Depressed (oppressed) condition: why arises and how to cope with it. What provokes a decadent, oppressed emotional state? Oppressed state 6 letters scanword

The depressed state (oppressed state) is the pathological state of the psyche characterized by the lack of interest and the deterioration of the general condition. The oppressed state can be one of the symptoms of neurosis, depression or arising as independent pathology.

Periodically, such a state arises from absolutely healthy mentally people who are experiencing or survived a severe emotional state, mental injury or protracted stress.

Pathological is a state can be in conservation of symptoms over several months, the appearance of symptoms of other mental illness or the appearance of suicidal thoughts and intentions.

There may be an oppressed state due to:


The experienced stress or psychological trauma can cause a state of depression, which lasts from several days to several weeks and does not require special treatment. A man in an depressed state continues to perform daily responsibilities, communicates with others and does not refuse to help. In more severe cases, a person's psyche cannot cope with unpleasant experiences, and he "stuck" in this state.

Several forms of pathological depression are isolated:

  • psychological depression;
  • emotional depression;
  • internal depression.

Psychological minimal

It occurs most often due to the internal conflict, the inability to carry out the desired, achieve the goal and so on. A person spends too much strength and domestic resources on the planned or on the experience of any failure and cannot cope with it. As a result, it closes in himself, ceases to achieve the goal, feels and motivated. In such a state, people can stop communicating with people, visit any entertainment events, and in difficult situations - even refuse to leave the house.

Emotional minimal

Her appearance can provoke psychological injury, heavy stress or other experience. The inability to worry and "live" negative emotions leads to what they accumulate, block the consciousness of a person and become the cause of the development of psychosomatic diseases or emotional depression.

Such pathology is most often bottled from those people who, in childhood, forbidden to openly show their emotions, shaped them for tears, fear or weakness. In adulthood, the ability to cope with their feelings can cause many problems with the psyche - if negative emotions will be too strong, they can cause a nervous breakdown or severe depression.

With this form of the disease, a person seems to be "frozen", it becomes little emotional, ceases to enjoy life and be interested in anything. Non-futured emotions can cause problems with sleep, appetite, headaches, heart pain or stomach, as well as general deterioration.

Inner minor

The cause of its development can be any negative experience or psychological trauma. Internal depression arises due to severe experiences or negative emotions that "dig" inside a person.

There is an internal depression constantly poor mood, lack of motivation, desire to avoid contact with others. Such a person can completely stop attempts to achieve anything, in general to perform any actions and simply "sail for the flow." Internal depression is dangerous in that the patients can start taking alcohol, drugs, play gambling or do something dangerous or illegal, in trying to somehow fill the inner emptiness.

Danger and consequences of this state

Depression or oppressed state can cause the development of depression, lead patient to alcoholism or drug addiction. Also, the lack of motivation and desire to achieve something leads to the fact that a person does not develop, agrees to exist in any conditions and does not try to achieve something better.


You can cope with the depressed state alone or. If a person is aware of his problem and wants to change his condition, psychoanalysis will help cope with the depression, changing the lifestyle or reception of plant sedatives.

Medicia treatment

Treatment of depression and apathy usually includes a reception:


Psychotherapeutic treatment helps the patient to realize the causes of depression and cope with internal problems.

Most often use, rational, psychoanalysis and auxiliary techniques: dance gerapets, art therapy, music therapy and so on.

Depressed statelike a bag with stones, which presses us to the ground. There is no will to action, I don't want anything and the future is seen in the gloomy light. And a characteristic feature of such a state is that any new thought or action further aggravates the deplorable position of things. Because in the oppressed depressed mental state, the person completely disoriented.
The oppressed subsequent state can be characterized by the most different forms of manifestation of this mental illness. But the essence is always one - a person owns apathy and negative emotions in one form or another. Energy left the body, and despair, fatigue and sadness (or even severe thoughts of hopelessness) become the main familiar sensations.
The reasons may be the most different - since the failures, the disaster in the personal life and ending with the fact that the person himself gives rise to phantoms of negative perception in his head and is no longer capable of getting out of it. Depressed depressed stateit is difficult to overcome. Anyone who caught in such a situation would tell you that all sorts of recommendations are, of course, it's great, but "absolutely no strength and desire." A person feels dead and empty. And he simply has no will to action. Especially because at such moments, a person no longer sees the meaning and does not want to be aggravated and maintains such a mood.

Oppressed state - how to get out of it

Such is a cunning feature invalued depressed low state state. Start healing from an unexpected side, "Check" your illness of the Spirit. One person applied a strange method for this. He was in a terrible despair, because he loaded himself with the immense number of cases that could not be forces. In the end, it crushed him and physically, and psychologically. And suddenly he introduced himself that life would still end once. Whatever happens, no matter how much it seems - it will end. Oddly enough, but it brought him relief, because he gave rise to the idea that it makes no sense to load himself. And he released himself. Soothed and began to gradually carry out those actions that were truly important. And all the unnecessary just threw out of the head.

The main idea is to start you should find something one thing that will bring you relief, some exemption from the oppression, in which you are. And this, like a thread, will begin to "unwind" the whole tangle of your condition. And pull out of the swamp, in which your consciousness and body pleased.

Oppressed condition - what to do first how to help yourself

Take the idea that you are already at the bottom, and there is nothing to lose. For a while, everything is pressed. Allow it yourself. For the "games" of your mind and as soon as the previous hard idea arises - throw it out mercilessly. Attend that you are "on vacation" from all your problems and failures. Allow yourself to live, as the child lives - and just do what you are in joy, without reflecting on the rationality of this. It will heale you better than any medicine. You remember your true nature, and it will give you confidence and strength, will remind you of your real objectives, and not imposed by the oppressed state.

Many people do not observe what is an depressed state and how much it oppresses. To get out of it, you need to understand why it arose. Only by eliminating the factors that call it, you can again enjoy life.

What is an depressed state?

When a person loses interest in the world around, feels the decline of strength, mental equilibrium disappears, we can say that it "captured" the oppressed state. He does not want to go to work, to meet with friends, he is not fond of anything, stressful situations are knocked out of the gauge.

Such apathy arises due to certain reasons:

Some people do not recognize their problems for a long time, and therefore do not solve them. Over time, internal discomfort and decadent state increases, and it is much more complicated to get rid of it. A person begins to "eat" his anxiety or drowning it with other bad habits. But they bring temporary relief, so it is important to recognize the problem and find the "root of evil".

What is the danger of such a state?

When the emotional cargo becomes near, it is injected by hopelessness. This blocks human activity and leads to apathy and depression. He "sink" in his inaction and life ceases to delight him. This is dangerous depressed and oppressed mental state.

When a person lives on inertia, without putting his goals, he is unlikely to achieve any results. He ceases to dream, he does not need anything, it becomes indifferent to what previously caused sincere joy.

It leads to heavy protracted depressions, with which a person cannot cope with independently.

Reset the cargo

It is from it that all problems begin. When the cargo of unresolved issues becomes hot, it is necessary to get rid of it. The swarm of impossible thoughts leads to anxious state and uncertainty, provokes an emotional disorder.

Believe in good!

A pessimistic prediction, as a rule, appears due to the fact that the person is too concentrated on something bad, melting everything is good from the look, which happens to it.

The imaginary anxiety can disturb the person even more than the real one, because he coars himself and cherishes his experiences.

When there are many such forecasts, this condition occurs over time. A person is not looking for ways to solve problems and justifies itself to the fact that anyway will not work. He shifts responsibility for his life on others or fate, accusing in all adversities random coincidences.

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Answer from Dolphin [Guru]
In give ... frustration ....
Condition: Get out, old woman, I'm in sorrow ....))

Answer from 2 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Excuse me what kind of exploration in sports? And how to write correctly: Prostration or action? Before colleagues are ashamed.

Answer from Denis[guru]
It depends on what you need, if you break, then the action.

Answer from Nurken Sistengaliev[guru]
Prostration is a sharp decline of the mental tone in combination with speech and motor insertion, pronounced decrease (or absence) reaction to external stimuli.

Answer from Natty.[guru]
the words "exposure" is not as such in Russian ... there is a "prostration"
Usage concept
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron
Prostration - often used in medicine term expressing on the one hand, a strong decline in physical forces, such as, for example, with severe diseases, on the other, the insufficiency of the functions of the body organs. A similar condition complicated by the decline or disappearance of mental activity is always expressed by an extremely dangerous state of the patient, requiring immediate rise to his forces.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia
Prostration (from Late. Prostratio - from Lat. Prosterno - tilting, destroying) - outdated, not a clear medical concept denoting the extreme degree of exhaustion, relaxation, decline of mental activity. It occurs with severe infectious diseases, poisoning, excessive exhaustion, after sudden nervous shocks.
[edit] In specialized dictionaries
Medico terminology dictionary
Prostration (from Late. Prostratio - oppression, decline) - the state of extreme decline of forces, depression; It is characterized by relaxation, helplessness, absent reactions to external stimuli.
Dictionary of social sciences.
Prostration is the condition of the full physical and neuropsychic relaxation of the body, coming after severe diseases, strong overwork, nervous shocks, starvation. Lat. Prostratio - decay.
Oxford explanatory dictionary on psychology
Prostration - literally means "melt", "lying on the stomach". In a special meaning, this term is used to characterize the state of extreme extension as a result of a disease or shock to such an extent that many conventional body reflexes are not called. Several more free meaning is any extreme physical or mental exhaustion. Metaphorically - implies the effect of lowering the body down in the gesture of humility or humiliation.
[edit] In explanatory dictionaries
New sensible word formation dictionary.
Prostration (g.) - The oppressed, depressed state, accompanied by a complete decay of power and an indifferent attitude towards the surrounding.
Dictionary of Ozhegov
Prostration (book.) - oppressed, depressed state, full of indifference to the surrounding.
Dictionary Ushakov
Prostration (book.) - The oppressed, depressed state, accompanied by a complete decline of forces, an indifferent attitude towards the surrounding

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