Healthy lifestyle for students. Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among students of general education schools. Generalization of the work experience of O.V. Filinkova

Speech at the RMO of physical education teachers. Preservation and strengthening of health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students

"To make your child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy."
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Physical education- is a complex culture of movements, knowledge about oneself and one's own development, harmonious development of physical abilities, bodybuilding, self-education, moral, psychological and spiritual development, nutrition, hardening, hygiene, daily routine, culture of other areas of a healthy lifestyle.

healthy lifestyle
1) I systematically conduct conversations about what to do and how to maintain and improve health
2) I instill an interest in physical culture, conducting lessons in an interesting way
3) I teach to independently perform various physical exercises to develop physical abilities and strengthen the health of the student,
4) I bring up the need for movement as a way of life,
5) I form in children and parents the concept of a healthy lifestyle and the desire to lead it through conversations among students and their parents.

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of problems in solving the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of children. Only together, by uniting efforts, it is possible to move towards the implementation of the intended goal - the formation of a healthy mentally, physically developed, socially adapted person, to the creation of health-preserving and health-strengthening learning conditions at school. From my own experience, every time I am convinced of the validity of the statement of the Russian scientist N.A. Umov: "All knowledge remains dead if the students do not develop initiative and initiative: the student must be taught not only to thinking, but also to wanting."

Every adult dreams of being healthy. Children, unfortunately, do not think about it. We are obliged to help the child to realize that there is nothing more wonderful than health. “Every day is a holiday for a healthy person,” says one of the eastern proverbs. A child usually does not know how to lead a healthy lifestyle. This should be taught to him. It is necessary to form students' ideas about the responsibility for their own health and the health of others.
Healthy children are the welfare of society. A nation has no future without a healthy younger generation. The problem of maintaining health is a social one, and it must be solved at all levels of society.

The main task of the school- such an organization of the educational process at all levels, in which high-quality teaching, development and education of students are not accompanied by damage to their health. And a physical education lesson at school is the main lesson in health. Those who have been working at school for more than a dozen years can personally see the dynamics of deteriorating children's health. If 20 years ago there were one or two students in each class who were freed from physical education, now there are more of them. There are only a few practically healthy children in each class.

The work of the school today is aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students, where health-preserving and health-forming technologies are implemented.

The goal of recovery has three interrelated aspects:
1. Educational, consisting in fostering a careful attitude towards their health in children, understanding the value and importance of maintaining the body in a healthy state of awakening and growing desire to follow a healthy lifestyle.
2. Educational, consisting in teaching children the norms of a healthy lifestyle, techniques and methods for its implementation, as well as in identifying bad habits together with recommendations for their elimination.
3. Wellness, consisting in the prevention of the most common diseases, as well as the improvement of such necessary qualities as mental balance, calmness, concentration, attentiveness, good memory, thinking ability.
The solution to the problem of health improvement from the point of view of these aspects has a different implementation in accordance with the characteristics of each age.
In my opinion, a physical education teacher, among all the other possibilities of health-improving work at school, it is physical exercises that are most effective.
The outstanding scientist, physician Avicenna, widely used physical exercises in his practice. He wrote: "... ..the most important thing in the mode of maintaining health is physical exercise, and then the diet and sleep."
Systematic exercise have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, which is the main regulator of all physical and mental processes in our body. Constant physical exercises increase the vital capacity of the lungs, the mobility of the chest, improve the physique, the figure becomes slim and beautiful, the movements acquire expressiveness and plasticity. And this can be achieved in physical education lessons.
Physical culture is a natural biological method, which is based on an appeal to the main biological function of the body - muscle movement.
Physical education lessons are the main link in the chain of students' health improvement at school. In my lessons, I promote health promotion, proper physical development and hardening of the body, as well as mental and physical performance, the formation of correct posture, the elimination or permanent compensation of disorders caused by various diseases.
The modern school with its teaching load has a detrimental effect on the state of not only the somatic, but also the mental health of students.
In my work, I base myself on modern psychological and pedagogical theories of teaching, upbringing and personal development, using active methods of teaching and upbringing, taking into account the personal characteristics of each child. The principles of the activity-based and personal approaches are that the student masters the ways of using the wealth accumulated by mankind in the field of physical and spiritual improvement.
Methodology for conducting classes
Simplicity, accessibility, safety, optimal alternation of load and rest, correct dosing of the load are a prerequisite for every physical education lesson.
In every lesson, I definitely use general developmental exercises.
The complexes offered to students are compiled taking into account age include exercises available. Exercises are selected in such a way that they affect the complex development of physical qualities by consistently affecting various muscle groups.
Muscle stress strengthens the heart, lungs, blood vessels and other organs.
Exercises have a significant impact on the formation of correct posture, beautiful gait, educate aesthetic concepts, culture of movements.
At the same time, such physical qualities as general endurance, strength, flexibility, agility are developed.
Moreover, after learning the next set of ORU, the guys themselves tell and show the correctness of the exercises, which means they will be able to perform the exercises on their own.

The effectiveness of jumping rope.
In my lessons, regardless of the sections of the program, I do jumping rope.
Everyone wants to have strong, slender, beautiful legs, and for this they need to be exercised. And a jump rope in physical education lessons serves as an excellent simple sports equipment.
The jump rope is a very affordable and useful gymnastic apparatus. Jumping with a rolling pin develops the muscles of the legs, makes them slim and beautiful, serves as a prevention of flat feet; contribute to the formation of correct posture; strengthen the ligaments of internal organs; eliminate stagnation in the body; develop the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; develop a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements; strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
Ease of use of the rope consists in fairly easy learning and simplicity of the exercises performed. I start learning jumping rope with the simplest jumps. There are many different rope exercises. The most common of them are jumping: on both legs, rotating the rope forward, on one leg; with an alternate jump on one, the other leg, with a running step, in place and with movement, with crossed arms, with crossed legs.
The inclusion of jumping rope in a lesson, which takes place both in the gym and in the fresh air, is not burdensome for the practitioners if the jumping exercises are diverse in form, load and tasks facing them. Jumping in relay races, jumps on assignment, open-circuit board with a skipping rope are of keen interest. Such jumps serve the development of coordination abilities. These can be jumps with movement forward, backward: with alternating direction - left-right; with objects in their hands.
In the first and fourth quarters, jumping rope is tested and many students set a class record.

Formation of posture in the classroom
Good physical development and high-grade health of schoolchildren are possible while maintaining the correct posture, which ensures a favorable course of physiological processes in the body.
Correct posture is a slightly lowered shoulders, laid back, a head held straight, a tucked up belly, straight knees, a slightly protruding chest. Posture disorders are the result of changes in the shape of the spine: round, stooped back, arched back, scoliosis. Posture is the usual posture of a relaxed standing person.
Posture is not congenital. It is formed in the process of growth, development of the child, study, work and exercise. Posture disorders occur under the influence of a wide variety of reasons.
Systematic reasonable physical education is considered the best way to prevent postural disorders. Consequently, the leading role in this belongs to the teacher of physical education.
In my lessons, I follow the posture of students during the passage of all sections of the curriculum throughout the school year. Give exercises where posture is formed, first of all, in walking:
Walking is normal. Raise your head, do not slouch, look straight, take your shoulders back.
Walking on toes, hands in various positions.
Walking on heels, the main thing is not to lower the pelvis, straighten up, bend over.
Walking step. Performing a roll from the heel, rise high on the toe, the body is straight, the head is raised higher.
Walking with a sharp step, raising the thigh high.
I also follow the posture and with a variety of running, paying attention to the position of the back. At each lesson, I conduct 5-6 exercises for the formation of posture. I regularly talk with students about posture, explain to them why these classes are held. I offer students a set of exercises for the formation of correct posture, I insist on the daily performance of the complexes, I give home buildings.
Health-preserving technologies involve the maximum involvement of students in active activities to preserve their own health. And lessons and additional physical education classes help in this.
The course of additional physical education classes is called "Outdoor games".
In these classes, the guys and I learn a huge variety of outdoor games of different mobility, which the guys then use when they go for a walk with their peers, and can be used at home in bad weather.
And exactly outdoor games are one of the ways to combat physical inactivity.
I am doing my best:
instill in students an interest in systematic physical education,
form a habit of doing physical exercises that strengthen the health, psyche of the child,
to form a culture of physical activity of students,
to educate the moral culture of students, interest in the history of sports, the desire to conquer their negative habits and ailments in themselves.

Methodology and organization of homework
Children receive basic knowledge and skills in physical culture at school. However, in order to have good health and physical development, it is not enough to study at school. Therefore, it is so important to exercise on your own every day.
Homework is the first step, the first step to independent physical education. For self-study at home, I recommend children to exercise feasible and safe at home. For example: pulling up from a hang while lying down, bending and extending the arms in a lying position, various drill exercises, during the autumn-spring period on the street, perform various jumps (long jump from the spot, jumping rope), exercises to form posture. The most important thing: I check all the exercises that I give for homework in the classroom, some several times during the academic year. And it immediately becomes clear how the students perform the assigned exercises at home. I definitely encourage even a physically weak student with a good grade if he shows progress in completing his homework.
Physical education homework is one of the most effective forms of physical education, which allows you to really cover every student with independent studies.
Estimated results:
Formation of strong-willed personality traits and interest in regular physical education.
Raising awareness and active attitude towards the value of health and healthy lifestyle in the families of students.
Stimulating the attention of schoolchildren and their parents to health issues.
Reducing the rate of illness among students.
Improvement of indicators of physical development.
Physical culture is a complex culture of movements, knowledge about oneself and one's development, harmonious development of physical abilities, bodybuilding, self-education, moral, psychological and spiritual development, nutrition, hardening, hygiene, daily routine, culture of other areas of a healthy lifestyle.
The main thing for me as a physical education teacher is to instill in the student the habit of regular and independent physical education and sports on the basis of the necessary knowledge and healthy lifestyle... To do this, I do the following:
I systematically conduct conversations about what to do and how to maintain and improve health,
I instill an interest in physical culture, conducting lessons in an interesting way,
I teach to independently perform various physical exercises to develop physical abilities and strengthen the health of the student,
Raising the need for movement as a way of life,
I form in children and parents the concept of a healthy lifestyle and the desire to lead it through conversations among students and their parents.
Unfortunately, there are still a lot of problems in solving the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of children. Only together, by uniting efforts, it is possible to move towards the implementation of the intended goal - the formation of a healthy mentally, physically developed, socially adapted person, to the creation of health-preserving and health-strengthening learning conditions at school.
From my own experience, every time I am convinced of the validity of the statement of the Russian scientist N.A. Umov: "All knowledge remains dead if the students do not develop initiative and initiative: the student must be taught not only to thinking, but also to wanting"

Graduate work

Theme: " Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among students of secondary schools ».


Chapter I. Literature review.

1.1 The concept of health. General idea of ​​healthy lifestyle.

1.2 Main factors of health.

1.3 The importance of physical exercise for human health.

1.4 Generalization of the experience of leading practitioners.

Chapter II. Organization and research methods.

2.1 Organization of research.

2.2 Research methods.

Chapter III. Research results and their discussion.

3.1 Test results.

3.2 Results of the survey





Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy her treasures, he must meet at least one requirement: to be healthy.

Usually young people are not inclined, seriously, to think about their health, even when they suddenly become ill. Yes, in youth, all sorts of troubles, including diseases, are perceived "suddenly" - as something sudden and undeserved. But the fact is, unfortunately, the point is that most of the diseases are deserved ... And the first steps are often taken at the most flourishing age. When they cease to be friends with sports and physical education, they become involved in bad habits. And health, like honor, must be protected from a young age.

The purpose of this thesis- to investigate the features of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among students of secondary school age.

Object of study- the process of physical education through extracurricular activities.

Item- features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of secondary school age.

“Gymnastics, exercise, walking, running, etc. should firmly enter the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain health, efficiency, full and joyful life. " The ancient dictum of Hippocrates in our age of penetration into all spheres of scientific and technological progress becomes extremely relevant - a sedentary lifestyle makes the human body defenseless with the development of diseases of the digestive system, leads to obesity. The situation with this is especially alarming in children. Every tenth child suffers from obesity. It’s time to beat the bells.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that research by psychologists has shown that the main reason for poor performance in general education schools in 85% of students is poor health or physical disabilities.

Hypothesis - We assume that the introduction of the experimental program "healthy lifestyle" will significantly increase the level of motivational-value orientations, the level of physical fitness among secondary schoolchildren.

In the thesis, the following tasks were set:

1. Study the literature on the topic.

2. To study the problem of health, healthy lifestyle.

3. Summarize the experience of leading practitioners on the basis of publications in the journal "Physical culture at school".

4. To reveal, by means of questionnaires, the attitude of students to healthy lifestyles.

5. Reveal by means of presidential tests the level of physical fitness.

The following methods were used in the work:

1. Retrospective study of literary sources.

2. Generalization of the experience of leading practitioners.

3. Questioning.

4. Testing

Chapter I ... Literature review.

1.1 Health concept. General idea of ​​healthy lifestyle.

1.1.1 Concept of health

Health is one of the most important conditions for a person's full participation in the life of society. But people do not always have a clear idea of ​​what the concept of "health" means. Should a person be considered healthy if at the moment he does not have any acute or chronic diseases or if he feels healthy, implying that he not only has no complaints about diseases, but there is something more: a feeling of some kind of physical well-being and related with this belief in their ability to withstand the very danger of getting sick?

Health is not only the absence of disease. The medical formula "practically healthy" emphasizes the non-identity of these concepts. Sports medicine professionals are also not inclined to equate the two. According to S. B. Tikhvinsky, there are several "gradations of health". They believe that the examinee can be absolutely healthy, healthy or practically healthy. There are very few absolutely healthy people, but they exist. He is absolutely healthy if all organs or systems function in balance with the environment and there are no painful deviations in them. At the same time V.M. Shubik and M.A. Levin note that health is a very relative concept: "upon careful examination, many show minor and sometimes more serious deviations, which, under normal conditions, do not manifest themselves in subjective sensations." Indeed, being well is not always indicative of good health. Some serious diseases (tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms) are discovered by chance during medical examinations against the background of quite good health. Objective indicators of health are the data of stethoscope, the results of clinical, physiological, biochemical studies.

The diagnosis is "practically healthy" in the opinion of S. B. Tikhvinsky, denotes such a ratio of the body in which certain pathological changes do not affect the ability to work in a particular profession. There is a concept and "dynamic health" characterized by the adaptive capabilities of the organism. The question of the adaptive capacity of the human body is considered in the work of S. B. Tikhvinsky and S.V. Khrushcheva "Children's sports medicine": "The main component of the mechanism of general adaptation is the mobilization of energy resources, plastic reserves and all the protective abilities of the body." It would be logical to assume that only those people who have good dynamic health can be recognized as healthy.

Since the times of Hippocrates and Avicenna, several dozen definitions of the concept of "health" have been proposed. There are also several definitions of an official nature (Great Soviet Encyclopedia, WHO charter). According to the definition of TSB, "health is the natural state of the body, characterized by its equilibrium with the environment and the absence of any painful changes." And further: "Human health is determined by a complex of biological and social factors." The Great Medical Encyclopedia gives a similar definition: “Health is such a state of the human body when the functions of all its organs and systems are balanced with the external environment and there are no painful changes ... the concept of the degree of health ... The concept of health also includes the social value of a person. "

The Institute of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Health of Russia proposed a more specific definition of health: “health is the absence of diseases and injuries, harmonious physical development, normal functioning of organs and systems, high working capacity, resistance to adverse influences and sufficient ability to adapt to various loads and environmental conditions ...

The medical encyclopedia distinguishes between the health of the population and the health of the individual. Moreover, the health of the population is considered as a statistical concept and characterized by a complex of demographic indicators (fertility, mortality, infant mortality, level of physical development, morbidity, average life expectancy).

Probably none of the definitions of health can be considered definitive. The absence of an integral quantitative indicator of health makes it necessary to evaluate it according to certain components, the set of which still needs to be clarified.

In addition to the concepts of "health" and "disease," some scientists, such as I.I. Brekhshan, the concept of "third state" is introduced. "The human condition, intermediate between health and disease, combines both." This is the so-called "third state". To people in the third state, I.I. Brekhshan refers to people exposed to harmful chemical influences; people who regularly consume alcohol; people who neglect the rules of healthy and proper nutrition, people with tendencies to hypotension and hypertension, etc. According to I.I. Brekhshan, "more than half of the entire human population is in the third state." It has a number of significant differences, both from health and from diseases. If the latter lasts a day, weeks, months, and rarely longer, then the third state lasts for years, decades and even the whole life ... In the third state, "the origins of all diseases." The ability to recognize and eliminate the third condition is one of the most important tasks of medicine.

1.1.2 General idea of ​​healthy lifestyle.

The human body functions according to the laws of self-regulation. At the same time, many external factors affect it. Many of them have an extremely negative impact. These include, first of all: violation of the hygienic requirements of the daily regimen, diet, educational process; deficiencies in calorie intake; adverse environmental factors; bad habits; aggravated or dysfunctional heredity; low level of medical support, etc.

One of the most effective ways to counter these factors is to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Scientists have determined that the state of human health most of all, by 50%, depends on the lifestyle, and the remaining 50% are accounted for by ecology (20%), heredity (20%), medicine (10%) (i.e., on those independent of human reasons). In turn, in a healthy lifestyle, the main role is assigned to correctly organized motor activity, which makes up about 30% of fifty.

However, in determining the strategy and tactics of solving health related problems, it is necessary to clearly understand that a successful solution to the health problem is possible only if a person, along with properly organized physical activity, systematically fulfills other commandments of maintaining health: breathe correctly, drink correctly, and correctly. eat, relax correctly, take care of yourself, think correctly. Observance of these or similar principles and rules had in mind back in the 20s, the People's Commissar of Health N.A.Semashko, when he argued that in order to improve health, a person should engage in physical culture 24 hours a day. And for this he must: a) want to do it; b) know how to do it correctly; c) skillfully implement their needs and knowledge in their practical activities in the process of self-improvement. This should be facilitated by the entire system of physical education of the younger generations.

For the correct and effective organization of a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to systematically monitor your lifestyle and strive to comply with the following conditions: sufficient physical activity, proper nutrition, the presence of clean air and water, constant hardening, possibly a great connection with nature; compliance with the rules of personal hygiene; rejection of bad habits; rational regime of labor and rest. Together, this is called adherence to a healthy lifestyle - healthy lifestyle.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a process of a person's compliance with certain norms, rules and restrictions in everyday life, contributing to the preservation of health, optimal adaptation of the body to environmental conditions, and a high level of performance in educational and professional activities.

A healthy lifestyle style is determined by personal and motivational characteristics, capabilities and inclinations of a person. It involves active activities to preserve and strengthen their own health, in which the following main components can be distinguished:

· Conscious, purposeful use of various forms of physical activity;

Purposeful development of hygiene skills and habits
health protection;

The use of natural factors in strengthening
health (hardening) and a civilized attitude to nature;

· Active fight against bad habits and their complete eradication;

· Activities to promote and implement healthy lifestyle in the life of every person and society.

An individual style of healthy lifestyle is understood as a way of organizing life inherent in a particular person, taking into account individual interests, needs, opportunities and connection with his educational, professional and everyday activities.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle is a mode of restriction combined with an optimal exercise regimen. Regarding the need for certain restrictions, it is appropriate to refer to the words of the famous American writer Mark Twain, who wrote: “The only way to maintain your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like and do what you don’t like”.

But nevertheless, the leading of the conditions that must be observed to maintain and strengthen health is correctly organized and sufficient in volume and intensity of physical activity. "The most important thing in the mode of maintaining health is physical exercise, and then the diet and sleep regimen," wrote Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicena) at the turn of the 1st and 2nd millennia in the book: "The Canon of Medicine ", In the chapter" Maintaining health ".

Human physical activity is the main and decisive factor in maintaining and strengthening health, an irreplaceable universal means of preventing ailments and slowing down the aging process of the body. The motor regime of a person is not the same at different ages. However, the general thing is that physical activity is absolutely necessary for a child, an adult, an elderly person. It should be a constant factor in life, the main regulator of all body functions.

Consequently, physical culture is not just one of the components, but also the most important component of a healthy lifestyle. It is presented in it in the form of daily morning exercises, regular physical culture and health-improving classes, systematic hardening procedures, as well as other types of physical activity aimed at maintaining and increasing health.

An important component of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. It ensures the correct growth and formation of the body, contributes to the maintenance of health, high performance, prolongation of life,

A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without observing the rules of personal hygiene: daily regimen, body care, clothing, footwear, etc. The daily routine is of particular importance. With its correct compilation and strict implementation, a clear rhythm of the body's functioning is developed. And this, in turn, creates optimal conditions for fruitful work and high-quality recuperation.

Hardening is a powerful remedy for healthy lifestyle. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life and maintain a high working capacity for many years. The role of hardening is especially great in the prevention of colds. Hardening procedures reduce their number by 2-4 times, and in some cases help to get rid of them altogether. Hardening also has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism.

A prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle is the rejection of bad habits. Alcohol, drugs, smoking are the worst enemies of man, the main cause of many dangerous diseases that dramatically reduce the life expectancy of people.

These are the main components of a healthy lifestyle. Few doubt their truth. However, the whole paradox is that for many people they have not yet become a guide to practical actions. Their introduction into the daily life of people requires an integrated approach, painstaking purposeful activity on the part of many government agencies and organizations. However, it presupposes, first of all, an active activity in this direction of the person himself. Following the norms and principles of healthy lifestyle is the duty of every reasonable person. Conscious attitude to one's own health should become a norm of behavior, the main distinguishing feature of a cultural, civilized personality.

Many people live in fashion. Fashion is not only about the form of the hairstyle. Fashion is also the characteristics of behavior that a significant part of society adheres to. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to talk about the fashion for the lifestyle. Fashion begins to spread when the percentage of its followers reaches a certain critical level. The most important task of the present time is to create a fashion for health, a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that it is easier to assimilate those forms of behavior that are more or less related to the biological needs of the organism. One of these needs in humans is the need for physical activity, which is especially pronounced in childhood. This is where the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and a fashion for such a lifestyle should be laid.

A healthy lifestyle, which is based on a regime of restrictions and a regime of loads, should take a leading place in the arsenal of modern prophylactic agents. The time will come when dosed physical activity will be ascribed by each physician in the same way that drug treatment is currently prescribed.

1.2 The main factors of health.

Man is the only animal that is able to get out of a purely animal state through labor: his normal state is that which corresponds to his consciousness and must be created by him himself.

(F. Engels).

Human health, morbidity, course and outcome of diseases (in particular, the likelihood of chronic forms), life expectancy, work and creative potential depend on a large number of factors that merge into a triune stream of information. The degree of "cruelty" of this stream depends on the socio-economic conditions of life determined by the nature of the social formation. In the conditions of the modern scientific and technological revolution, this "rigidity" has reached a sufficiently high level and leads, among other things, to a certain disorganization of the natural foundations of an effective life of an individual, a crisis of emotionality, the main manifestations of which are stress, emotional disharmony, alienation and immaturity of feelings, leading to a deterioration in health and diseases. According to A. Peccen, “... for all their important role in the life of modern society, issues of its social organization, its institutions, legislation and treaties, with their power of technology created by man, do not ultimately determine the fate of mankind. And there is and will not be a savior for him until the people themselves change their habits, morals and behavior ... "

People do not have time to adapt their culture in accordance with the changes that they themselves make to this world, and the sources of this crisis lie within, and not outside the human being, which is considered as proceeding primarily from the changes of the person himself, his inner essence. R. Apoff expressed this situation more succinctly: "the main obstacle between a person and the future, to which he aspires, is the person himself." “The human crisis ... is not rooted in human nature itself; it is not some inherent property of it or an ineradicable vice; no, it is rather a crisis of civilization or culture, which is the cause of a deep discrepancy between human thinking and behavior, on the one hand, and the changing real world, on the other. And this crisis, with all its depth and danger, can still be overcome, ”A. Peccen optimistically concludes. But in order to overcome this crisis, it is necessary first of all to understand the reasons that depend on the person himself, on his consciousness.

Lifestyle. Lifestyle is very important for human health. According to Yu.P. Lisitsin, “a way of life is a certain way of activity in the material and non-material (spiritual) spheres of human life”. Lifestyle is a category of Maxisite sociology, reflecting the most general and typical ways of material and spiritual life of people, taken in unity with natural and social conditions. The socialist way of life is distinguished by labor free from exploitation, democracy, humanism, collectivism, internationalism, and other advantages of socialism.

The generalizing role of classifications, Yu.P. Lisitsin includes four categories in the way of life: "... economic -" standard of living ", sociological -" quality of life ", and socio-economic -" way of life ". All other things being equal, the first two categories (economic and sociological), the health of people to a very large extent depends on the style and way of life, which are largely determined by the historical traditions enshrined in the minds of people.

Movement and health.

For many millennia, man has shaped himself in physical work. Now, with dramatic suddenness, the model created by evolution breaks down.

... a person, moving and developing, winds up the clock of his life himself.

I.A. Arshavsky.

The volume and nature of a person's motor activity to a greater extent depends on the specifics of the work performed by him. For thousands of years, people's lives have been associated mainly with physical labor, which accounted for up to 90% or more of efforts. Over the years of the current century, the opposite relationships have developed, a deficit of motor activity has arisen. Earlier, the inhabitants of the city and village, after hard physical labor, found joy in simple games (towns, rounders), in any meadow, and sometimes in fist fights ("wall to wall"). Everything was active, in spite of this, massively and without any sports facilities. Now in our country there are thousands of stadiums, gyms, playgrounds, football fields. But the lack of physical activity of people is becoming an increasingly acute problem. Sports are included in the active activity in this area. In fact, much more attention, efforts and material resources are given to sports in the name of the fact that ... champions are the top of the pyramid, which should be based on the massive development of physical culture. To some extent, it is so, but still the primacy of records and championship, the disconnection of most athletes of the "major league" from production activities, the pursuit of entertainment and income from sports events.

Nutrition and health.

V. I. Lenin.

Among the totality of factors that determine the "quality of life", nutrition plays a very important role. A person can protect himself from extreme climates and bad weather, he can change his place of residence, change his job and family, but he cannot get away from the need for daily food consumption. For 80 lei of life, this is about 90,000 meals (60 different products). Food substances constitute the bulk of the structural information flow; they determine the most intimate communication of a person with the external environment, which, as it were, passes through the body, creating its internal ecology. The food stream, as complex as the world, consists of the same elements as the piapeta, it contains hundreds of thousands or even millions of natural substances. In his early works, K. Marx wrote “Man lives by nature. This means that nature is his body ... that nature is inextricably linked with itself, for man is a part of nature.

For many millions of years, the ancestors of man were vegetarians; for the last two million years, prehistoric man and his predecessors had a diet sufficient in protein, relatively rich in fats and, usually, poor in carbohydrates. People's food was made up of tissues of plants and animals, which they took from nature. Nature, on the other hand, clothed and provided building material for dwellings. This was a historical way of obtaining material goods by a person, which was called "gathering". Cooking was individual, homemade and primitive, which ensured almost complete safety of natural complexes of biologically active substances. There have been long periods of drought and other natural disasters.

Nutrition is one of the most important environmental factors that affect human health, throughout his life, including its duration. Rational nutrition is a properly organized and timely supply of the body with well-prepared, nutritious and tasty food containing the optimal amount of various nutrients necessary for its development and functioning. This is the nutrition of healthy people, taking into account their gender, age, nature of work and other factors.

Metabolism is the main factor that distinguishes living from non-living. Continuous renewal of the human body requires the correct and regular intake of essential nutrients. Rational nutrition just guarantees the timely intake of a certain amount of building materials into the body: proteins, mineral salts, vitamins, trace elements and other subtle regulators of numerous metabolic processes.

Thus, a balanced diet contributes to the preservation of health, resistance to harmful environmental factors, high physical and mental performance, as well as active longevity.

The basic principles of proper nutrition are formed from the requirements for the diet, diet and conditions of food intake.

Our food should be varied, tasty, (due to a wide range of products and various methods of cooking) and include substances that make up the human body (these are mainly proteins), which provide it with energy (fats and carbohydrates), as well as protective substances (vitamins and mineral salts). The balance between the energy received from food and its costs is maintained for a long time. Excessive absorption of energy leads to an increase in body weight, which is the cause of many diseases and shortens life.

A rational, balanced diet is an indispensable condition for organizing a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition is the basic biological need in life. It provides energy, the necessary substances for the development of the body and regulation of metabolism, ensures the growth and proper formation of the body, the preservation of health.

Any food is a specific combination of foods, consisting of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. The main requirements for food are that it must be benign, varied, complete and quantitatively optimal, that is, correspond to the energy costs of a particular person.

The energy value of food products is determined by the content and ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in them. It should be remembered that the caloric content of 1 g of proteins and 1 g of carbohydrates is 4 kcal each, and 1 g of fat is 9 kcal. The most high-calorie fats and cereal products. The calorie content of meat, fish is significantly lower, and even less of vegetables and fruits.

Both insufficient and excess calorie content of food has a negative effect on the body. With insufficient calorie content, body weight decreases, health worsens, efficiency decreases, and the body's defenses decrease. With excess calories, body weight increases significantly, which leads to obesity and other serious health problems. Therefore, one of the important factors of health and longevity is moderation in food, which is expressed in accordance with the caloric content of food to the energy costs of the body.

The correct diet is of great importance for maintaining health and maintaining high performance. It is established depending on age, nature of work or study, climate characteristics, living conditions, individual characteristics of a person.

Food should be taken regularly at a certain time. This contributes to the formation of a conditioned reflex for a while. As a result, by the time of food intake, secretion increases in the digestive organs, which improves appetite and high-quality assimilation of nutrients.

The best digestibility of food is noted with four meals a day, within which there may be the following options for its quantitative characteristics: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%. afternoon tea - 15%, dinner - 25%. Second option: first breakfast - 20%, second breakfast - 10-15; lunch - 40-45%, dinner - 15-20%. With three meals a day, the calorie content of the daily diet should be distributed as follows: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 45%, dinner - 25%.

Unfortunately, much of what has been written about the nutrition of athletes and athletes is distinguished by an excessive variety of recommendations, their contradictions, and often - outright ignorance. At the same time, they are often presented in an overly categorical form, leading an inexperienced reader into the error that it is worth copying the diet of some outstanding athlete, as the problems of developing strength, volume and relief of muscles, improving other physical qualities will be immediately resolved.

Such views are deeply mistaken. The fact is that the features of the digestion process, metabolism are determined genetically and can be purely individual. These individual characteristics make their own, sometimes very significant adjustments in the formation of the most rational and effective diet. What is useful to one person may be ineffective or unacceptable to another. Therefore, the solution to this problem, as a rule, becomes possible only in the process of a sufficiently long and systematic search for an individual variant of the dietary content of food.

At the same time, there are general provisions, the knowledge of which allows you to better orient yourself in the process of individual experimentation and search in this direction.

First of all, you should remember that proper nutrition is, among other things, also a very important component of recovery. In turn, the process of recovery from muscle activity is an integral part of any training process.

If we talk about the most general foundations of a balanced diet for those who are actively exercising, then each meal should include:

Meat products - lean meat, fish, eggs;

Dairy products - milk, kefir, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese;

Cereal products - black bread, buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, oatmeal, millet and any other types of porridge, pasta, and the rougher the flour from which they are made, the better;

Legumes - lentils, beans, peas, beans

Vegetables, fruits - all kinds of them.

At the same time, it is very important to know that the first two of the above food groups provide working muscles with protein, which is a kind of building material necessary for muscle growth and recovery. The third and fourth food groups provide the body with proteins and carbohydrates, and the fifth - carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

It should also be borne in mind that nutrition "is considered the most correct", which provides such a balance of nutrients with each meal, in which 30% of all energy is supplied by proteins, 60% - carbohydrates and only 10% - fats.

Of all the nutrients, perhaps the least important thing to worry about is fat, as it tends to be over-abundant in the diet. Therefore, the less butter, lard, margarine is consumed, the better.

A high-carb diet is most beneficial for those involved in intense exercise. For a better understanding of this fact, it is necessary to consider the issue of "fuel" sources of energy supply to a working organism. These are: a) adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP); b) glucose circulating in the blood; c) glucose stored as glycogen in muscles and liver; and d) fat.

It must be remembered (and this was already mentioned earlier) that the most direct source of energy for working muscles and many other reactions requiring energy is ATP. Without it, muscle contraction becomes impossible. Other energy providers (blood glucose, muscle glycogen, fat) provide the conditions for building up ATP stores and nourishing the cells of a busy body. Moreover, only carbohydrates are the nutrient, whose energy can be directly used for anaerobic (oxygen-free) production of ATP.

During strenuous muscle work, most of the muscle energy is formed from the glucose stores currently contained in the blood and from the glycogen stores contained in the muscles and liver. This is why a carbohydrate-rich diet is so important to store and maintain large stores of glucose and glycogen in the body. When the energy formed from carbohydrates is insufficient, the body, to cover this deficiency, burns amino acids necessary for the formation of proteins. This is extremely undesirable, since in such cases, instead of building muscle tissue, its development, its destruction begins to take place. This is why, in order to preserve muscle tissue (for example, during intense athletic exercises), you need to take in a sufficient amount of carbohydrate-rich foods daily.

However, a sense of proportion is also very important here, since excessive doses of carbohydrates will turn into fat. The whole question lies in a good knowledge of your body and the amount of carbohydrates that is sufficient for a particular mode of training activity. And such knowledge is acquired only in the process of accumulating personal experience.

The most common and very helpful advice is not to overuse simple sugars, especially in the form of concentrated fruit juices. It should be remembered that the simple sugars contained in them, being absorbed too quickly into the bloodstream, force the pancreas to release powerful doses of insulin into the bloodstream, which instantly lowers blood glucose levels, leading to an even greater lack of energy. In addition, such a systematic "whipping up" the secretion of the pancreas depletes it and can lead to the development of a very serious disease - diabetes.

To create the most suitable drink for strenuous workouts, add only 50 g of concentrated fruit juice to a liter bottle. This drink can be consumed both before, during and after intense workouts.

For the proper organization of nutrition during such training, one should have a fairly clear idea of ​​the rate of recovery of energy substances and structural proteins in the body. This is necessary to create the necessary conditions for the course of recovery processes after intense motor activity.

The fastest recovery of ATP stocks. It takes the body a matter of seconds. The restoration of glycogen lasts from 12 to 48 hours. In this case, first, cellular glycogen in the muscles is restored, and then liver glycogen. Only after that, muscle cells begin to intensify the synthesis of structural proteins of muscle fibers destroyed by intense muscle work. This process can last from 24 to 72 hours, and in some cases even longer.

Thus, during training, we kind of run our hand into our inviolable reserves of energy. But at the same time, one must always remember that no protein synthesis (and hence the growth and development of body tissues) is impossible until the energy potential of the cell is completely (and even in excess) restored.

When organizing meals during intense training, it should be remembered that a large amount of carbohydrates taken within 4 hours before training has an adverse effect on the body. An evening meal that is too high in protein can adversely affect the quality of a night's sleep, without which full recovery and an increase in fitness are unthinkable.

An effective training process and full recovery are best promoted by meals organized on the basis of a split meal scheme - there is more often, but little by little.

Start with a protein-rich, low-fat, and moderate-carb breakfast. The ratio of nutrients in your second breakfast should be the same.

At lunchtime, you don't have to worry too much about its contents. The main thing is that it consists of good-quality products and is sufficient, does not leave the feeling of hunger.

Within half an hour before training, it is useful to take some easily digestible food, eat some fruit. Before exercising, you must also take care of the fluid balance in the body. It should be remembered that the replacement of carbohydrates in the form of concentrated juices is effective only after the end of the workout, when the body falls into a kind of energy hole. The most favorable for this are the first half hour after class. For this, about 100 g of the drink is enough. After two hours, you should already take care of restoring the protein balance, for which you need to eat food rich in protein. At the same time, not only is it quite acceptable, but also a very beneficial protein-carbohydrate combination of products.

A solid dinner with meat, fish dishes, cheese, cottage cheese is unacceptable. The fact is that despite the significant amount of amino acids in the body, an insufficient amount of carbohydrates does not lead to a pronounced insulin reaction, which would be very useful just at this time. Amino acids, including tyrosine, which has a strong stimulating effect, are found in an unbound state. It is tyrosine that translates the activity of the nervous system to an increased level. Sleep becomes intermittent, anxious, of poor quality, and a person wakes up in the morning unrespirated. This is why an intensely trained person's dinner should be predominantly carbohydrate foods that promote good sleep and quality recovery.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the given scheme of the organization of nutrition must necessarily take into account the individual characteristics of digestion and metabolism of each individual person.

Personal hygiene.

"Hygiene" (translated from Greek means: "bringing health", "promoting health") is one of the sciences about human health, means and methods of preserving and strengthening it.

"Personal hygiene" is the observance of the basic principles and rules of this science by each person in the process of his individual life.

Along with the term “hygiene”, the term “sanitation” is often used, which in Latin means “health”. However, it should be remembered that there are significant differences in the content of these concepts. Hygiene gives knowledge about health, how to preserve and strengthen it, and sanitation is engaged in the practical implementation of hygiene requirements, monitoring compliance with the rules established by it.

Following the rules of personal hygiene involves, first of all: a rational daily regimen, careful body care, hygiene of clothes and shoes.

Compliance with a rational daily regimen is the most important element of personal hygiene, which also reflects its other elements. Compliance with it creates optimal conditions for vigorous activity and effective recovery of the body, improves mental and physical performance. This is explained by the fact that when the regime is observed, a certain rhythm of the body's functioning is developed, due to which a person is able to perform various types of activities with the greatest efficiency. The health-improving effect of the correct daily regimen is due to the fact that the body quickly adapts (adapts) to relatively constant conditions of life. This, in turn, contributes to an increase in the quality of work and study, normal digestion, and an increase in the quality of sleep, which becomes deeper and more restful.

The basis of a rational daily regimen is the correct distribution of time for various activities and rest, nutrition and sleep during the day. When establishing the daily regimen, it must be borne in mind that the living conditions of each person are significantly different, moreover, each person is characterized by his own individual characteristics. For these reasons, it is inappropriate to establish a rigid and uniform daily regimen for all.

However, the basic hygienic provisions in the daily regimen of any person can and should be the same and unshakable. These primarily include the following provisions:

Performing various types of activities at a strictly defined time;

Correct alternation of work, study and rest;

Regular meals at the same hours;

Exercise regularly;

Useful leisure, good sleep.

The daily routine of schoolchildren is set taking into account the age of the students, their individual characteristics, as well as the characteristics of the conditions in which they live and study. When compiling it and especially performing it, it must be borne in mind that in addition to the already noted above very positive effect on health, physical development and working capacity, constant adherence to the regime has great educational value. Its observance is of particular importance in fostering willpower and self-education. In this regard, the famous Russian teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "Put a hundred teachers over yourself - they will be powerless if you cannot force yourself and demand from yourself."

For this reason, a rational daily regimen should be perceived not as something imposed from the outside, but as a deeply conscious, personally necessary condition for normal daily activity. For this, it is very important that each student himself takes an active part in its preparation and control over its observance, guided by the above-mentioned unshakable requirements. Based on these requirements, as well as taking into account individual characteristics and specific conditions of life, an exact daily routine should be drawn up for each student, indicating the start and end times of all the main regime moments. As possible, the most convenient, the following exemplary options for day regimes for high school students studying in different shifts can be proposed.

Body care includes: care for the skin, hair and oral cavity.

Skin care. The skin is extremely important for the normal state of the body. Human skin, being the outer covering of the body, is a complex organ that performs many important functions, the main ones of which are:

Protection of the internal environment of the body;

Excretion of metabolic products from the body;

Participation in the activity of the body's thermoregulatory mechanisms.

The skin is a delicate and complex sensitive device. It contains a large number of nerve endings. It is estimated that per 1 cm of the body surface there are about 100 painful, 12-15 Cold, 1-2 heat and about 25 points, in which the endings of receptors that perceive atmospheric pressure are concentrated. Such a powerful receptor equipment allows the skin to provide constant information to the body about all stimuli acting on the body.

It should be remembered that all these important functions can be performed in full only by healthy, strong and clean skin. But such a state of her is not easy to maintain. The fact is that human skin is constantly renewed, gradually dies off and its top layer sloughs off. Dead skin flakes, together with sweat, grease and dust falling on it, form dirt that clogs the pores, hindering metabolism. All this contributes to the occurrence of skin diseases and adversely affects overall human health.

Those who do not comply with hygiene requirements, the skin quickly coarsens, painful cracks form in it, through which pathogenic microbes enter the body. To prevent this, it is necessary to daily monitor the purity of your body and thereby ensure the body's self-purification processes and its protection.

The main skin care product is regular washing with hot water, soap and a washcloth. This should be done at least once every 4-5 days, changing underwear each time. The most polluted areas of the body - face, neck, axillary and groin areas, feet should be washed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Hands require special attention. It must be remembered that they should always be thoroughly washed with soap before eating, after returning from the street, visiting the toilet, paying special attention to the cavities under the nails. Emphasizing the exceptional importance of the systematic fulfillment of this hygienic requirement, the outstanding Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov said that there are truths that need to be repeated endlessly, and obligatory hand washing is just such a truth.

Hair care provides for timely haircut and washing, protection from excessive pollution during physical training and sports activities and outdoor activities. Do not use laundry soap and synthetic powders intended for washing clothes to wash your hair. Each person should have an individual hairbrush or a special massage brush.

Dandruff often appears on the head. The cause of its occurrence may be a violation of metabolic processes in the body, which is observed in diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidney disease, gall bladder. Some skin diseases such as psoriasis and seborrheic eczema can also cause dandruff. But most often it occurs due to frequent pollution of the head, dyeing dry hair with chemical dyes, perm, etc.

Proper hair care can help prevent dandruff. Oily hair is washed with soap such as "bath", "forest", rinsed with a decoction of chamomile, nettle, yarrow, mint. It is recommended to wash dry hair once every 10-12 days with “cosmetic”, “baby”, “velvet” soap, which contain special fat additives, and rinse with water acidified with lemon and vinegar.

Proper dental and oral care protects the body from many infections and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. For teeth to be strong and healthy, you need a good nutrition with a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamins "D" and "B" in the diet. Fresh vegetables, onions, garlic are very useful.

Tooth disease is easier to prevent than cure. For the timely detection of tooth decay, it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination by a dentist 2-3 times a year.

In the morning, before going to bed and, if possible, after each meal, it is necessary for 2-3 minutes to thoroughly brush your teeth with a brush and paste from the outside and inside, both horizontally and vertically. It is useful to rinse your mouth with a weak solution of sodium chloride. When eating, it is advisable to avoid rapid alternation of hot and cold dishes.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is one of the indispensable conditions that characterize the behavior of a cultured person.

1.3 The importance of physical exercise for human health.

According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Good health contributes to the success of any kind of activity, including mental. Special studies have shown that poor health is the main reason for poor performance in 85% of students in general education schools. Memory, attention, perseverance and the effectiveness of mental activity largely depend on the general state of health and physical capabilities of a person.

Movement, muscle tension, physical work were and remain the most important condition for maintaining the normal state of the human body. Well-known aphorisms: "Movement is life", "Movement is the guarantee of health", etc., reflect the generally recognized and indisputable importance of physical activity for human health.

Aristotle argued that life requires movement. Since those ancient times, it has been known that movement is the main stimulator of the life of the human body.

Quite a long time ago, through the efforts of thinkers and naturalists, the most valuable data were obtained that “work builds an organ”, that “frequent and unrelenting use of some organ strengthens little by little this organ, develops it, increases and gives it strength commensurate with the duration of the organ itself. use ". This position is the essence of what the great French naturalist Zh-B. Lamarck defined it as "the first law - the law of exercise." Later, the amazing property of living systems was understood and described in detail, which consists in the fact that, unlike technical mechanisms, they not only do not wear out from work, but also improve, develop thanks to the inherent ability of a living person to exceed with excess what he lost in the process work (the phenomenon of "supercompensation" or "overcompensation" according to A. A. Ukhtomsky).

Regular physical exercise primarily affects the musculoskeletal system, its muscular system. During their implementation, blood flow increases. Blood brings significantly more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. At the same time, additional, reserve capillaries are opened in the muscles, the amount of circulating blood increases significantly, which causes an improvement in metabolism, an increase in the efficiency of the functioning of various organs and systems.

Consequently, physical exercises do not act in isolation on any organ or system, but on the entire body as a whole, causing changes not only in the structure of muscles, joints, ligaments, but also in internal organs and their functions, metabolism, and the immune system.

Strengthening muscle activity during exercise makes the heart, lungs and other organs and systems of the body work with an additional load, thereby increasing its functionality, resistance to adverse environmental influences. Physically trained people have better tolerance to oxygen starvation, the effect of penetrating radiation on the blood composition, resistance to overheating and cooling.

Thus, under the influence of physical exertion, the working capacity of the heart, the hemoglobin content and the number of erythrocytes increase, the phagocytic (protective) function of the blood increases. Under the influence of physical exercises, not only functions are improved, but also the structure of internal organs.

If the motor system of the body is inactive, the nutrition of the muscles deteriorates, their volume and strength gradually decrease, elasticity and firmness decrease, the muscles become weak and flabby. Restrictions in movement (physical inactivity), a passive lifestyle gradually lead to pre-pathological and pathological changes in the body.

Exercise not only activates physiological processes, but also actively contributes to the restoration of lost functions. Any disease is accompanied by dysfunction with subsequent (during the recovery period) their compensation. Exercise, increasing the general tone, stimulates the body's defenses, saturating the blood with plastic (building) materials, accelerating the recovery processes, thereby accelerating recovery.

Consequently, physical exercises act as an effective means of non-specific rehabilitation and prevention of many functional disorders and diseases, and physical therapy (exercise therapy) is considered an effective method of restorative therapy. Exercise therapy is increasingly being used in the practice of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, medical and physical dispensaries.

Scientists all over the world are extremely unanimous on the issue of the strategy of the struggle for human health and the protection of human nature itself. The overwhelming majority of them see the main source of development and strengthening of health resources in systematic physical activity throughout the entire individual life.

At the same time, numerous morphological, biochemical, physiological studies indicate that positive changes in the body occur only under the influence of moderate, optimal in magnitude loads. Large loads, leading to very significant shifts in the structures and chemistry of tissues of working organs, are often the cause of metabolic disorders, excessive tissue hypoxia, and disruption of the functioning of many organs and systems. Very intense physical activity, having such a profound effect on physiological processes, can lead to the development of a state of overtraining, which is characterized by physical and nervous exhaustion, a depressed mental state, poor health, and unwillingness to exercise. In this state, there is a decrease in the general resistance of the body to various infections. This explains the paradoxical fact of the high degree of susceptibility of athletes to colds and infectious diseases. Overtraining is also a major contributor to exercise injury.

Summarizing what is stated in this section, we can state that the health-improving effect of systematic physical exercises is mainly in the following.

Physical activity delays the development of coronary atherosclerosis and thereby prevents the occurrence of many

heart disease.

The vital capacity of the lungs (VC) increases, the elasticity of the intercostal cartilage and the mobility of the diaphragm increase, the respiratory muscles develop and, as a result, of all this, the process of gas exchange in the lungs improves.

Under the influence of training, the function of the pancreas improves, producing insulin - a harmonic that breaks down glucose. Thanks to this, the conditions for the accumulation and rational use of the body's energy are improved.

The work of the liver, the main biochemical laboratory of the body, improves. The production of enzymes and other important biologically active substances is activated, the cleaning of the body from toxins formed in the process of life is accelerated.

The content of cholesterol in the blood is reduced. Under the influence of training, fats are not deposited in blood vessels or subcutaneous tissue as a dead weight, but are consumed by the body.

Systematic physical exercise can correct many physical defects of the human body, both congenital and acquired.

There are many other very beneficial effects of regular exercise. It would take many pages to list them. It is unlikely that there is a need for this, since those that have been noted are quite enough to understand the exclusive role of physical culture means for health promotion, prevention of many diseases, active, creative longevity.

1.4 Generalization of the experience of leading practitioners

1.4.1 Generalization of the experience of the school in Pushchino-on-Oka based on the methodology of V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Speaking about the health problem in the modern world, it is impossible not to say about the health of children. Unfavorable environmental conditions, malnutrition and many other factors have led to the fact that every year the number of healthy children decreases and the number of physically weakened children increases.

In Pushchino - on - Oka there is a school where children from neighboring houses run in the morning. There are well-equipped offices, three sports halls, a 25-meter swimming pool. By the way, 6 masters of sports have grown from the former six-year-olds. Here, the guys had enough time to engage in art, sports, and the study of a foreign language.

The lessons of the fourth quarter in elementary grades are mainly lessons in the open air: in the field, in the forest - natural history, geography, biology, drawing. But not only for the sake of exploring the environment, these excursions to nature, lessons in "green classes". First of all, for the health of children. After all, all the work of teachers, educators of the Pushchino school is imbued with concern for the health of children, for protecting them from overload - this scourge of the modern school.

Let us ask ourselves such a simple question: why send children to school a year earlier, why extend their education for a year? First of all, for the sake of children's health. But also for the sake of the depth of their knowledge, breadth of horizons, readiness to choose a profession. A completely new course was introduced at the Pushchino school - the course of world culture. The children received knowledge on the history of world music, painting, literature. From the first grade they studied English, and from the fifth grade social studies. We played, sang, drew, went in for sports. And they did everything. But the main thing is without overloading, without fatigue and with great efficiency.

After the third lesson, the bell calls the children for a long rest - the so-called dynamic pause. This is not a break, but a 45-minute physical exercise: twice a week - a physical education lesson, twice - swimming in the pool, one day - outdoor games, another - rhythm and, in addition, daily games during extended day group walks. In other words, a physical education lesson for primary school students - every day!

At recess at school, noise, running around. Sometimes you want to close your ears, but the teachers courageously endure, do not pull back, do not stop the children and seem to not even notice them, send the instructions of the scientists: after the lesson, the children should shout out, in noisy, active games they rest better, relieve fatigue faster. But what silence, what concentration on the lessons! Sometimes the teacher speaks specifically in a whisper, and the children respond as well. Elementary school lessons are 35 minutes long. How many hygienists have advocated for them, and here is the result - school performance is above average.

Yes, at the beginning of the research, the Research Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Russia developed a special course of physical education for six-year-olds, but from the second grade the children were taught according to the program common to all schools. True, now with the introduction of a new comprehensive program of physical education for students, which, in addition to physical education lessons, has established compulsory daily extracurricular physical education and sports, the situation will change.

1.4.2 Generalization of the work experience of O.V. Filinkova.

The experience of teaching physical culture at the school of Oksana Vasilievna Filinkova undoubtedly contains a lot that is valuable for a modern teacher of physical culture.

“Basically, I am considered a specialist in working with girls,” writes O.V. Filinkova. - But this confession was given to me very hard. Many tears had to be shed before they managed to captivate the girls to exercise. Some did not attend lessons at all, others came to lessons, but with a clear reluctance to engage in athletics, gymnastics, they were annoyed by the monotony of a long run, they did not understand why they needed a vault ... ”To overcome this barrier, O.V. Filinkova tried to appear before her students as an older friend who gave them advice only because of her professional training. The variable part of the curriculum was used more and more. In each lesson, the teacher tried to create a friendly atmosphere. Comfort climate. When conflicts suddenly arose, O.V. Filinkova tried to take some of the blame on herself, slightly chiding the guilty. Thus, girls of all classes in which O.V. worked were gradually imbued with a feeling of interest. Filinkova.

All-round development of the personality, its full physical, intellectual and spiritual and moral realization is the goal of pedagogical activity. However, in recent years, numerous examples of one-sided (towards mental) education of schoolchildren have become apparent. In this situation, physical development is extremely difficult. This is the danger of disharmony in the development of the personality of students.

Understanding the importance of the problem, the teaching staff in which O.V. Filinkov, developed a comprehensive target program "Health". This is a system of activities aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of lyceum students.

The most important part of physical education in lyceum is educational work on physical culture. At the same time, physical education lessons occupy only an insignificant share of the students' weekly regimen. In this regard, it is inappropriate to conduct lessons only with the aim of increasing the physical activity and physical fitness of students.

Fulfilling the basic requirements of the educational standard, O.V. Filinkova, the content of lessons in the optimal volume forms in accordance with the needs of students, introducing new types that are popular among young people - rhythmic gymnastics, shaping, step aerobics, static exercises. These new sports and health systems enrich and expand the content of the curriculum. A teacher in modern conditions cannot operate only with old methods, focus only on what has long been well known.

Another innovation introduced into the physical education program of the Lyceum is the teaching of girls of the 11th grade in physical education lessons in self-defense techniques. “Life has pushed us to this,” writes O.V. Filinkova. The main thing is to foresee possible situations, to try to avoid a collision with hooligans only when it is necessary to act decisively.

Undoubtedly, the teaching system of O.V. Filinkova will help a modern teacher of physical education at school to build his teaching system correctly and regularly.

Chapter II ... Organization and research methods.

2.1 Organization of research.

The research was organized on the basis of school No. 17 in Georgievsk among students of grade 7 "B". The study involved 20 students. In a preliminary conversation with the students, their voluntary consent to participate in the pedagogical research was obtained. The choice of the class was carried out on the basis of the opinion that it was at this age that the formation and laying of the basic physical and spiritual qualities, the introduction to bad habits, take place.

Among the students, a questionnaire was conducted on the topic "The place of healthy lifestyle in your daily life."

Testing was also carried out in order to identify the level of physical fitness among the same students. According to the proposed program of the "Presidential Competition" (long jump, running 1000 m, pull-up, push-up) indicators were taken at the beginning and at the end of the year, which were later calculated, recorded and analyzed.

2.2 Research methods.

During the research, the following methods were used:

Testing- standardized tasks aimed at obtaining information about the level of physical fitness of students. Translated from English. - “test” is a trial or test. Testing was aimed at identifying the results in the following types: running 30 m, running 1000 m, pulling up for boys, lifting the body in a sitting position in 30 seconds for girls, long jump from a place.

1. Run 1000 meters - performed from a high start. For a more rational test, the class was divided into two groups of ten. At a distance, if necessary, the transition to walking (sports and normal) is assigned.

2. The standing long jump is performed on the gymnastic mat. Starting position: become toes to the starting line, get ready to jump. The jump is performed by simultaneously pushing two legs with a swing of the arms. The length of the jump from three attempts is measured in centimeters from the starting line to the nearest touch of the mat.

3. Raising the body in a sitting position in 30 seconds. Starting position: hands behind the head, legs bent at the knees, feet fixed. The number of exercises performed in one attempt per 30 seconds is recorded.

4. Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position. Starting position: lying position, head, legs, torso constitute a straight line. Flexion of the arms is performed until the chest touches the floor, without breaking the straight line of the body, extension until the arms are fully extended. One try is given.

Questionnaire- is aimed at collecting analytical information about a person. A list of questions was thought out in advance aimed at identifying the place of a healthy lifestyle in your daily life.

Chapter III ... Research results and discussion.

3.1 Test results.

As a result of testing at the end of the school year, the results were higher than at the beginning. This is primarily due to the desire of the students themselves to improve their athletic performance. In the course of the educational process, optional classes were conducted on the topics hardening, your daily routine, bad habits, the rules of personal and public hygiene, the importance of a healthy lifestyle for a full life in society (Appendices 1 and 2).

Physical fitness level.

> 1 O P S B

0.4 - end

Rice. 1. Individual level of physical condition.

0.1 - 0,06 -0,13

0.2 -0,06 -0,16

0.4 - end

Rice. 1. Group level of physical condition.

3.2 Results of the survey.

As a result of the survey, the following information was obtained:

· We received a 100% positive answer to the question about the observance of the rules of personal hygiene. This is due to the fact that children acquire knowledge of hygienic and medical-sanitary processing at school while studying such subjects as botany, zoology, anatomy. Also, children of secondary school age, in addition to consolidating knowledge about the daily routine, personal hygiene, home care, the prevention of a number of infectious and helminthic diseases, etc. they receive information about the physiological mechanisms of posture formation, about such concepts as a round or flat back, curvature of the spine, flat feet, as well as measures to prevent them. Apparently, the extracurricular activities also had an effect. For example: during the period of an increase in the frequency of colds or infectious diseases, conversations were held about measures to prevent these diseases.

· 75% of the class have their own daily routine. From this we can conclude that more than half of the class realizes that: compliance with the daily routine presupposes more rapid involvement in work, sound sleep. The high percentage of positive answers is due to the conduct of an optional lesson on the topic: your daily routine. The following issues were raised: the influence of the normal daily routine on the normal functioning and clear interaction of all organs and systems of the body. The fact that the correct structure of the daily routine protects the nervous system from overwork, ensures high performance throughout the school day, year.

It was found that the main regime moments in the daily budget of the pupils are: studies at school and at home, outdoor games, sports activities, walks, sports activities, walks, free time, eating, sleeping at night, helping in the family.

· The results of the research indicate that 50% of the class are additionally engaged in sports sections, groups. This is primarily due to the fact that these students are members of school-wide teams in various sports. They take part in regional sports and class events. And sports sections, in turn, contribute to an increase in general and special (in relation to a particular sport) physical fitness, satisfaction of individual interests, and the needs for practicing a favorite sport, disclosure and improvement of sports talents, preparation for participation in sports competitions.

In this school, lectures are organized in the following sports: basketball, volleyball, athletics, table tennis.

More detailed information on the results of the questionnaire is presented in Appendix 3.


1. Having studied and analyzed the theoretical and methodological literature (16 sources) about this topic, one can come to the conclusion that this issue is problematic and relevant, since Research by psychologists has shown that poor health or physical disabilities are the main reason for poor performance in general education schools for 85% of students.

2. Studying the health problem for a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports is important, since physical education affects physical development, functional capabilities of the body, health in general.

3. Summarizing the work experience of specialists-practitioners V.А. Sukhomlinsky and O.V. Filinkova, I believe that their practical activities will help to increase the level of professional readiness of the future teacher in Physical Culture and Sports.


The all-round development of a person, first of all, is necessary for him himself. After all, the more a person knows and is able, the easier it is for him to translate his life plans into reality, and, therefore, it is more interesting to live. At the same time, many of a person's plans depend on his health and physical fitness. No wonder in ancient times it was argued that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. This explains the fact that physical development, physical education are an integral part of the comprehensive development of the individual. That is why it is so important for your constant improvement to regularly exercise, to be a physically cultured person. It is no coincidence that physical culture is considered the most important component of general culture, on the state of which human progress depends. Naturally, the more in a society (state) there are versatile (including physically) developed, cultured people, the richer and stronger it will be.

Physical culture is of particular importance now, when the rapid attack of technology on nature, the changes introduced by scientific and technological progress in human life, and the nature of his work have a significant negative impact on the physical condition of people. In addition to the emergence of all kinds of environmental problems, this manifests itself in an increase in the load on the brain and intellectual forces of a person who has to assimilate an ever-increasing amount of information. In this regard, there is a noticeable decrease in motor activity, including among schoolchildren. There is the so-called hypodynamia, characterized by impaired body functions (musculoskeletal system, blood circulation, respiration, digestion).

The introduction of various forms of physical education into a person's life becomes relevant, because physical exercises have a beneficial effect on his health. And good health, as we know, contributes to the success of any kind of activity, including mental. Research by psychologists has shown that the main reason for poor performance in general education schools for 80% of students is poor health or physical disabilities. Memory, attentiveness, perseverance largely depend on the general state of health and physical strength.


1. Adamskiy A., Dieprov E. Basic provisions of the concept of the next stage of reforming the education system. Teachers' newspaper 1997.

2. Brekhman I.I. Valeology is the science of health. Publishing house - 2 additional: - M., "Physical culture and sport" 1990.

3. Weinbaum Y.S. Hygiene of physical education: textbook for students of pedagogical universities M., Education, 1986.

4. Dolotina OP, Morozova NZ, Khronin VG, Koleeva EV. - "Physical culture" - Kaliningrad, 1998.

5. Isaev A. - If you want to be healthy. M., Physical culture and sport. 1998.

6. Kaikov G.D. He worked with weakened children. Physical education at school 1995, 6, page 78

7. M.M. Kontratyev. Call for a health lesson. Enlightenment: M., 1991.

8. Kukolevsky G.M. Hygienic regime of the athlete. M., Physical culture and sport, 1967.

9. Kuzmin. Our family doctor. M., World of the book. 2001

10. Lukyanenko: Book

11. Lisitsin Yu.G. Lifestyle and health of the population. M .: "Knowledge". 1987

12. Likhnitska I.I. - What you need to know about the age and physical reserves of organisms. L., "Knowledge", 1987.

13. Laptev A.A. Temper your health. M., Medicine 1991

14. Matveev A.A. Melnikov S.B. Physical education methodology with the basics of theory M., Enlightenment 1991

15. Polievsky A. Physical culture and hardening in the family. M., Medicine 1984.

16. Semyonov V.S. Culture and human development. Philosophy Questions - 1982.

17. Solovyov G.M. Fundamentals of healthy lifestyles and methods of health-improving physical culture - Stavropol SSU. 1998.

18. Soloviev G.M. Biosocial problems of healthy lifestyle. / uch allowance. Stavropol, 1998.

19. Filinkova O.V. My credo is to be healthy / Physical education at school, 1997.

20. Chumakov B.N. Vaneology. Lecture course.

21. Sheiko N. Formula of youth and beauty M., world of books, 2001.

22. Shubik V.M., Levin M.Ya. Immunity and health of athletes .: M., Physical culture and sport 1985

Annex 1.


Testing the readiness of those who are engaged in 7 "B" class. Start of the school year

Surname, first name Tests Overall score
Running 30 m. Running 1000 m. Pull-up (boy) Long jump from the spot
1 Bulavin Alex. 5,0 4,37 6 170 4
2 Vitkovsky S. 4,8 4,05 9 200 5
3 Dzyuba I. 4,7 4,06 10 210 5
4 Dyba V. 5,0 6,07 18 160 5
5 Zubkov I. 4,7 4,47 8 200 5
6 Idiatulina N. 5,1 6,10 17 150 4
7 Komarskaya A. 4,9 5,30 23 135 4
8 Kosterenko S. 4,8 4,50 6 190 5
9 Kudryashova Yu. 6,2 4,35 16 120 3
10 Kuzminova D. 4,9 5,32 25 185 5
11 Kurbanova M. 5,0 5,35 18 155 4
12 Kuroyanova N. 4,9 4,35 27 215 5
13 Matopova I. 5,0 6,07 12 140 4
14 Masorov S. 4,7 3,45 10 220 5
15 Nashcheuin N. 4,7 3,38 11 220 5
16 Olexion K. 5,8 6,40 15 170 4
17 Petrenko N. 5,1 6,52 16 155 4
18 Petrova N. 5,1 6,07 12 140 4
19 Pidenko 6,0 5,10 8 130 3
20 Rokashizin D. 6,1 6,07 4 160 3

Appendix 2.


Testing the readiness of those who are engaged in 7 "B" class. End of the school year

Surname, first name Tests Overall score
Running 30 m. Running 1000 m. Pull-up (boy) Raising the body to sit in 30 seconds Long jump from the spot
1 Bulavin Alex. 4,8 4,35 7 170 4
2 Vitkovsky S. 4,7 4,06 10 200 5
3 Dzyuba I. 4,5 4,05 10 215 5
4 Dyba V. 5,0 6,05 20 165 5
5 Zubkov I. 4,6 4,40 9 200 5
6 Idiatulina N. 5,1 6,10 17 150 4
7 Komarskaya A. 4,8 5,30 24 140 4
8 Kosterenko S. 4,8 4,50 7 190 5
9 Kudryashova Yu. 6,0 4,32 17 125 3
10 Kuzminova D. 4,5 5,0 29 195 5
11 Kurbanova M. 5,0 5,30 19 160 4
12 Kuroyanova N. 4,8 4,33 28 215 5
13 Matopova I. 5,0 6,07 13 150 4
14 Masorov S. 4,7 3,45 12 220 5
15 Nashcheuin N. 4,7 3,35 11 220 5
16 Olexion K. 5,8 6,40 16 170 4
17 Petrenko N. 5,0 6,50 17 160 4
18 Petrova N. 5,1 6,05 13 140 4
19 Pidenko 6,0 5,38 9 130 3
Rokashizin D. 5,0 4,55 7 185 4

Appendix 3.


1) Do you do your physical education homework Yes No Sometimes
50% 25% 25%
2) Do you exercise at home Yes No Sometimes
35% 45% 20%
3) Do you do morning hygienic exercises at home Yes No Sometimes
25% 50% 25%
4) Do you have a physical education exemption Yes No
20% 80%
5) Are you a member of any sports section Yes No
50% 50%
6) Do you go hiking Yes No Sometimes
80% 10% 10%
7) Do you have your own personal daily routine Yes No
75% 25%
8) Do you participate in school-wide physical culture and recreational activities Yes No Sometimes
60% 10% 30%
9) Do you participate in outdoor games during big breaks? Yes No Sometimes
85% 5% 10%
10) Do you follow the rules of personal hygiene Yes No

Graduate work

Theme: "Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among students of secondary schools».


Chapter I. Literature review.

1.1 The concept of health. General idea of ​​healthy lifestyle.

1.2 Main factors of health.

1.3 The importance of physical exercise for human health.

1.4 Generalization of the experience of leading practitioners.

Chapter II. Organization and research methods.

2.1 Organization of research.

2.2 Research methods.

Chapter III. Research results and their discussion.

3.1 Test results.

3.2 Results of the survey





Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy her treasures, he must meet at least one requirement: to be healthy.

Usually young people are not inclined, seriously, to think about their health even when they suddenly become ill. Yes, in youth, all sorts of troubles, including diseases, are perceived "suddenly" - as something sudden and undeserved. But the fact is, unfortunately, the point is that most of the diseases are deserved .. And the first steps are often taken at the most flourishing age. When they cease to be friends with sports and physical education, they become involved in bad habits. And health, like honor, must be protected from a young age.

The purpose of this thesis- to investigate the features of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among students of secondary school age.

Object of study- the process of physical education through extracurricular activities.

Item- features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of secondary school age.

“Gymnastics, exercise, walking, running, etc. should firmly enter the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain health, efficiency, full and joyful life. " The ancient dictum of Hippocrates in our age of penetration into all spheres of scientific and technological progress becomes extremely relevant - a sedentary lifestyle makes the human body defenseless with the development of diseases of the digestive system, leads to obesity. The situation with this is especially alarming in children. Every tenth child suffers from obesity. It’s time to beat the bells.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that research by psychologists has shown that the main reason for poor performance in general education schools in 85% of students is poor health or physical disabilities.

Hypothesis - We assume that the introduction of the experimental program "healthy lifestyle" will significantly increase the level of motivational-value orientations, the level of physical fitness among secondary schoolchildren.

In the thesis, the following tasks were set:

1. Study the literature on the topic.

2. To study the problem of health, healthy lifestyle.

3. Summarize the experience of leading practitioners on the basis of publications in the journal "Physical culture at school".

4. To reveal, by means of questionnaires, the attitude of students to healthy lifestyles.

5. Reveal by means of presidential tests the level of physical fitness.

The following methods were used in the work:

1. Retrospective study of literary sources.

2. Generalization of the experience of leading practitioners.

3. Questioning.

4. Testing

ChapterI... Literature review.

1.1 Health concept. General idea of ​​healthy lifestyle.

1.1.1 Concept of health

Health is one of the most important conditions for a person's full participation in the life of society. But people do not always have a clear idea of ​​what the concept of "health" means. Should a person be considered healthy if at the moment he does not have any acute or chronic diseases or if he feels healthy, implying that he not only has no complaints about diseases, but there is something more: a feeling of some kind of physical well-being and related with this belief in their ability to withstand the very danger of getting sick?

Health is not only the absence of disease. The medical formula "practically healthy" emphasizes the non-identity of these concepts. Sports medicine professionals are also not inclined to equate the two. According to S. B. Tikhvinsky, there are several "gradations of health". They believe that the examinee can be absolutely healthy, healthy or practically healthy. There are very few absolutely healthy people, but they exist. He is absolutely healthy if all organs or systems function in balance with the environment and there are no painful deviations in them. At the same time V.M. Shubik and M.A. Levin note that health is a very relative concept: "upon careful examination, many show minor and sometimes more serious deviations, which, under normal conditions, do not manifest themselves in subjective sensations." Indeed, being well is not always indicative of good health. Some serious diseases (tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms) are discovered by chance during medical examinations against the background of quite good health. Objective indicators of health are the data of stethoscope, the results of clinical, physiological, biochemical studies.

The diagnosis is "practically healthy" in the opinion of S. B. Tikhvinsky, denotes such a ratio of the body in which certain pathological changes do not affect the ability to work in a particular profession. There is a concept and "dynamic health" characterized by the adaptive capabilities of the organism. The question of the adaptive capacity of the human body is considered in the work of S. B. Tikhvinsky and S.V. Khrushcheva "Children's sports medicine": "The main component of the mechanism of general adaptation is the mobilization of energy resources, plastic reserves and all the protective abilities of the body." It would be logical to assume that only those people who have good dynamic health can be recognized as healthy.

Since the times of Hippocrates and Avicenna, several dozen definitions of the concept of "health" have been proposed. There are also several definitions of an official nature (Great Soviet Encyclopedia, WHO charter). According to the definition of TSB, "health is the natural state of the body, characterized by its equilibrium with the environment and the absence of any painful changes." And further: "Human health is determined by a complex of biological and social factors." The Great Medical Encyclopedia gives a similar definition: “Health is a state of the human body when the functions of all its organs and systems are balanced with the external environment and there are no painful changes ... The concept of health includes not only absolute qualitative, but also quantitative signs, since there is a concept of the degree of health ... The concept of health also includes the social usefulness of a person. "

The Institute of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Health of Russia proposed a more specific definition of health: “health is the absence of diseases and injuries, harmonious physical development, normal functioning of organs and systems, high working capacity, resistance to adverse influences and sufficient ability to adapt to various loads and environmental conditions ...

The medical encyclopedia distinguishes between the health of the population and the health of the individual. Moreover, the health of the population is considered as a statistical concept and characterized by a complex of demographic indicators (fertility, mortality, infant mortality, level of physical development, morbidity, average life expectancy).

Probably none of the definitions of health can be considered definitive. The absence of an integral quantitative indicator of health makes it necessary to evaluate it according to certain components, the set of which still needs to be clarified.

In addition to the concepts of "health" and "disease," some scientists, such as I.I. Brekhshan, the concept of "third state" is introduced. "The human condition, intermediate between health and disease, combines both." This is the so-called "third state". To people in the third state, I.I. Brekhshan refers to people exposed to harmful chemical influences; people who regularly consume alcohol; people who neglect the rules of healthy and proper nutrition, people with tendencies to hypotension and hypertension, etc. According to I.I. Brekhshan, "more than half of the entire human population is in the third state." It has a number of significant differences, both from health and from diseases. If the latter lasts for 24 hours, weeks, months, and rarely longer, then the third state lasts for years, decades and even the whole life ... In the third state there are "the origins of all diseases." The ability to recognize and eliminate the third condition is one of the most important tasks of medicine.

1.1.2 General idea of ​​healthy lifestyle.

The human body functions according to the laws of self-regulation. At the same time, many external factors affect it. Many of them have an extremely negative impact. These include, first of all: violation of the hygienic requirements of the daily regimen, diet, educational process; deficiencies in calorie intake; adverse environmental factors; bad habits; aggravated or dysfunctional heredity; low level of medical support, etc.

One of the most effective ways to counter these factors is to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Scientists have determined that the state of human health most of all, by 50%, depends on the lifestyle, and the remaining 50% are accounted for by ecology (20%), heredity (20%), medicine (10%) (i.e., on those independent of human reasons). In turn, in a healthy lifestyle, the main role is assigned to correctly organized motor activity, which makes up about 30% of fifty.

Tue, 02/21/2017

Formation of a healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren

Health- an invaluable asset not only of every person, but of the whole society. When meeting, parting with loved ones and dear people, we wish them good and strong health. it is the main condition and guarantee of a fulfilling and happy life. Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve basic life tasks, and overcome difficulties. Each of us has a desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy and to achieve longevity as long as possible. This is the main value of life. You cannot buy it for any money, it must be preserved, protected and improved from a young age, from the first days of a child's life. A healthy student lifestyle is the basis for the well-being and successful study of every child and adolescent. For a whole decade in our country, there has been an alarming state of health of children and adolescents. These numbers are growing every year.
All parents want to provide their children with a happy childhood, to give a good start to adulthood. But the modern schoolchild lies in wait for a large number of temptations that interfere with leading a healthy lifestyle that ensures good health and academic performance. Excessive enthusiasm for computer games and TV shows, preference for chips over homemade dinner - all these are negative factors that are gradually destroying the health of our children.
Raising a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren is one of the main tasks that parents face today. The school is also involved in its formation, but the decisive role belongs, first of all, to the family.

A healthy lifestyle for a student includes:

  • proper nutrition
  • exercise
  • hardening
  • adherence to the daily routine
  • hygiene compliance
  • rejection of bad habits.

Rational nutrition of a child of any age is one of the most important conditions for his health and activity. Proper nutrition of a student should be:

  • age appropriate;
  • preferably four times a day;
  • balanced in the composition of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as in vitamin and mineral composition;
  • fully provide the body's energy costs.

A healthy lifestyle of a schoolchild is a condition not only for health, but also for further successful
work, family life. For the majority of unsuccessful students, the main reason for lagging in studies is poor health, some kind of disease, most often subtle, but amenable to healing only by the joint efforts of parents, doctors and school. Human health depends not only on hereditary factors, environmental conditions, quality of life (the degree of satisfaction of needs), but also on the way of life (how he relates to his health). It is the share of the influence of lifestyle on health status that is 50%. That is why the role of hygienic education and upbringing of schoolchildren is now growing, which should primarily affect the general culture of children. It is extremely important to create a cult of health in a child, to show by all means the beauty of physical and mental perfection. Now life poses a new task - to form in schoolchildren the conviction of the need for a healthy lifestyle (using free time with health benefits, observing the daily regimen, developing a negative attitude towards such bad habits as smoking, drunkenness, drug addiction, self-medication). In other words, health must be taught. And don't let this thought seem strange. We are more accustomed to other "formulas": to take care of health, not to harm health. But so that they do not remain only appeals, good wishes, they must be brought to the consciousness of every student. That is, this must be taught. Why is hygiene education not always effective? The fact is that not everyone is capable of leading a healthy lifestyle in order not to get sick. By itself, knowledge about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle is not enough: relevant motives are important. But in an adult, it is very difficult to form such motives. In addition, the characteristics of human behavior that are harmful to health have an important feature: being harmful in the future, at any given moment they are associated with a certain pleasure. We overeat because it is pleasant to eat more, we move a little, because we want to lie down, etc. Painful disorders in the body associated with an improper lifestyle arise only gradually and accumulate imperceptibly. Thus, the rejection of bad habits is associated with a momentary rejection of the usual pleasures, and the benefits of this rejection are predicted only in the distant future.
The relevance of the topic of a healthy lifestyle is confirmed by statistical indicators:

  1. No more than 14% of children are born physiologically mature.
  2. 25-35% of children who entered the 1st grade of school have physical disabilities or chronic diseases.
  3. 90-92% of high school graduates are in the "third state", that is, they do not yet know that they are sick
  4. Only 8-10% of school graduates can be considered really healthy. 5% of the country's adult population are chronically ill, and 95% are in the “third state”.

It is necessary to accompany, not direct the development of the child, not to solve problems for the children, but to teach them to make the right decisions on their own. The daily routine is an optimal routine of work, rest, sleep, nutrition, exercise and hardening, and other activities during the day, strictly observed for a long time. The biological basis of the daily regimen is the cyclical nature of all physiological functions of the body. The significance of the daily regimen consists in the maximum minimization of energy expenditures and in increasing the efficiency of the body. Ultimately, adherence to the daily routine also contributes to health. For a healthy lifestyle of a child, the daily routine is very important. Let's just say that the regime of the day is in fact the regime of the day, all 24 hours must be planned in a certain way and this plan, like any plan, makes sense only if it is adhered to. If you try to express the essence of the regime in two words, then it will be necessary to say that this is a rational alternation of work and rest.
The daily routine of schoolchildren includes the following components:

  1. training sessions at school;
  2. home study (homework);
  3. nutrition;
  4. physical exercise;
  5. recreation;
  6. free time activities.

Educational activities, which occupy a significant place in the life of children, require intensive work of precisely these "most reactive elements." How important it is to establish the correct change in mental work and rest of the children. Some parents are extremely skeptical about the very concept of "regime". But in vain. Observance of the child's regime cannot be understood as a kind of dogma. The implementation of the daily regimen allows the child to maintain physical and mental balance, which makes it possible to maintain emotional balance. But we, adults, know perfectly well that this very age is characterized by emotional instability, which leads to chronic fatigue and fatigue. These persistent symptoms lead to a decrease in the child's performance. Low efficiency is characterized by:

  • a decrease in the number of correct answers in the lesson and at home after the child has learned the material;
  • an increase in the number of errors along with a well-learned rule;
  • absent-mindedness and inattention of the child, rapid fatigue;
  • a change in the child's handwriting due to a deterioration in the regulation of physiological functions.

To prevent all these adverse consequences, you need to build the correct routine for the student's day.

  • The duration of school and extracurricular activities should be age-appropriate.
  • Adequate rest must be ensured (with maximum outdoor exposure).

It is inappropriate to sit down for lessons without resting after school. It is best to start classes after having lunch and being in the fresh air for 1.5-2 hours. Active rest after lessons provides "relaxation", satisfies the child's body's need for movement, communication, that is, schoolchildren can relieve the stress associated with intensive work in the morning. The stay of children in the air is the use of natural factors of nature to heal and harden their body. Remember: the more the child moves, the better he develops and grows. After all, you yourself notice how after a walk the child's cheeks turn pink, he becomes active, cheerful, stops complaining of fatigue.
The start time for homework should be firmly fixed. Doing homework at the same hours at all times allows the child to get up to speed quickly and contributes to better homework preparation. Provide a comfortable workplace. The child should have his own desk.
The time budget should provide for about 1.5 hours for classes that meet the child's inclinations. Reading, club work, watching a film on television, music and sports activities - the range of interests of children is very wide. Please make sure that doing one thing does not take up all your free time. Usually, unfortunately, a TV or computer becomes such a "time-waster" of a child.
Sleep hygiene is invaluable for health, vigor, and high performance.
The need for sleep is:
at 10-12 years old - 9-10 hours,
at 13-14 years old - 9-9.5 hours,
at 15-16 years old - 8.5-9 hours.
Israeli scientists have found that sleep deprivation at night, even for 1 hour, has a bad effect on the psycho-emotional state of children. They get more tired in the evening and do worse on memory and reaction tests. Therefore, there is no need to prove that the child's sleep should be protected: bright light, noise, conversations - all this should be excluded. The air in the room in which the child sleeps should be fresh. “But what to do,” the parents ask, “if we ourselves want to watch a TV show, but we don't have the strength to send our son to sleep? He is offended, and he is sorry for him: we look ourselves, but we do not give him. " It seems that the feeling of guilt that parents experience is in vain. It's okay if the TV speaks in an undertone, and the child sleeps behind a closed door in another room. But if the family did not manage to stage it so that it would be perceived calmly and simply, there is another way out: not to watch the programs ourselves. This is the least evil. Violations in the established daily routine are undesirable, as this can lead to a disorder of the developed regime in the activity of the child's body.
Nutrition... Popular wisdom says:

  • "What is food and drink - such is life."
  • "Eat right, and no medicine is needed."

Attention to the nutrition of schoolchildren is important because it is at this age that mistakes in its organization are most common. The calorie content of food should correspond to the amount of energy consumption of a growing organism.
Human health is a topic of conversation that is quite relevant for all times and peoples, and in the 21st century it becomes paramount. Without exception, all people understand how important it is to engage in physical education and sports, how great it is to temper your body, do exercises, move more, but how difficult it can be to overpower yourself, make you get up early, do a few exercises. We postpone physical education and sports until "later", we promise ourselves that sooner or later we will start, but sometimes it becomes too late to start ... As in the education of morality and patriotism, and in fostering a respectful attitude to one's health, it is necessary to start from early childhood.
If the parents in the family understand the importance of physical education and sports for the health of the child, then from early childhood they form a culture of physical activity in the child, demonstrating this by their own example. According to medical experts, 75% of all human diseases are inherent in childhood. Why it happens? Apparently, the whole point is that we, adults, mistakenly believe that the most important thing for a child is to study well. Is it possible to study well if you feel dizzy, if your body is weakened by illness and laziness, if it does not know how to fight an illness?
When raising a child in family and school, we often use the word "habit". We attribute irresponsibility, lack of ability to work fruitfully, disorganization and much more to the bad habits of students. But we, adults, do not think about the fact that the basis of the above problems is the child's lack of habit to be healthy spiritually and physically. The habit is not inculcated in the family, at school, and therefore the future adult does not form a positive image of a healthy person. Let's think about this problem. Very often, parents in a family say to a child: “If you eat badly, you will get sick! If you don't dress warmly, you will catch a cold! " and so on. But practically very little in families say parents to children: “If you do not do exercises, you will not become strong! If you don’t go in for sports, it will be difficult to achieve success in learning! and so on. Apparently, this is why our students among the studied life priorities put a lot in the first place, but not health. As a result of a study carried out in grades 8-11 (a total of 97 students were surveyed), health as a life value is ranked only in ninth place. Scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that a person understands less and less what physical labor is. And the child even more so. Over the past century, according to scientists, the weight of human direct muscular work has decreased from 94 to 1 percent. The main vices of the XXI century are: the accumulation of negative emotions without physical discharge, overeating and physical inactivity. According to experts, even if children move enough, their movements are monotonous, not all muscle groups are involved in movement, and the result of such activity does not give much benefit. You can often hear from parents: "My child and physical education lessons are enough to move." Is it enough? Parents, apparently, have no idea that physical culture lessons compensate for the deficit in physical activity only by 11 percent. Two or three lessons in the school timetable will not solve the problem. Two and a half hours a week of physical education at school will not be able to form a habit of maintaining their own health. This means that the school and family must do much more than they do to help the child to love himself, his body, his health, himself and to assess objectively his own health problems, which need an immediate solution. Recently, radio and television, the media are actively raising the issue that the physical activity of children has become very low, sports and physical culture have ceased to be significant for the younger generation.
This state of affairs threatens the mental and physical health of schoolchildren.
Today, very often you can hear the words of school leaders about changing the cultural space of the school. In their opinion, the cultural space of the school is the customs and traditions that live in the collective. I think that this change should begin with the formation of a culture of preserving their own health among teachers, students and their parents and an awareness of the importance of this issue for life in this world. According to the results of research by Russian psychologists, on average, an elementary school student who studies consistently at "4" and "5" spends at least 2.5-3 hours at his desk at home; pupil - sixth grader - 3-4 hours, high school student - 6 or more hours. But you still need to add to this and school lessons ...
- According to Russian scientists, 51% of children do not go on the street at all upon their return from school.
- 73% of schoolchildren do not take breaks between preparing lessons.
- 30-40% of children are overweight.
- According to medical experts, the age from one to 15 years is much more important for the preservation of future health than from 15 to 60.
- People who do not play sports have a 20% higher heart rate. This leads to rapid deterioration of the heart.
- According to the statistics of doctors, for every 100 children born, 20 over time develop flat feet, most often associated with muscle weakness.
How to help a student, how to make him start living an active, interesting and fulfilling life? How to make learning in school invigorate, and learning to be a joy, develop the reflexive skills of students? The family in which the child grows up can do a lot to change the situation described above. A child - a junior schoolchild is extremely imitative, and if the parents themselves monitor their health, their physical form, then the child will live according to the rules and laws that are cultivated in his family.
When a child grows up in such a family, he does not need to be forced to engage in physical education and sports, he himself does it with pleasure, out of a habit developed over the years. Habit is a great thing.
Exercising in the morning, evening walks, active recreation during the holidays, weekends in nature - this is the cure for those diseases of the mind and body that can manifest if parents do not educate children in the habit of being mentally and physically healthy. Often in conversations with parents, you hear complaints that they have no time, that they need to feed their family, and there is no time for such nonsense as physical education and sports. And the main argument is the lack of time and money for paid sections and circles. But you don't always have to pay for everything. It is enough to move with the child in the morning or in the evening for 10 minutes, but every day and regardless of the emerging situations - the result of the child's success will be evident. It is important for the child that dad and mom do the exercises with him, helping him and approving him.
Nowadays, computers have penetrated so deeply into all areas of our life that life without this smart machine is difficult to imagine. We all live in a world where computers are as commonplace as TVs, cars, and electric lighting. What recently seemed to us, adults, a miracle of technology, for children, is not a miracle at all, but just a curious thing that can be fiddled with like any new toy. Recently, however, the question of the influence of the computer on the health of a person, and a child in particular, has arisen.
The computer gives us a lot of information for compiling a variety of documents (statements, abstracts, reports, written requests, etc.); helps us learn about the latest technologies in various areas of our life: in science, culture, education, etc. Classes on the computer develop memory, thinking. The computer can become an assistant, a teaching aid for a child. He develops his creative abilities, opens up a huge, interesting world for him. In this case, the positive influence of the computer depends on individual characteristics: for example, some children begin to learn languages ​​faster, while others are wonderful to draw. In addition, there are good educational computer games for children - and this is a great way to learn something, and the ability to use the Internet can be a good school of communication, and besides, you will learn to search and select the information you need. It is important for adults to remember that even the most sophisticated children do not see the dangers of the Internet and do not understand the risks of using it. The problem lies in the fact that the criteria for distinction have not yet been formed in children. The child, due to the peculiarities of his psychological development, is interested in everything. Leaving a child alone with a computer on the Internet is like leaving him alone on the street of a large and unfamiliar city. When a child sits alone for hours at the computer, almost the same thing happens - most likely, he wanders along virtual streets and gateways. Therefore, parents and teachers themselves must first learn the basics of computer security, and then teach their children to do this. This requires a well thought out methodology for teaching the basics of information security.
It may also be such that someone will be carried away by technology, master a computer perfectly, will be able to fix a computer if it breaks down and in the future will become a specialist in computer repair! Or maybe someone is so carried away by computer programs or chats, forums that they want to learn programming and write the program itself! And it will learn! And he will write! And he will become a highly paid programmer! For a computer to be useful, you need to properly equip your workplace. First, it must be well lit, but not so that the glare from the lamp or direct sunlight hits the monitor. The table you are sitting at should fit your height. Your legs should not "dangle", it is better to substitute a support under your feet. The monitor should be positioned at a distance of 45 cm, this is arm's length. Doctors advise daily wet cleaning and airing in a room with a computer, and it's also a good idea to keep an aquarium in the room, which is more useful than a cactus at the monitor that supposedly absorbs harmful radiation. Like all appliances that consume electricity, the computer emits electromagnetic radiation. The computer is the most dangerous source of electromagnetic radiation. It is believed that electromagnetic radiation can cause disorders of the nervous system, a decrease in immunity, and disorders of the cardiovascular system. To protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation, you need to place the monitor in a corner so that the radiation is absorbed by the walls. And if you are not working on the computer, do not leave it turned on for a long time.
When working with a book and a monitor at the same time, it is desirable that they are at the same height, for this purchase a book stand. Naturally, interrupt work as often as possible and let your eyes rest (preferably every half hour to take a 10-15 minute break), moreover, if you switch from the monitor to the TV, there will be little sense. Alternatively, you can do simple exercises. If you spend a long time at the computer, there is a possibility of developing a curvature of the spine. One of the reasons for the development of curvature of the spine is not adherence to correct posture. Thus, if you do not sit straight at your desk and at your computer at home, you may well acquire a curvature of the spine. It should be noted that the curvature of the spine can subsequently lead to disruption of the work of internal organs, which will subsequently affect his health. Respiratory diseases that develop due to long-term work with a computer are mainly allergic in nature. This is due to the fact that during long-term operation of the computer, the monitor case and the boards in the system unit heat up and release harmful substances into the air. Long-term work at the computer is associated with constant irritation due to different situations. Probably, there is no such person who has never hung up the computer with the loss of unsaved information, did not have problems with any programs, cannot enter the Internet from the first dial-up, etc. Thus, you get mental imbalance. Pain in the arms, especially in the right hand, caused by long work at the computer has acquired the name of carpal tunnel syndrome. Pain is caused by a pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel. The cause of a pinched nerve is a constant load on the same muscles. To prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, you should take care of the good arrangement of your workplace, interrupt work as often as possible and do a small set of hand exercises. Who the computer will be in a child's life, a kind helper or a monster that destroys your life and health, depends on us adults. Here is an excerpt from the annotation to the book by Zaryana and Nina Nekrasov, "How to drag a child away from the computer and what to do with it", published by the publishing house "Sofia": There is no need to fight the computer, the fight does not strengthen families. You just need to understand the true needs of your children - and find the strength and time to communicate, play, listen to them. Just look at everything (including computers, TV, mobile phone, player and other socket inventions) through the eyes of children and adolescents. And then the virtual world will become a helper for your family, for which it is, in fact, intended. " Cooper made a historic call on April 3, 1973 while walking around Manhattan with a brick-like phone 25 cm high, about 5 cm thick and wide, and weighing 1.15 kg. mobile phones Do you need a mobile phone? (Answer)

PROS of cellular communication:

  1. Expands communication between people.
  2. Allows parents to always know where the child is.
  3. Ensures the safety of the student: panic buttons in the Ministry of Emergencies, the police, to a consultant psychologist.
  4. Promotes the receipt of new information via the Internet.
  5. The phone is equipped with a calculator, alarm clock, clock, flashlight, camera, which can be used at the right time.
    CONS of cellular communication:
  1. Melodies that sound in the classroom and sent by SMS distract students from the lesson and interfere with teachers.
  2. Listening to music or talking on the phone makes a person distracted: according to statistics, people on the street talking on the phone or listening to music are several times more likely than other pedestrians to be hit by a car. Accidents occur more often if the driver also spoke on the phone while driving.
  3. Provokes theft. Not every parent can buy a super-trendy phone for their child. Therefore, the telephone can become the object of envy, it can provoke teenagers to commit a crime. There were cases of phone theft in our school. I want to remind you that the school is not responsible for the loss of the phone.
  4. Frequent calls and SMS-correspondence require additional financial costs (sometimes not small!).
  5. Harmful effects on human health.

Many teenagers talk on the phone for days, listen to players for hours. And scientists at this time are sounding the alarm: all these comfortable things can cause significant harm to health. And in turn, manufacturers of cell phones convince mankind of the safety of cell phones, because it is not profitable for them to tell the truth !!! The controversy about the effect of cell phones on our health has not subsided as long as there is a mobile connection itself. The Americans calculated that a high school student picks up the phone every 10 minutes.
Why is the phone dangerous?

  1. Electromagnetic radiation from cell phones leads to memory impairment, increased blood pressure, and insomnia. Radiation negatively affects the entire body, but the most severely affected: the central nervous system, immunity, and the brain. Researchers have come to a disappointing conclusion: the electromagnetic radiation generated by cellular devices can cause genetic changes in the cells of the human body. Cancer can be one of the possible consequences of these changes. Long-term use of a cell phone can cause malignant brain tumors (brain cancer).
  2. According to the Swedish professor Leif Selford, an entire generation of today's adolescents, thanks to the intensive use of mobile phones, dooms themselves to premature aging.
  3. Teenagers listen to music for hours: on the street and at home. The tiny earbuds are inserted deep into the ear and are in direct contact with the auditory organs. Scientists have calculated: if you listen to music through such headphones for 3 hours every day, after 5 years your hearing will deteriorate by 30%. Listening to music makes a person absent-minded: according to statistics, people on the street with a player around their necks are several times more likely than other pedestrians to be hit by a car. Also, listening to music in the cold leads to cooling of the ears. According to research conducted at the Swedish Karolinska Institute, using a cell phone for 10 years or more doubles the risk of acoustic neuroma - a tumor-like growth of the auditory nerve tissue. Moreover, it is from the side of the head, to which the phone is usually pressed, that the “wall” of cells, filtering the penetration of harmful substances into the brain, is also destroyed during prolonged use. Prolonged phone calls can lead to acoustic neuroma and auditory dermatitis (ear infections), irritation, and stress.
  4. The phone has insignificant dimensions, therefore, in order to view the information received, or when playing, eyesight is especially strained, resulting in myopia, dryness and itching in the eyes, and headache.
  5. Often, users develop a psychological dependence on the “pipe”. A person cannot part with his phone for a second, even if he is not waiting for an important call. Forgetting your phone at home, you feel anxiety, feel “lost” and disconnected from life. Studies by French scientists have confirmed increased anxiety and a greater tendency to psychosis in cellular users. New patients have appeared in psychiatric clinics - they lose interest in life if their phone does not work. Psychologists already have terms - “mobile addiction”, “SMS-mania” ... Abroad, in all seriousness, such diagnoses are made and treated in clinics. And it is more difficult to get rid of it than, say, from computer addiction: a mobile phone, unlike a computer, is always with you. There is no exact terminology for the telephone mania yet. They can be roughly classified as follows: Mobile addiction - a person carries a phone with him everywhere. SMS addiction - "sick" sends hundreds of messages a day. Infomania - a person checks e-mail or mobile every minute.
  6. Environmentalists are concerned: up to one hundred million mobile phones are thrown away a year. And this is nothing more than thousands of tons of toxic waste that threaten the health, and even the life of people. It is believed that, on average, a cell phone lasts one and a half to two years, after which it is sent to a landfill. Telephones, and especially batteries, contain lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals, uncontrolled disposal of old phones in a landfill will cause significant harm to the environment.
  7. Drivers who drive with one hand while holding the phone in the other have a decrease in attention. It has been found that talking on the phone increases the risk of an accident almost fourfold! A hands-free device that frees the driver's hands also does not always save the day. The driver can go so far into the “virtual world” of communication with his interlocutor that he will not have time to properly respond to changes in the traffic situation.

Mobile phones have long settled in children's rooms and school bags. This worries both psychologists and doctors. In 2001, the Research Office of the European Parliament published a report with recommendations for all member states of the European Union: to introduce a ban on the use of cell phones by children under adolescence. Children under the age of 16 are not advised to constantly use a mobile phone, as they are susceptible to the effect that mobile phones produce on the brain. Therefore, in England, France, Germany and a number of other countries, legislation prohibits the use of mobile phones by children under 16 years of age. They even suggested withdrawing toy mobile phones from sale, so as not to form an early interest in this type of communication in children. The reason is obvious: children's brains are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of the electromagnetic fields of cell phones, because the thickness of the skull in children is less than that of adults. The skull of a five-year-old child, for example, in the parotid zone, usually does not exceed half a centimeter, and for a young man at the age of 21, the thickness of the skull at the same point will be equal to two centimeters. According to the results, prolonged use of the phone can lead to a number of complications, from headaches to cancer. But no one wants to give up the cell phone for its convenience. In this situation, you need to know and apply preventive measures and protection against the harmful effects of a cell phone. You need to know how to protect yourself.
Smoking is associated with every fifth death in the world, and for people over 35 years old - every fourth. Nicotine kills slowly, completely not interested in either the person's age or his plans for the future. Long-term studies have confirmed that the human body seriously suffers from smoking: the skin ages quickly, tuberculosis and lung cancer develop, the cardiovascular system fails, vision rapidly deteriorates - nicotine greatly increases intraocular pressure, and this can lead to complete blindness. The sense of smell is impaired. Smokers sometimes have no taste at all.
Smoking is the main cause of neurosis in adolescents. They become irritable, quick-tempered, absent-mindedness appears, attention weakens, memory deteriorates. No wonder even in the 19th century I. Gette said: “Smoking makes you dumber. It is incompatible with creative work. " Tobacco smoke is terrible not only for the smoker himself, but also for those who are near him. Non-smokers who are in constant contact with tobacco smoke are slightly less likely to develop lung cancer than smokers, but much higher than those who breathe clean air. Perhaps the worst price to pay for the love of cigarettes is cancer, which ends in painful death. Here are the figures from the World Health Organization:

  • Smoking kills 6 people a minute.
  • Smoking 20 cigarettes a day increases the fragility of your bones.
  • In Russia, the "tobacco epidemic" kills 750 people every day.

Smoking increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The current state of society, the highest rates of its development make ever new and higher demands on a person and his health. They say that initial exposure to tobacco is always painful. But what prompts a novice smoker to overcome the discomfort and force himself to continue?
First of all, it is imitation. Imitation is, first, deliberate; secondly - the person who likes it (in everything) and thirdly - the unconscious. So, if parents smoke, smoking is so included in the everyday life of this family that there is no longer a question for either adults or children - to smoke or not to smoke, the only question is when to start.
The next group of motives is the striving for adulthood. Smoking is also becoming one of the ways of self-affirmation. There is one more motive - the desire to try everything in life. What contributes to the spread of smoking? First of all, this is an example of parents and other adults.
The spread of smoking is facilitated by the condescending attitude of others, and the availability of tobacco products, and finally, their fairly effective advertising, their attractive packaging and attractive names. Perhaps only the quality of the design of wine and vodka products can somehow compete with the quality of the design of tobacco products - all other products are left far behind. The current state of society, the highest rates of its development impose ever new, higher demands on a person and his health, but let's think about the consequences of a terrible vice - alcoholism, into terrible numbers:
- 90% of mentally retarded children are children of alcoholics and drinking parents;
- in drinking families 40% of children are underdeveloped and sick;
- in drinking families, stillborn children appear twice as often, and infant mortality is three times higher than in non-drinking families:
- one glass of vodka reduces efficiency by 20-30%;
- 55% of all thefts, 79% of robberies, 69% of attacks are committed in a state of intoxication.
According to the World Health Organization, the death rate from various causes in people who even moderately consume alcohol is 3-4 times higher than that for the general population. The average life expectancy of people who drink does not usually exceed 55-57 years. Where does the child taste their first glass? Not at school. All cases of alcohol use by children are on the conscience of the parents. There are plenty of reasons for drinking. It is very sad that often no family event, be it joyful or sad, is complete without alcohol. The English poet Robert Burns has written about this very well:
“There are any reasons for drunkenness:
Wake, holidays, meeting, farewell,
Christening, wedding and divorce,
Frost, hunting, New Year,
Recovery, housewarming,
Sadness, remorse, fun,
Success, award, new rank
And just drunkenness - for no reason! "
Let's say the child is one year old. Parents gather relatives and friends. This holiday is not complete without alcohol. Does a one-year-old need this? He does not need any of this. He only needs delicious mother's milk without alcohol. But on such holidays it can be worse. On his first holiday, a child can taste the first drop of alcohol in his life. Maybe many of the adults have witnessed how, under the general laughter and gaiety, this foolish little one, making terrible grimaces, spits out this drop of poison. And he will be a hundred, a thousand times more to the right of those who have drunk more than one glass for his health. Yes, he spat out this tasteless and bitter one so far. But will he do the same in 17 years, when all his relatives will accompany him to the army? Will he do the same when he returns home, honestly fulfilling his duty to the Motherland, and when his parents gather guests again? Will he do the same when they are about to "wash" his diploma?
If we turn to the figures, then from 60 to 80% of cases of adolescents' acquaintance with alcohol occurs with the direct assistance, in the presence or with the participation of parents. Isn't this a disturbing fact? After all, it is parents who, first of all, must educate their children into an intolerant attitude towards alcohol, tk. no one else is interested in parents for their children to grow up healthy, so that their future children do not suffer from the drunkenness of their parents. And when adults calmly observe how a teenager drinks the first glass, they are unlikely to think about the dire consequences of this.
The drunkenness of men disrupts the normal life of the family, and the drunkenness of a woman destroys the family completely. No matter how alcoholic the father is, as long as the children have a Mother and she faithfully fulfills her maternal responsibilities, everything in the family is relatively in order. But if the mother starts drinking, this is the end of normal conditions in the family, this is an unbearable environment for children. If a good father is the basis of the family's well-being, then a good mother is the basis of the family in general.
Children and drugs ... This is one of the most terrible phenomena in modern society. As statistics show, it is with drugs that a huge number of accidents - deaths and crimes - are associated. As you know, drug addiction is a real disease. And like any disease, drug addiction should be treated as early as possible. It is adolescents who most often start taking drugs, so any parent should be well aware of the signs of drug addiction in adolescents. And even if your child is growing up as an absolutely quiet and problem-free child, you should not lose sight of this information. Indeed, in the event that trouble still touches your family, and you do not notice it in time, you will blame yourself for not noticing the problem in a timely manner. And drug addiction in an advanced form is treated much more difficult than at the initial stage. Unfortunately, now the mass media are full of a lot of absolutely unreliable information, which not only does not help parents, but also often simply confuses parents. This article sets out only the reliable first signs of drug addiction and facts about the effect of drugs on the child's body. The question of how to save children from drugs should be of concern not only to parents, but also to the school. Parents should be sure to find out if the school is carrying out the fight against drugs - conversations, lectures on this topic. In the event that at school children are not explained about the dangers of drugs, be sure to tell the child about it yourself. Very often, a picturesque description of how drugs affect the body is enough to permanently discourage a teenager from trying them. Remember, however, that the conversation must be timely.
There is a widespread misconception that drug addiction is the lot of children from dysfunctional, financially disadvantaged families. To our great regret, neither parental love and affection, nor complete material prosperity can serve as a guarantee that the child will never be interested and will not try drugs. Remember that your adversary is the strongest structure of the drug business, which is interested in getting as many people as possible to buy drugs. And the more wealthy a teenager is, the more expensive drug he is able to buy. Thus, children from wealthy families are often more desirable prey for drug traffickers. That is why the question of how to protect children from drugs should be in the first place for parents. Remember that drug addiction can develop in different ways - for someone it develops in a month, for someone - after six months. However, true drug addiction never occurs after one or two drug use. That is why it is so important to notice the first alarm bells in time and start taking emergency measures in time.
The most important thing that parents should pay attention to is the behavior of their child. There are a large number of different symptoms, which in one way or another indicate the presence of drug addiction, however, it is often very difficult for inexperienced parents to understand what kind of phenomenon they are faced with. But nevertheless, there are three main signs of a child's behavior change, which are fairly reliable evidence of a drug problem:

  • The emergence of a child's sudden and inexplicable mood swings that cannot be explained by real events happening to the child. From the outside, mood swings often look extremely strange - a child can experience unrestrained fun, gush with unrestrained energy and optimism, and after a few minutes fall into a state of apathy and complete indifference to everything that happens around, and sometimes even fall into depression. However, in no case should these changes in mood be confused with the natural emotional instability that is inherent in all children in adolescence. The mood swings associated with drug addiction are always gratuitous and have no basis at all.
  • An equally reliable and alarming sign that a child has started taking drugs is a violation of the child's usual sleep rhythm. Often in the daytime the child is very lethargic, his movements are slowed down, the speech of a sleepy person. And in the evening, the child begins to perform quite energetic actions, he may not sleep at night on a flight, listening to music or sitting at the computer. The next day, the situation repeats itself. In the event that your child is an owl by nature, the picture can be completely opposite - in the evening, when the child is usually active, he sleeps, and in the morning hours he is active and vigorous.
  • An equally reliable indicator, in the presence of the above two, is a sudden change in appetite, not associated with the physiological characteristics of a teenager and a sharp growth spurt. For weeks in a row, a child can almost completely refuse to eat, completely not feeling hungry. And then, suddenly, he has just a "wolfish" appetite - the child eats almost everything, not paying attention to his taste preferences, and the portions increase significantly. If your child came from a walk and pounced on food with pathological greed, and you notice this more than once, you should be wary. Most often, such an increase in appetite occurs after recovery from the state of drug intoxication caused by the use of cannabis. At first, the child will not come home, being in a state of drug intoxication. He will wait out this time outside the house, and return home precisely after leaving this state, at a time when the appetite rises.

How to wean a child from drugs?
If you are convinced that your child is taking drugs, it is too late for you to look for an answer to the question of how to protect children from drugs. Now you need to learn how to wean children from drugs. In any case, you are unlikely to be able to cope on your own without resorting to the help of professionals. By doing this, you will only aggravate the situation, because if drug addiction is not treated in a timely manner, then it will be very, very difficult to rid the child of drug addiction.
The first thing you will have to do is talk frankly with your child. Be prepared for a very difficult conversation with your children about drugs. Do not expect your child to repent of everything at the first question. Most likely, with a direct question, the child will deny everything and may even take a very aggressive position, which will only intensify as your reproaches increase.
Of course, talking about the dangers of drugs to children does not make much sense and is unlikely to make them stop using drugs. But with strict prohibitions and your aggressive behavior, you will only aggravate the situation by pushing the child away from you. Of course, the game of friendship in this case is at least not appropriate, but nevertheless the child should feel your understanding and support.
The next step that must be taken by parents whose child takes drugs is to seek help from a narcologist and child psychologist. These may be specialists in a district polyclinic or a narcological dispensary, or there may be specialized private clinics.
However, wherever you turn for help, adolescent drug addiction treatment is carried out according to a strictly defined scheme:

  • Interruption of the process of anesthesia with subsequent relief of withdrawal symptoms.
  • A complex process of eliminating the consequences of long-term chronic intoxication of the adolescent's body with narcotic substances.
  • Implementation of a corrective program for pathological characteristics and asocial behavior.
  • Psychological assistance in drug refusal.

Parents should not be fooled into believing that drug addiction treatment will be as simple and quick as treating a cold or flu. Drug addiction treatment takes a long time and lasts almost continuously and systematically. As a rule, immediately after the diagnosis is made, the adolescent is hospitalized in a hospital. The duration of the course of treatment varies depending on the severity of the disease and can last from two months to six months. After a teenager undergoes inpatient treatment, he must be under constant dispensary supervision by a narcologist for several years. Periodically, he will undergo supportive therapy courses, which are designed to help avoid relapse. In our time, drug addiction therapy is selected strictly individually for each patient. A good doctor, when choosing a treatment regimen, takes into account not only the state of the patient's body, but also his personal characteristics, living conditions, the type of drug taken and the experience of drug addiction. Parents should never turn away from their child and show their displeasure. As statistics show, relapses occur much more often in those adolescents who had difficult relationships with their parents. Of course, your resentment and frustration is completely understandable, and even in your aggression there is nothing shameful. However, you need to pull yourself together and be with your child throughout the treatment. After all, your love and support means much more to him than it might seem at first glance.

Extracurricular activities: intellectual and cognitive

Form: conversation

Topic: "Health and healthy lifestyle of students and youth"

Objectives of the event:

1. Educational - expanding and deepening knowledge in biology, psychology, broadening the horizons of students, enriching the vocabulary of children, forming ideas about health, a healthy lifestyle.

2. Developing - development of logical (figurative) thinking, memory, attentiveness, observation, ingenuity, speed of reaction, attention.

3. Educational - to foster a love for physical exercises, physical culture, foster a benevolent attitude towards each other, form psycho-emotional stability, help improve the psychological microclimate in the classroom, promote the unity of the class team.

Equipment: posters, tape recorder, cinematograms.

Event progress:

Introductory speech of the teacher: Dear guys, today we will talk with you on a topical topic typical for our republic, such as "Health and healthy lifestyle of students and youth." It is known that since 1993 the mortality rate of the population of the Republic of Belarus has exceeded the birth rate. In this regard, today we must discuss various ways to improve health, improve performance - physical and mental; because a lot depends on us - If not us, then who? Thus, in the near future, you are future teachers, doctors, firefighters, milliards; the future of the country depends on you - the working capacity of the population of our republic. Today we will discuss with you the most optimal and rational ways to preserve and promote health in connection with living in environmentally unfavorable conditions; let's dwell on the practical recommendations of various researchers, etc.

Highly developed technology, computerization and information technology, which contribute to the improvement of human well-being, unexpectedly lead to a side effect: physical acceleration outstrips the development of the spiritual sphere. Social and mental development does not keep pace with the physical development of students. [NS. N. Kulitkin, G.S. Sukhobskaya, 1996].

The problems of preserving and strengthening the health of the child in modern society began to occupy more and more priority positions. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Republic of Belarus, 14% of children are born physiologically mature, the number of healthy preschoolers is 10%. Along with an increase in chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children, the number of children of short stature, with a deficit in body weight, with a discrepancy between the level of physical development and biological age, and with functional abnormalities in the state of health of children is growing. One of the reasons for the decline in children's health is the lack of attention paid to the issues of their physical education and physical fitness. Unfavorable environmental conditions, irrational organization of food, study, recreation, limited opportunities for physical culture and sports, low physical activity have led to a deterioration in the health status of children and adolescents in the republic.

Physical education is an integral part of all education systems; being in essence education through motor activity and in the process of it, it has a unique opportunity to simultaneously influence the physical and spiritual spheres of a person, which is not characteristic of any type of education.

Lifestyle - a set of stable, taken in unity with the living conditions, typical types of human life; one of the main general sociological categories that reveal the system of social ties, social communities, reflecting social processes and social development of a society, class, social group, personality. The way of life is determined by the essence of the dominant mode of production, the socio-economic and political conditions of the functioning of a particular socio-economic formation. The more active the subjects of the lifestyle are, the higher the level of maturity of society as a whole.

Lifestyle basics: 1. Socio-economic and material-technical; 2. Social and political; 3. Moral and ideological; 4. Demographic and territorial.

The lifestyle category is integrative in relation to the standard of living, quality of life. The standard of living is a special category that characterizes the measure and degree of satisfaction of material and spiritual needs in their quantitative measurements (monetary or natural units).

Quality of life is an integrative characteristic that includes the whole range of social values; it is expressed in assessing the social quality of living conditions and the possibilities of using these conditions for the realization and reproduction of important social and personal needs.

Physical culture is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the activity of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for order, balance in the body and the optimal, coordinated action of all organs and systems. Exercise significantly improves metabolism, motor and secretory function of organs, stimulates the assimilation of nutrients, excretion of waste - products of "combustion" (slags). As a result of classes, the immune system is strengthened, the ability of weak and diseased organs to recover increases. Thus, physical culture is the first and basic principle of maintaining health.

The relevance of the problem of a healthy lifestyle for school-age children is multifaceted and inexhaustible. The literature contains enough material to support the hypothesis that the key factors that determine the health status of schoolchildren, most often outside the health sector, and that the conditions that shape the lifestyle of students are of particular importance.

The fact that the massive spread of a healthy lifestyle in all cohorts of the population at the same time, and especially among schoolchildren, can hardly raise doubts, will be a powerful health-improving system in maintaining and strengthening the health of the entire nation.

Health is a nervous and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of his personality. It is the most important prerequisite for cognition of the world around, for self-affirmation and human happiness.

A healthy lifestyle is an integral part of students' humanitarian culture, reflecting the richness of their spiritual world, life goals and value orientations.

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, working, hardening and, at the same time, protecting from the adverse effects of the environment, which allows you to maintain moral (social), mental and physical health until a ripe old age.

According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) - "health is a state of physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects."

Aspects of a healthy lifestyle - rational nutrition, rationally organized labor and educational activities, personal hygiene, psychohygiene, leisure activities, physical activity, rejection of bad habits, tempering, medical examination, etc.

The health status of schoolchildren depends not only on external conditions, but also on their own attitude to health. Developing an attitude is the most important condition for improving the health of society.

It is generally recognized that poverty, inequality, the disintegration of social ties, interethnic conflicts, changing roles of men and women, including in the family, discrimination and rapid social change - these are the roots of problems related to the health and development of school-age children. These problems include poor nutrition. abuse of drugs and other harmful substances, early sexual activity without the use of precautions, infectious diseases, depression, neuroses, etc.

School age is a time of great opportunities for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, but it is also a time of great health risks. The consequences of the difficult transition from childhood to adulthood have an immediate and long-term impact on physical, mental and social well-being.

Every adult person himself forms a certain attitude towards his health. Children, even with certain relationships in the state of health, the child is poorly aware of this state and does not see his role in changing it. A healthy child does not think about his health at all.

"Health is the peak that everyone must overcome by himself" - says V. Schoenberg. Comprehension of this truth must begin at an early age. The development of reasonable behavior and a high culture of attitude towards one's body in accordance with the conditions of existence make existence full.

Awareness of the desire to achieve such a state should help to form a fragile child's body in difficult conditions of social tension and economic crisis to overcome psychological problems.

In relation to preschool and primary school age, the leading is the biological need for movement, which manifests itself in unity with the need to receive pleasure, pleasure from participation in motor activity; the need for self-affirmation. Therefore, the most promising is the formation of the foundations of healthy life in the process of physical culture, where the need for movement, which is so pronounced in childhood, is fully realized. It is on the interest of children and the skills to ensure healthy life, motivation for health. The physical and sports culture of a child is the foundation on which both a healthy life activity and a healthy lifestyle are formed.

Primary basic needs (as an internal urge that causes the body to be active) is the motive for the child's behavior at the stage of initial training in a healthy lifestyle. Gradually, under the influence of pedagogical tools, the creation of a subject-information educational environment, they are rebuilt and turn into secondary impulses: the actions of children after time become self-motivated. Moreover, according to the theory of D. N. Uznadze [D. D. Uznadze, 1997] the strength of such an attitude depends on the frequency of its occurrence, that is, the formation of motivation for health is possible only on the basis of specially organized purposeful work to create in the child ideas about his health and the health of the environment, the development of practical actions to ensure healthy life.

The health problems of the younger generation were and remain the most important ones, ultimately determining the working capacity of the adult population.

In relation to children and adolescents, the concept of "health" includes a set of indicators: the age-appropriate level of development of physiological systems, harmony of physical development, good working capacity and adaptability to various loads, resistance to adverse environmental influences, absence of functional deviations and other signs of illness.

Health is of the utmost importance at a young student age. To live happily ever after, you need to be healthy. Scientists have proven that the human body is designed in such a way that its: nervous, muscular, endocrine, cardiovascular systems can work without interruptions with good care of their body for up to 100-150 years.

In our schools, colleges, institutes, universities, they teach all kinds of sciences, everything, including things that are clearly useless, but no one teaches young people how to deal with their very complex body in order to live in health and happiness. After all, this is that art, that wisdom of life, which no doctor can teach. Everyone has to learn this for himself.

Human health is a harmonious unity of physiological, psychological and labor functions, which determines the possibility of full, inorganic participation of students in various activities. Young people should reconsider their views on life, health, youth and longevity.

The leading role in the formation of health belongs to social factors. As practice shows, the higher the level of economic development of the country, the higher the indicators of public health and health of individual citizens, and vice versa. An example of the leading influence of social conditions on health is the decline and crisis of the economy. This means that social conditions and lifestyle, the state of the natural environment, the state of health care and educational institutions form individual, group, and public health.

Each person is endowed with a supply of vitality, and there are just enough of them to be healthy all his life. But, unfortunately, a healthy person, especially a schoolboy, rarely thinks about what health is. It seems that you are healthy and will always be so, and there is no need to worry about it. Among schoolchildren, in a number of value orientations, health is only in 6-8 place, yielding to interest in reading, computer, watching video tapes, television programs and other hobbies. Meanwhile, health is one of the enduring values ​​of human life, a source of joy, a necessary condition for the all-round development of an individual.

Therefore, every person should take care of their health, physical improvement from a young age, have knowledge in the field of hygiene and medical care, and lead a healthy lifestyle. After all, health means excellent health and a large margin of safety from youth to old age - each of us should strive for such a state.

The theoretical definition of health is as follows: health is not only the absence of disease, but a state of physical, psychological and social well-being.

Human health directly depends on factors of heredity, environmental and social, the quality of medicine and life itself.

If all these factors clearly work as a whole, only in this case you can count on good health for years to come. The greatest troubles of a modern person are due to his attitude to physical culture. Millions of people are engaged in sedentary work and have not done wellness gymnastics for years. They may not even dream of reliable health. The best pills in the world will not help in this case. The advice to engage in physical education is so banal that few take it seriously. However, in fact, physical culture is one of the most effective means for maintaining health. Regular physical exercise affects the activity of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for order, balance in the body and the optimal, coordinated action of all organs and systems. Exercise significantly improves metabolism, motor and secretory functions of organs, stimulates the assimilation of nutrients, elimination of waste - products of "combustion" (slags). As a result of classes, the immune system is strengthened, the ability of weak and diseased organs to recover increases. Physical culture is the first and basic principle of maintaining health.

The second principle of maintaining health is communication with nature - this is a health-improving factor. Fresh, clean air, the possibility of additional movements, water procedures, sun rays, air baths - all this contributes to the tempering of the body.

The third principle is rational nutrition - one of the conditions for preserving human life and health, the correct ratio of food products, their energy intensity and calorie content with the norm of food.

The fourth principle is the correct way of life - this is the mode of work, rest, sleep, observance of hygiene standards and proper nutrition.

The fifth principle of maintaining health is the rejection of bad habits that have a detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole.

All principles are good, but if a person really wants to be healthy, he must remember that he must work on health constantly.

Healthy lifestyle of secondary school students

A modern person in the conditions of intensive development of science and technology, in addition to a high level of professional skill, general education and special training, needs good health. The observations carried out confirm that in the modern civilizational world, low mobility (physical inactivity) is the cause of overstrain of the nervous system, metabolic disorders, obesity, and diseases of the coronary system. Research shows convincingly that the way out of this disaster is a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a life in accordance with the laws of nature and society, or a life in accordance with biological and moral norms.

The basic rule of a healthy lifestyle: nothing should interfere with the natural renewal of the body, and the lifestyle should contribute to its proper growth and development. For a more successful implementation of this rule, the components of a healthy lifestyle come to the rescue. These include optimal motor regime, personal hygiene, balanced nutrition, hardening, rejection of bad habits.

The optimal motor regime is regular physical education and sports and the correct distribution of active and passive rest. The optimal motor regime is an obligatory part of the general routine of the student. It is very important to develop a conscious and daily need for physical exercise like the need for work, food, sleep. People have long known about the benefits of movement. This can be confirmed by the wise words carved on a rock in ancient Hellas: “If you want to be strong, run! If you want to be beautiful, run! If you want to be smart, run! "

Personal hygiene includes the following components: the correct alternation of mental and physical labor, physical education, adherence to the daily regimen, body care, clothing, keeping your home clean. Hygiene is the science of health.

Rational nutrition is one of the conditions for preserving human life and health. It includes the correct ratio of food products, their energy intensity and calorie content, food intake, the presence of vitamins, minerals, and water balance. It is very important not to overeat, overeating disrupts the body's metabolism and leads to obesity.

Hardening is a system of measures that allows you to use the natural forces of nature (sun, air, water). The main purpose of hardening is to increase the body's resistance to the adverse effects of external factors. The components of hardening are systematic, gradual, taking into account individual characteristics.

Refusal from bad habits is a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, drug addiction, substance abuse have a detrimental effect on health and performance. Bad habits slow down growth and development, they have a heavy effect on all systems of the body and primarily on the brain.

Final words of the teacher: Thus, summing up our conversation, I would like to note that there is still a tool that, when used correctly, helps to preserve and strengthen the student's body, this is not the miracle that the workers of medical institutions offer - a pill; it is called physical culture. Today we are convinced by examples that systematic physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the child's body, promote proper physical development, increase the level of physical fitness, and all-round harmonious development of the individual. In connection with the above, we conclude that you need to systematically engage in physical exercises, do not forget about the principles - systematic, consistency, from simple to complex, from known to unknown; use various healing techniques, get hardened, walk more barefoot, breathe fresh air more often, etc.

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