Vegetable oil burn: treatment at home. Vegetable oil burn: treatment at home Girl douses herself with oil

Eating butter in a dream, spreading it on bread or a roll, means upcoming disputes with relatives regarding the division of property and real estate - disputes that will be resolved in your favor if the butter is fresh and appetizing, and if it is old and rancid, it means that you will lose. Buying loose oil in a store portends peace and tranquility in the home, complete prosperity and prosperity. Oil packaged in packs or jars promises inevitable loss of time and money in a stupid enterprise. Buy village yellow oil at the market - in reality you will make a profit. Chocolate butter is a sign of luxury and abundance, which you will achieve by implementing your planned project. Salted butter - you will shed a lot of tears when you marry your chosen one.

Sunflower oil seen in a dream portends good health and constant prosperity, while olive oil, on the contrary, leads to illness and loss. Corn oil- a sign of flattery, deception and hypocrisy of the people around you.

Flaxseed oil is a harbinger of a large monetary win or award.

Wooden oil predicts a sad event among close relatives and a forced trip to them.

Camphor oil - to sadness over irreparable losses.

Household engine oil is a sign of upcoming expenses for the purchase of an absolutely necessary for the home, but very expensive item. Car oil portends a fun trip to distant lands with a dear friend. Gun oil - you will experience anxiety about the fate of your children.

Cooking something with butter or vegetable oil predicts troubles and preparations for welcoming dear guests. Adding oil to some dish (porridge, salad, etc.) - such a dream does not bode well in terms of material wealth; most likely you will have to switch to saving mode.

If you spilled oil in a dream, it means that in reality you will be persecuted and held accountable. Lubricating something with oil is a sign of success in business and prosperity.

Oiling your body or hair means that friends will help you get back on your feet after a crushing failure in business or entrepreneurship.

Seeing burning oil means serious life trials will fall to your lot, overcoming which you will achieve a stable position and family happiness that you have dreamed of.

Buying or selling oil in a dream foretells a small profit from a dubious and too troublesome business. A large number of oil seen in a store or warehouse is a sign great activity and good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Butter - to make your wishes come true.

Buying butter means satisfaction.

Get dirty butter- to success in love.

Consuming vegetable oil is a symbol of the stability of your position and the upcoming calm and measured life.

Churning butter means increasing wealth.

Spreading butter on something in a dream means gossip.

Anointing your head with oil means fame and recognition.

Eating heavily oily foods is beneficial.

Seeing a creamery in a dream means that your deepest desires will come true.

You work in a creamery - especially good dream.

Interpretation of dreams from

Apple products are becoming more and more expensive day by day; not every young girl can afford them. The author of the video, which can be seen on the news, decided to find out which girl would agree to strip down to her underwear and pour a can of oil all over her body for the sake of a new smartphone.. She even allowed herself to be recorded on camera and posted the video online.

The author of the video filmed how he walked around the city and pestered girls with an offer to do something crazy for the sake of an iPhone. A mandatory condition was reaching the age of majority. After 8 minutes of talking, we managed to find a girl who confirmed that she was ready to do anything for an iPhone and saw nothing in stripping down to her underwear and sexually rubbing herself against a car. The girl agreed to wet herself machine oil, but resisted doing so in crowded place. So she got into a car with four men and drove out of town.

The girl was filmed on video taking off her dress and starting to pour herself with oil in her underwear to techno music with elements of a church choir. At the end of the video, Ksenia shyly rubbed herself against the car. After receiving the iPhone 5S, she noted the following: “ The feeling was not the best, but I was ready for it, so I don’t regret anything. Everything is fine" At the end of the video, the girl kissed the iPhone, and the men told her to go into the sunset.

In the city of Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region, a student at a pedagogical college stripped naked for a smartphone at a party in a nightclub. However, this attempt to undress for a gadget is not the first. The public's attention does not bother the girls.

By the way, a student from the Chelyabinsk region was deceived. She was promised an iPhone 7, but after the “striptease” she was only given a cheap smartphone. As a “bonus” - fame on the Internet, where viewers posted it.

Marriage is not a barrier

In the city of Berezniki, Perm Territory, in 2015, two girls performed naked dances on stage for the sake of an iPhone 5s. By the way, one of them was married. The audience appreciated the dances with applause, and social network users gave advice to “win brains instead of iPhones.”

Douse yourself with machine oil

In the summer of 2016 in Krasnoyarsk, video bloggers approached girls and asked what they were willing to do for an iPhone 5s. For example, will they be able to undress and douse themselves with machine oil? After many refusals, one finally gave in.

As it turned out, it was her birthday the day before and so she decided to “give herself an iPhone.” She got into the car with unknown guys, drove with them into the forest, where she undressed and doused herself with machine oil.

For an iPhone box

In Krasnoyarsk, a girl stripped off in a local club to... win an iPhone box. As it turned out, the contestants were played, and the prize for nakedness was not the gadget itself, but only its packaging. It went to the one who undressed completely; the others refused to do so.

Virginity for iPhone

The Internet is still wondering whether this was a real ad or a 19-year-old resident Rostov region someone made a bad joke. On her behalf, an advertisement was posted on Avito about exchanging an iPhone 5s smartphone for virginity. The proposal appeared in August 2014. But the specified phone number was unavailable a couple of hours after the announcement was made.
