Mobile data is turned on but there is no Internet. How to set up data transfer on Android: enable and disable

If you are reading this article, then it is obvious that you are having trouble transferring files via USB on your Android device. Don't worry, you are not the first person to contact us with such a question.

Fortunately, we know several ways to solve this problem. So, without further ado, here's what you need to do to get USB file transfer working again.

Cause of USB file transfer error

There are several reasons why you may not be able to transfer files via USB:

  • USB cable does not support file transfer
  • The device is not configured to accept files via USB
  • You have installed the Samsung Kies application
  • The Micro-USB port on your Android device is broken (unfortunately I can't help you with that)

Step 1 – Enable File Transfer on your Android Device

This is the first thing you should do to be able to transfer files via USB to your Android device.

To enable USB file transfer, go to Settings > Storage > Click on the three vertical dots on the right top corner screen > USB connection to computer > Check the box next to "Media device (MTP)"

If you think the problem with USB file transfer is software related, try connecting the device to your computer using USB, select "Camera (PTP)" and put it away again. This helps some users.

Step 1.1 - addition for the “clean” version of Android 6.0 Marshmallow

If you don't see the above option under Memory, make sure you enable USB debugging. After that, do a little trick:

  1. Disconnect the USB cable from the device.
  2. Enable developer mode. To do this, go to Settings > About phone > tap on the build number several times until a pop-up message appears that you have become a developer.
  3. Go to Settings > Developer Options.
  4. Enable USB debugging.
  5. Lock your device (lock button on the side or top).
  6. Connect your smartphone to your computer using a USB cable.
  7. Unlock your Android device.
  8. Swipe down to open the notification panel and tap on USB Charging.
  9. Select "File Transfer" from the pop-up window.
  10. Lock your device and unlock again.

Using this method, you will be able to transfer files via USB. For some reason this option is not available without Developer Mode enabled.

Step 2 – Uninstall Samsung Kies program

Skip this step if you do not have Samsung Kies software installed.

Samsung's official file transfer program often causes interference when transferring files via USB. To remove Samsung Kies, you need to first download the program and then select “Uninstall”.

Step 3 – Check USB Cable

Not all USB cables are created equal: some are capable of transferring files, some are not. It is recommended to use the USB cable that came with your Android device. Typically, they have a USB file transfer feature.

If none of the methods helped solve the problem, then try installing AirDroid. Given software allows you to transfer files to Android devices without USB cable.

Without Internet modern world It’s simply impossible to imagine, but what to do if it doesn’t work Mobile Internet on Android? A similar phenomenon occurs on smartphones that have a SIM card of any popular mobile operator installed.

The problem may lie not only in the quality of network service, but also in the mobile device itself. This article will look at some trivial reasons and real problems that any smartphone user may experience.

What to do if mobile Internet does not work on your Android phone

The most common reasons, for which the mobile Internet “slows down”. We should start with the most common reasons, since they occur most often:

  1. Do you have enough money in your mobile account? This is one of the main reasons why the Internet on Android is slow or the page in the browser does not load at all. Some operators set a limit in the form of a certain amount of money in the account, below which high-speed Internet is turned off and a slower Edge connection mode is activated. If the balance is zero, the ability to use the Internet is completely lost. You can check your account status by sending a USSD request or by calling the operator.
  2. Is there mobile network coverage in the area where you are? The strength of the received signal can be judged by the state of a special indicator, which is located in the status bar at the top of the smartphone screen. If there are few “strips”, this may be the reason why the Internet began to work slowly. In some cases, there may be no signal at all. The only solution in this situation can only be to search for a place where the signal is present.
  3. Is data transfer enabled on your device? If you don’t know how to get the Internet to work on a smartphone running Android OS, you should open the settings, go to the “More...” tab, then select “Mobile network”, press your finger on the white square next to the “Mobile data transfer” item. . In different versions operating system The names may be slightly different, but the essence remains the same.
  4. Is your smartphone registered to the mobile network after turning on Airplane mode or being in a place where there was no signal? This situation often happens because there is some kind of malfunction in the application responsible for automatically searching for the network. The simplest and, perhaps, the only solution is to restart the device.

Is the mobile internet on your smartphone slow? How to fix?

More serious reasons arise mainly due to lost settings. The most common ones are:

Are the APN related settings correct? To identify the cause, you must:

  1. Open the official website of the company that provides you with mobile network operator services.
  2. Find the values ​​that should be set in the Internet connection settings.
  3. Then you need to go to the appropriate settings on your smartphone.
  4. If any discrepancies are found, or the profile is not created at all, you can request the settings from the operator, or manually enter the required values.
  5. To receive the settings automatically, you will need to send a special USSD request.
  6. An easier way is to call the operator, but this will take longer. When you receive the settings, you must accept them. After successful installation, the Internet will work again.

Why did it stop working on the new smartphone? A possible reason is that the RAM is overloaded with applications. To make sure that this is the reason, you can start your smartphone in safe mode. To do this you need:

  1. Press and hold the power on/off key until a menu appears with a choice between turning off, rebooting the device, and turning on airplane mode.
  2. Next, you need to press “Turn off power” with your finger and do not release until a dialog box appears that says “Enter Safe Mode.”
  3. Now you need to click “OK”. As a result of these actions, the smartphone will reboot and “Safe Mode” will appear in the lower left corner of the screen.
  4. Now you need to check the Internet again.
  5. If everything is in order, now we know what to do if the Internet on Android begins to work poorly - we need to remove unnecessary or unnecessary applications.
  6. Since Safe Mode has some limitations, be sure to reboot your device to return to normal mode.

Why does the Internet on my phone work poorly, what should I do? If all of the above does not help, there may be a software error or even a problem within the smartphone. The only solution in in this case- contact service center. It is not recommended to disassemble the device yourself. Especially the smartphone is new and its warranty period has not expired.

If the network suddenly starts to disappear on your phone, it does not see it or cannot detect the mobile operator, in some cases solve this problem you can do it without the help of a mobile service. It is quite difficult to independently determine the reason for this network behavior on your phone, but you can take a number of measures that will eliminate the problem partially or completely. Such measures include changing the settings inside the phone, checking the phone for breakdowns, contacting your operator directly mobile communications. To start, take a look at the network icons at the very top of your screen, they can usually tell you a lot. Then start studying this article.

Why the phone stopped seeing the network - the first reason

The very first reason is a breakdown of the SIM card slot itself inside your phone. This happens if you inserted a SIM card carelessly, dropped the phone, or scratched it on the side of the SIM card slot. This is quite easy to determine if the phone does not respond at all to turning the SIM on and off: it simply does not see it.

In this case, you can try to move the SIM card to another slot, if your phone has one. If the sim works and the network appears, then you have solved the problem. You should take your phone to a repair shop and have the slot fixed.

If this does not help, and the problem lies elsewhere, you should turn to other points in the article.

Why did the phone stop seeing the network - the second possible option

Like all equipment with an installed operating system, the phone could suffer some kind of system error. You can try to reinstall the firmware yourself using tools on your computer, perhaps this will fix the problem.

You can download official firmware on the developer’s website and install it yourself using the Odin program.

Why did the phone stop seeing the network - phone settings

Try to set correct settings network to set the access point yourself. Follow the algorithm:

  • Go to your phone's settings by opening the device tray and clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner.

  • In the settings you need the “Mobile networks” item, find it and click.

  • If your SIM is not identified in any way, but it is definitely inserted into the device, moreover, the phone sees it, then it makes sense to enter the “access points” item.

  • At the very top you will see the “Add” button. You can use it to create your own access points if they were not sent to you automatically when you turned on the SIM card.

  • Go to your mobile operator's website and find the network access point parameters for manual entry.
  • Transfer them to this form.

Save the settings and exit this window.

  • Now click on “search for networks”, after selecting the desired SIM card if your device has several of them.

  • See if the “Data roaming” option is checked. Switch its position to on and then back to off. select Options mobile transmission, if necessary.

As you may have noticed, the main reasons for the lack of network on the phone are as follows: technical problems in the form of a broken antenna, SIM card slot or other parts of the device; incorrect network settings and missing port; phone system error, which can be solved by manually changing the firmware.

Sometimes you can solve them yourself, but sometimes you have to contact service and pay for replacement components.

It's rare that someone hasn't encountered a similar problem. It seems that everything should be in order: the phone is working, the SIM card is inserted, the contract with the provider has been concluded - but there is no access to the Internet. Moreover, one moment he was still there, but a minute later he was gone. A familiar situation, isn't it? If the Internet does not work on your phone, then do not despair and rush headlong to the service center.

With very little effort, you can actually cope with the problem without the help of others. The Internet on a phone is configured slightly differently than on a regular personal computer, and this often causes difficulties for users. Which interface elements are responsible for setting up the connection? What are possible reasons denial of network access? We will consider all these questions in our article. For the most trivial reasons least of all pay attention. And completely in vain. Here is a short list of them:

  • The Internet on the phone is disconnected for non-payment. That is, you have a negative balance in your account.
  • The phone does not connect to the Internet because you are outside the network coverage area.
  • The data transfer option has failed.
  • In all other respects, a normally working mobile phone did not go through the automatic registration procedure.

The likelihood of the above is quite high. It is by checking these options and eliminating these problems that we will begin our fight against the disappeared network.

The simplest tests

First, we check the balance status. Each provider offers its own method. Read the instructions or dig through your contacts list - usually there is a corresponding number there. To obtain account information, dial *, then a certain three-digit code (unique for each operator), followed by the # symbol and press the call button. In response, the display shows the amount available to pay for calls. If the wallet is empty or there is an overspending of cash, top up your account and the Internet will appear.

We will assume that everything is OK with the balance. What to do next? We look at the network connection indicator. If it is deactivated, it means you are out of range. There is only one cure for this - get away from this place.

In all modern models smartphones have a special option. It's called "Data Transfer". To get to this parameter, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the connection settings menu.
  • Click on the “More” item.
  • Click on the “Mobile network” item.
  • On the screen that opens, check the “Mobile data transfer” checkbox. The picture below will serve as a good illustration:

What to do if there is still no Internet? You can try turning off your smartphone and turning it on again. Sometimes it helps. The fact is that 3G networks often stop pinging after leaving the subway and in other cases entering the access zone from places where there is no network. In this case, the machine is unable to connect to the network without rebooting.

Restore settings automatically

It happens that the device’s network settings have been lost. Restoring them is not difficult and can be done in two different ways: obtain the settings from the operator or perform the configuration manually. Of course, the first method is preferable. Simply because it is simpler. There is no need to bother yourself with all sorts of technical details. For some time now, this service has become available from every mobile operator. To download settings from the provider's server, you need to call a specific number or send an SMS to the number. For Beeline this is a call to number 06503, for MTS - an SMS to number 1234, Megafon receives SMS to number 5049, and Tele2 is waiting for your call to 679.

In response, the operator will send a settings package to your phone, which will be automatically registered in your phone’s operating system - that is, you won’t have to do anything manually. If you don’t know the “magic” number of your operator, then go to their website - this information should be there.

Restoring settings manually

Theoretically, anyone can set parameters manually, but not those who are not at all familiar with the OS of their smartphone. We present brief instructions(for more or less experienced users it should be enough):

  • We get to the APN access point settings. Usually through the items “More” => “Mobile network” => “APN access point”.
  • Create a new access point by clicking on the plus sign. A form will open with fields to fill out. Here you will need to set the connection name, user name, APN parameters and password to log into the network.
  • We take the field values ​​from the following table, which contains data for each operator:

Enter the values ​​in the fields, save and reboot the phone. If after switching on the network is still absent, it means that things are bad and you will have to go to the specialists. That’s basically all you need to know about why the Internet doesn’t work on your phone.

Smartphone users often have problems setting up the Internet on their phone correctly. If you are an advanced user, you can connect manually by filling out the appropriate form with data in the operating system. For all other users, automatic configuration is available via SMS message from the operator.

How to connect mobile internet

You can connect mobile data manually on your phone. Step-by-step instruction, which is used to configure the Internet on Android:

  1. Open the settings menu on your phone.
  2. Select “Connection”, “Mobile networks”, “Other networks”, “More” depending on the device model.
  3. Then select “Access Points”.
  4. Click the “Add” button; if it is not displayed separately, then find it in the context menu.
  5. A new profile will open, which must be filled out in accordance with the settings of the specific operator.
  6. Save your data, go back up one level and select the profile you just created.
  7. Turn on Mobile Data and restart your phone.

The table shows the settings of three popular providers, entering which will allow you to connect the Internet to cell phone. If, when filling out your profile, you encounter additional items, you should skip them and leave the default values:

Automatic setup

If for some reason you were unable to connect your mobile Internet manually, you can always use automatic setup. To do this you need to do the following actions:

  1. “Ask” your cellular network operator to send a special message with settings (this SMS is often marked with an envelope icon with a gear).
  2. Open the received SMS message.
  3. Select the item labeled “Application: Internet.”
  4. Click the "Install" button.
  5. If a PIN code is required, enter “0000” or “1234”.
  6. If the code does not work, contact your cellular network operator to find out the correct PIN.
  7. Confirm your choice by pressing the “Yes” button and turn on mobile data in the phone curtain, restart the device to activate the changes.
  8. On some phone models the above steps are not required, you just need to order a message from the operator to connect to the Internet.

Connect via Wi-Fi

You can access the Internet on your phone not through mobile data, but through Wi-Fi. To connect the World Wide Web in this way on the Android operating system, use the following instructions.

  1. Unlock your device, go to the main menu.
  2. In the list of icons or in the curtain of the operating system, find “Settings” (often this item is indicated by a gear symbol), and make the transition.
  3. A list of customizable items will appear in front of you, find the “Wi-Fi” line and go to the submenu.
  4. In older versions of the Android operating network, you first need to go to “ Wireless network", and then select "Wi-Fi Settings".
  5. If the Wi-Fi router is turned on, all available connections will be displayed immediately.
  6. If the adapter is turned off, the system will prompt you to turn on the Wi-Fi module to view available networks.
  7. Select the desired network from the list.
  8. In the dialog box that appears, enter the access password.
  9. If you accidentally entered incorrect data, click on the network name again, select “Forget” and re-enter the authentication parameters to connect to the Internet.