What new professions have appeared in the modern world. Modern professions

Because new territories are being developed both in the literal sense of the word and in the figurative one. People begin to be interested in something completely different, to create other fields for creativity and, accordingly, for making money.

In this article we will talk about the profession of the 21st century, consider where to go to study, how you can earn money without education, and also find out what futurists are telling us. If you are interested in professions that appeared in the 21st century, then this post will be very interesting to you.

Where to go to study?

Before telling where you and your children can go to study, I would like to emphasize which professions are definitely not worth learning. So, you will waste money and, more annoyingly, years of your life if you decide to become an economist or a lawyer. The market for such specialists today is overcrowded not only in our country, but also in foreign countries. Modern university graduates have to get a second higher or other additional education in order to get a job anywhere. Therefore, the popular and popular professions of the 21st century do not include these specialties in their lists.

Although, if you put the question differently - who most often go to study girls and boys, then the answer will be associated with lawyers and economists.

But in the coming decades, a demand for specialists in technical professions is expected. If you have an interest or inclinations, then you can apply for engineers, electricians, technicians of all kinds. You will see that immediately after receiving your diploma, you will simply be "taken away" with arms and legs. However, these tips are more advisory in nature, and in any case, it's up to you to decide. Now let's talk about such a phenomenon as the profession of the 21st century. The list could be huge, but we will only touch upon those options that may be of interest to the average inhabitant of our region.

Sales and purchases

Purchase and sale has been of great importance in human life since ancient times. Throughout history, we never have what we want. The sales-purchase relationship allows you to purchase the product you are looking for, so it is not surprising that sellers have entered the most popular professions of the 21st century, albeit under a more fashionable name.

Today many companies are recruiting buyers to their team. This word is derived from the English "to buy", which means "to buy." Bayer is engaged in satisfying the needs of the company in the goods, acquiring what is needed - food, stationery, furniture, clothes ... Such a specialist must understand the goods, determine the quality "by eye", be able to find the most advantageous offers. The education of a commodity expert will be enough to become a buyer.

A shopper is the same buyer, but more individual. A well-to-do family can hire a shopper to buy everything they need - food, interior details, clothing. If in the work of a buyer you need to be an experienced person, then here, understanding of psychology, of what kind of thing is suitable for a particular person, is of much greater importance.

The media buyer is the same specialist, but the product he buys is more specific. This person is engaged in the purchase of advertising space, develops a strategy for the company's advertising activities. Here you can not do without economic and marketing education, as well as a flair for what kind of advertising and where will bring the greatest consumer demand for the product.

Advertising and direct promotion of goods

Today, good money can be made from advertising. A huge plus of this opportunity is that you do not need to have a special education in order to grow to the head of the promo department.

A promoter is a person who promotes a product through consultation, tasting, and various "luring" promotions. To become a promoter, you do not need to have education, but what is definitely needed is communication skills, the ability to clearly convey your thoughts and gently convince people.

Merchandiser - one who is engaged in the placement of goods, displaying products on the shelves of the supermarket. Such specialists are not needed in small stores, whose employees can display products on their own. But if we are talking about hypermarkets that daily pass tons of products through themselves, then you cannot do without helpers from manufacturing companies. A merchandiser does not need to be able to "talk" visitors, his job is solely in If we talk about the fact that the 21st century is popular today, then the merchandiser is one of them.

A brand manager is a person who is engaged in "promotion", maintaining the name of a product on the ears of consumers. This is where education is needed, marketing is best. The brand manager creates and develops conditions for the brand to be in demand.

Internet browsing

The internet was once more of an intranet and was considered a military development. Today, this is an obligatory "springboard" for almost every one of us. Business is not limited to reading news and watching movies - we share interesting information with friends, upload photos, "check in" in order to boast of being in a pretentious place. In addition, the Internet has presented a lot of opportunities for earning money.

Of course, not all 21st centuries from the Internet are effective - some are designed simply for the fact that you donate your funds. So, the "professions" associated with working on the stock exchanges are very dubious. Otherwise, be careful - no matter how the new professions of the 21st century rob you of your savings. The list below will be of interest to those who want to master a profession and make money without leaving home.

A blogger is a person who keeps a diary on the Internet. If his blog turns out to be interesting to a large number of subscribers, then he gets the opportunity to make money on advertising, which he will place on his pages. To become a successful blogger, you need to write about what is close to you and what you are good at.

A copywriter is a person who deals with All content on the Internet is the creation of copywriters, people who write from scratch or rewrite ready-made texts. You can work without having an education, however, you can't write much without a "sense of style" and literacy.

SEO-optimizer is a person who makes websites more popular by promoting them to the top of search engines. The sites that the user sees on the network first are in the greatest demand. The more people visit the site, the more popular it is and the more attractive it is for the advertiser.

A web designer is a person who specializes in creating the visual content of a website. You can get such an education at special courses.

Working with society

Event manager is a person who organizes events and holidays. There are a lot of enterprises on the market today that specialize exclusively in this activity. Some companies also need to have a couple of these experts (for example, a hotel or a restaurant). The manager must come up with an entertainment program, order artists, and also discuss payment with them based on the available budget.

A PR manager is a person involved in public relations. For many, "PR" has a negative meaning. It is worth a star to make a scandal or disgrace, and this trick is immediately called PR. In fact, any "message" to the people of news is the activity of a PR manager.

What are you preparing for?

We figured out what the newest professions of the 21st century are now in trend, and what kind of education you need to get in order to work successfully. What about the near future? What will be relevant in ten to twenty years?

Futurologists predict an even more noticeable improvement in telecommunications and media in the coming years. In addition, the climate and the living needs of people will change noticeably. Let's try to predict, based on the conclusions of futurologists, what 21 centuries await us in the foreseeable future.

Personal Trumans

Remember the movie "The Truman Show"?

If not, then we suggest you remember about the show "House 2". As practice shows, people like to watch the life of their own kind, and it is better if they are real, living people, and not characters from TV series and films. So, there is an assumption that soon there will be popular selfie movies that anyone can shoot by simply attaching a camera to themselves.

Development of new lands

Futurist Stuart Brand predicts that the melting ice of Antarctica will lead to climate change during our lifetime. As a result, the newest professions of the 21st century will appear. For example, there will be a demand for "Columbus", people who will explore new territories, including space.

Networking within corporations

It's no secret that corporations rule the world. Often it is the desire of the management of such companies that determines the policies of countries in the external and internal markets. A corporation is a closed system, a kind of life.

And according to marketing specialist Seth Godin, other lines will be added to new professions of the 21st century in the near future. The list will be supplemented by specialists in ensuring the vital functions of corporate structures.

So, recently the agency "Sterno.ru" completed an interesting order - the development of social networks for clients. Consequently, programming and information technology are more relevant than ever when the question arises of where to go to study.

Human improvement

James Kenton believes that all professions of the 21st century will be tied to making a person as perfect as possible. Laboratories and medical institutes will "design" animals and plants, and work to create the "perfect person." The futurist assumes that the times are not far off when it will be possible for a lonely person to come to a special databank and request the contacts of people most compatible with their DNA. Couples, before having a child, will be able to "calculate" how the future baby will be born. Be that as it may, medical education, according to Kenton, will not hurt.

Many people, having received an education and having worked for some time in their chosen specialty, understand that they would like to change the field of professional activity. Therefore, educational institutions have provided a variety of training programs specially created for people who want to get a new profession. But how do you find a program that's right for you?


If you have the opportunity, during your studies, do an internship in your specialty. This will give you important work experience in the labor market already after graduation. This is an important advantage.

Successfully pass the final exams and receive a diploma or certificate of obtaining a new profession.


Secondary education will most likely be paid for you. However, there are also free programs, for example, master's degrees in some higher education institutions. Budgetary places in the magistracy are provided, for example, in such a well-known university as MGIMO.

Choosing a profession, you want to be sure that it will provide stability and good earnings. The service market is growing rapidly, some specialists are moving into new industries. This creates a labor shortage in other sectors. European analysts are constantly conducting research to determine the most in-demand professions.


The rating of the most in-demand professions is led by technical specialists. In Europe, as in the rest of the world, there is a shortage of skilled workers with good education. The time has passed when there was a lack of managers and managers everywhere. Now in Europe, the unemployment rate is growing in precisely these areas. The labor market is overflowing with middle-level employees, and for business it has become a higher priority to create quality products than to sell them.

For many years, IT specialists, analysts, programmers, application developers have been the most demanded workers in all countries of the world. Although this labor sector in Europe is more or less full, the demand remains. Nanotechnologists will not be left without work, as their knowledge is increasingly used in all spheres of production.

Not only specialists with higher education can count on employment in Europe. There is a tendency for the development of private business, an increase in the number of hotels and an expansion of the tourist zone. Therefore, good service specialists are in demand again. Looking for doctors, pharmacists, nurses, midwives, tourism managers, waiters, administrators and secretaries. Due to the high turnover, cooks, cleaners, line operators and electricians are constantly required.

Due to the desire of people to rise higher on the social ladder, Europe is experiencing a lack of specialists in the field of construction and repair. Architects, foremen, turners, carpenters, crane operators, etc. will be able to find employment without any problems. However, one must take into account the seasonality of such works.

Skilled chemists, physicists, ecologists, biologists and geneticists should not worry about their daily bread. Europeans attach great importance to the development of the medical field, the search for new types of fuel and the desire to conserve natural resources and the environment.

At the peak of demand and the profession of logistics and marketing specialists. However, those who know how to organize trade processes and engage in research, in addition to their skills, must know foreign languages ​​and learn the intricacies of related professions. Along with them, multidisciplinary specialists are required in international companies - translators, secretaries, managers and managers. People who know how to conduct an audit, who are engaged in insurance and who have professions from the banking sector are also in demand.

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A few years ago, such names of professions as trend watcher, IT evangelist or neuroengineer did not tell anyone about anything. And they couldn't tell. If only because these professions did not exist before. However, even now, when specialists in new specialties are being trained in universities, even personnel agents still know little about them.

The formation of new professions occurs mainly in two areas - science and business. This happens either as a result of new scientific discoveries, or because of the invention of new ways of promoting goods to the market and doing business. One way or another, these professions are prestigious and highly paid.

New business professions

The profession of IT evangelist has nothing to do with religion, except for faith. Unlimited faith in a product of our own production in the field of information technology. Usually this is a competent technology specialist who wants not only to engage in the production of a product, but also to promote it to the market. He communicates with potential consumers through social media and blogs. Just as a real missionary instills faith in God in savages, so an IT evangelist "preaches sermons" to the lost about the merits of his brainchild. At the same time, he, as a rule, is absolutely sincere and does not deceive anyone.

The fashion trade has recently expanded with this new specialty. This is a buyer's profession. Its functions are very similar to those of a stylist and sales assistant. The buyer usually works in boutiques of fashionable and stylish clothes. He helps the buyer to choose the right product. But, besides this, the buyer monitors all modern fashion trends, is engaged in planning purchases of goods and calculating their payback.

A person working in a new specialty does not stay at one job for a long time. He usually comes in critical situations and helps the company to organize the work of its management and employees. Deals with staff rotation. Someone can be fired, and someone can be encouraged. Sometimes it can replace the whole team. In less difficult situations, he is involved in staff training.

New professions related to science

Specialists in the field of bioinformatics are in great demand now. They are also conventionally called programmers of living organisms. They only work with genes. With their help, bioinformatics create new organisms with their previously known properties. This mainly concerns the regeneration of tissues and organs.

Modern science has given birth to such a new profession as neuroengineering. These specialists are studying the methods and techniques of encoding and transmitting information from individual parts of the brain. They monitor how pathological changes affect the transmission and content of this information and study the possibility of directing these processes in the right direction with an artificial gene.

Another new specialty has appeared in the field of medicine. This is a genetic therapist. People of this profession are engaged in identifying mutating genes in humans and looking for ways to replace it with a full-fledged copy. Genetic therapists are indispensable for diagnosing early pregnancy. They often manage to identify and prevent the development of a genetic disease in an unborn child.

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  • site "people.su"

Visitors can judge a lot by the names of the streets in the city. When cities were just beginning to be built, street names appeared by themselves. They were called according to the occupations of the inhabitants, after the name of the person who built the first house, according to their geographical location and the nearby temple or other public building. In Soviet times, it became fashionable to name the streets of public figures and organizations. A lot of the same names appeared on the maps of cities. And some are subject to change.

One of the tasks of the movement is to ensure that people whose activities cause even the slightest doubt disappear from the maps of cities. First of all, these are political and public figures, as well as some.

Dissonant names can also be changed. As a rule, they appeared spontaneously, and only then they were entered into documents. This happened not only in the Middle Ages, but also quite recently. Such streets often appeared on the outskirts of large cities or in newly built settlements. If the name does not carry any historical information, it can be.

The issue of renaming streets is decided by the local government. There is a renaming commission under the municipal administration. She makes a decision, and then sends the prepared document to the local council. The final verdict is made by the deputies. The procedure for renaming is determined by the charter of the municipality. In many cities, residents' consent is required.

When you decide that your street name needs to be changed, discuss the matter with other residents. Get advice on how you can change it. Write an appeal to your local government. Justify your suggestions. It is very useful to collect signatures from residents, even if a poll or referendum is not required.

Give your appeal to the head of the local administration. He usually heads the renaming committee as well. Such letters are considered in the same order as all other applications of citizens. It can be sent by regular mail by registered mail with notification, by e-mail or sent through a secretary. In the first two cases, you should be sent an answer that the letter has been received. In the latter, print the document in duplicate and make sure that the secretary registers the letter. Such appeals are considered within 30 days. You may be invited to a meeting of the commission. Prepare for any questions.

Renaming streets is associated with serious financial costs. It is necessary not only to redo the signs on the houses. All institutions located on this street will have to change registration documents, stamps, etc. Therefore, municipalities are usually not very willing to make such changes.


  • how to rename a street

She's a job - it's not just a pastime in order to get a livelihood. This is life. Real, seething, with discoveries and a lot of emotions (it is better if they are positive, but there are all kinds), from which you get madly tired in the evening, but which you already incredibly miss by the morning. And by nine you are in a hurry to return to your home office, workshop or classroom.

To give your best and still have fun, you need to love work. Is this possible if modern professions are mostly chosen with the help of a psychologist, and not with the call of the heart; if the focus is on the comfort of the workplace and the size of wages; if the main selection criterion is the desire to receive more (monetary reward) than to give (strength, knowledge and experience)?

The answer to all these questions is yes. The professions of modern society just presuppose comfortable conditions, convenient schedule, and decent earnings.

Popular professions in different periods

If you analyze the specialties in different periods, you can see how much the preferences of people have changed when choosing a profession.

The labor romance of the 60s of the last century made the professions of a high-altitude installer, an astronaut (all the boys in the class sure wanted to go into space, and even a few girls), a geologist into the trend of popular ones.

In the stable and calm 70s and early 80s, Soviet citizens sought to acquire intelligent specialties: a teacher, a physician (in the health care industry, the work of both a doctor and mid-level personnel - a nurse was considered equally honorable). Among men, it was very popular, which gave the chance of legal temporary residence abroad.

Nineties ... Professions remained, salaries disappeared. The most popular specialty is the market trader. The loud name "businessman", some kind of income and a huge daily risk. Popularity against one's will - there was simply no other way to survive.

The 21st century is the period when new, hitherto undeveloped specialties come to the fore. It was then that our compatriots discovered the world of modern professions and finally stopped being afraid of “wonderful” names: manager, marketer, designer, coach.

Choice of specialty and classifier of professions

All relevant modern professions are placed in a special list - a classifier that does not lose popularity among school graduates and their parents: after all, everyone is right in his desire to choose a specialty not only for the soul, but also for the complete satisfaction of all material needs.

True, the list has one huge drawback - it is presented in the form of a list and does not provide the most important information: what professions are promising and in demand at the moment?

Traditional Professions: Do They All Need Modification?

Since ancient times, the works of a teacher and a farmer have been considered the most respected. And the most difficult. Plowing a cornfield, sowing grain, waiting for germination and harvesting is very difficult both in the case of a grain grower and in the case of a teacher.

Despite the fact that the age of technology forced the professions to modify somewhat, acquire new methods and modern technical means, work in these areas of activity has not diminished, but has increased even more. And responsibility too.

By the way, modern teaching professions - this is not only work in a school, kindergarten or institute, this is the activity of an animator at a hotel (a talented teacher will surely find how to show himself in games with children) and private pedagogical activity: a tutor, a governess, a nanny (none of the parents will ever let anyone get close to his child is a person without pedagogical education and experience).

Among the existing specialties, it is difficult to find one that would not be modernized to fully meet the requirements of the time.

Is it really necessary to change? Rather yes than no. Modern factory workshops are equipped with innovative computerized machines, livestock farms are equipped with professional complexes for milking and processing milk, there is a computer system in every tractor and combine, clothes are sewn using innovative machines.

But with all the power of the technological progress that has swept the world, modern professions leave traditional the basic requirement: it is necessary to put your soul into your business - only under this condition the highest level of skill is achieved.

Why, in the presence of many restaurants of "fast" food, a person is looking for one where the chef personally crumbles arugula into a salad, or dresses for the most significant celebrations are ordered individually from a trusted master, or he buys homemade cakes in small bakeries, where she is really homemade?

New unusual professions

The world is changing, constantly demanding new specialists who have not only well-known professions, but also easily master new ones. Vacancies can be found the most unexpected and quite interesting. The only question is whether there is a chance to master them.

New professions of modern society sometimes boggle the imagination with their non-standardness.

For example, offshore specialist. A very necessary specialty with the love of most of our large entrepreneurs to open accounts in distant foreign banks and the desire to "profit" by paying taxes.

Or expert trasologist. A narrow specialty, involving the study of traces and trace-forming objects. Required by the police for the most efficient and quick collection of evidence and solving crimes.

Medicines specialist. Comments are superfluous here. The quality of some drugs is so poor that they need to be checked before being sold.

Chocolatier. The most positive and rare profession. To uniqueize and improve everyone's favorite delicacy is the vocation of representatives of this wonderful narrow specialty.

IT evangelist. Religion has nothing to do with it. The specialist develops and promotes products through communication with the audience.

If the job does not suit you

The world is changing, changing people. Often, changes are manifested in the desire to acquire another profession, because a person believes that he has "grown" from the previous one or he needs to improve his skills, and for this he needs to change jobs or even occupation.

Most modern professions provide ample opportunities for related work: a journalist can be both a successful copywriter and an equally successful editor, and a pastry chef can easily be reclassified as a culinary specialist, a historian as a guide, etc.

But if the career crisis has dragged on for too long, you can think about a radical change of profession, and at the same time - of life.

The most affordable way is professional courses

Specialized courses help to improve the qualification level in order to find a more interesting and or change the profession, in a short period of study in which you can get the most useful information.

A similar method of training is offered at universities, employment centers (in this case, they are free), and many training centers are open, the most famous of which is the Academy of Modern Professions.

Blitz training with the help of courses is becoming a necessity in our high-speed age, since the competition in the labor market is enormous and requires quick and high-quality mastering of specialties. And employers are not used to waiting for "their" best specialist for years.

Each century in the history of mankind is marked by new opportunities and discoveries in different spheres of human life. Stepping on the threshold of the 21st century, we all felt the breath of a new time with its rapid development of the latest technologies, global computerization, and important medical discoveries.

On the labor market in Russia today

At the same time, people are faced with massive environmental and psychological problems that require immediate action and effective solutions. In this regard, all over the world there is a need for specialists, about whom no one even heard a few years ago, and if they were discussed, it was only in the very distant future as something fantastic and unlikely. In this article, you will learn about the newest professions of the 21st century, and you will also be surprised what promising professions of the future will be in demand around the world very soon.

Among the new professions of the 21st century, of course, the information business sphere deserves attention as one of the most promising. With the global development of Internet technologies, quality information has become an expensive pleasure. Now we can say with confidence that it has become more valuable than money. If you are a skilled user of a personal computer, have a good command of printing skills and basic computer programs, then today you can try your hand at making money online.

The great advantage of such work is complete freedom of movement, no matter where you are today, in Russia or abroad, if you have a laptop with you. Moreover, this is work only for oneself, and earnings depend on the specific order performed. So, to begin with, let's discuss new topical professions that have emerged on the Internet in the 21st century, compiling their top list.

But if you do not want to "hang" at the computer, but want to directly interact with other people, then what new professions can the 21st century labor market in Russia offer?

Event manager. This is a specialist who is engaged in the complete organization of various holidays, corporate events for individuals or groups of people to order. What exactly is the responsibility of this specialist, and what skills should he possess?

  • Developed and aesthetic taste;
  • : communication skills are extremely important to find an individual approach to completely different people;
  • Ability to negotiate and conclude contracts;
  • Find the right objects and venues for events, participants in the action;
  • To be able to develop and also have ready-made holiday programs available.

Media glider. This is a specialist who plans an organization's advertising campaign for its successful promotion on the market. He evaluates the effectiveness of various media and allocates the advertising budget. This position exists in all advertising agencies or in the departments of large companies. Specialists of this level in Russia of the 21st century began to train at the journalism faculty of Moscow State University. So what features should be inherent in a qualified media planner?

  • Possess extensive knowledge of sociology and marketing;
  • Knowledge of computer programs Integrum, Pal Marceting;
  • Ability to analyze the advertising market;
  • Experience in the advertising business.

Head hunter. In direct translation from English, this specialty sounds like a "bounty hunter". This person is an intermediary between the employer and the employee. You can compare this work with the work of a recruiter who selects a suitable specialist from a variety of applicants, but a head hunter works with a specific professional in order to influence his choice of a job, luring a qualified specialist to the right company. What should be a "cool" head hunter?

  • Thoughtful image;
  • Developed communication skills, listening skills;
  • Organizational talent;
  • Ability to analyze the modern labor market.

Life coach. This is a person who teaches other people the skills of effectiveness in different areas of life. He is a coach, personal mentor who helps to move on the path of personal development. The client makes a specific request, for example, to learn how to effectively conclude deals, and the coach helps to form the necessary communication skills and business qualities. The requirements for such a specialist are quite high:

  • Psychological education or special training is desirable;
  • Personal experience of participation in various groups of personal development;
  • Specific knowledge in the area in which the client works;
  • The ability not only to develop the necessary skill in the client, but also to holistically influence the person in order to change her life for the better.

This list can be supplemented with a number of other equally important and demanded professions of the 21st century in Russia and around the world:

  • Trader - organizer of foreign and domestic trade;
  • Realtor - real estate specialist;
  • Underwriter - insurance specialist;
  • PR manager - a specialist engaged in the development of an organization's image;
  • Back office specialist - deals with the preparation of company documentation;
  • Promoter - a specialist in promoting a product or service;
  • Merchandiser - engaged in product promotion; Marketer - studies and forms the demand for services and goods;
  • Declarant - customs specialist;
  • Interviewer - conducts sociological surveys and social research;
  • SEO-specialist - engaged in website promotion on the World Wide Web.

It's good that we live in such a time when we can, without visiting a stuffy office every day!

Be fully armed by 2030

In the coming years, our world will undergo significant changes that will affect all spheres of human activity in the 21st century. British researchers have proposed highly sought-after professions that will emerge in the near future. According to their calculations, by 2030 the following professions will become a reality:

  • Artificial Organs Specialist;
  • Farmers using gene technologies;
  • Space architects and pilots;
  • Climate Change Specialist;
  • Specialists in the development of alternative transport;
  • Psychologists and social media workers;
  • Information recycling specialists;
  • A surgeon specializing in memory augmentation;
  • Scientific Ethics Specialist;
  • Senior Citizen Consultant;
  • Quarantine Specialist;
  • Time bank brokers.

The rapid development of technology and the growing needs of society have given the world many new professions, without which we can no longer imagine our life. In the 21st century, people first heard about content managers, copywriters, internet coaches. Today these specialties lead the ratings of the most demanded professions.

Modern professions in Russia

Russia is developing within the framework of global trends. And this is manifested not only in the emergence of new topical professions, but also in a gradually changing approach to work itself.

In the last century, it was believed that every adult should spend 8 hours in the workplace, five days a week. Today, young professionals are increasingly leaving the office and preferring remote employment, which allows them to independently manage their time and work from anywhere in the world.

Such changes became possible, among other things, due to the emergence of new specialties.

For example, a copywriter or content manager does not need to communicate with management personally every day, and to carry out duties, it is enough to have a laptop with Internet access at hand.

Blogs have become incredibly popular in Russia in recent years. The controversy over the status of bloggers has not subsided to this day. Many people tend to believe that this is not a profession, but rather a hobby or a way to make money writing mediocre texts. Defenders of the blogosphere are confident that before monetizing a personal brand, you have to go a long and difficult path, gather a loyal audience around you. And to be successful, you need at least a basic knowledge of advertising and the principles of promotion in social networks.

Online recruiters who are looking for valuable specialists in the market for customer companies are also popular. Recruiters need to not only track profile sites and exchanges, but also look for employees on social networks or blogs.

New professions have appeared in areas where active contacts with people are required.

An event manager who organizes various events, from weddings to corporate events, is a popular profession in Russia today. The responsibilities of these people include finding venues, planning an event in the smallest detail, choosing a treat, decorating a room, and much more.

A separate niche is occupied by personal assistants (assistants). They can carry out orders from the manager, ranging from booking restaurants and tickets to organizing meetings.

Another “subspecies” of helpers is about improving the employer's life. This area includes professional shoppers who, for example, help the client choose a new wardrobe, as well as life coaches - they help to understand difficult life situations and give advice on personal effectiveness.

New professions in the field of IT technology and media

The profession of a programmer appeared in the last century, but literally every few years its inner content and range of responsibilities changes and expands. The faster mobile platforms develop, the more there is a need for specialists who can program software and various applications for them.

Another important task is to identify errors in software even before it goes to market. Testers charged with this responsibility are more than in demand. A whole team of specialists can be involved in software verification. For example, at Microsoft, two testers are "tied" to one programmer at once.

Most of today's professions are related to information. The World Wide Web is by far the most popular data distribution channel. In total, more than 5 million sites are currently registered on the Runet. Many of them contain data that needs to be constantly maintained, updated and supplemented.

This work is suitable for people who are able to think outside the box and have a well-developed creative imagination. Together with them, the top positions in the ratings are occupied by content managers who control the process of filling the site with materials and photographs. They are responsible for coordinating the work of copywriters, SMMs, editors.

In addition to content, sites need people to keep them running technically. First of all, this is a webmaster who administers the project, maintains it and updates it.

Many companies prefer to outsource their design development to a dedicated person - a web designer. At the same time, there is a need for SEO specialists who optimize the site for search queries, thus increasing the audience of the project.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University began to train specialists in media planning. They can compose advertising campaigns for organizations and specific products, taking into account the effectiveness of certain media. The representatives of this profession are also responsible for the distribution of the advertising budget.

New professions in education

In recent years, distance learning has become increasingly popular. Online broadcasts with good sound and picture quality turn out to be no worse than personal lessons with teachers, albeit with special specifics. At the same time, distance education helps to save time. In connection with this trend, the need for new specialties is also increasing in Russia.

Curators of online platforms play an important role in the modern educational process, whose tasks include writing courses and adapting disciplines to teaching on the Web. In addition, they must, if necessary, solve organizational problems between students and teachers.

People's interest in teaching has not diminished for many years. Now teachers have much more opportunities than in previous years. The Internet is full of offers to sign up for master classes in any specialty - from cooking to business development.

On the Internet today you can find any reference information and learn a lot of new things. However, there is also a danger of getting lost in the vast array of available data. Already in the near future, according to forecasts, professional instructors in Internet surfing will come to the aid of the user. They will teach a person to think critically, separate the important from the unimportant, and determine the reliability of sources. In addition, developers of educational trajectories will become more and more in demand. They will help you create an individual training program, taking into account the personal characteristics of the client.

According to the atlas of new professions developed in Skolkovo, in a couple of years we will also have mind fitness trainers, game educators, environmental preachers and more at our service.

New professions in business

In the 21st century, professions that are associated with the sale and purchase of real estate continue to be relevant. The most in demand now are developers who promote and implement construction projects. They buy or lease building land, develop business plans, build an advertising campaign.

More recently, underwriters have appeared who manage the issuance and distribution of shares on the securities market. They also work in insurance companies: there the underwriter assesses all the risks and decides to conclude a contract.

There are a number of professions in business that are related. Analysts collect and study information about the company's processes, this helps its further development.

The methodologist will be able to provide a specific plan of action for the development of the business, although in many firms all the listed responsibilities are assigned to one person.

Technical writers use the information provided by analysts and methodologists to create all the necessary documents.

IT auditors can be found in many companies, and they are often confused with colleagues of a narrower specialization or accountants. This is not true. IT auditors must have a technical or economic background and at the same time have a high level of jurisprudence. Their tasks include checking the health and information security of the enterprise.

According to the Skolkovo atlas, many more new professions will appear in business in the coming years, for example, a private equity fund manager, an intellectual property appraiser, and even a designer of an individual financial trajectory.

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