How to write a characterization for a student (school, college, university)? Recommendations, samples, examples. An example of typical characteristics on students

Each class teacher is faced with the task of writing characteristics for students in his class: such characteristics may be required by the guardianship authorities, the police and the PDN, for admission to another school or college, to the military registration and enlistment office. And every time you don’t want to invent something, it’s better to have a ready-made template or sample.

How to write a testimonial for a student ?

The characteristic for the student, as we have already said, is written by the class teacher, head teacher or school principal. Help may be needed when writing a psychological child school psychologist, test results and diagnostics.

Actually, the content of a characteristic can be based on what exactly it is needed for, who requires it. The minimum amount of characteristics is 800-900 characters, the maximum is not limited and may contain reports on work with a student - a mini-dossier on a child.

The characteristic, which will be transferred to a third-party organization, is written on the letterhead of the school, the date and signature of the person who prepared it is put at the bottom.

You can download ready-made characteristics for a student on our website - select a sample characteristic below. Compose complete description you can according to the plan on this page. We recommend downloading it and transferring it to methodical association class leaders.

Plan of the general psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student

Last name, first name. Date of Birth. Diagnosis. Did you visit Kindergarten. Year of school entry. What grades did you attend and for how many years?

  • The history of development

The health status of the parents. Features of pregnancy and childbirth. Early development child. Diseases and injuries in preschool age.

  • child's family

Family composition. Parents' activities. material conditions of the family. Conditions for raising a child in a family. Daily regime. Relationships between family members. The attitude of family members to the child.

  • physical status

Physical development, age-appropriate. Deviations in physical development (height, fatness, etc.)

Motility state. Movement disorders (stiffness, disinhibition, paralysis, paresis, stereotypical and obsessive movements). Movement coordination.

The state of the analyzers (vision, hearing, etc.)

Availability chronic disease. fatigue.

  • Features of cognitive activity

Attention. Volume. Sustainability. switchability. Features of voluntary and involuntary attention.

Perception. Speed, volume, completeness, accuracy, meaningfulness.

Features of visual, auditory, tactile perceptions.

Perception of shape, size, color, spatial arrangement of objects. Features of the perception of time.

Memory. Speed, completeness, strength of memorization. Features of memorizing digital, factual and verbal material. Features and scope of intentional and unintentional memorization.

Meaningfulness, accuracy, completeness of reproduction. The use of memorization and recall techniques.

The presence and features of logical (semantic) memory.

The predominant type of memory (visual, auditory, mixed)

Individual features of memory.

Features of speech. Level speech development. The pace and rhythm of speech. Pronunciation defects. Voice features. Emotional coloring of speech.

Vocabulary. Features of active and passive vocabulary.

The grammatical structure of speech.

The state of dialogical and narrative-descriptive speech.

Peculiarities writing.

Thinking. Features of analysis and synthesis. Comparisons: correctness and completeness. Availability of multi-stage analysis and comparison. Features of comparison of visually perceived objects and verbal material. Features of generalization and concretization.

The level of development of thinking (visual-figurative, visual-effective, verbal-logical).

The level of assimilation of general and abstract concepts.

Ability to establish causal relationships.

Understanding the main thing in the text, plot.

The ability to draw independent conclusions.

  • Emotional-volitional sphere

Depth, stability of feelings. Dominant mood. The degree of emotional excitability. Presence of affective outbursts.

features of the will. Subordination. Suggestibility. Manifestations of negativity.

The presence of friendship and kindred feelings.

The presence of pathological desires.

  • General educational skills and abilities

Ability to listen, perform verbal tasks, work with visual aids and didactic material, textbook, notebook.

Ability to plan and work according to plan. Self-control skills.

Features and difficulties of mastering new knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, the application of acquired knowledge and skills.

Independence in the assimilation and application of knowledge. The ability to pick up own examples to the learned rules, to explain their actions.

The presence and features of the transfer of knowledge and skills to a new situation.

  • Features of the assimilation of individual subjects

Attitude to academic subjects.

Motives of educational activity. Diligence.

cognitive interests. Attitude to evaluation, mark, praise and blame.

Features of mastering labor skills and abilities. Attitude towards labor lessons and labor activity. Independence.

  • Personality Features

Personal orientation. The nature of the interests. The level of claims and self-esteem. A responsibility.

Compliance with the rules of behavior in society, school, at home. Behavior in educational, labor, gaming activities. Autonomy of behavior.

Relationships with children and adults. Place and role in the team. The presence of conformity.

Socialization of the individual.

  • Pedagogical conclusions and recommendations

A characteristic for a student is an assessment of the psychological, social, personal traits of a student, his mental abilities, skills and abilities. It is issued in a free style, but still there are certain requirements that must be observed.

The characteristic is compiled for submission to another educational institution or for a new teacher in order to make the initial acquaintance with the student as comfortable as possible. The characteristic will help the teacher to find an individual approach to the student, to understand his interests, hobbies, the main directions of spiritual, scientific, social development. There is no single specification template. Usually it is written on a sheet of A-4 paper, it can also be issued on letterhead. educational institution. The characteristic can be represented by three types: psychological, pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical. The name of the document (characteristic) should be indicated above, and below, in a free order, all information that may be useful is indicated. Traditionally this document reveals the following information:
  • general data about the student (date of birth, full name, name of the educational institution, class, city);
  • academic performance, study priorities (favorite subjects), features intellectual development and perception of information;
  • the student's hobbies, his interests, hobbies (what circles or sections he attends, what successes he has achieved);
  • health status;
  • personal qualities of the student, character, psychological development, strong-willed qualities, features of temperament;
  • sociability: relationship with other students, teachers (respects, indifferent, despises);
  • the level of sociability (does he take part in the life of the class), claims, self-esteem;
  • moral and ethical qualities;
  • family composition (full / incomplete), family relations, family values participation of parents in the upbringing and education of the child.
Below, the characteristic is signed by the class teacher and the director of the educational institution (if the document is intended for another school). Next to each signature is its decryption. The date of issuance of the specification is required. If it is necessary to draw up a characterization of a student in the military registration and enlistment office, this is done approximately according to the same template. At the top in the center should write the name - (Characteristic). The following is indicated general information about the student (name, date of birth, when he studied at which institutions, the number of the school where he is currently studying, in which class). The following is information about the composition of the family: the full name of both parents, their date of birth, where and by whom they work. Then you should describe the relationship in the family, the character of the student, his progress, discipline. If the child goes to circles, sections, you can specify this information. At the bottom, a note is made that the characteristic has been prepared for the military registration and enlistment office. The director and the class teacher put their signatures, transcripts of signatures. The date of writing the characteristic is indicated.

Pedagogical activity is closely connected with documentation. To facilitate his work, the teacher should familiarize himself with the drafting scheme and examples of one of the most important documents in his work - the characteristics of the student.

What is a student profile for?

An individual approach to the education and upbringing of the younger generation implies the study of the typological characteristics of a particular child and the creation of such conditions for his development in which this process would take place more efficiently. In the practice of the educational system, such a method of fixing the individual traits of the child as a characteristic of the student has been created.

This document allows the teacher himself to generalize knowledge about the growing person, track the dynamics of his development, as well as other people who will work with the child in the future, get a ready-made set of knowledge about him. A well-written characterization helps the person reading it to form an idea of ​​​​what is happening, a portrait of the child and, on this basis, prioritize working with him. Therefore, the characteristic of the student as one of the main documents is often required in such cases:

  • when transferring to another educational institution;
  • to continue their studies at the next stage of education;
  • at the request of social services;
  • to work with child law enforcement;
  • when passing the commission in the military registration and enlistment office;
  • to organize assistance to the child, for example, in meetings of the PMPK.

Characterization plan

Researchers in the field of psychology and pedagogy have analyzed the characteristics that are compiled in educational institutions. It was found that such a document differed in its approach to the study of the child's personality. So, teachers focused on the influence on the student, on his behavior in the school environment. And psychologists - on the individual-typological differences of the child. For example, for a teacher, manifestations of discipline and diligence in the educational process are important, for a psychologist - the motives of the child. Both approaches did not fully describe the personality of the student in the specific conditions of the educational system. Therefore, it was concluded that the characteristics of the student should be built according to a certain plan (algorithm) and include the following necessary data:

  • general information about the child (name, age, where he lives, period of study,;
  • educational activities;
  • behavior;
  • social labor;
  • communication;
  • individual personality traits;
  • family atmosphere and upbringing.

These items were included in the student characteristics chart, which is completed by the teacher throughout the child's education. It not only gives a complete picture of the student's personality, but also helps in the future to draw up an objective description.

Student activities

The child's activities in an educational institution include several types that should be described in such a document. It:

  • educational activities (success, interest, love of reading, educational achievements);
  • social activity (degree of expression, initiative, organizational inclinations, authority of the child's opinion, attitude to the role of a follower, desire to perform socially important work);
  • communicative activity, communication (popularity in the team, the presence of comrades, sociability, the ability to speak to an audience, openness, responsiveness, orientation to the opinions of others, relationships with teachers).

The student shows how the child is adapted to the educational environment. How does he assimilate social experience, is able to accept independent solutions and draw up a plan of action.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student. What does it include?

The indicated map-scheme includes, in fact, both the psychological and the pedagogical part. These include the following data:

  • features of the child's behavior (discipline, stubbornness, purposefulness, conflict, degree of aggressiveness, physical activity, the degree of assimilation of pedagogical influence or education);
  • individual psychological characteristics (self-esteem, level of anxiety, balance, desire for success or ambition, what feelings it causes in others);
  • family influence (emotional atmosphere in the family, closeness and trust in relationships, degree of control and interest of parents in the life of the child, independence of the student, degree of cooperation between parents and teachers).

The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student may also include information about the child's tendency to deviant behavior. In this case, you must specify which concrete examples point to it.

Sample document

Sample characteristics for students can be compiled by educators as good example, which will further facilitate the work with the documentation. The following is a similar example.

Stepanov Stepan has been studying at this school since the first grade. During this time, he showed himself to be an active, well-performing student.

He is brought up in a complete, prosperous family. Relations with parents are trusting and friendly. Father and mother are actively interested school life son, take part in the work of the parent committee of the class.

Stepan is excellent. He has a particular interest in the subjects of the humanitarian cycle. He takes part in the annual Olympiad in history, 2 times was the winner of the regional stage of the competition. To learning process treats with genuine interest, reads a lot, visits a circle of book lovers. He aims to enter the university at the Faculty of History and work as an archaeologist.

Stepan is stubborn in achieving goals, loves to be a leader in the school team. Classmates consider his opinion authoritative. Shows respect for teachers.

By nature, Stepan is calm, self-confident, friendly and open. Likes to communicate, participate in collective events. To social labor treats responsibly.

Additionally, she enjoys playing the guitar and training her dog.

the date

A characteristic for a student is a document that displays an assessment of the psychological, social, communicative and other qualities of a student. A characteristic for a student may be required when transferring a student to a new educational institution or when enrolling in specialized circles and sections. Also, this document is often compiled for new teachers who want to get acquainted with the character of the students.

How to write a characteristic for a student

Since the characteristic for the student does not belong to the category of official documents, it can be written in any form, according to general recommendations business letters. First, the name of the document is written on a sheet or form, after which comes the main text, which should include the following information:

  • data about the student (name, date of birth, class of study);
  • academic performance, preference in studies, degree of perseverance, favorite subjects;
  • health status, physical fitness, whether the student attends sport sections or mugs;
  • hobbies and extra-curricular interests (you can indicate in which circles, sections and studios the student is engaged);
  • the student's family, relations in the family;
  • character of the student, attitude in the class;
  • signature class teacher;
  • the date the document was written.

If the characteristic is compiled for the purpose of providing it to other educational institutions, then in addition to the signature of the class teacher, the signature of the school principal is also required.

The characteristics of the student can be drawn up both on the letterhead of the educational institution, and on an A4 sheet.



for a student of grade 11-A

middle secondary school No. 112 in Moscow

Sokolov Vladimir Vitalievich,

1996 year of birth

Sokolov Vladimir Vitalievich has sufficient and high level success, acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. Studying in a specialized legal class. Takes care of constant increase their educational level. Has a well-developed spatial imagination. Interested in computer science. He was the winner of the city and the participant of the regional drawing tournaments. Winner of the city Olympiad in Informatics.

General physical development Sokolov Vladimir Vitalievich good. Vladimir is engaged in judo wrestling. Participated in competitions different levels. The highest achievement - III place in the European Championship. Constantly working on physical improvement.

There are no negative features of character and behavior. Non-conflict, reasonable, calm, friendly, modest. Disciplined, hardworking, responsible. Be polite with teachers. Classmates respect Vladimir. Actively participates in public life class and school, member of the council of student self-government.

In everyday life it is characterized only with positive sides. Respects parents, helps them. Leads healthy lifestyle life, bad habits does not have.

Sokolov Vladimir Vitalievich is brought up in complete family. Parents are private entrepreneurs. Parents are responsible for raising their son. The best moral qualities are instilled in the guy - respect for elders, politeness, kindness and decency.

  1. Name of the student.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Health status.
  4. Parents (full name, year of birth, place of work, education).
  5. family conditions.
  6. Family relationships.
    • A prosperous family (parents lead the right way of life, they are serious about raising children, the emotional atmosphere of the family of a student at risk is positive, parents are aware of all the school events of the child).
    • Dysfunctional family (parents shy away from raising children, rough treatment of the child, there are no uniform requirements from parents, parents lead the wrong lifestyle, abuse alcohol, do not raise children, are not interested in school performance and the interests of the child, the family has a dysfunctional emotional atmosphere) .
    • The nature of the relationship between parents and the child (mutual respect, parental dictate, excessive guardianship, providing complete freedom to the child).
  7. Organization of work and rest of the child (assignments and duties in the family, observance of the daily routine, assistance and control in the implementation homework, holidays, organization summer holidays).
  8. Learning activities:
    • student performance in subjects;
    • attitude to learning: positive, negative.
    • intellectual abilities of the student: high, medium, low.
  9. Position in class:
    • Student position with bad behavior in a team: leader, follower. Whom in the class is he friends with?
    • Manner and style of communication with others.
  10. Attitude to social activity and socially useful work. (Willingly carries out instructions, approaches responsibly, without interest, refuses, takes an active part in school activities, is indifferent to school activities, refuses to participate)
  11. Hobbies (classes in free time, visiting circles and sections on interests at school and in preschool educational institutions).
  12. Child's self-esteem:
    • level of self-esteem: adequate, overestimated, underestimated.
  13. Attitude to public opinion:
    • seeks to correct shortcomings, take into account comments, wants to become better;
    • understands criticism, agrees with it, but does not correct;
    • does not pay attention to criticism, does not want to change behavior;
    • opposes remarks, argues sharply, defiantly does not change behavior.
  14. Pathological inclinations of a student of deviant behavior: smoking, drinking alcohol, using narcotic substances.

15. Registered at the dispensary, at the IDN, at the Higher School of Economics and about what.
