What is the best way to study at school? Helpful Hints for Students. Useful tips for schoolchildren

According to statistics, out of several dozen students, there will be one or two excellent students. Often, many children and their parents wonder how best to do at school. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the recommendations published in this article.

No one can force to study, remember and understand the topic, if the student himself does not want to. Therefore, we will also touch on the question of how to awaken the student's interest in science.

Why you need good academic performance

As a rule, in elementary school, children do not yet realize the importance of learning the sciences. Understanding this comes closer to graduation, starting with grades 8-9. The fact is that each student has to pass the final exam, which will play a decisive role in future education, and sometimes in a career. Therefore, it is advisable to gently and politely explain to parents why good academic performance is needed.

What to do if a lot is missed, but you want to keep up

Very often, before the final exams, students begin to think about the fact that they will have to overcome difficult trials. They understand how lucky those who study with only A's are lucky.

But it is impossible to catch up with the excellent students in just a few months. Time has passed. In fact, you can ask a trusted teacher for help, a classmate, or hire a tutor.

How best to study

What is the best way to learn at school for someone who is lagging behind? There are simple tips for this:

  • listen to the teacher's words;
  • ask loved ones to tell you something about a given topic;
  • read on your own in more detail about the science / subject;
  • start over from the beginning or from where grades have declined.

In this case, it will be possible to catch up with the program that is currently being studied.

How to understand a teacher

Teachers are different: those who know how to explain well, and those who practically do not tell anything. You need to be prepared for this. If you cannot understand the teacher from the first days, then it is advisable to study the subject on your own, to consult with those who are well versed in science. In general, the student must learn to understand everything himself. In universities, training is mostly independent, without the help of teachers. Therefore, it is better to think in advance, Or rather, "teach yourself."

How to prepare for lessons at home

You should learn to value time. When you get home, it's best to get some rest: lie down, chat with your family, or, ideally, take a walk in the fresh air.

Approximately 1 hour will suffice. And then the difficult moment will come - how to prepare for the lesson. It is not recommended to start doing homework immediately after school if there is no desire and strength. In addition, you should not waste time on computer games, the Internet, as all this can lure you for a long time.

When you feel refreshed, start studying. You can, for example, sit on the couch and read a paragraph on history or a given novel on literature. And various calculations, all written work is best done at the table.

What needs to be learned by heart is best divided into stages:

  • read before starting homework;
  • delve into the meaning of the text;
  • present mentally information;
  • re-read it again.

After 2-3 hours, you can repeat it to yourself and check the textbook. If you don't remember anything, then repeat everything that is written in the list above.

Why, with all the efforts, nothing works

But there is also a downside to the coin: they memorized by heart (a formula in physics or a definition in social science), but nothing is clear. In this case, you can enlist the help of the Internet. You can even find video tutorials on a particular topic in it.

What is the best way to study at school if study is not given with all the desire? It is worth asking for help, for example, from classmates, so that they explain what is happening and how, how to build graphs and solve problems in physics or chemistry. Do not be afraid to approach the teacher before the lesson or after to ask something about the topic covered.

How to show interest in uninteresting subjects

Often, children do not have a soul for some objects. But you need to study so that the overall final grades are flawless. An uninteresting subject can be treated differently. Let's say you don't like history because of the many dates and events that you have to memorize.

There are schoolchildren who enjoy going to school because they want to learn a topic empirically. For example, the reign of Empress Catherine II is studied from the same history. You can visit the museum or see paintings related to the reign of this great woman.

According to unloved math, it is worth finding easier equations and practicing, solving in several ways. And then we get down to the hard part. Plotting is also fun.

What good will a successful study give

Above, we discussed how to do better in school. Now let's answer the question, why have academic success, will it come in handy in life? It is better to answer this question from a moral point of view: when a student is confident in his abilities, then he does not worry about every test or independent work, he is not afraid of performances. He is happy, he likes everything and everything is easy for him. For ten years he has been treating school not as hard labor, but as his second home. This morale will help you fulfill your career.

Self-analysis of material

A person is born to be more aware of the world around him on his own. If you do not start from childhood, then it will be very difficult in adulthood. So let's talk about how to teach students how to learn, that is, teach themselves.

This topic will be especially relevant to those who miss school due to illness. To catch up with classmates, a sick student needs to find out what went on in school. Next, you should open the tutorial and familiarize yourself with the topic. If the previous lessons have been mastered, then the new material should go well. You shouldn't look for excuses like: "I was sick, I don't know anything." Try to figure it out on your own

Should I hire a tutor

How to improve school performance in more convenient and time-consuming ways?

If study is not at all given, then it is better to resort to the services of a tutor. He will help in the shortest possible time to deal with any material. But the responsibility still rests with the student: the material must be memorized without fail and delve into the essence of what is being studied. Only in this case the tutor will have guarantees that the student will become a good student or an excellent student.

The Internet will come to the rescue

How are children doing at school today? In the past decades and even centuries, it was difficult to get the necessary material. At the moment, any book and even an abstract can be found on the Internet.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that academic performance depends entirely on the student himself.

Preparing a child for school is not an easy task. And the student himself does not always manage to cope with all the difficulties and problems that arise in the process of educational activity. For this purpose, advice for schoolchildren was developed.

When the baby is going to the first grade, the parents always accompany him and are close by. They help him with his homework, tell him how to behave in class, with teachers, classmates, accompany him to school and meet him from school. However, there comes a time when a child must become independent, go to school himself, do homework, in a word, follow certain rules.

By their nature, most schoolchildren do not like to study and are inattentive during class. Their behavior depends on many factors, among which the most common are the atmosphere in the house, lack of parental control, and lack of awareness of their actions. But during school hours, you can not only gain knowledge in the field of certain subjects, but also learn a lot of useful things.

For example, about how to act in a new situation, how to behave with strangers, what the first steps should be like in inadequate and unusual cases. All these things must be known. In addition, they should be presented to the student not only by the parents, but also by the teachers. This will help the child to avoid unforeseen circumstances and possible troubles.

So what are the helpful tips for students? If we are talking about learning, then in this case the emphasis should be on such things as attention during classes, academic performance, communication with classmates, relationships with teachers.

Attention during class is one of the factors for successful studies. Many schoolchildren do not attach much importance to this and behave quite loyally in the classroom. They talk with classmates on their desk, turn around, get distracted by jokes, dream, do something else.

As a result, they skip a new topic. There is no guarantee that they will try to catch up at home. They won't do their homework. All this leads to the fact that the student begins to lag behind, he becomes more and more confused and, as a result, does not participate in the performance of any tasks at all.

To avoid this, you need to be extremely careful during classes. If something of what was said was missed, you need to raise your hand and ask again. If it was not possible to do this during the lesson, it is imperative to approach the teacher at break or after class and ask him to explain or present the missing part of the new topic. If a student understands a new topic, then it will be much easier for him to master the subsequent educational material.

And in order not to miss anything from what was presented by the teacher, you always need to use a pen, notebook, textbook. Sometimes during the lesson the student needs to leave the class. Do not be shy, endure and sacrifice yourself. To do this, just raise your hand and ask the teacher to leave the class. Otherwise, you can harm yourself without mastering the new material.

As for academic performance, in this case it is not a fact that the student was inattentive during the lessons. Sometimes factors such as genetic predisposition, poor hearing or poor eyesight, morbidity, forced absences, can cause student failure. To resolve this issue, the student himself must approach the teacher and talk frankly with him about the problems that have arisen or are existing.

The teacher will always understand and meet halfway. In addition, there are other rules of progress that each student should take into account for themselves. First, every time you come home, you need to open the diary and see what lessons are waiting for him for tomorrow. Do not postpone their implementation until the evening, but start them immediately.

Secondly, it is necessary to prioritize subjects, that is, to find out which lessons need to be done first, which ones later. Thirdly, during the lessons, do not be distracted by watching films and programs, listening to music with headphones, empty negotiations with family members. The learning atmosphere in school and even more so in the classroom is important and can influence the psyche of the child.

It is very important to be able to deal with classmates, friends, and teachers. After all, it largely depends on whether the child wants to continue to study at this school. Therefore, you need to be able to communicate with children, not to be isolated, to be more friendly and open, to treat both classmates and teachers with respect. It is very important to know how to behave outside the classroom and outside the classroom.

Be sure to consider the following rules and tips. You should always keep the phone with you and do not turn it off under any conditions or circumstances. This is necessary so that close people (parents, neighbors, friends and classmates) have the opportunity to contact in case of unforeseen factors.

In addition, you need to keep track of whether the phone is charged or not. In order not to face such a problem, it is better to put it on charge every evening. In addition, it is imperative to remember that going to school and returning from it should only be with familiar people. If you can't do this with your parents or family members, you can use the services of the neighbour's children and go to school with them.

On the way, never contact or talk with strangers. If, for some reason, it is not possible to walk with any of the above persons, you should try to always be in full view of people, that is, choose a road on which it is always crowded and light.

If an unpleasant situation happened on the way to school, be sure to call the parents and warn them about it or notify the direct teacher. If the school has some kind of incident between students or a fight, in no case should you take part in this. This can further heat the atmosphere and, in addition, there is a possibility of damage during a showdown.

You should always be careful about your things. Naturally, during a break, you cannot sit next to your belongings, you have to leave for any issues. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant moments with the loss of some elements from personal belongings, you should not take valuable things with you to school. If it so happens that the student came to school ahead of time and there is no one else, then he should stay close to the teacher's room or classroom.

In any case, soon one of the classmates or teachers will come up, and there is a possibility of not being alone for a long time. You should never cross the road without observing the basic rules of behavior on the pedestrian road. The street should only be switched to green, you should not rush, not be distracted.

As for the elementary rules of conduct, they must also be followed. When entering the classroom, be sure to say hello to both the teacher and classmates. It is ugly to disregard this rule, thereby showing an attitude and respect for others. If the bell rang, you should not immediately jump up from your seat, dropping everything and everyone on the go. You should wait for the moment when the teacher finishes his sentence, reaches a logical climax and gives permission to go out for a change.

When entering or leaving a classroom, it is ugly to slam the door. It is better to restrain it and quietly cover it so as not to disturb others and not to frighten them. If during the lesson a question arose, you should not shout from the spot and shout over the others. To do this, just raise your hand and ask the teacher a question. In addition, you need to take care of both your textbooks and the household items in the classroom.

Many schoolchildren are in the habit of drawing in books, on a desk, on a ruler. This is very ugly and speaks of a person's upbringing. During lessons, you should not distract others, pull girls by the hair, laugh at those who could not answer the question, and call someone loudly. As for the rules of conduct at home, there are also a number of tips here.

If the student is left at home alone, then he should adhere to the following mandatory tips. Never open the door to strangers, even if they claim that they are close friends and acquaintances to their parents. It is worth asking the names of the intruders and telling family members about it. Never try to repair electrical appliances yourself.

At first glance, it may seem elementary and easy to do something, but ignorance of the rules of physics can lead to dire circumstances. If suddenly calls from strangers come to the phone, you should not answer them or not say that there is no one in the house.

If the calls do not stop, you should warn family members about this or dial the number of the rescue team. Thus, all of the above tips and recommendations for schoolchildren will allow them to avoid unpleasant moments both in the learning process at school and outside it. These tips and rules should be taught by parents at home and teachers at school. Extreme caution on the street and at home, attention to the lesson, academic performance and demeanor will make an ordinary student a decent and successful person.

So, the article examined and highlighted the main tips and points that should be taken into account and kept in mind by every student, no matter what class he is in. This applies to everyone, both boys and girls.

Useful Tips

There are many important details that help in learning.

Of course, parental support and hard work may play a major role, but there are a few secrets that can make learning easier.

3. Organizer for convenient work.

You can use a regular basket in which you need to put several cans (glass or empty cans), and store the things necessary for work in these containers.

4. Use organizers that attach to the door to keep things you need for work in one convenient place.

5. In order not to forget which books you need to return to the library, keep all these books in one place, for example, in the basket.

6. At the beginning of the school year, it is always difficult to remember the timetable. You can take a photo of him and put a photo on the lock screen of your phone.

7. If you are writing a report or abstract, thenit will be very difficult to avoiderrors, and even text editors don't always help. The Google translator (translate.google.com) will come to the rescue: just copy this or that text into the translator and press the "listen" button - the robot will start reading your text, and you will be able to hear any errors, if any.

8. Here's an easy way to do well on the test:

While preparing for the test, chew the gum of a certain flavor, and when you come to the test, take the gum with the same flavor with you, and it will be easier for you to remember.

Read also:15 ways to clean up small things

9. You can motivate yourself. If you need to study a lot of text, place colorful gummies in certain places on the pages. When you get to the right place, eat one candy, eat another one in the next place, and so on.

10. If all your notebooks are the same color, then you can color the tips of the pages (on the side of the notebook) in the desired color. Each item will have a different color.

15. What is the best way to learn a particular topic:

25 minutes of hard work

5 minutes rest

Every 3rd rest should be 20 minutes long.

16. To make it easier to remember new material, read it the same day you studied it. The same goes for lecture notes.

17. To better learn the material you need, pretend that you will teach it to others so that you can remember more information.

18. Chocolates, mint candies and grapes, while working, improve brain activity. Also, homework is best done before 19-30, when the brain is still working well. At night, its functionality is about 20%, while in the daytime it is 50-70%. The brain works best in the early morning.

19. If you want to remember something better - write it down. One entry is like reading 7 times. It is also more likely that you will remember your entry better if you wrote it in blue rather than black or any other color.

How to get your child to school

20. Make a list of necessary purchases in advance, not leaving everything for the last day.

21. It is advisable to carry out an inventory of the house in order to know exactly what is and what needs to be purchased.

22. If the student is old enough, he can take them with him to the store or school fair, so that he himself chooses what he likes.

23. You shouldn't buy everything you need in the first store. If you start preparing in advance, you can go around several places and find something more suitable in terms of price and quality.

24. To find the books and textbooks you need, ask your family and friends if they can borrow them. You can also buy books inexpensively from used textbook stores. You can also find textbook sharing sites, including social media.

25. If you don't have time to buy some things before the end of summer, you can get them between September and October, when the hype subsides and prices drop slightly.

26. If you find it difficult to have time to prepare everything in the morning and get to lessons, create your own list of songs that will play while you are going. When the last song on the list plays, you know how much time is left. This will help you manage your time more intelligently.

27. Research has shown that students who eat a nutritious breakfast perform better, have more concentration and more energy. And if you drink enough fluids in the morning, you will feel happier or more energetic throughout the day.

Choosing the right backpack

28. Choose a backpack with padded shoulder straps and a hard back. R yukzak should sit so that its lower part is at waist level.

29. Use your backpack so that was busy as many branches as possible. Place your heaviest items closer to the center of the back of your backpack.

Ideally, the weight of a backpack should not exceed 20% of a person's weight. Use a wheeled backpack if school permits. This is especially important for those who often have to carry a lot of weight.

30. Check your backpack regularly and remove unnecessary items from it.

The life of a modern student is not easy. How to alleviate the harsh everyday life and not to thunder under parental quarantine with the syndrome of "inflammation of the cunning"? The top ten life hacks for school will come in handy for every adventurous student who is looking for easy ways to solve complex problems. Bookmarking!

1. "Mom, I think I'm sick!"

  • The control always causes headache and fever. Too bad the thermometer refuses to show signs of illness. You can help him. With the blunt side of the thermometer, lightly tap the palm of your hand. Pat until the mercury column rises to the required mark.

2. "Music tied us together"

  • Music not only unites, but also causes a nervous breakdown. The lucky rare person takes out headphones from his backpack, which does not need to be untangled. A regular clothespin is a preventative measure against entanglement. Just wrap the headphones on the glued together clothespins and place the structure in your backpack. Unpresentable? The tree is in trend now!

3. Fashionable stationery against boredom

  • The only tool that can draw attention to boring lessons is fashionable stationery. Designer notebooks, pencils and erasers - buy stylish things that are a pleasure to use. The most demanding schoolchildren in the quality and design of stationery can pay attention to Parker products. Expensive? Elite!

4. Handwritten calculator

  • Typing a complex mathematical expression on the screen is a thankless task. The MyScript © Calculator application allows you to perform math operations using handwriting input. The technology itself will perform the magic of converting characters and numbers to digital format and present the result.

5. We stick in the smartphone "without paleov"

  • If you want to enjoy the company of your smartphone in class, do this easy trick. You will need a thick notebook or notebook and a clerical knife. Cut a window in a book with a depth of the thickness of a smartphone in any convenient way. Now during the lesson you will be able to use the phone “without pale”. When the teacher approaches, simply turn the page of the notebook into the "work area". In general, you need to learn in the lessons!

6. Cloud storage of presentations and reports

  • Use Google Drive to create abstracts, reports and presentations. Google Drive is a convenient and secure place to create and store files that can be accessed anywhere in the world from a phone, tablet or laptop when connected to the Internet. Now you do not need to copy the file to a USB flash drive and carry it with you. Google Drive allows you to “forget” a talk or presentation in your account. Comfortable!

7. Professional typesetter

  • Typing on paper is difficult for one simple reason. Moving your gaze from the screen to the table where the paper document lies, it is not easy to quickly find the right line. The problem is solved by attaching a book or notebook to a laptop using an ordinary hanger as shown in the figure. Now your eyes quickly move between the original and the electronic copy.

8. Notebook, where are you?

  • Schoolchildren spend a huge amount of time on ... finding the right notebook in a briefcase or backpack. Write on your notebooks with a felt-tip pen and waste your time with great value.

9. Stand from the egg box

  • A cardboard egg box will help save the laptop from overheating and subsequent breakdown (and expensive repairs!). Place the laptop on a cooling penny device that will keep the lower platform in contact with air.

10. Stickers - an anti-amnesia pill

  • If you need to remember something, but the student has to memorize a lot, post stickers with formulas, dates, rules in prominent places around the apartment. Thus, you can even remember the number "Pi". Checked!

Learn, learn and learn again!

It is good when friendship with classmates is tied by itself and the school becomes practically a second home. But what if not everything is so smooth? Show miracles of diplomacy, be wise and patient! How to do it? Let's tell you now!

Like-minded people: how to find them?

It is much easier to build good relationships with those who are somehow similar to you. With those who have the same interests and hobbies. Is your classmate Masha, like you, interested in biology? This is a great opportunity to work together on a report or project, even if you weren't friends before. The main thing is not to be afraid to take the initiative, because most of the peers would be glad to meet new people, but they are embarrassed to take the first step, despite their proud look.

Do any of the guys listen to music that you like? Fine! Ask them about new bands and songs or tell them yourself. Musical preferences are generally a very important topic, it is about feelings, emotions and even fashion, and it always unites, and this is very valuable!

But what if no one in the class shares your hobbies, and your feelings and thoughts do not understand? Don't be upset or rush to change just to please others.

First of all, you need to understand: are you somehow different from the rest, or do you just want to stand out against their background?

If you drive a longboard while others paint roses on their nails, or read and re-read books while others discuss TV shows, then we have good news for you: being special is a reason to be proud! After all, this means that you think outside the box and do what you like.

Remember that everything in life is changing. Your tastes can change too, and you can find like-minded people among your classmates. Or maybe some of them will soon begin to share your interests!

Life is unpredictable: now you have nothing in common with your deskmate, and tomorrow he will create a fan chat of your favorite TV series. Learn to discover new things in people!

Compliments and support: how not to overdo it?

Do you love when people praise you and say nice words? So, others too! Did you see a beautiful dress from a classmate? Be sure to compliment, she will be pleased! Did a classmate prepare an interesting history report? Do not envy, but praise him. Do you see that someone is in a bad mood or tears in their eyes? Come, offer help, or just listen - sometimes that's enough.

Why not overdo it? If you praise everyone and calm everyone down for show, your classmates will notice or feel it. Insincerity is visible from a mile away and always aggravates the situation, and you can also get a reputation as a sucker. Therefore, be genuinely involved and only when it is truly appropriate.

Empathy - what is it and why do I need it?

Empathy is understanding the feelings of another person and the ability to take his place. Can you imagine what was in your friend's head when she got a bad grade, or your sister when she had a fight with someone? Do you know how not to add fuel to the fire? To better understand people and quickly find a common language with them, often imagine yourself in the place of others and try to act with them as you would like to be treated with you.

Gossip: How To Be Above This?

It is one thing to say only good things about a person, but it is quite another thing to spread rumors behind his back and create a real epidemic. If someone has told you gossip, ask yourself the question: "Would I like to be told this about me?" And if not, make sure that the chain ends on you. And if you yourself have become a victim of unpleasant slander, the advice familiar from childhood will work: do not pay attention.

The gossip needs your reaction: tears, screams ... But, in general, it doesn't matter what it will be. But if in a situation that is uncomfortable for yourself, you manage to maintain your composure, then in the future it will never occur to anyone to laugh at you. After all, you are above this. This means that your offenders will quickly lose their interest.

But what if the ignore does not help at all? You're not going to transfer to another school because of a couple of gossips! There is no other way out - you have to talk to your offenders. Try to talk to the one who spreads gossip about you in private, extra ears are useless here. Keep your composure and never raise your voice. Find out the reason why they gossip about you. It is possible that you have offended in some way the one who says nasty things about you now. Or is it just jealousy? In any case, knowing the reason for such conversations will help you cope with them faster.

Bullying: how to avoid it?

Almost everyone is familiar with the situation when a class is divided into several isolated groups that do not perceive each other. Or even worse: when everyone starts to persecute one of the students. Now this is called the buzzword "bullying". This is where the empathy exercise comes in again. Put yourself in the place of the one whom everyone teases, offends, humiliates. What is it like for him to study in such a class? Does he like going to school? With what mood does he wake up in the morning? Are you sure you want to participate in this mess?

Try to maintain neutrality and sanity. And if it is in your power, then try to help the one who is offended. First, get your friends on your side. And be sure to pay your class teacher's attention to what's going on. If everyone is hounding one, it is not at all necessary that the problem is in him. More often than not, other classroom relationships are not as good as you might think.

What if you are the target of bullying? Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe. It is impossible to find out one-on-one relationship with your abuser, it is completely ineffective. You need to work with the whole company, because there are always more than two participants in bullying. After all, your class and teachers are witnesses who are also affected by the unfolding drama. They also take part in the process, albeit as observers.

The main thing that you need to do is to call the bullying bullying, violence, to indicate that the actions of the aggressors have been noticed, and you want to stop it. Do not keep silent under any circumstances! If you remain silent and tolerate, because you may be considered a snitch, the situation will only get worse! Report that you are being bullied to your homeroom teacher or school counselor. Talking to the whole class is not only your concern, but also the direct responsibility of adults and experienced teachers.

What is your relationship with your classmates?

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