Exercises for the eyes. How to do gymnastics for the eyes: practical recommendations Exercises for the eyes

Eye gymnastics is an excellent complementary remedy that can help correct vision and get rid of some eye problems. It is considered auxiliary, since it is used in combination with other methods.

Why do you need gymnastics for the eyes

Therapeutic exercises for the eyes are necessary, first of all, so that vision does not deteriorate. Every day we are faced with a huge amount of information, we visually study it, but time passes, and the eyes lose their former vigilance.

Thus, you can, seemingly, significantly spoil your own vision in a short period of time. We'll have to use the means of correction: glasses and lenses.

Undoubtedly the best treatment would be prevention... Take care of your eyes today. Eye gymnastics has proven to be an effective remedy for this. It should be done in case of prolonged stress on the organs of vision, for example, if you are reading or working at a computer.

It should be remembered that gymnastics will be effective only with minor violations that are associated with reboots or, on the contrary, relaxation of the eye muscles. It is not possible to correct strong problems, such as, say, myopia, which is associated with the transformation of the size of the eyeball or the refraction of the structures of the eye with the help of gymnastics.

She is especially helpful for kids... Parents are encouraged to take this issue seriously and teach their child a set of eye exercises. Modern children spend a lot of time at the computer and TV. They play games on consoles or mobile phones day and night. All of this puts a huge strain on children's eyes. Teaching your child about relaxing (Chinese) or restorative gymnastics can help them maintain eye health for longer. It should be done both at school and at home. The scale of the problem should not be underestimated for those parents whose children have excellent eyesight, since vision is quite fragile and can fail at any time.

Gymnastics exercises for the eyes

Gymnastics allows you to correct some vision problems, consider some effective exercises. But first, let's make a reservation that morning exercises for the eyes will allow you to immediately tone them up. It is useful and doctors recommend starting your day with a light workout for your eyesight.

The exercises can be the simplest: blink, rub your eyes with your hands, twist them, close your eyes tightly and open them, etc.

You can look at how to do this gymnastics for the eyes on the Internet, there are also corresponding photos of the exercises, they can be printed and hung over the bed so as not to forget about classes.

There is a special complex for glaucoma. Recall that this ailment is associated with an increase in intraocular pressure, while the optic nerve suffers, and subsequently this can lead to blindness. Exercise for the eyes with this disease is mainly aimed at strengthening the muscles inside the eye.

Wellness exercises are performed daily, each exercise is repeated 4 times.

Massage your closed eyelids to relieve fatigue. You should start from the inner edge, moving to the outer.

Sit, keep your back straight, look in front of you and slowly open and close your eyes with your palms.

The game of blind man's buff will help a lot: close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, then open them wide. In total, this exercise should be performed 8 times.

With myopia in the early stages of its development, relaxing gymnastics will help perfectly, which should be used during prolonged stress on the eyes. For example, if you spend a lot of time at work at the computer.

With cataracts, which mainly affect people over 50, you need to regularly devote time to exercise.

Although the disease is usually treated with surgery, in the early stages, doctors try to avoid surgery and prescribe conservative treatment: pills, gymnastics, drops. An ophthalmologist will help you choose the right product.

Today, many people are fond of plastic surgery, which involves a number of rehabilitation procedures, for example, after blepharoplasty it is recommended to perform. Doctors have developed a special complex recommended for implementation during this period. This will help to avoid many complications, such as ectropion.

The benefits of gymnastics for the eyes

Vision - one of the five senses with the help of which a person cognizes, perceives and explores the world around him.

The reasons for the deterioration of vision.

Modern conditions in which children grow up do not allow them to be protected from harmful influences. Cartoons, developing computer games, TV - all this is an integral part of the life of a preschooler. We will not talk about the dangers of TV and computer, but will try to adapt to the prevailing circumstances. It is in such conditions that it is necessary to learn to take care of your eyesight.

Visual gymnastics - a wonderful assistant in the fight for good eyesight. The main task of gymnastics for the eyes of preschoolers is to form the correct idea that vision needs to be taken care of. Regular gymnastics for the eyes, increases the efficiency of vision, improves blood circulation, and prevents the development of certain eye diseases. In addition, any educational material is assimilated more efficiently. Often underestimating the use of visual gymnastics for children can be a serious miscalculation when working with babies. In addition, this method is a kind of relaxation for the child's nervous system, it helps the brain to better process the information received through sight. While instilling in children simple gymnastics exercises for the eyes, teachers should be reminded that a child can perform this gymnastics at home. Getting the skill to perform visual gymnastics, the child performs it for several minutes. The child's eyes are resting.

What kind of children need eye gymnastics?

Many parents believe that their children with 100% vision are not at risk. Far from it! A child's vision is a fragile instrument that requires care, attention and, above all, constant observation.

Visual gymnastics at a preschool educational institution

Visual gymnastics for the eyes at a preschool educational institution can be carried out in various forms:

  1. Game five-minute with different subjects;
  2. Use of visual simulators (individual, wall-mounted);
  3. Reliance on the diagram and visual cues;
  4. Gymnastics according to verbal instructions, with poems.

Gymnastics for the eyes of the preschooler

Exercises to relieve eye strain:

1. Stand freely with your arms at your sides. Raise your shoulders as high as possible. Keeping them in this position, take them back as far as possible and return them to their original position. Make circular movements with your shoulders. Repeat 10 times.

2. Stand freely with your arms at your sides. Raise your shoulders as high as possible. Keeping them in this position, take them back, then move them forward, lower them, returning to their original position. Repeat 10 times.

3. Lower your chin to your chest, relax your neck, then lift your head and tilt it back as far as possible. Repeat 5-6 times.

4. In a sitting position. Lower your chin to your chest, then gently turn your head to the left, tilt it back, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times in one direction and 5 times in the other.

5. In a sitting position. Turn your head as much as possible to the left, return to the starting position. Turn your head as much as possible to the right, return to the starting position. Repeat turns 5 times at a slow pace.

A set of exercises for the eyes.

1. Place colored cardboard mugs of different sizes in the corners of the room, under the ceiling. Invite the children to look at the left circle for a few seconds, then on the right one, do this exercise 3-5 times, make sure that only the eyes work for the children, after 3-5 exercises, close their eyes for 10 seconds, repeat the exercise 3 times.

2. To relax the muscles that support the eyeball, it is suggested to close and relax the eyes for 10 seconds.

3. To perform the following visual gymnastics exercise for children, the hands are placed under the chin to prevent head movement. The child should raise his eyes and look up, then down 4 times, a break of 10 seconds, then to the right, left 4 times, a break of 10 seconds. 4. Finding toys in the group space; fixation of the gaze on the object.

We invite children to find a toy with their eyes. Consider it for 5-7 seconds.

5. Exercise "Mark on glass"(a small silhouette of a toy can act as a mark).Look at the mark on the glass from a distance of 30-35 cm for 4-6 seconds. Then look at the object behind the glass (tree, house, car, etc.) for 4-6 seconds. Then, one by one, look at the mark, then at the object. Repeat for about 30-40 seconds.

6. Blink slowly for 10 seconds."Butterflies flew, waved their wings." Children perform eyelash strokes.

7 . "Let's warm our eyes." Invite the children to rub their palms together and cover their eyes with them (eyes are closed under the palms). “Let's rub our palms to make them warm. Let's close our eyes and put our palms on them, warm our eyes. " (Eyes closed for 5-10 seconds).

Toddlers quickly get bored of doing the same exercises. Therefore, they can be offered charging for the peephole in a playful way.

A set of exercises:

"Merry week"

All week on - order,
Eyesdoing exercises.
- On Monday, as they wake up,
The eyes of the sun will smile
Down will look at the grass
And back up high.

(Raise your eyes up; lower them down, the head is motionless).

On Tuesday watch your eyes
They look here and there,
Walk left, walk right
Never get tired.

(Turn the eyes to the right side, and then to the left, the head is motionless).

We play blind man's buff on Wednesday
Close our eyes tightly.
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's open our eyes.
Blink and open
So we continue the game.

On Thursdays we look into the distance
It's not a pity for this time,
What's near and what's in the distance
The eyes should be considered.

(We look straight ahead into the distance, then raise our finger at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes and look at it. We repeat several times).

We didn't yawn on Friday
The eyes ran in a circle.
Stop, and again
Run in the other direction.

(We rotate our eyes to the right and left in a circle).

Even though Saturday is a day off
We are not lazy with you.
Looking for corners with a glance
For pupils to run.

(We look in the upper right corner, then the lower left, then vice versa in the upper left).

We'll sleep on Sunday
And then let's go for a walk
To make your eyes harden
You need to breathe air.

(Close the eyelids, massage them with light circular motions of the fingers).

Without gymnastics, friends,
Our eyes cannot live!

For eye gymnastics, you can use physical. minutes, just "see them with your eyes":

Fish frolic fun
In clean warm water
They will shrink, unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand.
Eyes - fish - close their eyes, open them, close them with their hands and stroke the eyelids with your fingers.

Our delicate flowers
Dissolve the petals.
The breeze breathes a little
The petals are swaying.
They opened their eyes and looked left and right. They waved their eyelashes.

The finger moves to the nose,
And then back
Look at him
We are very pleased!
Stretch your hand forward. Follow the tip of your finger, slowly bringing it closer to the nose, and then just as slowly pushing it back.

Now close your eyes
And stroke with your hands
We will dream with you
About my beloved mother.
Close your eyes, stroke your eyelids.

The visual apparatus is subjected to constant stress throughout the day. This is due to the peculiarities of blood circulation, the work of refractive structures and auxiliary muscle components.

Exercises for the eyes can be especially useful for children, since in childhood the organ of vision is most vulnerable to the action of pathological factors. Eye gymnastics in kindergarten should include the most effective exercises.

The visual apparatus is subjected to constant static and dynamic stress throughout the day. Static load means long-term reading, working with a computer, and dynamic load is associated with constant changes in curvature.

As a result, the greatest influence is exerted on the lens, accessory muscles and the retina of the eye. Exercises for the eyes can not only restore the working capacity of the basic structures of the eyeball, but also improve blood supply.

To understand the importance of visual gymnastics, one should pay attention to the main negative effects of prolonged exercise. These include:

  • Dry eyes - insufficient fluid production in the cornea. This condition is manifested by discomfort, cutting in the eye area and temporary visual impairment. Dry eyes are usually caused by insufficient blinking when working with a computer, since it is during the closing of the eye that moisture occurs.
  • High light sensitivity - the appearance of unpleasant sensations when exposed to light on the eye. This phenomenon is often caused by prolonged exposure to low light conditions.
  • Fatigue of the muscle structures of the eyeball. This condition is associated with pain and discomfort with eye movement and impaired accommodation.
  • Blurred or split vision. These negative effects can be associated with both pathologies and temporary impairments of visual functions. Sometimes this condition appears when there is insufficient blood supply to the structures of the eyeball.
  • Various diseases: myopia, astigmatism, amblyopia and others.

Many ophthalmologists do not recognize the effectiveness of eye gymnastics, but this technique is not intended for the treatment of already identified ophthalmic pathologies.

Constant exercise will help the visual system to adapt to various daily activities.

Types of gymnastics

Gymnastics is aimed at strengthening the muscles

The choice of gymnastic technique for the eyes depends on the prophylactic goal, the identified diseases and the type of load. So, depending on the desired effect, gymnastics can be daily or less constant.

Daily gymnastics allows you to adapt the visual apparatus to strong loads, including constant work with text. It is not recommended for children to spend more than an hour per day reading, but sometimes this load can be significant.

As already mentioned, the load can be static or dynamic. In preschool children, a dynamic load predominates, associated with a constant change in the viewing distance and adaptation to various lighting conditions.

In this case, the complex of gymnastic exercises should be aimed at relaxing the structures of the eyeball and improving blood supply.

Gymnastic technique also varies widely according to the conditions diagnosed. So, for example, it is usually caused by an abnormal structure of the eye muscles or their spasm, so exercises should be aimed at correcting muscle load.

Examples of specific exercises

Gymnastics for the eyes

The most revealing example of gymnastics for the eyes is a standard set of exercises, which takes into account both the work of the optical structures of the eyeball and the load on the muscles.

The complex includes the following exercises:

  • Gentle and gentle massage of the eyeball with the fingertips.
  • Rotation of the eyeball up, down, right and left with the eye closed.
  • Focusing alternately on the farthest visible object and the closest one. To do this, you can stand in front of a window and hold a pencil in front of you.
  • Rotation of the eyeball for muscle training.
  • Alternating screwing up and relaxing circular.

This gymnastic technique is best suited for daily use. These exercises are especially useful after reading or working with a computer.

Other exercises:

  1. Stretching for the muscles of the eyeball. To do this, you first need to look straight ahead and then switch the view as far to the right or left as possible without turning your head. It is recommended to do it one by one several times.
  2. Blinking. It is necessary to blink several times after a certain period of time. This gymnastic recommendation shouldn't come as a surprise, since many children and adults forget to blink during prolonged static stress. This is a useful exercise for moisturizing your eyes after reading or working with a computer. If the child complains of pain in the eyes and constantly squints, then this exercise is recommended to be performed several times a day.
  3. Head turns to the right, left, up and down. This exercise must be performed carefully so as not to damage the vertebral joints. Neck gymnastics helps to improve the blood supply to the eyeball.

To improve overall muscle tone and normalize blood circulation, it is also recommended to do a little exercise 1-2 times a day. Exercise should not be limited to the muscles of the eyeball.

Visual gymnastics is a great complement to other ways to prevent the development of eye diseases. If you limit the prevention of diseases only to rare exercises, then the effectiveness of eye protection will be quite low.

  • Nutrition. For children, age-specific dietary norms are recommended, taking into account the characteristics of a certain stage of the body's development. It is also necessary to pay attention to special products that improve the functioning of the visual apparatus. The diet should include leafy green vegetables, fish products, citrus fruits, wheat bread and berries. These foods contain the most important substances - vitamin A, zinc, lutein and fatty acids.
  • Regular visits to the ophthalmologist. Instrumental studies such as and should be included in the standard examination procedure. Early diagnosis of diseases allows you to choose effective methods of vision correction.
  • Timely treatment of diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Thus, special eye exercises, combined with other prevention methods, will help prevent visual impairment. Exercise for the eyes in kindergarten should be represented by the most effective exercises.

Eye Gym - Top 7 Exercises in Video:

Why do you need gymnastics for the eyes

Fatigue and dry eyes are common, especially when using a computer. Even no more than 3 hours of this useful technique can not only make your eyes watery, but also subsequently lead to myopia. Exercises for the eyes will help to avoid fatigue, tone the muscles around the eyes and will be a good prevention of myopia. The main thing is to remember that gymnastics needs to be made a habit. A single use may relieve the symptoms of fatigue, but it will not improve vision.

Exercises for the eyes

Before starting the exercises, you need to turn away and give your eyes a rest for 2 minutes. To do this, you just need to close them and think about something good. During gymnastics, the back should be straight, and the head should be kept straight and straight forward.

Now you need to change the focus of your vision. To do this, you need to find some point in the distance and look at it for about 5 minutes.

The next exercise is to move the eyes. To do this, you need to find the highest point and look at it. In this case, the position of the head cannot be changed. Now the eyes go down vertically until they reach the lowest point. You need to repeat the exercise at least 10 times. Then an identical exercise is done, but the gaze is already transferred from the extreme left point to the extreme right.

The next exercise is very similar to the previous 2. But the initial position should be in the upper right corner, and the movement of the eyes is made diagonally. After repeating the exercise 10 times, a mirror image of the exercise is done. Those. from the upper left to the lower right position. There is no need to rush into these exercises. They need to be done at an average pace.

The last 2 exercises are not based on changing focus.

In front of the nose, the index finger is extended at arm's length. The gaze should be riveted to the tip of the finger and not taken away until the end of the exercise. Now the finger begins to slowly move in a straight line towards the face until it touches the tip of the finger. Looking at the approaching finger, the eyes begin to squint a little towards the inner eyelid. When the finger touches the nose, it begins its movement back. The exercise is repeated at least 6 times.

For the next eye exercise, you will need to find some point at a distant distance. This could be a flower pot on the opposite wall, or a window in an opposite house.

Having chosen a point, the index finger is extended in front of it at a distance of 10 cm from the nose. The gaze must be translated at least 10 times from the far point to the finger and back.

In conclusion, you need to blink your eyes as quickly as possible for 1 min.

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