Maximum speed of a military aircraft. Ten fastest planes in the world

Is it possible to modern stage highlight the fastest plane in the world? After all, they were designed simply great amount. It is worth highlighting five aircraft that are capable of reaching the highest speed.

Which model can be considered the fastest?

The first position is rightfully occupied by the Falcon HTV-2 model. This is the fastest plane in the world. The speed it reaches in flight is 13,000 miles/hour. The model was designed and released in 2010. The second flight on the plane took place in 2011. The purpose of this aircraft is closely related to the rapid response to any threats of a terrorist nature. Using this model, you can fly from Sydney to London in just 1 hour. True, it is still unknown how this will affect the pilot’s well-being. But it is not possible to know this, since greatest number launches took place using unmanned mode.

Maximum speed achieved in a few seconds

Let's continue talking about the rating "The fastest plane in the world." The X-43A model is capable of reaching 11,230 km/h. This aircraft was developed by professional NASA designers. As distinctive feature stands out the fact that it is capable of reaching maximum speed in just 10 seconds. This model has an engine newest generation. It allows the aircraft to move without the use of oxygen on board. This increases maneuverability and lightness. This is another fastest aircraft in the world. 11,230 km/h is a clear confirmation of this.

Powerful and fast model

In third position is one of the most powerful models. We are talking about the X-15. In a short period of time, the aircraft reaches a maximum speed of 4520 miles per hour. This representative of the rating “The fastest plane in the world” has a rather original purpose. It helps transform ordinary pilots into astronauts. This model is capable of quite easily taking off to altitudes exceeding 50 miles. Before conducting a flight, astronauts must undergo special training. This aircraft can be quite actively used for space travel. An option for space walks should be designed soon. In this regard, fans thrills may have an excellent opportunity to soon board this aircraft.

A model that can withstand high temperatures

In fourth position in the ranking “The fastest plane in the world” is a model called “Blackbird”. The speed of such an aircraft reaches 220 miles/hour. The basis for the design of the SR-71 aircraft was a titanium alloy produced by Lockheed Corporation. Due to this alloy, the aircraft can withstand heating up to 2 thousand degrees Fahrenheit. For about 40 years, this model performed quite complex tasks. And only in 1998 the car was written off. Unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to see the flight of this model.

Several variants of one aircraft

The fastest plane in the world is in fifth position. Russian production. We are talking about the MIG-25. The maximum speed that a pilot can achieve while driving this model is 2 thousand miles/hour. A similar aircraft can be seen in several versions. One of the first interpretations took off in the 60s of the 20th century. This model became famous for being able to shoot down a US B-70 bomber. The second option includes the model that first flew in the 70s. Regardless of the fact that such aircraft had some difficulties in maneuvering, they still managed to evade the Gulf War F-15 brand 10 missiles.

Old models that have not lost their power

As is known, aviation began to be used for the first time in military operations in 1794. This happened during the Battle of Fleurus between Austria and France. It was during those distant events that the French used air assets. Their main task was reconnaissance. Currently, technology is developing at a fairly rapid pace. Therefore, primitive aircraft were replaced by high-quality airplanes and helicopters. What is the fastest military aircraft in the world? It should be noted those models that have been in production for quite a long time.

The F-15 Eagle fighter, regardless of its fairly large size, has higher maneuverability characteristics. It was developed by American aircraft designers. It was necessary in order to achieve superiority in airspace. This is exactly what the fastest plane was needed for. It is considered stronger than Soviet military aircraft. This was achieved through the use of special materials in the design of the vessel. Among the advantages of the fighter, one should highlight the large capacity of the fuel tanks. In addition, there were autonomous systems power supply to engines, which were equipped with consumable tanks, as well as a ringing system.

Another fastest aircraft is the F-111 Aardvark bomber. It was designed in America. It is characterized by the presence of variable wing geometry. Among the advantages, one should also highlight the ability to detect enemy targets and then strike them, regardless of weather conditions and time of day. In addition, with the help of this bomber you can break through air defense regardless of its density. This aircraft was used quite actively during the Vietnam War.

The Su-24 Fencer, designed by Soviet specialists, can also act as the fastest aircraft in the world. Photos that are available in sufficient quantities large quantities, demonstrate some similarity with the American F-111 model. The Soviet bomber is capable of attacking ground targets at relatively low altitudes. Compared to its American counterpart, it is characterized by the highest speed, high power, small size, and the ability to take off from poorly equipped airfields.

American-made fighter and interceptor

The 4th generation jet fighter REO F-14 Tomkat was designed in America back in 1970. It is characterized by variable wing geometry and a significant fuel tank capacity. In addition, it uses a weapons control system. It was thanks to this that this fighter was able to repel missile attacks on ship groups.

The next model is the REO “Super Tomcat” F-14D. This is the latest model of the jet interceptor aircraft. They thought about its development at a time when the need arose to detect and destroy enemy aircraft at night. In addition, the aircraft of this model could make flights regardless of weather conditions.


What is the fastest plane in the world? We hope that the answer to this question can be found in this review. The article made an attempt to consider the fastest models that have been produced before and are still being produced.

Air travel is the most quick way overcome distances, which is why many passengers prefer to use air transport. Many modern models cannot overcome the speed of sound. The average ceiling for a number of passenger airliners is 900 km/h.

Some speed models civil aviation were able to overcome the sound barrier, having technical indicators above Mach 1, which enabled passengers to reduce flight time. There are also faster aircraft in the world than those used in civil aviation, as well as hyper-speed ones, but they do not belong to the passenger category.

TOP 10 fastest manned aircraft

An untrained person cannot withstand supersonic speeds above Mach 2, which is why these aircraft are not used as passenger transport. But they have found application in another field of activity - these are military equipment (fighters), reconnaissance and research vehicles.

They all have high specifications, allowing you to solve quite complex problems. Below is a list of the 10 fastest planes in the world. The good news is that Russia occupies several positions in it. The speed of the airliner is estimated in comparison with the average speed sound wave, denoted in Mach (1 Mach = 1224 km/h). The fastest manned aircraft in the world reaches a speed of Mach 6.7.

Ten ultra-high-speed manned aircraft in the world

Attention: The internal data of table “39” is corrupted!

Despite the fact that many models of the fastest aircraft in the world, listed in this top 10 table, have long been taken out of service, they firmly occupy their positions in the ranking. Especially if we take into account the fastest propeller-driven transport, which reached 920 km/h (which is below the speed of sound) - the Tu-95 bomber. Modern machines with propellers do not produce this indicator either. Fig.3 Su-27 guarding the Russian sky

Hyper-speed drones

The table shows which is the fastest aircraft flown by trained military pilots. But the designers were able to create faster technology - models of the most powerful hyper-speed drones. They really reach such high speeds that no one human body unable to withstand them.

The developed speed of the fastest aircraft is 11,230 km/h (or Mach 9.2). Having become a hypersonic alternative to turbojet aircraft, these models are created exclusively for research work on testing engines created using new technologies.


  1. The Boeing X-43 aircraft is capable of flying around the entire globe in 3.5 hours. Several design associations participated in the creation of this model, and at least 1/4 billion US dollars were spent. The aircraft's hypersonic speed is achieved thanks to some features used in the design:
  • A hydrogen-oxygen mixture was chosen as fuel for a supersonic engine. Moreover, only hydrogen tanks are attached to the aircraft, while oxygen is taken directly from the atmosphere. This made the car lighter. It does not pollute the atmosphere with waste;
  • the product of processing is water vapor;
  • performance is also ensured by the small size of the aircraft: the length is 3.6 m, and the wingspan is 1.5 m (this is a fairly light aircraft);
  • A distinctive feature is the absence of rubbing parts in the design, so that the force capable of dampening the speed of the aircraft is reduced to zero.

  1. Another 1 hyperfast aircraft is the Orbital Sciences Corporation X-34. This model is planned to have a maximum speed of 12,144 km/h (or Mach 9.9), but the aircraft was only able to reach 11,230 km/h during testing. The vehicle is accelerated by a Pegasus rocket attached to the body, powered by solid fuel. The creation of this model also took about 250 million dollars, but the entire process (from design to testing) took 7 years. The dimensions of this hyperplane are more impressive than those of the previous model: length - 17.78 m, height - 3.5 m, wingspan - 8.85 m. The vehicle's mass of 1.27 thousand kg allows it to rise no higher than 75 km, but this does not in any way prevent one from gaining sufficiently high hypersonic speeds.
  2. In 2010, another experimental model was created - the Falcon HTV-2, which is (supposedly) capable of transporting passengers from Australia to the UK in 1 hour. In reality, it is impossible to carry out such a flight with people on board - not a single person can withstand the enormous pressure. The machine reaches the world's highest speed of 20,291.5 km/h (or Mach 16.5), which a powerful drone can provide.

The creators plan to use the fastest aircraft in the world in situations where a rapid response to terrorist threats is necessary.

civil Aviation

In civil aviation there are also airliners that have broken the sound barrier. But passengers on board a high-speed aircraft do not experience any inconvenience during the flight.

  • The fastest passenger aircraft in the world is the domestic Tu-144, which so far reaches the highest speed among civilian airliners at 2,500 km/h (Mach 2). Thanks to the efforts of specialists from the Tupolev design bureau this car became the world's first passenger supersonic vehicle. This happened in June 1969 at an altitude of 11 km;

  • You can also highlight passenger Concordes, created by specialists from England and France. The speed they achieve is 2300 km/h (Mach 1.9). In terms of frequency of air travel, the airliner could compete with the Tu-144, but since 2000 the model has been taken out of service;
  • 3rd place should be given to the Airbus A380, even though the jet passenger airliner did not overcome the speed of sound: its optimal parameter is 1020 km/h (this is less than Mach 1). But in terms of reliability and passenger turnover, the model can outpace the fastest civil aircraft.

Airbus's position could be taken by the Tu-444 airliner, which according to the project was supposed to reach a speed of 2125 km/h (1.7 Mach), but problems arose with technical innovations for which the necessary investments were not found.

Concorde may be replaced by american planes QSST, the expected speed of which will be 2200 km/h (1.8 Mach). The passenger aircraft of the future is called the ZEHST airliner, which will be able to reach a speed of 5000 km/h (Mach 4.1). The developers are trying to create all the conditions in the cabin for future passengers so that they cannot experience either ultra-high speed or flight at an altitude of 32 km.


But will passengers be able to fly freely on airplanes capable of making long flights from one part of the hemisphere to another in a matter of hours? To create an ultra-high-speed passenger aircraft, large investments amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars are required.

To begin with, you will need a large investment in development innovative technologies, making it possible to create the transport of the future, with the help of which it would be possible to make high-speed travel without refueling for tens of thousands of kilometers. For now, some countries are content with having super-fast vehicles in their arsenal.

From the point of view of world history, man has just learned to fly, but significant progress has been made in this direction: aviation has become the safest mode of transport, the cost of flights is becoming more affordable for the population, and the fastest plane in the world can fly around the planet along the equator in 5 hours! Latest achievements science and technology are embodied in civil and military aviation, the development of the aircraft industry does not stop for a second. Speed ​​has always excited a person, excited the blood. In the sky, nothing prevents you from accelerating properly, and human genius has managed to create many high-speed aircraft.

The fastest passenger plane in the world

The fastest aircraft in civil aviation is the Soviet TU-144, whose maximum speed is 2430 km/h. Its development took place in the 60s, and the first flight was carried out on the eve of the New Year - December 31, 1968. Wikipedia reports that in this way, Soviet designers from the Tupolev bureau were 2 months ahead of the world premiere of the famous French Concorde. Five months later, at the beginning of June 1969, the Tu-144 conquered a new peak - at an altitude of 11 kilometers it reached a speed that exceeded the speed of sound. A total of 16 supersonic “carcasses” were built, and in total they performed more than two and a half thousand missions.

The biography of the supersonic TU-144 also had tragic moments. In June 1973, an aviation exhibition was held in France, at which the brainchild of the Tupolev Design Bureau was present. While performing a demonstration flight, the Russian plane performed an overly sharp maneuver, which caused it to fall and the subsequent death of 6 crew members, as well as 8 people on the ground. The exact cause of the tragedy has not been established; according to one version, pilots from the USSR were confused by the appearance of a French Mirage, the purpose of which was to take several photos. According to another version, while recording a documentary video in the cockpit, the ship's commander, Major General V.N. Benderov dropped the camera and it jammed the steering column, which led to a fall.

Transporting passengers using the TU-144 was unprofitable due to the high costs of maintaining and refueling the aircraft. The country's leadership had to draw conclusions about the need to suspend the transportation of citizens by supersonic. The fastest passenger aircraft in the world long years became the French Concorde, which transported more than 2 million people.

Hypersonic aircraft now dominate military aviation; Russia, as the successor to the USSR, is also represented in the ranking of high-speed aircraft.

Top 10 fastest planes in the world

10th place: Su-27.

Soviet and later Russian universal fighter, developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. Wikipedia gives its adapted name used in NATO countries - Russian Flanker-B, which can be roughly translated as “Russian flank strike.” The supersonic aircraft can exceed Mach speed by 2.5 times, reaching an incredible 2876 km/h.

For the first time in the history of Russian aircraft construction, a remote control system was introduced, and jet thrust is generated by two engines. Up to ten air-to-air missiles can be suspended in special points fuselage, they are provided with combat support by a stationary 30-mm cannon. On this moment Several modern modifications of the Sukhoi aircraft have been created; it has been in the service of the Russian Air Force for more than 35 years.

9th place: F-111 General Dynamics.

Tactical bomber in service with the US Air Force until 1998. Capable of accelerating in the sky up to 3060 km/h. When the military saw the first photos and videos of this aircraft, someone aptly joked, calling this aircraft an “anteater” for the elongated shape of the cabin and its characteristic tilt. This humorous nickname stuck. Despite its cute name, the F-111 was a formidable carrier of deadly weapons:

  • up to 14.3 tons of portable bombs;
  • up to 9 air-to-air missiles, quickly mounted at special points;
  • multi-barrel gun with a high rate of fire.

The main advantage of the Anteater was the ability to change the wing sweep for the first time.

8th place: F-15 Eagle McDonnell Douglas.

A real American hit air force, still faithfully serves the US military. It can reach speeds of up to 3065 kilometers per hour and currently has more than a hundred officially confirmed victories in air battles. He began his biography in 1976, when the first flight took place. According to the plan of the United States military leadership, it will be in active service with the country until 2025. It was originally conceived to intercept enemy aircraft and create an advantage in the airspace. But the Strike modification turned the F-15 Eagle into a bomber as well. It is armed with 11 missiles for air combat and a high-speed 20 mm cannon.

7th place: Mig-31.

Another representative of Soviet supersonic aircraft. It is capable of developing up to 3463 km/h, and its two powerful engines allow it to fly at hypersonic speeds at both low and high altitudes above the ground. In total, about 500 of these machines were produced; production ceased in 1994. The missile equipment was quite serious:

  • four R-33 class (heavy) missiles for attacking targets in the air;
  • or 6 lighter R-37 class missiles.

They were given combat support by an automatic cannon with a 23 mm caliber and a high rate of fire.

6th place: Valkyrie XB-70.

According to mythology, the Valkyrie delivered the souls of warriors killed in battle to Valhalla, and sometimes God alone allowed her to decide the outcome of the battle. This plane is endowed with exactly these functions - it could decide the outcome cold war, if it goes into the hot phase. Its wild hypersonic speed of 3672 km/h would allow it to break away from Soviet fighters, and its fuel reserve would allow it to fly into the territory Soviet Union at a distance of up to 7 thousand km. and return without refueling. The strategic objective of this death machine was to deliver nuclear bombs and destroy ground targets. As conceived by the designers, the speed of the XB-70 should have been greater than the speed of propagation of the shock and light waves from a nuclear explosion. This monster of the Cold War era was released in a limited edition of 2 copies.

5th place: Starbuster Bell X-2.

The maximum acceleration of this car was 3912 km/h. It was built as part of an American experimental program after World War II. When it first flew in 1954, it was the fastest aircraft in the world. The test was unsuccessful. High speed was achieved, but the pilot performed an overly sharp maneuver and the car lost control. After this unsuccessful test, the program was frozen.

4th place: MiG-25.

The second representative of the Mikoyan-Gurevich Design Bureau in the ranking of the fastest jet aircraft. The main task that the military set before the designers was the ability to intercept the American sr-71 blackbird and any other manned and unmanned vehicles that flew relatively slowly. IN real conditions not a single “Blackbird” was ever shot down by the “twenty-fifth”, but the vehicle performed well in several local conflicts – such as the eight-year Iran-Iraq war, etc.

The MiG-25 is armed with four air-to-air missiles and is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 25 km! In total, about 1,000 aircraft of this type were built, many examples are still in service with various armies around the world.

The three fastest planes on the planet

3rd place: YF-12 Lockheed.

The highest speed of the aircraft was 4100.4 km/h, so it successfully completed its intended task of reaching Mach 3.35. It was the YF-12 that became the prototype of the famous “Blackbird”. Clarence Johnson was assigned to develop both the YF-12 and SR-71. Externally, these vehicles are very similar, the only difference is that Lockheed is armed with three air-to-air missiles. To date, Lockheed's YF-12 remains the largest manned aircraft designed to intercept targets in the air.

2nd place: SR-71 Blackbird.

This aircraft was used for research purposes by NASA scientists and for reconnaissance by the US Army. The aerial reconnaissance aircraft first flew in 1964. The innovative highlight of the vehicle was the use of Stels technology, which made it inaccessible to numerous interceptors. It is the fastest military aircraft in the world, reaching an incredible 4102.8 km/h. The Blackbird collected intelligence over Cuba, the Soviet Union and other countries using its superior speed. Throughout history, 32 blackbirds have been designed and produced.

1st place: X-15 North American.

The top 10 is headed by the fastest supersonic aircraft, which can reach a fantastic speed of 8201 km/h! This machine does not take off from airfields - it is launched from a bomber in the air. The X-15 is practically a manned spacecraft, as it has already reached an altitude of 107 km and made a suborbital flight. It was designed as part of a program to study supersonic flight. This aircraft can land independently, runway the flat bottom of a dry salt lake protrudes.

Having answered the question which is the fastest plane in the world, we must mention one more experimental model, developed by specialists from the US National Space Agency. In fact, the fastest aircraft is the X-43A, which can fly at speeds of up to 11,850 km/h! The first test of this aircraft was carried out in 2001 and ended in failure - the plane fell apart in the air. This aircraft was tested for the second time 3 years later, in 2004 - this time the flight was successful. The speed of this fastest aircraft in the world would rightfully guarantee it first place in the ranking, but the catch is that the X-43A is a high-speed drone, and our top 10 included only manned aircraft.

Speed ​​is becoming increasingly important to people these days. In the regions modern technologies and the one who manages to do everything quickly wins the business.

In sports, the crown of victory often goes to the fastest. Today, it is not enough for a person to do everything quickly; he strives for an even greater pace. Explore faster, invent faster, learn faster, drive faster, fly faster, in the end. This article will talk about the 10 fastest planes.


This plane is definitely a speed leader. However, this hypersonic model is still considered experimental. This aircraft is powered by a ramjet engine. X-43A is a drone (a person simply could not withstand such speed).

The aircraft of this model first took off in 2001, but was unsuccessful - the fuselage collapsed 11 seconds after takeoff. The second attempt was a little more successful, but also ended in disaster. And finally, on the third attempt, on November 16, 2004, the modernized X-43A reached an absolute record - 9.6 sound speed (11,200 km/h).


Rocket engines were first installed on an aircraft of this particular model. The X-15 is currently the only manned supersonic aircraft capable of reaching upper layers stratosphere, as well as the world's fastest manned aircraft.

It first flew in 1959. Operated until 1970. The maximum record of this car is 7,272.63 km/h (6.70 speed of sound).


The Lockheed SR-71 (also known as the BlackBird) is one of the configurations of the American reconnaissance aircraft with unique properties and supersonic speed. It is capable of flying at low speeds.

Was in service from 1964 to 1998. 32 copies of the SR-71 rolled off the assembly line. What the Americans can boast is that not a single such aircraft was shot down. BlackBird was mainly used during the Cold War for espionage in the USSR.

Soviet air defense systems, equipped with an auto-targeting function, were simply not able to focus on the target, because it was flying at no less than 3,530 km/h, which is 3.3 times the speed of sound. Lockheed also has fairly high acceleration, the ability to quickly gain altitude and excellent maneuverability: it easily dodges missiles, although, of course, a lot depends on the skill of the pilot.

Still, 12 planes crashed as a result of accidents. Among the aircraft in operation, it rightfully holds first place.

Bell X-2

The purpose of developing this aircraft is to study aerodynamics and expansion characteristics when heated. Only 2 copies were released. Housing material ( stainless steel in combination with copper-nickel alloys) made it possible to significantly reduce friction with air.

Starbuster first took off back in 1953. Current speed record of this type aircraft - 3,380 km/h (3 speeds of sound). Maximum flight level - 38400 m.

XB-70 "Valkiria"

A bomber designed specifically for the needs of the US Air Force. It is the fastest among bombers. Can carry a nuclear charge at a speed of 3,187 km/h.

It is the national pride of the USA. Like the previous participant in the rating, the XB-70 cannot boast of a large number - only 2 copies.


Yes, Soviet cars also fall into this list. This fighter-interceptor can easily be called a masterpiece of the aviation industry.

The MiG-25 was included in the Air Force of the Soviet Union, and today it is actively used Russian Federation. The production period is from 1969 to 1985. The speed record is 3,050 km/h (2.83 speed of sound).


Soviet hypersonic interceptor-fighter with a high flight range. Produced for the purpose of intercepting and destroying air targets at different echelons under different weather conditions. The MiG-31 is adapted for night flights. The production period is from 1975 to 1994. Speed ​​record - 3,005 km/h (2.82 speed of sound)

Aardvark F111

Strategic bomber as well as reconnaissance aircraft. Entered military registration in 1967. The speed record is 2,655 km/h (2.5 the speed of sound). Currently not in use.

F-15 Eagle

A strategic fighter specially designed for successful air combat. Participated in military operations in Yugoslavia, Iraq and Palestine. Never been shot down. The speed record is 2,650 km/h (2.5 the speed of sound).


The first hypersonic civil aircraft. It first took off on December 31, 1968, beating its rival Arospatiale-BAC Concorde by 5 months. On June 5, 1969, for the first time in history, a passenger airliner reached supersonic speed. The speed record is 2,500 km/h.

Separate mention should be made of Concorde. Although, unfortunately, this aircraft did not enter the Top 10, taking 11th place (with its maximum speed 2,172 km/h), it can also be considered a unique achievement in the field of aircraft construction. Apart from the Tu-144 (which, by the way, is a plagiarism of the Concorde), this model is the only commercial supersonic aircraft.

A total of 20 copies were produced, of which 15 were sold to British Airways and Air France. Six of them were sold for a symbolic price of 1 pound or 1 franc.

Thus, the fastest aircraft in the world are military ones, while civil aviation falls only into the second ten of the rankings.

Su-27 – 2500 km/h

Su-27 is a Soviet/Russian multi-role, highly maneuverable, all-weather heavy fighter of the fourth generation, developed by the Sukhoi Company. It was intended as a direct competitor to large fourth-generation fighters built in the United States, such as the Grumman F-14 Tomcat and F-15 Eagle. The first flight of the Su-27 prototype took place on May 20, 1977, and in 1985 it entered service with the Soviet Air Force. Today it is one of the main fighters in Russia; its modifications are in service with India, China and many other countries.

General Dynamics F-111 – 2655 km/h

The General Dynamics F-111 is a supersonic American tactical bomber, aerial reconnaissance and electronic warfare aircraft developed in the 1960s by General Dynamics. It made its first flight on December 21, 1964, and was put into operation on July 18, 1967. He took an extensive part in combat operations in Vietnam. A total of 562 units were produced during production for the US Air Force and the Australian Air Force.

McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle – 2665 km/h

The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is an all-weather tactical fighter aircraft developed in the early 1970s by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) for the US Air Force to achieve air superiority. Its first flight took place in July 1972. In 1974 it was put into operation. Exported to Israel, Japan, Singapore and Saudi Arabia.

MiG-31 – 3000 km/h

MiG-31 is a two-seat supersonic heavy fighter-interceptor. Work on its creation began at PJSC RSK MiG in 1968. The first flight took place on September 16, 1975. The aircraft was built on the basis of the single-seat MiG-25, primarily to cover the territory of the USSR from cruise missile attacks from the Arctic, where there was no continuous radar field. It is the first Soviet fourth generation fighter.

North American XB-70 Valkyrie – 3309 km/h

North American XB-70 Valkyrie is a prototype of an American strategic bomber that was supposed to fly at an altitude of 21 thousand meters at a speed three times the speed of sound. A total of two copies were built. The first experimental aircraft, the XB-70 Valkyrie, first flew on September 21, 1964, the second on July 17, 1965. One of the aircraft is now in National Museum US Air Force near Dayton, Ohio. The second, on June 8, 1966, while flying in formation of several aircraft, collided in the air with a Lockheed F-104 Starfighter, fell to the ground and was completely destroyed.

Bell X-2 – 3370 km/h

Bell X-2 is an American experimental aircraft designed to study aerodynamic and thermodynamic characteristics during flight at speeds from 2 to 3 Mach (Mach number). Its development began in 1945 by Bell Aircraft Corporation in conjunction with NACA and the US Air Force. The creation of the X-2 aircraft was completed in 1952, and its testing began in 1953. A total of two copies were built. Both met with disaster, after which research was stopped.

MiG-25 – 3470 km/h

MiG-25 is a supersonic Soviet/Russian fighter and reconnaissance aircraft, the world's first production fighter to reach a speed of more than 3 thousand km/h. It was developed by JSC RSK MiG in the early 1960s. It is the last aircraft designed by Mikhail Gurevich before his retirement. The first flight of the prototype took place in 1965, and in 1970 it was put into operation. A total of 1,190 copies were produced.

Lockheed YF-12 – 3661 km/h

Third place in the list of the fastest manned aircraft in the world is occupied by the Lockheed YF-12, an American interceptor prototype developed by the famous aircraft designer Clarence Johnson on the basis of the Lockheed A-12 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. This aircraft is the world's largest manned interceptor. It first flew on August 7, 1963. A total of three YF-12s were produced, each valued at approximately $18 million. After a series of flight tests, the project was closed.

Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird – 3818 km/h

Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird is an American strategic reconnaissance aircraft developed in the late 50s by Lockheed based on the Lockheed A-12 aircraft. It is the first aircraft created using stealth technologies. Its first flight took place on December 22, 1964. It was in US service from 1964 to 1998 and was actively used for espionage. A total of 32 aircraft were produced, 12 of which crashed as a result of accidents (none were shot down).

North American X-15 – 7274 km/h

North American X-15 is a hypersonic experimental rocket plane that set a number of world speed and altitude records (107.96 km). Work on its creation began in 1955 and was entrusted to North American Aviation. A total of three prototypes were produced. On March 10, 1959, the car took off for the first time. Over the course of nine years - from 1959 to 1968, out of a planned 200 test flights, the X-15 carried out 199. The record was the flight of pilot Joe Walker on August 22, 1963.

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