Herpangina is called. Herpetic sore throat in children - treatment of a child: how and how to cure. How to distinguish from other diseases

Herpes sore throat is an acute infectious-allergic disease, a viral inflammation of the palatine tonsils caused by Coxsackie viruses, belonging to the type of enteroviruses. Their distinguishing feature is considered to be the effect on the epithelium, muscles, nerves, which is why herpes sore throat, the symptoms and treatment in children of which parents need to know, is usually combined with damage to other organs and systems.

Preschoolers and younger schoolchildren are most at risk of infection, although adults, especially weakened ones, may also develop the disease. It is considered childish, and in babies under one year old it is diagnosed infrequently. This is due to the receipt by newborns in fetal development and during breastfeeding of passive immunity from the mother. This type of enterovirus is poorly tolerated by children under 3 years of age. The only positive feature of this disease is the development of stable immunity against it: it is extremely rare to get sick again with herpangina.

Herpangina was described almost 100 years ago by T. Zagorsky. Despite the name, in fact, herpes sore throat in children has nothing to do with herpes. This type of sore throat was named so by the external similarity of the signs with herpes, due to the fact that there were no modern digital diagnostic tools before. It may have other names: vesicular pharyngitis and herpetic tonsillitis.

It is transmitted from a sick person through his saliva, hands and things. The causative agent is released into the surrounding space during the first week of the disease, later the intensity of the spread decreases.

The virus is carried not only by patients, but also by those who are recovering, as well as by carriers who do not attach importance to the asymptomatic form. The disease is seasonal: outbreaks of the disease in children's groups most often occur in the summer and autumn periods and are very similar to epidemics of respiratory viral infections. At this time, many healthy adults and children are carriers, who are accompanied by hidden immunization. The virus is distributed everywhere, but occurs in the form of isolated cases, epidemics and outbreaks.

The same type of virus acts differently: in some it causes herpangina, in others it causes meningitis, and still others do not get sick. The severity of the disease is determined by the health of the patient, the number of viruses received by him and the body's ability to fight them.

Most often, herpes sore throat affects children aged 4 to 14 years. This is due to increased activity when getting acquainted with the surrounding space and visiting children's educational institutions, which becomes the main cause of infection with the virus. Moreover, the older the child, the more serious the disease. Babies up to a year get sick infrequently, but quite hard, and this is practically not without consequences.

Sources and routes of infection

The main causes of herpes sore throat in children are periodic activation of the enterovirus, especially Coxsackie. An infection can appear in a weakened body of a child with ARVI. The following factors provoke the disease:

  • seasonal weather;
  • lowered immunity;
  • influenza or herpes viruses;
  • allergy;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • colds, feet getting wet, ice cream abuse;
  • drinking too cold water;
  • repeated stressful situations.

There is a version that people continue to be sources of infection for quite some time after the cure.

The herpangina virus is transmitted in the following ways:

  • airborne, when the sick person sneezes and coughs;
  • household way when using joint items;
  • contact - when communicating with a sick person, the risk of getting his saliva and secretions from the nose and throat increases.

Once in the body, the enterovirus reproduces in the lymph nodes of the intestine, then spreads everywhere with the blood. The duration of the latent stage is 2-14 days. The developed strong protection will not work if another virus is the cause of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

The similarity with other viral diseases at the very beginning of herpangina gives many identical symptoms characteristic of any infection. Common signs are:

  • increased body temperature with chills;
  • weakness, lethargy, anemia;
  • refusal to eat;
  • feeling tired;
  • pale coloration of the skin;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • cough;
  • sore throat when trying to swallow;
  • dry mucous membranes in the mouth;
  • bruises under the eyes.

Babies may develop stomach problems. However, the combination of these indicators does not make it possible to establish the correct diagnosis. It is important to pay attention to the temperature, which, with enterovirus, reaches its maximum on the 1st and 3rd day of illness. At the very beginning of the onset of insidious symptoms in the oral cavity, one should carefully monitor its condition - an allergy may appear in the form of edema.

Diagnosis of herpangina

Diagnosis of herpes sore throat allows her characteristic rashes on the palate, tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall.

A final diagnosis can be made after the isolation of pathogens in the contents of the follicle or antibodies to the Coxsackie virus detected during the analysis. An accurate diagnosis of herpangina is made on the basis of a virological and serological (elimination reaction) study. The source of the first is swabs from the pharynx. In the second form, serum is used. The most effective laboratory method is the method of immunofluorescence.

A distinctive diagnosis is based on the age characteristics of children and depends on the season and the distribution of vesicles in the mouth. Herpangina is not characterized by a rash on the face, hemophilia of the mucous membranes, there is no increased salivation and inflammation of the gums. Often, other symptoms of herpes sore throat join these signs: pain in the abdomen, which is the result of muscle pain.

Experienced specialists can identify herpangina in the process of examining the throat for specific rashes. Laboratory analyzes are carried out to justify it. However, they can show pathology in the course of the disease, for example, if a bacterial infection has joined, which will require clarification of the diagnosis and new appointments.

The disease can occur both separately and in combination with other enteroviral pathologies - meningitis, encephalitis, myalgia, which this type of virus also causes. That is why herpes sore throat in children is considered very dangerous, and the appearance of such signs signals that it is time to go to the doctor.

The course of the disease

The onset of the disease is quite acute and is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, which persists for 3 days, pain during swallowing, the appearance of fluid-filled vesicles in the mouth. In the future, some of them disappear, and the rest are opened. Small bubbles merge into whole areas, usually there are no more than 15 of them. Such erosions are covered with a white or grayish coating with redness surrounding them. Healing often takes a long time - for 20 days. The lymph nodes under the lower jaw are slightly enlarged, but do not cause pain. In some cases, herpangina may be accompanied by vesicular stomatitis. On Dr. Komarovsky's website, you can see a photo of what a child's throat affected by vesicles looks like.

With a favorable course of the disease, after a week, the sores in the oral cavity heal, and recovery begins. In the case of regular injury to erosion and erroneous treatment, the duration of the disease increases. It is strongly not recommended to pierce papules in the mouth so that the infection does not spread to other organs. There are atypical types of the disease with smoothed symptoms - the presence of signs of a respiratory disease, but without a rash in the throat. In this case, rashes occur periodically, accompanied by a repeated increase in temperature and intoxication.

Care and Therapy

Treatment of herpes sore throat in children practically does not differ from the treatment of other enteroviral types of sore throat and pharyngitis. The patient requires strict bed rest and care. A diet that includes liquid food rich in vitamins should be provided so as not to cause unnecessary mucosal injury. A menu containing fatty, spicy, sour foods is not recommended. It is necessary to provide the child with plentiful drink, which contributes to the removal of toxic substances. On the contrary, if there are symptoms of meningitis, the drinking diet should be limited and diuretics should be prescribed to exclude cerebral edema.

Due to the viral nature of the disease, it is not advisable to use antibiotics if there is no secondary infection. Also, with enterovirus, the appointment of acyclovir, which is used to treat herpes, is ineffective. Symptomatic drug therapy: washing the mouth, the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Antiviral drugs are prescribed by a doctor who will determine the risk of side effects and calculate the dose. Interferon-based antiviral agents are usually advised: Viferon, Cycloferon, which are quite effective for such an infection. It is undesirable to bring down the temperature to 38 degrees, except in cases where the child has a personal poor tolerance for fever. It is possible and desirable closer to the time of recovery, in order not to cause an exacerbation, to start drinking immunostimulating drugs.

Topical application is found in antiviral and healing ointments, rinsing and irrigation of the throat with disinfecting liquids, as well as sprays that additionally act as an anesthetic and enveloping. To relieve swelling and soreness in the throat, the doctor prescribes allergy medications, usually these include the latest generation antihistamines, which, with prolonged use, do not cause a tendency to sleep. Additional healing factors can be physiotherapy and the use of a laser, which are recommended if the disease is prolonged. In no case should you do compresses and inhalations - they can lead to an acceleration of the reproduction of viruses and their penetration into other organs.

Herpangina therapy should have an integrated approach. Folk remedies are also quite effective in treatment. Aloe juice diluted with water is used, which has an excellent healing ability and helps strengthen the immune system. Beetroot juice is effective for herpangina, they gargle and drink in limited quantities. Can be applied:

  • warmed milk with butter and honey;
  • tea with lemon, raspberries or honey;
  • decoction and tinctures of wild rose, as well as mint and linden;
  • gargle with a solution of salt, iodine and soda.

The treatment of the disease must be approached with all seriousness. Not fully or poorly cured herpangina, especially in a weakened child, can lead to quite serious complications. This is the insidious Coxsackie virus, which is the cause of the disease. If it is not neutralized in a timely manner, it can affect the nervous system and many organs. The most dangerous consequences of the disease can be nephritis, meningitis, sepsis, myocarditis and many other diseases, any of which will leave a mark on the entire subsequent life of the child. That is why it is very important to cure herpes sore throat completely.

The best option is to prevent the disease. Prevention is the same as preventing other viruses. It consists:

  • in isolation of the child from the infected;
  • in increasing the protective forces;
  • the need to cure any diseases in time;
  • avoid hypothermia and drinking ice-cold drinks;
  • in the use of vitamins;
  • in hardening and walking;
  • avoiding stressful situations and timely measures to eliminate them.

Then it will be possible to eliminate the dangers that lie in wait as a result of this disease.

The disease is seasonal. It affects mainly children, is transmitted through the air and by contact. Diagnosis of the disease is difficult due to the fact that most of the signs of the initial stage are similar to other viral diseases. A distinctive symptom is the appearance of specific vesicles in the oral cavity. Proper care for a sick child and correctly prescribed treatment will speed up his healing and reduce the risk of complicating factors.

Herpes sore throat in children is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of adverse symptoms. The disease affects children and adolescents under 14 years of age. If the pathological condition is not diagnosed in time and adequate therapy is not started, there is a risk of developing dangerous complications.


A typical clinical picture of the disease allows a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist to make a diagnosis without involving laboratory and instrumental research methods. Herpes sore throat in a child is characterized by the appearance of small rashes on the tonsils and throat. A clinical blood test reveals a complex increase in the number of leukocytes, lymphocytes and an accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

In order to identify the causative agent of a pathological condition, serological and virological diagnostic methods are required, it is necessary to exclude the penetration of other strains. A swab from the nasopharynx is taken from the child and a polymerase chain reaction is performed. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reveals an increasing titer, more than 4 times, of antibodies to enterovirus.

For differential diagnosis with serous meningitis, the baby is sent for a consultation with a neurologist. If the CCC complains, the child is referred to a cardiologist. Consultation of the nephrologist of the display in case of detection of a deviation from the norm in the general analysis of urine. If the child does not make any complaints, the symptoms, laboratory and instrumental studies are fully consistent with the clinical picture, additional consultation of other specialists is not required.

Herpes sore throat should be distinguished from other pathological conditions that occur in the oral cavity, for example, from irritation of the cavity with chemicals.

Modern diagnostic measures for 2019 make it possible to identify the disease and start therapy at an early stage of development. If delayed, the process can be complicated, which will affect health and may cause death.

Everything about you can read in the article.

What is herpes sore throat and what does it look like.

Herpes sore throat is an acute lesion of the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, due to the penetration of the ECHO and Coxsackie viruses into the weakened immunity of the child.

It proceeds with a rise in temperature, the appearance of pain in the pharynx, lymphadenopathy, reddening of the pharynx, vesicular rashes and ulcers in the pharynx and pharynx.

After infection on the 2nd day, a large number of reddish rashes appear in the mouth. In appearance, they resemble vesicles filled with serous contents. They can be localized both in one area and scattered over the entire surface of the tonsils. If you try to remove them, the bubbles will burst, and bloody contents will flow out of them.

Already on the 5th day, some of the bubbles begin to burst. In their place, the affected mucous membrane is visible. Ulcers are scattered over the entire surface of the tonsils. If you accidentally touch them, they immediately begin to secrete bloody contents. During this period, solid food should be taken carefully, as it also irritates the affected area.

The 7th day is characterized by the attenuation of the process. Eruptions disappear from the affected areas of the tonsils and the back of the throat. The mucosa gradually heals.

Attention! If the child has chronic diseases or a weakened immune system, the disease may reappear on the 12-13th day. In this case, the specialist prescribes drugs to maintain immunity.

How is herpes sore throat transmitted.

Acute herpetic stomatitis in children often occurs during visits to preschool institutions. In infants, the disease occurs in isolated cases, since their immunity is reliably protected by antibodies from mother's milk. During the entire period of feeding, passive immunity protects the child from contracting a viral infection.

There is a congenital form of pathology. The virus is small and freely crosses the placental barrier. If the mother has herpes, the risk of having a baby with the infection is high.

The disease can be contracted through household contact and airborne droplets. The carrier is an infected person.

provoking factors.

The development of the disease begins after the virus enters the body. This is facilitated by a weakened immune system and frequent respiratory diseases. The pathological condition is dangerous because it quickly acquires an epidemiological course in small preschool and school groups.

The virus enters the cells of the oral mucosa. There they actively begin to share. Cells swell and gradually die. As a result, bubbles with pathological fluid are formed. If they are damaged, the liquid flows out. During this process, a small part of the viruses dies. The rest are destroyed by the body's own antiviral system.


The disease after the incubation period begins acutely. In the debut, herpetic pharyngitis in children lasts up to five days. The main symptom is that the focus is localized in the oropharynx, there are no rashes on the body.

  1. On the first day from the beginning, the body temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius. The child complains of a feeling of sore throat, the release of a large amount of saliva, general malaise.
  2. On the second day, the symptoms increase. There is redness of the pharynx and the appearance of bubbles. From the gastrointestinal tract - lack of appetite, pain along the intestines, vomiting, nausea. The temperature drops to 39 degrees.
  3. On the third day, herpetic encephalitis in children is characterized by a repeated rise in temperature. Bubbles cause pain when swallowing saliva.
  4. On the 4th day, the vesicles open. Body temperature gradually decreases.
  5. On the 5th day, pain in the throat is not so pronounced. The baby can't eat yet.
  6. The 6th day is characterized by a gradual improvement in general well-being. The temperature is kept within 37 degrees.
  7. On the 7th day, pain and rashes disappear, the child takes food.
  8. Herpetic dermatitis in children on the 8th day is completely similar.

When are laboratory tests ordered?

Laboratory tests are prescribed in all cases when symptoms of herpes sore throat are observed in children. A clinical blood test shows an increased number of leukocytes. This indicates the development of an inflammatory reaction in the body. An analysis is required on an empty stomach. PCR helps isolate the viral RNA taken from the swab. ELISA determines the level of antibodies to the pathogen in the blood.

Herpetic eczema in children has an incubation period from 3 days to 14 days. Depends on the state of the child's immune system, as well as the presence or absence of chronic diseases. From the moment the pathogen enters the body until the first signs appear, nothing bothers children. Parents cannot detect the infection in a timely manner.

How to treat herpes sore throat in children.

After making a diagnosis, a medical worker tells parents how to treat herpes sore throat in children. The therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. In severe cases, hospitalization is required. The conditions of the hospital will ensure the timely taking of medicines, compliance with the regimen and dynamic monitoring of the little patient.

If there is a deterioration in the condition or symptoms of complications appear, the doctor adjusts the treatment. You can completely get rid of the pathological condition in 7-10 days. Until the complete disappearance of the child's symptoms, they are treated for 14 days.

Parents should give their child plenty of fluids. This helps to remove the decay products of the virus from the body. When the condition worsens, detoxification therapy is prescribed. If signs of serous meningitis appear, the amount of fluid is limited. Otherwise, it may cause cerebral edema.

Diuretics are prescribed.

It is required to carry out wet cleaning in the room where the child is located, at least 2 times a day.

The child must constantly observe bed rest until complete recovery. Otherwise, severe complications will develop under the influence of the virus.

Food should be high-calorie, with vitamins. It is recommended to grind food into a puree so that irritation of the mucous membranes does not occur.

Medical therapy.

The drugs are aimed at eliminating the symptoms and alleviating the general condition of the child.

  • the appointment of gargling, so that a bacterial infection does not join. Apply a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Cool to room temperature before use. If a baby is sick, the oral cavity is washed with a syringe without a needle;
  • tonsils and pharynx become edematous, therefore, antihistamine drugs are prescribed, for example, Suprastin;
  • with an increase in body temperature, antipyretics are prescribed - Ibuprofen. In children, they knock down when they reach the mark of 38 degrees;
  • pain in the oropharynx is relieved by Hexoral spray;
  • acyclovir with herpes sore throat in children is used as an ointment on the affected areas;
  • to stimulate the immune system, immunomodulating drugs are prescribed, for example, Immunal;
  • antibiotics are prescribed when a bacterial infection is attached.


Treatment of herpetic sore throat in children is effectively carried out with physiotherapy. The doctor prescribes UVI of the nasopharynx. Inhalations and compresses are prohibited, as this increases blood circulation, which contributes to the spread of the virus.

Folk methods of treatment.

Herpetic sores in the throat of a child are treated with traditional medicine. Used for intolerance to anti-inflammatory drugs and as an additional remedy.

Propolis infused with alcohol. At night, 30 g of propolis is placed in the freezer. In the morning, it is finely chopped, placed in a small glass container and poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:3. The container is placed in a dark place for 2 weeks. The jar is shaken every day. Use as a compress for 10 days.

Beet water. Take a medium beetroot and grate it. Hot water is added in a ratio of 1:1. The resulting mixture is aged for 7 hours and filtered. Rinse the oropharynx with liquid 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.


Complications are observed in exceptional cases. Occur in children with a weakened immune system. Complications are caused:

  • rash on the body;
  • problems from the CCC;
  • penetration of a bacterial pathogen;
  • herpetic meningoencephalitis in children;
  • serous meningitis;
  • the appearance of Kerning's symptom, one of the important and early signs of irritation of the meninges in meningitis, hemorrhages under the membranes and some other conditions;
  • pyelonephritis.

Attention! If the child has convulsions, there is a loss of consciousness or disorientation in space, it is necessary to immediately call a medical worker.

After an infection, children develop a strong immunity to a particular strain. However, when another type enters the body, the disease recurs.

Preventive actions.

If a child falls ill in the team, quarantine is announced for a period of two weeks for everyone who has been in contact with him. There is no vaccination against the pathological condition; an emergency preventive measure is the introduction of gamma globulin.

Other measures:

  • early diagnostic measures;
  • work on the prevention of viral infection in the team;
  • vitamins and medicines to maintain immunity;
  • after visiting crowded places, the child needs to wash their hands with hot water and soap;
  • if contact with a sick child is suspected, the oropharynx is rinsed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is pale pink so as not to burn the oropharynx;
  • in places of public catering, before eating, wipe hands with a damp antibacterial wipe.

Attention should be paid to the possible addition of an infection of bacterial etiology as a secondary one. It is important to prevent complications arising from the spread of bacteria from the lesion through the lymphatic and blood vessels to all tissues of the body. As a result, sepsis will develop.

Mostly children under 10 years of age are ill, and after recovery a persistent one is formed, so the number of cases of herpetic sore throat in adults is insignificant (besides, it is easier).

Causes of the disease

Like most viral infections, herpetic sore throat is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets. Due to the high virulence (contagiousness), the virus spreads rapidly in children's groups, and the long incubation period (up to 7 days) does not allow to immediately identify and isolate the carrier of the infection.

In addition, you can get infected in other ways:

  • alimentary- through infected food, as well as in case of non-observance of hygiene rules (dirty hands and toys);
  • contact when the pathogen is transmitted with saliva or nasopharyngeal mucus.

Since the child is contagious even after recovery, quarantine for at least 2 weeks after discharge is recommended.

Symptoms and photos of herpetic sore throat in children

The main symptom of the disease is characteristic rash in the throat. At first, it looks like bright red nodules-papules in the region of the tonsils and upper palate, which changes appearance during the day. Papules transform into vesicles - very painful vesicles with a clear liquid, similar to herpes (hence the name). Within 2-3 days they open up, and scabs form in their place, which are safely washed off with saliva after a couple of days.

In addition, herpetic sore throat has other symptoms:

  • impetuous rise in temperature to high values ​​within two to three hours;
  • sharp "stabbing" pain in the throat, significantly aggravated by touching the papules, as well as while drinking and eating;
  • strong runny nose and;
  • enlargement of cervical and parotid lymph nodes;
  • general weakness characteristic of infectious diseases;
  • digestive disorders, manifested by nausea and.

In rare cases there may be an absence of the main symptom - rashes and vesicles. The throat at the same time only reddens and takes on an edematous appearance. There may also be additional rashes on the limbs and trunk.

Important! An increase in temperature with herpetic sore throat has a specific feature. It reaches high values ​​in the first and third days of the acute stage of the disease.

In children of the first year of life, other, more dangerous symptoms may also appear. More precisely, against the background of herpetic sore throat and weakened immunity, serous meningitis, encephalitis, pyelonephritis, and cardiac disorders additionally develop. The appearance of seizures is the main sign of incipient meningitis, which requires emergency hospitalization and observation by a neurologist.

Diagnosis and treatment

In most cases, the diagnosis of "herpetic sore throat" is quite simple. The combination of fever with a runny nose, sore throat and a characteristic rash are signs of this particular disease. An examination is sufficient for diagnosis, sometimes it may be necessary to donate blood for analysis (leukocytosis confirms the presence of herpangina).

A non-specialist may mistake ordinary catarrhal angina for this disease, especially if the course is atypical, without the formation of vesicles. In this case, the main differential symptom is a runny nose. An erroneous diagnosis can also be made by mistaking fluid bubbles for abscesses, characteristic of angina follicularis. However, it affects only the tonsils, and never the pharynx, palate and tongue.

Quite often, herpetic sore throat is confused with stomatitis, which preschool children often get sick with. Here, too, the localization of the vesicles must be taken into account. With herpetic stomatitis, they form mainly on the gums, tongue and inner surface of the lips (see photo above).

Medical treatment

There is no specific therapy for herpetic sore throat: the body must cope with the pathogen itself and develop immunity. Treatment is aimed at strengthening the body's defenses and alleviating the manifestations of the disease. The patient is recommended strict bed rest, a sparing diet (boiled pureed food) and an optimal microclimate. The room should be regularly ventilated and have sufficiently humid air. The doctor usually prescribes:

  • Antipyretics safe for children. These include Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and Nurofen. The use of aspirin is completely excluded, as it has a serious side effect.
  • Analgesics to reduce: Hexoral, lidocaine solution or Theraflu Lar. They work for several hours, significantly reducing pain.
  • Warm drink- a prerequisite for the successful treatment of any infectious disease of the respiratory tract in general and herpetic sore throat in particular. A sufficient volume of liquid helps the body cope with thermoregulation and quickly remove toxins, which helps to speed up recovery.
  • In order to disinfect, reduce inflammation and pain, rinsing. Soda and saline solutions, herbal poisons are usually used.

As for special antiseptic preparations for irrigation of mucous membranes, as well as brilliant greens, and Lugol's solution for lubricating vesicles, their use is inappropriate. Firstly, they have practically no therapeutic effect, and secondly, they significantly increase the already sharp pain in the throat.

Herpetic sore throat in children is almost always treated outpatient. Hospitalization, detailed examination and observation of specialists are required only when there are signs of meningitis and disorders of the internal organs. The duration usually does not exceed 7-10 days, during which the symptoms disappear and a strong immunity to the pathogen is formed.

When the baby is sick, you need to urgently go to the clinic, especially if herpes sore throat is found in children, because it is the children who endure it very hard. Here the main thing is to correctly diagnose the disease, because herpangina can be confused with both stomatitis and purulent tonsillitis. You also need to know that the treatment of herpes sore throat in children can differ significantly from treatment in adults. Therefore, do not self-medicate and urgently show the baby to a specialist.

Herpangina in children occurs on the basis of the Coxsackie virus and ECHO infection. This is a whole group of pathogens of acute childhood diseases. The infection is transmitted by already infected with clinically formed signs of the disease and virus carriers.

The causes of transmission of herpes sore throat in children are many factors. Consider the main mechanisms of transmission of the virus.

  1. The contact path is the communication of a child with a sick person or a virus carrier. Thus, the risk of infection through discharge from the nasopharynx increases.
  2. airborne way- during the conversation of children with patients, the presence next to a sneezing or coughing child.
  3. fecal-oral route- infection occurs during the general use of household items, through toys, food, unwashed hands.
  4. Close contact with convalescents(patients in recovery). They serve as sources of infection, because the virus continues to be shed for about four weeks.

The virus enters the child's body through the nasal mucosa and oral mucosa. Pathogens penetrate into the lymph nodes of the intestine and multiply briskly. After reproduction, they make their way into the blood, where the viruses cause rapid development. Due to this, viral pathogens spread throughout the child's body. They are fixed in various tissues, where the processes of inflammation and dystrophy are formed.

The highest point of infection with herpangina in children is from the beginning of summer to mid-autumn. During this period, the disease is highly contagious. Reduced immunity can also cause infection, especially if the child has a cold and there are people with herpangina around him.


General signs

Herpetic sore throat manifests itself in children almost as well as SARS and acute respiratory infections. There are signs characteristic of a respiratory disease:

  • general intoxication, weakness, malaise;
  • severe headache and dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • cough and runny nose;
  • a small rash of bright red color in the area of ​​​​the tonsils and on the mucous membrane of the palate;
  • sometimes a small rash may form on the face and body;
  • babies often have seizures.

Herpetic sore throat in a child still has some differences from other infections so that:

  • no swelling in the nasopharynx;
  • no abundance of nasal mucus;
  • there is no frequent bleeding;
  • in the summer, herpetic sore throat in children is much more common than any other viral disease.

Timeline of symptoms

  1. The latency of infection is from a week to two. Herpangina in a child begins with a high fever. Weakness, malaise, inability to eat. The head, the muscles of the limbs begin to hurt very strongly, the whole body begins to ache with pain.
  2. These symptoms are followed by a sore throat. In herpes sore throat in children, local changes progress rapidly. In the initial stage of the disease, against the background of hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the tonsils, palate, tongue - against the background of the entire oral cavity, small papules appear, with incredible speed they begin to form into vesicles filled with serous content.
  3. Two days later, the blisters break open, forming grayish-white ulcers, corolla-coated hyperemia. Or the combined sores turn into confluent defects. The resulting erosion in the mucosal area is very painful. As a result, children cannot take food and even any liquid.
  4. In children with a weak immune system, the rash may flare up every three to four days. In this connection, the resumption of fever and signs of intoxication are accompanied. After five days, the fever subsides, and the defects formed on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and pharynx are epithelialized in a week.

What does herpangina look like and how does it differ from other diseases

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In the early stages of herpes sore throat in children, in order for the symptoms to confirm this disease, it is necessary to contact the local pediatrician. First of all, the pediatrician performs pharyngoscopy - a clinical method for visual examination of the condition of the pharynx.

If necessary, the doctor gives a referral for examinations to the ENT. Also, referrals are given for the delivery of various kinds of tests - a general blood test, a serological blood test, an analysis of the fluid from the vesicles to verify the virus, swabs and swabs from the nasopharynx. Only after a complete medical examination, the decision of the attending physician will be made - how to treat herpes sore throat in children.


In children, the treatment of herpes sore throat is not accompanied by characteristic antiviral therapy. The disease usually appears once, after which the baby's body acquires indefinite (eternal) immunity. A single transferred herpangina can mean like a hard-tolerated vaccination. Nevertheless, symptomatic treatment of herpetic sore throat in children is necessary.

Therapy Methods

In children, treatment is usually carried out in this way:

  • at high temperatures, antipyretics are used. For this, soft preparations for children are prescribed, such as Panadol, Efferalgan;
  • with severe inflammation, drugs such as Ibuprofen and Nimesulide are usually enough;
  • to reduce the pain syndrome, the safest means are used - this is a decoction of sage for gargling, mouth cavity and Castellani liquid;
  • antiseptic agents are used to treat open erosions;
  • the rest of the therapeutic measures should be used as with ordinary angina.

Care and nutrition during treatment

Also, a sign of a speedy recovery is formed with fairly proper care for a sick child:

  • the baby needs to provide complete rest;
  • provide all the conditions for a good, restful sleep;
  • be sure to ventilate the room;
  • wet cleaning is required.

Form a proper diet, which consists of:

  • warm, thin porridges;
  • warm teas, not very sweet compotes, medicinal decoctions;
  • broths and soups, which should not be very salty and hot.

However, with what to treat herpes sore throat in children, it is necessary for the entire period of the disease to provide the baby's body with a complete vitamin complex.

Herpes sore throat in a child should in no case be carried out by warming the throat with various warming agents. These measures can only lead to the activation of the virus and a great risk of the duration of the disease.


With a low reactivity of the organism or a high level of viremia, generalization of an enteroviral infection with the formation of:

  • meningitis is an inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord;
  • encephalitis is a group of diseases characterized by inflammation of the brain;
  • myocarditis is an inflammatory lesion of the heart muscle;
  • pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys;
  • hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is a dangerous acute eye disease.

The appearance of such extremely severe complications after herpes sore throat in children can lead to permanent nervous and heart diseases. There may also be deaths. Since children with a weak immune system suffer from herpangina, they should therefore be under the supervision of the attending physician. In this regard, the diagnosis is made at an early stage and surgical treatment is carried out.

So, summing up, it must be said that it is better to treat herpangina as soon as possible, this is not tonsillitis or a cold, herpangina can give serious complications. And you need to monitor the child, if you notice a decrease in immunity, then be on your guard, because low immunity can give a lot of serious problems to the baby's body. But now that you know what herpangina is and how dangerous it is for children, you must urgently show the baby to a specialist.

Herpetic tonsillitis or herpes sore throat (vesicular, aphthous pharyngitis) is a type of sore throat, which is an acute infectious disease quite common among the young population.

Herpetic sore throat is caused by the penetration into the body of a child or adult of group A Coxsackie viruses, serovars 2-6, 8, 10 viruses, less often ESNO virus and group B Coxsackie viruses.

Children of preschool, primary and secondary school age are more often ill. Adults in many cases become infected in the family, from children. Herpangina is transmitted by airborne droplets, through dirty hands, toys, baby bottles and nipples, products.

The disease is most severe in children under three years of age. In breastfed toddlers, in the first months of life, the herpes form of tonsillitis is rarely detected.


Why does herpetic sore throat occur, and what is it? The causative agent of the disease Coxsackie virus - is transmitted by airborne droplets, through contaminated food (fruits, vegetables, milk), fecal-oral. Often the incidence increases in the summer.

Getting on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, the Coxsackie virus penetrates the intestines and lymph nodes, where it multiplies intensively. On the third day of illness, a critical amount of viruses is in the blood. This greatly facilitates their access to the nervous and muscle tissue, which determines the general serious condition of the patient.

Symptoms of herpetic sore throat

The incubation period is from 2 to 10 days (usually 3 to 4 days). The disease is always begins sharply and violently, while the following symptoms are observed:

  • increased body temperature (sometimes up to 40 - 41 ° C);
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • changes in the mucous membrane of the oropharynx;

In adults, a distinctive symptom of herpetic sore throat is the appearance on the back of the pharynx, tonsils, soft palate, tongue, and anterior part of the oral cavity of small reddish vesicles with serous (light, not cloudy) contents, resembling herpetic lesions.

Over time, the spots form ulcers, which gives the sick person great inconvenience, because they hurt a lot. Then the sores develop into vesicles that have a serous filling. They burst and form ulcers. As a rule, they number from 5 to 20 pieces. In some cases, the bubbles can merge, which leads to fairly large lesions on the mucous membranes of the throat and oral cavity.

Symptoms of herpetic sore throat in children

It is very important that the child is examined by a specialist, since the symptoms on the first day of illness are very similar to influenza. These include:

  • chills;
  • runny nose;
  • weakness, severe malaise;
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • very high temperature.

The local manifestation of herpes sore throat is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Redness of the mucous membranes of the anatomical formations of the oral cavity during the day (tonsils, palatine darlings, soft palate and uvula).
  2. The appearance of papules on the oral mucosa, 24 hours after redness.
  3. In the future, the formation of bubbles (within 48 hours), which, after opening, leave aphthous sores.
  4. Formation in severe cases of erosive lesions, after the fusion of aphthae.
  5. The manifestation of lymphadenopathy (in the parotid, submandibular and cervical region).
  6. With a long course, characteristic rashes are observed on the hands and feet.

With an erased form of the disease, only the oropharynx is affected. In the case of weakened immunity, herpangina proceeds in waves. Stormy symptoms are observed with a sequence of 2-3 days. In a typical course, herpes sore throat in children subsides after a week.

Herpetic sore throat: photo

What this disease looks like in children and adults, presents detailed photos for viewing:


Before figuring out how to treat herpetic sore throat, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. For this purpose, virological and serological examinations are carried out:

  • Serological study involves the use of special serums. They are collected at the beginning of the disease, and then after 2 weeks. The purpose of this analysis is to fix the level of growth in antibody titer.
  • Virological study involves the delivery of pharyngeal washings. This material is handed over no later than 3 - 5 days from the time of the course of the disease.

The most reliable and proven diagnostic method is immunofluorescence, which is based on the detection of antibodies by fluorochrome.


The causative agents of the disease, getting into the blood, can quickly spread throughout the body, causing a number of serious consequences:

  • - inflammation in the membranes of the brain and spinal cord;
  • encephalitis - inflammation in certain parts of the brain;
  • myocarditis is a severe inflammation of the heart muscle.

Therefore, at the first signs of herpetic sore throat, one should not hesitate to consult a doctor and begin therapeutic measures.

Treatment of herpetic sore throat

If an adult is diagnosed with herpetic sore throat, complex treatment includes isolation of the patient, general and local treatment. The patient needs to drink plenty of fluids, take liquid or semi-liquid food, which excludes irritation of the oral mucosa.

Basically, the treatment of herpetic sore throat in adults is symptomatic:

  1. At a high temperature, they are prescribed ("Paracetamol or Ibuprofen").
  2. For relieve swelling and redness of the mucosa and facilitate breathing application is shown ("Claritin", "Fenkarol", "Suprastin", "Diazolin").
  3. For reduction of pain in the oral cavity they take various lozenges and lozenges for resorption ("Faringosept", "Strepsils", "Terasil"), which have an antiseptic and bactericidal effect.
  4. Also, a good effect is observed if irrigate the mouth or nose with topical preparations based on interferon, lubricate the throat with ointments Acyclovir, Interferon.
  5. After the general and local treatment, it is necessary to provide for the organization of rational nutrition and the inclusion of immunomodulators (Imudon, Immunal, etc.) in therapy.
  6. The use of inhalations and compresses is unacceptable, since the thermal effect increases blood circulation, which leads to an intensification of viremia (spread of the virus).
  7. Antibiotics in the treatment of herpangina are useless, since their active ingredients are effective against bacteria, but powerless against viruses. Therefore, it is so important to establish what is the causative agent of the infection. Coxsackie and ECHO viruses have specific morphology, antigenic structure, and biochemical properties.

Since the foci of inflammation are subject to constant trauma, healing occurs for at least two weeks. In order to increase the effectiveness of oral preparations and speed up the process of epithelization, procedures such as UVR of the nasopharynx, exposure to a helium-neon laser are prescribed.

How to gargle?

Sore throat is well relieved by such methods:

  • gargling with decoctions of oak bark, sage;
  • irrigation of the pharynx with Hexoral, Yoks, Tantum-Verde, Kameton;
  • treatment of the pharynx with Lugol, a solution of propolis tincture, Chlorphyllipt;
  • gargling with a solution of tincture of calendula, eucalyptus;
  • resorption of lozenges, tablets with a distracting and enveloping effect;
  • treatment of the pharynx with a solution of sodium tetraborate on glycerin, Castellani liquid, 2% lidocaine solution.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out inhalations, make compresses for an infection such as herpes sore throat. All these funds have an antiseptic, enveloping and analgesic effect.

Treatment of angina in children: Dr. Komarovsky

Herpetic sore throat in children is treated at home. A sick child should be isolated from healthy family members. The doctor prescribes antiseptic mouth rinses, plenty of warm drink. Antipyretics are used to reduce the temperature, and painkillers are used to relieve pain in the throat. Since the disease is caused by a virus, it is possible to use antiviral therapy in the treatment.

You can learn more about the treatment of angina by watching a video with a popular pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky:

A sick child is assigned to bed rest, while it is necessary to moisten and ventilate the room well, and also observe the regimen of heavy drinking. Also an important tool that helps fight sore throats is regular gargling. This helps to wash away purulent formations and microbes, relieve swelling of the tonsils, “neutralize” the infection and will lead to a quick recovery.

Forecast and prevention

For children with herpetic sore throat, and contact persons, quarantine is established for 14 days. The current and final disinfection is carried out in the epidochag. In most cases, herpetic sore throat in children ends in recovery. With the generalization of a viral infection, multiple organ damage is possible. Lethal outcomes are usually observed among children of the first years of life with the development of meningitis.
