Is it necessary to sit with the children to learn lessons. "Mommy, you're two." Do parents need to do homework with the child. We train concentration and perseverance

In books and on the Internet, you can find many controversial near-psychological articles that discuss whether lessons should be done with the child or not, and if necessary, then up to what age, and if not, then how to deal with deuces, which, from the point of view the view of the parents will inevitably appear. "O!" I decided to look at the topic from different points of view and asked this question first to the teacher, and then to the psychologist. In today's material, our expert is a teacher, and look for a psychologist's column on “Oh!” already tomorrow.

I have a teacher friend who, at a parent-teacher meeting, frankly says: “Incorrectly done homework annoys me. Dear parents, homework is not only for children, but also for you!” That is, she believes that parents are obliged to help children in fulfilling. This is the position of the teacher and leads to the fact that parents make crafts and presentations, write poetry and compose stories. Creativity is wonderful. But not when you do it instead of the child.

In my opinion, parents do the task for the child for 3 reasons:

    Parents are perfectionists, "excellent students at heart." Such mothers and fathers cannot come to terms with the fact that the child does not do everything as well and accurately as they would like: “Let me show you how to do it!”

    Parents just don't have time. Dad came home from work, he was tired, a series or football would start soon, and then his son with lessons: “Let me do it faster, and you will rewrite it.”

    Parents are afraid of teachers. Yes, it happens.

Teachers can perfectly see whether the student did the work himself or was helped. I don’t even need to ask about it, I know perfectly well what each student is capable of. But I work in a small private school, where the number of children in the class allows you to check whether the topic has been mastered at each lesson. The most important principle that a teacher should be guided by is that we ask only what we have taught. Because homework is a test of how the student understood the material covered. This is the main point of homework, and not whether the teacher will praise, put "5" or "3". Doing "homework" for a child means harming him and interfering with the teacher.

How can you help your child with homework?

My advice: patience. Patience and observation. If the child does not ask for help, if the teacher does not get in touch with you about homework, then the question of help disappears. Sometimes it is enough to check the existence of completed lessons. Teachers usually comment on student work. Remember such entries with a red pen: “There is no work on mistakes”, “Where is ex. 14?”, “Write more carefully!” etc. Of course, you need to pay attention to this. But again, patience. Observe and just tell the child if you notice that he forgot something or incorrectly completed the work.

The design of the work, as well as accuracy, is very important. Whether we like it or not, we have the Unified State Examination, the OGE and the VPR, the implementation of which requires the utmost care, so it does not hurt to teach children from the first grade to certain formalities. This is exactly what parents should help with: how many cells to skip, which brackets to put. “Repetition is the mother of learning” and, of course, the child himself will soon remember everything.

Will I lower my rating if the work is done correctly, but poorly formatted and sloppy written? I won’t, but I’ll write a remark, especially to that child who can write better, but doesn’t try. Parents should not be intimidated by the teacher's notes. This is not a characteristic of the student and his parents. It's a job, a learning process. It can't work right away.

What should I do if my child is unable to complete their homework?

This situation, of course, should not be ignored. If you understand the topic yourself, explain, but try not to show a ready-made solution, but bring questions to it. It is even better to find another similar task. It may well be in the same notebook in class work. Eliminate all books and manuals with ready-made homework. Let me tell you a secret: there are a lot of mistakes. In formal homework, especially in elementary school, when the foundations of knowledge are laid, they do more harm than good. If at all, it is better to honestly tell the teacher about this and ask him to explain how this task should have been completed.
To come to terms with the inevitability of doing homework, you need to understand that this is an important stage in learning. This is a repetition and consolidation of the material covered. And further. There are children who categorically refuse any help. And do not impose! Maybe you just got lucky!

Often, when parents do homework with their child, the common cause gradually develops into a scandal and screams. It is not easy for children to absorb information. How to do homework with a child when parents shout? After all, his mood deteriorates and the desire to study disappears. The first-grader suffers, but the parents also suffer no less than him.

When a child refuses to do homework and invents various excuses, delaying time, instead of screaming at their child, parents need to find out the reason for this behavior. First you need to make sure that the child is healthy and nothing worries him. Then you should find out from the child whether such an attitude applies to all school subjects in the child.

If a child does not like certain subjects at school, parents need to ask the child about this in detail in order to know exactly why he does not like this or that subject at school. There can be quite a few reasons:

  • the child has a hard time with the object,
  • he doesn't like the teacher
  • at this lesson the child is bored,
  • the lesson evokes unpleasant associations.

When you know the reason why a child does not want to do homework, it is much easier to find ways to solve this problem.

Let the child relax

If the child has recently returned from school, you do not need to immediately offer him to take lessons. To begin with, the child should take a break from school, get distracted. The most ideal rest after a delicious afternoon snack or lunch can be a positive walk or outdoor games. Only a rested child can start doing homework. He must have clear thoughts and a fresh head.

If the child always completes the lessons at about the same time, then he will not experience stress. It’s just that the child already knows that the time is coming for homework and is preparing for it in advance. He becomes more collected and organized. Only later, on the subconscious, he perceives the implementation of the lessons as something natural: how to brush your teeth, wash your face, eat, go to the toilet, go to bed.

When the child is ready to do his homework, it is necessary to give him short breaks so that he does not overwork, and he has a little time to rest. Even 5 minutes will be enough (or more).

Adults also like to take breaks at work - they drink tea or coffee. After all, it gives a charge of vivacity. A child can also drink a glass of juice, eat an apple, and just stretch a little. For a short break, and the eyes will rest.

If a child is in the first grade, then it is especially difficult for him to draw prescriptions or perform other tasks. The most important thing for parents to do is not to put pressure on the child and allow him to complete the task gradually. The parent must be nearby so that he can always tell something. Children can get stuck on one task for a long time, and the help of an adult is simply necessary for them. Only in this way will he be able to complete the lessons without stress. Later, as they grow older, the child will perform tasks that are understandable to him, and parents will be able to help him complete more complex tasks. Or maybe the child will do all the tasks on his own, and the parents will only check. But they must definitely praise him so that he will continue to please them with his results.

No need to do homework for the child

Of course, it will be reasonable if the child does his own homework, and not his parents. Just because of their busyness, many parents do the homework for the child, thereby wanting to get free as soon as possible. It is not right. So the child will never learn to be independent. And the fault will be the parents who showed him a bad example. And if one day a child asks his mother to do his homework for him, then do not be surprised, it is their own fault that they did not teach the child to be responsible and independent. Parents can always prompt the child and direct him to the right action, but in no case do homework for him. This is simply unacceptable.

The child has difficulty gaining knowledge

Here parents are convinced that studying at school brings the child more negative emotions than positive ones. The first thing they should do is talk frankly with their child. Only the intonation of the conversation should not be rude and strict, parents should be absolutely calm. The conversation with the child should be easy and relaxed. And what the parents will talk about should interest the child. For example, a mother can say that when she was his age, she was also not only given this or that subject, but she tried, studied and eventually achieved good results. It is important for a child to understand how to do homework that not everything in life is easy and simple. To get the desired result, you need to put in a lot of effort. Parents can also highlight those subjects that were best given to them at school.

The child does not like school teacher

The child may well not like the school teacher. But parents should show a sense of tact. They must explain to their child that every person has both positive and negative qualities. But this is not a reason not to do homework.

Perhaps the teacher is strict, so the child feels not entirely comfortable in his lessons. Parents should explain to the child that if he prepares well in this subject, answers in class, then the teacher will notice him and become much kinder. Teachers love smart kids, not slackers. The child must learn this information, only then the problem will disappear by itself.

If talking to the child still doesn't resolve anything, parents should talk to the teacher and find out why the relationship didn't work out with the child. If the teacher knows the reason, then perhaps something will change in his tactics of behavior.

The child does not communicate with classmates if the child is not friends

If the child is closed and uncommunicative, then he may not have a relationship with the guys in the class. This will serve as a reason not to do homework, up to the reluctance to go to school.

The child is constantly in a tense state, and in order to relieve this tension, it is necessary to arrange a holiday for the child, invite guests. If the child is not friendly, this will help him a lot.

Let the child do more

If parents know what difficulties the child has in doing homework (the child is not just given a letter or he has difficulty retelling the text), then parents can arrange additional tasks for him. In order not to strain the child on weekdays, parents can help the child with tasks on weekends. So at least there will be more time to focus and complete the task without haste. This method will definitely give its results, and the child will believe in his potential.
If the child is lagging behind in any subject, then parents need to “pull it up”. At the same time, you can not overload the child with additional tasks in other subjects, this will be superfluous.

Parents must be patient and constructive. If they, together with the child, make efforts, treat him with all goodwill, then the child will be able to complete the lessons without stress. He needs the help of his parents in this.

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Many parents believe that if you do not control the implementation of "homework", the child will study worse. But researchers from the universities of Austin and Duke (USA) proved that this is not so. For 30 years they have collected data on how the involvement of moms and dads in the learning process affects grades. It turned out that parental help in elementary grades is useless, and in high school it even negatively affects the results of exam tests.

site talks about why the child himself, and not his parents, should be responsible for the lessons.

1. The child loses motivation to study

By forcing a child to sit down for lessons, controlling their implementation and punishing for bad grades, you take responsibility for learning, which means you remove it from the child. And while you are standing over his soul, he will not want to take this responsibility himself.

“The lessons are done. The mother became hoarse. The daughter went deaf. Neighbors learned by heart. The dog retold,” everyone remembers this joke, but when it comes to homework, it becomes no laughing matter. Instead of controlling the solution of each problem, psychologists advise building a trusting relationship with your student and spending more quality time together: read aloud, discuss what is happening in science and in the world, find new interesting activities.

If no other ratings than fives are acceptable to you, ask yourself what is the reason for such a categorical attitude. In a family where a deuce can cause a scandal, children do not feel loved regardless of their successes and failures. Psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky argues that education is a child's personal business, and parents' business is unconditional love. And love is more important than grades, right?

What do you do if your child does not want to do homework?

To answer the age-old question - to help with the lessons or let the child try on his own, we asked Irina Trushina, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Vice-Rector for Youth Work at Chelyabinsk State University, and Victoria Nagornaya, teacher of Russian language and literature with 20 years of experience.

Victoria Nagornaya: “Mommy, you are two”

- My opinion is tough: in the primary grades, especially in the first, the child needs to be helped with the lessons. After all, marks are not yet put, and here it is no longer about fulfilling the given task, but about the formation of skills. Skills not only to study, but also to organize your day, fold a portfolio, fill out a diary. All the colleagues I know are raising their schoolchildren according to this principle.

In higher school, not to mention 5th grade and beyond, I'm against babysitting. Of course, you can't refuse to help. We all remember from our childhood how dads solved problems for us, in their own way, not as we were taught, but the answer was correct. And mothers checked the essays and always found errors and typos in them. Nothing has changed: the exact sciences have only become much more complicated, and children who are accustomed to computers have practically forgotten how to come up with interesting phrases and write without errors: the computer will fix it. Therefore, if the daughter asks: “Mom, explain, I don’t understand,” I always go to the rescue. If not, she does her homework.

In the first grade, it is recommended to supervise the child. Photo: / Eduard Kudryavitsky

I advise you to convey one thought to the child. Now studying is your job. You don't work for me, why should I? Let a dependent student first sleep through the first lesson, then get a few twos, then come to class without a diary and a form for physical education. Having stuffed cones, he will learn everything that is required on his own. Initially, you can control, manage from afar and imperceptibly: for example, warn the class teacher about innovations in your family.

Parents sometimes find it difficult to cope with the tasks of their children. Photo: / Nadezhda Uvarova

In my pedagogical practice, situations when parents do not just sit next to the child, but completely do the lessons for him, alas, are not uncommon. But this is a disservice. Once, a fifth-grader of my colleague, a biology teacher, passed such an abstruse essay that he read excerpts aloud to us, and we did not understand what was being said. The parent, obviously a doctor of biological sciences, decided to shock everyone with his erudition, and gave out such knowledge about the inhabitants of the ocean that they clearly do not correspond to a ten or eleven-year-old mind. Moreover, the abstract was not copied from the Internet. He is smart, not smart. The colleague was of the old rules, thought and wrote on the title page: "Mom, you are two."

Many do not believe that a child will do his homework himself if he is thrown, like a fry, on a long voyage. It will, for sure. Don't raise drones. There is, apparently, some stage, having gone through which, together with his mother doing homework, the student no longer wants to go further without his mother. Practice shows that wealth and family education have nothing to do with it. Mothers study for such children both at institutes and help at work. Is this what we want for our children? I'm sure everyone will say no. Let your child first have three, but his, well-deserved.

As the leader said, "less is better, but better." I am a teacher, but I think that not everyone has to be excellent students. The main thing for a child is the inner core, the desire to achieve something, adaptability to circumstances and independence.

Irina Trushina: "We need a situation of success"

Every parent asks this question. The answer depends primarily on the level of psychological and physical readiness of the child for school. The first grade is the time when the child adapts to new conditions, the system of interaction with adults and peers, and other rules for organizing their activities. For this adjustment to be successful, the help of a parent or significant adult may be essential. Help to plan your time, rationally distribute tasks and rest, learn to alternate doing homework in different subjects so that switching from one to another gives you the opportunity to relax - it is very important, especially during the first year of schooling. Parents need to be able to find a middle ground between the two extremes: taking responsibility for doing homework, preparing for quizzes and exams, folding a portfolio, and cleaning up a desk even when the child is ready for this responsibility. Or complete non-interference in the affairs of the child. In the first case, there is a high risk that, having matured, the child will remain a “child”, an infantile person who does not know how to take responsibility, make decisions and make a deliberate choice. In the second, if he has enough of his own internal resources, such independence will help him become stronger and mature quickly, or vice versa - grow insecure, unable to ask for help.

High school students have to learn their homework by themselves. Photo:

If the skill for independent mastering of information has not been developed in due time - in elementary school, then parents have to "sit down for lessons" with a seventh and ninth grader. The problem of unwillingness to learn independently in adolescence can arise not only because of the lack of self-discipline and self-control skills, but also because of a violation of motivation. This may be due to a number of reasons: for example, the relationship with the teacher did not work out, or the child does not see the prospects for applying knowledge in this discipline. In this case, it is important for parents to refrain from lectures, scandals, as this can only cause resistance and additional tension. It is best to focus your efforts on creating a “success situation” for specific disciplines or learning activities in general.

1. When a person sees that the results of his activity are valuable for the people around him and significant to him, the child feels the “taste of success”, the motivation for its implementation increases (it can be a victory in a competition, calculations for the implementation of a project, etc. ).

2. Inclusion in a group of peers who are significant for a teenager, among whom it is fashionable to study independently, can solve the problem. Sometimes this requires a transfer to another class or even another school.

3. Forming a perspective: for example, getting to know a profession during an exciting excursion to an enterprise will allow a teenager to see the possible outcome of his educational activities, and if this prospect is attractive, the child will be interested in systematizing the way to achieve this perspective, and hence the systematization of independent activity.

“The lessons are done. The mother became hoarse. The daughter went deaf. Neighbors learned by heart. The dog retold,” is a joke about home pedagogy. But if you read the advice of Alexander Lobk, the situation may change.

Is it necessary to teach lessons with children?

“The lessons are done. The mother became hoarse. The daughter went deaf. Neighbors learned by heart. The dog retold,” is a joke about home pedagogy. But if you read the advice of Alexander Lobk, the situation may change.

I. A. Grinyuk, "Checking the lessons"

“Your child is not learning well. You don't work with him at home." Parents can hear this amazing phrase at every parent meeting.

The National Primary Education Standard reminds families that they are involved in their children's education. It is to families that screening tests and explanatory icons are addressed in elementary school textbooks. Last year it was even established ( order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2015 No. 734 "), how much time a child should spend on homework: in the second or third grade - one and a half hours, and in the fourth or fifth - two hours a day.

Is it necessary to teach lessons with children? How to direct the powerful energy of children's imagination in a peaceful direction, allowing you to quickly and effectively master the subjects of the school curriculum? Candidate of Philosophy, Doctor of Psychology Alexander Lobok answers questions

Don't let kids write cheat sheets

- Parents are divided into two categories: successful and unsuccessful. Those who manage to devote time to their child ask: is it necessary to study with him at home? Do I need to help him master the school curriculum? Is there a recipe here?

- I would not advise at all to prepare lessons with children according to the usual school rules. Such classes cause in the child perhaps a persistent aversion to the school curriculum. Learn poetry with them, do things that bring mutual pleasure.

The main question is whether you get high from these activities. Any school subject should be tried to be turned into an exciting game. This is the most common recipe.

- What kind of game can we talk about when parents are most often given a different task: to memorize the paragraph “from and to” with the child until tomorrow?

– Actually, this is the first test of our pedagogical creativity. Remember: when you read something incredibly boring and disgusting as a child, what did you do? You began to fantasize, went into a fictional world.

Children invent for themselves a huge number of games that turn what they are bored and unpleasant into something that is fun and exciting. This is exactly what any child who is punished by putting in a corner does. He doesn't feel punished at all when he looks at the stripes on the wallpaper. He populates them with characters from his fantasies, in a matter of minutes he creates a whole world, and now whole battles are played out before his eyes!

Let parents try, while reading a paragraph of a textbook with their children, at the same time draw in the margins of the book ... fantasies that are born in the head of children. Let the child tell what he sees. Or draw!

The simplest task: a fantasy contest for each boring paragraph. Let there be a bunch of fantasies. Any! Mark the most boring pages with sparks of fantasy. Paint any word, any sentence with your imagination! Then parents will see how “anchors” suddenly appear in the margins of the textbook - what their child’s imagination clings to when reading.

“But the “fantasy contest” takes time! And it's not even enough to learn a lesson!

But “learning” under such circumstances still does not work! This is what I'm saying right now! Therefore, we need to set ourselves another task: not to learn a lesson, but to make the content of the textbook interesting for the child.

To do this, color the textbook with your imagination.. Just have fun! And then, over time, even the most uninteresting paragraph will begin to come to life. And what seemed meaningless to children will gradually acquire meaning for them. Yes, it's about time. It won't work right away.

By the way, about creative games. Overcoming the boredom of cramming, children have invented many amazing things. Say, what is a cheat sheet? Don't tell me it's a way to answer a lesson correctly or pass an exam.

The cheat sheet format itself is, first of all, absolutely child's play. It is necessary to write on pieces of paper folded into an accordion in beaded handwriting! It is necessary to fit the contents of a huge textbook into a miniature space! Make big small! Yes, it's just "Alice in Wonderland!". And by the way, if you collect all the cheat sheets ever invented by students, it will be a whole sea of ​​​​creativity!

In our boring world, a person saves himself only by the power of his imagination.. If we learn to use the thermonuclear energy of a child's imagination, great opportunities will open up before us. Including - and for the development of the school curriculum. It will be an amazing breakthrough. And we not only do not know how, but do not even want to make an attempt to convert the energy of our children's imagination into educational subjects,

- If I understand this idea correctly - at school the child will study the school curriculum, and at home, with the help of his parents, will he play it?

In fact, any good teacher also teaches children to play with the school curriculum. He teases kids with ideas and thoughts and teaches kids to tease the textbook with their questions and counter thoughts. But there are not so many good teachers.

My job is to educate parents. Teach them to play with the contents of the tutorials and come up with their own creative games. Come up with tasks that would challenge the child's intelligence (and their own).

How to turn scarcity into resources

One of my favorite topics is how to turn scarcity into resources. How to make interesting boring to the point of nausea?

One common parental complaint is: "My child hates learning poetry." I ask: “How do you teach a poem with him?”

“I repeat with him, I repeat it again, more…” - “And…?” - "And ... I repeat again!" / As a result of these efforts: children begin to experience a burning hatred for classical poetry. But as soon as this task is turned into a “puzzle” type game, everything magically changes: the child begins to click verses like seeds!

- I don’t see any similarities between folding a puzzle and a poem from the school curriculum ...

- Look: why do children play computer games with such enthusiasm? The computer game is based on several important laws. Firstly, for any of your actions you gain or lose points. Secondly, no one evaluates you, you compete with yourself. By doing something faster, you can win more points and move to another level of the game. Thirdly, you yourself determine the trajectory of your movement within the game. No one leads you along a route he has thought up in advance - you are your own boss.

Now let's try to apply these principles in practice and see how to put the puzzle together, getting points and moving to a new level. And at the same time - memorize poems. It is "at the same time" as a side effect of the game!

We know school texts. Let's play modern poetry! Now we will memorize a piece from the poem by Alexei Parshchikov “I lived on the battlefield of Poltava”. Parshchikov's poetic texts are difficult to understand. Especially for learning by heart.

Let's open the page at random and try to turn the first stanza that caught our eye into a puzzle. For the game we need: paper, scissors and a stopwatch. I take a piece of paper and write down the selected text. But I write it in a clever way.

I don't read the poem aloud beforehand. You don't have to know anything in advance. My goal is to make a riddle out of a poem. And this is extremely easy to do. I write down the beginning of the first word on paper and say it out loud:

"UMI…". I pause. What is happening at this moment? There is a puzzle that provokes your imagination. During the pause, you begin to think actively. You're trying to understand the author's intent. So, I say: "UMI ..." Continue this word! - “I don’t know” - “Is there a hypothesis?”. - "Not! Is it that ... touched? - "Well done! It is very important that you are not afraid to give your version. There is another word in the poem, but the main thing is that you came up with your own, and it's great! So we continue: DIE! Next word: "I was dying, but OBO..." Go on! - "Gone?" - "Hey, young lady! Although the word is different: adoring MAR…” - “MARt?” - “Wow, how creative! Good word. But in the poem there is another word: MARFA. The next word "GU ..." - "GU ... Goose, probably?" - “Bravo! And the word is different: Lips MAR "-" MARFOY? - "You are right, well done! Lips Martha OS…” - “Refreshing?” - “That's right, excellent, well done! Hooray! We get two lines: “He was dying, but adoring Marfa, Refreshing his lips with Marfa ...”

You acted like an atypical child who didn't peek into my book. For some reason adults don't do that. Children like to peek at the correct answer. This one is just the norm!

It continues to move like this: word by word, line by line. I invite you to probe with your guesses a text that is not known in advance. The result is an absurdist co-creation effect.

You are inventing your words and your meanings. As a result, the text becomes alive and understandable for you. Most importantly, with each new line, the child becomes bolder. He laughs when he manages to come up with really funny options, and rejoices when he suddenly manages to guess some option ...

"I was dying, but - adoring
Marfa. Refreshing lips -
Marfa. Where does she lay down
the border is drawn in the maps,
the war starts
spring of mosquitoes.

- I think I already memorized this stanza. It's all?

No, this is just the beginning. Now proceeds to the next stage. We take a stopwatch. We cut the paper on which we wrote the poem line by line. Leaves with lines were mixed on the table! We set a stopwatch.

Now your task is to assemble this poem from separate lines, as you assemble a puzzle. Collecting, you will remember it again. Start! Fine! You put it together in 19.6 seconds. Shuffle the lines of the poem again. Start! Now you have assembled it in thirteen seconds! A full six seconds of winning!

When the child realizes that he has made progress by six seconds, he begins to surrender to this game with rapture: even left alone, he composes a poem from mixed sheets and checks himself with a stopwatch.

Alexander Lobok, PhD in Philosophy, Doctor of Psychology

But this is only the first move! Now we take a wonderful tool called scissors and cut the poem into separate words. And also set a stopwatch. It is necessary to collect a poem from individual words. Let's see what record you set. Forward! Excellent!.. In fact, the poem can be divided into parts of words. In this case, the spelling skill will also be trained.

It is enough to collect this poetic puzzle three or four times to find that the poem is glued to you ...

It's not just about poetry. You can learn, by playing lines and words, a difficult paragraph of a textbook, memorize a long formula ... Z The task of parents is to make sure that children have the excitement of the game when memorizing.

It is important for me not only to give parents the technology of effective and exciting games, but also to teach them to invent such games themselves.

– When playing, it is easy to remember. But I'm not sure that playing, you can understand ...

– First of all, it is necessary to highlight our main goal. Before us is a child who is not given school subjects. Thanks to the technology of such a game, he begins to believe in himself. He ceases to perceive the textbook as an enemy. This is a huge plus. He no longer needs to waste energy on mechanical cramming. For the first time, he will have time for the main thing: to think and understand.

- Shouldn't you try to put the school textbook into puzzles then? And then families could play the school program at their leisure?

Certainly! I think this will be the next step. One of the tasks of the near future is the development of educational computer games of a fundamentally new class. On the basis of the school curriculum in a particular subject, language and mathematical games can be made.

You can put into the program any work of world literature, in any language. The whole school program will turn into a lot of games, through which the child will travel in an arbitrary mode. And - to play, play, play, constantly competing with their comrades and with themselves.

A. - E. Paoletti (1834-1912), "Children do their homework"

Other mathematics

- You mentioned math games. School math is a headache for most parents. You are the author of the book "Another Mathematics". It describes the causes of mathematical failure in children. Where does it all begin? Who and when makes the main mistake?

- Problems with mathematics most often mean the same thing: the child has not learned to ... play mathematics.

Play it the way any professional mathematician plays it. And to enjoy the game. The question is: why can't most children perceive mathematics as a game? According to my observations, a fundamental mistake is made by parents, even before school, when children are taught to count.

The simplest example: mother climbs the steps with a five-year-old child and says: "one, two, three, four, five ...". And she is unaware that at this time she is planting a time bomb for future mathematics lessons, distorting the basic structures of the mathematical perception of the world in the mind of her child. Because "two" is not the second step, but BOTH steps passed. "Three" is not the third step, but all three at the same time. Ask this child: "Where is THREE?" - and he will point to the third step! So he didn't understand. "Third step" and "three steps" are different things. If the child’s eyes cannot catch the path traveled (from the first step to the second and third), this means that he is confusing space and number.

As a result, when in the fifth grade I ask children to show one centimeter on the ruler, eight out of ten point their finger at .... number one. And only two out of ten show one centimeter with two fingers. They understand that one centimeter is not a point, but the distance between points.

At the heart of the mathematical failures of many children are the language errors of adults. A mother who teaches a baby to count: "one, two, three, four, five ..." is unaware that she is committing linguistic sabotage against her own child.

Parents should keep in mind that mathematical precision is a paradoxical precision. A child is taught from childhood that one is one, two is two. And mathematics is made up of other things. Can one be equal to a million? Any mathematician will say: of course it can. One equals a million millionths! One can be equal to anything, but everything depends on the dimension, on the scale - this is the fundamental truth of mathematics.

For a child with mathematical thinking, this is understandable. If he did not understand this from the very beginning, his consciousness will inevitably break when he passes into the world of fractional numbers. That's why so many kids hate fractions. But those children who have felt the beauty of the fractional world adore this world.

- But parents are more concerned that the child learns to count without a calculator ...

– Instrumental counting techniques are another story. Philosophy and aesthetics of mathematics and counting skills are two different things. Parents can help their child master the future school curriculum in mathematics, starting at the age of 5-6.

All that is needed for this is that in the evenings it is fun and reckless for the whole family to cut into "Archicard". This is a deck of cards invented by me (and already becoming famous), which contains about one and a half hundred games. They allow you to master all the skills of mental counting, develop mathematical intuition, learn how to work with fractions and negative numbers.

By the way, I noticed a long time ago how the psychological climate improves in families who play Archicard (many even take it with them on vacation to play on the train or on the beach). Children and parents, carried away by a common game, begin to hear, feel and understand each other better.

The game teaches the child an important skill - to relax in relation to mathematics. Yes, yes, we do not know exactly this - relax and enjoy a subject that seems so difficult to us! A child is always pinched when he thinks about mathematics: he must do this and that by tomorrow's lesson, he must solve certain problems. This is stress.

N. P. Bogdanov - Belsky, “Oral Counting. In the public school of S. A. Rachinsky "(1895)

In the classroom, the teacher spends a crazy amount of time mastering math skills.. And often achieves the opposite. This is also stress. And through the game, counting skills are mastered as side effects.

The child begins to automatically add, multiply, divide ... He really forms the muscles of the account, develops a geometric imagination e. And most importantly - there is a feeling that mathematics is TASTY.

And such a taste for mathematics can develop in any child. Not only the one who is considered mathematically gifted! After all, any mathematician is well aware that the subject to which he devoted his life is a game. So let's learn from people who have become good mathematicians. They've been playing it all their lives!

So, the opinion of a famous teacher is as follows:

Doing homework with the child is not necessary. Playing with your child and helping him learn to learn is essential. Don't have time for this? But you are already wasting this time - when you check in the evening what the child has learned by tomorrow. And you're wasting this time.published .

Svetlana Kirillova

Have questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet
