Knowledge and skills in this area. Knowledge, skills, abilities. List of used literature


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Material of the V-th regional scientific-practical conference "Development of children's creative abilities using TRIZ elements" June 24-26, 2002,


The dynamics of changes in various areas of human life is growing. Geopolitical, economic, social and other conditions are rapidly changing. There are processes of active transformation of social guidelines and life values. Naturally, these changes do not bypass the education system, which today is experiencing significant difficulties in the implementation of the social function assigned to it. What are the causes of problems in the education system? Where is the way out of this situation? What is the perspective way of development of the education system? The answers to these questions are proposed to be considered in this material.

The key problem of modern education.

A significant discrepancy between the proposed educational service and the needs of society is one of the features of the current state of the education system.

The system hardly ensures the efficiency of education, which is vital for society. The result of this mismatch is that the education system has many problems arising from one another, for example:

  • the irrelevance of the proposed education;
  • lack of motivation of students to education;
  • the fall of discipline;
  • decrease in the level and quality of education;
  • drop in the rating of the education system;
  • a decrease in the provision of the education system with resources: financial, material, human, managerial, informational, etc.

Thus, one of the key problems of the modern education system is the mismatch between the education offered and the education necessary for society.

Problem analysis.

In order to find a solution to the problem of mismatch between the proposed and required education, let's try to understand this problem.

To begin with, let us give the definition of the concept of "education" recorded in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (1996), which we will continue to rely on.

"Under education this Law refers to a purposeful process education And learning in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of the educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state” .

It follows from the definition that education is a combination of two components: education And learning. Then the formulas of the process and the result of education can be represented in the following form:

The formula of the education process:
Education = upbringing + training
The formula for the result of education:
Educated = educated + competent

Education is an essential characteristic of any society. The result of his consistency with himself and the world around him depends on the upbringing of a person. The result of solving the tasks facing him depends on the competence of a person. Education (education and competence) of each member of society in total determines the level of education of society, and this quality is the basis of the current and future life of society.

New tasks are a condition for the development of society.

One of the conditions for the development of society is the successful solution of new, previously unknown tasks. Let us divide the vital tasks capable of developing society into two types: external and internal. The external tasks of the development of society include problems introduced from outside (natural disasters, military invasion, economic blockade, etc.). To the internal tasks of the development of society - problems that have arisen internally and are associated with changes in conditions and / or goals. In the course of solving new problems in society, known systems are modernized or new ones arise, for example, a modern education system was created.

The main and working functions of the education system.

Consider the conditions for the emergence of the education system. The basis for maintaining and raising the living standards of society are its educated members.

The education of the distant past was based on the process of copying activities: the younger generation observed and repeated what adults did. In the past, the rate of development of society and the rate of education through copying were coordinated, so the new generation managed to acquire educational skills corresponding to the level of development of society.

Over time, when the pace of development of society increased, it took a greater number of educated people corresponding to the achieved social level. However, education based on the method of copying activity was no longer able to provide society with the necessary number of educated people of the required level. A contradiction arose in society between the need of society to maintain and improve the achieved standard of living and the lack of educated people capable of providing this need. The resolution of this contradiction is the creation of a modern education systems with specific features.

The main function of the education system:
maintain and improve the living standards of society through the education (education and training) of its members.
The working function of the education system:
prepare educated (educated and competent) members of society of the appropriate level of development.

At the initial stage of its formation, the education system successfully coped with the task assigned to it. To do this, it was enough for her to fulfill her work function: to prepare educated members of society of the appropriate level. The main function of the education system - to maintain and improve the living standards of society, was carried out automatically because. the education offered was relevant to members of society. The education they received was in demand and welcomed by society.

Disagreement factors.

In the subsequent period, the pace of development of society was such that the education system managed to change the content of education and meet the new requirements of society for the education of its members. Over time, under the influence of various factors, a discrepancy arose between the rapid pace of development of society and the pace of development of the education system. The most significant factors that caused a mismatch between society and the education system include two:

  1. a factor on the part of society is the constantly changing technical equipment of society, which makes it possible to increase the pace of its development,
  2. a factor from the education system is a model of education that has not changed for a long time and today is morally obsolete, which has ceased to cope with the new requirements of society

ZUN-model of education and development of society.

The traditional education system is usually represented by the following model:

Knowledge -\u003e Skills -\u003e Skills ("ZUN").

The educational model "ZUN" is static and linear, because is highly dependent on the accumulated knowledge available in its educational arsenal. Replenishment of the educational arsenal of the education system is historically determined by the supersystem - the society that created the education system. This technology of providing the education system with the necessary knowledge was justified given the low rates of development of society, requiring only the reproduction of the education of its members. The educational resource invested by society in the education system was enough to ensure the life of society. Currently, the pace of development of society, as noted earlier, has increased dramatically.

If you look closely at the ZUN technology, you will find that the ZUN educational model is a mechanism for providing a working, but not the main function of the education system, i.e. the education system is aimed only at preparing members of society of a given level, but does not set itself the general task of maintaining and improving the living standards of society.

The traditional education system, working according to the educational model "ZUN", naturally reports to society only by the ZUNs of the members of society educated (brought up and trained) by it, given by the society (state). As its achievements, the education system demonstrates to the society some applied results of the application of the provided ZUNs. The situation is similar to when a target shooter reports to the members of the all-around team the number of shots fired and occasionally the results of hitting the target. The circumstance in which the education system performs only its working function is gradually reflected in the form of problems of society, and then a boomerang of even greater problems returns to the education system itself. The question arises: “What ZUNs should underlie the education system?”.

Types of ZUNs and their impact on the development of society.

Speaking of development, we are talking about a qualitative change
anything in time. In this regard, when studying the problem of the development of the education system, we must take into account the temporal characteristics of ZUNs and its impact on the development of society. As time characteristics we will use: "past", "present", "future".

ZUNs of the past. If the education system offers education, which is based only on the ZUNs of the past stage of the development of society, then such a situation will gradually lead society to a stop and even a rollback.

to the previous level of development. However, the members of society, and then the society itself, having felt the discrepancy between the education offered and the education necessary in the new conditions, will gradually abandon the education system that offers morally obsolete education. This situation is fraught with serious problems for the education system. These issues have already been discussed above. The process by which the education system offers society obsolete education, we will call "the process of lagging education".

ZUNs of the present. If the education system offers a modern level of education, which is based on the ZUNs of the present stage of development of society, then with the rapid pace of development of society, "ZUNs

of the present" will quickly move into the category of "ZUNs of the past". An actively developing society tomorrow will need a new education, which should be based on the future achievements of society. Even if the education system goes at the pace of society's development, the existing mechanism of the ZUN educational model will still work with a delay, because for its launch and operation, an update of the educational arsenal is required, and it is updated by society (the state) and this takes time. The situation resembles the running of a squirrel in a wheel: there is movement of the squirrel, but there is no translational movement of the wheel. The process by which the education system offers modern education to society is called "satellite education process".

ZUNs of the future. If the education system offers the future education that society needs, i.e. ZUNs of the next stage of development of society, then society will be able to set and successfully solve problems

future day. For this situation, the ZUN educational model stops working, because ZUNs of the future are unknown in it. A contradiction arises: we need ZUNs of the future (new knowledge and skills), but objectively there are only ZUNs of the present (known knowledge and skills).

We need a different, fundamentally new, model of education that can successfully resolve this contradiction. The process by which the education system offers society the future of education is called "the process of advanced education".

What should be the new model of education, able to have new, still unknown knowledge?

ZUN + PTD — model of perspective education.

The static and linear educational model of ZUN, which does not solve its task in the new dynamically changing conditions of society, in accordance with the laws of system development, must be consistent with these conditions and also become dynamic. To do this, it is necessary to introduce the process of production of new knowledge into the technology of education. As you know, new knowledge appears as a result of cognitive and creative activity. In the process of cognitive activity, new knowledge is obtained, in the process of creative activity, new knowledge is created. Both activities are based on existing knowledge. From here follows a new educational model.


where ZUN - known knowledge, skills,
P - cognitive activity, T - creative activity, D - activity; nZUN - new knowledge, skills, skills.

As a result of cognitive and creative activity, new knowledge appears, which is the basis for new skills and abilities. The new model of education "ZUN + PTD" in comparison with the model "ZUN" has qualitatively new properties: dynamism and

cyclicity (for "ZUN" - static and linearity). Qualitatively new properties allow us to consider the education system as a self-developing system.

The educational model "ZUN + PTD" is a model of promising education, because gives the education system promising opportunities: the education system itself creates an educational resource necessary for society, itself actively influences the preservation and improvement of the living standards of society.

Thus, the perspective education model really allows the education system to perform its main function: to maintain and improve the living standards of society through advanced education process(education and training) of its members.


The era of advanced education has not yet arrived, but there are already signs of its emergence. The model of perspective education "ZUN+PTD" gradually begins to be filled with specific educational mechanisms. In progressive educational institutions of the education system, new educational technologies are being developed, tested and introduced, based on the cognitive and creative activity of all participants in education.

TRIZ education- one of the educational technologies that uses the model of perspective education.


  1. Quality control. Training guidelines. /International standard ISO 10015:1999.
  2. Pedagogical ASCENT: Collection of articles on "Pedagogy of Agreements". - Zhukovsky, 1998. - 35 p.
  3. Modern dictionary of foreign words - M .: Rus. lang., 1992.-740 p.

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” - January 5, 1996
Competence - application of knowledge, skills and qualities in activities
Today, for the education system, the “appropriate level of development” is determined by the state.
Satellite [< лат. satelles (satellites) телохранитель; спутник; сообщник] - 2) зависимое, подчиненное лицо, исполнитель чужой воли, приспешник .

Knowledge is the elements of information connected with each other and with the outside world.

Properties of knowledge: structurability, interpretability, coherence, activity.

Structurability - the presence of links that characterize the degree of understanding and the identification of the main patterns and principles operating in a given subject area.

The interpretability of knowledge (to interpret means to interpret, explain) is determined by the content, or semantics, of knowledge and the ways in which it is used.

Connectedness of knowledge - the presence of situational relationships between elements of knowledge. These elements can be interconnected into separate blocks, for example, thematically, semantically, functionally.

The activity of knowledge is the ability to generate new knowledge and is determined by the motivation of a person to be cognitively active.

Along with knowledge, there is the concept of data. Although it is not always possible to draw a clear line between data and knowledge, nevertheless, there are fundamental differences between them.

Data is an element of knowledge, i.e. isolated facts whose relations with the outside world and among themselves are not fixed in themselves.

Distinguish between declarative knowledge - statements about objects of the subject area, their properties and relationships between them and procedural knowledge - describe the rules for transforming objects of the subject area. These can be recipes, algorithms, techniques, instructions, decision-making strategies. The difference between the two is that declarative knowledge is the linking rules, while procedural knowledge is the transformation rules.

are stored (remembered);

are reproduced;

are checked;

updated, including restructured;

are transformed;

are interpreted.

Skill is understood as a way of performing an action mastered by a person, provided with a certain body of knowledge. Skill is expressed in the ability to consciously apply knowledge in practice.

Skills are automated components of a person's conscious action, which are developed in the process of its implementation. A skill emerges as a consciously automated action and then functions as an automated way of doing it. The fact that this action has become a habit means that the individual, as a result of the exercise, has acquired the ability to carry out this operation without making its implementation his conscious goal.

The strength of the assimilation of knowledge is one of the goals of training. The result of a strong assimilation is the formation of stable knowledge structures that reflect the objective reality, when students are able to update and use the acquired knowledge. However, this goal is not always achieved in practice. Everyone knows the student motto - "Pass (exam) and forget like a bad dream".

But if knowledge is forgotten, then why waste time (and money) on learning it?

The purpose of training is professional skills and abilities.

Psychological studies have shown that acquired skills remain forever, while skills last for years, while theoretical (declarative) knowledge is quickly forgotten. However, in many cases, it is the strength of learning that is the goal of the intermediate stages of learning.

The modern understanding of the mechanisms of learning activity, leading to a solid assimilation of knowledge, allows us to formulate a number of recommendations.

In modern learning, thinking dominates memory. It is necessary to save the strength of students, not to waste it on memorizing low-value knowledge, not to overload memory to the detriment of thinking.

Prevent the memory of what is misunderstood or what the student does not understand. The student must memorize what is consciously learned, well understood.

The material to be memorized must be enclosed in short rows: what we must carry in our memory must not be of vast dimensions. From the rows to be memorized, exclude everything that the student himself can easily add.

Remember that forgetting what has been learned is most intense immediately after learning, so the time and frequency of repetitions must be consistent with the psychological patterns of forgetting. The greatest number of repetitions is required immediately after students become familiar with new material, that is, at the moment of maximum loss of information, after which this number of repetitions should gradually decrease, but not completely disappear. It is advisable not to time the students' own reproduction of the material to the moment immediately following the perception of the material, but to first let it lie down a little. Experimental studies indicate that the best reproduction occurs for the most part not immediately after the first perception of the material, but some time (2-3 days) after it.

Intensifying the involuntary memorization of students, do not give direct tasks or instructions: it is better to interest students, from time to time “warm up” the interest that has arisen.

Do not start learning new things without first having formed the two most important qualities: interest and a positive attitude towards it.

Follow the logic of the presentation of educational material. Knowledge and beliefs that are logically connected with each other are assimilated more firmly than disparate information.

Rely on a fact established by science: an important form of strengthening knowledge is their independent repetition by students.

Follow the logic of learning, because the strength of knowledge, logically linked to each other, always exceeds the strength of assimilation of disparate, unrelated knowledge. Give students the opportunity to view the material from different angles, from different angles.

Since the strength of memorizing information acquired in the form of logical structures is higher than the strength of disparate knowledge, knowledge presented in logically integral structures should be consolidated.

In the practice of teaching, repeated repetition of the presented educational material often serves as a means of lasting assimilation of knowledge. However, reliance mainly on mechanical memorization, without a deep awareness of internal patterns and logical sequence in the system of acquired knowledge, is one of the reasons for formalism in teaching. Memorization and reproduction depend not only on the objective connections of the material, but also on the attitude of the individual to it (for example, the student's interest in knowledge). An important condition for the lasting assimilation of knowledge is the correct organization of repetition and consolidation of knowledge. The most firmly assimilated knowledge obtained independently, in the performance of research, search, creative tasks.

Personality as a meaningful generalization of the highest level

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V.V. Davydov introduced the term into science "meaningful summary" meaning a theoretical image obtained in the human mind through mental operations that establish the unity of the system of concepts and their relationships and thus represent generalization of generalizations. A generalization of this level is the concept of personality.

An individual person represents (conditionally) a combination of physical and mental content. The human psyche (in the materialistic concept, a product of highly organized matter), in turn, is divided (not sharply) into two parts: emotions and consciousness. Consciousness distinguishes man from animal, it reflects the world around him in the human brain. Consciousness is the basis of what is called personality.

Existing in a certain social and material environment, interacting with surrounding people and nature, participating in social production, a person manifests himself as a complex self-governing system with a huge range of different qualities and properties. This system is personality.

The objective manifestation of personality is expressed in all and all interactions with the outside world. Subjectively, it manifests itself as a person's awareness of the existence of his "I" in the world and in a society of his own kind (self-awareness).

Personality is the mental, spiritual essence of a person, acting in a variety of generalized systems of qualities:

- a set of socially significant properties of a person;

- a system of relations to the world and with the world, to oneself and oneself; - system of activities, social roles, a set of behavioral acts;

- awareness of the surrounding world and oneself in it;

- system of needs;

- a set of abilities, creative possibilities; -a set of reactions to external conditions, etc.

All this forms a meaningful generalization. "personality".

The structure of personality traits

IN Personal qualities combine hereditary (biological) and acquired during life (social) components. According to their ratio in the structure of personality, four hierarchical levels-substructures are distinguished, bearing the following conditional names (according to K.K. Platonov).

1) temperament level includes qualities most determined by heredity; they are associated with the individual characteristics of the human nervous system (features of needs and instincts, gender, age, national and some other personality traits).

2) The level of features of mental processes form qualities that characterize the individual character of sensations, perceptions, imagination, attention, memory, thinking, feelings, will. Mental logical operations (associations, comparisons, abstraction, induction, deduction, etc.), called methods of mental actions (COURTS), play a huge role in the learning process.

3) The level of experience of the individual. This includes qualities such as knowledge, skills, habits. They distinguish between those that are formed in the process of studying school disciplines - ZUNs, and those that are acquired in labor, practical activity - SDP (effectively practical sphere).

4) Personal orientation level combines social qualities in terms of content that determine a person’s attitude to the world around him, serving as a guiding and regulating psychological basis for his behavior: interests, views, beliefs, social attitudes, value orientations, moral and ethical principles and worldview. Orientation (together with needs and self-concept) forms the basis of a self-governing mechanism of personality (conditionally - SUM).

Moral-ethical and aesthetic views and personality traits, together with the complex of the corresponding ZUN, represent the sphere of aesthetic and moral qualities (conditionally - SEN).

These levels can be represented as concentric layers, in the center of which is the core of biologically conditioned qualities, and the shell is formed by "orientation" - the social essence of a person.

However, in the structure of personality there are a number of qualities that can manifest themselves at all levels, as if "penetrating" them along the radii. These qualities, more precisely, groups of qualities: needs, character, abilities And I-concept personalities form, together with levels, a certain "framework" of personality. All groups of personality traits are closely interconnected, determine and often compensate each other, representing the most complex integral system.

Knowledge, skills, skills (KN)

Knowledge and their classification. Knowledge is the practice-tested results of cognition of the surrounding world, its true reflection in the human brain. The following classifications of knowledge are most common.

By reflection localization allocate:

individual knowledge (consciousness) - a set of sensory and mental images and their connections that arise when an individual interacts with reality, his personal experience of communication, work, knowledge of the world;

public knowledge is a product of generalization, objectification, socialization of the results of individual cognitive processes, expressed in language, science, technology, material and spiritual values ​​created by generations of people, civilization.

Training is a "translation" of public ZUN into individual ones.

By form of reflection ZUN distinguish:

- symbolic, verbal knowledge encoded in a sign, language form, theoretical knowledge;

- figurative, presented in images perceived by the senses;

- real, existing in the objects of labor, art - materialized results of activity;

- procedural - those that are contained in the current activities of people, their skills and abilities, in technology, the procedure of the labor and creative process.

Extensive classification of knowledge by areas And the subject of knowledge; its largest sections: humanities and exact mathematical sciences, philosophy, animate and inanimate nature, society, technology, art.

By psychological level distinguish: knowledge - recognition, - reproduction, - understanding, - application, - automatic actions, - attitude and knowledge - need.

By degree of generalization: facts - phenomena, concepts - terms, connections - patterns, hypotheses - theories, methodological knowledge, evaluative knowledge.

Associative model of individual knowledge. The sense organs transmit signals to the brain, which imprints them in the form of memory traces - facts of perception, elementary bricks of knowledge. At the same time, connections of facts are fixed in the brain - associations (by contiguity in time and space, by similarity or contrast, and other signs).

Consciousness is able to single out the main and secondary elements in these facts and connections, create generalizations (concepts), recognize connections and patterns hidden from direct perception, and solve problems set by external circumstances.

The simplest semantic system is the concept. The concept is knowledge of the essential properties (sides) of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, knowledge of the essential connections and relationships between them. A concept is not something that is observed, but an abstraction that expresses the internal semantic content of objects of knowledge.

Skills and abilities. A special part of human experience is the process itself, the mode of activity. It can only partially be described by language. It can be reproduced only in the activity itself, therefore, possession of it is characterized by special personality traits - skills and abilities. Skill is defined as the ability of a person to effectively perform a divided activity based on existing knowledge in changed or new conditions. The ability is characterized primarily by the ability to comprehend the available information with the help of knowledge, draw up a plan to achieve the goal, regulate and control the process of activity. The skill includes and utilizes all related personality skills.

Simple skills with sufficient exercise can be automated, move inskills. Skills- is the ability to perform any action automatically, without element-by-element control. That is why it is sometimes said that A skill is an automated skill.

Skills and abilities are characterized by varying degrees of generalization and are classified according to various logical grounds. So, according to the nature of the prevailing mental processes, motor (motor), sensual (touch) and mental (intellectual).

ZUNs define the so-called "voluminous" personality, i.e. the amount of information, information available in memory, and elementary skills for their reproduction. Intellectual skills for the application and creative transformation of information belong to another group of personality traits - methods of mental actions.
