrel has settled in your house, don’t stop at Sharik and Bobik. Perhaps, by giving the dog a more “noble” name, you will program it accordingly, because, as they say: “I am mongrel - this is a minus, but noble is a plus!”

By color

The color of the puppy is considered a secondary factor influencing the name of the dog. However, sometimes it is the color that can tell the owner the most successful nickname. So, for a black boy puppy, you can consider the following options: Angus, Black, Raven, Zorro, Shadow, Coal, Black. If your pet is spotted, the names Motley, Domino, Bud, Patch, and Pockmarked may suit him. For white dogs, experienced owners recommend Almaz, Zephyr, Snowball, and Frost.

If you adopted a chocolate or brown puppy, his name could be: Brownie, Chestnut, Choco, Mocha, Chocolate. For red dogs there are the following options: Ginger, Scarlet, Fire, Pepper, Red, Red. And finally, for a beautiful gray color, Ash, Dusty, Silver, Smokey, Smokey, Flint are suitable. As you can see, there are also plenty of nicknames for different colors.

According to dog size

Size often leaves a serious imprint on a pet's name. An inverse proportionality has been noticed: for puppies of large breeds, names are often short, such as Thor, Zeus, Horus, Dar, Dick. But for small breeds, on the contrary, they can be longer; they are called Andreas, Wilhelm, Herbert, Marcel, Sebastian. As if the owner wants to compensate for the modest dimensions of his pet at the expense of the name. Of course, this doesn’t always happen, but it still happens very often.


Of course, there are always names that are in great demand. Due to their versatility and popularity, they can be adapted to pets of different breeds and sizes. At one time, the screen name Hachiko gained popularity. However, dog experts and animal psychologists will not advise you to name your puppy after screen or book characters, especially if this character is negative or as sad as Hachiko.

After all, there is a high probability that every time you will look at “your” Hachiko with tears, while remembering the sad story of his prototype. This can leave a negative mark on your pet's life. For the same reason, we do not recommend naming your dog by the names of previously deceased pets. In this case, every time you pronounce a name that was previously associated with loss, you are unlikely to experience pleasant emotions. And they will probably be passed on to the new pet.

So, well, the TOP 10 most popular and common best names for male puppies are:

  1. Archie.
  2. Tyson.
  3. Rex.
  4. Jack.
  5. Hachiko.
  6. Grai.
  7. Lord.
  8. Charlie.

Rare and unusual

There are also a lot of people who want to stand out from the crowd, and the best way to do this is to use an original pet name. Rare and unusual are names that are of foreign origin and have a meaning that is not entirely clear to us. Among them are, for example, the following: Aman, Bagus, Gesang, Intan, Niken, Soleh, Elang. There are inventors who certainly want their boy puppy to be one of a kind. To do this, they simply come up with their own unique series of sounds and, as it were, invent a nickname that they can call their pet on their own.


Cool nicknames for dogs are, one might say, a whole big trend. When choosing a cool and humorous option, remember that the dog will have to live with it for the rest of its life. And a nickname that seems funny to you today may become boring and even annoying tomorrow. In addition, a cool name is more suitable for a dog of a large breed, finding a funny option is much more difficult, and is it even necessary?

There are some cool Russian names, like Kusai, Malets, Stilyaga. By the way, it is not advisable to transfer human names to dogs; sooner or later, calling your dog Kolka on the street can lead to embarrassment.

We also included the following humorous nicknames for boys' dogs: Borsch, Goblin, Mixer, Google, Snickers, Cupcake, Extreme, iPhone, Beavis, Dude, Cheburek. But whether to name your dog that way is up to you!

List of names

There are even more nickname options that will help you name your pet boy in the table below!

LetterMale nickname
AAlf, Ike, Cupid, Adam, Amigo, Ares, Amadeus
BLeopard, Bim, Buddy, Baron, Ben, Balto, Brooks, Brian, Bucks, Bantik, Byron
INWillie, Wind, Vince, Cog, Wotan, Woody, Vincent
GGaston, Harold, Thunder, Hans, Count, Henry, Gold, Hercules, Gaf
DJohnny, Dex, Dominic, Dandy, David, Jedi, Jem, Jeffrey, Dolph, Drake
HEREron, Erosha, Efim
ANDZhorik, Zhuchok, Jacques, Jean
ZFervor, Bell, Zane, Zidane, Zilber
I, JIcarus, Ingor, Yoda, Yorick
TOKenny, Quint, Klim, Clark, Calvin, Kai, Kent, Queens, Cooper, Keiko
LLime, Lucky, Locky, Larry, Leonard, Louis, Larson, Lenny, Lucas, Ray, Buttercup
MMike, Milan, May, Max, Major, Mars, Mario, Milo, Marat, Mel, Mukhtar, Martin, Marley
NNike, Norman, Nikas, Nair, Nord, Norton, German, Niki
ABOUTOris, Orion, Odin, Onyx, Orlando, Omar, Otis, Olaf
PParis, Patrick, Pirate, Pierre, Perry, Pink, Plato, Plush, Paul
RRaph, Rusty, Ralph, Wrigley, Rocky, Romeo, Robert, Randy, Ron, Rex, Red
WITHSimon, North, Samson, Scooby, Spike, Snape, Snow, Simon, Santo, Spartacus, Sam, Steve, Sandy, Smart, Spider, Smurf, Stitch
TTai, Twix, Tihan, Tobik, Ted, Toto, Timati, Typhoon, Tiger, Tarzan, Tony
UWatson, Sooty, Hurricane, Lancer
FPhoenix, Fabio, Phil, Fix, Fresh, Frank, Funtik, Fidel, Bassoon, Fox
XHart, Harley, Khan, Hunter, Harvey, Ponytail
CCaesar, Cero
HCharlie, Charles, Chucky, Chase, Chester
Ш,ШShine, Shalun, Sharik, Sherlock, Sean, Shelton, Sherman
EErnie, Ashton, Eddie, Elvis, Eros
YUYugan, Eustace, Yukon
IJanis, Hawk

Video “How to choose a name for your pet”

In order for you to accurately decide on the name of your new four-legged friend, one more video for your attention!

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Choosing a dog's name leaves room for the owner's imagination, but some patterns can be noted here. The nicknames of male dogs of large breeds are distinguished by masculinity and even pathos - the owner wants to express all his admiration for the strength and power of his pet in a few sounds; small decorative animals, especially girls, are awarded with tender epithets with diminutive endings. The names of shepherd dogs, as a rule, are short, sonorous, and convenient for commands. There are common names that are practically becoming household names, for example, for a German shepherd boy - Rex and Mukhtar, in honor of the characters of famous TV series, for a collie girl - Lassie for the same reason. Outbred yard guards are often named by color: Chernysh, Belka, Ryzhik. Names such as Dick, Jack, Baby, Boy, Lada, Naida, Knopa remain timeless classics. The previously common Sharik, Bobik, and Zhuchka are practically a thing of the past. How do you choose a name for a dog nowadays?

Choosing a dog’s name leaves room for the owner’s imagination, however, some regularities can be noted here

If you take purebred puppy from the nursery, then the problem of choosing a name has already been decided for you by the breeders, and according to the documents attached to the living jewel, the furry little ball funnyly scurrying after you on its plump paws is the Pride of Siberia Archibald or Exquisite Fantasy Barbara, and similar verbal constructions are in the columns “ father and mother". As a rule, the nickname kennel dog consists of a proper name and the name of the nursery, which can come before the personal name (as in the above examples) or behind it, for example: Gertrude Iz Constellation of Luck. A proper name can consist of one word, for example Maximilian or Empire, or it can be complex, decorated with various epithets: Magical Jennifer or Edgar Milk Chocolate. Usually the names of the entire litter are given with one letter, and the litters are numbered alphabetically. That is, in the first litter of the kennel all puppies will be called “A”, in the second - “B”, etc.

Of course, in everyday life it is inconvenient to use full names, and Archibald becomes Archie, Empire - Ima, Concordia - Kony, Edelweiss - Edik, or the pet receives a pet nickname based on some features of appearance or character.

If you are a novice breeder and your imagination in choosing names for your first litter needs an encouraging push, then you can use the following simple tips:

  1. Regardless of the breed, nicknames for male dogs come well from sonorous male human names, for example: Bogdan, Oscar, Marat, Timur. Similarly, a girl of any breed can be called Agatha, Zhanna, Sabrina, Nika. Strong fighting dog may be named after an outstanding athlete, and a girl, a future ring star, may be named after a famous actress.
  2. It is convenient to take the names of large breed dogs from mythology, heroic epic different countries. Nicknames such as Siegfried, Hercules, Venus, Diana are popular for their sonority and the power hidden in them.
  3. Well-known toponyms are often used as names for shepherd dogs - names of rivers and mountains, for example Danube, Yenisei, Kazbek, Volga, Thames - or names of animals and natural phenomena designed to emphasize strength, agility, and protective qualities: Leopard, Whirlwind, Thunder, Falcon, Cobra, Lynx. In the names of huskies, you can play on the theme of the North and winter: Arctic, Tundra, Blizzard, Buran, Nord, Taimyr.
  4. It is convenient and logical to take names from the country of origin of the breed, for example, a boy or mountain dog can be called Albert, Hans, Karl, Richard, a girl - Bertha, Martha, Hannah, Elsa, french bulldog- Gaston, Jerome, Raoul, the girl - Genevieve, Odette, Charlene.

How to choose a name for a dog (video)

Gallery: large breed dogs (25 photos)

Name for the mongrel

If your dog is a mongrel, then choosing a name for it depends entirely on your imagination. Of course, not all owners are in a hurry to give her free rein, and most often the black dog is named Chernysh, the stern, evil chain guard is Fierce, the dog picked up from the street is Naida, the shaggy one is Doll, etc. But simple options not always the best, because in the case of mongrels it is often difficult to predict what size and appearance the pet will be when it grows up. A male the size of a Malamute will look comical with the name Baby or Bunny. Often the owners of mongrels are embarrassed to give their animals unusual, pretentious, as it seems to them, names, and it is completely in vain - your shaggy friend will not be complex because he, for example, is Archibald, and not Druzhok, and you will be comfortable if a dozen more do not respond to your call along with your pet. Perhaps your children will want to help you find a name for your puppy - they will be pleased to name little friend in honor of a character from your favorite cartoon series or book.

Dog name secrets

It’s easiest not to make a mistake with the meaning of a pet’s name when choosing an epithet nickname or a natural phenomenon. If your dog is a boy, then the following options may suit you:

  • Greyhound;
  • Buran;
  • Butuz;
  • Loyal;
  • Leader;
  • Volcano;
  • Proud;
  • Thunder;
  • Enthusiasm;
  • Zorky;
  • Ideal;
  • Ray;
  • Fierce;
  • Freezing;
  • Fire;
  • Nut;
  • Present;
  • Frisky;
  • Peregrine falcon;
  • Brave;
  • Tornado;
  • Typhoon;
  • Fog;
  • Hurricane;
  • Cliff;
  • Miracle;
  • Storm;
  • Shustrik;
  • Reference;
  • Hawk.

If you have a girl, then:

  • Storm;
  • Will;
  • Storm;
  • Haze;
  • Fidget;
  • Bully;
  • Zarya;
  • Star;
  • Winter;
  • Spark;
  • Yoke;
  • Chit;
  • Weasel;
  • Moon;
  • Luta;
  • Blizzard;
  • Night;
  • Autumn;
  • Otrada;
  • Bun;
  • Glory;
  • Fairy tale;
  • Snowball;
  • Taiga;
  • Secret;
  • Luck;
  • Smile;
  • Needles;
  • Blueberry;
  • Rogue;
  • Energy;

For large and serious male dogs, nicknames from titles and titles are suitable: Baron, Count, Prince, Lord, Sultan; for girls of small breeds - floral ones, for example Aster, Magnolia, Nasturtium, Orchid, Rose.

Names for dogs (video)

Nicknames from human names

Of course, the meaning of a dog’s nickname is that it comes from the lips of an adored owner. But many owners who choose a nickname for their pet sometimes wonder what the name they like among foreign language options means. Since most names are derived from human names, finding their meaning is not difficult. Here are translations of some popular names. At the same time, it can be noted that the same name, after repeated borrowings, can change beyond recognition and become overgrown with variants, and in abbreviations it no longer means the same thing as in its full form.

Male nicknames

  1. Adolf - from the ancient German Adalwolf - “noble wolf”.
  2. Alex, Sancho, Sanchez - from Alexander, from the ancient Greek “courageous defender” or “male defender”.
  3. Albert - from the ancient German Adalberth - “noble and bright”.
  4. Arnold - from the ancient German Arnwald - “eagle power”.
  5. Aslan - from Arabic “mighty lion”.
  6. Ben, Benjamin - from Hebrew Benjamin, “son of the right hand.”
  7. Bogdan - Slavic “given by God.”
  8. Boniface - from the Latin “doer of good.”
  9. Bruno - from the ancient German “brown, brown”.
  10. William, Wilhelm - from the ancient German willo - “will”, helm - “helmet”.
  11. Victor - from Latin “winner”.
  12. Harry - from the ancient German “spear”, or short for Henry.
  13. Gaspar, Kasper - from Armenian “liberator”.
  14. Heinrich, Enrique - from the ancient German Heimrich - “house of the ruler”.
  15. James, Jim, Jacob, Jack - from the Late Latin Giacomo, a corruption of the Hebrew Jacob.
  16. Joy - from English “joy”.
  17. John, Jean, Jan, Hans, Hans - from the Hebrew John - “mercy of God.”
  18. Zak, Zakhar - from the Hebrew Khazaria - “God remembered.”
  19. Karl, Charles, Charles, Chuck - from the ancient German “man, man.”
  20. Cyrus, Cyril, Cyril - from ancient Greek “lord, master, lord”, one of the epithets of God.
  21. Clif, Clifford - from Old English clif - “rock” and ford - “ford, crossing”.
  22. Kurt - from the Turkic “wolf”, or short for Konrad - from the ancient German “hardy, brave”.
  23. Lucas - from the Latin Lucius - "light".
  24. Mike, Miguel, Michael - from the Hebrew Michael - “who is like God.”
  25. Max, Maximilian - from the Latin maximus - “greatest”.
  26. Mark, Marcus - from Latin “dedicated to the god Mars.”
  27. Morgan - possibly from the Gaelic Morrigan - "great queen".
  28. Nick, Nicholas, Nicholas - from ancient Greek “victory of the people.”
  29. Norman - from the Old German Nordman - “man from the north”.
  30. Ollie, Oliver - from the Latin oliv - "olive".
  31. Oscar is possibly an English corruption of the ancient Germanic Ansgar, “spear of the gods.”
  32. Pablo, Paul, Paul - from the Latin Paulus - “modest, small.”
  33. Raymond is an English corruption of the Old German Raginmund - "defense of the law."
  34. Ralph is an English corruption of the Old German Radulf, from rad - "advice" and wulf - "wolf".
  35. Raphael - from Hebrew “God will heal.”
  36. Rick, Richie, Richard, Ricardo - from the ancient German Richard - “brave, courageous ruler.”
  37. Robbie, Robert, Bob - English corruption of the ancient German Hrodebert - “glorious and bright”.
  38. Ron, Ronald, Reginald - English corruption of the ancient Germanic Ragnvaldr, from regin - " higher power, gods" or "council", valdr - "lord, ruler".
  39. Simon - from the Hebrew Simon - “God heard.”
  40. Styopa, Steph, Stephen - from the ancient Greek Stefan - “crown”.
  41. Sam, Samuel - from the Hebrew Samuel - “he (God) heard.”
  42. Tyler, Taylor - from the English taylor - “tailor”.
  43. Teddy, Theodore, Fedya - from the ancient Greek Theodore - “God’s gift.”
  44. Timothy, Timosha - from the ancient Greek name Timothy - “worship of the gods.”
  45. Tobby, Tobias - from Hebrew “God is good.”
  46. Fergus is Irish for “brave and strong.”
  47. Ferdinand - from ancient German “brave, powerful.”
  48. Fidel means “faithful” in Latin.
  49. Phil, Philip - from ancient Greek “lover of horses.”
  50. Fred, Frederick, Friedrich - from the ancient German fridu - “peace, security” and rihhi - “leader, ruler”.

Female names

  1. Agatha, Agafya - from the ancient Greek “agape”, which means “love, good attitude”.
  2. Agnes, Agnes - from ancient Greek “immaculate”.
  3. Adele, Adelaide - from the ancient German “noble”, “from the noble class”.
  4. Alexa, Alexandra, Sandra - see the meaning of the male version.
  5. Alice is an Old French corruption of the name Adelaide.
  6. Amanda - Latin for “sweet, pleasant.”
  7. Barbara is from the ancient Greek Varvara, meaning “foreigner, foreigner.”
  8. Beatrice - from Latin “wanderer, traveler.”
  9. Bertha - from the ancient German “bright”.
  10. Brenda is the feminine version of the name Brandon, from the Old Welsh "king, chief".
  11. Bridget, Brigid - from Old Irish “strong, powerful.”
  12. Vicky, Victoria - the female version of the name Victor.
  13. Vita - from Latin “life”.
  14. Viola, Violetta - from Latin “violet”, “purple”.
  15. Gabi, Gabriel - from the Hebrew Gabriel, "God's warrior."
  16. Gerda, Gertrude - from the ancient German “mighty spear”.
  17. Grace - from English “grace”.
  18. Greta is possibly short for Henrietta (feminine version of Henry) or Margaret.
  19. Dana - Slavic “given”, or on behalf of the Indian goddess Danu. Can be used as a shortening of the name Daniel.
  20. Deborah means "bee" in Hebrew.
  21. Daisy, Marge, Margot, Rita, Margaret - from the ancient Greek Margarita - “pearl”.
  22. Jez, Jezebel - from the Hebrew Jezebel, “dedicated to God.”
  23. Jane, Zhanna, Jeannette - the female version of the name John (Jean, John).
  24. Jennifer - from the Welsh Gwenwyfer - "white shadow".
  25. Jessica is perhaps the feminine version of the masculine Jesse, from the Hebrew Iishai, “possessor of many.”
  26. Gina is the feminine version of the name John, short for Regina (Regina), Virginia (from the Latin virgo - “maiden”).
  27. Julia, Juliet, Jill, Gillian - from the Latin Julia, the female version of the generic name Julius, going back to the name Yula-Askania, the legendary ancestor of the imperial dynasty.
  28. Dorothy - from the ancient Greek Doroteo - "gift of God."
  29. Josephine is the feminine version of Joseph - from the Hebrew Joseph, "God will increase."
  30. Ingrid means “generous beauty” from Old Norse.
  31. Kasia, Cassandra - from ancient Greek “shining person”.
  32. Ket, Catherine - from the ancient Greek Catherine, related to the word “catharsis” - “purification”.
  33. Carrie - from the name of the Irish county of Carrie.
  34. Linda - from ancient German “soft, gentle”.
  35. Lucy - female uniform from Lucas.
  36. Marianna is a combination of the names Mariam, from Hebrew “desired,” and Anna, from Hebrew “grace,” or the feminine version of the Latin generic name Marius.
  37. Mercedes - from Spanish “merciful”.
  38. Melissa - from the ancient Greek “bee”, or from the name of the plant lemon balm.
  39. Miranda - Latin for “amazing”.
  40. Nicole is the feminine version of the name Nicholas.
  41. Regina means “queen” in Latin.
  42. Rosalind - possibly a combination of the names Rose and Linda.
  43. Rachel - from the Hebrew Rachel - "ewe, lamb."
  44. Ruby - from English “ruby”.
  45. Silvia - from Latin "forest".
  46. Sima, Seraphim - the female version of the Hebrew Seraphim - plural from “saraf” - “fiery”.
  47. Sophie, Sophia - from ancient Greek “wisdom”.
  48. Stephanie is the feminine version of the name Stefan.
  49. Susanna, Susie - from the Hebrew Shoshanna - “water lily”.
  50. Teresa - possibly from the ancient Greek "summer, harvest."
  51. Tiffany - from the ancient Greek Theophany - the festival of theophany, originally pagan, celebrated in Delphi, later the concept was identified with the Christian Epiphany.
  52. Trinity - from Latin “trinity”.
  53. Ursula - Latin for "bear".
  54. Felicia is the feminine version of the name Felix, from the Latin “happiness, happy.”
  55. Florence, Florence - from Latin “blooming, prosperous”.
  56. Hillary - from the Greek "hilaros" - "cheerful, joyful."
  57. Charlotte, Charlene - the female version of the name Karl, Charles, Charles.
  58. Evelyn - possibly from the Hebrew Eve - "life".
  59. Emma - from the Old German "huge", can also be used as a shortening of the name Emmanuel, the feminine version of Emmanuel - from the Hebrew "God is with us."
  60. Esmeralda - from Spanish "emerald".
  61. Estrelia means “star” in Spanish.

There are many wonderful dog names, don’t be afraid to search and choose beautiful and original options, after all, each dog has its own individual traits that can be interestingly played up in its nickname.

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