Big bright dream catcher. Dream Catcher. Do-it-yourself antique amulet Dreamcatcher tools

Dreamcatcher is a talisman that has been used by the Indians of North America for a long time. It is believed that it has the ability to protect against bad dreams, and makes good dreams vivid and memorable. If you want to make your dream easy, get rid of nightmares and just refresh the interior with an original ethnic decoration, try to make such a charm yourself and hang it at the head of the bed. Nowadays, it is not difficult to get a ready-made dream catcher, but made with your own hands, with soul and good intentions, it will certainly bring back even more joyful dreams. In addition, this is not difficult at all and does not require high costs. In this article I will show you how to make a dream catcher with your own hands.

Ancient Indian legend of the dreamcatcher

It was a very long time ago, when the world was still young, and people lived in harmony with the forces of nature. An elder shaman of the Lakota tribe climbed the mountain, and he had a vision. The teacher of wisdom Iktomi came to him in the guise of a spider. While they were talking in a secret language, the spider took a willow branch, bent it into a hoop, decorated it with a bird's feather, beads and began to weave a web around it. He told the old shaman about the cycles of life: a baby is born and is taken care of by adults, then it grows up and takes care of new babies himself, and so it goes on forever. The willow hoop symbolizes the life path of a person, because everything in nature goes in a circle. At different moments in life, we are faced with different forces, some of which want to help us, others, on the contrary, bring harm. If a person opens up to good forces, then they will gladly lead him in the right direction. If the choice turns out to be wrong, then the person suffers and falls into the trap. Everyone chooses his own path. The spider continued to weave a web as he spoke, leaving only a small hole in the center. Look, - he said, - this is a perfect circle, use it to help your people achieve their goals, drawing ideas for them from visions and dreams. If you trust the Great Spirit, good thoughts and dreams will come to you, while evil ones will get entangled in a web and melt with the first dawn rays.

The old Shaman passed on the talisman to his people, and since then, many Indians have hung the dream catcher over the bed, convinced of his ability to weed out all the bad and keep the good.

Ideally, a dreamcatcher should be crafted only from natural materials, using willow twigs, natural thread (the Indians had deer veins instead of thread), wooden or clay beads and feathers of live birds - an eagle or an owl. The feather symbolizes air and gives the owner of the talisman the ability of a bird, for example, the ability to see in the dark. Nowadays, of course, it is difficult to find eagle feathers, so more prosaic materials will do.

Even if you do not give special importance to ancient beliefs, a dreamcatcher is just a beautiful and relevant ethnic decoration, the decor and color scheme of which you can choose based on the environment you already have.

DIY dream catcher: tools and materials

  • willow twigs
  • natural threads
  • bird feathers
  • wooden or clay beads
  • scissors
  • wide eye needle

How to make a dream catcher

We make a hoop of the required diameter from willow twigs. Initially, we make a circle, starting from the thick end of the rod, then the entire branch should be wrapped around it. You can use several branches, this will make the base more durable and less prone to deformation when pulling the threads.

If you can't find the willow, you can take a ready-made wooden hoop, for example, the inner part of the embroidery hoop. It is better to wrap the hoop in a circle with a thread or a leather cord. Willow should not be wrapped in anything, it looks quite beautiful and natural even without threads.

To make a large dream catcher, we need several willow circles of different diameters, the largest will be the main one, and the small ones will be placed under it. In my work, I supplemented the large catcher with three more small rings.

When the base is ready, take a skein of thread. Choose the color at your discretion, it has no special symbolic meaning. It is necessary that the thread is not interrupted during all the work, therefore it is better to immediately take a sufficiently large skein. With a base diameter of 20 - 30 cm, you will need about 4 - 5 meters of thread.

Having fastened the thread around the hoop, we wrap it several times and tie it in a knot. We leave a small free end, it will be needed to fasten the finished product.

We begin to make a spider web inside our ring. We take the thread and, having retreated a small gap from the main knot, freely and without overtightening, we throw it over the top of the ring.

On the reverse side, we draw the thread and put it into the formed loop.

When doing all the work, we make the same simple knots.

Retreating at equal intervals, throughout the entire diameter of the base, we tighten the knots. It is worth tying tightly, but not overtightening, so as not to break the thread and not to deform the willow frame of the catcher. If your dream catcher is small, if possible, make 8 knots, this symbolizes the 8 legs of the spider that weaves our web. With a large size, there can be an arbitrary number of knots, preferably an odd number. The last space between the knots should be made slightly smaller than the rest.

Having finished the first circle, we throw the thread onto the very first straight segment of the thread between the stretched knots and make a loop exactly in the center. We tie a knot.

Each subsequent loop will fall in the center of the previous row of loops above it.

If the thread is tight enough and tight enough, then the mesh of loops will pull it towards the center and resemble a real symmetrical spider web.

On the third circle, add the beads. They symbolize dewdrops that linger on the web. Wooden beads or juniper beads, which can be purchased at souvenir shops, are perfect. Thread the needle through the needle and pull the bead into place.

After tying the knot as usual, repeat to the end of the row. After making several subsequent rows of loops, you can repeat the row with beads. Or just place them in any order you like.

In the process of work, the diameter of the loop circle will become smaller and smaller. A small hole should be left in the center, securing the last knot well and cutting off the remaining thread.

In the same way, we make a spider web on small bases. You can also use threads of other colors that blend beautifully with the base color.

Let's make feather decorations. Take a small base, several large feathers, beads and a thread with a needle. If desired, feathers can be dyed in bright colors and disinfected in order if they were not purchased at the store.

In the center of the feather shaft, make a small hole with a needle and pull the thread tied at the end with a knot. Next, string the beads onto the thread and lower it down. The beads will cover the shaft of the feather and give it a more aesthetic look.

You will need several such pendants made of beads and feathers, which we then attach to each of the small bases. You can also make pendants from small light feathers by tying the ends of each with a thread and covering the knot with a bead.

There are a lot of options for decorating a dream catcher, it all depends on your imagination. It looks interesting if you place a small improvised spider made of beads and feathers or other suitable materials on the main catcher's net.

The last stage of manufacturing is the assembly of the finished dream catcher. To hang the talisman over the bed, you will need a loop. It can be a simple thread, leather cord, fabric braid, or a braided rope from the threads we used.

We fix it at the top of the main large catcher, tying it well and connecting it to the free ends of the thread that was left initially.

We hang the small ones from the bottom of the Big Dreamcatcher, hooked with a thread to a willow hoop. Place them nicely and symmetrically to each other, possibly at different heights.

Our amulet is ready. Since we did it with good intentions and thoughts, it does not require any additional preparation. You can immediately hang over the bed and fall asleep every night, know that you will only have good and bright dreams. Since all bad things disappear at dawn by themselves, the catcher does not require special care. But it is still good to sometimes take him out into the air, into the bright sun, maybe this will help his interaction with the forces of nature?

I wish you creative success and pleasant dreams, especially since in this technique you can make not only the dreamcatcher himself, but also the original one.

Dreamcatcher is an ethnic style home decoration designed for the bedroom. Previously, it was believed that the evil forces that prevent the sleeping person from resting will surely get entangled in the catcher's web and will not find their way into a person's dreams. And good and joyful dreams will pass through the ring in the middle of the talisman. Thus, symbolically, the cobweb personified the choice, and the inner hole or ring - the open human soul. Feathers were understood as air, so necessary for the life cycle of spiritual growth. Making a dream catcher with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems initially.

For a dreamcatcher to be considered properly made, it must be woven from natural material - for example, willow and natural threads. But we do not pretend to be authentic, so the dream catcher will be made from other materials. In our article, a lot of useful information awaits you: a master class that will help you weave step by step, diagrams for making a dream catcher with your own hands, as well as pictures with examples of finished works.

Dreamcatcher - ethnic style home decoration

  1. The ethnic talisman symbolizes a trap for nightmares and bad dreams, drives away negativity from a sleeping person. Intended use involves the use of only natural materials when making crafts with your own hands. However, the craft itself can be an excellent addition to the interior of the bedroom.
  2. During the period of work on the talisman, it is recommended to think and remember good moments, mentally wishing the subsequent owner of the talisman pleasant and beautiful dreams. With your memories, you charge the catcher to positively accompany the sleeping person during the period of disturbing dreams and insomnia.
  3. In the practice of needlework, the manufacture of a dream catcher begins with threading the base or securing it. In the first case, the base of the talisman is wrapped with a cord through holes equal in distance, the second option provides for winding the entire hoop with a thread. Use PVA glue to fix the thread. A simpler option for those who are not familiar with the macrame and crochet technique is tying knots from the inside to the outside of the circle.
  4. For a believable spider web design, use hairspray, this will give the cobweb the necessary stability.
  5. The feathers in the craft are selected according to the symbolism, for the male dream catcher - eagle feathers, which means courage, for women - owl feathers, symbolizing wisdom. The attachment point of the feathers with thread can be hidden by wrapping the knots with a cloth. In the art of handicraft, hard-to-find materials, like the feather of famous birds, are interchangeable with dyed rooster feathers.
  6. If there is no thread or string, use woolen yarn or acrylic knitting thread for the amulet.
  7. For children, decorate the mascot with colorful pom-poms, fabric stars or circles.

After the end, the amulet must be hung on a tree branch so that it is illuminated by the sun's rays. It is believed that in this way the craft absorbs positive energy.

Dreamcatcher is one of the most popular symbols in tattoo culture. Depicted on the shoulder blade or back indicates the desire for freedom of choice. The girl is looking for her own path, and the talisman helps not to get confused and will lead the owner to a brighter future. The dream catcher is rarely depicted on the stomach or ribs. But in this case, he talks about the girl's sensuality and attractiveness. An amulet, pinned on the shoulder, indicates the girl's warlike character.

Gallery: DIY dreamcatcher (25 photos)

DIY dream catcher (video)

DIY big dream catcher: step by step instructions

For a talisman, you can use an iron or plastic hoop, a wooden hoop.

You will need:

  • Rings are large and small;
  • PVA glue;
  • Floss threads;
  • Beads, feathers, bells, buttons;
  • Scissors, thick needle, crochet hook.

For the talisman, you can use an iron or plastic hoop

How to do:

  1. Wrap both rings with thread, holding it together with glue. On a larger hoop at the bottom, leave the ends of the threads up to 15 cm. Ponytails can be done differently: we fold the thread in half, thread it through a large circle by 4 cm, the ends inside the loop and pull it down.
  2. On the working surface, place the small ring inside the large circle in the center or at random. Wrap the rings with thread, leaving a distance between the loops. Fasten them with loops in the loop of the free thread with a crochet. In the course of movement, weave decorated elements into the cobweb, string beads and buttons as desired. At the end of the work, the hinges should form a circle with an inner ring. Secure the end of the thread with glue.
  3. We make the cobweb inside in half knots, pulling them through the threads with a crochet, gradually reducing the distance between them. Align the finished web and fix it with a thin layer of glue.
  4. String the decor on the ponytails at the bottom, tie the ends with a knot, leaving a distance where to tie the feather. Close the junction with a large bead.
  5. Cut a piece of thread, drag it over the circle, tying the ends. Make a loop by tying it at the edge of the hoop. String a bead, bell, buttons.

Hang the dream catcher at the head of the bed.

How to make a dream catcher from branches in stages at home, mk

You will need:

  • Fishing line, aluminum clamps;
  • Thick thread - twine or floss;
  • Movable and easily bendable tree branch;
  • Knife, basin of water;
  • Decorations - optional decor.

Dream catchers always look beautiful and mysterious

How to do:

  1. On the branch, carefully cut off all the knots, being careful not to damage the bark of the tree. Roll up in a circle, fasten with a clip, dip in a bowl of hot water. Boil for half an hour.
  2. After cooling, wrap with fishing line. Take a piece of string (floss), up to 15 cm long, thread it through a thick needle. We pierce the branch, passing a thread through it, the end of which is fastened behind the rim with a knot. Pull the thread out of the needle. Take an identical piece of string again and do the same. Tie the tip of the first thread to the base in the circle of the second. Sew up further to the end of the circle, evenly distributing the holes in the branch.
  3. We fasten the second circle in the middle of the first thread with a knot, making the same segments and tying them. At the end of the work, an impromptu web is obtained. Do not forget to weave decorative elements into it during the process, securing the beads with knots so that they do not slip along the threads.

For the tails, take a long and thin fleece to match the color scheme of the dream catcher and tie a knot at the bottom of the rim. Pass large beads through the fabric, fastening them in knots, tie feathers at the end.

Triangular dream catcher how to do

One of the varieties of the amulet. The form is so simple to manufacture that a small needlewoman can do it. It looks like an Indian dwelling - a wigwam.

You will need:

  • Flexible willow twig or three twigs;
  • Multi-colored beads;
  • Beads, shells;
  • Fishing line, silk thread, needle.

The form is so easy to manufacture that a little needlewoman can do it

What to do:

  1. Soak a willow twig or twigs in hot water for flexibility. When dry, fold them into a triangle.
  2. At the corners, fasten the branches with silk thread.
  3. Wrap a branch with a fishing line at the same time stringing beads, alternating it with large beads. Try to stick to your chosen pattern or style.
  4. Fasten each bead thread on the other side of the branch. When tying knots, cauterize the ends of the fishing line, so the product will not lose the beads, even if the fishing line is untied.

At the bottom, decorate the talisman with shells instead of feathers, gluing them to the ends of the threads.

DIY feather dream catcher

A dreamcatcher made of owl feathers looks very original and beautiful. In the craft, imitating a bird, many feathers of the same shade are used.


  • Two rings of the same diameter;
  • Two large beads for the eyes;
  • Cotton threads, beads, shell, owl feathers;
  • Scissors, PVA glue;
  • Knitting thread and crochet hook.

A dreamcatcher made of feathers looks very original and beautiful.

How to do:

  1. Wrap the rings with threads; use glue to fasten them. When dry, connect them like eyes, rewinding at the point of attachment with a thread.
  2. Crochet the same stitch-knit strips with a pigtail, 15 cm each.
  3. Wrap the circle with a pigtail, passing it through the bead - the pupil. Do this around the entire circumference, connecting the braids with neat knots. Glue the ends of the threads and the places where they touch the rings.
  4. Above the circles in the middle, make the owl's eyebrows with feathers, fixing them behind with glue. You can cover the connecting seam of the rings with an improvised shell beak.

Add feathers on the threads below. In this case, the number of feathers on one thread is not limited, but should be symmetrical in the pattern.

What materials can be useful for a dream catcher

Traditionally, North American Indians used natural materials to weave the ethnic amulet. For rings - wood, instead of threads - horse hair, deer veins, natural leather. Man-made beads made of wood, or replaced them with pieces of agate, cat's eye, serpentine, amber and malachite. In addition, believing in the borrowing of the forces of nature, they decorated the amulet with fangs and claws of animals, fruits and seeds of trees.

In modern art, some materials are difficult to obtain, and since the desire to make a beautiful and useful household item is great, you can get by with a replacement. For the hoop, take metal rings or a wooden hoop. Instead of semiprecious stones - beads, fabric rags, shells, and horse hair can be successfully replaced with strong woolen thread and macrame. Feathers of pets, generously painted with ordinary paint, are quite passable for the noble feathers of wild birds.

"Dreamcatcher" is popular not only in America, but around the globe. In this master class, I will show 5 options for how to make a dream catcher with your own hands with step by step photos and videos. Many people collect collections from them as decorative compositions, since amulets have an unusual attractive appearance. But their main purpose is to protect the human spirit during sleep.

According to the legends of the Indian peoples, a sound sleep promotes better communication with the outside world and with people around. It is at night that we receive a huge amount of vital energy, which is part of the much-desired harmonious life. - see how to do it here.

Nice and stylish trap

You will need the following materials:

  • jewelry cable;
  • wooden hoop;
  • cotton yarn (we used sectional); needle;
  • wooden, glass and stone beads, seed beads;
  • colored turkey feathers;
  • crimps (or clip beads);
  • scissors;
  • metal pendant;
  • hats made of jewelry alloy.

Wrap cotton yarn around a hoop made of wood or plywood.

Cut the cotton thread about four to five meters long. Then carefully tie one end of the thread to a ring made of wood, and insert the other end of the thread into the needle.

Weave the first buttonhole as shown in the image. Be careful not to tangle the thread. Next, make a second loop.

Start the second row from the first stitch of the first row.

In the second row, we strung wooden beads on a thread. Make the second row and start the third from the first loop of the second row.

Only thread the thread this time through the beads.

When you've finished the third row, tighten the thread a little.

Thread the thread through the beads again and then tighten. Make two or three more rows in this way.

If you run out of thread, then make a knot, secure it with glue and mask it with a bead.

Tighten the last row, attach the metal pendant in the form of a feather and make a knot

Prepare the feathers.

Take a jewelry cable (you can replace it with a fishing line), put a crimp on one end and carefully clamp it with pliers or a special clamp. Then thread the line or cable into the wood bead.

Carefully insert colorful feathers into the bead and drip some glue into the hole.

Place a metal cap and beads on the cable. Put the crimp on the end of the cable, then pass the cable through the dream catcher, thread it back into the crimp. Squeeze the crimp. The decoration is ready!

In this way, make four more decorations.

Take the cable again and secure it with the cable to the far left or right feather decoration.

Put glass and stone beads and beads on the rope. Attach the cable to the opposite decoration.

Then pass the string of beads through the wooden beads.

Fasten the ends of the cable together with a crimp.

Cut off all the threads. Attach a hanging rope to the catcher if necessary. Our amulet is ready!

DIY amulet from scrap materials

Such a product will become not only an original decoration for your home, but also a useful amulet that will protect you from nightmares and give you good dreams. For its manufacture, you can use the materials at hand that can be found in your home or on the street.

What you need to make a dream catcher:

  • children's toy - a spring;
  • thick threads;
  • thin threads like "Iris";
  • scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • thin wire;
  • feathers;
  • glue "Moment";
  • beads of different sizes.

First, cut a circle from the spring. Connect its two ends to each other.

Rewind the kink with tape.

Take a thick thread and tie one end of it to a ring. Now start wrapping the thread around the ring.

While winding the ring, make a loop, winding the thread under it, as shown in the photo.

Continue winding.

Now cut off the thread and make a loop for hanging the finished product.

Tie the loop with a knot.

Cut off the excess thread and glue the cut with Moment glue.

Now tie a thin thread near the knot.

We begin to weave a "web". I do this by eye, but you can take a match or a small stick and measure evenly across the ring.

For the spider web, pull the thread, make a loop, as shown in the photo.

Tighten the loop.

Continue to weave the rest of the cobweb in this way, making equal indents.

We do not bring the last division to the beginning of weaving, but leave a small distance, slightly smaller in size than the division fragment.

Now we begin to weave the second row of cobwebs.

Here is the second row and ended.

On the third row, we will string beads.

We place the beads in any order, for example, on each fragment, or one after another.

Now we tie a knot. We help ourselves to crochet for knitting.

We prepare three cuts of thread. We fold them in half.

We attach the threads to the ring.

Two strands will be on the sides of the ring and one in the middle.

We string the bead onto the thread.

We insert the end of the feather into the hole of the bead. To make the feather hold better, we fix it with a thin wire, winding it around the feather and thread.

Cut off the excess wire.

We also attach the beads and feathers to the other two cuts. Now you can glue all the connecting elements with the "Moment" glue in order to better fix them.

The result is such a wonderful DIY amulet.

After manufacturing, you should clean the amulet in direct sunlight. To do this, just hang it on the street, let it hang under the sun and wind. When using your dream catcher, remember to periodically clean it in the sun.

Instead of a circle from a child's spring, you can use a vine, a hoop and other similar round objects. You can wrap them with knitting threads, braid, laces. Beads can also be different, but if you decide to use natural materials, then be careful, because different types of precious and semi-precious stones have different effects on people and their well-being. Therefore, first, clarify which types of beads are best used in certain cases.

The same goes for feathers. Not all of their types can be used in amulets. The most commonly used feathers are guinea fowl, duck, owl, pheasant, falcon, partridge, rooster. Feathers should be taken clean, in specialized stores. If you do not know the source of natural materials, then it is better to clean them first with the help of specialized products.

In addition, if you want the dream catcher to be correct and working, then it is worth making it only from natural materials, avoiding synthetics.

Fast and easy

Making this small amulet is as easy as shelling pears.

We need:

  • cardboard;
  • thick threads;
  • beads;
  • ordinary threads;
  • several feathers.

We cut a circle out of cardboard and wrap it with threads, fix it with a knot at the end and make a rope for which we will hang our trap.

In order not to weave a complex web of threads inside, we will take beads, immediately fix them on the threads and tie them alternately to the edges of the circle.

And at the end, feathers need to be tied down the circle. You can use threads or chains, as shown in the photo.

Here is the amulet and ready. Sweet Dreams!

DIY dream catcher earrings

You will need:

  • copper wire - 30 cm;
  • various threads, waxed cord and bundles for decoration;
  • glue;
  • sewing needle;
  • two feathers;
  • accessories for earrings (clasps 2 pcs. and rings 2 pcs.);
  • two wooden beads;
  • scissors.

Cut off 15 cm of copper wire, and then twist it into a ring with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm. It is important to twist the wire several turns, and wrap the ends around so as not to interfere.

Take a needle and insert the thinnest thread you have chosen into it. Secure one end of the thread to the copper ring with two knots.

Having retreated one and a half centimeters from the first knot, tie the second one on the ring. It is important that the thread between the knots is tight. Repeat this procedure until you reach the first knot again.

When you get to the first knot, start tying the next knot not on the copper ring, but in the middle of the stretched thread. Tie the next knot on the next piece of thread, and so on until you reach the first knots again. You can make a couple more similar rows with knots or stop at two.

Secure the last knot and cut off any excess thread. You should get a kind of cobweb inside the copper ring.

Take a waxed cord and braid a copper ring. Use glue for better adhesion to the surface, and at the end, when you fasten the cord, coat the knots with glue.

Fasten the previously prepared ring on one side of the future earring.

Take a string, wind it three times around the tip of the feather, and tie two knots. Thread the ends of the thread through the eye of the needle and place one bead on it. Remove the needle and tie 1-2 more knots. The protruding nib can be cut off.

Use the remaining thread to secure the feather to the ring. Insert the accessories (earring fastener) into the ring.

Repeat the same manipulations with the remaining material. The decoration is ready.

Video tutorial - how to make a bead trap

Spectacular DIY decoration

Since ancient times, there have been a lot of talismans that have magical properties. The dream catcher is also an artifact of the ancient peoples. The roots of its origin can hardly be traced in our time, but there are many legends around this amulet. The main theory tells about the magical practices of the ancient Indian tribes.

What is a "dream catcher"?
It is a talisman that has been used since the days of the North American Indians to ward off bad dreams and visions. A woven spider web inside a willow hoop, decorated with feathers and beads over the top.

Today you can find a lot of different design variations (in the form of an owl, cat, heart, rhombus and any other geometric shapes). But a circle is considered a classic option, because, according to legends, this is the shape that the door to the world of dreams should be.

The magical features of the amulet
In the modern world, a "dream catcher" is already perceived more as a decoration, but few people know how many useful properties it harbors in itself. A spider web of threads is able to "filter" dreams. The bad ones will not be able to pass through his protection, but the good ones, on the contrary, will come much more often. Dreams will become brighter and more colorful than usual.

Another feature is that the amulet helps to remember dreams, very often even the smallest details. To do this, it is enough to look at the amulet hanging over your head before going to bed and go to bed calmly. In the morning, as a rule, a person can fully remember everything that he dreamed of this or last night.

Where to place it correctly?
The ideal place for a dream catcher is the head of the bed. The closer the talisman is to a person, the greater will be its positive effect. But in the same way it can be placed in the middle of the room, for example, it can be hung near the chandelier, where it can easily rotate and catch bad spirits. This is especially true if more than one person lives in the room (nursery, guest room, etc.). Many people prefer to hang one talisman in the center, which will help protect the entire room.

Read about here.

Modern people now worship science. That true faith in God and in the power of Mother Nature disappeared into nothingness. Traditional and even sacred symbols have become common souvenirs. But still there is a great desire to return old traditions and customs to modern times.

Let's get acquainted with the ancient household item of the North American Indians - the so-called dream catcher. Previously, it was a real folk talisman, but now it just lies in souvenir shops or decorates modern houses and apartments. And few people think, but what kind of talisman is it and how does it work?

Sleep at night has always been the most important condition for a successful day. To combat insomnia and nightmares, ancient Indian tribes invented just such a trap.

Dreamcatcher - what is it

As mentioned earlier, the dream catcher is an ancient Indian relic. A real such product consists of a willow twig, which is bent in a circle and wrapped with a thread of natural strong material. Inside the circle there is a spider web made of the same thread. Such a talisman was decorated with bird feathers and various beads.

The ancient Indians believed that if a dreamcatcher was hung over a sleeping place, then he would guard his owner every night. It was believed that if a nightmare was picked up by a sleeping person, he would instantly become entangled in the web of a trap. If the dreams are bright and positive, then the talisman will allow them to pass to the person through a small circle in the middle of the product.

Each part of this invention has its own specific meaning. There are many legends about the dream catcher. Here is one of them. The leader of a North American Indian tribe Lakota in the mountains saw a haze, in which he was talking with the teacher Iktomi. The teacher came to him in the form of a spider. Throughout the conversation, the spider was engaged in weaving a special web, which symbolizes human life:

  1. A spider has woven a closed circle from a willow twig. She is a symbol of the periodicity of human life: at first he is born as a child and everyone takes care of him. Then he grows up and himself becomes the parent of his children and takes care of them. And so you can go on and on.
  2. A cobweb inside a circle is a variety of roads in a person's life, between which one has to choose. No one has a clue which road is the most correct.
  3. A spider web of threads should protect people from bad events.
  4. The small center hole is the human spirit itself, which is open to positive events.
  5. The bird feathers that adorn the relic symbolize the air, without which no human can survive.

There is another legend that is directly related to human dreams. The unusual woman Asabikashi, who was the mother of all people on earth, turned into a spider. It was she who gave people this dream catcher.

When there were a lot of people in the world, Asabikashi taught mothers to take care of their children. And so that children would not have terrible dreams, she suggested that women make dream catchers with their own hands and hang them over children's beds.

In our time, such a talisman has become very popular among Europeans. However, not everyone knows its true meaning. Very often it is used as a decoration for a room. But let's check if it really helps to get rid of anxiety at night, and let's make such a talisman with our own hands.

Materials and tools for creating a product

No store bought mascot beats the one you make with your own hands.

In order to create such an amazing product, you will need:

  1. A young willow branch no more than one millimeter thick with good flexibility. You can find such a twig in October, during this period they have the greatest amount of juice. Often, mountain ash is used to create such a talisman.
  2. Strong, with good thread density. The most suitable will be threads made from wool, linen or cotton.
  3. Horse skin or hair. These items will come in handy for decorating your dream catcher.
  4. Beads purchased or made with your own hands. They also come in handy for decoration. It is believed that beads made of different materials have different properties, for example: they improve health, influence fate, and also change your behavior.
  5. Feathers of certain types of birds. For example, for the stronger sex, the plumage of birds that lead a diurnal lifestyle are suitable, and this is an eagle, a hawk, a falcon, etc. For the fair sex, feathers of night birds are suitable - an owl, a duck, a guinea fowl.

Remember that while making a talisman, you should think and think only about the positive aspects and wish the owner of the amulet all the best.

Step by step instructions for creating a dream catcher

  1. First, bend the willow rod into a hoop. The ends must be fixed with a thread and glued.
  2. Wrap the cord around the entire circumference of the hoop, leaving 15 centimeters free for use.
  3. Repeat this procedure, also leaving 15 centimeters.
  4. Tie a thread near the string that is tied in a knot.
  5. Wind the thread around the ring in a circle so that from the very beginning there is an indentation of at least three centimeters, thread the thread through the loop and pull it tight. You have a so-called semi-knot. Your task is to build the same semi-nodes at equal distances around the circle.
  6. Tie the next half-knot, while wrapping the thread around itself, not around the ring.
  7. Do the same as in the fifth paragraph. During weaving, insert the decorative elements you need.
  8. Weave a spider web, while reducing the indents between the knots. Use a crochet hook for these actions - it will be easier for you. At the end of weaving, a circle should form from the loops.
  9. Trim the resulting spider web, make a knot, remove excess thread and cover with a thin layer of glue.
  10. Using scissors from the cord, cut a couple of pieces of thirty centimeters each and tie them at the bottom and opposite the 15-centimeter tails.
  11. Thread the beads into the string. Tie knots to keep the beads from getting lost.
  12. Tie a feather to one end of the string. Put a bead over the resulting knot to hide it. Do the same manipulations with all the tails.
  13. Take the other part of the lace and thread it into the ring. Then tie the resulting ends. Tie the loop in half and tie a knot very close to the edge of the ring. Place a large bead on the loop and tie the last knot. Your dream catcher is ready!

The options for weaving a dream catcher do not end with this instruction. They can be very varied and even unusual. Specialists even make various beautiful drawings on the web. However, for beginners in this business, there are many simple patterns for weaving such a talisman. By the way, an ordinary hoop or a hoop made of wood can serve as the basis for the manufacture of the product. Now they use metal and plastic hoops, but, in this case, you need to carefully wrap them with thread so that the real material is not noticeable.

It is customary to hang a dream trap near the bed. However, in order to protect a loved one from negative influences, you can make a mini-version of a dream catcher that you can take with you everywhere.

Now you have learned how to make a dream catcher with your own hands and you can please yourself, your friends and relatives with such a beautiful and useful gift.

69 new photo ideas

Guinness and Russian records were officially recorded on October 12. Famous public figure and hereditary shaman Bibigul Mamaeva made the world's largest dreamcatcher talisman and the smallest. Both amulets will now be stored in the Tver region on the territory of the "Green Gold Park" complex, in the village. The village of Selizharovsky district, where the records were set.

The biggest "Dreamcatcher" Bibigul weaved for 6 days - both day and night. The weather, of course, was not lucky - it rained. This also affected the master's health: Bibigul lost her voice and practically whispered into the phone when we interviewed her.

Bibigul knitted alder and birch branches onto a metal structure as high as a five-story building. "Dreamcatcher" turned out to be 12 meters in diameter, and weighing 1 ton 760 kg *. It will lie and "settle" during the winter and spring, and then it will be lifted and installed.

- It was very hard to work. Much more difficult than in Karelia, although the frost there generally stood at 30 degrees. And it's not even about the size of the mascot. I myself cannot explain, but my health was more difficult.

Now Bibigul has returned home to St. Petersburg. She will heal her hands, wounded by branches.

But the smallest "Dreamcatcher" turned out with a diameter of only 8 mm and a weight of 0.01 grams. The shaman made an amulet from twigs, silk threads, decorated with feathers and beads.

In general, Bibigul is satisfied with her work and, as she confessed, is happy that she was able to work in such an amazingly beautiful place - on Lake Seliger.

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