Top games with good graphics for Android. Computer games with the best graphics

I'm sure many will say that choosing games with the best graphics is easier than, for example, games with best story or with the most unpredictable ending. In the end, . But it's not that simple. Some things are really easy to evaluate - the quality of lighting, the realistic display of various materials (that is, does the metal body of the car look plastic) - everything is clear here.

But it happens that the engine is great, but the designers screwed up a little, and then we see not the best best animations, primitive and monotonous landscapes and so on in the same spirit. But it also happens differently - not the most powerful engine (hello Skyrim), but thanks to the efforts of the developers, everything and even more has been squeezed out of it. What is this all I'm leading to? Even a TOP 10 like this can be a little (just a little) subjective, because different people may evaluate game graphics differently.

Another thing you should remember is that games that have already been released are rated here. this moment– that is, until January 2016. Therefore, projects such as Deus Ex: Mankind Divided And Dishonored 2(and others due out during 2016) will not be mentioned. And now that all the i's have been dotted, let's move on to our review.

10. Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain

Last Metal Gear(really the last one, because Hideo Kojima left, but the plot ended) amazes not only with its plot and gameplay. There is also great graphics. Magnificent landscapes of the jungle and deserts, conversations with partners, excellent visual implementation of all game moments (for example, kidnapping pets using miniature balloons). Weather effects and changes in time of day are commonplace here. You can specially start landing in the evening, in order to admire the sunset, you can enjoy watching the explosion you created. It's not about shaders and pixels (although the engine is really good), the whole point is in the very atmosphere that the game's graphics create. And it deserves as much praise as the plot.

9. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

A great depiction of a dystopian future. The smoke and explosions look great, the cityscapes are pleasing to the eye, and the characters don't look like plastic bobbleheads. The levels are varied, some are gloomy, others are a typical theater of war, and others... well, this is something strange, but, nevertheless, very beautiful. And if we remember the characters again, the facial animation is very well done. Here you can immediately see emotions, you don’t have to guess them, here you believe the actors, and this is worth a lot. In general, the game can be praised for its graphics. It’s just a pity that the plot let us down – but that’s a completely different story.

8. Project CARS

The graphics in this racing simulator are excellent. Every detail of your car is worked out, shiny surfaces don't look like varnished plastic, and weather effects not only affect the gameplay, but are also simply beautiful. And most importantly, when you’re rushing through the rain (the weather here changes in real time), or towards the sunset, don’t forget to breathe, because everything is so beautiful that it’s simply breathtaking. Yes, the game has some arcade feel, and in some places the gameplay is not the most sophisticated - but a lot can be forgiven for such graphics.

7. Batman: Arkham knight

A story about a famous Dark Knight It's not so much the level of special effects as it is the sophisticated design. No, we don’t have any special complaints about the engine - rain looks like rain, wet surfaces shine, everything explodes as expected - but that’s not the whole point. The most important thing is the elaboration of the city landscapes. Not the cardboard props of many shooters, but a real city with real, living people. Here you believe that this is an office building with many workers, “blue” and “white” collars, and this is a classic residential area. There is no falsehood, and therefore you understand much better and faster who you came to protect. In general, this is the same case when the designers squeezed everything that was possible out of the engine.

6. Witcher 3

Someone may be indignant about how he got here The Witcher 3. Yes, there was a situation that the developers themselves admitted - for the release version they somewhat reduced the quality of the graphics, because in the form in which the game was originally, no console would have supported it. But, firstly, many patches have been released to correct this problem. And secondly, the game should be praised, first of all, for the work of the designers, in particular for the way the nature is made here. Glares of light on the water, trees swaying in the wind, dust raised by the wind. Here the nature is not just realistic - here you believe that this is that very reality. Therefore, the game definitely deserves praise for the picture on the monitor.

5. Star Wars: Battlefront

In this game, the bet was made on nostalgic fans of the famous saga, who will not tolerate falsehood, and who need that very picture from that very film. Landscapes are easily recognizable and look literally photorealistic. Without any clue, we can say that this is Endor with its tall forests, and these are the deserts and canyons of Tatooine. And what kind of space is there and what kind of battles... Everything looks just great even on consoles, not to mention PC. Despite the fact that the game is not as dynamic as many other shooters, you can calmly enjoy all these beauties. In general, if you want to look at familiar landscapes up close, welcome to the front line.

4. Rise of the Tomb Rider

The same one. In the new part, the graphics clearly did not disappoint. Animal tracks in the snow, which can be used to track prey (by the way, this applies not only to animals). A camera that tries to show us all the delights of local landscapes. And Lara herself, who is always nice to look at. Speaking of landscapes, sometimes you just want to admire nature, and the game even encourages us to do this, giving us short breaks. What else is interesting about the picture - everything here is not only beautiful, everything here is also logical. These are not paper models, these are real houses, cars, trees and mountains. And here's another thing... When Lara does her acrobatic tricks, try not to stare too much, yeah?

3. Bloodborne

A strange situation with this game - magnificent dark landscapes, classic gothic as it is, well-made opponents, sometimes striking with their terrifying grandeur, sometimes causing genuine disgust - and no opportunity to admire it all. As soon as you gape, your head is torn off, just like in classic Gothic works. As a result, you never stop noticing all the beauties, no – they just put you in the right mood. You don’t expect anything good here, and you very quickly realize that these abandoned ruins were abandoned for a reason, and the blood on the walls is not decoration, but the remains of unlucky visitors. The picture perfectly complements the plot and gameplay, and does not stand alone, and this is pleasing.

2. Order: 1886

If you try to briefly describe this game, the following definition comes to mind - gothic interactive cinema. And, as in any movie, the picture is very important here. The detail and elaboration of the surrounding world is simply shocking. The first moments you just sit slack-jawed in front of the screen and admire the details of the environment. Everything has been worked out, even the most small objects, and we can see all of them up close. Then, when you break away from this activity a little, the landscapes begin - and then again you fall into prostration for a while. And then the movie (in the sense of action with shootouts) begins, which delivers the “finishing blow”. Yes, the game is short, but its graphics are simply amazing.

1. Dying Light

One could say that this is just a game about zombies with everything that goes along with it, but fans might inadvertently beat you up for this. And they will be right, by the way. In addition to the fact that the gameplay and plot are not entirely typical (In terms of gameplay, it’s very good survival, and in terms of the plot... in general, I won’t spoil it here, it’s better to see for yourself), the game also has excellent graphics. The characters behave as if they were alive, their movements do not look wooden, and emotions can be guessed without words. A quick glance, a fleeting smile or a grimace of disgust - all this and much more simply fits into the phrase “facial animation”. But all the delights of the graphics don’t end with the characters. The cityscapes are impressive. When you look at the city from the rooftops, it is simply breathtaking. And when you walk around the apartments, it becomes really scary. Neat furniture, beautiful cheerfully colored wallpaper – and splashes of blood with swirling flies. We have already seen all this, but it was in Dying Light it really gets under your skin. In general, the game has such excellent graphics and design work that only the highest score can be given for it.

Are you the owner of a modern Android device? Then you wouldn’t mind checking out its capabilities to the fullest - both processor power and screen quality - all this the best way are able to demonstrate games with fairly complex and beautiful graphics, which, as it turned out, are not so few on Google Play.

The best graphics on Android: what does this concept include? Spectacular landscapes and realistic characters, console-level animation and amazing detail - all this is in our selection of games.

CSR Racing 2

CSR Racing 2 is perhaps the most realistic and stylish racing game you can find for Android devices. Incredibly detailed graphics, licensed famous sports cars, drawn so accurately that the line with reality is blurred - that’s what this racer from NaturalMotionGames is all about. Therefore, his choice is not at all surprising - it is difficult to find a more beautiful game. But its essence is not only in the visual parameters - the gameplay here is no less impressive than the graphics.


In this development from Warner Bros. Not only will you meet familiar characters from the famous fighting game series, but you will also encounter promising newcomers, take part in brutal and uncompromising matches and enjoy the quality of both controls and graphics. It is practically indistinguishable from the console version, which will allow your battles to be surprisingly spectacular and realistic.

Modern Combat 5: Blackout

Without this shooter from Gameloft, our list would be incomplete - it is included in the list of games with the best graphics quality since its appearance on mobile platforms. Its spectacular shootouts take place in carefully drawn locations, and the explosions and special effects will not leave you indifferent - it looks exciting literally from the first frames.

Godfire: Rise of Prometheus

The graphics of this game are simply incredible - the Unreal Engine allowed the authors from Vivid Games to demonstrate to gamers amazing special effects, the play of light and shadow, realistically animated characters and spectacular landscapes, against which dynamic and bloody battles take place. The game's setting invites you to a time when gods and titans ruled the roost, and the epic and large-scale events of ancient myths were reality - you won't be able to tear yourself away from this, believe me.

Assassin's Creed Identity

Ubisoft developed this action-RPG for mobile platforms using the Unity engine, so we have no doubts about the graphical parameters of the game. Italy during the Renaissance is beautiful - and this is your chance to see it for yourself. Choose a class, customize and develop your assassin, complete missions and go through quests - there is so much content here that you will not get bored. Your character will be able to freely move around the game world, visiting real-life places, and this excursion into the Middle Ages will be surprisingly addictive.

The Talos Principle

One of the best and most entertaining PC puzzlers from the developers from DevolverDigital has become mobile, but, unfortunately, it is only compatible with devices running on NVIDIA K1 or X1 processors. However, we have included this game on our list, if only because its graphics are incredibly beautiful. And this is not counting its other advantages - a huge number of stylish puzzles, intuitive controls and a deep plot.

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

A balanced combination of action gameplay, adventure elements and stunning graphics - that's what this development from Oddworld Inhabitants Inc. The authors promise us 20 hours of exciting action in the role of a strange-looking bounty hunter who arrives in an abandoned village inhabited by equally, if not more strange creatures. This Wild West story comes in a visually whimsical yet incredibly beautiful package - download and enjoy.

The Walking Dead: Season Two

This acclaimed adventure series from Telltale Games is divided into seasons of several episodes each and impresses not only with its well-thought-out storyline, but also with its stunning, stylized graphics. The game's characters are based on the characters from the series "The Walking Dead", and the authors managed to convey both their appearance and character in the best possible way. Play as your favorite heroes, feel the chilling horror of clashes with zombies, survive in inhospitable locations - a ton of emotions is guaranteed to you.


Looking for console-quality graphics and a fun action-adventure game? Then Phosphor Games Studio has something to offer you: their development Horn has all the necessary qualities to make it difficult to put down. The adventures of a young blacksmith await you, who is trying to free the inhabitants of his village by returning them to their former appearance. He will have to fight incredible monsters and see picturesque locations, solve many puzzles and return harmony to his world.

The Room Three

It would be impossible not to mention this stylish, real-world physics-based puzzle game on our list. The world of this game is interactive and responds to your every gesture, objects are drawn in surprisingly detail, and each of them hides many secrets that you have to uncover. The combination of a mysterious atmosphere with quality graphics amazes the imagination and does not allow you to stop - this game is so addictive that you will definitely want to complete it to the end.

Halo 5, Forza Horizon 3, Battlefield 1, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands and many others

The computing power of today's gaming systems allows developers to create real miracles. But some 20 years ago everyone dropped their jaws to the floor because of the picture of the original Quake!

In general, the notorious “graphene” is now a universal measure of the quality of almost any game: gamers like technologically advanced projects in which the shadows fall evenly, and the circles scatter in the water according to physics, and so that that vase in the far corner of the room, in which even You can’t go in, there were no “ladders” at the throat. The developers realized this, and therefore, in many AAA projects, stupid scripts, annoying music, faceless and spineless characters, or simple gameplay began to appear, which are reliably plastered with a good layer of 4K textures, advanced physics and ultra shaders, which sometimes make you want to scream. But some truly justify their graphicness, and that’s what we’ll talk about today. Here are the top 10 games that will load your video card to its limits.

Halo 5: Guardians (XONE)

343 Industries, 2015

The latest installation in the series about the adventures of a galaxy-famous Spartan has a good plot, but what primarily attracts attention is its chic graphic design. And this is logical, because the series is famous not only for its deep and detailed universe, but also high level manufacturability. The story cutscenes running on the game engine look simply impressive, and the game itself is a little inferior in terms of detail and level of polish, but the difference is so insignificant that you don’t even notice it. Especially when everything is racing at 60 frames per second.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux (PC, PS4)

The Astronauts, 2015

This forest walk simulator was created on Unreal Engine 4, which allowed the developers to create a beautiful and highly detailed world with simply fantastic drawing distance and picturesque panorama, which, despite its visual splendor, still harbors a piece of a dark and frightening atmosphere. Something sinister is clearly hiding behind the marvelous facade, and wandering through the forest, riding an old tram and rummaging through the rubbish of dilapidated houses of an abandoned village, thanks realistic graphics you plunge headlong into this world.

Forza Horizon 3 (PC, XONE)

Playground Games, 2016

One of the most beautiful racing games of the current generation, which perfectly demonstrates the capabilities of the Xbox One console - Forza Horizon 3. The game takes place in Australia, and the artists from Playground and Turn 10 were able to very convincingly convey all the beauty of this continent, with its dry deserts, dense jungles and cozy towns. Not to mention the weather effects, physics model and simply stunning coastal sunsets.

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC, PS4, XONE)

CD Projekt RED, 2015

CD Projekt RED, the authors of the already legendary Witcher trilogy, wrote their own engine during the development process, called REDEngine. “Wild Hunt” looks endlessly beautiful with its mysterious backwaters, snow-capped mountain peaks, tiny villages and picturesque thickets. And reverent attention to even the smallest details, beautiful special effects of spells, water physics and other barely noticeable, but so important for immersion little things, make the world truly alive.

Battlefield 1 (PC, PS4, XONE)

EA DICE, 2016

DICE games have always looked great (thanks, Frostbite Engine), but this first-person action game set during World War I raises the bar even higher than usual. Dirty trenches, sun-scorched deserts and dense forests; menacing tanks, terrifying armored trains and huge airships - it’s as if you really are on the front line and the outcome of the war can depend on your every step. For complete immersion, you can completely disable the interface.

Batman: Arkham Knight (PC, PS4, XONE)

Rocksteady Studios, 2015

Despite a very tough start, associated with hundreds of angry reviews from owners of the broken PC version, and even a halt in sales on Steam, this story about a crime fighter in tight latex was remembered by many. The transition of Bats from one generation of gaming systems to another gave developers access to significantly greater computing power, which, as in the case of Assassin's Creed, for example, made it possible to create a larger and more detailed world that was fully able to convey the dark tone of a world mired in crime and the lawlessness of Arkham.And all the visual power of the game is demonstrated by the size of Batman's carriage, which takes up 160 gigabytes on your hard drive.

Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)

Guerilla Games, 2017

This is an amazingly beautiful game set in the distant future, where people share their world with various robots. Guerilla Games has been working with the hardware of Sony consoles for a long time, so it was not difficult for them to create a stunning 4K world with flora and fauna previously unseen in any game - a kind of symbiosis of primitiveness and post-apocalypse. Well, all these brilliant cyberbeasts, which you can watch for hours, discourage German game makers from releasing another simulator of hunting poor wild boars - here it’s much more fun to do it.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)

Naughty Dog, 2016

Sometimes it seems that Uncharted 4 uses the resources of the PS4 at 100 percent and even finds some hidden reserves of the system that even the company's engineers were not aware of. There is no other way to explain how the game even manages to work with all that level of insane detail in almost every cobblestone. Textures, work with light and shadows, special effects, physics - everything in this game is done at a phenomenal level. Now we are waiting for Naughty Dog to not let us down with the Crash Bandicoot remaster - these components are no less important there.

The Crysis series of games was a real revolution in terms of graphics. The first part of the game still looks very good today, despite the fact that it was released in 2007. However, now we will look at the game "Crysis 3". It was created on the CryEngine 3 engine and is only supported by DiretX 11. Thanks to this game engine, the game has a very beautiful game world and excellent gameplay. The third part became one of the most beautiful games of the year. All events take place in New York, which is overgrown with jungle due to the disaster.

Total War Rome 2

Total War Rome 2 is a real-time strategy game from Creative Assembly. The game turned out to be very cinematic: all the cities have incredible detail, the soldiers are well drawn, and the global map has become more beautiful and enjoyable compared to previous parts of the series. Graphics in strategies have never come first, but Rome 2 was able to surprise gameplay, and the graphic part.

Battlefield 4

The shooter Battlefield 4 is based on the powerful Frostbite 3 game engine. The developers demonstrated the capabilities of this engine in Battlefield 4. Beautiful realistic lighting, impressive animation, high detail of the world and incredibly beautiful shootings will allow you to get the most out of the game.

NBA 2K14

Sports simulator NBA 2K14 is the best basketball simulator. A new version amazed players with realistic animation of faces, movements, clothes, playground and spectators. The animation is so well done that the folds on the athlete's clothing move realistically, and the faces cannot be distinguished from real people.

Metro: Last Light

The post-apocalyptic first-person shooter Metro: Last Light boasts impeccable views of a destroyed city, detailed terrain and an incredible atmosphere. “The personal version of Metro: Last Light is a bit of a breakthrough because it's one of the best-looking games out there,” creative director Hugh Benyoun said in an interview.

Far Cry 3

The latest game in the Far Cry series takes the player to beautiful island. Main feature The game is an open world, and each player can easily walk around the paradise island and see all its delights. The surrounding world in the game turned out to be very beautiful: trees, animals, plants and villages are very well drawn. Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful games.

The main criterion why users choose this or that game is the graphics. It's the same in multiplayer games, but unfortunately, not all of them have a good graphics model.

Developers of modern multiplayer games are trying to keep up with the times. Perhaps it's no secret that one of the most important factors in games - graphics. It is the graphical component of a particular game that allows you to experience it in a new way.

The best representatives of MMORPG

One of the most popular MMORPGs with good graphics is Forsaken World. It is distributed absolutely, which means that anyone can enjoy this game. The game itself offers users a choice of one of five races, eight character classes, a free PVP mode and huge opportunities for cooperative game with friends and all this combined with good graphics. The game appeared relatively recently (in 2011), but already has great amount fans.

EVE online is another representative of MMORPG. Unlike most similar games, this one takes place in space. The player needs to buy his ship and develop it in such a way as to make it a truly warship. The player can: buy various weapons for his ship, mine minerals from which improvements are created, complete quests to get more money, etc. This game has a very nice graphical shell for games of its genre. The picture of the space world looks quite believable: the glare from the sun is similar to real ones, the ships themselves are replete with many details, the stars and planets are also made of very high quality.

Worth paying attention

Perfect for anime lovers suitable game Royal Quest. The game itself has attractive graphics. The picture fully meets all the requirements of anime: the picture is bright and juicy, and

We remembered ten games of all time with the best graphics. Some of them may not be impressive today, but in their time they were real visual Everests.

Myst (1993)

Released in 1993, Myst is one of the few games of its time to be released on CD. The media turned out to be jam-packed with stunning landscapes, atmospheric sound and real video. By the way, Myst is still one of the most popular games of all times.

Crysis (2007)

The first part of Crysis still impresses with its graphics. We are, of course, talking about the PC version. In 2007, there was no computer capable of running this game at maximum settings. Yes and later long years System performance was assessed precisely by the ability to cope with Crysis graphics.

Shenmue (1999)

Back when most played on the aging PlayStation One, Shenmue felt like something from another universe - a game with incredible attention to detail, a grandiose living city concept and, of course, eye-popping graphics. Still looks good, even after almost two decades.

BioShock Infinite (2013)

Grandiose not from the point of view of technical execution, BioShock Infinite is precisely a design masterpiece, a triumph of virtual architecture and bright color palette. Well, the character models (especially one specific one) are top five.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)

Stunning in its beauty, the Witcher universe number three, even after several years, seems like a role-playing pinnacle, a visual masterpiece, and indeed a masterpiece, no matter how you look at it. And what sunsets and sunrises there are here, you instantly want to pack your things and move to the magic kingdom.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (2002)

In 2002, there was no role-playing game more beautiful than Morrowind. Gorgeous water, pretty mountains, picturesque skies (especially at night), grandiose cities; Yes, today it is somewhat outdated, but it is still full of charm.

Forza Horizon 3 (2016)

Of course, this is the most beautiful console and computer race today. Cute car models, magnificent and varied landscapes, special effects worthy of the best Hollywood blockbusters.

Grand Theft Auto V (2013)

Despite the age and generational change (the transition from PS3/Xbox 360 to PC/PS4/Xbox One), Grand Theft Auto V still manages to surprise and delight. The most vibrant of all cities in similar games The open world and attention to detail make GTA V a true technological work of art.

Final Fantasy XV (2016)

Final Fantasy XV may not have been able to delight fans of the series with an outstanding plot, but it certainly became a demonstration of the capabilities of modern technology. In addition, Square Enix managed to create a huge, almost seamless world with a wide variety of landscapes. If the game comes out on PC, it could very well become a new testing ground for powerful computers.

Uncharted 4 (2016)

An exclusive project for PlayStation 4 with a huge budget, thanks to which the developers managed to recreate landscapes that would be the envy of reality itself. You can literally immerse yourself in Uncharted 4, like... clear waters Maldivian beaches. The sensations are similar.
