Discharge from the breast in women. Treatment of green breast discharge

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Frequently asked questions about green chest discharge

2014-02-24 13:29:35

Ksenia asks:

Good afternoon. About three weeks ago there were 4 days of green discharge from the chest, so the m was gone. Today we went again, but first, white came out from the left breast, like a malozeur, and then a few drops of green something, from the right only small green secretions


Hello Ksenia! Normally, outside of pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, there should be no discharge from the breast (sometimes 1-2 drops of light, colorless discharge are allowed when the nipple is pressed). Therefore, your situation is not normal and requires examination and examination by a mammologist or gynecologist. The most likely reason for the appearance of such discharge is mastopathy, however, other options are possible, including the presence of neoplasms in the breast tissue. See your doctor soon. Take care of your health!

2012-01-16 14:55:21

Anna asks:

In the middle of the cycle, gray-green discharge appears from my chest and my breasts are swollen. ultrasound showed nothing what could it be?

2011-10-08 19:38:30

Svetlana asks:

Hello! On August 31, he was diagnosed with fibrosis-cystic mastopathy, the doctor prescribed treatment: tazalok 30 caps. 3 times a day and wobenzym 15 tabs a day. The green discharge from the chest disappeared after three weeks, but when pressed on the chest during menstruation, it again stands out. I am very worried about this, please tell me if this is normal.

2015-12-23 19:34:48

Natalia asks:

Hello. My chest hurts for 10 days. On both of them there is a discharge of dark green, there is a little white-brown. The chest seems to be bursting, after lunch the temperature rises to a slight 37.5 for 4 days. My chest hurts. Turned to a mamollog, she did an ultrasound scan and took smears of this mucus. It turned out that I had cysts in the left and in the right chest, the ducts were clogged. I gave birth 13 years ago, and only fed the baby for three months. Today I called the mammologist to find out the result of the smears. She said that the result was good, nothing was found, so I turned to an endocrinologist to look for the reason for what is wrong with my hormones. And I was prescribed Dostinex, Tazalok and Normomens. And this is all my breast, she did not even feel only an ultrasound scan and took a smear. She said that the thyroid gland gives green discharge. I went and did an ultrasound of the thyroid gland there they found a node. Two years ago I still had pilonephritis, now there is a stone in my kidney, the kidney often hurts, maybe the problem is from here. But the mammologist said that the kidneys had nothing to do with it. She advised me to have a baby and everything will pass, but I don’t want children anymore, excuse me 34 years old. Please advise what correct actions should I take? I hate hospitals very much. Can everything go by itself in my case?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello, Natalia! The kidneys really have nothing to do with it, but the pathology of the thyroid gland is directly related to cysts and mastopathy. The mammologist's recommendation is justified - it is necessary to carefully examine the thyroid gland and hormonal status in general, and to treat the detected diseases / disorders. If you don’t want to give birth, you don’t need to, but you must be treated. The disease itself can only progress. Self-healing cases are so rare that you shouldn't rely on them. Take care of your health!

2015-10-27 22:14:23

Irina asks:

Hello. I have green discharge from my chest, constant pain. An ultrasound scan revealed two cysts. In the right mammary gland, at 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock of the imaginary dial, at the edge of the areola and at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the areola, respectively, voluminous, anechoic oval formations, measuring 7 * 3 * 6mm and 5 * 2.5 * 5mm, with clear and even contours. I am 32 years old. The question is what it is.

Answers Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good afternoon, it's okay, a dyshormonal process, lends itself well to herbal medicine, you need to contact a mammologist and follow the recommended treatment, I would also advise you to take a blood test for hormones by phases of the cycle and bacterial culture of the discharge from the breast, and a smear imprint of the discharge to exclude inflammatory component

2014-09-26 07:32:51

Alina asks:

Hello! I am breastfeeding the baby. At night, the breast becomes full, firm, milk begins to flow. Today, on one side of the nightie, I found yellow-green discharge. There is no temperature, I feel good, my chest does not hurt. Can I continue to breastfeed? Isn't that pus? 1.5-2 months ago, there was a painful lump on the same breast, I felt like a cold, I found yellow-green discharge in the child's regurgitation. Then everything went away.

Answers Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good afternoon, Alina! You need to continue to shake and at the same time contact a mammologist, do the sowing of milk. Good luck to you!

2014-09-19 10:37:55

Valentine asks:

Diagnosis: nodular fibrocystic mastopathy. She gave birth to a child of 2 months. now breastfed. Is it bad if sometimes green discharge appears from the chest?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Good afternoon, the causes of green discharge from the mammary gland can be fibrocystic mastopathy, inflammation of the ducts of the gland, hormonal disorders. You should consult a doctor.

2014-02-05 11:44:44

Lyudmila asks:

Good afternoon, please tell me 33 years of sexual intercourse did not have a single one, I did not take any drugs, respectively, my periods go every month number in number But when I squeeze my breasts, there are green discharge just like that they do not go only when pressed hard and I also smoke Tell the reason that this could be For early blog

Answers Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Lyudmila! Any discharge from the mammary glands (except for milk and colostrum during pregnancy and breastfeeding) is a serious reason for contacting a mammologist for a thorough examination and treatment. The causes of green discharge from the mammary gland can be fibrocystic breast disease, inflammation of the ducts of the gland, hormonal disorders (for example, an increase in the content of prolactin and estrogens), as well as breast cancer.
Necessary examination: cytological examination of secretions, bacterial inoculation of secretions on nutrient media, ultrasound of the mammary gland (on the 5-12th day of the cycle) or mammography, if necessary - ductography (studies of the ducts of the gland), determination of the hormonal profile (prolactin and estriol on the 5th day of the cycle , progesterone on the 21st day of the cycle), if necessary - puncture biopsy of the detected masses.
Based on the results of the examination, competent treatment will be prescribed. Take care of your health!

2014-01-26 10:07:44

Sofia asks:

In December, I underwent an ultrasound of the mammary gland, discovered a FKM ... I found a green discharge from my breast ... before that I took and continue to take Dostinex ... because. the prolactin level was increased ... in ... in December, I removed the polyp, which was in the cervical canal. The gynecologist checked in January ... everything was clean ... hormones were checked in December, everything was normal ... but the gynecologist prescribed to drink .. .marvelon to avoid re-polyp. now I drink ... dostinex (I have been drinking since 2010) 1/4 after 6 days., and marvelon every day on a pill, mastodinon 2 times 30 drops. The chest itself does not hurt ... it does not hurt ... there is just discharge, but when squeezing out .. (I excluded coffee, chocolate from my diet, and I drink burdock root 2 times a day) Tell me how you can be treated ... everyone advises different ... and I also plan pregnancy in the coming months .. is it worth something being treated ... sorry for the confusion ...

Discharge from the mammary glands in a non-lactation period is normal, because the secretory function for the mammary gland is natural. The secretion can occur both from both breasts and from one of the breasts, while the secret is sometimes secreted through the same ducts that are used to remove milk from the breast. Discharge from the chest can go on its own, sometimes it can happen and only with pressure, the strength of the impact varies in each case.

In older women, this phenomenon is more common, and the number of pregnancies has a direct impact on the likelihood of the onset of discharge.

Discharge from the nipples: the reasons for the increase in the volume of secretions

In the ducts, which are used to transfer milk to the nipple, there is a constant amount of liquid, which from time to time is removed to the outside. An increase in the volume of fluid removed may be due to the following reasons:

- taking antidepressants;

Wearing tight underwear;

Decreased blood pressure;

Hormonal disorders;

Mechanical impact on the chest of significant force;

Hormone therapy;

Conducting mammography.

The color of the discharge can be different: from clear or milky to yellow or green, and the consistency varies from liquid to mucous. The secret may have an unpleasant odor, a sign of a pathological process is constant discharge from the chest of an unusual nature (the volume, consistency or color of the discharge increases).

Varieties of discharge from the mammary glands

Below we describe the most common types of discharge and the reasons that cause them.

Black-green discharge from the chest

It is a consequence of a disease called ectasia of the milk ducts. Most often it affects women aged 40 to 50 years, in this case, inflammation of the milk duct occurs. The result of the inflammatory process is the filling of the affected duct with a thick substance that has a black-green color, you can see it when you press on the chest.

For treatment, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are used; at home, warm compresses on the chest give some relief. For the treatment of advanced cases, it is necessary to perform surgical excision of the inflamed duct.

White discharge from the mammary glands

This type of discharge indicates galactorrhea caused by an excess of prolactin, a hormone responsible for milk production. During pregnancy or childbirth, such discharge is not pathological, it is worth being alert in two cases:

- if the discharge has not stopped even 5 months after the cessation of feeding;

If the discharge began in a non-pregnant or non-lactating woman.

The color of the secreted fluid can be milky, yellow or brownish, its amount can also vary (depending on the severity of galactorrhea). It is worth remembering that the appearance of one or two drops of such a secret when pressing on the chest is the norm.

Since not only prolactin is involved in the process of lactation, galactorrhea is not always caused only by its excess. The reasons for the appearance of this kind of discharge include:

- dysfunctions of the hypothalamus caused by trauma, external pressure or tumors;

Reflex activation of the mammary glands (stimulation of the thoracic nerve during surgery, after burns and injuries, with mastitis or shingles, mechanical stimulation or sucking);

Pituitary tumor;

Renal or hepatic impairment;

Long-term use of certain medications;

Adrenal or thyroid disease;

Ovarian disease.

However, quite often it is not possible to establish the cause of the discharge; such galactorrhea is called idiopathic.

Bloody discharge from the mammary gland

They can be caused by intraductal papilloma, which is a benign formation located in the milk duct.

Discharge can go on its own, or begin only when the nipple is stimulated.

Clear chest discharge

As noted above, this type of discharge is normal, but in some cases, clear discharge may be the result of blunt trauma to the chest.

Purulent discharge

It can be observed with mastitis, which has turned into an abscess, in which there is an accumulation of pus in the tissues of the breast.

Discharge from the breast during pregnancy

During pregnancy, in addition to other external signs, colostrum is also possible - a yellowish watery liquid, sweet in taste. At first, discharge from the nipples during pregnancy is yellow and thick, but later they begin to discolor and thin out. The appearance of colostrum is an individual phenomenon; in some pregnant women, its excretion may begin only after childbirth.

By the sixth or seventh month, breast discharge may become watery and bloody. This is due to the increased production of oxytocin and prolactin by the body - hormones responsible for the production and flow of milk into the ducts. This nature of the discharge is normal, however, in order to exclude the possibility of the presence of diseases, it is better to consult a mammologist.

If you experience uncharacteristic discharge from the breast, we recommend that you visit our medical center and consult with a specialist in breast diseases. A qualified doctor, based on palpation and anamnesis, will prescribe additional studies, which include mammography, ultrasound, blood tests for tumor markers and a complete blood count.

All studies are carried out on modern equipment, this approach, coupled with the high qualifications of our specialists, allows you to accurately diagnose and achieve fast and effective treatment of diseases.

The urgency of the problem of breast diseases is due to the persistent growth of this pathology: benign breast diseases are diagnosed in 35-60% of women, in the presence of gynecological abnormalities, their frequency increases to 75-96%. There are only four situations when clear or white discharge from the breast is considered normal: sexual arousal (2-3 drops during orgasm), pregnancy, breastfeeding, 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation. In all other cases, the release of fluid from the mammary gland is an alarming symptom, indicating the development of the disease, so it cannot be ignored.

Breast anatomy

The mammary gland is a paired organ, the main function of which is the secretion of milk during lactation. Each gland has 15-20 lobes, separated by connective tissue septa. The lobes are composed of lobules, the latter of the alveoli. From all lobes in the direction of the nipple, the lactiferous ducts depart. The blood supply to the glands is carried out by the thoracic arteries - lateral and internal, innervation occurs through the supraclavicular nerves from the cervical plexus. The mammary gland is a hormone-dependent organ, therefore, the production of a small amount of transparent secretion is exclusively physiological in nature. Alert should be atypical discharge, not associated with the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, accompanied by painful sensations and heaviness in the chest.

Discharge from the chest - predisposing factors:

  • hormonal imbalance, wearing uncomfortable underwear;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • sexual disorders, hereditary predisposition;
  • childbirth, pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the biliary tract / liver;
  • stressful situations, recurrent depression;
  • period of menopause / menarche.

White discharge from the chest - causes

Galactorrhea. It occurs due to hormonal disruptions against the background of an increased level of the female sex hormone prolactin, which leads to excessive production of white fluid from the mammary glands. According to the indicators of the intensity of discharge, four degrees of galactorrhea are determined: the first is that discharge from the chest appears when pressing on the nipple, the second is that single drops are released spontaneously, the third is an independent discharge of medium intensity, and the fourth is very abundant discharge. Causes of galactorrhea: neoplasms of the hypothalamus, pituitary tumor, ovarian / adrenal pathology, hepatic / renal failure. Concomitant manifestations: acne, decreased libido, menstrual irregularities.

Mastitis. Breast disease of infectious origin. The clinical picture is characterized by an increase in body temperature to 39-39.5 degrees, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, reddening of the skin, white / purulent discharge from the nipples. With the progression of the process, the disease enters the abscess phase, which can lead to serious complications.

Transparent discharge from the chest - causes

Ectasia of the milk ducts. The expansion of the milk ducts with their further inflammation causes the appearance of transparent discharge from the chest, soreness in the armpits and mammary glands. Chronization of the process worsens the condition - the discharge becomes sticky and thick, acquires a brown / green tint.

Fibrocystic breast disease. It is a fibrocystic pathology, which is manifested by a whole spectrum of regressive and proliferative (inflammatory) changes in the tissue material of the mammary gland with a violation of the proportion of connective tissue and epithelial elements. The risk of developing the disease increases in the absence of childbirth and pregnancy, abortion, late first pregnancy, short / long period of breastfeeding (a year or more).

Thrush + intestinal dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is caused by: uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, hormonal therapy, inappropriate nutrition, chronic / acute intestinal infections, a decrease in the body's immune response. Typical symptoms: stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea), bloating, dyspeptic abnormalities (vomiting, nausea, belching), signs of intoxication (insomnia, weakness, fatigue). If intestinal dysbiosis occurs against the background of thrush, the disease can additionally manifest itself as transparent secretions from the chest.

Ovarian inflammation (oophoritis). A process involving the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The causative agents of the disease are representatives of conditionally pathogenic microflora (Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci). With inflammation, the infection gradually spreads from the uterine cavity to the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Chronic oophoritis is manifested by a violation of the menstrual cycle, aching pain in the lower abdomen / groin, scanty regular transparent / white discharge from the chest and vagina.

Breast injury. Traumatic closed / open damage to breast tissue with the formation of a hematoma. May be accompanied by rib fractures, chest contusion. A woman is worried about swelling and pain in the chest, in case of damage to the milk ducts - transparent discharge interspersed with blood.

Taking hormonal drugs. The development of the mammary glands, changes in their functions at puberty, during pregnancy occurs under the influence of hormones, any fluctuations in the balance of which provoke dysplastic deformations of the breast tissue. Against the background of long-term use of oral contraceptives, the level of estrogen and prolactin can increase sharply, which leads to the appearance of transparent discharge from the breast.

Discharge from the mammary glands - what not to do:

  • use warmth. The use of hot baths or heating compresses can aggravate inflammation and significantly worsen the general condition;
  • be treated with folk remedies;
  • stimulate / squeeze out discharge;
  • take hormones. Prescribing hormonal drugs in order to exclude cyclical jumps in the levels of sex hormones and blockade of ovulation can only be a doctor, provided it is expedient to include these drugs in the therapeutic regimen.

Discharge from the breast - diagnosis and treatment

Any unusual discharge from the mammary glands is a reason for consulting a mammologist. Diagnosis of pathological conditions of the breast is based on their examination, palpation, ultrasound, mammography, puncture of problem areas, cytological examination. Breast examination is carried out in the first phase of the cycle (2-3 days after the end of menstruation), since due to the engorgement of the glands in the second phase, the likelihood of diagnostic errors increases.

Diagnostic measures:

  • examination / palpation. An assessment of the appearance of the mammary glands is performed (absence / presence of asymmetry, position of the nipples, color of the skin). Palpation is carried out in a standing position and lying on the back, supraclavicular, subclavian and axillary lymph nodes are palpated simultaneously;
  • Ultrasound. A harmless and informative research method that allows you to detect breast neoplasms (cysts, tumors);
  • mammography. X-ray of the mammary glands, which is performed in two projections. The method is highly reliable (up to 95% for oncology, up to 97% for mastopathy). Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, age up to 35 years.

Treatment is carried out taking into account the patient's age, the form of the disease, the nature of menstrual irregularities, interest in contraception / preservation of reproductive function, absence / presence of concomitant gynecological and endocrine pathologies. Conservative methods: hormone therapy, vitamin therapy, herbal medicine, physiotherapy.

White or clear discharge from the chest is a potentially dangerous symptom that requires careful examination and treatment. The mammary glands are an integral part of the reproductive system, therefore, their condition should be treated carefully - this will help preserve women's health for a long time and significantly improve the quality of life.

Discharge from the nipple is cause for concern. This can be a warning sign indicating a serious illness, but don't panic ahead of time. In fact, there are many pathological factors that can provoke such a phenomenon, and oncology is at the very last place. Discharge from the nipples of the breast can be triggered by much more trivial factors - mastopathy, papilloma, or the usual chest cold.


You may notice discharge from one gland or both. They pass through the same ducts as milk, therefore the scheme of their appearance is the same. Discharge from the nipples in women can be colored differently. Women of reproductive age may experience brown as well as green discharge. The latter usually indicate the development of mastopathy. In addition, the discharge is transparent, or it resembles colostrum. This phenomenon is typical for girls who are expecting a baby, nursing mothers and those who have completed breastfeeding. In fact, after the cessation of lactation, a slight discharge of fluid from the nipples can continue for another six months. If this phenomenon bothers you longer, see your doctor.


A specialist mammologist will conduct a special examination to find out the causes of malfunctions in the body. Such a symptom may bother you with galactorrhea - this is an ailment that occurs due to the effects of various reasons:

Thyroid enlargement (common after childbirth);
- the appearance of tumors (as a result of hormonal disruptions);
- consumption of medicines;
- stimulation of the nipples (with a breast pump or baby);
- various kidney damage.

Pathological causes:

- Breast cancer... Sometimes nipple discharge indicates such a disease, although very rarely. This phenomenon is manifested by intraductal cancer, as well as Paget's cancer. The last ailment is a tumor that is located with the nipple entering the affected area. Other symptoms of such an oncological disease include an altered nipple shape, darkening of the areola, and severe itching in the chest. The discharge is most often bloody. Timely diagnosis is the guarantor of successful treatment.

- Mastopathy... This is a lesion of the breast, which is manifested by an imbalance of the mammary glands, which is accompanied by the formation of cystic components (hardening of certain areas of the breast). Such an ailment can develop as a result of hormonal disruptions.

- Mastitis- This is an ailment, which is accompanied by the formation of pus, and he, in turn, sometimes passes inside the milk ducts.

Injury. Even minor damage to the breasts can cause uncharacteristic nipple discharge.

- Intraductal papilloma... This formation is benign, it is small in size and is located in the milk duct, provoking discharge. Usually, such an ailment occurs in women in the age range from thirty-five to fifty-five years old. Such formation appears for reasons unknown to science and it is quite easily eliminated, sometimes without surgical intervention.

- Ectasia... This is an inflammatory lesion within the milk duct. Such an ailment can affect a woman from forty years old, and it is treated with the use of compresses and antibiotics selected by a specialist. Sometimes the doctor recommends removing the affected duct by surgery.

- Abscess... This is the name of the accumulated purulent masses inside the mammary gland. This situation can occur during lactation. Active sucking of a child often leads to the appearance of cracks in the nipples, and they can serve as a kind of entrance gate for pathogens of various ailments. Such a pathological process makes itself felt with purulent discharge, while the chest can turn red and significantly increase in size. Therapy is usually done with surgery and antibiotics are needed.

In this case, experts strongly recommend that women regularly palpate their breasts to determine seals of various etiologies. In addition, you should visually examine both the mammary glands in general and the nipples in particular, in order to timely notice any deformations, redness and other possible changes.

Visit to the doctor

Regardless of your suspicions about the etiology of the discharge, you still need to visit a doctor. Only a specialist can determine the correct diagnosis and choose the right treatment.

You should tell your doctor about:

The color of the discharge;
- the frequency of their occurrence;
- whether they arise from one breast or from both;
- appear from one hole or from several;
- whether they appear on their own or after pressing;
- the presence of any other ailments or symptoms that bother you;
- chest injuries;
- the use of some kind of medication.

The specialist will conduct an examination and refer you to additional studies: ultrasound, mammography and other tests (CBC, blood test for hormones). Based on the data received, the doctor will diagnose and select a treatment. It can mean the consumption of hormones, antibiotics, folk remedies, or surgery.

Do not ignore such an alarming symptom as nipple discharge. A timely visit to your doctor can save your health, and sometimes even your life.

A woman can find discharge from the mammary glands by accident. They appear when pressed and can leave subtle stains on the laundry.

If a woman at this time does not feed the baby or she did not have to give birth at all, you should definitely be wary. Discharge is not necessarily associated with pathology, but the breast is very vulnerable and it is necessary to check its health.

Physiological causes of discharge

Like most phenomena, discharge from the chest with pressure can occur for the following reasons:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

Physiological features explain the discharge:

  • During pregnancy. In the female breast, preparations are made for the birth of a baby and its feeding. The glands are trained to form and excrete milk. Similar processes take place in the third, final trimester. The increased tone of the uterus stimulates the secretion of a cloudy white or yellowish fluid from both mammary glands.
  • Some time after the end of the feeding. Discharge can be observed for the next two or three years. It depends on the woman's age and the number of pregnancies suffered.
  • After an abortion. The presence of secretions and their duration are determined by how long the artificial termination of pregnancy took place. They can disturb a woman from several days to a month.
  • When using contraceptives. Oral contraceptives contain hormones that stimulate lactation. The discharge should disappear after the abolition of contraceptives. They should be replaced with a different type. But it is reasonable to do this only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The release of a small amount of clear liquid is possible during treatment with hormonal drugs, the use of antidepressants. A too tight bra and physical overload can become the reason.

Pathological causes of discharge from the chest

The main reasons for discharge are as follows:

  • Ductectasia- an ailment characterized by pathological expansion of the ducts called subareolar canals. The disease is typical for women over 40, since its main cause is age-related changes. The disease does not pose a health hazard, but only on condition of timely treatment. Otherwise, serious consequences are possible.
  • Chest trauma(blows, bruises). If this happened without violating the integrity of the skin, then within two days, bloody fluid can be easily squeezed out of the nipple.
  • Intraductal papilloma- papillary benign tumor. It appears in the duct near the nipple. Due to the development of a tumor, a thick fluid is released, in which blood impurities are sometimes present.
  • Mastitis and abscess... Ailments either occur during lactation, or are a consequence of penetration into an infected object. With mastitis, the area of ​​the gland becomes inflamed. The reason is a bacterial infection, in most cases - Staphylococcus aureus. With an abscess, pus accumulates in the tissues of the breast, the affected area is limited from the healthy area.
  • Galactorrhea- discharge from the nipples of milk or colostrum, not associated with breastfeeding. The most common cause is an increase in the hormone prolactin in the blood (hyperprolactinemia) or an increase in estrogen levels.
  • Fibrocystic breast disease- the appearance in the mammary gland of compacted areas of tissue. The condition is dangerous because it can degenerate into cancer.
  • Malignant neoplasm (breast cancer)- a tumor that forms imperceptibly due to uncontrolled cell division. Discharge appears with pressure from both mammary glands or only one.
  • Paget's disease- a malignant tumor that has engulfed the nipple or areola. The disease is extremely dangerous and needs prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Discharge from the chest can be caused by diseases of the genitourinary organs:

  • vaginitis;
  • cystitis;
  • syphilis.

Sometimes pathological changes in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, malfunctions of the thyroid gland can also be the culprit of secretion from the mammary glands.

Whatever the cause of the discharge, it should be established as soon as possible.

Discharge color and causes

The discharge that comes out of the mammary glands when pressed differs in color and consistency.

If they transparent or have a white, yellow color, most likely, the reason lies in a physiological imbalance.

But the secretion with blood impurities, brown or green - a harbinger of a serious illness.

Minor transparent highlights result from:

  • stress;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • taking contraceptives (containing hormones).

White discharge is a frequent and safe guest during the period of carrying a baby and for several years after the termination of breastfeeding. They can also accompany galactorrhea caused by excessive production of prolactin and estrogen.

Discharge from the breast light milky yellow secretion often accompanies pregnancy. Perhaps after a bruise or more serious external injury to the mammary glands. In this case, the yellowish discharge indicates that the healing process is going well.

With mastopathy, secretion appears Green colour, thick and slimy in consistency.

Brown discharge occur with bleeding in the milk ducts. Vascular damage occurs due to the growth of a malignant neoplasm or cystic mastopathy. The dark to black color is formed by the presence of blood.

Bloody issues the most serious, as they appear with the development of a tumor or papilloma. But sometimes they are present after injury to the mammary glands.

Purulent discharge is observed when inflammatory and infectious processes occur in the chest.

How to diagnose pathology

When a woman finds that discharge appears when pressing on her chest, she should make an appointment with a mammologist. The doctor will direct her to pass:

  • mammography;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • galactography (a type of mammography) - X-ray examination of the milk ducts, involving the introduction of a contrast agent into them.

Also appointed:

  • blood test for prolactin, sex hormones and thyroid gland;
  • cytological examination of discharge from the breast.

Summarizing the results will help the doctor determine the diagnosis and further therapeutic actions.

Treating the causes of breast discharge

Timely treatment will contribute to the emergence of positive results. Depending on the diagnosis, it can be conservative, but surgical intervention is not excluded.

Pathologies such as mastitis and abscess are cured with antibiotics and opening of purulent cavities.

For ductectasia, surgery is required. In its process, the affected duct in the mammary gland is removed.

Surgical intervention is also necessary in case of detection of intraductal papilloma. The diseased skin area should be removed. The removed particles are subjected to histological examination to exclude the malignant nature of the papilloma.

With Paget's disease, a mastectomy is prescribed - removal of the affected breast. Then chemotherapy sessions are prescribed.

Having found discharge from the mammary glands with pressure, you do not need to panic. There are many circumstances that led to this phenomenon.

Regardless of the color and smell of the secretion, whether there are other unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. After carrying out the necessary tests, he will select an individual therapy. Surgical intervention is not excluded.

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