How useful are cats for humans. The positive impact of cats on human health. Cats - therapy for body and soul

Sofia Vasilyeva


Photo: Wirsinda Llefreaks,

Usually we do not think about how healthy our tailed pets are. Here are 10 facts about the health benefits of cats.

Scientists have repeatedly conducted studies confirming the positive impact of pets on the mental and physical health of their owners.

Benefits of cats for mental health

Cats relieve stress

Cats love to be petted, no wonder. But it is curious that people also like to stroke cats. Simply stroking a cat's warm, silky coat has a strong anti-stress effect, reduces anxiety and relaxes.

If we pay attention to the map of the palm used by reflexologists, we will see that the zones responsible for relaxation and stress relief are located exactly in those areas that are stimulated when petting a cat.

Zones of anti-stress impact are highlighted in the figure by an oval

These points in the figure are indicated by the following icons.

In addition, pleasant strokes stimulate the production of oxytocin - the "hormone of love" and lower the level of the stress hormone cortisol. Evidence for this.

Cats cure depression

Cats improve the well-being of people suffering from mild to moderate depression. They improve mood and reduce stress.

Cats have unconditional love for us. Relationships with a cat are simple, and you can be yourself without fear of hurting her feelings, saying the wrong thing, or getting unsolicited advice. A rare opportunity in our lives, isn't it?

The animal is a responsibility. And if a depressed person can easily give up on himself, then caring for an animal pulls him back to the surface, helps him feel needed and useful.

Daily routine has the same supportive effect. You can stay on the couch and eat only sandwiches, but if you have a cat, you will have to feed her twice a day what she used to eat and clean the tray. These daily activities help you stay afloat.

A depressed person feels cut off from the world. But if you have a cat, you will never be alone.

Cats improve the quality of life

Scientists at Brooklyn College (New York) back in 1980 conducted a study in which elderly patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system participated. Participants in the study included cat owners and people who did not own a cat.

The study found that cat owners dealt with losses faster, felt less lonely, and were generally more social.

Cats contribute to the mental development of children

Cats are excellent therapists for children with autism, cerebral palsy and developmental delay. They help in the development of speech and communication skills, improve the social interaction of children.

Physical Health Benefits of Cats: What Cats Treat

Cats lower blood pressure

Several studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of cats on the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. This is the Brooklyn College study mentioned above, and the New York University study, in which 48 brokers who suffered from high blood pressure took part.

The study lasted 6 months, during which all subjects received a drug to lower blood pressure, and half of them got a cat at home. As a result, it turned out that the average pressure indicators decreased in all participants, but stress peaks - only in those who got a cat.

Cats help prevent strokes and heart attacks

These life-threatening conditions largely develop against the background of constant stress and high blood pressure. Cats, by helping in getting rid of stress and lowering blood pressure, help reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Cats improve heart health

A study by researchers at the University of Minnesota found that cat owners are 30-40% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who don't own a cat. Interestingly, the dogs did not have a similar effect.

Cats improve immunity and reduce the risk of asthma

Many parents are afraid to have pets in a home with small children. But recent studies by scientists have shown that, on the contrary, children who grow up with pets have a higher level of protective antibodies and stronger immunity, as well as a lower risk of developing allergies and bronchial asthma.

Cats relieve pain

Perhaps this effect is associated with a feeling of living warmth, because the body temperature of cats is higher than human. Therefore, when a cat lies down on a sore spot, warming reduces spasm and thus reduces pain. If the cat is still purring at the same time, the healing effect of light vibration is added to its effect.

Cats help heal wounds and strengthen bones

Cats purr at a frequency between 20-120 Hz. Experiments have shown that mechanical vibrations occurring at the frequency of a cat's purr:

  • in the range of 18-35 Hz accelerate the recovery of cells, soft tissues, joints and muscles;
  • in the range of 20-50 Hz and 100-200 Hz accelerate bone growth and strengthen them

Cats not only save your health, but sometimes they can literally save your life, like Nafanya the kitten (read the details in ours).

In recent years, many people they prefer to keep a cat in the house, but few people realize that the cat is not just a fluffy and affectionate animal, but also a family doctor. Of course, most people noticed that when they feel bad, the cat comes up and sits on the sore spot, and this makes the owner feel better. But this strange fact, many of us are accustomed to leave without due attention. And in vain!

Every second doctor in USA advises his patients to get a pet and preferably a cat. In their opinion, cats are able to provide an incredibly powerful therapeutic effect to a person who spends a lot of time in the company of his pet. Families with cats are more likely to endure crisis situations and rarely get divorced. According to doctors, petting a cat is enough to relieve stress and get rid of overwork. It has long been proven that a cat reduces high blood pressure, prevents the development of heart attack and stroke.

Not much in the world animals, which have been living next to humans for millions of years, but still remain a mystery. - aliens. Proof of their unearthly origin is their amazing ability to heal humans that other animals don't have. Scientists at the Animal Communications Institute in North Carolina conducted a study of cat purring and concluded that the sounds made by a cat are very similar to ultrasound treatment. According to Professor Clint Rubin, a cat can accelerate the healing of fractures no worse than an ultrasound machine. Moreover, scientists believe that cat purring is an excellent way to prevent osteoporosis and treat joint diseases.

domestic cats can prevent the development of many diseases in their hosts. When a person undergoes some changes in the body, the cat, like a small device, catches it at the energy level. Therefore, during the illness of one of the family members, this smart animal likes to climb onto the most painful place, lie on it, purr and rub it with its paws. Some scientists are convinced that in this way the cat absorbs negative energy and, as it were, absorbs it into itself. In their opinion, cats need negative energy for the normal functioning of the body, and people need positive energy. After a cat takes away negative energy from a person, the patient immediately feels better. However, it is impossible to force a cat to heal a person by force. For example, it is useless to take someone else's cat into the house and put it on a sore spot in order to cure the disease. In this case, apart from wounds from cat claws and resistance, you will receive nothing. "Cat's" treatment will be effective only when the animal itself expresses a desire to help the patient. Therefore, it is very important to establish a good relationship with your pet before treatment.

The best thing absorbs negative energy black cat. Therefore, people who tend to succumb to depression and stress, it is better to get a cat with a black color. Scientists are sure that the desire to sort out wool, combing, stroking and looking for something in the hairs, is inherent in a person at the genetic level. Evidence of this is the behavior of the resting monkeys, when one of them lies in a blissful state, and the other intently strokes her hair. So our distant ancestors - primates show care, love and trust to each other.

Wish regularly experiencing such sensations on a subconscious level has survived with us to this day. For this reason, in case of severe stress and fatigue, it is useful to pick up your tailed pet and stroke its fur. Most of all, it is recommended to regularly stroke a cat to prevent high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, osteochondrosis, stomach ulcers, gastritis and strengthen immunity. After all, constant stress and nervous tension are the cause of the development of diseases of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and digestive systems. To avoid serious complications during illness, often cuddle a sleepy or sleeping cat to you, if you feel unwell, even try to sleep with the cat. Usually, during sleep, the cat claws at the sore spot of the owner with its claws, then calms down and listens to its feelings. This is a therapeutic "cat" massage, which in its action surpasses even acupuncture. Therefore, do not try to drive the cat away from you if it tries to rub into the sore area of ​​your body, licks and scratches it. The impact of a rough tongue, soft fur and claws of a cat provide the best therapeutic effect for lesions of blood vessels, muscles and bones.

Universal healers red cats are recognized. They are able to give the largest amount of positive energy. Scientists advise to get cats of red colors for the prevention of heart attack, stroke, neurasthenia and alcoholism. Black cats absorb 2 times more negative energy than pets of other colors. Therefore, they are recommended to keep people subject to daily mental and physical stress, as well as chronic fatigue. White fluffy cats are the best healers for obesity, diabetes, pancreatitis and eczema. In some countries, cats with white fluffy hair are even sold in pharmacies as a "physiotherapy device". It is these cats that tone the energy of a person and create a feeling of happiness.

And finally, a few mysterious facts about cats:
1. Cat returns home even if you leave her in another city. Scientists explain this ability to find a way home by the fact that there are special cells in the brain that "work" as a compass.
2. cats determine an earthquake, flood, fire and other tragic incident 15 minutes before it starts. Therefore, the corpses of cats after accidents cannot be found.

3. cat brain different from the brain of a dog, but very similar to the human brain. It also has areas that are responsible for emotions.
4. Spanish Pope Innocent VIII called all cats the incarnation of the devil and ordered them to be burned at the stake. This led to an unprecedented increase in the rat population and the outbreak of the plague, which was nicknamed the "black death" or the punishment of the "cat god".

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Today we will talk about the consequences, that is, about how our life actually changes with the appearance of a tailed meowing friend in it, and how justified the expectations placed on it are.

Cats and people

You probably remember Rudyard Kipling's fairy tale "The Cat Who Walked By Herself". In it, animals, one after another, come to man, and man tames them. The cat comes last. She catches mice and plays with the child - and for these skills she gets the best place by the hearth and milk.

Oddly enough, this is how it all happened - cats really came to humans a little later than other domestic animals. This happened, according to scientists, at least ten thousand years ago, or even earlier, in Asia, from where the cat population gradually spread, fled and dispersed to all other parts of the world.

Our cooperation with cats has always been mutually beneficial, and it began, as you might guess, with mice. Man mastered agriculture for a long time and gradually, but over time he learned to grow enough food to make supplies. These stocks had to be stored, and barns arose, and lazy, well-fed house mice wound up in the barns.

And the cat came to the man with an offer that it was impossible to refuse, because as a result everyone won: the cat received for its use not just hunting grounds, but downright a reserve, while the man got rid of annoying pests.

Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but the instinct of the mouser does not disappear from our pets, and the most respectable Barsik or Murzik, who spent his whole life on pillows and never saw a single rodent in a nightmare, is able to surprise his family very much, having first gone to the country.

Quite quickly, however, it became clear that the mutual benefit of a cat and a person may not be limited to prosaic mice. Because the cat turned out to have a lot of other talents.

Benefits of cats for human health

The ability to positively influence the well-being of the owner is one of the most famous abilities of cats.

Numerous testimonies of their owners speak of the benefits that come from cats for human health. Surely you have heard stories about their beneficial effects on sleep, stress resistance, blood pressure. The warm and rhythmic purring of a beloved cat relaxes a person, helps him get rid of nervous tension and overwork.

Many cat owners feel that after communicating with their pet, various pains disappear, in particular headaches, as well as painful sensations of a neuralgic nature.

Scientists could not leave these facts without attention and explanation, because many of them also have their favorite cats. Therefore, studies of the healing abilities of cats appear more and more often.

Beneficial effect on the heart

For example, the statistics collected over many years by Columbia University are interesting. It shows that cat owners live longer, suffer fewer heart attacks and strokes, and have lower rates of cancer compared to non-pet owners.

Many researchers talk and write about the effect of cats on the human cardiovascular system. Such data are provided in The Waltham Book of Human-Animal Interaction, Elsevier science, 2013.

In the course of research, specialist Erika Friedman managed to obtain reliable data that cardiac patients recovered faster after a heart attack if they had the opportunity to constantly communicate with their cat.

According to the observations of American cardiologists, even a short stroking of a cat helps to normalize the heart rhythm, in addition, pet owners have lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure on average than those patients who do not keep animals at home. So if your cardiologist advises you to get a cat, don't be surprised, it's completely scientific!

Improve psycho-emotional state

The presence of an animal in our lives has a general beneficial effect on our immunity, psychological and emotional state. There is evidence that cat owners are much less likely to suffer from severe disorders of the digestive and endocrine systems.

Moreover, cases from medical practice are described when communication with a cat and the resulting attachment to the animal allowed the patient of the narcological center to overcome his drug or alcohol addiction.

Felinotherapy is no longer something marginal in medicine. This method is often used in working with people who suffer from mental illness or developmental disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder.

Cats provide significant assistance to sick children, in particular young patients with diagnoses such as autism, attention deficit disorder, Down syndrome. The presence of a cat soothes such children, they gradually learn to express their emotions easily and naturally, and affection for their pet becomes for them a bridge leading outward, into the world around them.

Kittens and guys

“The woman tied a clay spindle to a thread and pulled it along the floor, and the Cat ran after him, and grabbed him, and somersaulted, and threw him on her back, and caught him with her hind legs, and purposely let him go, and then rushed after him, - and now the Child laughed even louder than he cried; he crawled after the Cat all over the Cave and frolicked until he was tired. Then he dozed off with the Cat, not letting go of her.
“And now,” said the Cat, “I will sing him a song, lull him to sleep for an hour.
And as she went to purr louder, then quieter, then quieter, then louder, - The child fell asleep soundly. (R. Kipling)

A separate word needs to be said about children and cats. Sometimes it seems that they are purposely made for each other. Adults do not always have time to play with a pet as much as it needs to release energy, especially at a young age. Children, on the other hand, are tireless in this matter, and their joint games with a kitten can become a constant source of joy, if, of course, both are taught to treat their play partner with respect.

It's hard to find kids who don't like cats. A cat for a baby is a whole world, both frightening and attractive, with fluffy hair, a cold nose, a bright personality and hidden claws.

You have probably observed how children of pet owners sometimes differ from their peers in responsibility, spiritual maturity and kindness. The impact of pets on the formation of a child's personality has repeatedly become the subject of serious research. Their findings suggest that pets help children feel confident, happier, and even overcome problems such as shyness and speech dysfunction.

Such undoubted benefits of cats for parents of small children should not be ignored, as their ability to put the baby to sleep with their purring in a matter of minutes.

The benefits that come from a cat's home doctor, which we very briefly considered in the paragraph above, fully apply to children, but with one significant addition.

Prevention of allergies in children

Scientists from different countries who worked on the problem of childhood allergies, which in our time has acquired unprecedented importance, came to the same conclusion: children born and raised in a family whose members were animals suffer from allergies ten times less than in childhood as well as in adulthood.

In addition, children who from the cradle freely communicated with at least one animal are, in principle, less likely to get sick with any diseases, including viral infections.

The recent discoveries of Danish scientists have become a big sensation in the scientific world. The study, which took place in Copenhagen, involved children who were found to have a genetic predisposition to asthma. In the course of observation, it turned out that in those children who lived in the same family with a cat from birth, this predisposition did not manifest itself in any way later.

The mechanism of the effect of cats on the development of asthma in children is not yet fully understood, but scientists suggest that this discovery will help humanity overcome a serious illness.

Brightening up loneliness

Loneliness is the scourge of the modern world, in which people are increasingly withdrawing into themselves, trusting others less and more often hiding from life. And for a lonely person, a pet can become a real salvation, replacing the whole world for him and not allowing him to plunge into a quagmire of despondency.

Interaction with an animal, as already mentioned above, harmonizes the psycho-emotional state of a person, compensates for the lack of affection and communication, and the need to take care of him does not allow him to withdraw into himself and lose the desire to live on. After all, your pet will be lost without you, it has no one but you, which means that you are needed, that is, you are no longer alone.

Young single people, of course, can get a dog. They are physically active and able to provide her with regular walking, as well as due attention on the street. For older people, this is often an unbearable burden, especially if they are inactive for health reasons.

For them, a cat will be the best choice, because you don’t need to walk with it, it is balanced, calm and self-sufficient. But at the same time, cats love communication, they are affectionate and willingly give people their warmth.

Lonely old people living next to cats feel much better, because they have someone to give love and care. And cats, responding with tenderness and gratitude to their owners, thereby prolong their life and make it happier.

No wonder one of the most successful areas of work for cats-therapists is nursing homes. According to German gerontologists, elderly people who have a cat or a cat can sometimes live as much as 10 years longer than doctors predict.

Special abilities of cats

In the course of biological evolution, which followed the path of active growth and development of the brain, man has lost many of the abilities that allow him to navigate in wildlife. Our hearing and sense of smell were significantly reduced, and technological progress made the ability to notice the slightest changes in the surrounding space insignificant.

Cats, on the other hand, have retained ancient instincts, and most importantly, biological “tools” that allow them to feel the approach of danger before the inevitable happens. A sensitive and observant owner, who is always attentive to the condition of his tailed friend, may, without realizing it, receive a very important warning from him.

Feel slight fluctuations

As an example, there is countless evidence that our pets sense seismic activity.

A smart person will certainly be alert when he sees that his cat is rushing about, not finding a place for himself, and is trying to take everyone he can out of the house. Often, cats in this way saved entire families from inevitable death under the rubble of a house.

In the 1990s, a story was passed from mouth to mouth about a cat that persistently rushed into the children's room and called other family members to follow. As soon as they entered there, there was an explosion, and part of the entrance collapsed. Of the whole apartment, only the room chosen by the cat remained intact.

Hearing sounds that our ears can't hear

During the world wars, cats saved many lives by warning their families in advance of bombings. It can be assumed that the cat's acute hearing allowed it to hear the distant rumble of approaching bombers.

Especially widely known is the story of the cat Sally from London, who, sensing the approach of an air raid, ran to the gas masks hanging on the wall and persistently made it clear that it was time to go down to the bomb shelter.

Fires and floods

An equally curious story happened in the nineteenth century in St. Petersburg. A stray cat came into one of the houses from the street and brought her kittens. She dragged the kids to a rather high step of the stairs and did not allow anyone to bring them down from there. The next day, a terrible flood began in St. Petersburg, but the water level did not reach her kittens.

There are countless examples of how cats saved people from a fire. The extremely high sensitivity of cats allows them to smell a fire much earlier than people, and often it is cats who wake up soundly sleeping owners who are unaware of the danger.

As you can see, a lot can be said about the benefits that cats bring to us. But we start them not only for the sake of benefit, because a beloved pet gives us a feeling of joy and happiness. And any cat brings happiness to the house.

Any size, breed and gender, with any tail and ears, regardless of their color and degree of fluffiness. Because the cat is the concentrated happiness. No wonder they say that your home is where your cat is ...

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Hello dear friends! Some time ago I wrote an article, And today I want to talk in detail about the benefits that cats bring to a person, regardless of age.

I often heard from some people that cats are of no use, only dirt. I would like to respond to this.

I love all pets: dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters and others, but I always wanted to keep only cats at home.

A very smart and beautiful Siamese cat Levik has been living in our family for 15 years. Therefore, I personally experienced the positive influence of a cat on a person.

What are the benefits of cats

1. The very first thing is the joy of communicating with a cat.

Most of them are gentle and affectionate creatures. These fluffy animals are able to cheer up, relieve fatigue and tune in to positive.

When I came home from work, my cat literally followed on my heels, and as soon as I sat down, I immediately ran to my knees so that I could stroke it, and began to purr. At such moments, all fatigue and bad mood go away.

2. Cats have a beneficial effect on human health.

♦ When stroking cats for several minutes, blood pressure normalizes, heart rate returns to normal.

♦ The purring of a cat reduces the level of stress in a person, calms, relieves stress, and helps to more easily survive unpleasant life situations.

By the way, the purring of a cat is similar to therapeutic ultrasound, these vibrations at a certain frequency contribute to faster healing of fractures, are an excellent prevention of osteoporosis and joint diseases, and simply soothe.

♦ Cats on the energy level are able to detect changes in the human body and prevent the development of many diseases.

When the owner is sick, the cat likes to be near him or climbs on him and lies down on the sore spot, purrs, sometimes does a “massage”, releasing his claws, and the person feels relieved.

♦ They say that cats need negative energy for the normal development of the body, and humans need positive energy.

Some scientists believe that cats, lying on a person, take away negative energy from him, and give him positive energy.

But it is impossible to force a cat to treat a patient. She herself must want it.

These fluffy animals are well aware of how each member of the family treats them, and will help only those who really love them.

♦ I experience all these healing abilities of a cat every day. As soon as I lie down, Levik immediately runs and lies down on me with a purr, almost always in the same place. During such a "session" I feel at the physical level how saturation with positive energy occurs. After lying like this for a few minutes, he calmly leaves.

3. A cat is able to clear the space of the house from negativity by its presence. taking away the bad energy.

Not without reason before, and even in our time, when moving to a new house, they first let a cat in, and then the tenants themselves came in.

4. Helps a person to get rid of harmful rodents: mice and rats.

This is especially true for those who live in private homes. Also, some cats catch accidentally flying insects: flies, mosquitoes and others.

5. Cats are able to anticipate an earthquake, flood, fire and other tragic events a little earlier than they begin.

Sometimes while saving people's lives, starting to show great concern and tend to quickly leave the apartment.

6. Some cats are stubborn alarm clocks.

If every day, you get up in the morning at the same time, then the cat usually gets used to this regime, and starts to wake you up with its meow, if suddenly you didn’t get up on the alarm clock.

The downside is that not all cats can feel the difference between weekdays and weekends, and continue to wake up the owners even on weekends when they want to sleep longer.

7. Many cats are able to show heroism, saving people.

There are cases when cats caught poisonous snakes, saving a person from a deadly bite, woke people up in case of a gas leak, in a fire, found babies abandoned on the street by cruel mothers, and saved dogs from attack.

Just about this these two videos, look, very interesting.

I hope I managed to tell what benefits cats bring.

I can't imagine my life without our fluffy affectionate animal. Love your pets, take care of them, and they will definitely repay you in kind.

Scientists have long been exploring how cats are useful for humans, whether they are able to treat their owner, and what effect they have on his psychological well-being. In the course of experiments that have been and are being carried out around the world, it was possible to prove that this pet can really bring significant benefits to the health of its owner and relieve him of emotional stress.

How does a cat treat its owner?

The fact that the cat heals the owner, is beneficial in the fight against pain, and even lays down on the affected area itself, is well known. At the same time, science does not yet recognize the fact that the animal “sees” or “feels” pain points, trying to “remove” extraneous sensations. However, it is obvious that due to the effect of temperature and the pleasant tactile sensations from stroking the wool, the human body acquires the following benefits:

  • blood flow is activated;
  • heat acts like a natural heating pad with optimal temperature;
  • the cat acts like a warming agent for sciatica and inflammation;
  • there is also benefit from contact with the pet's fur and claws: a person's nerve endings are activated, which has a beneficial effect on neurons, and also normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.

Thus, the partial or even complete relief of pain due to the influence of the animal has a certain scientific justification. However, it is impossible to force a cat to treat a person, because the animal simply will not lie down on a sore spot and will not stay nearby if it does not want to. Therefore, without a full-fledged psychological contact of the owner with the pet, there will be no benefit from the treatment. It is also important to understand that if the pet got up from a sore spot, you do not need to forcibly hold him: it is better to wait until the next “session”.

Psychological benefits: how a cat lifts your spirits

The positive psychological influence of a cat on its owner is intuitively clear and scientifically proven. People who keep these pets often say that they are pleased with the cat's independent style of behavior, its ability to occupy itself on its own, and then "unexpectedly" come and please its owner.

Quite a lot of psychological research has been done on the benefits of cats for human health. It became known that a pet, in the presence of full contact with a person, can become a constant source of pleasure and a kind of means of psychological relaxation:

  • Getting rid of unpleasant thoughts through switching attention, which is beneficial for the psychological state.
  • Overcoming the effects of stress by playing with the cat, touching his fur while stroking.
  • Socialization of children who are mentally retarded (for example, those suffering from Down syndrome). Communication with a cat contributes to a simpler "entry" of the child into ordinary human society, which is of great benefit to children and their parents.
  • Even an adult owner is interested and pleasant to play with his cat, come up with original exercises (with a ball and other toys). It is good for uplifting and has the benefit of relaxing the nervous system.

How does a pet soothe with a purr?

There are several reasons why a cat starts to purr. The main one is the good mood of the pet, which disposes him to communicate with a person. The cat gladly gives himself a stroke, wants to lie down next to him and just be with his owner. Cats make sounds similar to purrs when they are frightened or try to warn a stranger that they are ready to attack.

There is a lot of convincing evidence that a cat's purr is beneficial for humans.:

  • Thanks to this sound, a cozy atmosphere is created in the house, just as people relax when they hear the chirping of a cricket or a crackling fire.
  • The owner approaches his pet more confidently if he hears purring: as a result, such contact brings positive emotions and calms the person, makes him distract from unpleasant thoughts.
  • The benefit of sounds is that these vibrations stimulate cell division, which leads to faster recovery from injuries.
  • Finally, the frequency of purring sounds roughly corresponds to the frequency of radiation from some physical therapy machines. Sounds tone muscles, activate blood flow, which benefits the entire body.

Feline therapy: 7 reasons to get a cat

It is interesting that in some countries the so-called felinotherapy is used (Latin felis - cat). Thanks to prolonged contact of people with cats or cats, it is possible to achieve such health indicators:

  • The main benefit of pleasant communication with an animal is a significant strengthening of immunity, reducing the risk of developing cancer by 20%
  • Reducing the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases by 30%.
  • Reducing the risk of depression and other mental disorders by 25%.
  • Maintaining social activity instead of trying to retire (cats also predispose to communicating with people, which also brings tangible benefits).
  • The benefit is also created by a pleasant feeling of safety and comfort, which is confirmed by numerous personal reviews of cat owners.
  • Overcoming the consequences of prolonged loneliness (especially in the elderly), disorders after loss (death of a loved one).
  • Finally, thanks to the calming effect of the animal, it is much easier for a person to fall asleep, so insomnia disappears. This benefits the night's rest and creates the conditions for a comfortable awakening.

Thus, the benefits of a cat for a person are much more tangible than the possible risks associated with the spread of infectious diseases or the negative effects of wool (allergic reactions). That is why many psychologists give the same advice to different people (especially lonely ones): get yourself a pet. Such a solution will really help to cope with depression and even prolong life: there is evidence that a cat owner lives 4-5 years longer than a person without a pet in the house.

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