The dream catcher is a powerful talisman of the Indians. Dreamcatcher - ancient magic in modern life

There are many films based on Stephen King, and there are both good and bad categories. And the directors could improve how original text, and turn a good work in its own way into it is not known what.

Dreamcatcher is quite popular with King fans, and has the potential to turn a good book into a great adaptation. Because in my opinion, this work and asked for the screen. What did we get in the end? Certainly something that no one could expect. Lawrence Kasdan not only cut the book in half, he made a movie that bore little resemblance to the original source. And as if that weren't enough, all the potential was simply wasted. And the very first thing that catches the eye is a nightmarishly written script. I understand the author's desire to weave together several threads of the plot at once, but in the end it turned out to be a terrible mess. As a rule, it is impossible to cram everything into two hours of screen time at once, and Dreamcatcher fully demonstrates this to us.

At first, we seem to be watching a strong mystical thriller, then a drama about the ghosts of the past comes into play, then all this will be replaced by nothing more than a comedy horror, and down the aisle there is a chance to see a disaster film. Sounds crazy, but looks even more wild. One thing is that by some miracle the first half hour of the film caused me only admiration. The director with such diligence removes all this nonsense that at first there is not even a desire to resist the absurd bravado of the project, especially since there is something to have fun with. The bar of humor is definitely high, it's a pity that all this turned out without any doubt due to the captivity of the creators themselves. It was extremely funny to watch the fight of one of the main characters with a walking toilet bowl, from which, of course, at some point a nasty reptile will jump out. On one of the brothers who will not even forget to urinate in the course of events. Dialogue is also a lot of fun, especially because it will be the reason for the bursts of natural laughter while watching. I'm not even talking about the fact that the infrequent victims of alien evil spirits relishly spoiled the air before giving away the ends, so even they became targets here for the witticisms of friends. Even if this does not go into any gate. As for the story itself, it is not worth focusing on it - it is, of course, interesting, what the whole point is, but this is only at the beginning. Then everything turns into monstrous delirium, in which there is not the slightest desire to disassemble what for what. And in the final half hour it's not even funny at all, but simply boring. For there was no need to stretch the timing to two hours, because the swamp turbid water from this did not become even a little more transparent.

The actors are a separate reason for conversation, because personally I got the impression that each of them had a different idea of ​​where he was filming. Thomas Jane was not particularly brilliant anywhere, except that he came to the place, as in "Bloody Thursday." Here, too, he again put on his trademark mask of continuous frowning seriousness, and so almost the entire film went on, sometimes not forgetting to give out murderous tirades. Jason Lee amused the most. And in general, it was pleasant to look at his Beaver - it is a pity that the inexplicable love for toothpicks did not bring him to good. Timothy Olyphant also joked quite cheerfully, especially after the accident, but it is clear that he did not strain too much, for it seems he alone realized where he was. Most impressed by "Mr. Tree" Damian Lewis. No, he certainly tried to play, but this is unfortunately too little, and even when one of his friends was torn apart before his eyes, this annoying, half-relaxed expression on his face did not leave him. Even Morgan Freeman did not fit into the general surroundings with his blockhead character. And everyone else somehow merges into the background, including Donnie Wahlberg and Tom Sizemore.

You can also remember that a lot of money was allocated for this disgrace. Indeed, every cent is visible on the screen. Aliens for those years are drawn very well, the visual range is almost luxurious, and in general, those who came up with the appearance of the invaders have everything in order with their imagination. Is that the soundtrack is a little off topic, but what else can you expect from the musical accompaniment, if Kasdan's creation constantly flows from genre to genre?

In general, Dreamcatcher is disgusting as a film adaptation, and bad as a self-contained film. Assembled from completely different components, it is typical example tasteless candy in a bright wrapper.

What is a dream catcher, what is its meaning? This is an amulet designed to protect the sleeping person. What dangers can a person expect during a night's rest?

Our soul goes on wanderings through the subtle worlds, and there various unforeseen events can occur. Remember those moments when events in a dream were perceived as real. They are felt by our soul and subconsciousness so real that a person screams in a dream, seeing a nightmare.

It is worth mentioning the possibility of death during sleep. These cases were recorded by doctors, but scientific explanation Dont Have. Heart stopped. There is no other answer.

Why did the healthy heart stop? young man? What could have happened during sleep? This remains a mystery. Therefore, an amulet was created that protects the soul from the adverse effects of the subtle world.

amulet of love

have already been tested by many women and men. With its help, you will finally get a real, harmonious relationship ...

It is believed that the dreamcatcher came to us from North America... But in fact, a similar amulet was known both to the peoples of the north and the peoples of Asia.

The dream catcher takes its protective functions from the origins of the belief that bad dreams get entangled in the web of a talisman and cannot harm the sleeping person.

Popular belief ascribes to evil spirits inconsistency in counting poppy seeds and the inability to get out of the web. Whether it is true or not, the mechanism works: the devil cannot penetrate the threshold, strewn with poppy seeds, and bad dreams get entangled in the web of a dream catcher.

Of course, no one will provide you with a photo to prove these phenomena: it is impossible to take a photo during your sleep. It remains for us to take only on faith the truth of these statements. And the real proof is a restful sleep, which reliably protects the dream catcher, as well as the threshold of the house protected by poppy seeds.

Why can bad dreams get entangled in the web of a talisman? It is believed that positive energy moves in a targeted focused beam, while negative energy has no clear structure and looks like a dark blurry cloud. It is this property of negative energy that the dream catcher uses in its purpose.

To clearly see the blurry structures of negative energy, you can look at the photo of water crystals taken by scientists. The photo clearly shows the correct crystal lattice of water in the form of a snowflake: this is a photo of water after reading a prayer on it. But a photo of water after a curse or swearing shows a blurred structure of the crystal lattice, which has a chaotic structure.

Chaos and disharmony of negative energy, captured in the photo, clearly show its inherent qualities. This is what our ancestors knew about, including the American Indians, who designed the dream catcher. How They Could Know About Fuzzy Structures negative energy without photo evidence, will remain a mystery.

Apparently, faith in the words of the sages was strong.

How to make a dream amulet

Dreamcatchers can be purchased at many shops and kiosks. But there is a magic rule under which an amulet can only become effective when made by hand, and not mass-produced. The dream catcher, whose significance has magical roots, obeys the same rule.

So, prepare:

  • willow twig;
  • thick cotton thread;
  • chicken feathers;
  • several beads.

Bend the willow rod into a circle and fix it. Wrap the willow circle with thread tightly so that there are no gaps. Now it is necessary to weave a kind of spider web that will fill the circle with threads. Several beads can be threaded through the thread.

And now it remains to decorate the amulet with feathers, the meaning of which is described in different ways by many traditions. There is a meaning according to which good spirits descend along the feathers to a sleeping person.

Feathers are sometimes hung with beads, each of which can have its own sacred meaning in the general concept of the amulet. Your amulet is ready. You can hang it over your bed.

When creating an amulet, do not allow negative thoughts... You can weave a protective spell or a conspiracy for a peaceful sleep into the threads. When tying knots, spell a conspiracy on them and tie them.

“May joy abide in my dreams,
How the church abides with the Lord. "

Guardian from night troubles

“This amulet will save me from the forces of the black, the spirits of the night, ethereal larva.
You have no place in this house, in my dreams.
Go to another place, to another threshold.
But if you do not obey, then I will sweep you with a filthy broom into a deep quagmire,
I will burn it with holy blameless fire, pour holy water into the very pool.
As the word is said, the deed is done.

When weaving beads into threads, attach special meaning to them: for joy, for love, for happiness, for peace. Each bead will symbolize its special purpose in the amulet.

After a while, the amulet will fail, because the willow twig will dry out. Do not be upset: your amulet has served its due date. Bury it in the ground or burn it in a fire with gratitude. After that, create a new dreamcatcher.

The dreamcatcher amulet was once very popular only on the American continent, but now it is well known throughout the world. The dreamcatcher has such an ancient history that now it is not possible to even approximately determine where, and even more so by whom it was first created. Only legends and traditions about the origin of the talisman have survived to our times.

Some believe that the amulet traces its history from one of the now defunct civilizations of the American Indians. This is quite possible, but it does not exhaust all possible assumptions. Another, also quite possible option, is that the amulet Dreamcatcher or, as it is also called, the catcher for dream spirits came to us from the indigenous northerners or aborigines Eastern Siberia.

This talisman looks like a sieve, only instead of a mesh it has stretched threads intertwining into various patterns. Thread patterns are not just a connecting part of the frame, they always contain a hidden semantic content.

Differencesamuletsin different cultures

The dreamcatcher amulet has semantic varieties that peoples of different cultures put into it. Here are two examples:

  • The Indians of North America give the amulet the property of attracting good and evil spirits of dreams. The amulet entangles evil spirits in intertwining patterns, and there they perish at sunrise. The good spirits of dreams know the necessary path, they come to the sleeping person, gently descending from the feathers, and bring him light, colorful and joyful dreams;
  • The meaning of the Dreamcatcher among the Siberian aborigines is somewhat different. In Siberia, it is a magic item for shamans and serves as an assistant in shamanic practice. The spirits that fall into the Siberian talisman have no division into evil and good. Perfume in daytime Once caught in a web of patterns, they linger in the Trapper and at night they bring images to the shaman, reaching him using the main cord. At the same time, the shaman's dream becomes harsh, active; in a dream, the shaman is fighting the spirits and must come out of this struggle with victory. The images that a shaman sees in a dream are not designed for pleasant impressions, but they help the shaman to become aware of himself in a dream, and this is one of the most basic shamanic practices.

It must be warned that only a person with a certain training can use the Dream Catcher. Careless and inept use of the amulet can lead to unpredictable consequences. The Dreamcatcher amulet has the shape of a circle (sieve shape), and sacred meaning the circle is infinity, and it is in this sense that it is used in shamanic practice. The path of the sun across the sky and the shape of the talisman are identified during magical rituals.

Dreamcatcher in the market

The Dreamcatcher is primarily a symbol of strength and power, so you need to make it yourself, while having the appropriate intentions and psychological attitude. V specialized stores you can be offered many options for such amulets, but conveyor production is unlikely to meet your expectations. Even if the Dreamcatcher is executed technically flawlessly, remember the need for an appropriate emotional state, and it will become very clear to you that the purchased amulet will not have the power that you expect from it.

Willow Hoop for Dreamcatcher

A willow rod is usually used to make the frame of the amulet, but metal can also be used. In a word, you can choose the material yourself, there are no strict restrictions, it is even easier to work with metal.

Polar owl and eagle

The fundamental point that matters in the manufacture of a Dreamcatcher is feathers. The fact is that the amulet must have differences according to the gender of its owner, therefore, the feathers of a polar owl will be required for the female amulet, and the feathers of an eagle can be used for the male one. Getting the required feathers is difficult, since they are only needed from live birds. Feathers very easily record information, and it will be impossible to erase the record of the pen about the death of the owner.

If it is not possible to get feathers from a living eagle or snowy owl, then in last resort you can use rooster or goose feathers, although the potential of the amulet will noticeably decrease.

Cotton threads

The spider web for the amulet used to be made of tendons, now thin strips of leather or cotton threads are more often used.

Important: the material for the spider web must be natural and of sufficient length so as not to be interrupted throughout the weaving.

Manufacturing processDream catcher

The prepared willow or metal rim must be braided with thread. If you are using willow, then the thread should be thicker; on a metal hoop, the thickness of the thread does not matter.

The braiding should be carried out in a clockwise direction. It is better if your braid does not have any fastening knots when making eyelets. You can search for a method of such weaving on thematic sites (for example, on sites dedicated to weaving macrame).

When the rim is completely braided, they move on to weaving the web itself. The thread for the cobweb pattern is applied in stages, one turn of thread after another, one circle after another. The number of turns does not matter, it depends on the diameter of the rim, but it is better if the number is odd.

Weaving process

Pull the thread tighter while weaving to avoid sagging in the future, string beads on the thread during weaving. Remember the psychological mood while weaving, feel your intentions, think about the desired positive moments. It is good if you accompany the weaving process with words or even poetry. You can pronounce a verbal amulet against possible troubles during sleep:

I createamuletfrom ethereal larvae, dark spirits of the night, black forces.

May he save me from them in my dreams, in my house.

Will send themamuletto other places.

And disobey if, sweep them awayamuletinto a deep swamp with a filthy broom,

It will burn you with pure, blameless fire, and will drive you into the very pool with holy water.

As I say, soamuletand will do business.


You can also pronounce words for light happy dreams:

Joy always abides in my dreams,

As the church is inseparable from the Lord.

The words given here are not a rigid, unchanging form. You can say your words as you see fit. You can use spells known to you, affirmations, mantras; you can even just play and play meditation music or relaxation music.

When your weave reaches the center point, you will need to take a thick needle, thread it through the crystal or base bead, and fasten the entire spider web.

When weaving beads, come up with a purpose for each: this bead for love, this bead for joy, and this one for peace, and so on. Each of the beads will be a specific symbol in your talisman.

When you finish the cobweb, we can say that your amulet is almost ready. You can place the prepared feathers and any other decorations as you like.

Triple Dream Catcher

If desired, the Dreamcatcher amulet can be complicated. The easiest option was just discussed, but you can use multiple rims by arranging them in a chain or sphere. It all depends only on your imagination and desire to see your amulet in one form or another.

There is one condition on which the strength of the amulet depends, this is the time of its manufacture. It is best to time the manufacturing ceremony for spring or summer. And one more thing: weaving should begin and end with a knot.

How to applyamulet

First of all, you need to determine the place for the Dreamcatcher. Often it is placed at the head of the bed, but so that it can rotate freely. Rotating, the amulet will be able to catch the flying dream spirits.

But the headboard is not the only option; you can hang the Dreamcatcher, for example, under a chandelier. The main thing is that it can rotate freely, capturing all the spirits.

Cleansing the Dreamcatcher under the Rising Sun

The question of whether the amulet needs to be cleaned is not an easy one. The legend of the Indians of North America says, as you remember, that the dark spirits caught by the amulet die at sunrise, so, according to this legend, cleaning the amulet is not required. But in modern world so much negativity soars that it will sometimes be useful to “air” your talisman. Take it out in winter time under clean snow flakes, and in summer on a clear Moonlight or morning sunbeams.

The Willow Dreamcatcher is not very durable, the willow will dry out and the amulet will cease to work. You should not worry about this, just make a new one, and burn your old amulet or bury it in the ground with an expression of deep gratitude.

Are you making enough money?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

You may have been corrupted by money. This amulet will help to remove the lack of here

Even if a person confidently stands on his feet, provides for himself and his family, he needs the protection of higher powers. Life is unpredictable. Today everything may be fine, but tomorrow there will be new diseases, problems at work, etc. Therefore, various amulets are so popular. In any gift shop, you can buy a dreamcatcher amulet. What is it for? What is the meaning of this talisman? How to use it? We will answer these and other questions in this article.

The dreamcatcher resembles a rounded frame in which the threads are stretched

The history of the amulet

A little about the amulet

The dreamcatcher was popular in the 60s and 70s of the 20th century. In appearance, it resembles a rounded frame in which the threads are stretched. They form various patterns. These patterns are not woven for the sake of beauty, each of them does its own job. It also has several feathers.

This amulet was made by Indians from North America. The same talisman was with some of the peoples inhabiting Siberia. For them, these products had the same meaning as for the Indians. The inhabitants of North America have a beautiful legend about the appearance of this amulet.

There was the Dakota clan. One of its leaders went up the mountain to reflect on life and meditate. Suddenly he saw a spirit that was respected by this tribe. The spirit appeared in the form of a spider. The leader and the spirit spoke for a long time about the meaning of life, the secrets of birth and death, about the rebirth of the soul.

He spoke about the cycles of life: childhood, adulthood, old age, when we take care of a person like a child. And at all stages of life, a person comes into contact with forces that can help or harm. If a person listens to good forces and follows their advice, he is moving in the right direction. With the wrong choice, you can fall into the trap and never find a way out.

The spirit did not sit idly by. He took a willow twig and made a circle out of it. Inside it, he created a web. The spirit reported that its web is a circle with a hole in the center. He urged to use this amulet, helping the people to achieve their goal. He will give new ideas through vision dreams. The web will help you catch good ideas and intentions, and all evil will pass by. When the shaman told the people about this, the Indians began to hang this amulet at the head of the bed in order to see only useful dreams.

The dream catcher is used to only have useful dreams.

The meaning of the talisman

These talismans were made for a reason. Some peoples with the help of him scared away evil spirits, others tried to get in touch with them in order to obtain important information.


What a dream catcher is for, it becomes clear if you carefully read the legend. How does it work? Spirits fly around a person, some of which are good, and some are evil. The dream catcher catches those who bring evil. They become entangled in his web and die. The amulet consists of spider webs and feathers. Good spirits glide over them, descend to the sleeping person and bring him bright dreams. The value of this amulet is great.

Our life consists of stress, anxiety, overwork. It helps to cope with this healthy sleep... But if a person is tormented by nightmares, his dreams are filled with negativity, such a dream will not allow him to gain strength. He will wake up depressed, weakened, unable to deal with current problems. If a dream catcher hangs at his head, then the night's rest becomes serene. A person can get enough sleep, gain strength, wake up vigorous, ready to perform their duties. In addition, these dreams will tell him how to act correctly if their meaning is correctly interpreted. The Indians hang this amulet over the child's bed so that only good spirits surround him.

Among the peoples of the North

What is a dreamcatcher for, we found out. But this is how the indigenous people of America use it. And among the northern peoples, this talisman has a different meaning. It is an item of power that every shaman has. According to the beliefs of the peoples of Siberia, he catches all the spirits that fly by. The shaman hangs the amulet next to his bed. During the day, the spirits fall into the cobwebs, and then become entangled in the furs. When night falls, these spirits descend along a special cord to the shaman, who has already gone to bed. They burst into his dreams, which makes them interesting. The shaman has to fight with the spirits, and his task is to defeat them. At this moment, the shaman knows for sure that he is sleeping and acts as it should. If the amulet fell into the hands of a random person, then that person may start into serious trouble.

DIY dream catcher pendant

About the talisman

How the talisman works, its meaning, we found out how and why it is made, and how it works. But what are these amulets made of? Previously, it was made from willow branches, and patterns were woven from harsh threads and reindeer veins. Several feathers were also attached to it. Now they use more modern materials, and for beauty - beads and beads.

But it is still better to take everything natural: willow twigs, cotton or wool threads, beads made of wood, clay, bird feathers (the ideal option is the feathers of an eagle or an owl).

To choose the amulet that suits you, you need to pay attention to its color. Each shade has its own meaning. But you should not buy or create an amulet that is too bright and catchy, because then you will have colorful dreams, it will be difficult for you to sleep.

Meaning of colors:

  1. White. This is the color of healing and purification, it uplifts a person, fills him with pure energy, helps to get rid of diseases.
  2. Black. This is a sign of infinity and feminine vitality. Helps to be more persistent, to complete unfinished business, strengthens the strength of the spirit.
  3. Red. Gives additional energy, activates human creativity. This talisman carries the energy of power and will.
  4. Pink. It will fill a person with the energy of love. It will help you find answers to all questions within yourself. The love of life appears. Relaxes a person.
  5. Orange. Gives a feeling of harmony, aligns the female and male energy, helps to overcome negativity.
  6. Yellow. Heals a person's body and mind, arouses an interest in the spiritual, creates a kind of spiritual immunity.
  7. Green. This color helps to objectively look at reality, is the color of immortality. Gives energy to accomplish everything that was intended.
  8. Blue. It is the color of truth through which the gift of foresight develops. It clears the mind of a person, makes him more optimistic.
  9. Blue. For those who crave spiritual renewal, it helps to harmonize life. A person will learn to see cause and effect relationships.
  10. Purple. This is the color of the soul, which helps to come to terms with reality, to accept everything as it is, with a calm heart. Provides inspiration.

These colors will help you choose a Native American amulet, and the dream catcher that shamans use is made in their own way. There are only dark blue or black colors, as well as a little red. But such a talisman is not recommended to keep in the house for those who are not engaged in shamanic practice.

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Good and deep sleep is a guarantee of cheerfulness and positive mood... Many people are familiar with the feeling of fatigue after sleep, as if there was no rest at all. Nightmares, awakenings and crumpled bed - these symptoms in the modern world have only one explanation: stress, and sleeping pills, as a way to get rid of torment. The ancient representatives of the Indian tribes knew a lot about the structure of human dreams and the dangers that lie in wait at the time of travel in the kingdom of Morpheus. The dreamcatcher amulet was a protection and a guarantee of returning to reality after sleep.

The history of the amulet

The data are very confusing and the exact origin of the amulet is not known for certain. However, there are versions, one of which points to the Indians who first invented the dreamcatcher talisman. Another variation takes its trail in Asia. The country of origin does not play a key role. The main thing is that the creation really works. Ancient sorcerers and shamans managed to break the night spell of evil spirits.

Dreamcatcher talisman meaning

To correctly interpret the meaning, it is worth looking at the dreamcatcher amulet. It looks like a hoop with a web of threads that are woven into a fancy pattern. There can be several hoops, from each of them there is a branch in the form of feathers. This cute and mysterious artifact holds many secrets.

During its long journey, the dream catcher has lost its meaning. People decorate their home with them without even thinking about the truth that the object stores.

The meaning of the talisman is entirely based on the outer shell. A spider web in a hoop acts on evil creatures and spirits like a trap through which only a good ray can pass. The negative will get stuck and entangled in the "sieve" of dreams.

It is believed that during sleep a person travels on the edge, his mind is completely subject to the forces that prevail during his dreams. They can be kind and pure spirits or dark entities. If the dream and the powers of the demons go too far, you may not return to the world of reality. It all sounds like a legend or a tale. But there are many cases when an absolutely sane and physically strong person dies at night. This often happens with children, whose energy is especially affected. Sleep is the part of life in which it is difficult to control the situation.

The dreamcatcher amulet will help protect oneself from the influence of bad energy and will attract a positive cloud of energy in the bedroom. He can save a person from nightmares. Dreams will acquire rainbow colors, and in the morning there will be a surge of strength and internal energy.

Everything dark and evil will fall into the trap of the talisman. Thus, the body and soul will be in a state of complete rest. In general, the meaning of the amulet boils down to the following:

  • The dreamcatcher clears and prepares the emotional background and adjusts to a healthy sleep;
  • He serves as a barrier to bad messages;
  • Does not let spirits through, but at the same time serves as a conductor and guiding point for good energy, which accumulates in the form of rays.

How to use the dream catcher

In order for the amulet to take full effect, you need to find right place to place it. As for the ownership of the room, it should be a bedroom.

Advice! The dream catcher should be hung over the bed or in the center of the room, for example, on a chandelier or hook.

You cannot hide the dreamcatcher in secluded corners or place it at a level below the bed. This must be a high point so that the radius of the talisman can cover the entire area.

A dreamcatcher is a voluminous, but at the same time almost weightless object. Any wind blows it and starts the cleansing process. The amulet reacts to all changes in the energy of the room, thanks to the wind.

How to clean an amulet

A dream catcher is a talisman who knows how to release everything collected inside him to freedom. In this case, it refers to the accumulation of black energy. But nevertheless, after weeks and months, the amulet may require cleaning. This requires hanging it where the sun's rays or the light of the moon are. A combination of glare and fresh air is desirable. The dreamcatcher has the ability to self-renew, the main thing is not to forget about this procedure.

Additional mascot symbols

The dream catcher is often decorated with additional details. They are almost always beads. different sizes and colors. This inlay is by no means a tribute to fashion, but a well-founded meaning.

Beads symbolize man's wanderings in the land of dreams.

Attention! Randomly arranged beads can attract fun and interesting dreams with a confusing but pleasant plot.

A clear and correct arrangement bestows conscious and unpretentious pictures.

The talisman is decorated with feathers for a reason. Their meaning is divided by gender.

Advice! Owl feathers are preferred for women. They will give wisdom and prophetic dreams.

And it is advisable for a man to use an eagle's feather as a symbol of courage and responsibility, which may be needed even during rest.

How to buy or make an amulet

A dreamcatcher is not a thing that works on its own. After the purchase, it is worth contacting knowledgeable and capable people who can breathe a certain strength into it. This is done through prayers and spells.

As for the purchase, you should give your preference to shops or shops specializing in the production of amulets. It is even better if the amulet is made to order according to an individual sketch.

Important! For the dreamcatcher talisman, real bird feathers should be used.

This is very important, otherwise the magic power of the dream catcher will lose its relevance.

Beads will also require a special approach. They can be made from natural stones that echo the horoscopic characteristics of a person.

Artificial materials are not so scary, the main thing is not to accept the dreamcatcher amulet as a gift. This may be a bad sign and then it is not known with what intentions the present is presented, perhaps it was talked about with the opposite effect.

It is customary in society to devote a lot of time to protect against the evil eye and damage in the face of reality. Few people attach importance to the power of sleep, but in vain. Better to travel around parallel worlds knowing for sure that you can wake up in the morning safe and sound. A dream catcher is an amulet that will do the trick.

  • Protect from the evil eye and damage
  • Amulet hammer of Thor
  • Imperial amulet
  • Amulet of the sun and its meaning

Many people know about the mysterious round talisman, decorated with threads and feathers, invented by the Indians. What are dream catchers for? Their main task is to protect a person's sleep from the invasion of malevolent spirits.

About the talisman

It is believed that bad dream gets entangled in the cobweb and cannot penetrate the mind. The hole in the center allows pleasant and harmless dreams to pass through. What does a dream catcher need?

The basic materials for its manufacture are reindeer veins, strong threads and a circle made of a willow branch, on which they are pulled. Feathers are added for beauty. The talisman should be hung at the head of the bed.

You can buy it in many souvenir shops, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself. The most important thing is to follow the instructions and make the right dreamcatcher, not just a fake one that looks like it.

The Ojibwe Indians claimed that such a product helps to get rid of disturbing dreams, to see only kind and auspicious dreams. Evil spirits entangled in cobwebs scatter, illuminated by the dawn rays of the sun.

Lakota legend

What dream catchers are for, you can find out by reading the legend composed by the Lakota people. It is believed that their elder made the ascent to the top of the mountain, where he had a vision.

In the form of a spider, he was visited by a wise teacher of ancient times. A conversation ensued between them, during which he took a willow branch in his paws and bent it into a ring, then added a bird's feather to it. Then a web was woven inside it.

Along the way, the elder heard what a dreamcatcher meant. It is a symbol of the circle of life. A person is born a child, grows up, matures, and then grows old and raises a new generation. A closed cycle is formed, personifying the rebirth and death of people.

Symbol meaning

In the course of the story, the sage completed the work, leaving a small hole in the middle. He explained his action. At every moment life path before the person appears new choice, and only he decides in which direction to turn, to follow passion or reason.

It is only worth giving in to bright impulses, and avoiding the greedy and thoughtless. The spider web personifies a circle of ideal shape. It filters out evil thoughts, while favorable ones seep through the hole. Learning what is needed for a dream catcher and what is the effect of using it, it is worth equating it with a filter for thoughts.

Not everyone is able to control their mental activity. By remaining in silence, we cannot just stop thinking. Scattered passages are constantly swarming in my head. different pictures... Interested in what dream catchers are for, we learn that they make it easier for a person to "sift the wheat from the chaff", help to leave in the mind only bright and pacifying pictures. This is a kind of barrier for negativity and depressive moods.

Spider Legend

The Lakota are not the only people whose sages have answered the question of what a dream catcher means. There is also a legend of the Ojibwe who lived on Turtle Island (the Indian name for America).

The protagonist of this legend is also a spider, but female. Asabikashi's grandmother took care of the people she considered her children. However, this was hampered by the settling of the Ojibwe in different parts of the north of the present-day United States. It was not so easy for the elderly spider to visit everyone. In order to ensure the protection of her charges from evil spirits, she told the women what dream catchers are for and how to make them. Together they weaved magic spider webs and threads vegetable origin on the bent and tendon, with the help of which they protected themselves and their children.

What does talisman mean

The round shape of the product embodies the journey of the solar disk across the heavenly expanses. The spider web touches the hoop eight times, which indicates the number of spider legs. Thanks to such a device bad dreams did not fall into the minds of people, and only through a small hole did favorable dreams seep. Thanks to her, the mind was filled with bright thoughts.

Many do not know why in everyday life it is forbidden to kill and drive away spiders, they are treated with respect and reverence. The reason for this is precisely this priceless gift to humanity. The feather tied in the middle is a symbol of breathing, because life is impossible without air.

Ojibwe made dream catchers for children and adults, they did not use them for long. The fact is that the willow was drying up, tension was created, which caused the hoop to burst. This was perceived as a kind of personification of the transience of young years. In different tribes, the appearance of the products and the legends associated with them were different, however common features and the meaning remained the same.


Today, talismans of this type are popular throughout almost the entire globe. Their distribution took place within the framework of the Pan-Indian movements of the late 20th century.

Today this souvenir is available in most shops. Often it is bought for its beauty, not completely believing in magical power, in order to decorate a home with a product of a recognizable Indian shape. Followers of the New Age direction often prefer this talisman.

Interested in the opinion of modern Indians about the commercialization of this symbol, you can find out that very little remains of the meaning of ancient legends. This example of the use of cultural values ​​cannot be called favorable.

With your own hands

However, people who do not consider it acceptable to simply blindly hang an unfamiliar symbol in their home still bother finding information about its meaning, and sometimes they make

The instruction is not overly complex. A hoop made of wood is used as a base. Of course, the best option is the generally accepted willow twig described in Native American legends. If you don't want to complicate your life too much, take inner part hoops with a diameter of 15 centimeters. The cord is used 2 millimeters thick and 12 m long. The threads are necessary thick different colors... For beauty add beads and beads, feathers.

The bonding agent is a colorless glue. The incisions are made with scissors or All this is quite enough to make a dream catcher with your own hands. Scheme as well detailed instructions are available in DIY mascot kits. With their help, you will spend a minimum of time and easily make a talisman.


The hoop is tightly wrapped with a cord or tape so that it looks aesthetically pleasing and the wooden base does not open. Leave 15 cm for the tail. Feathers are subsequently attached to it. After winding, the ends are held together. You can use threads different colors... Then the composition will be even more fun. Craftsmen weave ornaments and patterns, but this requires experience.

For a start, a monochromatic dream catcher is enough. The starting thread is tied near the cord knot. Here the beginning and the beginning of the web is formed. A circular weave is made. The first row is laid along the entire hoop, after which, with the help of semi-knots, they pass to the next one at regular intervals.

At the same time, beads are placed on the thread, which will organically complement the overall composition. Further manipulations are carried out in a similar way. As you work, the radius gets smaller. It turns out a spider web. The last of the knots is tied as tightly as possible. The ends of the thread are cut as close to it as possible so as not to dangle. Then the ponytails with feathers are added and your custom dreamcatcher is ready!

Now it is already quite difficult to find out for certain the history and the exact date of the appearance of this amulet. However, there are many different legends and versions on this score, one of which leads to the origins of the lost civilizations of the American Indians.

"Dream Catcher" or "Dream Catcher", as it is also called, was very popular among the aborigines of Eastern Siberia and the North, and was also used by the indigenous people of the New World. In appearance and shape, the amulet looked more like a sieve, because had a rounded frame through which the threads were wound. Intertwining, they created bizarre patterns that carried a certain semantic load.

Due to its wide popularity among different nations and generations, the value of the amulet, as well as its appearance, can differ significantly from each other. Consider the two most popular and demanded species in modern life.

If we talk about the Dream Catcher of North American Indians, it is obvious that he performs the function of some kind of amulet, attracting both "evil" and "good" dream spirits. At the same time, "evil" spirits get stuck in the web, dying with the first rays of the morning sun, and "good" spirits are passed to the sleeping person by means of feathers, bringing with them only good and rainbow dreams.

The indigenous peoples of the North and Siberia interpret the action of this amulet in their own way, using it mainly in shamanic practices. Their interpretation is as close as possible to the name of the amulet itself. There the spirits are not divided into positive and negative, but get entangled in the fur of the amulet, then flowing down to the sleeping shaman in the form of dynamic images. This gives the shaman a certain strength and allows him to independently cope with the "evil" spirits with which he fights in a dream.

Making a Dream Catcher

It is believed that the amulet will "work" only if it is made using only natural materials. It is also necessary to understand that the Dreamcatcher is created in the form of a circle in the image and likeness of the Sun traveling through the sky. And the circle that he personifies is a symbol of infinity.

For the manufacture of the frame, a thin willow rod is most often used. It can also be replaced with any other base, such as a metal rim. We form a circle from the rod and begin to wrap it with thread clockwise, without using fastening knots either at the beginning or at the end of the weaving.

After you finish braiding the circle, start making the web. Do not be discouraged if you do not get it very evenly and asymmetrically, the main thing is the mood with which you make the amulet, as well as the correctly selected materials. During weaving, it is recommended to use prayers or conspiracies and think only of the good.

During the weaving process, you can also use additional decorative elements, such as beads.

At the very beginning of the work, we left a piece of cord equal to 15 cm. We need 3 of these laces. From the remaining skein of the cord, you need to cut off 2 pieces of 15 cm, tie at an equal distance from the first cord.
You will have 3 tails. Each needs to be decorated with beads, 1 feather should be tied to the ends.

Helpful advice

If you believe the legends, then to solve karmic problems in a dream, you can use beads of different colors.
Red beads - for success in love affairs. Orange color- if you need to make an important decision. Green beads - to maintain health. Purple will help you achieve wisdom.

Everyone wants to sleep peacefully. But this does not always work out - daytime worries haunt a person in a dream. North American Indians invented trap for dreams, which is designed to protect a person from bad dreams ideas. The Indians used materials for such a trap that everyone can find in their homeland. Europeans have learned to make such traps from what is at hand - and the trap works just as well as the Indian one.

You will need

  • Willow rod 60 cm long
  • Cotton threads "iris" or "garus"
  • Big hole beads
  • Large needle with a wide eye
  • Tatting shuttle
  • Feathers


Cut the willow twig on both sides so that the ends can be tightly combined. Leave the twig in boiling water until flexible. Bend the rod into a ring, connecting the cut edges so that the thickness is uniform. Tie the ends of the rod tightly. Dry the ring.

Wrap the thread around the ring. Thread a long enough thread into the needle, secure the end of the thread where you tied the ends of the rod, and tie the rod around. Most convenient for tatting. Wind the thread around the center of the shuttle. Tie the rod with knots resembling a loop seam. Place the stitches tightly, without gaps.

After wrapping the ring, secure the row with a strong knot and start weaving. Mark the circle into 8 pieces. This can be approximate - the main thing is that the parts look equal. You can mark the places where you will thread with knots of a different color, which you will then remove. Bring the thread towards you and make a free loop to the first notch. Wrap the thread in one turn around the first mark and make the exact same loop to the second mark. Thus, loop the spider web around the entire circle.

When you reach the end of the row, unwind the thread about the length you need for the next row and thread it through a needle with a large eye. Pass the thread to the middle of the first loop and secure it in the same way as you did in the first row, simply wrapping it around the thread in one turn. Thread the thread through the bead. Make another loop and attach it to the middle of the next loop. So, attaching beads to the loops, weave to the end of the row.

Make the cord you will be trap... Attach it to the ring where you held the ends of the rod together. Fold the cord in half to form a loop. Insert the loop into the ring. Place the ends of the cord together and loop them around the ring. Adjust the cord so that the loose ends go away from the ring. Tie the ends of the cord.

Hang up trap... Cut a few pieces of thread and tie them to a ring. Tie feathers to the free ends of the thread. Ready trap hang over the bed.

Helpful advice

The willow twig is best cut in winter.

Instead of feathers, you can hang bells or tubes for the "chime of the wind" to the trap.

You can make several traps of different diameters and hang them one under the other.

According to the beliefs of ancient Indian shamans, dream catchers are not just keepers of dreams, they embody the fate of a person's future lives. In order for a dream catcher to match you energetically, it is best to make it yourself.

You will need

  • - inner circle from the hoop (diameter about 15 cm)
  • - long thick threads (thickness 1.5-2 mm)
  • - beads / large beads
  • - feathers
  • - transparent glue
  • - knife / scissors


Wrap the thread around the hoop completely. It is necessary to wrap it very tightly so that there are no holes. You can use different colors of thread to make your dream catcher look more iridescent and beautiful. Tie the ends of the thread tightly.

Where you tied the ends of the thread, tie another thread - the beginning of the future spider web.

After 3-4 cm from the beginning, turn the thread around the hoop. Tighten it well. Thus, you will need to braid the entire hoop.

When the first row of weaving is finished, turn the thread again, but now not around the hoop, but around the thread of the first row itself. Along the way, you can thread beads or beads.

Weave a cobweb using this technology until the circle is completely narrowed. Tie the last knot for real and coat a little with transparent glue for reliability.

By different sides Tie the strings of the almost finished catcher, thread the beads on them and glue the feathers.

It remains only to make a lace on which the dream catcher will hang. The lace is made in the same way, using a thread. You can decorate it with a large bead.

Your personal dream keeper is ready. Sweets dreams!

For crafts you will need: lace fabric, hoops, cotton threads ("Iris" or similar thickness), beautiful narrow braid and narrow lace for finishing, large and small beads, feathers.

Pay attention when selecting Supplies so that their colors are harmonious (the craft will turn out to be very delicate if you choose colors from white to beige or other pastel colors).

The process of working on a dream catcher:

1. Separate one circle from the hoop (no lock) and tape around it. Secure the end of the tape with a pair of discreet stitches.

2. Cut a circle out of the lace fabric. The diameter of the lace circle should be equal to the inner diameter of the dreamcatcher base that was made in step 1.

3. Use coarse, sparse stitches to secure the lace inside the base of the dream catcher.

4. To make a dream catcher hanger, cut off about 40 cm of cotton thread, pass it over the edge of the hoop and throw a large bead over it, and then tie the ends of the thread.

5. Now let's decorate the bottom of the dream catcher. To do this, cut two strips of narrow lace (each about 40-50 cm long) and pass them over the bottom of the hoop at a distance of about 5-8 cm from each other. Secure the strips with thread to keep them from slipping. After that, type large and small beads on the thread in random order. Tie one or two feathers of different sizes to the end of the thread.

6. Make three of these strands with feathers, each about 20-22 cm long, and attach them to the underside of the hoop as shown in the photo. You can also complement the dreamcatcher décor according to your taste and desire.

It doesn't matter whether you believe in the power of a "dream catcher", but it is worth doing such a thing, because it will perfectly decorate the interior of almost any style - from vintage filled with cute little things to cool high-tech.

To begin with, I would like to note that this way of making a dream catcher is a great option to use a boring openwork napkin.

So, for crafts you will need : round or polygonal (the more corners, the better!) openwork napkin, threads in color, stiff wire, feathers, beads, beads, small patterned buttons, narrow lace.

Helpful advice: for this craft it is not at all necessary to buy beads, buttons and beads. This is exactly the case when a mix of beads left over from scattered necklaces will look very appropriate.

The process of working on the craft:

1. Make a ring out of the wire, fix the ends of the wire by twisting them. The radius of the ring should be slightly larger than the radius of the napkin.

2. Use cotton thread to secure the napkin inside the ring, as shown in the photo below.

Please note that the thread must be pulled through the outermost scallops of the napkin. Try not to let the napkin sag when the thread is taut. Otherwise, you will have to disassemble the entire structure and make a ring of a slightly larger diameter.

3. Tie strips of narrow lace to the bottom of the craft. Attach the feathers on the threads between them. On the same threads with feathers, string several beads, buttons and beads. You can also make several pendants with only beads and beads.

Helpful advice: You can complement this decor with a pair of unnecessary pendants (choose those that are made antique) or pendants from broken earrings.

4. Tie a loop of thread to the top of the dream catcher. The length of the loop depends only on where in the house you intend to place your craft. If it will hang on the wall, make a small, inconspicuous loop.

Modern people now worship science. That true faith in God and in the power of Mother Nature disappeared into nothingness. Traditional and even sacred symbols have become common souvenirs. But still there is a great desire to return old traditions and customs to modern times.

Let's get to know the ancient household item North American Indians- the so-called dream catcher. Previously, it was a real folk talisman, but now it just lies on souvenir shops or decorates modern houses and apartments. And few people think, but what kind of talisman is it and how does it work?

Sleep at night has always been the most important condition for a successful day. To combat insomnia and nightmares, ancient Indian tribes invented just such a trap.

Dreamcatcher - what is it

As mentioned earlier, the dream catcher is an ancient Indian relic. A real such product consists of a willow twig, which is bent in a circle and wrapped with a thread of natural strong material. Inside the circle there is a spider web made of the same thread. Such a talisman was decorated with bird feathers and various beads.

The ancient Indians believed that if a dreamcatcher was hung over a sleeping place, then he would guard his owner every night. It was believed that if a nightmare was picked up by a sleeping person, he would instantly become entangled in the web of a trap. If the dreams are bright and positive, then the talisman will allow them to pass to the person through a small circle in the middle of the product.

Each part of this invention has its own specific meaning. There are many legends about the dream catcher. Here is one of them. The leader of a North American Indian tribe Lakota in the mountains saw a haze in which he was talking with the teacher Iktomi. The teacher came to him in the form of a spider. Throughout the conversation, the spider was engaged in weaving a special web, which symbolizes human life:

  1. A spider has woven a closed circle from a willow twig. She is a symbol of the periodicity of human life: at first he is born as a child and everyone takes care of him. Then he grows up and himself becomes the parent of his children and takes care of them. And so you can go on and on.
  2. A cobweb inside a circle is a variety of roads in a person's life, between which one has to choose. No one has a clue which road is the most correct.
  3. A spider web of threads should protect people from bad events.
  4. The small center hole is the human spirit itself, which is open to positive events.
  5. The bird feathers that adorn the relic symbolize the air, without which no human can survive.

There is another legend that is directly related to human dreams. The unusual woman Asabikashi, who was the mother of all people on earth, turned into a spider. It was she who gave people this dream catcher.

When there were a lot of people in the world, Asabikashi taught mothers to take care of their children. And so that children would not have terrible dreams, she suggested that women make dream catchers with their own hands and hang them over children's beds.

In our time, such a talisman has become very popular among Europeans. However, not everyone knows its true meaning. Very often it is used as a decoration for a room. But let's check if it really helps to get rid of anxiety at night, and let's make such a talisman with our own hands.

Materials and tools for creating a product

No store bought talisman beats the one you make with your own hands.

In order to create such an amazing product, you will need:

  1. A young willow branch no more than one millimeter thick with good flexibility. You can find such a twig in October, during this period they have the largest number juice. Often, mountain ash is used to create such a talisman.
  2. Strong, with good thread density. The most suitable will be threads made from wool, linen or cotton.
  3. Horse skin or hair. These items will come in handy for decorating your dream catcher.
  4. Beads purchased or made with your own hands. They also come in handy for decoration. It is believed that beads made of various materials have different properties, for example: improve health, influence fate, and also change your behavior.
  5. Feathers certain types birds. For example, for the stronger sex, the plumage of birds that lead a diurnal lifestyle are suitable, and this is an eagle, a hawk, a falcon, etc. For the fair sex, feathers of night birds are suitable - an owl, a duck, a guinea fowl.

Remember that while making a talisman, you should think and think only about the positive aspects and wish the owner of the amulet all the best.

Step by step instructions for creating a dream catcher

  1. First, bend the willow rod into a hoop. The ends must be fixed with a thread and glued.
  2. Wrap the cord around the entire circumference of the hoop, leaving 15 centimeters free for use.
  3. Repeat this procedure, also leaving 15 centimeters.
  4. Tie a thread near the string that is tied in a knot.
  5. Wind the thread around the ring in a circle so that from the very beginning there is an indentation of at least three centimeters, thread the thread through the loop and pull it tight. You have a so-called semi-knot. Your task is to build the same semi-nodes at equal distances around the circle.
  6. Tie the next half knot, while wrapping the thread around itself, not around the ring.
  7. Do the same as in the fifth paragraph. During weaving, insert the decorative elements you need.
  8. Weave a spider web, while reducing the indents between the knots. Use a crochet hook for these actions - it will be easier for you. At the end of weaving, a circle should form from the loops.
  9. Trim the resulting spider web, make a knot, remove excess thread and cover with a thin layer of glue.
  10. Using scissors from the cord, cut a couple of pieces of thirty centimeters each and tie them at the bottom and opposite the 15-centimeter tails.
  11. Thread the beads into the string. Tie knots to keep the beads from getting lost.
  12. Tie a feather to one end of the string. Put a bead over the resulting knot to hide it. Do the same manipulations with all the tails.
  13. Take the other part of the lace and thread it into the ring. Then tie the resulting ends. Tie the loop in half and tie a knot very close to the edge of the ring. Put a bead on the loop big size and tie the last knot. Your dream catcher is ready!

The options for weaving a dream catcher do not end with this instruction. They can be very varied and even unusual. Experts even make various beautiful drawings on the web. However, for beginners in this business, there are many simple schemes weaving such a talisman. By the way, an ordinary hoop or a hoop made of wood can serve as the basis for the manufacture of the product. Now they use metal and plastic hoops, but, in this case, you need to carefully wrap them with thread so that the real material is not noticeable.

It is customary to hang a dream trap near the bed. However, to protect loved one from negative impact, you can make a mini version of the dream catcher that you can take with you everywhere.

Now you have learned how to make a dream catcher with your own hands and you can please yourself, your friends and relatives with such a beautiful and useful gift.

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