Technical vocabulary in English. English cards. English words by topic

On our website you can find english cards for studying in English. When English words are grouped by topic, it is easier to learn them, as an additional association appears. By using English cards, as well as our exercises, you will be able to expand your vocabulary more effectively. To start studying, select the set of English cards you like and then just click on the button "Study". After this, you will be taken to the exercises section, where you can start learning English words on the chosen topic. You will be presented with various modes to choose from:

  • Flash cards

    In this mode, you learn English words in the classic version of English cards (flash cards). You just see an English word and its translation. You can also listen to the pronunciation of the word. It is possible to view words in a slide show with automatic pronunciation. This is passive learning of new words.

  • Translation from English

    In this exercise for learning English cards, you see an English word and five translation options in Russian from which you must choose correct option. If the answer is correct, interest is added, and if the answer is incorrect, interest is deducted. When you reach 100%, you are considered to have learned the word.

  • Translation into English

    This mode is similar to the previous mode with the only difference being what you see Russian word, but you need to choose the correct translation into English.

  • Spelling

    In this mode, you see a Russian word, but you need to write a translation in English. This way you can learn the spelling of English words.

On our website you will find English words on various topics. But, of course, you may need your own special set. In this case you can create you can find it on our website yourself. To see on this page only those sets that you created yourself, select a filter: "My sets".

After you have completed the exercises and learned the English words from the set, it is still advisable to repeat them from time to time. Especially if these are words that are rarely used. Our memory is designed in such a way that after a certain time we forget what we rarely use. Language is no exception. So be sure to repeat the words you have learned again and again. And then they will remain in your memory for a long time.

We hope that our English flashcards service will help you in learning English.

Don't forget to also visit the page dedicated to. There you will find exercises to help you remember them.

Hello friends. The English language has many set phrases and expressions that are difficult to understand right away, but you need to know. Knowing such expressions, of course, will not turn you into a native English speaker, but it will help you understand it correctly and adequately support any conversation.

Academy [ə’kædəmɪ] — an academy is a special type of school. An academy is a type of school (educational institution). There are many courses taught at the academy that I go to. At the academy [to] which I go, many courses are taught (many areas).

Modern life It’s impossible to imagine without household appliances. Appliances surrounds us everywhere. Of course, it simplifies and makes our life easier. Thanks to her, we don’t spend a lot of time on cooking, washing, cleaning, ironing, etc.

The English language, which has a centuries-old history of development, has nurtured in its cradle many words and linguistic techniques, thanks to which speech becomes melodious and euphonious. So, we present to your attention short English words that are found in English literature.

Hello friends. In English there are verbs that, when combined with prepositions or adverbs, form new meanings. Such verbs are called phrasal verbs, and in this article we will talk about quite common English verb to look, the basic concepts of which are “to see, to watch.”

Tell me, how well do you know English words on a topic that interests you? Of course, you can go to English courses in Moscow and memorize new words while speaking, but we want to offer you one more convenient way. With the help of a large collection of English words with translation and transcription online, you will not only expand your vocabulary, but also protect yourself from funny situations in advance. IN this section you can find thematic collections of words on a variety of topics.

English words on the topic that interests you are presented in the “Glossary” section. English vocabulary on various topics can be useful for a schoolchild, a student, a housewife, a manager, and a traveler. Thematic collections of words on the topic are presented with translation, transcription and voiceover to help expand your vocabulary. Now, in order to learn English words and phrases, you don’t need to spend a long time and tediously writing words down in a notebook - just regularly visit the section you need and repeat words that are difficult to remember. To voice a word, just click on the icon to the left of the word. Don’t be lazy to repeat the spoken words - this way you will achieve results faster and improve your pronunciation of English words online.

All English words are structured into thematic sections. Vocabulary by topic is presented in 17 sections. Human appearance, family and relatives, education, food and drinks, weather and sports, cars and computers - colloquial phraseology for every need.

The proposed English words on the topic contain, in turn, subsections that include popular English conversational phrases and words. The simplicity of the scheme and ease of use will help you learn your favorite English language. When learning is a joy, the result will not take long to arrive.

Learn popular words for free, develop correct pronunciation and learn the transcription of English words with us!

This section is dedicated to the topic “teaching English vocabulary.” I wish you good luck, because the replenishment vocabulary- one of the most difficult tasks in learning any foreign language! All English vocabulary is sorted by topic, making it easier to find information in the desired area of ​​knowledge. The section contains videos on many topics: from medical to interview preparation. The vocabulary of the English language is a living organism that changes daily. This page will help you keep up with current trends in language. This material is most suitable for you if you are learning English at a level of at least intermediate - advanced.

“For me, food is about memories, feelings, emotions, and so is “Le Bernardin”, and that's why it's not just a restaurant” For me, food is about memories, feelings, emotions, and also about “Le Bernardin”, so it's not just a restaurant. Eric Ripert is the chef of the famous New York restaurant “Le Bernardin”

A.F. Narrow I don’t presume to judge how correct it is to compare human memory with a sieve, but large objects are clearly retained in it better than small things in bulk. Things that you can mentally connect with something already stored in your memory are remembered even better. Many mnemonic techniques are built on this principle. For example, in order to remember a sequence of arbitrary concepts, a certain subject series is memorized in advance (apartment furnishings, etc.) and...

People who come to England or an English-speaking country are often surprised by things that are quite simple for its inhabitants and cannot get used to some of the rules and features. For example, to the traditional English calendar. But what features can a seemingly ordinary thing have? It turns out that they exist. They will be discussed in this article. Enjoy reading!

The mighty and great Russian language is inexpressibly rich in the variety of words and expressions. We get to know them gradually, while studying at kindergarten, school and university. With a foreign language, the opposite is true: we want to immediately learn all possible words and expressions in English in 5 minutes. Naturally, this does not happen. Moreover, the vocabulary of the English language is no less diverse than Russian. Today we will get to know it better and find out how to study it better and more correctly.

Vocabulary as one of the points of linguistics

The science that studies all the rules and grammatical norms characteristic of a language is called linguistics (or linguistics). It covers huge amounts of knowledge, divided into classes depending on their specificity. One of the most important classes is the lexicology section. What it is?

Lexicology is a branch of linguistics that studies the varieties of lexical units of a language, i.e. all kinds of words and their meanings. The vocabulary is called vocabulary, and is divided into two main parts:

  • Active vocabulary is those words that are often used in colloquial or literary speech.
  • Passive vocabulary is outdated and outdated words.

Now let's move from scientific terms to in simple language and to summarize: English vocabulary is the totality of all words and their meanings. The richer a person’s vocabulary, the easier it is for him to express himself in foreign language and understand other people's speech.

Now that we have formed the basic concept of vocabulary, let's figure out how to learn English words correctly.

How to learn English vocabulary correctly

Before moving on to the list of popular words, I would like to note a few tips for learning them.

1) Working with transcription

First of all, familiarize yourself with the symbols of English transcription. These are very important signs that will help you work on correct British pronunciation. The fact is that in English you can often find discrepancies in the spelling and pronunciation of words. And although special reading rules have been developed for this case, even from them there are many exception words. Therefore, when learning new words, it is very important to check their correct reading and pronunciation using transcription.

2) Thematic grouping

Personal and demonstrative pronouns
I* I
you you you)
he He
she [ʃi] she
it [ɪt] he, she, it (inanimate objects)
we We
they [ðeɪ] They
this [ðɪs] this, this
that [ðæt] that one
these [ðiːz] these
those [ðəʊz] those

*I is always and everywhere written with a capital letter.

Nouns (abstract)
hour [ˈaʊə(r)] hour
day day
week a week
night night
month month
year year
way [ˈweɪ] way, way
life life
name Name
street Street
home house
sun Sun
rain rain
snow snow
Nouns (people)
boy boy
girl [ɡɜːl] girl
people [ˈpiːpl] People
person [ˈpɜːsn] personality, person
woman [ˈwʊmən] woman
man man human)
father (daddy) [ˈfɑːðə(r)], [ˈdæd.i] father (dad, daddy)
mother (mummy) [ˈmʌðə(r)], [ˈmʌm.i] mother (mother, mommy)
daughter [ˈdɔːtə(r)] daughter
son son
parents [ˈpeə.rənts] parents
friend Friend
be* to be, to exist
have* have
do do
go [ɡəʊ] go, go
get [ɡet] receive
can*** be able to, be able to
call call, call
open [ˈəʊpən] open
close close
read read
write write
study study
work work
start start off
finish end
talk talk
say say, talk
use use
switch on/off , turn on/off
turn turn
run run
know know
understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] understand
think [θɪŋk] think
want want

*This verb changes its form depending on the person of the noun and pronoun: I am/You, We, They are/He, She, It is. In the past tense for the singular, to be becomes was, and for plural in were.

**For the 3rd person the form of this verb is has. In the past tense – had.

***The past tense form is could.

Particles, articles and question words
not not (negation)
to verb infinitive
a indefinite article

(some, any)

the [ðə] definite article (this)
who Who?
what What?
why For what?
when When?
where Where?
which Which?
here Here
there [ðeə(r)] there
always [ˈɔːlweɪz] Always
never [ˈnevə(r)] never
often [ˈɒfn] often
usually [ˈjuːʒuəli] usually
well ok, well
most most
only [ˈəʊnli] only (exclusively)
now Now
just just now (time), just