Summary of a lesson on cognitive development “Observing a bird. Lesson outline (world around us, senior group) on the topic: Lesson outline "Observing a rabbit"

Open educational activities

Topic: Bird watching walk


- to form children’s primary ideas about wintering birds;

- teach children to conduct bird observations on their own.


Expand children's knowledge about birds wintering in our city;

Develop research skills (gathering necessary information, summarizing acquired knowledge);

Develop children's observation, thinking, attention;

Cultivate a caring attitude and a sense of compassion towards birds.

Material and equipment: bird feeders, bread crumbs, seeds.

Preliminary work: conversations, bird watching while walking, feeding birds, reading fiction, looking at illustrations, parents making feeders.

Progress of the walk

Educator: Guys, today we will go on an excursion to make our observations of ----. You will find out who it is by guessing the riddle.

Who will be born twice:

smooth for the first time

and the second time - soft. (Bird)

So who will we be watching? (children's answers).

That's right, on the excursion we will watch birds and learn techniques for observing them.

Educator: Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They can be found high in the mountains, in the icy subpolar desert, in waterless sands, and over the vast expanses of the ocean. Unlike many other animals, which often lead a secretive lifestyle, birds are always close to us. They delight us with their swift, easy flight, beautiful singing, and varied plumage colors. People have long been accustomed to the proximity of birds, accustomed to seeing and hearing them around them.

Children go for a walk with the teacher. The teacher draws attention to the weather, that in autumn and winter the little birds are cold and hungry.

Paying attention to the behavior of birds (birds do not sing, do not chirp, and rarely fly).

Educator : Children, tell me, is it easy to find food for birds in winter? Why? (Because the winter day is short, everything is covered with snow, it is difficult to find food during snowfalls, blizzards, severe frosts). Only people can help - feed them.

The teacher asks you to guess the riddle:

I'm sitting bored

“Kar! Kar!” I shout.


Jump from a branch.

Don't be shy!

Who is this... (Sparrow)

The children answer in unison. Right!

The teacher explains that in winter people hang bird feeders so that the birds do not starve and feed them.

You have already said how difficult it is to find food in winter. How can you and I help the birds?(We can feed them).

What can we feed the birds?(Children's answers: millet, millet, oats, wheat, sunflower seeds, rowan berries, hawthorn, maple, ash seeds, nuts, bread, bread crumbs).

Educator: It must be said that the birds winter time They are not very picky about food and eat what they find. Therefore, some food from our table (bread crumbs, seeds, etc.) is suitable for feeding birds in winter.

Do we have a feeder on the site?

The teacher invites the children to save the birds from hunger and play a game.

Game "Rescuers". The teacher invites the children to hang bird feeders.

The teacher offers to feed the birds and asks questions about who arrived and what the birds are doing.

Tells children that birds are very shy and can only be observed from afar.

A bird sat on a branch, the teacher draws the children’s attention to what the bird has; beak, plumage, tail, paws. The bird flies, tweets, sings, jumps. The teacher invites the children to name the body parts of the bird.

Working with visibility.


Look and tell me who you see here on the branch?(Birds).

By what signs did you determine this?(Beak, feathers).

Tell me, what are the birds doing?

Name the birds you recognize?

What kind of birds are these?(Wintering).

Why do we call them that?

Do birds sing in winter? (Yes, but there is no such polyphony).

Which bird chirps?(Sparrow).

Which bird is chattering (chirping)?(Magpie).

Which bird croaks? (Crow)

What birds winter in our city? (Children's answers)

The teacher invites the children to play the active game “Raven and Sparrow”.

One of the children is chosen as a raven, and the rest of the children are sparrows. Children imitate characteristic movements birds. At the teacher’s command, the sparrows fly, chirp, and peck at food.

When the raven arrives, the sparrows fly to their nests.


What did we do today?

What birds did you meet on the excursion? What were they doing?

Are there many birds in our city in winter?

Do birds sing in winter?

What do birds eat in winter?

What birds did you recognize by what characteristics?

What did you like about our walk?

Cloud watching with children

Watching clouds with children is a very exciting activity.

Today I want to remember the happy days of the passing summer and offer you a comprehensive lesson on observing clouds with children. This lesson is suitable both for observation in kindergarten by teachers, as well as for parents outside kindergarten.

From my teaching experience, I can say that children really like observing such natural phenomena as clouds and are never boring. However, the latter directly depends on adults.

Watching clouds with children in a playful way

So, one fine summer day we looked up and saw...

Now it’s worth asking a riddle:

White cotton wool is floating somewhere.
The lower the wool, the closer the rain.

Everyone is floating, floating somewhere,
The sky is white as cotton wool.
They will merge bizarrely -
They will turn into a white bird.
They will melt away like smoke,
They will become one speck.

Of course these are clouds. Children are invited to observe the clouds and express their opinion on what they look like. To make observing the clouds more interesting and fun, offer the children the game “Catch the Cloud.”

For this game you need to prepare cardboards with slits in the middle in advance. Children look at clouds through a hole in cardboard. Children really like this game moment and they very vividly tell who caught which cloud.

Ask the children to choose adjectives for the word “clouds” - what are they? (white, fluffy, fabulous, etc.). Ask your child to complete the phrase: “the clouds are light, like...?” (fluff, cotton wool, feather, etc.). Ask your child how he understands the expression “His head in the clouds.”

Where do clouds come from? Invite the children to conduct an experiment.

The cloud in a jar experience.

In a group of children, an adult conducts this experiment, and the children observe and draw conclusions. At home, you can involve a child in the experiment, but be sure to warn that you will be working with hot water. Discuss safety rules.

For experience you will need three liter jar, iron lid, hot (but not boiling water) water, ice cubes.

Poured into a jar hot water to a height of approximately 2.5 centimeters. Now cover the jar with an iron lid and put ice cubes on it. Warm air inside the jar rising up and cooling. And the vapor contained in the air forms a cloud.

This is what happens in nature: drops, having heated up on the ground, rise upward. There they get cold, and they huddle together to form a cloud. When they meet together, they increase in size, become heavy and fall to the ground in the form of rain.

See how the drops flow down the sides of the jar. Notice what happens to the ice on the lid, why did a puddle form next to the ice? (Ice melts in warmth, since ice is frozen water). Have the children look at a diagram of the water cycle.

Conclude: clouds are droplets of water that, when heated by the sun's rays, turned into steam and rose upward. When there are many such evaporated droplets in one place, we observe clouds in the sky.

It's time to move a little. You can have a physical minute.

Physical exercise “Cloud”

Starting position: squatting or kneeling.

Little white cloud (Rounded arms in front of you)
Rising above the roof (Rise from your squat or stand up from your knees)
The cloud rushed
Higher, higher, higher(Pull your arms up)
The wind is a cloud (Smooth swings of your arms above your head from side to side)
Got caught on a cliff.
The cloud turned into a thundercloud. (Describe with your hands downwards big circle and lower them; sit down).

Presentation for children “Clouds are floating across the sky”

There may be clouds different shapes, colors, sizes, cirrus, rain, cumulus, stratus. The appearance of clouds depends on how quickly they form and how much water they contain.

In order to tell children about different types of clouds, I offer the presentation “Clouds are floating across the sky.” To launch a flash presentation, click on the title or image below. All subscribers get access to download the updated version of the presentation with the karaoke song “Clouds, white-maned horses.” The subscription form is located in the website bar.

Outdoor game “Find the cloud”

For this game you need to post pictures or photos with various types clouds at different ends of the room or group. Then the adult says: “We’re all running towards the cumulus clouds!” Then the children explain why they came running to this particular picture. Then the adult invites everyone to run to another type of cloud, etc. The game lasts 3-5 minutes.

And now all children are invited to a creative workshop. Here all the clouds will most miraculously turn into various animals, plants or something unusual. Whatever the inexhaustible childhood imagination suggests.

Children are given pictures of clouds and markers. The child must draw what he sees on the cloud. Examples of drawings:

Elena Khramluk
Lesson summary “Wind Observation”

Target: Replenish children's knowledge about in the wind, its strength, to maintain interest in inanimate objects of nature. Learn to determine strength wind. Maintain cognitive interest, develop speech.

Vocabulary work: wind - breeze, blowing, stormy, piercing.

Progress of observation

Educator. Guys, listen carefully to the riddle.

I'll shake the birch tree, I'll push you.

I’ll attack you, I’ll whistle, I’ll even steal your hat.

But I can't be seen. Who am I?

Can you guess? (wind).

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right - it's the wind. Today we will be with you watch the wind. What do you know about in the wind? What is it like?

Children's answers: wind - strong, stormy, southern, northern, piercing, light...

Educator. What can we say about what the wind does?

Children's answers: the wind makes noise, blows, blows, howls, whistles, carries away...

Educator. Let's watch the leaves fall from trees: yes, the leaves are spinning and flying away from the trees. And look how the tops of the trees sway. Why do you think they sway?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, they are swayed by the breeze. Look at the clouds, see how fast they float across the sky? Why do you think?

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, that's right, they are driven by the wind.

Look, guys, what I brought you today. I brought a balloon and colorful ribbons.

Let's take the ball by the string and see what happens to it.

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, that’s right, the ball does not stand in one place, but swings. What do you think makes the ball move? That's right - a breeze.

Now take the ribbons in your hands and watch them. What did you notice? Ribbons swing on the wind.

Guys, look around, find more objects with which you can watch the force of the wind.

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, our flags are swinging on the wind, and also laundry on a line.

Guys, what did we do today? We observed the strength of the wind. You were all very attentive and answered my questions correctly. And continue watch the wind you can be at home with your parents.

Publications on the topic:

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Lesson summary “Observing a cat” Summary of a lesson on speech development in middle group. Educator: Korepanova. N.V. OBJECTIVES: Educational: - introduce children to the cat.

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Summary of a walk in the senior group “Observing an ant”

Topic: “Watching ants”


Educational: Clarify ideas about ants, their lifestyle and the structure of the anthill; about the benefits of insects. To develop safe behavior skills in the kindergarten area and interest in research work.

Developmental: Enrich and activate active and passive vocabulary. Develop the ability to listen to other children when discussing any problematic situation.

Develop tactile-motor perception, fine and fine motor skills hands, sensory standards, exercise orientation in space, maintain speech activity.

Educational: To instill in children a desire to take care of nature and not to destroy the living conditions of insects. Develop the ability to interact in a team, participate in joint activities without interfering with each other.

Preliminary work:

- Reading: L. Tolstoy “About Ants”, V. Bianchi “How the Ant Hurried Home”;

- Familiarization with the educational material “Insects”;

- Observing insects while walking;

- Riddles and poems about insects.


- 2 relay batons;

- pictures of an ant and an anthill

- magnifying glass sugar


Voss: Guys, do you know who is the strongest on earth?

No, not an elephant, not a hippopotamus. Guess who it is:

The carpenters walked without axes,

They cut down the hut without corners.

Who are they? Where? Whose?

Black streams flow:

Small dots together

They are building a house on a hillock. (Ants)

The strongest on earth is the ant! After all, he can carry weights 10 times heavier than his own weight. If you imagine that Sasha is an ant, then he can carry 10 guys. Will our Sasha be able to lift and carry all these guys? No. And an ant can carry a load 10 times heavier than itself. The ant, although small, is a real strongman.

Question: Where is the anthill on the territory of the kindergarten? (approach the anthill). Let's watch how the ants work. They crawl along paths that they have gnawed into the asphalt.

Research activities

1. Take a magnifying glass and examine the ant.

Generalization: Ants live in an anthill as one large and friendly family. There are as many ants in one anthill as there are people in big city. The queen ant rules the anthill. When she was young, she had small wings and loved to frolic and fly. But then, having become the venerable mother of a large ant family, the ant gnaws off her wings and from then on lives in an anthill. She lays eggs, from which larvae will later emerge. Worker ants will take care of the larvae: feed and care for them. Ants, once born, do not grow. The way they were born is the way they are useful. The ant has a thickened abdomen, chest, head, and three pairs of small legs. At the ant strong jaws. Like all insects, ants have antennae, with the help of which the ant receives information about smell, taste and communicates it to its fellows.

Ants can walk on smooth or inclined surfaces. After all, on each paw the ant has two claws, between them there is a pad that secretes a sticky liquid, which allows the ant not to fall.

Ants love to feast on the spandex most of all - this is the name of the substance secreted by aphids. Ants also eat other insects, especially grasshoppers. There is even a saying about this: “ Best gift to an ant - a grasshopper's leg." They also eat mushrooms, juice and plant seeds.

2. Cover the path with granulated sugar and watch how the ants collect it.

(Result: At first the ants will just fuss and run randomly in different directions. Then they will calm down and you will see one or more long ant chains moving to the treat and back.

Explanation: Ants perceive complex system information using special chemical substances- pheromones secreted by their bodies. As soon as one ant finds food, in our case sugar, it begins to leave behind a pheromone trail, along which other ants follow. The more ants follow the trail, the stronger the signal becomes. It is interesting to observe how ants exactly repeat the trail of the very first ant, even if he chooses long way, for example, a pebble crawls around. Finding food is only one of the many functions of pheromones. Pheromones convey complex chemical information. If you scare an ant, it will immediately give other ants a signal warning of danger. In this case, ants located close to this signal will run away, and soldier ants located further away, on the contrary, will prepare to attack.

Voss: Would you like to turn into ants and get to know their life better? Children's answer.

The ritual of “entering” the image. Collective exercise “Palms” Purpose: To create the mood for teamwork. Getting into character.

And now we open our eyes - Oh, how many ants are around me! What has changed for us around us? (Children's answers: the grass has become tall, the people are huge, etc.).

Voss. : There are so many of us, where do we all live?

Children: In an anthill?

Voss. : Yes, here it is – our anthill (shows a picture).

This, of course, is not as big a house as in the forest. But still, you and I live in a large multi-room apartment. Let's remember what we have in our house. (shown in the picture)

"Solarium" is a chamber heated by the rays of the sun. In the spring we come here to warm up.

One of the entrances. Guarded by soldiers. Serves as a ventilation duct.

Wintering chamber. We gather here to survive the cold in a state of semi-hibernation

"Bread barn". This is where we store grains.

The royal chamber where the queen lives, laying up to one and a half thousand eggs a day. She is looked after by worker ants.

Chambers with eggs, larvae and pupae.

"Cow barn" where we keep aphids.

"Meat pantry" where we bring caterpillars and other prey.

Voss. : Even though we are so small, we are very strong. Each of us can lift 10 times our own weight. They are also very friendly and hardworking. It’s not for nothing that they say about a person: he’s as hardworking as an ant.

Bring the wand relay

Now let's split into 2 teams. One ant starts. At a signal, he runs to the stick, runs around it and returns. Another one clings to him, and they continue running together, etc. At the end, they take a stick and bring it to their anthill. The team of ants that finishes it faster will win.

Psycho-gymnastics with focusing on breathing

Game "With an ant"

Goal: to tense and relax the leg muscles.

An ant(s) has climbed onto my toes and is running around on them. Pull your socks towards yourself with force, legs tense, straight (as you inhale). Leave your socks in this position, listen to which finger the ant is sitting on (hold your breath). By instantly relieving tension in your feet, throw the ant off your toes (as you exhale). Socks go down - to the sides, relax your legs: your legs are resting.

Repeat the game 2-3 times.

Problem situations

"On the Ant's Path"

You're so small. How would you feel if no one noticed you?

You are running along the track. All of a sudden a man is walking and doesn't look at his feet. He's so huge compared to you! Here he lifts his shoe over you. How are you feeling at this moment? What do you want to shout to him? What can I blame? What to ask for?

You and your ant brothers spent a very long time building an anthill house. How many sticks and twigs had to be brought to assemble a house for everyone. How all the ants rejoiced when the anthill was finally built! But some boy, for fun, destroyed an anthill with a stick, and even laughed at the scattering ants.

How would you feel towards this destroyer? Why would you be offended by him? What would you tell him so that he would never do this again?

Tourists often come to the forest. They love to make fires. How would you feel if a fire was lit right next to an anthill?

What would you whisper in the ears of such tourists?

And it’s time for us to return from a magical journey. We turn around ourselves and say the spell:

Ritual of “exiting” the image. Collective exercise “Palms”

Goal: Consolidating new experience, preparing children for interaction in their familiar social environment. General encouragement for children.

Now let's open our eyes. So you've been an ant. And now, when you see an ant, say hello to it, ask how it is doing. Never offend the little ones, take care of the defenseless, because they cannot say or ask for anything.

Bottom line. Assessing children's work (Reflection).

I liked that today you were very friendly, dexterous, and diligent. What did you like?

Today we met with the ants. They, although small, are very necessary for nature. Let's all give our word together not to offend our six-legged friends.

senior group

Program tasks: Introduce children to a new animal - a hamster, its features appearance(oval movable muzzle, semicircular ears, small tail, short legs; soft, fluffy fur on the body, etc.). Observe the animal's habits. Teach children kindness, sympathize with animals living in cages, and caring attitude towards them. Continue to cultivate interest and love for animals, the desire to observe and care for them. Strengthen the ability to transfer the shape of vegetables (carrots) using rolling and pulling techniques.

Vocabulary work: intensify the use of words in speech: motley, fur, mincing, rodent.

Preparation for class: Place a table and place chairs around it. Prepare food for the hamster and cover it with a napkin. Do not feed the hamster in the morning so that it is more active during the lesson.

Progress of the lesson.

Children, listen to the riddle:

I am a spare animal:

In a bag behind your cheek

I carry grains

To your pantry.

That's right, it's a hamster. Today in class we will get acquainted with a new animal - a hamster. (I remove the screen).

Look what kind of hamster the children gave us preparatory group. Hamsters come from southern country Syria, where there are never cold, snowy winters. In their homeland, hamsters build a hole up to 2 meters deep and live there in families. During the day they hide in a hole from the heat, and at dusk they leave it, feed and make provisions for the winter. In the wild in winter they sleep, but sometimes they wake up to feed on what they have prepared and go back to sleep. People liked this animal and decided to tame it. The hamster was taken far, far from his native place. In our area they cannot live without human care. To brighten up the life of hamsters, we must take pity on them, not offend them, constantly take care of them, and feed them on time with what they love. In captivity they are kept in cages.

Look, children, our hamster lives in a cage. Pay attention to the mesh in the cage. What is she like? (Thick, iron).

Do you think it is possible to keep a hamster in a cardboard box or wooden box?

Why not? (It will chew through, because hamsters are rodents, they have sharp teeth).

Children, look in the hamster’s cage there is a house, the hamster likes to hide in it, and next to the house there is a pantry where he brings food supplies. No matter how well you feed your hamster, he cannot live without supplies. What an interesting hamster.

Now kids, let's look at the hamster. (I take the hamster in my hands).

Look how cute his face is. What shape is it? (oval).

What color and shape of the eye? (Eyes like beads, black, round).

Look, children, near the hamster’s mouth there are ears.

What shape is a hamster's antennae? (Semicircular ears).

What does a hamster have on the back? (Small tail).

Children, tell me what shape is a hamster’s body, how long are its legs? (The body is oval, the legs are short).

What is the entire body of a hamster covered with? (Wool).

What color is the fur?

Christina, go pet the hamster. You need to stroke carefully from head to tail. Is a hamster's fur soft or not? (soft, fluffy).

Look, children, how does a hamster move? (Runs quickly, minces with its legs).

Physical education lesson “Hamka, hamster, hamster...” (sit down)

Children, what does a hamster like to eat? (Dry grains of various plants, vegetables, fruits, herbs, dry bread).

Hamsters also drink water.

Now let's feed the hamster. (I give the hamster grains).

Tell me, children, how does he eat? (Gnaws, he has sharp teeth).

Yes, they sit on their hind legs and hold food in their front legs. They put grains in their mouths and gnaw them with their teeth. It’s not for nothing that hamsters are called rodents. They have large cheek pouches in their mouths. When the hamster is full, he stuffs his cheek pouches tightly with grain and takes them to the pantry, where he pours it out. Our hamster has eaten enough and now wants to relax in his house. (I put the hamster in a cage).

Children, do you know that the hamster loves vegetables, especially carrots. And since he is stocking up, he needs a lot of carrots. Let's make a carrot for the hamster. (Children get up, go to the tables, sit down and begin to sculpt carrots). The finished carrots are placed on plates and placed near the cage.

That's a lot of carrots, now the hamster will have enough for the whole winter. And so that the hamster doesn’t get bored, let’s sing him a song. (Children standing sing a song to the hamster).

1. I kept asking my mom

Buy me a puppy

And my mother bought me

Funny hamster

Hamster, hamster

Good-natured fat man.

2. He pokes his nose everywhere

And runs around

The hamster is probably looking

Your hole, your home.

3. I will lay down the bedding

In the kitchen in the corner

Let him rest there

My affectionate animal.

Children sit on chairs.

Children, look, our little animal has eaten and is resting.

Tell me, what animal did we meet in class today? (With a hamster).

What have you learned about hamsters? (Where they live, what they eat, etc.).

Yes, today in class we met a hamster, learned what to feed it and where to keep it. Now the hamster will live in our corner of nature, and you will take care of him.
