Armenian milk soup saved. Spas - Armenian sour-milk soup. The exact Armenian saved recipe looks like this

Delicious kefir soup can be not only cold and summery. In addition to the well-known light okroshka, hearty hot first courses are prepared on a sour-milk basis.

This collection of recipes will help out at any time of the year. You will learn how to cook quick lunches and dinners without cooking and find out what kefir delicacies your hungry men indulge in other countries. Perhaps some combination of products will seem unusual, but do not rush to dismiss ideas without trying.

Cold kefir soups

Soups made from kefir attract with light sourness, freshness and cooling effect. With them, it is easier to endure the heat, there is no thirst and a feeling of overeating.

General cooking rules

It is not necessary to cook strictly according to recipes. Do not be afraid to add your raisins to cold kefir soups and remove those ingredients that you don’t like or cause allergies. But there are general rules that builds to adhere to:

  1. For weight loss, choose kefir with minimal fat content or fat-free. For a more satisfying lunch, fermented baked milk or full-fat yogurt is suitable.
  2. To obtain a liquid consistency, kefir soup is diluted with mineral or boiled (cold) water. Some use liquid fermented milk drinks, such as tan - salted and carbonated.
  3. Beets and potatoes are best not boiled, but baked in the oven. So more vitamins and useful elements will be preserved, and the taste will be more saturated and natural. You can bake in a special bag or foil.
  4. All products must be chilled - hot and warm vegetables cannot be poured with kefir.
  5. There is two cooking methods- immediately dilute the base filler in a saucepan or mix the ingredients into a salad, and then arrange them on plates and pour kefir. The second method is more convenient, as it allows you to adjust the density of each portion separately.
  6. Prepare sour-milk soups at a time. The next day they are not so tasty and can turn sour.

Popular soup for weight loss

The simplest kefir soup for weight loss is prepared with grated cucumber. Just grate a small fresh cucumber, chop the greens and pour low-fat kefir to get the desired consistency. Pepper to taste, add your favorite spices. It is better not to salt, but if you really want, slightly salt sea ​​salt.

When there is no time to cut, grind everything in a blender. If there is no cucumber, you can use only greens. But take it more and in a wide range - onions, parsley, dill, basil, cilantro.

On a light soup, it is recommended to do one unloading day a week. On the rest of the days, you need to adhere to proper nutrition and not load the body with fatty and high-calorie dishes. In this mode, you can really lose weight.

Dessert soups with kefir for mood

Sweet kefir soups are an ideal alternative to high-calorie desserts. They can be eaten instead of dinner or served as an afternoon snack, just like delicious ones.

To prepare berry kefir soup mix in a blender half a liter of fermented milk drink, two tablespoons of honey and cottage cheese. Pour the resulting mass of fresh berries - blueberries, strawberries, strawberries or raspberries. Sprinkle with ground nuts.

If there are no fresh berries, take this recipe into service:

  1. Boil 50 g of pitted prunes in half a liter of water and leave in the broth until completely cooled. Strain, do not pour out the broth! Cut prunes into pieces.
  2. Cut 300 g of fresh apples into beautiful cubes or straws.
  3. Rub 100 g of soft cottage cheese with a liter of kefir to get a homogeneous mixture.
  4. Mix apples and prunes, pour over the kefir-curd mixture, add the broth to the desired density.

Cool down. Serve in a beautiful transparent bowl. Garnish with mint.

Sweet rhubarb soup on kefir is suitable for those who want to break the diet, but not get carried away with harmful sweets.

  1. Wash 100 g of rhubarb stalks, cut into 2 cm pieces and boil in sugar syrup from half a liter of water and 10 g of sugar. Don't digest! Refrigerate.
  2. Mix cold syrup with half a liter of kefir (cold).
  3. Add 10 g of lemon zest to taste.
  4. Pour over cooled rhubarb.
  5. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon when serving.

We hope that this selection will help you in compiling a light menu for spring and summer. And if you want to lose weight, then do not give up kefir dishes in the winter. Save the link to the article so that it is always at hand.

If you have your own recipe for dessert, hot or cold soup with kefir, share it in the comments. Other readers of the online magazine "Women's Hobbies" will be grateful to you.

Almost every housewife knows how to cook a delicious chicken or a pie. The second dishes are successful for most. Put a sufficient amount of meat, sprinkle with fragrant herbs - and any man will gladly ask for an addition. But the majority of the stronger sex treats the first courses with a chill. But maybe we just don't know how to cook them? Try to make an Armenian spas soup. Original, bright and at the same time light, it will appeal primarily to adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

Main Ingredients

It is somewhat similar to our traditional okroshka. But experts say that this soup is much more interesting and healthier. We trust, but we verify. Therefore, today we are learning how to cook Armenian spas soup. Armenia is famous for its excellent cuisine. If you want to constantly surprise family and friends, then explore the simple, but original and original recipes that she offers.

But back to the first dishes. Spas Armenian soup has an original taste, so if you are cooking it for the first time, you should not make a large portion. Home may simply not appreciate. Experts recommend preparing it after heavy feasts. It is suitable for baby food. This dish has only a few ingredients. These are wheat, kefir, onions and greens. Despite the simplicity of preparation, the Armenian spas soup turns out to be hearty and really tasty.

Dish Features

Its taste is really unlike any of the soups we are used to. This is not borscht, not pickle, and not even an ear. But everyone should try it at least once in their life. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the soup is served cold. This is very true for hot climates. Okroshka is prepared according to the same principle, pouring chopped vegetables with kvass or kefir.

Vegetarian soups are obtained from local chefs thick, rich and very satisfying. However, cooking methods can be very different from each other. Try chopping the vegetables raw and sautéing them first next time. The taste of the resulting dishes will be very different from each other. Sometimes vegetables are even mashed. Depending on this, there are khash, spas, kololik, lobahashu, praise apur, krchik. The choice depends on your personal preferences. Today we will consider in detail the recipe for the Armenian spasa soup.

Required Ingredients

The word "saved" makes it clear that the dish refers to lean cuisine. Pas is translated from Armenian as fasting. The use of this soup is welcomed by the church during fasting, as well as other abstinences. The most important components of the soup are matsoni and dzavar. To prepare a dish as close to the original as possible, you need to try to find exactly these products:

  • Matsoni is a traditional fermented milk product of Caucasian cuisine. It is believed that it is an excellent antioxidant that improves the quality and duration of life. If you can’t get it in your region, then you can replace it with kefir. It won't be exactly the same, but close. The main thing is to choose a quality product with a high percentage of fat content.
  • Dzavar is a special mountain fine-grained wheat. Prepare it in a special way. The grains are boiled, dried, peeled in stone mortars, and then finally dried. Thanks to this processing, the cereal is cooked very quickly. You can use couscous. This is a different type of wheat, but it is prepared in a similar way.

The recipe for the Armenian spasa soup is quite variable, which makes it possible to cook it at home when you want to diversify the table and offer something new to your family.

In cold and in heat

Indeed, this is a unique dish. It can be consumed cold to quench your thirst on a hot day. But it's just as delicious when served hot. Freshly prepared, it can be eaten hot, and then there is no need to reheat. It is very convenient in the country, where you can use the cellar as a refrigerator.


First, consider the classic recipe for the Armenian Spas soup. To prepare it you will need:

  • Matsun - 1 liter. The output of the finished product is approximately 4 servings. For a large family, it makes sense to double the number.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Wheat - 100 g.
  • Raw egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 10 g.
  • Greenery.
  • Onion and butter for frying.

Salt and spices can be adjusted according to your taste. As you can see, nothing complicated, you can cook this soup at least every day.

Food preparation

A novice cook should remember that it is the Armenian cuisine that most of all does not tolerate fuss. The recipe for spasa soup is quite simple, but you need to prepare the cereal in the evening. Wheat grains should be washed and soaked overnight. After that, rinse the grits well again and scatter on a paper towel to absorb excess liquid.

Let's start cooking

  • Crack an egg into a bowl and season with salt.
  • Stir with a fork, add flour and set aside for now.
  • Pour matsun and water into a saucepan. Both products must be cold.
  • Pour the egg mixture into the saucepan in a thin stream.
  • Add prepared wheat. As a substitute, you can add couscous or millet.
  • Put the mixture on fire and stir occasionally with a wooden spatula.
  • Closer to boiling, start stirring more actively. Cook until the cereal is soft, 5 to 20 minutes.

Your soup is almost ready. But it remains to give it a creamy taste and unique aroma. To do this, finely chop the onion and fry it in butter. After that, we send the frying to the pan, salt to taste and add chopped greens. A little mint will give the dish an original taste. After that, the pan must be removed from the heat and cooled to room temperature. Everything, the soup is ready, you can call the family to the table.

Soup on kefir

This option is better adapted to our realities. The Armenian soup saved on kefir turns out no worse than with traditional matsun. No wheat? Do not despair, it can be replaced with rice and flour. The result will not be exactly one to one, but close to the original. For cooking you will need:

  • Onion - 15 g.
  • Kefir - 3 cups.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 3 tablespoons.
  • Flour - 1 cup.
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons.
  • Mint and greens.

As you can see, the composition is very close to the original. But at the same time, all products can be found in the store without any difficulties. Kefir should be diluted with water twice, mixed with egg and flour, brought to a boil over low heat. You can adapt it to your family's tastes, this is a good recipe for kefir. Spas Armenian soup can be made more sour or bland. Add ryazhenka together with kefir - and you will get the taste of baked milk. Not everyone likes it, it's a matter of habit.

Some difficulties

Sometimes, instead of a delicious soup, a mass similar to cottage cheese is obtained. This is a little confusing for novice housewives. In fact, there is nothing complicated in making soup, you just need to observe the temperature regime. If you put the pan immediately on a strong fire, then this result is very likely. Therefore, heat the soup carefully and stir constantly. You don't have to know any more tricks. You will get a great dish that is suitable for the whole family.

Instead of a conclusion

Soup needs to be cooked every day. The first courses perfectly saturate, and at the same time they quite gently affect the mucous membranes and the digestive system as a whole. If you adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, if you have a history of digestive problems and gastrointestinal diseases, then the soup saved you is simply indicated for consumption as often as possible.

Armenia is proud not only of its stunning nature, friendly people, but also its amazing cuisine, which you want to discover again and again. Armenian soup is especially popular among connoisseurs. The original taste has tanov apur. It is eaten after plentiful feasts, recommended to children, as well as to those who follow their figure. The basis of this dish is wheat, kefir, onions and greens. We will tell you more about the recipe below. Now Armenian cuisine is gaining momentum in cafes and restaurants around the world, and the first courses, despite the simplicity of preparation, turn out to be hearty and really tasty.

Do you think that only representatives of this people can cook Armenian soups? Not at all, the process is so simple that even those who do not like to mess with complex dishes can do it. Each soup has a traditional recipe and a modern, somewhat simplified one. We will focus on the first option. It is he who is considered a classic and sweeps through the centuries.

Armenian soup khash

Since ancient times, Armenian khash has been considered a dish of the poor. After the ritual sacrifice of a ram, its legs, stomach and offal were given to the beggars, who prepared a rich broth from it. This is able to satisfy hunger for the whole day. That is why it is usually served for breakfast. The garlic included in the composition protects against diseases and colds, and the greens grow in abundance - that's why they put it and now put it, as they say, from the heart. Traditional Armenian khash is made exclusively from lamb or beef legs, you can add a part of the stomach, but this is not necessary.

The ingredients for the soup are:

  • beef or lamb legs - about a kilogram;
  • part of the stomach, it is also called a scar - half a kilo;
  • herbs (parsley, basil, dill, cilantro) - at least 200 grams each;
  • a couple of heads of garlic;
  • salt and parsley to taste.

A detailed step-by-step recipe for making khash soup looks like this:

  1. Soak the legs and stomach, pour them with cold water for a day;
  2. Boil the legs and scar until fully cooked;
  3. Grind the garlic with salt and add to the broth;
  4. Coarsely chop the meat and return to the water;
  5. Finely chop the herbs and put in a deep plate;
  6. Pour the herbs with broth with meat;
  7. Serve hot.

This dish gives a feeling of satiety due to its richness. The soup is very high in calories, so it is not suitable for those who are on a diet. The energy value of the legs and the scar is significant. It is advisable to eat khash all winter to be healthy and active. It is better to do it in the morning to get enough. An ordinary pita is perfect for the dish.

Armenian Spas

They say that the soup saved - this is a national Armenian trait. Everyone should try it at least once in their life. What is special about it is that tanov apur is served cold, it perfectly quenches thirst, is good for the immune system and the stomach.

To cook Armenian Spas, you will need:

  • matsun or kefir - 1 liter;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • wheat grains - 100 grams;
  • butter - 30 grams;
  • one raw egg;
  • wheat flour - a teaspoon;
  • cilantro;
  • mint;
  • salt.

The exact Armenian saved recipe looks like this:

  1. Soak the grain in water overnight;
  2. In a separate saucepan, beat the egg with flour and salt;
  3. Pour the resulting kefir and break all the lumps;
  4. Add water;
  5. pour in the swollen cereal;
  6. Put the dish on the stove, but do not bring it to a boil - it will curdle;
  7. fry the onion with butter in a pan;
  8. Add to soup;
  9. Put cilantro and mint;
  10. Remove from stove and cool to room temperature.

You need to cook spas exactly according to the recipe, otherwise nothing will work.


The simplest Armenian soup is kololik. Its preparation does not take much time and effort, and the chef in the process gets a real pleasure. Roll yourself meat koloboks and nothing more. After all, a bell is literally a bun. Soup with koloboks.

In order to make this Armenian first course, you will need:

  • sheep meat - half a kilo;
  • semolina - about 3 tablespoons;
  • butter - a tablespoon;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • 3 tablespoons of rice;
  • a little tomato paste;
  • any greens;
  • salt.

To prepare kololak, follow the instructions:

  1. Boil the meat and cool it;
  2. Save the broth - you will need it in the future;
  3. Make minced meat;
  4. Mix minced meat with egg and flour, roll into balls;
  5. Prepare the filling of rice, fried onions and herbs;
  6. Place a spoonful of filling in the center of each ball and close tightly;
  7. Place the balls in the broth, add coarsely chopped potatoes and tomato paste there;
  8. The dish is served only hot and garnished with fresh onions.


This soup can be prepared as a vegetarian or not. It depends on what kind of broth you take for him.

For lobahashu with beans, take:

  • red beans - 2 cups;
  • onion;
  • half a glass of walnuts;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

You need to boil the beans in water and cool it. Grind the nuts, fry the flour in a dry frying pan. Divide the beans into 2 equal parts - pass one in mashed potatoes, leave the other in its original form. Add the broth to the flour, fry the onion in butter, chop the greens and combine all the ingredients. Bon Appetit.

Praise Aphur

The famous and delicious vospi apur is prepared from the following products:

  • lentils - you need a glass;
  • potatoes;
  • beef - half a kilo;
  • prunes - 100 grams;
  • wheat flour;
  • lamb fat;
  • carrots;
  • Luke;
  • herbs and spices.

Boil the meat, put potatoes in the broth, fry finely chopped carrots and onions in fat, add prunes and water, lentils, then flour to thicken. When the potatoes are cooked, previously prepared and greens are added to it.


Armenian krchik is a sauerkraut soup. Armenia is considered the birthplace of this creative dish.

The preparation is simple:

  • take a pound of sauerkraut;
  • potatoes;
  • tomato paste;
  • butter;
  • greenery;
  • dried apricots;

Fry the onion, add sauerkraut, tomato paste and dried apricots to it, cover with water and bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for another 20 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs and serve.


Armenian soups are extremely tasty, while being as simple as possible. They will become the crown dish of any feast and will not take much time from the hostess. The main thing is to invest your soul. Then the taste will be just right.

Spas is one of the most popular soups in Armenian cuisine. Prepared with fermented milk product matsoni (matsun). Unusual yummy! Hurry up to replenish your culinary piggy bank with another recipe of Armenian cuisine.

There are many first courses in the national one, the basis of which are sour-milk products. Spas is prepared with yogurt (matsun) - a thick fermented milk drink that tastes like kefir. Such a soup among Armenians is considered healing. It restores strength and immunity, is useful for hypertensive patients, as it reduces pressure. Spas is the best pill for hangovers and high fever. In winter it is served hot in the cold, and in the summer heat it is cooled, and it is wonderfully refreshing and protects against overheating.

Saved sour milk soup - ingredients

For 5-6 servings of Armenian Spas you will need:

  • 3 cups of matsoni;
  • 1.5 glasses of drinking water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 120 g bulgur or rice;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 st. spoons of flour with a slide;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 30 g fresh cilantro;
  • salt to taste.

Armenian soup recipe saved

  1. Before cooking Spas, bulgur or rice should be poured overnight with very hot water. In the morning, rinse the grits and cook until the grains are soft. Strain the decoction into a separate bowl.
  2. In a pan, make onion frying - in butter, you can use ghee. Fry the onion until light golden brown. If the soup needs to be made completely dietary, roasting should be excluded. Then the onion is generally removed from the ingredients.
  3. Next, add flour to the cooled bulgur or rice and mix well so that there are not even small lumps. Pour the egg into this mass and mix again. You can add a couple of spoons of matsoni. And then fried onion with butter.
  4. In a separate bowl, dilute matsoni with drinking water to the desired consistency - for example, how kefir is diluted for okroshka. For breeding, you can also use a decoction, expressed after cooking cereals. But keep in mind that spas should not be too liquid.
  5. Next, move the pan with matsoni to the stove, on a small fire. Put there a mixture of cereals with onions. Boil, stirring all the time so that the fermented milk drink does not curdle. So cook for 3 minutes, then reduce the heat to the smallest and continue to simmer the Armenian soup for about ten minutes, add salt.
  6. Pour into bowls and sprinkle with chopped cilantro. And if desired - and hot ground pepper. If saved served cold, then instead of cilantro it is better to put a little mint. Bon Appetit!

Spas - a popular soup in Armenia with yoghurt

Video recipe: classic soup with yoghurt

The recipe of the Armenian summer rescue from the channel "Beautiful Armenia".

Spas is one of the most popular milk soups in Armenian national cuisine. For its preparation, wheat or wheat groats - dzavar - and a fermented milk product, popular in the Transcaucasus, yogurt, are used.

Armenian spas is prepared with a little butter, but it remains a low-calorie soup.

The combination of yoghurt, wheat and a lot of greens make this dish very healthy and quite satisfying. Soup spas perfectly restores immunity, lowers blood pressure, relieves and prevents a hangover.

  • matsoni - 500 ml;
  • boiled water - 400 ml;
  • wheat - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • onion - 1 small onion;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cilantro - 1 large bunch;
  • salt to taste.

From this amount of products, you can cook saved for 4-5 people.

Armenian spas on yogurt - recipe with photo:

To prepare spas, it is necessary to rinse and soak the wheat in boiling water overnight. Sometimes it is replaced with blgur or rice, in extreme cases - pearl barley.

The next day, the swollen wheat will be much softer, and therefore the cooking time will be significantly reduced. In the same water in which the cereal was soaked, it must be put on fire and boiled until all the grains open. Then pour the remaining liquid into a separate container and allow to cool.

In the meantime, you can prepare the onion stew. To do this, finely chopped onions are sautéed in a small amount of butter or ghee (half a serving - 25 g) until a light golden hue. If you want to make it dietary, then onions and butter can be completely excluded from the recipe.

Pour flour into the cooled groats and mix so that there are no lumps left.

Then add the egg and mix again until smooth.

Now you need to add matsoni to the wheat and mix. If it is too sour, then 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream are added to the spas. Matsoni can be replaced with kefir.

After that, add onion frying with oil.

Now you need to dilute the matsoni with water. To do this, you can use the water left after cooking wheat. Fill the missing volume with chilled boiled water. Depending on the density of the matsoni, the amount of water added is regulated. Spas should not be too liquid. Then put it on medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring frequently. The more the spas heats up, the more often it needs to be stirred so that the matsoni does not curdle. After boiling, continue cooking without stirring over low heat. After 10 minutes, add oil, salt and remove from heat.

When serving, sprinkle with Armenian soup, spas, finely chopped fresh cilantro. It can be replaced with dried, and also add a little mint.

A photo recipe for Armenian soup saved was prepared by Sargsyan Gayane (gayane74) for a women's site.

Armenian soup "Spas"

Soup "Spas" is a dish of Armenian cuisine. This soup, prepared on the basis of fermented milk products, has not only excellent taste, but also medicinal properties. In Armenia, such a soup is always prepared if someone in the family is ill with a cold or flu. In addition, Spas soup helps to get rid of an upset stomach or intestines, and so on. There is nothing complicated in making this soup. By the way, the soup turns out to be low-calorie, so even those who follow a diet can safely eat it. Traditionally, Spas soup is made from yogurt, but you can also take kefir for cooking. Only in this case, it must be taken into account that the matsoni is thick and diluted with water. In the summer heat, the soup can be served cold and then it will become a refreshing dish, and in the cold season, it is advisable to serve the soup hot.

Soup "Spas" with wheat and yoghurt

Rinse the wheat well, then put it in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Send the pot to the fire. Boil wheat until tender.

Combine matsoni with sour cream. In the resulting mixture, add dried mint and thyme, as well as salt. Mix thoroughly.

Cut the peeled onion into small cubes and fry in butter until golden brown.

Pour the flour into a bowl or small bowl and add the egg. Mix well until smooth. Send the resulting egg mixture to yogurt and sour cream. Mix well.

Pour the resulting milk mixture into the pan with the finished wheat. You need to pour in the mixture slowly, stirring constantly, otherwise the mixture may curdle and the soup will lose its attractive appearance.

Add fried onion. The longer you cook the soup, the thicker it will get. Cooking time depends on how thick the soup you want to get.

Soup can be served hot or cold.

Spas soup with kefir and rice

Wash the rice thoroughly. It is better to do this several times until the water becomes clear. Boil rice until tender.

Mix flour with egg. Add boiled rice, salt and 200 ml of kefir to this mixture. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

In a separate bowl, mix the remaining kefir, sour cream and water. For good mixing, you can use a mixer.

Combine both mixtures in a saucepan. Send the soup to the fire. Do not put the soup on high heat - a little less than medium is best. If not constantly, then stir the soup very often until it boils.

Boil the soup for 2-3 minutes after boiling. The soup will begin to thicken before your eyes.

Peel the onion, cut into cubes and fry in butter. Add fried onions to soup.

Rinse and chop cilantro. Also send to soup. Serve hot or cold, as you prefer, pouring the soup into bowls.

Cooking Armenian soup from yogurt

Yerevan chef Mushegh Nalbandian moved to Pyatigorsk two years ago. In a small Russian town, everything is different: people speak more quietly, have more modest fun and know only one version of the Armenian sour-milk soup saved out of dozens. And with the help of Mushegh, we will tell about five - for every taste.

"You can just Misha"

There are several restaurants in Kavminvody with rich Armenian cuisine, and in each of them they like to brag that they bring products directly from Armenia. The owners of the Kinza restaurant decided to take it a step further: to bring a chef.

This is how Mushegh (“It's possible - just Misha”) and his wife and first assistant technologist Iveta appeared here. They taught all the chefs of the restaurant how to cook intricate Armenian dishes: the Avar woman Naida, the chief specialist in Dagestan khinkal and miracle, and the Chechen Tumisha, a craftswoman of zhizhig-galnash, and other colleagues.

Mushegh had come to work in Russia before: he opened restaurants of Armenian cuisine in Saratov and Volgograd. He speaks good Russian, although with a colorful Caucasian accent, so he easily adapted to the new city. It was difficult only in the first six months, while the wife and teenage daughters remained in Yerevan.

When I lived alone, I spent all my time at work. I never even cooked at home! And now my wife is cooking. It's at work I'm a cook, and at home I'm a man. Sometimes I disagree with her: there is an Armenian meat dish - kerusus, translated "Eat and be silent." I add tomatoes to it, but my wife does not. I can argue with her, but I won’t go to the stove myself,” he says.

Features of the Armenian temperament

In Armenia, says Mushegh, the restaurant business is much more developed than in Pyatigorsk.

How many restaurants are there in Pyatigorsk? Maybe twenty, thirty. We don't count cafes. Just imagine, there is a street in Yerevan with 59 restaurants! There are more than 530 people in the Armenian Association of Chefs. We all know each other. Of course, it is more profitable to work here. But even there, with such competition, restaurants earn. Everyone has their own regular customers, he explains.

And Yerevan and Pyatigorsk are distinguished by people.

In Armenia, everyone is emotional, loud. There is also a Caucasian temperament, but still people are calmer. It is very noisy in the kitchen of any Yerevan restaurant. And here if I shout: “Naida! Where's the thyme?" she'll think I'm yelling at her.

The difference in temperament manifests itself, of course, in the behavior in the restaurant.

In Yerevan, we are used to walking in a big way. I go to a restaurant with three or four friends and I don't even need a menu. I immediately say: “Set a full table: bring more barbecue, kebab, snacks - four or five types ... What do you have delicious? Take this!” Let us not eat even half - the table must be full! In Pyatigorsk, such feasts are only for holidays. It has nothing to do with finances! Armenia is not a rich country.

But Mushegu likes Pyatigorsk: there are many compatriots and beautiful mountains. He climbed Mashuk more than once, but only by cable car, and he doesn’t want to climb Elbrus.

I don't travel much, I like to work: I always have a lot of ideas. Soon we will cook dolma on the grill - this is a novelty for Pyatigorsk.

The cook did not like the mineral waters from the local springs: the water is very salty, and this smell of hydrogen sulfide... But Mushegh found a good tattoo artist and got stylish drawings: conspicuous inscriptions in Latin on his hands are a life motto, translated: “If there is no road I'll lay it down."

I also have an Armenian cross on one shoulder, and an eagle on the other. No, not because of the Pyatigorsk eagle (the sculpture of an eagle is one of the symbols of the city. - Ed.). The Armenian coat of arms depicts an eagle and a lion. Where is the lion? Yes, I'm a lion!

How to recognize a person of the choice of a savior

Spas is a quick sour-milk soup. Cooking time - no more than 30 minutes along with the preparation of ingredients. In summer, spas is served cold, like okroshka, in winter - hot. Its main ingredient is yogurt, a sour-milk drink made from fermented milk, promising Caucasian longevity. And the highlight is greenery. And yes, here it is brought from Armenia.

Armenian Spas

For some reason, in Russia we have something like this picture of the world: the whole Caucasus “the morning after” (wedding, birthday of a beloved wife, New Year, old New Year or just a warm meeting of friends) will certainly eat khash to heal. But khash is not alone in turning a human back into a human! A worthy company to him - or competition - can be made by this wonderful soup based on yoghurt and wheat groats. They eat it, of course, not only to relieve a hangover. Spasom is fed to children, it is served at the end of a hearty meal, so that - in advance! - mitigate the consequences.


  • 500 g matsun (yogurt)
  • 3–4 tbsp. l. fat sour cream
  • 1/2 cup dzawar wheat
  • 1 egg
  • 3 art. l. flour
  • small bunch each of cilantro and mint, to serve

For refueling, optional

  • 2 medium onions
  • 3 art. l. ghee


Step 1

Rinse wheat groats in cold water, put on a sieve. Place the dzawar in a saucepan, cover with plenty of cold water, bring to a boil, cook until soft, 20-25 minutes. Throw on a sieve, let the liquid drain.

Step 2

Whisk the egg with the sifted flour and salt. Whisk yoghurt with sour cream in a heavy bottomed saucepan, add egg mixture and beat until smooth. Add cereal and stir.

Step 3

Dilute the resulting mass with 2-2.5 glasses of cold water (the amount of water depends on the density of the matsoni), pouring it in gradually. As a result, the mass in the pan should not be either thick or too liquid.

Step 4

Put the pan on a small fire (if the stove is gas, then on the divider) and bring to a boil, stirring often with a whisk. Once the mixture starts to warm up, stir it continuously so it doesn't curdle. When soup comes to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 5

While the soup is cooking, prepare the dressing if desired: chop the onion very finely, heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion, fry, stirring occasionally, until golden brown, 15 minutes.

Step 6

Finely chop the cilantro and mint leaves. Ladle the hot spas into bowls, season with fried onions and butter, sprinkle with herbs, and serve immediately.

Spas Armenian recipe

In the view of Europeans about the Caucasus in the morning after large or small feasts, representatives of this region “rescue themselves” from a hangover syndrome by eating fresh khash. But this is a delusion, because spas sour-milk soup can compete with the healing qualities of khash. Thanks to the fermented milk drink matsun, spas has the qualities of an excellent tool for improving digestion. And, of course, it is not only eaten to eliminate a hangover. Spasom is fed to children, it is boiled for specially sick people to speed up recovery, spasom is also needed for intestinal diseases, but in this case it should be cooked only with rice. It is low-calorie, but at the same time very satisfying, has a delicate taste with sourness.

The soup is delicious both warm and cold. When cold, Spas is tasty and very useful in the hot season. Usually it is made from the national drink matsun and dzavar wheat groats, but rice is also perfect for this soup, it gives Spas a delicate taste and wonderful aroma. To prepare it, the hostesses use little tricks, which we will tell you about now, and the photos of cooking the Armenian Spas soup will clearly show you how to properly and tasty cope with the task.

Soup history

There are about a dozen recipes for Spas, this is due to the fact that in each locality Spas is cooked according to its own recipe, different herbs are added. Spas or tanapur (from the words tan - the well-known drink from matsun, and apur - soup) is a unique dish, it warms in the cold, refreshes in the heat, perfectly satisfies hunger. The history of this dish is as ancient as the Armenian people themselves. The fact is that Spas for the Armenian, that okroshka for the Russian, pilaf for the Uzbek, pizza for the Italian, is an integral part of the culture of the people.

Where did the name of this wonderful soup come from? It is not known exactly, but there is a legend that one day Russian officers, getting lost in a mountainous area, knocked on the house of a local Armenian, asking to spend the night. The hospitable Armenians invited them to the house, and, according to tradition, they sat down at the table. In the house of the poor, there was so little food that it would not have been possible to cook a full dinner. But the resourceful hostess found a way out, she cooked a delicious hot soup from the leftovers of matsun and wheat. The officers enjoyed the cooked soup and said: “You saved us, brother, you saved us!” Since then, the Armenian soup tanapur has another name - Spas.

soup ingredients

  • Matsun - 500 grams
  • Boiled water - 500 grams
  • Steamed rice - 100 grams
  • Sour cream - 70 grams
  • Flour - 20 grams
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Fresh mint - 4 sprigs
  • cilantro - 2 sprigs
  • Salt - 15 grams

Spas preparation process

  1. First, let's take all the necessary ingredients.

Prepare the right ingredients

For soup, we need rice, which must first be sorted out and soaked in cold water to swell

Egg - the basis of the soup, you need to beat well with salt

Add some flour to the egg

Grind the flour well until the lumps disappear.

Add yogurt to the mixture of eggs and flour and stir everything again

Add sour cream and mix again

Add the required amount of boiled water to the soup and bring it to the consistency you need

Move the rice to a colander and let the water drain

Pour the rice into the future soup and place the pan on the fire. Now the soup should be stirred continuously until it boils so that it does not curdle, this will take about 25 minutes.

By the time the soup boils, the rice will be ready.

Well, that's it, the soup is ready. It can be served on the table slightly cooled and better with fragrant fresh cilantro and hot chili peppers.

One can talk a lot about the benefits of Spas or tanapur, as the ancient Armenians used to say, because any of its ingredients carries only one benefit for the body. And all together they are healers for a person. The main component in the Spas recipe is yogurt, it contains calcium and protein, as well as essential trace elements - iron, phosphorus, it is rich in vitamins K, D, A, PP. Fermented milk matsun is obtained during the fermentation process and brings great benefits to the body due to the oxidation process.

Matsoni plays an important role in human digestion, helps to cope with excess weight. Rice, on the other hand, has great benefits, it contains such important vitamins for humans as K, PP, H, E, vitamin B, as well as boron, calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, and various amino acids.

The benefit of rice is that it contains practically no fiber. Rice is very useful for diseases of the stomach, ulcers and gastritis, due to the property of rice to envelop, it is good for inflammatory diseases. The vitamins contained in rice strengthen the heart muscle, blood vessels, and contribute to the production of energy that is beneficial to the body. The combination of a fermented milk product and rice gives the body an undeniable benefit, helps to cope with many ailments, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. Discover this great dish and be always healthy!
