Useful articles about health and beauty. Category Archives: Beauty. How to get rid of dandruff

Prolonged wearing of uncomfortable shoes with heels often leads to pathological processes in the foot. The ligaments and muscles are weakened, there is a divergence of the bones - this deviation is called hallux valgus, which is popularly referred to as a "bone" or "bump" on the leg. Subsequently, this process may affect the rest of the toes, so it is highly recommended not to let it take its course. To date, there are many effective methods to combat this problem.

Pressotherapy as a form of rehabilitation in a sanatorium

Sanatorium-and-spa treatment occupies an important place in modern medicine, being one of the areas of restorative medicine. At the stage of rehabilitation of any chronic disease, the priority in treatment is the use of natural healing factors that have a powerful effect on the regenerative capabilities of the human body. But today, in addition to natural recovery factors, new technologies based on modern achievements in science and technology are also being applied with great success. The combination of the latest technologies in the field of health restoration and natural factors has a particularly powerful effect on strengthening the body's defenses.

How to restore youth to the skin

Phototherapy (or light therapy) is a hardware technique for restoring, moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin using light sources with different spectral and wave characteristics.

What will help you lose weight

It's no secret that a beautiful figure is based on two cornerstones: proper nutrition and dosed physical activity. Over the past years, they have been successfully helped, and sometimes replaced, by a third: aesthetic medicine. "Aesthetic" - because we are talking about beauty. "Medicine" - because beauty implies health.

Health vacation

Health tourism, known for more than one hundred years, has become an extremely common phenomenon in the modern world. Thousands of people around the world use it every year. The tour operator "VEDI TOURGROUP" occupies a leading position in this direction: the holding company includes receiving offices in Karlovy Vary, Heviz (Hungary) and Rogashka Slatina (Slovenia), its own bus fleet. The company offers a wide range of medical and health tours to the resorts of the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Baltic countries, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Israel, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro, Switzerland and South Korea.

forever red face

What is rosacea? This is redness of the face, which can turn into inflammatory changes (rashes, peeling, itching, soreness).

What to do if hair falls out

Hair loss can be a sign of a number of medical conditions. To understand the situation and solve this problem, you need a doctor who treats hair - a trichologist.

"Incomprehensible" education on the skin: what to do

Almost all people on the skin have small cosmetic defects of various types and sizes. Some of them are safe, although not very aesthetic, it is better to get rid of others as soon as possible.

We treat problem skin correctly

Problematic skin does not tolerate creams with a dense texture, since the mouths of the glands are instantly clogged with the fatty base of the cream. At the same time, alcohol and other drying “wipes”, “burners” and cleansers severely dehydrate the skin.

Hair loss can be stopped

The fight against hair loss is a serious process, in this matter the most reliable colleague is a trichologist.

What is food intolerance

The consequences of intolerance are chronic diseases that are difficult to treat, including diseases of the skin and digestive tract, nervous disorders and overweight ... People have been treated for years, not suspecting that the root of all problems lies in food.

How to have time to become beautiful for the New Year

While preparing for the New Year, pay attention to your beauty. She will stay with you long after the holidays.

Skin rejuvenation around the eyes: the best methods

Someone is threatened by hernias, someone has dark brown circles around the eyes, someone has “crow's feet”. An experienced cosmetologist will immediately see your “weak points” and advise what to look for.

Four misconceptions about plasmapheresis

Ten years ago, plasmapheresis was considered an exclusively medical procedure and was prescribed only for certain diseases. Today it is offered on every corner and is called "blood cleansing". With the help of plasmapheresis, they promise to rejuvenate us, get rid of "slags" and, in general, "cleanse at a deep cellular level."

7 facts about the benefits of conifers

In big cities, you will rarely see coniferous trees: perhaps at the Christmas tree market before the New Year or in front of government buildings. At the same time, residents of the metropolis need them especially: for good health and even to fight diseases.

Terminology of plastic surgery

Dermabrasion and mammary reduction, rhinoplasty and abdominoplasty… How not to get confused in the variety of complex terms of plastic surgery and cosmetology?

mathematical beauty

Despite the differences in cultures and times, there are certain standards of beauty that are recognized by everyone. And a man would not be a man if he did not try to understand where they came from and what they are.

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Banana peel saves from depression

A mild form of depression is rarely diagnosed, but it brings a lot of trouble. And if you ignore the condition, it will certainly transform into something more fatal. How to understand that you are not okay, and how to deal with it?

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How to stay healthy in the office

Office work seems to be the most comfortable for health. However, clerks suffering from poor eyesight, depression, liver problems and other consequences will not agree with this. How to stay healthy in the office?

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Moles: what is important to know about these neoplasms?

Each person on the body can find a large number of moles or nevi. From a medical point of view, a “mole” is a congenital or acquired formation on the skin, consisting of nevus cells. Moles differ in color, shape, density and can be located at the level of the skin or rise above it. In most cases, these neoplasms do not manifest themselves in any way and do not require the intervention of specialists, but in some situations it is better to see a doctor.

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Want to lose weight? Up to "-4 cm" on the Accent device in one procedure!

The Accent system is a cosmetology device, the action of which is a patented two-stage technology for influencing the skin and subcutaneous fat of two different types of waves - ultrasonic and radio frequency.

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Laser resurfacing: fighting post-acne, pigmentation and wide pores

Our skin is the largest organ, its mass reaches up to 20% of the total body weight. The skin performs many useful and irreplaceable functions - it participates in the processes of respiration, heat exchange, and also protects important vital structures from external influences. Beautiful and even skin is a sign of youth and health, but, unfortunately, modern conditions that are filled with stress, malnutrition and the climate of the metropolis negatively affect its condition.

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How to deal with hair loss and thinning

A person is born with a certain amount of hair (hair follicles) on his head. During life, new hair follicles do not appear, but in each follicle there are replaceable cycles of life. The hair grows (the growth phase lasts several years), then freezes, and finally falls out.

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Treatment of varicose veins: effective, safe, painless

What do you think of first when you hear the phrase "varicose veins"? Most likely, many of us are talking about a “non-serious” problem that does not require an immediate solution, to which almost every second person is exposed. But varicose veins are not a cosmetic defect, but in most cases a serious disease, the treatment of which should not be delayed.

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The secret to great well-being

Vitaminology as a science originated in the 30-40s of the 20th century. But the benefits of certain vitamins were known to ancient people. Information about the positive effect of a particular product often arose by chance.

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How to get rid of dandruff

The Swedish cosmetic brand Dry Dry has been known in Russia for more than 8 years. Russian consumers appreciated Dry Dry preparations for getting rid of excessive sweating: medical antiperspirants against hyperhidrosis of various degrees and localizations.

Most girls and women know that in different seasons, the skin requires a different approach. After all, in summer it is more susceptible to the hot sun, and in winter to cold, especially in severe frosts. 24NSP has compiled a selection of the right fall skincare for you, just in time.

There are many rumors that lipstick is harmful. There is no single answer to this question, because there are various factors that influence the answer. And the main factor in this matter is the manufacturer. Today's article will reveal this issue a little, this is especially important for those who take care of their health and do not want to poison it with various harmful substances.

Every summer provides a great opportunity to show off your lovely legs. And with the help of modern open shoes, you can emphasize your beauty even more: leather sandals with ribbons and rhinestones, with fabric inserts, bright and neutral colors, with chains, straps, etc. I want to wear each of them at once! However, you should know that your heels should always be smooth and well-groomed, and your pedicure beautiful and neat.

Full and healthy sleep is the best way to get a great look for the whole day. During sleep, the muscles of our face relax, blood microcirculation accelerates, and during this period, the division of epidermal cells is most active. It is for this reason that the skin of a well-rested and well-rested person looks healthy and glowing.

Dandruff may not ruin your career or personal life, but it can provide a bad mood. After all, it is very unpleasant when there are white crumbs with a grayish tint on the hair, moreover, this leads to self-doubt. There are thoughts that the interlocutor is looking not at you, but at your head and dandruff. For many people, this problem is very relevant. Most people have been trying to get rid of dandruff for years without success. Let's first understand the reasons for its appearance, and then consider ways to get rid of it.

The magazine site has collected 25 beauty and health tips for you that will help everyone effortlessly understand what your body wants, how it reacts to certain things, and in which cases our brain brazenly lies to us, and in which we ourselves we can fool him. Meet the facts about beauty and health, which will allow you to always look great and develop as a smart, positive and very productive Personality.

1. If you feel hungry but not sure if you are really hungry, ask yourself if you want to eat an apple? If the answer is no, you are probably more bored than hungry.

2. Exercise before bed will make your muscles burn more calories at night. Literally 10-15 minutes of classes in the evening can make your waist narrower, and your butt in less than a month.

3. Crying releases stress hormones in our body, and can scientifically relieve mental stress. Cry when you want!

4. Daytime sleep improves your memory and reduces the likelihood of suffering from heart disease. Even the inhabitants of Ancient Rome knew about the beneficial effects of the "magic" siesta on the human body.

5. If you feel anxious or stressed, eat melon. Melons help relieve anxiety and stress while boosting metabolism. Like this! A simple melon, but how much use!

6. Start learning a new language or playing a new musical instrument. These actions help slow down the aging process of the brain. Don't want to bother? Then at least solve crossword puzzles))

7. While driving, chewing cinnamon gum reduces frustration by 25%, increases alertness by 30%, and makes the road 30% shorter.

8. You can program your brain to be happy in one simple step: think of three things you are grateful for every day. Notice the difference after 21 days. directly depend on whether you feel happy (happy).

9. Skipping food will only lead to weight gain. Your brain thinks it's going through hunger, which causes it to go into energy-saving mode, making it much harder to burn calories.

10. Listening to music reduces the chances of developing a brain tumor. The calm melodies of Mozart are especially useful.

11. Drinking two cups of cold water before meals increases your metabolism by up to 30%, which is very beneficial for beauty and health. Just drink clean water (preferably melted water) and not immediately before meals, but 15-20 minutes before it or a couple of hours AFTER.

12. If you suffer from persistent headaches or mental stress, lie down in bed against a wall and raise your legs against it at a 90 degree angle. Hold this position for 5 minutes.

13. Exercising for half an hour to an hour a day will help you lose 2.5 kg of fat per week, with a moderate diet, of course.

14. Drinking water during the day will help you sleep well at night. Just don't drink while eating!

15. Women who walk about an hour every day at a brisk pace reduce their chances of suffering from breast cancer by 15%.

16. Make sure your toothpaste has an ingredient called "Novamin" - this is the only substance that can restore tooth enamel. Remember that healthy teeth are the key to the beauty and health of the whole body.

17. Natural pineapple juice is 5 times more effective than cough syrup. It can also prevent baldness and even the flu. In addition, it is a natural fat burner.

18. Try to cook food at least 5 times a week and always eat freshly prepared. A recent study showed that it will extend your life by up to a decade.

19. If you are trying to quit smoking, follow the next method. Every time you feel the need to smoke a cigarette, lick some salt. The desire to smoke should pass within a month.

20. A contrast shower relieves depression, helps maintain the health and beauty of the skin of the face and body. Only one condition - dousing must be done every day.

21. If you've been up all night, take a nap 15 minutes before the sun comes up. This is a very elegant way to trick the brain into believing you've had enough sleep.

22. Having a pet reduces stress, improves mental function and increases your lifespan. Often the presence of a cat and / or dog in the house relieves people of diseases.

23. Make every effort to organize your time in a systematic way. The more organized you are, the less likely you are to be struck down by Alzheimer's in old age.

24. The first day of the week determines the patterns of thought for the rest of the week.

25. If you wear one pair of shoes, rub alcohol on your feet. This will help treat areas that are sensitive to fungus.

We hope that our 25 beauty and health tips will be useful to you if you respect your own appearance, take care of your figure and do not want to age early.

beauty and health

Today it occurred to me to write an article on the topic of beauty and health, but after studying the Big Web a little, I realized that the market for this product is, to put it mildly, overcrowded.

The Internet is not just full of such texts, it shimmers with millions of colors that mix into some kind of indigestible mess.

I will not give banal things, like "How to choose a pillow and a mattress", since there are more interesting examples, for example, "Not God's punishment, but Yersinia pestis."

Isn't it scary?

There are also more fun options, like the topical "Buckwheat diet?

A good way to lose weight!" (It would be possible to replace the diet, say, with a snail diet), or "What are the good / bad short nails?". In general, the variety is so enchanting that it's even scary to imagine what else is missing here.

The most frightening thing is that someone actually reads these articles and even follows the advice given in them. And it’s good if only the part about beauty comes to life (in fact, the proposals to draw this particular pattern on your face today are quite harmless), but lovely ladies can also follow their health guided by online doctor’s prescriptions. Naturally, the question arises, how to believe the note with the title "Raw food - the choice of youth", if somewhere nearby, with almost one hundred percent probability, there will be a text of the same format "Vegetarianism - the first step to photosynthesis".

One can only be horrified by imagining a woman trying to do all this, and most importantly, to combine. It will turn out to be a kind of lively lady, cheerfully jumping from Japanese cuisine to Old Russian and thinking about pillows, nails and terrible Yersinia. In her head, flocks of faceless scientists will swarm, arguing among themselves and from time to time chanting something like "meringue is a terrible poison!" ...

In general, dear ladies, you probably already understood that I will not give you advice like the above. Instead, I will try to reason with you on the topic, in fact, of these tips. After all, who knows, such reasoning can bring health (and even beauty) much more benefit than reading the advice itself.

No one in this world can count all the ways women take care of themselves. Understanding this topic is much more terrible than the change of ruling dynasties among the Ancient Incas, or in Chinese dialects. Indeed, what only they did, for certain benefits, such as the admiration of men, the envy of girlfriends and the approval of the doctor. As soon as they mocked themselves, and even their children. I vaguely recall a moment from "War and Peace", where someone vilifies the new fashion of independent breastfeeding (Why, because there are special people for this, nurses! Let the common people breastfeed their children, we will take care of health!).

It is not even necessary to recall examples of "care" for oneself from the era of balls and fainting, such as taking arsenic internally to make the face pale (I wonder what the note about this extravagant method in a 19th century feuilleton would be called? "Arsenic is the key to grace and melancolique "?) or even funny recipes from ancient history (what, for example, did the women of Babylon for their beauty and, God forgive me, health - it's creepy to imagine!). There are enough illustrations of my words even in our time.

If you belong to a certain generation, then you probably remember how in perestroika times the Ministry of Health changed its point of view several times a year on the question of how to treat children, aspirin, or still paracetamol; the poor employees of polyclinics were dizzy from the constantly changing strategy for the development of modern medicine, and they, without further ado, prescribed both to the unfortunate children, supplementing this cocktail with cans in half with mustard plasters. Subsequently, the ministry declared both the first and second pills harmful and almost unsuitable for treatment, and the nostalgic round jars also disappeared forever from the inventory of hospitals. One cannot say that the doctors then were incompetent, and if it is possible, then the same can be said about them now.

Medicine has not developed a truly unanimous opinion even about such seemingly obvious things as the harm of smoking (there is no compulsory treatment for smoking, as for drug addiction, and smoking as a cause of the same cancer is not mentioned in the medical history) what to talk about such slippery things as the benefits or harms of a particular diet, cosmetics, or traditional medicine.

But we are not even talking about the official opinion of the Ministry of Health; we are talking about articles from the Internet, articles without a verified source, often without even specifying the author. Considering them something that can be useful is the same as comparing yourself with an experimental rat, and it is not known whether scientific experiments will be carried out on you, or just yard boys decided to play doctor.

The experience of history always teaches us something. Let him teach doctors to look at health more, pardon the pun, sensibly (all the same, faith in these doctors will not become either more or less - exactly the same); let him help fashion designers and cosmetologists in their business (in fact, why not bring back the fashion of, say, Ancient Egypt for hot regions. Young ladies will turn out to be quite elegant).

But what should we take away from this experience?

What will he give to a lady who has just read a note about buckwheat porridge and is already going to the grocery store, wondering how many kilograms of this porridge she can afford, given the volume of her stomach and the contents of her wallet?

In fact, almost nothing. The most obvious things were presented in this text, there are simply logical inconsistencies in it (after all, this is just another article from the abyss of the Internet) and it does not open a single America, because this experience is available to each of us.

But yes, this experience is definitely something to think about. Just to review for interest some literature on this topic and just think. At least about whether your look, burdened with care for beauty, will spoil your beauty more than not quite the right diet.

And no physician will prove that thinking is unhealthy; and every cosmetologist, fashion designer, and just a man, will confirm to you that nothing makes a woman more beautiful than an ordinary thoughtful smile.

Beauty and health depend only on ourselves, and this is an indisputable fact! In order for our health and beauty to please us, we need to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, monitor our diet, and most importantly, smile more often and enjoy life. More positive and positive mood and you will be surprised how your beauty and health will begin to return to normal!

March 22, 2016

“Hey, pretty…” Every woman blossoms when she hears such words addressed to her. A compliment for a representative of the gentle sex is like a magic medicine - it cures all ailments and bad mood. A woman loves with her ears, it really is. But natural data alone is not enough. To make them sparkle with bright colors, a lot of painstaking work is required. Which? Read below.

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March 15, 2016

Beautiful and well-groomed hands are always attractive and add confidence to a woman. But, unfortunately, due to household chores, bad weather and the poor condition of the body as a whole, the nails become brittle and not beautiful. It is quite possible to restore them at home, if you use all kinds of baths and ointments.

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March 11, 2016

How is this cold always at the wrong time! At work, there is an emergency, the weekend is on the nose, when you want to take a walk in the fresh air, and then ... it flows from your nose, your throat is ticklish and in general you are in a broken state. But! If you connect heavy artillery in the form of folk remedies, you can get rid of a cold in just a couple of days.

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September 8, 2015

I shared with you some of the secrets of self-care. If you systematically make masks every week and take care of your skin, also follow your diet and lead an active lifestyle, then you will remain in great shape by the age of 80!

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April 22, 2015

Nothing spoils the mood like a jumping pimple. Especially on the eve of an important event, which most often happens. Yes, many readers of our portal will confirm this! In order not to depend on the vagaries of the skin, you need to take care of it regularly, especially with a tendency to form acne. You can deal with the problem with the help of face masks for acne.

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January 26, 2015

How often, in pursuit of a beautiful figure, we ourselves, without knowing it, make mistakes and stand still in achieving our goal. It turns out that under the power of myths, we are doing something wrong. For example, we starve ourselves, train until we drop on the simulators, and then look forward to the morning to eat. But to have a beautiful body you have to eat! The main thing is to know “what” and “when”.

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June 21, 2014

To restore the former beauty and health of the skin around the eyes, you need to follow some rules. The rules, in fact, are simple and it is possible to fulfill them in a jiffy. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to treat your appearance negligently. Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes is much more difficult than preventing them. It is better to start postponing aging indefinitely from an early age.

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June 21, 2014

The beauty of a woman is in her hands. Undoubtedly, ecology, heredity matter, but if a girl does not take care of herself, neglects the rules of a healthy lifestyle, often experiences stress, then no genes will save her. And a beautiful flower threatens to quickly turn into a weed. Now it is not difficult to be beautiful. What kind of creams and procedures are not offered to women! Enjoy the achievements of the beauty industry, including those that she has to deal with body hair.

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June 21, 2014

Spring is a wonderful time, a time of renewal, new emotions, fresh impressions. It heals spiritual wounds and gives peace and happiness. Every woman strives to look especially attractive in spring. This is not surprising, because Nature herself is awakening, shining with bright colors. Therefore, in the spring, the fair sex is in a hurry to update their wardrobes and change their hairstyle. Do you want to meet the new season even more fully equipped? Then take care of your skin.

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June 21, 2014

Home cosmetics is now experiencing a real boom. She is in great demand. Even stores have departments selling products made from natural products: honey, oatmeal, fresh fruit. Of course, such cosmetics are more useful for personal care, because they do not contain preservatives, dyes and other similar ingredients. Therefore, actively use the gifts of the folk pantry of beauty, for example, prepare body scrubs with your own hands.

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June 21, 2014

Autumn and winter are the time of colds, therefore, throughout the entire cold period, you need to actively engage in strengthening health and increasing immunity. Of course, first of all, you need walks in the fresh air, morning exercises and hardening. But also, our nutrition is very important, with the help of which you can activate the reserve forces of the body in the shortest possible time, allowing you to fight any cold.

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June 21, 2014

In winter, everything slows down, we seem to fall into hibernation. We walk less, we get tired more, more often we don’t want to do something. And we devote much less time to caring for ourselves in winter. But in order to meet spring fully armed, you need to take care of your skin, hair, nails today. Winter has passed almost a month. Therefore, there is still time. Make yourself a beauty program for this winter and arrange spa evenings every weekend. You will not only cheer yourself up, but also preserve and increase your beauty!

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June 21, 2014

The beauty and health of the skin depends
only on the degree of proper care for her. If you wish to save the gift
nature beauty for a long time, then you should select cosmetics and
procedures based on age. In this article, we will share the main
secrets and subtleties of facial skin care after 30. Applying them regularly on
practice, you will always not only look charming, but also stay in a beautiful

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June 21, 2014

Well, which of us does not want to have beautiful and healthy, smooth skin as long as possible? Radiate health for many years, regardless of age. If you are ready to give yourself some time and not be lazy, then you need to start using anti-aging cosmetics on time. There is no need to be afraid of such cosmetics, it is important to warn in advance signs of aging that have not yet begun. How to choose the right products for yourself, and how to properly care for yourself after 30, read in this article.

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June 21, 2014

How to become beautiful if the skin on the face does not look healthy? To be beautiful, you need healthy skin. And for beautiful skin on the face, you need to follow at least two parts of the equation. The first is healthy eating. The second is face masks. And it’s better to make face masks at home, then at the same time you can relax, relax in a homely atmosphere, and after cosmetic procedures you don’t need to go or go anywhere. In general, our home is our strength, beauty and health!

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