What does the name Agatha mean? What does the name Agatha mean for a girl: a complete description

Agatha (Agafya) is a name of Greek origin. The meaning of the name Agatha comes from the word "agat", which in translation into Russian means "good", "kind". A related name is Agap, which in ancient Greece was an epithet for the name of Zeus. Diminutive forms of the name: Agatushka, Gatonka, Agatochka, Agania, Agushka, Agatonka, Gatochka, Agafushka. Name days are celebrated on January 6 - the day of St. Agafia, January 10 - on the day of Nicomedia Agafia, January 18 - on the day of Agafia the Great Martyr.

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    Name characteristic

    The number of the name Agatha is 1. Its owner is characterized as a purposeful person who is ready to throw all her strength into making her goals come true. She easily achieves success in business, and a creative streak will not let Agatha get bored. The unit is always in the center of everyone's attention, it easily subjugates others to its will. Her fate consists of many adventures and various trials.

    Sometimes she can be too pushy and aggressive. However, it is these qualities that help her achieve her desired goals. This is a very controversial person who never loses self-respect. The unit is the best partner for life, if it is given due attention.

    Agatha is very demanding of herself and others. She constantly strives for perfection, even in small things she tries to achieve the ideal. Has been involved in sports since childhood. Tries to look according to fashion trends.

    Innate insight helps her to achieve success in life. She easily distinguishes between truth and lies, sees through people, knows how to predict their intentions and actions. For a harmonious life, Agatha should deal with a sense of insecurity in her abilities, and also learn to suppress outbreaks of unreasonable aggression.

    The lucky color is green (for Agafia) and purple (for Atata). Talisman stone: for Agatha - amethyst, for Agafia - emerald.

    How to determine if a guy suits a girl - name compatibility in love and marriage

    early years

    Little Agatha does not get along well with her peers. She is not interested in girly games and dolls. But Agatha is always ready to climb over the fence, climb a tall tree, fight with sticks, play “Cossack robbers” and do other boyish things.

    Parents have to put up with eternally scratched knees, torn clothes and a bunch of bruises and abrasions that invariably appear on the body of their daughter. The girl does not tolerate when she is affectionately called Agasha or Agatochka. She demands to be treated like an adult, and cannot stand lisping.

    Agatha has a keen sense of justice, always rushing to protect the weak. Mom can count on help from her daughter only in cooking, because the girl is interested in the cooking process itself. But Agatha is not an assistant in cleaning, she feels comfortable in a mess, perceiving chaos as the norm.

    Growing up and becoming a personality

    While studying at school, the girl prefers the exact sciences. Although in other subjects he regularly receives high scores. The only subject that is difficult for Agatha is literature, because the girl does not like to write essays. The reason for this is the reluctance to share their inner world with others. Agatha loves to read. Her Favorites literary genres- thriller and fantasy.

    With age, the character of Agatha undergoes significant changes. She becomes sociable, responsive, with a positive attitude towards the world around her. She develops an amazing sense of humor and charisma, which leads to numerous acquaintances and a wide range of communication. Those who know Agatha early years, hardly recognize in her a former daredevil and an aggressive girl. The only thing that will remain in the adult Agatha from the child is perseverance and iron willpower, which will come to the aid of the girl more than once in building a career.

    Career and profession

    Agatha never suffers from lack of money. A successful career, a successful marriage - the source of her income can be anything, but it always is. She has practicality and is successfully guided by it in life. Her sense of insight will serve her well in the field of psychology. She will also make a highly qualified doctor.

    Practicality and prudence will bring income and success in a profession related to finance, or in your own business. Readiness for continuous development and learning guarantees its success in any field of activity.

    Love and marriage

    Men are fascinated by her vigor and activity. But obsessive attention from the opposite sex often provokes Agatha to be rude. This woman is extremely negative about random connections. She prefers light flirting, which does not oblige to anything.

    AT love relationships a woman tends to be possessive, very jealous. Seeks to completely control her man, which leads to frequent quarrels and misunderstandings. The choice of a partner can take many years, but this does not bring her any inconvenience. If she finds her ideal, she appreciates it very much and tries in every possible way to please her chosen one.

    If she can cope with the pathological feeling of jealousy, then her man can be called the happiest man in the world. Agatha will make every effort to create a sense of peace and tranquility in the family. She is an unsurpassed hostess, her house is a full bowl.

    This woman is a virtuoso cook. She regularly pampers the household with culinary delights.

    Pregnancy has a depressing effect on her, but Agatha copes with the role of a caring and loving mother just fine.

    The ideal husband for Agatha will be a man with the name:

    • Hippolyte.
    • Isaac.
    • Clement.
    • Maksim.
    • Michael.
    • Nikifor.
    • Paul.
    • Panteley.
    • Prokhor.
    • Rodion.
    • Samuel.
    • Sergey.
    • Solomon.
    • Timothy.
    • Eldar.
    • Eric.
    • Abraham.
    • Alexei.
    • Arkady.
    • Arseny.
    • Vadim.
    • Vsevolod.
    • David.

The meaning of the name Agatha: This name for a girl has several meanings. The name Agatha means "kind", "good".

Origin of the name Agatha: from the Greek word Agathos.

Diminutive form of the name: Gata, Gatochka, Agatochka.

What does the name Agatha mean? The word is translated as "kind", "good". A girl with this name is smart, independent and self-confident. The meaning of the name Agatha is a professional and a born leader, but at the same time it is difficult for a girl to create a cozy atmosphere at home. Relatives and friends suffer from her inflexibility.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Agatha celebrates name days twice a year:

  • January 10 (December 28) - The Holy Martyr Agathia the Virgin suffered for Christ in the 4th century.
  • February 18 (5) - St. Martyr Agathia for the faith of Christ, after suffering, died in prison in 251.

Signs related to the name: What does the name Agatha mean in folklore? February 18 - Agafya - a cowshed protecting cows from diseases. On Agafya, Cow Death walks through the villages: a disgusting old woman with a rake in her hands, and brings pestilence to domestic cattle. To protect the women at night, secretly plow the village, harnessing themselves to the plow.


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Uranus
  • Color - purple
  • Auspicious tree - cypress
  • Cherished plant - belladonna
  • Patron is a cow
  • Agatha's Talisman Stone - Amethyst

Characteristics of the name Agatha

Positive features: The young Agatha, who owns the name, is distinguished by calmness, sufficient firmness, rare consistency and, most importantly, logic. However, in those women who prefer to be called Agafia, sensuality prevails over logic. Significant emotionality can be traced in the character of Agatha, one might even say the passion of nature.

Negative Traits: The name Agatha brings excessive balance and consistency. They relax Agatochka and do not give her a sufficient incentive for self-realization in any profession. On the contrary, she has more than enough incentives for self-realization, but heightened emotionality often complicates Agatochka's relations with others: her kindness, fidelity and commitment are often somewhat overshadowed by excessive touchiness. Thus, it can be assumed that Agatha and Agafya, despite the similarity of names, will have different fates.

The nature of the name Agatha: A child with this name avoids noisy games in childhood, preferring loneliness. No force will make her visit Kindergarten, and in her school years, Agatka is known as a proud and conceited woman, holding herself aloof. But when she gets married, usually at the age of 19-20, Agatha, who has the name, becomes unrecognizable: cheerful, sociable, a little ironic. A girl with this name will willingly engage in social activities, become a deputy, go on business trips, leaving the upbringing of children to her husband and his relatives: the girl does not like her own relatives.

Compatibility with male names: Favorable alliance with Avvakum, Gordey, Mirko, Mitrofan, Prokhor, Rodion, Spiridon. Difficult relationships are likely with Manil, Fedul, Ernst.

Agatha and her personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Agatha promise happiness in love? A woman named Agatha is good-natured and patient, while Agatochka's characteristic activity is most often reflected in a good sense of humor, optimism and a cheerful attitude to life, which adversely affects her career. But in family life, the spiritual qualities of a girl are of great importance.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: This name predicts a rather calm life, without much ups and downs. For Agatochka, an excess of feelings also often prevents her from making a career. She Agatha has a good ear for music and a gift for words.

Business and career: Both Agatha and Agafya rarely experience financial difficulties. The first - thanks to the mind achieves success on its own, and the second (Agafya) - thanks to high sensuality, kindness and fidelity, usually gets married very profitably.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Agatha: the meaning of the word is often associated with a weakened endocrine system. She Agatha suffers from thyroid diseases.

The fate of Agatha in history

What does the name Agatha mean for female fate?

  1. Russian history is known for having the name Agatha, the Mongol Khansha Konchakovna who converted to Orthodoxy, the sister of the Prince of the Golden Horde Uzbek, the wife of Prince Yuri Danilovich of Moscow, who brought her from the Horde to Moscow in 1316. One romantic and sad story is connected with this girl. During the defeat near Tver, the troops of Moscow by Mikhail Tverskoy, Agatha with the whole camp was captured and was left in Tver as a reliable guarantee for accelerating peace. The girl was supposed to receive freedom in 1318, at the conclusion of a peace treaty, but she died before that. Yuri Danilovich, who passionately loved the princess, believed that his wife was poisoned for her unwillingness to succumb to the voluptuous persuasion of his uncle, the prince of Tver; but, according to the chroniclers, there were no grounds for such suspicions...
  2. Agatha Christie (1890 - 1976), full name - Agatha Mary Clarissa Mallowan, nee - Miller, better known by the name of her first husband as A. Christie; English writer. He is one of the most famous authors of detective fiction in the world and is one of the most published writers in the history of mankind (after the Bible and Shakespeare).
  3. Agata Turchinskaya (Turchinska) (1903 - 1972) - Ukrainian writer and poetess
  4. Agathe de La Fontaine (de La Fontaine) - (born 1972) French film actress)
  5. Agatha Barbara (1923 - 2002) - Maltese statesman and politician, President of Malta (1982-1987). She was the first and to date the only female President of Malta.
  6. Agata Mruz-Olszewska (1982 - 2008) - Polish volleyball player
  7. Agata Rustica (born 1948) - Italian journalist and public figure
  8. Agata Roca (born 1968) - Spanish actress
  9. Agatha Maria Fernanda Pereira de Sousa is a Portuguese pop singer.
  10. Agatha K. Sangma (born 1980) – Member of the Indian Parliament
  11. Agata Muceniece (born 1989), after marriage - Priluchnaya - Russian actress and model. The most famous role of the actress is Daria Starkova in the television series Closed School.)

The name Agatha derives its origin from Greek. The meaning of the name Agatha for a girl is interpreted as kind, good. In the transcription of the Old Russian language, it corresponds to the name Agafya.


Agatha in childhood is a rather cheerful and lively girl, mobile. Prefers more friendship with boys than with girls. She is somewhat mischievous, sometimes giving her parents a lot of trouble. Agatha is a good student, loves to read, mostly adventure, fantasy literature, fairy tales. Likes sport. Agatha is not prone to long grievances, not vindictive. She is always ready to help her mother with the housework.

Already an adult, Agatha is quite sociable, but prefers not to share her problems with someone, she can tell about them only to her closest people. Agatha always has a lot of acquaintances, but as for real friends, the opposite is true here. People with this name are trusting, but they have a very subtle intuition, they are able to accurately assess a person at first sight. Thanks to this, Agatha avoids many problems.

Women with this name are quite critical of themselves, sometimes even lowering their self-esteem. Agata is a very capable, talented woman, she knows a lot of things, but does not immediately find her calling.

What does the name mean for a girl's career: Agatha might be enough a good doctor or a nurse, a psychologist, because, besides the fact that she knows how to understand people very well, she has the gift of winning them over to her. Agatha is a very sensitive person, she can easily feel the mood of another person, and if he has problems, she will always try to help.

For its reliability, often acquaintances simply use it. Quite often she has to suffer because of human ingratitude, but, despite this, she does not appear, not a drop of anger.


Agatha is a very charming woman. Loves hiking and adventure. But for marriage, she ripens a little late. Often rejects any courtship of fans, and believe me, she has plenty of them. But if, nevertheless, she decides to get married, it will be exclusively out of love. Sometimes her family life sometimes difficult, but mostly she is happy. Agatha is a very good wife and hostess, which means that her house will always be clean and tidy, and there will be a delicious dinner in the kitchen.

Woman's name Agatha characterizes herself as calm, rather firm, and at the same time, possessing rare consistency and logic. Jokes that are often applied about female logic are of little use to Agatha. But there are exceptions, women who call themselves Agafia have a certain emotionality in their character, in a sense, strangeness, and, accordingly, sensitivity prevails over their logic. Therefore, it can be noted that in order to slightly change their fate and the secret of the name, Agathe and Agafya should only change their name.

Agatha's poise makes her life somewhat calm, without particularly sharp ups and downs. The activity of this name is reflected in a rather good sense of humor. Agatha treats life with optimism.

As for Agafya, it’s a little different here, her heightened emotionality often prevents her from making a career. Her loyalty, kindness and commitment to loved ones can often be overshadowed by excessive passion and resentment. If Agafia borrows a little calmness from Agatha, and Agatha borrows a little passion from Agafia, then this will maximize their success in life.

Famous personalities

One of famous women having the name Agatha is Agatha Christie, an English writer. This woman in her field, detective stories, has achieved tremendous success, even today she is considered an unsurpassed writer. During her life, she created seventy-eight fairly voluminous novels and nineteen plays on a detective theme, in addition to many poems, novels and stories on other topics.
Agatha Christie was president of the English Detective Club, but throughout her life she never learned to take her job seriously. She believed that the main thing in her life was directly helping her husband, who was an archaeologist, in organizing excavations, but not the career of a fairly well-known writer.

Name Feature: Both a woman named Agatha and a woman named Agafya do not like hard leadership in their address. Agatha prefers to live with her mind, Agafya prefers to live with her feelings. To be on good terms with these women, this is definitely worth considering. Logical reasoning cannot always affect Agafya, and unreasonable requests can not always affect Agatha.

Name Agatha in astrology

What does the name Agatha mean according to the horoscope:
  • Corresponding zodiac sign: Pisces;
  • Patron planet: Mercury - for Agatha and Venus - for Agafya;
  • Character Traits: Logical, great sense of humor;
  • Name colors: Black and red, all its shades;
  • Lucky colors: Purple for Agatha and green for Agafia;
  • The patron saints of the name: Nicomedia Agathia (January 10), Palermo Agathia (February 18);
  • Talisman stone: Amethyst - for Agatha and Emerald - for Agafya.

Video story about the name

What does the name Agatha mean in a spiritual sense:

The name Agatha is of Greek origin. It is believed that it comes from the word agate (ἀγαθή), which means "good" or "good" in translation. As you understand, then the meaning of the name Agatha is "kind" or "good". It is often indicated that the name Agap is related to him, but it can be said "cousin". The name Agap comes from another word that sounds the same, but is different in spelling - agate (ἀγάπη). And you can also add that in ancient greece the word agate (ἀγαθή) was an epithet of Zeus.

The name Agatha is revered in the Catholic and Orthodox denominations. It is worth noting that in Orthodoxy the name Agatha is pronounced as Agathia. From the Catholic faith, it is worth noting that Saint Agathia is considered the patroness of the island of Malta. Even among Catholics, it is believed that she is the patroness of San Marino and Palermo.

The meaning of the name Agatha for a girl

A girl named Agatha grows up as a quiet and slightly aloof child. She does not like fun group games, but prefers to be alone. Agatha, from an early age, is prone to such negative character traits as pride and pride. She has almost no friends, but if she does, then they say about such people "two boots, a pair." The girl, if she plays, then with the boys and in "male" games. Can climb garages, fight with sticks, etc. Parents can be advised to accept the inevitable consequences.

Studying Agatha is not happy, but she studies well. Agatha is good at mathematics and other exact sciences. The humanities are also good for the girl, but difficulties always arise with Agatha's stiffness. She does not like to recite poetry and shares her own thoughts on a given topic. Agatha in every possible way protects her inner world from prying eyes. A certain restraint will be characteristic of Agatha at a later age.

The girl's health leaves much to be desired. You can't call him weak, but you can't call him strong either. A vulnerable spot in Agatha's health is usually the lungs and kidneys. She needs to be especially careful in the cold season. And most importantly, it is worth remembering that prevention is easier and cheaper than treatment.

Abbreviated name Agatha

Yeah, Agatka, Gata, Gatka.

Diminutive names

Agatochka, Agatonka, Agatushka, Aganya, Agasha, Gatochka, Gatushka, Gatonka.

Name Agatha in English

AT English language Agatha's name is spelled Agatha.

Agatha name for passport- AGATA.

Translation of the name Agata into other languages

in Belarusian - Agata
in Bulgarian - Agatha
in Hungarian - Agata
in Greek - Αγάθη (Agathi)
in Danish - Agatha
Spanish - Ágata
in Italian - Agata
German - Agathe
in Norwegian - Agatha
in Polish - Agata
in Portuguese - Agata
in Romanian - Agata
in Serbian - Agapia (Agapia)
in Ukrainian - Agata
in French - Agathe
in Czech - Agata
in Swedish - Agda (Agda)

Church name Agatha(in Orthodox faith) - Agathia. Of course, Agatha at baptism can choose something else church name, but in this matter it is better to consult a priest.

Characteristics of the name Agatha

As an adult, Agatha changes a lot. She becomes sociable and cheerful person. Agatha has a great sense of humor, which in turn attracts even more friends. She begins to show herself in organizational activities and she does it well. It is worth noting that Agatha becomes completely different from herself in childhood, as if it were two different person. You can also note the perseverance and strong-willed character of Agatha. A well-developed intuition helps Agatha not get into difficulties.

Agatha in her work requires an outlet for creative ideas. She constantly generates various ideas and easily finds a way out of difficult situations. This imposes certain restrictions on the choice of profession. Agatha should think about own business. She has a fairly good chance of success, although this requires some caution.

Agatha's family relationships are calm and quiet. She is shown in the family as humble and feminine. These are very rare combinations, so the husband should thank fate for such a gift. Agatha is not very happy with motherhood, although she is not a bad mother either. She simply does not see her own realization in children. But in the family of Agatha, the father of children is crazy about children and does not have a soul in them.

The secret of the name Agatha

The secret of Agatha can be called her jealousy. She is a terrible owner, which brings a certain flavor to the family idyll. She chooses her husband for a very long time and therefore appreciates it even more. He may even harbor the thought that since I am jealous all the time for no reason, it might be easier then to give a reason. Agatha should be very careful in such an unreasonable display of emotions.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

totem animal- Cow.

Name color- Violet.

Wood- Cypress.

Plant- Beauty.

Stone- Amethyst.

Short form of the name Agatha. Agate, Agati, Agatka, Aga, Agi, Agoti, Agasha, Agusha, Gata, Gasha, Tatusya, Aggie, Aggie, Taggie, Gathe, Agatella, Agatin, Tina, Agapitsa, Pitsa, Agatula, Agatitsa, Gapa.
Synonyms for Agatha. Agathia, Agafia, Agafea, Agapia, Agate, Agate, Agota, Agapi, Agati, Agueda, Agueda, Agapa, Gapka, Gata, Ogot.
Origin of the name Agatha The name Agatha is Catholic, Greek.

The name Agatha comes from the Greek "agathos", which translates as "good", "kind" in the meaning of "good". The name Agatha is most often used in Europe, in Russia a related version of the name Agatha, derived from the same root, was more common - Agafia, Agafia. Although in last years the name Agatha appeared among the names that began to be called newborn girls in Russia.

It is also believed that the name Agatha is female form male name Agathon, from whom the name Agathia also came. Since there is a variant of the origin of the name Agathon from the name semi-precious stone agate, then it is quite possible that the name Agatha is the feminine form of the name Agat, Agathon, one of the variants of the pronunciation of the name Agathon. In ancient times, it was believed that agate is a stone of health, prosperity and longevity, therefore the meaning of the name Agatha corresponds to the ideas of ancient people about well-being and health.

The name Agatha has related names - male Agap, Agapius, Agapit and female Agapia, which come from the Greek "agape" - "love". The name Agathia (Agafya, Agatha) comes from the Greek "agathe", "agafi" - "kind", "good". A slight difference in the pronunciation of the words brought them closer and akin, since the original "agathos" was also pronounced in a different manner.

It is possible that the name Agatha and Agathia are identical, that is, this is the same name, only with a different pronunciation. And it is also possible that these are two related names formed from one word, like the names Aksinya, Oksana and Xenia, or Uliana and Julia, or Zhanna, Yana and John.

in different European countries the name Agatha will sound different, but most countries use the name Agatha. In Germany, Denmark, the girl will be called Agate, in France - Agate, in Hungary - Agota, in Greece - Agapi, Agati, in Spain - Agueda, Agueda, in Ukraine - Agapia, Agafia, in Belarus - Agapa, Gapka, in the Czech Republic - Gata, in Norway - Ogot, Agate.

Diminutive forms of the name Agata used in different European countries: Ag, Agat, Agati, Agatka, Agatochka, Agatti, Agha, Agi, Agoti, Agasha, Agusha, Agaf, Agafya, Agafi, Aggi, Aget, Gapa, Gata, Gasha , Tatusya, Aggie, Aggie, Taggy, Gate, Aguedita, Ga, Gatinya, Tinya, Tata, Agatinya, Agatella, Agatin, Tina, Tinuccia, Titina, Tinella, Agedeta, Agapitsa, Pitsa, Agatula, Agatitsa, Gaponka, Gapochka, Gapulya , Gapunya, Gapusya, Gapka, Gasya, Gasha, Gashunya, Gashka, Agaska, Agapka, Agasya, Gaska, Agunya, Agusya, Agus, Yaga, Yashka, Agichka, Gatka, Gatichka, Gati, Gatush, Gatushka, Agatya, Agye, Agke , Agt, Gathier, Gatheke. Appeals Agate, Tina are also independent names.

In Orthodoxy, Saint Agathia from Sicily, Agatha of Sicily, a martyr who lived in the 3rd century, who died during the reign of the Roman emperor Decius, is especially revered. Among Catholics, Saint Agathia is the patroness of Malta, the Italian cities of Palermo and Catania, as well as San Marino. Her prayers are credited with preventing the eruptions of Mount Etna. For the name Agatha, Catholic name days will be indicated, since the name Agatha is not used in Orthodoxy.

Agatha is not at all as gentle as one might assume, based on the translation of her name. In fact, she is persistent and firm in her desires, strongly striving for independence. The character of Agatha largely depends on the middle name and time of birth, common features different agates have few. One Agatha can be open to the world, observant and receptive, while the other is immersed in herself and indifferent to the world around her.

Most often, Agatha is very restrained, and she seeks to keep both joy and sorrow in herself. From the side it is almost impossible to determine what feelings possess it. The exception is Agatha, born in January. All her emotions are reflected on her face. True, often this is just a mask designed to hide the girl's indecision and doubts tormenting her.

Agatha is a talented speaker. Her speech is reasonable and never descends to empty chatter. Her words are a call to action. This girl is in the center of events, quickly becomes a leader, strives for action. Agatha's words rarely diverge from deeds.

Agatha has a heightened sense of justice. This helps her skillfully manage finances. Agatha loves to prove to others that she is right and does it quite successfully. Despite the fact that Agatha often convinces only by the power of her authority, friends and colleagues take all her words for the truth. But Agatha can be wrong, but it is almost impossible to make her change her erroneous opinion.

A woman with this name is ambitious, she has a great craving for new knowledge and learning. She appreciates comfort and order and demands it both in the workplace and at home. Agatha knows how to use her time efficiently, she is not one of those people who put everything off until tomorrow. It happens that Agatha incorrectly measures her desires and capabilities, but, nevertheless, she always achieves her goal.

Agatha strictly follows all the norms accepted in society. She is a real dogmatist. Often she has a penchant for various rituals and ceremonies, which tire her loved ones a lot. Even going to visit can turn into a whole ritual for Agatha's family.

All Agate is united by love for the hearth. Any girl with this name strives to build a cozy family nest. True, the "February" Agate has a lot of family troubles, the reason for which is the girl's intransigence.

It is not easy to be friends with Agatha when it comes to a girl born in February. She is sharp and straightforward, unable to make concessions. Agatha prefers to receive guests herself than to visit someone.

When communicating with Agatha, it is worth remembering that she is characterized by demonstrative behavior. Therefore, it is better not to provoke her, but to use logical arguments. Only in this case there is a chance that she will accept your arguments.

Agatha's name day

Notable people named Agatha

  • Agatha Christie ((1890 - 1976) full name- Agatha Mary Clarissa Mallowan, nee - Miller, better known by the name of her first husband as Agatha Christie; English writer. He is one of the most famous authors of detective fiction in the world and is one of the most published writers in the history of mankind (after the Bible and Shakespeare). Christie has published over 60 detective novels, 6 psychological novels (under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott or Westmacott), and 19 short story collections. 16 of her plays were staged in London. Agatha Christie's books have been published in over 2 billion copies and translated into more than 100 languages. She also holds the record for the most theatrical productions of a work. Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap was first staged in 1952 and is still on continuous display.)
  • Agata Turchinskaya (Turchinska) ((1903 - 1972) Ukrainian writer and poetess)
  • Agathe de La Fontaine (de La Fontaine) ((born 1972) French film actress)
  • Agatha Barbara ((1923 - 2002) Maltese statesman and politician, President of Malta (1982-1987). She was the first and to date the only female President of Malta)
  • Agata Mruz-Olszewska ((1982 - 2008) Polish volleyball player)
  • Agata Rustica ((born 1948) Italian journalist and public figure)
  • Agata Roca ((born 1968) Spanish actress)
  • Agatha (real name - Maria Fernanda Pereira de Sousa; Portuguese pop singer)
  • Agatha K. Sangma ((born 1980) Indian MP)
  • Kim An Gi Agatha or Agatha Kim ((1787 - 1839) saint of the Roman Catholic Church, martyr)
  • Lee So Sa Agatha or Agatha Lee ((1784 - 1839) saint of the Roman Catholic Church, martyr)
  • Agata Mruz-Olszewska ((1982 - 2008) Polish volleyball player, central blocker, player of the Polish national team. Winner of the gold award of the European Championships (2003 and 2005).)
  • Agatha Lin Zhao ((1817 - 1858) Saint of the Roman Catholic Church, martyr)
  • Agata Muceniece ((born 1989) after marriage - Priluchnaya; Russian actress and model. The most famous role is Daria Starkova in the television series Closed School.)
  • Agata Budrina ((1927 - 1999) Russian art historian, local historian and museum worker, Honored Worker of Culture Russian Federation, member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation. Agata Grigorievna discovered in Kudymkar the archive of the Komi-Permyak avant-garde artist P.I. Subbotin-Permyak. In 1981, on her initiative, the artist's house-museum was opened in Kudymkar, and a jubilee exhibition of his works and a memorial evening were organized in Perm. Agata Budrina also discovered the archive of the artist V.A. Obolensky, took part in the creation of an art gallery in Tchaikovsky, provided methodological assistance in creating an art department in the Solikamsk Museum of Local Lore.)
  • Agata Bakker-Gröndal ((1847 - 1907) Norwegian pianist and composer. Since 1875 - Member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Music.)
  • Ogot Didriksen ((1874 - 1968) Norwegian actress)
  • Ogot Valle ((born 1945) Norwegian politician)
  • Agda Holst ((1886 - 1976) Swedish artist)
  • Agueda Dicancro (Uruguayan sculptor)
  • Agota Krishtof ((born 1935) Swiss writer of Hungarian origin)