Prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday: truth or fiction? How to find out if a dream will come true

When you want to understand what a dream is talking about, you can get your bearings by determining its type. Either this is a prophetic dream about the future, warns of something or anticipates events, or it is a dream that processes the impressions of the past day and shows experiences repressed by consciousness.

In Jungian psychoanalysis, these two types of dreams are called compensatory and archetypal. Compensatory dreams are about the past, archetypal dreams are about the future, or prophetic dreams.

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Compensatory dreams - how to understand that a dream is prophetic

Connected with external reality, process past daytime impressions. Necessary in order to “digest” the contents of the day. Jung called such dreams “from the ego,” that is, from your Self, such as or as you know yourself. The characters in such dreams are most often your relatives and friends in modern times (based on materials from Oksana Lavrova’s dream contextual seminar).

For example, a compensatory dream about the dreamer’s work crisis: “We are sailing on a ship, me and some of my colleagues, then suddenly the ship begins to sink...” The dream is more complicated - “we are hiding somewhere, grandmother gives mom a quarter of bread, then mom gives me a penny, and I give my daughter a ruble,” the dreamer, through associations to images, interprets the dream as a family message to be content with little, which is passed down from generation to generation. female line.

Difficult. I would like to find an answer to the question: how to understand that a dream is prophetic? Rely on dream books or lunar days or anything else that will help clarify the meaning of the dream. Dreams indicate blind spots; they do not tell you what you already know. It's like trying to look at your back. You need to show your back to the other person or hold up a mirror.

“Your psychological blind spots are like your back or your ass: you have to live with it, you have to lie and sit on it, but you can’t look at it. Therefore, sometimes, even if a dream tells you obvious things, you cannot understand them. You need another person to explain it, and then you think: “Oh my God, of course this is it!”

Marie-Louise Von Franz, Fraser Boa "The Way of Dreaming"

Psychological “blind spots” are what you cannot see, but are clearly visible from the outside. Dreams tell us about such blind spots, about what is repressed by consciousness as unpleasant, unconscious, disturbing or scary knowledge. These are the majority of compensatory dreams.

Archetypal dreams - how to understand that a dream is prophetic

They are a minority. They are connected with inner reality and are necessary for seeing the future, for perspective. If compensatory ones are focused on working through the past, then archetypal ones set the direction of the future. Jung called such dreams “from the self,” that is, your deep center, such as or as you know yourself and do not know. These are prophetic dreams. They can be encrypted, but occasionally they are unambiguous.

How to understand that a dream is prophetic- determine the type of dream by the impression that remains. If you experience a special feeling - a mixture of delight and horror, similar to a religious feeling, then this is an archetypal dream. A kind of ecstasy with a chill of horror. All other dreams are compensatory.

Compensatory - about the momentary, archetypal - about the eternal.

Jung's archetypal dream of a “trap in the 27th century” is well known. Jung dreams that he ended up in a city and found himself locked in a 27th century estate for a year. Only later did he realize that the dream indicated his passion for alchemy. Only I had to study it not for a year, as was supposed in that dream, but for ten years in order to begin to understand the general meaning of alchemical texts and derive my theory of the unconscious.

Another dream is told by the dreamer, a military wife: “I dream of a bird that looks like a falcon wearing a crown. Later I found out that my husband was being transferred to serve in Hungary, and I saw this bird in a crown in the square of a Hungarian city.”

Archetypal dreams can be difficult and scary, especially when the dream foresees destructive future events in a family, city or country that are beyond influence. This is scary and difficult to know in advance.

It is no less uncomfortable to realize after the event that you knew about it in advance. Questions arise: why did I know this? Could he have done something? Close people had dreams about plane crashes with relatives and about wars. Many people had dreams about the collapse of the Twin Towers in America on the eve of the explosion.

Twice I was approached with a question: how can I avoid having such dreams?

There are gifted people who have archetypal dreams more often than others. They are not always happy about it. We would like to “unsee”, but there is no way to close contact with the unconscious forever. Just try to “agree” in the office of a psychologist or psychoanalyst.

To do this, you can try to enter the space of dreams and fantasies in your imagination and imagine a dialogue with the source of your dreams.

So, how to understand that a dream is prophetic?

To determine whether a dream is about the past or the future, we recognize the type of dream by these signs:

Compensatory dreams:

  • the majority, in general about 80% of all dreams
  • characters mainly from everyday life
  • aimed at a “blind spot” in the past, at working through experiences or realizing something hidden about oneself
  • evoke any feelings and emotions - love, fear, tenderness, grief..., but a little more often negative, since they are more repressed from consciousness

Archetypal dreams:

  • minority, about 20%
  • characters are often mythical, divine, historical, occasionally - ordinary, when a prophetic dream directly, like a picture, shows the future
  • looking to the future
  • evoke any feelings and emotions, plus a special feeling of delight and horror

If you have questions and want to work with your dreams, come to the forum for a free dream analysis or sign up for a consultation.

Sometimes our dreams are so realistic and vivid that when we wake up, we involuntarily wonder: will this dream come true? Sometimes we have such good dreams that we don’t even want to wake up. The next morning we really want our night dreams to turn out to be prophetic. Nightmares, on the contrary, give rise to fear in us that everything we see may come true. Let's figure out which dreams can become reality and which cannot?

What dreams come true?

Any dream can be prophetic. Nightmares, pleasant dreams, strange dreams and even the most fantastic dreams can become reality. Experts in the field of esotericism are sure that every dream means something. There are dreams that warn of danger, and there are those that want to convey something to a person and help in solving a problem. There are prophetic dreams, and there are dreams that reflect what is happening. A dream may not come true if its main purpose is not to warn about future events. You can determine the purpose of sleep only with the help of your intuition and constant observations.

When do dreams come true?

There is an opinion that dreams come true only on certain days of the week. So, on what days can a dream come true?

Dreams for Monday reflect the emotions that a person is currently experiencing. On this day, you may have a dream that characterizes a person’s relationship with people around him. Such dreams do not come true, they only indicate a real emotional state.

Dreams for Tuesday are coming true. As a rule, on this day of the week people dream vivid dreams, in which a person fights with someone or tries to resist something. This may foretell difficulties in the near future. If the dream is ordinary and does not cause any negative emotions, then in the future all problems will be solved, and life will become calm.

Dreams for Wednesday may come true. As a rule, on this day they predict future changes and important events. You should pay special attention to dreams on this day.

Dreams for Thursday will help you find a way out of difficult life situation. If a person cannot solve his problems and is not sure of the correctness of his actions, then he is recommended to carefully analyze what he saw in his dream that day. Any little thing in night dreams can become salvation in reality. As for situations in dreams on this day, they do not come true.

Dreams for Friday are coming true. Perhaps everyone knows that dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. On this night, a person’s senses become more acute, and he is able to capture in his sleep everything that his subconscious wants to tell him. As a rule, dreams on Friday come true exactly as it was shown at night.

Dreams for Saturday are cautionary. What you see this night can save a person from wrong decisions and actions. In addition, a dream can tell you about the causes of all life’s problems and open your eyes to those details that are an obstacle to achieving your goal.

Dreams for Sunday are coming true. If the dream causes positive emotions, then the problematic situation in life will soon improve. If the dream is gloomy, then nothing good should be expected in the near future.

Dreams are the easiest and simplest way to correct your destiny. Our subconscious mind itself gives us the key to happiness, so it is very important to be able to correctly interpret dreams. Develop your intuition, find meaning in your dreams and don’t forget to press the buttons and

03.02.2014 10:30

Not all people have developed intuition. Every day the Universe sends us signals that warn us...

Did you know that most dreams carry a secret message? Let's figure out how to determine a prophetic dream or not!

In ancient times, dreams were perceived as a manifestation of the divine presence. Among the ancient Greeks, such a manifestation was the god Morpheus, who with his winged embrace put a person into a state of sleep. The Slavs had a widespread idea that during sleep, a person’s soul temporarily leaves the body and travels to the places that a person sees in a dream. It was dangerous to suddenly wake up a person who was fast asleep. It was believed that in this case the soul would not be able to find its way back, and the person might get sick. But there are a few more signs. For example, if a person laughs in a dream, it means that the angels are amusing him. Grinding your teeth - fighting the devils. Talking in a dream is bad, but if at this moment you take the sleeping person by the little finger and ask about something, you will receive a truthful answer. Sleeping on your right side means protecting yourself from evil spirits. A dream I had on my right side comes true.

Also, the day of the week when the dream occurred determines how long it will take for it to come true.

Sunday– will turn 10 before lunch or in a year;
Monday- will come true for those born on this day;
Tuesday– the dream may come true in 7-10 years;
Wednesday- the dream foreshadows;
Thursday- will not be fulfilled;
Friday- the dream predicts; Saturday– comes true, but not always;
To bad or horrible dream did not come true, you need to wake up, not look out the window or cast one of the spells:
1. Wherever there is night, there comes sleep.
2. Good dream rise again, crack the bad one in half.
3. What I saw in a dream, I will not see in reality.
The meaning of dreams that foreshadow or predict the future must be looked at in dream books. Often our dreams baffle us; when we wake up, we don’t understand them. They are filled with not always clear, strange images that seem ridiculous to us.
When we remember our dreams, curiosity awakens in us, because sometimes we experience in them strong feelings: from fear to bliss. Creative people Often dreams are in color, but people who rely on their minds have black and white dreams. Some dreams reflect our psychological condition, others – future, present and past. Prophetic dreams are usually vivid and easy to remember. Feelings and sensations in these dreams are clearly expressed. Most likely, this dream is a prediction of future events. In this case, by assessing your attitude towards what you saw in a dream and turning to the dream book, you yourself will be able to correctly decipher the dreams. And, therefore, understand what they mean, what they tell you and what is the best thing for you to do!

Since ancient times, people have had deep reverence for dreams. At all times, dream interpreters are held in high esteem; astrologers, magicians, and those who are good at solving dreams flourish in royal courts. After all, since ancient times people have known that some dreams are harbingers important events and change. And here the question arises - how to determine that a dream is prophetic before the events predicted by it happen?

In fact, there are several basic principles that will help separate visionary dreams from all unnecessary mental trash. And the first of them is directly related to elementary logic. They should not be considered prophetic dreams that offer contradictory or outright fantastic solutions for any situation. You must understand whether the scenario seen in the dream is likely in reality. If, escaping from a pursuer in a dream, you spread all eight wings plus the tail and fly out through the window straight into the soft green sky, then you can safely write this dream in the “nothing” category. Prophetic dream will definitely be consistent with both reality and common sense.

The second point concerns the environment of the sleep space. If the prophecy concerns career growth, then in the dream the events will take place in an environment reminiscent of an office, and not in medieval castle or in the Amazon jungle.

And finally, there is a good test that allows, with 80% probability, from all the dreams you saw last night, to identify the one that really carries a prophecy. The first thing you need to do is remember the dream, and then answer a few questions about it. For each affirmative answer you should give yourself a plus sign.1. Were there people or objects in your dream that exist in your reality?
2. Did the plot of your dream seem quite plausible and could take place in life?
3. Have you ever had prophetic dreams before?
4. After you woke up, did you have a feeling that your dream would certainly come true - a feeling of confidence?
5. Did the plot of the dream relate to an issue that is relevant to you at the moment?
6. Do you have experience in deciphering dreams or working with them in any way?
7. Do you have experience in meditative practices, immersion in trance, altered states (hypnosis, prayer, meditation, etc.) of consciousness?

The more positive answers you receive, the more likely the dream about which the questions were asked is prophetic.

As you can see, distinguishing a prophetic dream from a fantastic one is not so difficult. Although here, as nowhere else, the rule “what is trained is certainly developed” is relevant.
