My little pony Fluttershy. Games with fluttershy

Popular heroine from Little Pony Fluttershy games, is ready for transformation, and she needs help. Today she is a girl, and how many outfits she has, it’s crazy. But the main thing is that at first all the little ones will have to take care of their mane of hair, one might say so. You'll have to choose a hairstyle and some unexpected shade of hair. I must say that there is a lot of high-quality imported paint accumulated in the house main character Fluttershy's games, and she's not bragging, but just needs help with choosing the right color chic curls. And, yes, it is still unknown whether they will be curls, or, on the contrary, straightened long hair. In general, a rich number of options in this category. Find something that matches perfect taste each of the little ones who took up the game.

The application sound can be easily turned off by clicking on the special button in the upper left corner of the screen. The graphics are cartoonish, which is understandable, and the melody is incomparable. However, what if this melodic miracle bothers someone? After hairdressing art helped to create a masterpiece from the hair that this most beautiful, pretty person naturally has, it’s time to go through other categories of the game for girls about the pony Fluttershy in order to see what the creators decided to please there. Well, first of all, right under the first hair section, there is a second one. Is it really the same? No! There there is an opportunity to choose fashionable “feathers”, which will be perfect for the chic mane of the magnificent game Little Pony Fluttershy. And then, “off we go,” through the rest of the departments of the fairy-tale toy. So what do we have there? There are wonderful and stylish blouses in all the colors of the rainbow!

A gigantic wardrobe, indeed. Many modern fashionistas can only dream about this a huge number wonderful outfits. Then there is the opportunity to look at the category of the game Malital Pony Fluttershy, in which there are shorts, skirts and breeches for a thin magical character. And, of course, no stylish lady can ever do without dresses of various styles. And how many of them does this goddess of beauty have? Here you can find princess-style outfits, light sundresses, and clothes perfect for disco! And also amazing jumpsuits in various colors. Having found that very outfit, you must not forget about the category of shoes. There are a lot of boots, colorful sneakers, shoes and much more, even very entertaining ones. Finally, we must pay tribute to the developers pony games Fluttershy, since they have prepared tights and wonderful knee socks for the beauty in one of the departments. It’s also better not to forget about accessories.

All the girls from the fairy-tale country of Equestria already have ponies, but Fluttershy has not yet been able to get her little friend. But today, in the game Fluttershy Pony Dress Up, this problem will be solved, if, of course, you help our girl a little. She managed to find a little pony, which she now wants to show to all her friends. But before that you need to dress it up a little, for which it is prepared for you a large number of manes, hooves and much more, without which no pony can exist. Begin the process of transforming this cute animal using all the means available to you. In each section you will have 7 options, from which you will need to choose the one that is most suitable for the image you are creating. Don’t think that after finishing the pony transformation process, your work in the game Pony for Fluttershy: Dress Up will be finished. After all, Fluttershy wants to change her a little appearance and we will need to help her with this. Everything you need will be provided: hairstyles, skirts, T-shirts and stylish shoes with accessories. From all this variety, choose those items that will suit our new girlfriend, immediately putting them on her. When everything is ready, you can admire the beautiful couple and feel free to send them to meet other girls from Equestria who will definitely love your newly created pony.

Fluttershy is the most fragile and sensitive of the main characters of the cartoon “Friendship is Magic”. This is evidenced not only by the pony’s color, which is dominated by pale shades of pink and yellow, but also by its character. Timid and kind, she can sometimes fall into a stupor from surprise. Besides, Pegasus Fluttershy is still afraid of flying. Having survived the ridicule of her peers as a child, she found her calling in helping wild animals and became a real forest guardian, able to calm the animals even after the “sound rainbow” that she sometimes performs. The first such case showed Fluttershy the insignia - three pink and blue butterflies hover on her rump, saving her while falling from a cloud. In the company of animals, the Pegasus pony really feels most comfortable.

Love to the animals

However, Fluttershy does not only feed and treat animals. Sometimes she even re-educates them, which doesn’t always work out, and in one episode of the cartoon, the ponies under her care are almost eaten by her, and only she manages to drive the parasprites out of the city.

Even though Fluttershy is known for being timid when little ones get into trouble (animals or ponies, it doesn't matter), she can also be fearless. So, one day she even discovers her talent as a monster lord, a manticore healer, a negotiator with dragons, and Discord’s teacher.

Thanks to her beauty, Fluttershy could also become a real star of the fashion world in Equestria, but the shy girl is not attracted to such prospects, and she remains in Ponyville to help animals, thereby proving the strength of her convictions and becoming the guardian of such “Kindness”. Participating with friends in various adventures, the little pony gains a little more determination and more than once saves them from troubles by using the “Look” ability: Fluttershy just needs to look closely at a dangerous animal or a negative character and he will calm down. It happens to a pegasus pony, afraid of heights, to fly, but only when no one sees it. And if she also sings in flight, then rest assured that Fluttershy will soon begin to somersault in the air with joy! She once tried to increase the strength of her wings, but little came of it. But this little thing became the last missing straw in a big, important matter, and everyone thanked Fluttershy from the bottom of their hearts!

Equestria Girl

The human world makes the girl Fluttershy even more withdrawn and timid. She is being bullied by one of the most popular girls Sunset Shimmer School, but she comes to the defense of her weak friend and she gains confidence in her, telling her that she found the stolen crown and gave it to Principal Celestia. Fluttershy also sings well - her gentle voice and sense of rhythm make the timid heroine a participant, where she not only sings along with her friends, but also plays the tambourine.

Fluttershy / Fluttershy

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Fluttershy ( Fluttershy) - Pegasus pony, one of the main characters of the series My Little Pony Friendship is a Miracle. Fluttershy represents the element of kindness. Her assistant is Angel the rabbit with a complex character.


Fluttershy is a very kind and shy pony. So shy that when she first met Twilight, she could hardly pronounce her name. At the same time, she became very conversational when she saw baby Spike - the little dragon Twilight. Fluttershy loves animals very much and it is with them that she finds the best mutual language. She is always very polite, both with Ponies and with animals. Fluttershy is most fond of small animals, and she is especially afraid of adult dragons. But she can find a common language with them too. Fluttershy knows how to be not only kind, but also strict. She is an ideal teacher, although she did not immediately manage to find a common language with the foals.

Also in the series, Fluttershy is shown to be a bit of a coward who is afraid of sharp sounds and her own shadow. But when it comes to her friends and their safety, she becomes unpredictably brave and courageous. All these opposites and additional facets of Fluttershy's character make her one of the most popular characters.


Most of the pegasi are responsible for the weather in Ponyville, but Flattershy is not the best flyer, so she prefers to devote her time to caring for the animals.

Fluttershy, like no one else, knows how to find a common language with animals. She can handle large and scary animals, and she can take the cat Opal Rarity, who is completely disobedient in the hands of her owner, for cleaning. Fluttershy feeds, wakes, puts to bed, treats animals.

In general, like any other pegasus pony, Fluttershy can fly, and even by average standards she does it well. But in moments of fear, she is practically unable to get off the ground.

Fluttershy also has a secret weapon - her gaze. She does not like to use it and uses it in exceptional situations, such as fighting the Basilisk. Using this look, Fluttershy is able to make any animal obey and do what she commands. This is a very menacing look and not only animals, but also large and small ponies are afraid of it.

Fluttershy can sew, of course, not like Rarity, but she was able to finish the dress for her that she created for the ball. Fluttershy understands fashion and sometimes reads fashion magazines and knows what it is haute couture.

Another talent of Fluttershy is her ear for music. It is she who leads the choir of birds that sing at various celebrations in Ponyville.


Fluttershy is a charming yellow pony with blue eyes. The shape of her eyes is different from other ponies, their corners are slightly lowered, which gives her look a certain naivety and sadness. Her mane and tail are soft pink, most of The hair is combed to one side and falls coquettishly, with charming curls at the ends. Her special mark is three pink butterflies, and like any pegasus she has wings.
