Why cleaver. The court sentenced the nationalist Martsinkevich to ten years in a strict regime colony. Education and work of Maxim Martsinkevich

Maxim “Tesak” Martsinkevich, the founder of the Format 18 and Restrukt organizations, may be released very soon: his last sentence was overturned and will be reviewed in the very near future. In honor of such an event, Martsinkevich agreed to a long interview with Lenta.ru, in which he said that, if guided by the law, he could not be released, that he was going to leave the country and that neo-Nazi views were no longer his topic, but libertarianism, on the contrary, he likes.

Who is Maxim Martsinkevich and why is he in prison

Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak, became known as the creator of the Format 18 organization (banned in Russia - approx. Medialeaks), which in 2005 united Russian skinheads, released a large number of videos with the beating of persons of nationalities other than Russian, and became a fundamental image for the appearance documentary film "Russia 88".

Martsinkevich is now serving his fourth court opinion. He received his first term because in 2007 he disrupted the debate between journalists Yulia Latynina and Maxim Kononenko organized by Alexei Navalny in the Moscow Bilingua club. At the debate, Tesak first suggested that those present, for the well-being of Russia, burn all the democrats, and then arranged a Nazi roll call with his supporters.

In 2008, he received three years for this under Article 282 (“Inciting hatred or enmity”). While serving this court term, Tesak received another case to his soul. The article was the same, but the reason was new - the most famous video of the Format 18 times, in which Martsinkevich and a friend, dressed in white Ku Klux Klan robes, arrange an “execution” of a Tajik drug dealer with his subsequent “dismemberment”. As Maxim Martsinkevich himself later admitted, this video was staged.

After serving both terms, Tesak was released on the last day of 2010. He soon founded a new movement with nationalist ideologies called Restrukt. Its most famous subdivision was the Occupy Pedophilia project, within which Martsinkevich filmed a video about the capture of pedophiles.

However, he received the third term not for this show, but for the videos “Stalingrad”, “Okolofutbola” and “Throw out the chock”. In the first video - a review of the film by Fyodor Bondarchuk - Martsinkevich, for example, compared the girls who are now meeting with visitors from the regions of the North Caucasus with women who had relations with the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. As a result - the same 282 article. True, Tesak was hiding from this court in Cuba, from where he was successfully extradited to Russia by local authorities.

Only the last fourth term is different in terms of the reason for the charges - Tesak received it not only for inciting hatred, but also for hooliganism, robbery and deliberate destruction of other people's property. As part of the Occupy-Drugophilia project, Tesak and associates attacked spice sellers in Moscow using batons and stun guns, and publicly doused the victims' property with various paints. As a result, one of the victims died.

However, sometimes Nazism and racism comes from the side where it is difficult to expect. So, for the journalist of Komsomolskaya Pravda, the final of the World Cup in Russia was not a confrontation between Croatia and France, but a match of the “last white team” against Africa. AND .

Today, the Kuntsevsky District Court of Moscow sentenced the well-known nationalist Maxim Martsinkevich (Tesak). Having found him guilty of inciting ethnic hatred, the court appointed the nationalist five years in prison.

Tesak was found guilty by the Kuntsevsky District Court of committing crimes under Part 2 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Incitement of interethnic hatred”). As follows from the verdict, from September 14 to October 14, 2013, the defendant posted three videos of extremist content on his page on the VKontakte social network: two of them were reviews of the films Stalingrad and Okolofutbola, the third had the title Throw Out the Chock ". Experts considered Tesak's comments to the film "Okolofutbola" to be extremist, because the attention of viewers was focused on the problems of the protagonist, who was at war with the Azerbaijanis. In another post, evaluating the film "Stalingrad", Maxim Martsinkevich spoke in a T-shirt with the number 88 on his chest. Two eights, according to experts, are consistently associated in the youth environment with the Nazi salute. Tesak casually threw a phrase that, while watching the film, he "cheered for another team" was also appreciated.

Maxim Martsinkevich denied his guilt. According to him, in these reviews there are no calls for extremism and inciting hatred, since these are nothing more than film reviews.

During the debate of the parties, the state prosecution requested five years in a strict regime colony for him. In turn, the lawyers and the person involved in the case asked for an acquittal. The court gave him the term requested by the prosecutor.

The charge was brought against Maxim Martsinkevich at the end of November last year. However, a few days after that, Tesak fled to Belarus, and from there he moved to Cuba. The nationalist arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list was detained on January 18. Cuban legislation does not provide for liability for extremism, and this could serve as a refusal to extradite Tesak. However, the detainee was not extradited, but expelled from Cuba, since he did not have a passport.

Nikolai Sergeev

How Maksim Martsinkevich was charged with inciting hatred

On July 30, in the Kuntsevsky District Court of Moscow, hearings began on the merits of the case of nationalist Maxim Martsinkevich (Tesak), accused of “inciting ethnic hatred” (part 2 of article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). As follows from the indictment, three of his posts with videos published by the defendant on social networks last fall contained calls for extremism. Maxim Martsinkevich pleaded not guilty, noting that he did not count on an acquittal.

How Tesak was detained in Minsk

In early 2013, the Belarusian authorities announced the arrest in Minsk of a well-known Russian fascist with Belarusian roots Maxim Martsinkevich (Tesak). According to Belarusian investigators, the Russian is considered a suspect in a criminal case initiated under Part 3 of Art. 339 (especially malicious hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Belarus.

Maxim Sergeevich Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak- former NS-skinhead, ex-leader of the interregional public association "Format 18". He became famous for his racist videos and "comedy" productions, which he filmed and posted on the Internet in 2005-2007.

Martsinkevich Tesak Maxim claims to be of Russian-Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian origin. Parents: Sergey Evgenievich Martsinkevich and Victoria Leonidovna Martsinkevich. The mother did not share the extremist views of her son. Father same nationalism son Martsinkevich supported the younger. Maxim Martsinkevich was drafted into the army, but a few days later he severely beat an Azerbaijani colleague, underwent a mental health examination and was discharged. Nickname Cleaver received or chose himself because of the love of melee weapons.

Education and work of Maxim Martsinkevich

Maxim Martsinkevich Graduated from the College of Architecture and Building Arts. He studied at MISI, but was expelled. Maxim Martsinkevich gave interviews to corrupt "journalists" exclusively for money. In one of them, he claimed to be an engineer. I sold videos on my format18.org, where he also tried to trade music. He earned enough money to rent an apartment.

Far-right organizations in the life of Maxim Martsinkevich

Maxim Martsinkevich was a member of the skinhead association "Russian goal" Semyon "Bus" Tokmakov. Until 2003, he was a member of the People's National Party. Created his own association of skinheads "Format 18". He was also related to such an organization as the NSO of Mr. Rumyantsev.

Format 18 - Tesak organization

Originated in 2005. The number 18 encodes the name Adolf Hitler. A is the first letter of the Latin alphabet. H is the eighth. Skinheads beat Asian migrant workers and homeless people, recorded on tape, and distributed recordings via the Internet. Same way Maxim Martsinkevich comrades filmed comedy staged videos that promoted hatred of blacks and anti-fascists. Russian Reporter magazine writes about one video:
Maxim Martsinkevich shocked the audience with video recordings of the execution of a "Tajik drug dealer" in a forest near Moscow. The execution was carried out by some executioners in Ku Klux Klan costumes. In the video, the Tajik is first hanged and then dismembered. However, it soon became clear that this was just a staging. The meat of the "dismembered" prisoner turned out to be ordinary beef. Soon Maxim Martsinkevich admitted that all his videos are staged, he called himself a "producer", "director" and "creative person".

The skinhead association had its own site format18.org, which was closed in 2007 at the request of the authors of the site Antifa.ru. Format 18 had followers on the network who also posted their videos. The most famous was the execution of a Tajik and a Dagestani, which appeared on the Internet in August 2007, when Maxim Martsinkevich has already been arrested. According to the Investigative Committee under the Russian Prosecutor General's Office, the events shown in the video actually took place. As a public organization, Format 18 was banned in September 2010 for extremism.

Arrest of Maxim Martsinkevich

Maxim Martsinkevich was detained and sentenced to 3 years in 2007 for extremist statements in the Moscow club "Bilingua". Martsinkevich, together with his associates, visited the club, where political debates between journalists and Maxim Kononenko took place. He asked journalists if they agreed that for Russia to prosper, all democrats must be killed, and he shouted "Zig!" His companions unanimously answered "Heil!" So the Nazis chanted for several minutes.

Subsequently in his livejournal Maxim Martsinkevich praised several girls who had the courage to chant “Fascism will not pass!” Latynina called the Skins "real men" because ten of them can kill a Tajik girl. Kononenko offered to call the police, since it is forbidden to shout "Sieg heil" on the street. But the police were not called. The organizer of the debate, Alexei Navalny, considered it his duty to write a statement to the prosecutor's office.

On July 2, about 10 policemen from the T Center and the Lynx special forces detachment were arrested Maxim Martsinkevich, setting up an ambush at the sports club where he came to train. Maxim Martsinkevich convicted under article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Inciting hatred or enmity".

The second criminal case of Maxim Martsinkevich

In 2006, 20 people dressed in white Ku Klux Klan robes staged the execution of a Tajik drug dealer. Filmed and posted online. The organizers were Maxim Martsinkevich and Artyom Zuev, who played the role of the Great Dragon of the Moscow Region. He also owns the voiceover.

At the trial in a conversation with reporters Maxim Martsinkevich tried to predict the verdict:
I think they will give 5 years, because drug dealers are, as I understand it, a social group protected by our Constitution. In principle, of course, I respect the decision of our court, and, apparently, I will have to apologize to the drug dealers. I am very glad that I did not speak out against pedophiles anywhere, because then, I think, I would have received another article, and maybe even more serious. because pedophiles, I suspect so, an even more protected social group.

January 16, 2009 Maxim Martsinkevich re-convicted to 3 years under article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Incitement of hatred or enmity on the grounds of nationality or religious affiliation." The court took into account the positive characteristics Maxim Martsinkevich. Taking into account the previous term, the sentence was 3 and a half years.
It is not clear from the press whether this term will be counted from the moment of detention or from the moment of sentencing by the second court. Artyom Zuev received 3 years probation. December 31, 2010 Maxim Martsinkevich was released from custody due to the completion of his sentence.
Now he is the leader of the unregistered public organization "Restrukt" and the anti-pedophile movement "Occupy Pedophilia" (in the name - a parody of recent liberal gatherings)

Subscribe to our channel #realtime - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrNx6NYPiaV_erHMcM_aLjA?sub_confirmation=1 Public figure Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich will not be released in 2016. This conclusion was made by the Babushkinsky Court of Moscow, extending Martsinkevich's term of detention. Martsinkevich, as well as nine other defendants, are accused of extremism, hooliganism, robbery, and deliberate destruction of other people's property. Information about the release of Tesak in November 2016 is outdated. By a court decision, Martsinkevich was left with a measure of restraint in the form of detention for six months - until April 17, 2017, for the period of consideration of the criminal case. Thus, Tesak will remain in custody for another six months. Recall that Maxim Martsinkevich was a member of the Restrukt movement and the leader of the scandalous Occupy Pedophilia project, whose stated goal is to fight pedophiles. Earlier, he was convicted for publishing extremist videos on the Internet, as well as for statements during a debate in the Moscow Bilingua club. In total, in two cases, he received 3.5 years in prison. For the third time, in 2014, Martsinkevich was sentenced by Russian courts to 2 years and 10 months in prison for extremist activities, which, however, were not related to the Occupy Pedophilia project. Despite this, the movement continues to carry out its activities to this day, and similar groups appear outside of Russia, inspired by the activities of Tesak.

In the Babushkinsky court of the capital, nine members of the Restrukt youth nationalist movement and its leader Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak, were sentenced. He and another person involved were sentenced to ten years in prison, the rest received from three to five years. The defendants were found guilty of hooliganism, robbery, causing grievous bodily harm to one of the victims, and Martsinkevich was also found guilty of extremism. Young people do not plead guilty, claiming that they fought evil. tried to understand the history of the most massive, according to its members, nationalist movement in Russia.

Behind the scenes

In June 2014, Zaur Alyshov, beaten by Restrukt activists, died in the capital's hospital, whom young people, as they claim, caught selling narcotic mixtures - spices. This was Alyshov's second meeting with Martsinkevich's associates in one day: the activists did not like the fact that the police released Zaur, who they had captured, to freedom.

Not all defendants agree that these actions should be qualified as infliction of grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim (Article 111 Part 4). “The huckster, who was handed over to the police, then attacked the activists. Those exceeded the limits of self-defense, and he died, - one of the defendants, Evdokim Knyazev, who received eight years in prison, told Lente.ru. - It's sad, very sad. Yes, the activists who did this repent in court and are ready to accept punishment. But just for the excess.

The case file mentions eight attacks committed by Restrukt activists. The actions of young people were qualified under several criminal articles, depending on the specific circumstances.

A gas canister, a telescopic baton, handcuffs - the activists, according to the investigation, showed frank and unjustified cruelty, while the substances confiscated from their victims were not considered drugs at that time, which is supported by the then examinations.

The prosecutor managed, relying on testimonies and other materials, to prove in court that not all the exploits of these guys were recorded in videos about “people's fighters against evil” known to the entire Runet. For example, in July 2014, the hunt for a drug dealer near the Sokol metro station failed. Several people left after that, while others stayed and attacked a man of Asian appearance, as they considered him the guard of the escaped “huckster”. The victim was beaten, 10 thousand rubles and a cell phone were taken from him.

Frame: TV Restruct / YouTube

Of all the episodes considered in court, the case of a migrant from Uzbekistan, to whom Martsinkevich tore a shirt worth 88,000 rubles, after catching him selling spices, looks really controversial. “For selfish purposes, having colluded with a group of people, I committed a robbery against Khamidillo Mukhtarov, stealing a flashlight phone from him for 1,000 rubles,” Tesak parodied the accusation during the court hearings. - The victim Mukhtarov wrote a statement only a year and a half later, when he, illegally residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, having a ban on entry, was found by employees of the Center for Combating Extremism. Moreover, they found it by watching a video with his capture on the sale of spice, where Mukhtarov’s passport was shown in close-up.”

Martsinkevich considers it insane that the prosecution considered hooliganism - that is, a gross violation of public order, expressed in contempt for society and morality - the struggle of civil activists against drug trafficking. According to the prosecutor, however, there are no facts of the sale of a substance prohibited for circulation in the episodes under consideration, but there is an attempt to cover up open robbery with good intentions.

Showman and Nazi

32-year-old Maxim Martsinkevich is a professional builder, that is, he received a specialized education in the capital's college, then studied at MISI, but, as far as is known, he never graduated from the university. He did not serve in the army, having received a "white ticket". On his page on VKontakte, it is reported that Maxim nevertheless worked for a couple of years in his specialty - a design technician and design engineer. Subsequently, the young man did not have a permanent job.

In the early 2000s, Martsinkevich was an ordinary skinhead. As he himself told in an interview with the British journalist Ross Kemp, his hatred for visitors arose in 1999, after the explosion of the house on Guryanov Street, where his girlfriend lived. He was a member of Semyon Tokmakov's group "Russian Target", a member of the People's Nationalist Party of Alexander Ivanov-Sukharevsky, eventually headed its regional branch, but soon left the party due to a conflict with the leadership.

Tesak began to actively form the image of the Nazi showman since 2005. He created the Format-18 Creative Studio (subsequently, its activities were banned by the court). Martsinkevich and his comrades-in-arms filmed and posted videos about the life of skinheads: training in gyms, trips to paramilitary training camps, and attacks on people of non-Slavic appearance. The latter were especially popular with users. It is believed that some of these actions were staged, and some were completely documentary.

Frame: TV Restruct / YouTube

Tesak sought to make the works of his studio as attractive as possible to the viewer. Attention was paid to editing, musical accompaniment, didactic comments in the neo-Nazi spirit were flavored with a fair amount of humor, which was not in the videos of other skinhead and Nazi groups.

By 2007, Martsinkevich had become a recognizable personality thanks to his videos. In the same year, a documentary film by Ross Kemp from the four-season series "Gangs" was released on the Discovery Channel, dedicated to Russian neo-Nazis from the National Socialist Society (NSO) banned in Russia. Cleaver is one of the main characters of this tape. His "Format-18" at that time collaborated with the NSO, but already in September began to conduct an information campaign against this organization.

In the same 2007, Martsinkevich and his associates held a rally in the Bilingua club, where a blogger gaining popularity led political debates. Tesak got into news feeds and TV shows, and then went to jail, as Navalny wrote a statement against him in. Maxim was accused of extremism (Article 282 of the Criminal Code): in the club he openly zigged, shouting Nazi slogans and threats.

During the first term, Tesak received another term (under the same article 282 of the Criminal Code) for a video with a staging of the execution of a migrant from Central Asia that gained particular popularity on the network.

In 2009, the feature film "Russia 88" was released - about a gang of skinheads posting campaign videos on the Internet. The prototype of the main character, whose role he plays, was Maxim Martsinkevich.

In December 2010, Tesak, who by that time had become the most famous skinhead in the country, was released, in the same month his Format-18 was recognized as an extremist organization. At liberty, Martsinkevich begins to earn money with lectures and trainings, including on how to steal in shops, but most importantly, he publishes the book "Restruct": a kind of memoir about life in prison, during which there was a "restructuring" - that is, a complication and systematization of the worldview author. In 2014, the book was recognized as extremist, and its distribution formed the plot of a new charge against Martsinkevich under Article 282 of the Criminal Code.

Photo: Kirill Kallinikov / RIA Novosti

In the background on the right is Maksim Martsinkevich (Tesak), accused of attacking people whom he considered to be drug dealers.

Right drift

In 2011, Martsinkevich's friends came up with the idea to create the eponymous public organization Restrukt. According to a Lenta.ru source, this was an attempt to give the nationalist movement in Russia a fundamentally new form, where the main attention would be paid not to politics and not to the fight against foreigners, but to the protection of traditional values. Martsinkevich became the face of this movement and its symbol.

It is possible that the nationalists decided on such a turn in the wake of the general pressure of the right-wing forces. In 2010, the activities of the "Slavic Union" were banned, the next year - the Movement Against Illegal Immigration (). In the spring of 2011, a high-profile trial took place in the case of the Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists (BORN, also banned in Russia). In May 2011, one of its leaders received a life sentence, and his girlfriend - 18 years in prison for the murder of a lawyer and a journalist.

The first publicly oriented project of "Restrukt" was the hunt for pedophiles. The source of Lenta.ru noted that Martsinkevich and his comrades were inspired by a group of young people who, through social networks, lured a school teacher from the Tula region to meet with a minor. The story about them and other cases of people's lynching was shown in the NTVshniki program in October 2011.

Acting through left-wing accounts or through profiles of real teenagers, lovers of sex with minors were assigned meetings, where Martsinkevich’s film crew came along with the “bait”.

Young people reproduced techniques typical for operational shooting: “detained” citizens were asked to introduce themselves, show documents, they were interrogated, demanding, by presenting evidence, to confess to illegal intentions and repent. Various ways of humiliation were added as a highlight.

By analogy with the opposition action "Occupy Abai", which took place in May 2012 at Chistye Prudy, the project was called "Occupy Pedophilia". The videos posted on the Internet were very popular. Young people appeared in the regions who began to copy the method of detecting pedophiles and even the appearance of the leader, right down to the hairstyle.

Photo: Maxim Martsinkevich's page on VKontakte

Then came the project "Occupy-narcophile", the purpose of which was to fight the spice dealers. Here everything was even simpler: young people called the ads pasted everywhere and made appointments. But it was this project that eventually brought the activists to the dock. There were also "Occupy-Evict" - against illegal migration and "Occupy-Alkophilia" - against the sale of alcohol to teenagers.

According to the source of Lenta.ru, during the heyday of Restrukt, by the beginning of 2014, branches and groups of associates of the movement appeared in more than 40 regions of the country, as well as in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova.

The leadership sought to keep these cells under control so that local activists would not cripple people under the Restrukt brand and thereby nullify all the efforts of the organizers to develop it as a legal public structure.

The organization gradually gained strength, but some considered Martsinkevich's notoriety, which at first played into the hands of the movement, one of the obstacles to the further development of Restrukt. Maxim at that time was invited to Russian television as an expert and, dressed in a jacket and tie, he looked less and less like the former reckless skinhead Tesak.

New faces appeared more and more often in Restrukt's commercials: smiling young people without a criminal past and Nazi tattoos. However, this did not prevent Martsinkevich from earning on his authority among nationalists: advertising sports nutrition in his videos and selling goods through regional branches. Maxim even created a whole financial pyramid Tesakmoney.com.

Izmailovsky overclocking

In November 2013, when active actions began on the Kiev Maidan, they came to Tesak with a search in connection with a criminal case on extremism, where he was a witness. Martsinkevich considered this an attempt to send him to jail, organized by drug dealers and officials convicted of pedophilia by him. Tesak went to Ukraine and then to Cuba.

Meanwhile, the law enforcers' claims related to Martsinkevich's reviews of the films Stalingrad and Okolofutbol published online, as well as a video calling for the expulsion of foreigners. All these works had nothing to do with Restrukt, but contained statements that were recognized as extremist.

Defendant Martsinkevich during the announcement of the verdict in the case of inciting ethnic hatred. The Khamovniki court sentenced Maxim Martsinkevich to 3.5 years in prison.

In January 2014, Tesak was deported from Cuba to his homeland and imprisoned in. Since then, Martsinkevich has not been released again. On this, by the way, the line of defense is built: Tesak is accused of distributing the book Restruct, which was recognized as extremist after he was deprived of his freedom, which means that he formally did not have the opportunity to distribute anything.

The dispersal of the movement, which the source of Lenta.ru called the most massive not only among nationalist, but also among other informal youth organizations, began in the summer of 2014.

In June, the Izmailovo Concert Hall was to host the first congress of the Restrukt movement participants, who arrived from all over the country and from abroad. They were going to adopt the organization's charter and probably choose a new leadership. But the convention was cancelled. Instead of a clip prepared by the organizers, another one was shown on the screen of the concert hall - as the media wrote, filmed by the security forces.

“Restruct and Tesak are engaged in commercial activities: they trade in protein, create financial pyramids, sell books, branded clothes and other paraphernalia,” one of the members of the movement Evdokim Knyazev said from the screen. - My project was engaged in catching people selling spices, painting them with paint, humiliating, beating, holding, thereby violating the legislation of the Russian Federation. Involve minors in it. On the other hand, the management team made money on this, including raiding, where they earned about 600 thousand.

The storm of indignation in the hall was interrupted by OMON officers, who put all the delegates on the floor. Four “restructors” were detained; the rest, having rewritten the data, were allowed to go home.

Knyazev explained to Lente.ru that footage of his interrogation was then shown: “I didn’t say anything terrible: the organization was engaged in business, legal business. Maxim sold protein, there were publics selling weapons - knives and gas cartridges. Someone was engaged in pyramids, legal ones.”

And in August 2014, Martsinkevich was sentenced in the case of inappropriate reviews. He received five years in prison, but later the term was knocked off, and in 2016 he had a chance to leave the zone. However, he has already become a defendant in a new case, the trial of which ended with a verdict on June 27.

The history of the rather extensive charitable and educational activities of Restrukt remained little known. According to the source, members of the movement managed to get closer in this direction with many educational organizations and cultural institutions. “Law enforcement agencies had conversations with all former partners and some were even fired,” he said.

“We disbanded the movement in 2014. For a long time there was no agreement on this issue, - 19-year-old law student Elizaveta Simonova, one of Martsinkevich's associates, who was sentenced by the Babushkinsky court to three years in prison, told Lente.ru. - With pain in our hearts, we came to the conclusion that it was necessary, because they would continue to imprison "restructors" both in Moscow and in the regions, which we did not want. survived. The good news is that we have achieved certain goals: the adoption of a law against pedophiles and spice.”

According to one version, the increased attention to Restrukt by the security forces in 2014 was due to the fact that future fighters of Ukrainian nationalist battalions lived under the roof of this organization for the time being - for example, Roman Zheleznov, nicknamed Zukhel, who is accused at home in mercenarism for membership in the infamous Azov Battalion (an organization banned in Russia).

However, Malyuta was not in the ranks of Restrukt.

Children of "Restruct"

Elizaveta Simonova is one of hundreds of teenagers who have gone through Restruct. “In August 2013, I met Sasha Shankin (sentenced to six years in a correctional colony - approx. "Tapes.ru"), he called me to the raid "Occupy-narcophile". I liked it, I always attended events whenever possible,” she recalls.

In 2014, Simonova has already become one of the leaders of the movement. “In quotation marks - because there was no hierarchy in the movement,” the girl adds. “For example, she began organizing Occupy-alkophilia projects.”

Today, three years later, Simonova says she does not regret what happened. “Everything was done with the best intentions. Moreover, I didn’t steal anything from anyone, I didn’t use violence against anyone - I have nothing to be ashamed of, ”says Lisa.

According to the girl, her contribution is that about 30 stores that sold alcohol or cigarettes to minors were brought to administrative responsibility and fined 10-20 thousand rubles, and some - 300 thousand. “They didn’t do that anymore in these outlets, we held repeated actions there,” the activist explains.

Parents always supported Lisa, and she herself says that "from childhood she was receptive to the purity of the nation and justice in everything." The girl believes that one of the factors that influenced the dispersal of "Restrukt" was the events that took place "in the near abroad." Another reason, in her opinion, was that "the state, so to speak, is ashamed to follow the lead of active citizens who point out acute gaps."

Simonova did not consider such an option as getting a job in the internal affairs bodies. “In order to somehow fight evil, it is necessary to occupy the highest positions in state structures. While a person is an ordinary ordinary person, he is nobody (I don’t want to offend anyone) and his word is nothing, ”she says.

Before going to court, where she was taken into custody, the girl passed her exams ahead of schedule (before the trial, she was under house arrest). He does not look into the future yet, he tries to live for today.
