How many milk teeth should a preschool child have. How to understand that a child is teething and how to alleviate his condition: useful information for parents A 3-year-old child is teething

How much should a baby have at 3 years old? This question is asked by every mother of a three-year-old, because any deviations from age norms scare caring parents. And the very process of the appearance of milk teeth in a baby gives a lot of trouble to the whole family.

The standard number of teeth in a child at the age of three

According to experts and WHO (World Health Organization) standards, by the age of three, a child should have all twenty milk teeth erupted. Until the baby grows up, and his milk odontopagus is replaced by permanent ones, the baby will have to make do with twenty teeth.

This amount is provided by nature itself, because the jaw of a child is small enough, and simply does not contain thirty-two teeth, as in adults. Practice shows that indeed most of the little men at the age of three already have a full milk row of twenty teeth. There are ten pieces on the lower and upper jaws: 2 canines, 4 incisors and 4 molars (chewing teeth located farthest from the center).

However, if your baby already had all the milk teeth erupted at 2.5 years old, or, on the contrary, at 3.5 years old he had only 18 odontopagus, this is not a pathology. The alarm should be sounded when less than a dozen teeth have erupted in the crumbs by the age of three.

The standard number of teeth in a small child is calculated by experts using the following formula:

  • KMZ \u003d BM - 4, where KMZ is the number of milk teeth, BM is the age in months. It turns out that a one and a half year old child should have: 18-4 \u003d 14 teeth, which will completely correspond to the norm. When all the teeth erupt in the crumbs, there should be no gaps or gaps between them.

Pediatricians assign a rather important role to the number of teeth in a three-year-old child: this indicator allows you to determine the level of physical development of the baby and may indicate the presence of diseases.

Causes of deviations from the norm

If the baby is not too far from ideal in terms of the number of milk teeth, this is not at all scary. Here, most likely, the reason lies in heredity. All people are individual: for some, the first tooth erupts at four or five months, for others after a year. Hence, the rest of the milk teeth are late for someone, and for someone they are in a hurry.

In addition to heredity, there are several reasons why a three-year-old child does not have enough teeth:

  • Lack of calcium and vitamins
  • Loss of a tooth due to trauma or extraction (caries)
  • Climatic zone of residence
  • Ecological situation
  • Congenital or past diseases
  • Mom's poor nutrition during
  • Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx
  • Abuse of pacifiers and nipples
  • Weak development of gum muscles

These reasons play an important role in the formation of a milk bite, the presence of large gaps and gaps between the baby's teeth is a reason to see a doctor.

Improper growth of milk odontopagus leads to various defects in the formation and development of permanent teeth, and can significantly spoil the "adult smile".

Possible problems of the chewing apparatus in babies at 3 years old

A significant lack of milk teeth in a child may indicate a lack of vitamins and minerals in the baby's body, metabolic disorders and problems, endocrine or cardiovascular systems. Of course, this is a reason to visit a doctor. Any deviations and pathologies must be detected and treated in time.

Along with the number of milk odontopaguses in a child, parents should be concerned about their condition. It is at the age of three that the first problems with teeth begin in children, such as caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, as well as other problems of the chewing apparatus:

  • Teeth with a black border indicate a lack of iron in the baby's body.
  • The presence of a large gap between the upper incisors is an anatomical defect and is corrected by an orthodontist.
  • Darkening of the tooth enamel occurs as a result of the mother’s treatment during pregnancy, and a greenish tint indicates problems with the metabolism, metabolism, or diseases of the baby’s circulatory system.
  • Hypoplasia (gray soft dental tissue) is a consequence of poor nutrition of the mother during the period of expectation of the child.
  • An incorrect bite in a child also needs to be corrected, this problem will not be solved by itself and will grow with the baby. In adulthood, it is much more difficult to eliminate it.

3 year old oral care

At the age of three years, the baby is quite capable of independently brushing his teeth twice a day, and rinsing his mouth after each meal. To do this, you need to start accustoming your baby to personal hygiene from the age of one. A few tips for parents whose kids don't like brushing their teeth:

  • Carry out the procedure in a playful way and turn it into an exciting process for the crumbs.
  • Go to the store with your child and buy a toothbrush and paste that he liked. It should be remembered that the children's brush should be small with soft bristles, and the paste should be appropriate for age, as children often swallow it. For a three-year-old, a pea-sized amount of paste will be enough for one cleaning.
  • Brush your teeth yourself with your child, because children try to imitate their parents in everything.
  • While the baby does not have enough experience, after his independent attempts to conduct a control cleaning with his own hands.
  • Explain to the child the need for the procedure, read a book to him or watch a cartoon together about animals that did not brush their teeth and therefore got sick.

Caring for a child's milk teeth is a fundamental basis for the formation of a permanent dentition in a growing man.

While watching the video, you will learn about teething in babies.

With the right approach of parents, the baby will soon learn the rules of hygiene and this useful habit will remain with him for life. The child will grow up without fear of dentists, not knowing toothache and constantly delighting parents with his radiant Hollywood smile.

The nature of the eruption of milk teeth largely depends on the genetic predisposition to a particular feature and the state of health of the child. The dentition is formed by 3 years. There may be deviations when the teeth appear a few months earlier or later than the due date. In this case, you need to show the baby to the doctor in order to exclude developmental disorders of the dentoalveolar system.

How many and what types of milk teeth should a child have at 3-4 years old?

As a rule, tubercles appear on the gums at 4 months. Answering the question of how many teeth should be by the age of 3, doctors indicate 20 dental units. Which teeth are cut first? "Milkmen" erupt in the following sequence: incisors, molars and canines. Most often, the first teeth are cut in the lower jaw, which experiences more pressure during breastfeeding.

Deviations from the norm that are not pathological

The following deviations from the norms of teething are not a cause for concern:

  • the appearance of the first tooth at three months or, conversely, only by the year;
  • a smaller number of dental units - 16, which is often found in late dentition;
  • each tooth is cut for about 2 weeks (normally this process lasts for several days);
  • the birth of a baby with teeth (in this case, you need to show the baby to the doctor to exclude pathologies of the endocrine system).

Do not worry if the first teeth appeared on the upper gum or instead of the incisors, the fangs came out first. Violation of the order of eruption is not a pathology, but is associated with the peculiarities of the formation of the dentition, the lack of breastfeeding, and the abuse of the nipple. It is recommended to show the baby to the doctor to prevent crowding and ingrown teeth into the gums.

In what cases should you contact a specialist?

You should definitely contact a specialist if:

Causes of deviations from the norm

One of the common pathologies of the eruption of "milkmen" is the appearance of the first tooth after 12 months. The causes of this anomaly are associated with local disorders and general diseases.

  • introduction of complementary foods after 12 months;
  • hyperdontia - a rare pathology characterized by an excess of teeth, which is an obstacle to their normal eruption;
  • gum injury;
  • malignant education;
  • gnathic jaw with a wide lower jaw and a narrow upper jaw.

To the late eruption of "milkmen" in children lead to:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • lack of calcium, vitamins A and D;
  • the use of low-quality drinking water;
  • severe toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • living in a cold climate;
  • mineral metabolism disorders that prevent the normal formation of bone tissue.

The delay in the eruption of milk teeth is caused by diseases such as rickets, anemia, severe infection, dyspeptic indigestion - a deficiency of enzymes involved in the digestion of food. In addition to the late appearance of milkmen, babies are also diagnosed with slow growth and weight gain, an open fontanelle after a year, and curvature of the limbs.

Do not confuse delayed teething with adentia. In this case, even the rudiments of dental units are absent in the child's jaw. The causes of this pathology are not exactly known, but most often the anomaly is associated with intoxication and inflammation suffered by the baby in the womb. Adentia is not subject to treatment and is eliminated by prosthetics.

Early eruption of milkmen is most often associated with an excess of calcium received by the baby in the womb, and a genetic predisposition to such a deviation. In other cases, the violation is due to the following reasons:

  • accelerated development of the baby;
  • increased activity of the thyroid gland - hyperthyroidism;
  • transferred severe infections in the first months of life;
  • a tumor in the jaw;
  • unfavorable environment, leading to intoxication of the mother and baby with substances with mutagenic properties.

Features of the growth of permanent dental units

Teeth in children at the age of 5 begin to stagger. Permanent front teeth appear in the same order as milk teeth: from 6 to 9 years old, incisors grow, up to 12 years old - canines and premolars, up to 13 years old - second molars.

Until the age of 6, the first molars erupt in the free areas of the gums formed as a result of the growth of the jaw. You need to be wary if the eruption time is 6 months longer than normal.

Due to the development of the child or recent dental treatment, there may be a delay in the loss of milk teeth. Later than others (up to 25 years), 3 molars appear - wisdom teeth. Unlike other permanent teeth, which grow imperceptibly, their appearance in most cases causes pain to the patient, which is why they are often disposed of.

It is not uncommon for permanent teeth to appear before milk teeth fall out. In this case, you need to remove the milk tooth as soon as possible. Gradually, under the pressure of the tongue, the permanent tooth will move into place. If you do not see a doctor in time, the child's bite will deteriorate, which will require long-term orthodontic treatment.

With the appearance of permanent dental units that are larger than the milk teeth, the interdental spaces that form during the growth of the jaw disappear. With small distances or their absence, incisors and canines overlap each other. The curvature of the dentition also occurs during mechanical action. To prevent injuries during sports, the child needs to wear a special mouthguard.

Preventive actions

To avoid problems with the eruption of milk teeth, adhere to the following rules:

Often, milk teeth are cut late due to untimely treatment of dental diseases, in particular caries. Untreated caries leads to inflammation of the gums, early loss of milk teeth, malocclusion and, most dangerously, to the death of the rudiments of permanent teeth. To prevent crowding of the teeth, temporary dentures are installed in the vacated places.

A small child in the family is happiness. Caring parents of babies are interested in everything related to the normal development of the baby. By the age of 3, sleepless nights, colic, breastfeeding, and the difficulties of potty training are already forgotten.

The baby has grown up, the period of infancy ends. Mothers ask other questions. For example, how many teeth should a child have at 3 years old. Let's talk about this important indicator.

From this article you will learn

Standard Quantity

Before mentioning the standards, it is worth warning impressionable parents that any norms are very conditional. They should not be taken literally. Each little man develops in his own way, in some ways ahead of his peers, sometimes lagging behind.

Sound the alarm only if the deviations from the standards of physical and mental development are really significant, the baby has multiple symptoms of lagging behind peers.

So, returning to the teeth in children at 3 years old, we can mention the WHO statistics. According to them, three-year-old babies should have 20 milk teeth. On the upper and lower rows, 10 pieces each: 2 canines, 4 molars and an incisor. By the age of three, the teeth are aligned, lined up in a straight line, without gaps or gaps. may be different.

If a child of this age has not 20, but 16 teeth, this is also considered the norm. The missing elements of the jaw must erupt by the age of 5, but more often this happens much earlier.

Important! Talk to your doctor if your 3 year old has fewer than 10 teeth. This is a symptom of deviations in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Causes of abnormal deviation from the norm

It is great if the teeth erupt on time, do not differ in changed color, shape, size. In this case, the baby definitely develops in a normal rhythm, he has no deviations in physical and general somatic health.

The culprits of dental defects, including lack of teeth at the age of three, may be:

  • Heredity.
  • Congenital malformations.
  • Underdeveloped musculature of the gums.
  • Bad ecology.
  • Adenoids, chronic rhinitis, otitis.
  • Non-compliance with the diet by the mother during the period of gestation.
  • Deficiency of vitamins, minerals (after birth, inside the womb).
  • Trisomy (chromosomal abnormalities).

It is possible to identify the true cause of anomalies in the development of the jaw in children with the help of laboratory tests, an external examination of a small patient, and a survey of parents. Early diagnosis of diseases, malfunctions of internal organs and systems will help not to start the disease, prescribe timely treatment.

While the baby is still toothless, parents carefully observe the growth of the first tooth, often look into the mouth, monitor the condition of the gums. When a lot of molars grow, they forget about it. We will give some useful tips on how to prevent serious dental problems in young children.

  • Check your baby's mouth at home more often. Check for stains, chips, plaque.
  • A table of teeth in children under 3 years old should be in service with every mother. With its help, it is easy to track the pattern of incisor eruption, the norm by number and age.
  • Teach your child to brush their teeth twice a day. Use games, tasty pasta and other hygiene teaching methods, lead by example.
  • Visit your dentist regularly, at least 2-4 times a year. The doctor will notice defects in the development of the jaw in time, tell you how and in what order the teeth should be cut, why they deteriorate.

Important! The most important condition for maintaining dental health is attention and control from parents.

oral care

Going to the pediatric dentist with a swollen cheek, decayed molars is the worst option. It is better to carry out the prevention of dental diseases, following the rules of oral care.

  • Buy your daughter or son a beautiful toothbrush and delicious fluoride-free toothpaste.
  • Shop together to choose what your baby will definitely like.
  • Apply the paste to the brush in a minimal amount, no more than a pea.
  • Record the time for cleaning, spend at least 3 minutes on the procedure.
  • Conduct preventive conversations about the benefits of oral hygiene.
  • Tell a scary tale about tooth monsters that destroy molars if they're not brushed before bed.
  • Watch an educational cartoon together, read a fairy tale or come up with one yourself so that the baby understands why his teeth hurt.
  • Do not trust three-year-olds to clean their mouths on their own. A few months is better to carry out the control procedure.
  • Treat the initial stages of caries with silvering. This is a safe and beneficial procedure. It helps to avoid early removal of incisors, is used as a prevention of destruction, replaces fillings.

Possible dental problems

Parents of matured little ones, in addition to the number of teeth at three years old, are also concerned about other dental problems. They are identified independently at home, at the next appointment with the dentist. List common deviations from standards.

The child has dark tooth enamel, yellowish molars

The reason for the change in color is poor cleaning, ignoring the rules of oral hygiene, taking iron-containing medicines, and diseases of the internal organs.

Carious spots on teeth

Most adults are greatly mistaken if they believe that milk teeth do not need to be treated for caries. Pathogenic bacteria affect the dental tissue, settle in the oral cavity for a long time, and subsequently destroy the molars. starts from the central part, sometimes large black spots of different sizes appear on the enamel.

To avoid caries on milk teeth, you need to consume enough vitamins and minerals in food.


With inflammation of the tissues around the tooth, violation of the integrity of the cortical plate, the gums swell in the child, the cheeks increase in size, the baby experiences constant aching pain. The cause of the disease is neglected caries, fungal infections.

At the age of 8-10 years, dentists are forced to remove a molar tooth for children with periodontitis, since tissue changes are already irreversible. It is important to pay attention to this problem during the period of treatment of inflamed elements of the jaw.


The nutrition of hard tissues of the incisors is disturbed. The pulp is located inside the dental canal, consists of a nerve, a vessel, and connective cells. The destruction of the structure of this part of the molar leads to tissue starvation, death, the incisors will crumble. Pulpitis affects not only the erupted tooth, but its rudiments.

Hypoplasia of tooth enamel

The molars become thinner, easily grind and wear out. Pathology has a genetic nature, develops in utero.


The teeth of the opposite rows do not close due to long sucking on a pacifier, heredity, bad habits: holding a finger in the mouth, chewing toys, etc.

white spots on enamel

They appear due to an excess of fluoride in water, incorrectly selected paste for the baby.

Important! Temperature, rash, diarrhea, teething pain should not cause panic. This is a normal baby reaction to changes in the body. The gum can hurt a few days before the tooth begins to climb.

The personal example of parents, the regularity of oral hygiene lessons form the right habit for life. If the baby's teeth grow without pain, caries, and other defects, then going to the dentist will not be a tragedy, a shock for the baby and mothers.

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Milk teeth are temporary, they will be useful to the body only at the initial stage of development. The process and timing of teething in a child are genetically determined - as it happened in the parents, so will the baby. Nevertheless, external factors play a significant role, and often they become decisive (climatic conditions in which the child grows up, water quality, nutrition). For example, in a cold northern climate, children's teeth are cut more slowly than in the south, but, of course, everything is individual.

Norms of eruption of milk teeth in children

Baby teeth are cut when the baby is about six to eight months old. If he is constantly sick, the teeth will erupt later than the standard period. This is a reason to see a doctor - often a similar phenomenon occurs against the background of a developing disease, for example, rickets. During the first year of life, a person grows about eight teeth. It happens that some teeth never appear if their rudiments died during the course of pregnancy.

Number of teeth in a 3 year old's mouth

Usually, at the age of three, the formation of bite in children is already completed (the bite is worth watching, because in the future you may encounter poor diction). Twenty pieces of milk teeth - that's how many of them a child should have at 3 years old. What specific teeth climb (we recommend reading:)? Eight molars, eight incisors and four canines.

Growth is affected by the lifestyle and nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding: it is useful to consume fermented milk products (kefir, cheese, cottage cheese), take multivitamin complexes that strengthen the health of the baby. In addition, at 3 years old, you need to pay attention to the nutrition of your son or daughter: calcium, fluorine, various vitamins are simply necessary.

With a small number of teeth, there may be cause for concern. Then the doctor should examine the baby and identify the cause. The slowdown in the growth of dental elements often becomes a symptom of the disease.

Number of teeth in a 4 year old

At 4 years old, a child has as many teeth in his mouth as there are twenty at 3 years old. After 4 years, there are already gaps between the teeth. During this period, you should not allow the child to take a pacifier or suck a finger - a bad habit can lead to disturbances in the development of teeth, negatively affecting their growth.

At this age, the baby may already face the first dental problems (such as caries, periodontitis, pulpitis, the appearance of yellowness on the enamel). It is important to teach the child to observe personal hygiene, which includes brushing your teeth (it is desirable that this rule be included in the baby’s daily routine even earlier, at 3 years old).

Make sure your child does not put toys and other objects in their mouths - these are known carriers of germs. Milk teeth are more vulnerable than permanent teeth and require quality care and attention. Caries reaches the pulp faster: if the process takes several years for an adult, then six months is enough for a baby to lose a tooth element.

Teeth at 5 years old

At the age of five, permanent teeth begin to replace milk teeth (for more details, see the article:). In this case, the baby may experience pain. There are special gels and drops to eliminate pain, but in most cases you can do without drugs.

First, the teeth fall out in the lower jaw, then in the upper. The first permanent teeth (“sixes”) erupt before the milk teeth fall out (most parents mistakenly believe that the “sixes” should also fall out, but this is not the case).

Tooth gaps (the so-called tremas) are formed just at the age of five. The bottom line is that the size of the permanent teeth is larger than the size of the milk teeth, so the lack of gaps will lead to the curvature of the teeth in the future. The problem with trema will be solved by a dentist.

Permissible deviations from the schedule

Signs of the imminent appearance of the first teeth are salivation, swollen gums, fever. It is important to monitor the well-being of the child during this period.

As noted above, at six months, the baby already has the first teeth. A shift one to three months later than normal indicates rickets or an infectious disease. Also, the cause is the diseases that the woman suffered during the period of gestation.

On the contrary, the early appearance of teeth is a symptom of an unstable endocrine system. The absence of teeth up to a year is rarely associated with adentia, that is, with the absence of rudiments. You can check this in the office of a pediatric dentist.

Causes of Abnormal Teething

Timely eruption is a sign of good development. This is a physiological process that testifies to the harmonious development of a person as a whole. However, sometimes there are all sorts of deviations. For example, incorrect tooth formation: its shape, size, enamel color.

In very rare cases, teeth appear from birth. In this case, they are removed because they interfere with the feeding process.

We list the most common causes of deviations from the norm:

  • poor development of gum muscles;
  • chronic diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • improper care of the mother for the child (including diet during pregnancy);
  • potassium deficiency in the diet;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • chromosomal abnormalities.

Also, do not forget about heredity: if parents had problems with their teeth in childhood, then they will probably also appear in a child. In any case, the baby must learn to monitor their health and hygiene from an early age. Proper oral care will ensure a beautiful smile in adulthood.

In general, the above deviations can indirectly indicate more global disturbances in the work of the human body. However, to establish the true cause is possible only with the help of a complete examination by specialists.

Many parents are concerned about the question: how many teeth should a child have at 3 years old? The most complete and detailed answer to it can only be given by a qualified specialist who will carefully study all the features of the development of the child and, in parallel, will take into account additional circumstances that affect the formation of the baby’s dental system.

In accordance with dental standards and terms, in children under three years old, two full-fledged dentitions are formed. Most babies have 20 teeth by the age of three. On the upper and lower jaws, 8 incisors are placed symmetrically to each other, the same number of molars and 4 canines. In this case, the order of appearance of milk teeth can be arbitrary.

Late eruption is not always a serious pathological disorder. In some cases, hereditary factors play an important role. But to write off the absence of a large number of teeth solely on them is also not worth it. The body may simply not have enough resources to cut through them. Often this is due to a weakened immune system or the presence of certain chronic diseases that prevent the full development of the dentition.

Deviations from the norm, which should be paid special attention

Despite the fact that each child develops according to his own individual schedule, parents must definitely keep this whole process under control. At three years old, a baby's mouth usually has 20 teeth. If the teeth grow very slowly and their number does not even correspond to the approximate timing of eruption, then a dentist's consultation will help resolve all doubts regarding the oral cavity of a small patient.

In addition to missing teeth, the following factors can serve as a reason for going to the doctor:

Change in the color of tooth enamel. Yellow plaque is formed on children's teeth most often due to insufficient hygiene. The dark shade of the teeth is given not only by iron preparations, but also by various deviations that are the result of diseases.
The appearance of carious spots. Such spots gradually turn into deep cavities, and under the influence of bacteria, the hard tissues of the tooth are destroyed. One of the reasons for the occurrence of caries in children may be the irregularity of hygiene procedures. Therefore, caring for small teeth by the age of three should turn into a daily ritual. In addition, a growing organism consumes a large amount of energy, so it constantly needs to replenish resources. Lack or lack of essential trace elements and nutrients also leads to the fact that the teeth become more vulnerable. If you do not pay due attention, then this will undoubtedly subsequently affect the health of permanent teeth.
Periodontal inflammation. Damage to the internal tissues of the tooth is often the result of untreated caries. With periodontitis, the child feels severe pain, which may be accompanied by swelling of the gums or cheeks.
Pulpitis. This disease is characterized by inflammatory processes occurring in the very "heart" of the tooth. This is where the blood vessels and nerve endings are located. The cause of pulpitis is neglected caries, so the course of the disease often becomes chronic and with a high degree of probability it affects the rudiments of permanent teeth.

Anomalies associated with the growth and development of milk teeth

Unfortunately, children's age cannot become an obstacle to the occurrence of serious disorders in the work of the dentoalveolar system. With pathological abrasion of the tooth surface, the volume of hard tissues decreases, the enamel gradually becomes thinner, and the tooth ceases to perform the functions assigned to it. Such a disease is most often congenital, and a fairly large amount of time may be required for treatment.

The high concentration of fluoride in drinking water also negatively affects dental health. Under its influence, the bone tissue softens, and white spots appear on the enamel.

Deviations in the development of tooth enamel (hypoplasia) can be caused by both prenatal development and other factors. In some cases, the manifestations of hypoplasia are very similar to carious formations, so only a doctor can distinguish one pathological process from another. As for external signs, depending on the degree of damage, the relief of the enamel changes, it becomes uneven due to the appearance of grooves.

A temporary bite of teeth at 3 years old does not always represent ideally located dentitions. The wrong direction of teeth growth leads to the fact that the closure of the upper and lower jaws causes the child certain inconveniences when eating and communicating. To correct such anomalies in orthodontics, there are special plates, mouthguards and trainers. All these devices are great for milk teeth and, if used correctly, restore the dentition in the shortest possible time.

Treatment and prevention

A special approach is applied to young patients, since it is rather problematic to control their emotions at this age. Therefore, most manipulations in pediatric dentistry are performed using modern anesthetics. successfully treated with fluoridation and remineralization. Extensive affected areas can usually be restored with high-quality filling materials. In some cases, severely damaged milk teeth must be removed.

In order to avoid serious consequences, dentists recommend taking certain preventive measures. Since a child at 2-3 years old is already quite capable of imitating the actions of adults, he can be inspired to daily hygiene by his own example. When choosing a toothbrush and paste, it is necessary to take into account not only age criteria, but also the general condition of the oral cavity.

Far from the last role in the formation of the dentoalveolar system is played by the quality and quantity of food consumed. Therefore, the nutrition of the baby should be as useful and balanced as possible. As soon as a small organism begins to lack any nutrients, this immediately affects its development. And here it is very important to provide it with all the necessary vitamins and microelements in a timely manner. In the absence of good nutrition, this can be done thanks to individually selected medications.

In order not to worry about how many teeth should be at a particular age, you should take care of regular scheduled visits to a dental clinic that has a positive experience working with children. As soon as the baby understands that he has nothing to be afraid of and begins to trust his doctor, preventive examinations will become a mere formality for him.

So how many teeth can a child have at 3 years old? The temporary bite has 20 teeth, which by this age are already completely cut into the jaw. Over the next few years, they will help the baby bite and chew food, and then gradually begin to be replaced by permanent teeth. Any alarm signals sent by the body must be heard, and preferably by qualified specialists. Early loss of milk teeth can lead to displacement of the entire dentition, so the dentist must assess the seriousness of the situation and advise parents on further joint actions.
