Lee ferret. The forest ferret is a complete description of the animal. Prices for cages for ferrets

2016-12-15 Igor Novitsky

The appearance of a ferret in the family occurs almost always according to the same pattern. Once you went to visit friends or relatives and saw a ferret in them, which immediately struck you with its playfulness, cheerfulness and fun. However, keeping this animal in an apartment is not at all the same as having a cat or a hamster. The ferret requires specific care.

These miniature charms began to appear en masse in the families of Russians relatively recently. Even 15 years ago, even in Moscow, they were absolutely exotic, not to mention the provinces. At the same time, in the West, domestic ferrets became widespread about 40 years ago, where they are a significant competitor to hamsters, guinea pigs, ornamental rats and other small animals traditionally kept as pets. Ferrets have become especially popular in North America, as well as in Japan.

Anyone who intends to acquire a ferret should understand what this animal is. The domestic ferret comes from its forest counterpart, which lives throughout European forests. This is a small predator of the marten family, which under natural conditions preys on small rodents and birds, while leading a solitary lifestyle.

Like most predators, ferrets have a fairly high level of intelligence. They are cunning and quick-witted, have a developed theft skill, which is very skillfully used. This seemingly cute trait of their character can cause certain inconveniences when a ferret is kept at home: small items (purses, glasses, lighters, cell phones, etc.) constantly disappear and can be found in the ferret's hiding places (in the sofa, in corner of a closet, behind a chest of drawers, etc.)

The ferret is a nocturnal animal, so it usually sleeps during the day and goes hunting at night. However, as in the case of cats, many individuals adapt to the daily routine of their owners, who are awake during the day and sleep at night.

Finally, keep in mind that the ferret animal, thanks to its incredibly flexible body, can penetrate places from which it cannot always get out on its own, for example, into a narrow gap between a closet and a wall. For his own safety, for a time when no one is at home, it is better to close the ferret in an aviary or a spacious cage.

Conditions for a ferret

Before bringing a ferret home, you should prepare your apartment / house for the appearance of this very active and curious animal. First of all, get a spacious cage. Even if you intend to create conditions for maximum freedom for the ferret and allow him to freely walk around the rooms, he should be put in a cage during your absence.

You will also need a heavy ceramic bowl (a light plastic ferret will steal and turn over), a toilet tray with high sides (in a pet store you can pick up a special triangular tray designed specifically for a ferret). You should also buy a few toys that ferrets love. Then the animal will play with them, and not with your wallet or car keys.

As for the preparation of the premises itself, you will have to do the following:

  1. Seal up all the holes where the ferret can get in, and where you can not get it out if it suddenly gets stuck there.
  2. Check the tightness of closing all windows, especially the vents. Make sure that the ferret at home cannot open them on his own and fall out. Also, if you don't intend to put your ferret in a cage every time you ventilate the room, it's best to cover the window with a metal mesh.
  3. Remember what they write on the packaging of medicines and home chemicals? Keep away from children and animals. This applies to ferrets in the first place, since, firstly, they are incredibly curious, and secondly, they have incredible flexibility and dexterity (see ferrets video), and therefore they are able to get to everything that was not properly hidden. So keep all potentially dangerous substances, such as washing powder, in a tightly closed pantry.
  4. Ferrets are born diggers. You will never be able to wean your animal from ruining flower pots with any severe punishments. The only way out is to move the flowers to a place where the ferret cannot reach them.
  5. Some individuals have a habit of chewing on wires. Given that it is impossible to imagine a modern home without wires, you will have to protect the wires from the ferret (and the ferret from the electric current in the wires). To prevent the ferret from damaging cables and wires at home, they can be placed in a metal corrugation or smeared with a special bitter paste sold in pet stores.
  6. Ferrets are smart enough creatures to learn quickly from experience. Once having managed to open a linen closet or refrigerator, the animal will begin to do this all the time. So, if you do not want to regularly collect laundry around the apartment and sweep flour on the kitchen floor, you will have to supply each door and door with some kind of lock or latch.

It should also be warned that ferrets are very fond of falling asleep, hiding under a blanket, between the constituent elements of folding furniture, or in a closet with clothes. The explanation for why the ferret does this is simple - hiding from predators. So before you sit on the bed, start folding / unfolding the sofa / chair, or tightly closing the closet, make sure that a fragile animal has not hidden there.

Ferrets - care and maintenance

As already mentioned, in any case, you will have to buy a cage for a ferret. The minimum size of the cage in which the ferret will be kept in the absence of the owners is 50x70x50. At the same time, it should have a large door, which will facilitate its cleaning. If the floor of the cage is metal, lay linoleum or a hard tablecloth on it.

Also, the bottom of the cage should be covered with bedding so that the ferret can sleep comfortably. An old sweater or T-shirt is quite suitable for this role. But the use of sawdust is not recommended, since according to reviews, ferrets are often allergic to them.

At first, the trays are placed right in the cages, where the ferrets live locked up while they get used to the new home. When the animal gets used to the new environment and can be released to walk freely around the house, the tray can also be taken out. At the same time, ordinary "cat" fillers can be used for the tray. Many ferret owners practice the use of several trays at once, placed around the apartment. Ferrets are quite clean, so the tray should be washed as often as possible. Ideally after every use.

Since the forest ferret, from which the indoor subspecies originated, is unaccustomed to the heat (it is always cool in the forest), it is important to monitor the temperature in the room. Comfortable is the environment with a temperature of 10 to 25°C. Anything above that threatens with heatstroke or sunstroke. So, if your apartment is south-facing and the temperature in the room reaches 30 degrees in summer, get an air conditioner, or provide the ferret with a small pool during this time so that he can cool off.

Like other pets, ferrets need to be bathed periodically. This should be done in warm water (about 40 ° C) and no more than once a month. In this case, it is recommended to use a special shampoo for ferrets. After bathing the animal, you need to briefly wrap it in a towel (see ferret photo), and then let it dry itself. Using a hair dryer is highly discouraged already due to the fact that the animal is banally frightened.

It is important to note that bathing does not help in the fight against the characteristic musky smell. For these purposes, a special aerosol agent is suitable.

Trimming nails for pet ferrets is optional, but desirable. Done every 4-6 weeks. But this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the blood vessel in the nail cavity. It is not necessary to comb out the coat, except for short periods of shedding in spring and autumn.

What to feed a ferret?

Proper balanced nutrition is the most important factor influencing the well-being and health of the ferret in home care. Most diseases in these animals are associated with malnutrition.

The first thing to understand is that ferrets are not suitable for ready-made cat or dog food. They have a completely different physiology, so the diet is different. Under natural conditions, ferrets feed on small rodents and birds, and sometimes insects. This should be guided by when planning how to feed the ferret.

There are three ways to arrange meals:

  • Maximum imitation of a natural diet. Ferrets are given whole carcasses of mice and chickens. Obviously, this is not the most suitable option for a city apartment. Especially considering that the place of the meal will have to be carefully cleaned every time. Well, if you have a white ferret, then it will quickly get dirty.
  • Use of conventional products. Most often, the owners feed ferrets with the usual products that can be bought at the grocery store - various types of poultry meat (chicken, turkey, duck, etc.), as well as organ meats, fish and a small amount of vegetables and cereals. Eggs and cottage cheese are allowed, but no other dairy products should be given to ferrets. Also, it is unacceptable to add fatty, smoked, fried, sweet, nuts, flour and bakery products to ferret food. The ferret cannot digest these products in principle. Do not give vegetables and fruits with a high content of coarse fiber.
  • Diet based on special prepared feed. Since ferrets in Moscow and other large cities have long been a rarity, in most large pet stores you can find specialized feed mixtures for ferrets. They already contain everything necessary for a balanced diet of the animal, which greatly simplifies its care. However, you should be prepared for the fact that such food will not be so cheap.

Ferrets have a very fast metabolism, so they do not need to be fed 2-3 times a day, like dogs or cats, much more often. In fact, home care for a ferret comes down to proper nutrition. The animal should receive food often, but in small volumes.

Coexistence of ferrets with other animals

Ferrets are inquisitive, active and friendly, so in most cases they get along well with other pets. However, this does not mean that the second animal will willingly accept the ferret. In view of this, the correct conditions for keeping a ferret are also in the question of coexistence with other pets.

As practice shows, their relationship is best with large dogs. Usually a ferret and a shepherd dog living in the same house are true friends. But miniature dogs, as a rule, have a very bad temper and react very aggressively to the advances of ferrets. Also, do not mix ferrets with hunting dogs, as for them the ferret, weasel and marten are potential prey.

The neighborhood of a ferret and a cat can turn into both constant conflicts and the most tender friendship. (You can easily find pictures of a ferret hugging a cat on the Internet) It all depends on the nature of a particular animal, as well as on some circumstances, for example, at what age they met and who appeared in the apartment earlier. Usually conflicts arise between an old cat and a young ferret who has just settled in an apartment. But if the animals appeared at the same time, and both in childhood, then with a high degree of probability they will become friends.

How long do ferrets live

This is one of the most controversial issues, as different sources rely on different data. It is believed that the wild ferret lives on average 2-4 years. However, it can be stated with all certainty that the numerous dangers and hardships of forest life are the reason for such a short lifespan.

Domestic ferrets live in completely different conditions, where they are not threatened by predators, cold or hunger. The life span in an apartment with proper care is 5-7 years, some individuals live to a ripe old age - 8 or even 10 years. However, it all depends on proper care and nutrition. Reliably documented cases when the ferret at home lived up to 15 years. But, unfortunately, there are also many cases when, due to the careless attitude of the owners, animals die at a young age.

Ferret - pros and cons

If dogs and cats, having matured, in most cases become calm and imposing, then domestic ferrets remain mobile and very playful all their lives. With their funny facial expressions and generally good-natured disposition, ferrets are superior to cats and dogs as pets in many ways.

By nature, ferret hair has a specific musky smell. The use of an aerosol and regular cleaning of the cage helps to contain this smell, but it can only be completely eliminated by surgical removal of the anal glands. But it’s still not worth doing this, since this operation is very complicated and, moreover, can result in serious health problems for the animal. In fact, keeping a ferret at home is not recommended for those who cannot put up with its natural smell.

You will learn more about the features of caring for ferrets from the video.

Ferrets were domesticated much later than cats and dogs, and therefore have not yet been able to adapt to the conditions of a human dwelling as well. The more complex care and maintenance of ferrets, as well as the exacting diet, make them the preferred option only for those who have already had experience in keeping pets (the same cats or dogs).

High activity and energy can be written both in the pros and cons of the ferret. Be prepared for the fact that the animal will continue to have fun even after you get tired of it. He will not let you watch the series in peace or sleep until he has played enough.

Ferrets are not recommended for families with small children. As you know, kids perceive animals as toys with which they can do anything. If dogs and cats, as a rule, simply tolerate children's bullying or hide, then ferrets defend themselves (their incomplete adaptation to life with people affects them) by biting and scratching the offender.

Somehow you saw a ferret on a walk or with friends in the apartment, it struck you with its grace, playfulness, cheerfulness and curiosity. You are fascinated by his plasticity and magnificent appearance, a flexible plump body, beady eyes, small paws and beautiful wool, it is simply impossible to resist and not fall in love with these petite charms.

It is interesting that in Russia the fashion for domestic ferrets has spread over the past 10-15 years, while in Europe domestic ferrets have been kept for the last 30-40 years. However, the leaders in the distribution of ferrets as pets are Japan and the United States.

Who is a ferret?

So, you want to get a ferret, let's find out in more detail what kind of animal it is.

The domestic ferret is a predator of the mustelid family and is descended from the forest wild ferret that lives in the forests of Europe.

According to various sources, the ferret was domesticated from 1500 to 1000 years ago in the Mediterranean region and used to catch rats and mice as well as cats.

The domestic ferret has several names, it is called furo (from the Latin name Mustela putorius furo), which in Latin means little thief, and from Greek - cunning. By the way, the correct name, it very accurately reflects the nature of the ferret, they are really cunning and quick-witted and have a great weakness for theft, many owners of ferrets note their tendency to kleptomania. They love to steal and hide things that they think are valuable in their "minks" - secluded places in the apartment, as they say in reserve, for a rainy day.

In addition to this, a domestic ferret is very often called a ferret. This name came to us from the Polish language, which is not surprising, since in our country the breeding of domestic ferrets began precisely with animals brought from Poland.

There are also crossbreeds of ferrets, for example, honorik is a cross between a ferret and a mink, which are very rare and it is wrong to call a domestic ferret that way.

The domestic ferret has inherited a lot from its wild counterpart, this is primarily the appearance, body structure, habits, color, which has several varieties and can vary from black to white.

Despite the fact that they are domestic, they are still hunters, they are nocturnal. This means that during the day they like to sleep, while at night they are more active, which potential owners of ferrets should be prepared for.

In nature, wild ferrets dig holes in the ground, the same habits are observed in domestic ferrets. If you like to grow plants at home, it is likely that the new occupant of the house will dig through all the pots of earth. Often flower pots are broken, so you will need to remove all house plants from the house or move them to a place that the ferret cannot reach.

The flexible body allows the ferret to get into very narrow gaps, from where he may not get out on his own, this creates a danger to his life. Therefore, to keep a ferret in an apartment for its own safety, you will need to equip a special aviary or a spacious cage in which the ferret will be while you are not at home. You can find out more about the conditions for keeping a ferret in an apartment in the article “Ferret in an apartment”. There you will find recommendations for creating all the necessary conditions for keeping a ferret in the space of your home.

Ferret behavior with other animals

Another feature of ferrets is their curiosity, which can lead to various troubles associated with injuries, poisoning, conflicts with dogs on the street and other dangers.

By the way, about the relationship of the ferret with other pets. If you already have a cat or dog at home, then you need to know that ferrets tend to be leaders in relationships with other animals. Ferrets have high intelligence and quick wits, therefore they show bright leadership qualities.

If we talk about the relationship between a ferret and a dog, then the relationship between a ferret and a dog of a large guard breed is better, they become real friends, get along well with each other. Relations with miniature dogs of decorative breeds are more complicated, this is due to the fact that small dogs are more excitable, and ferrets often offend them. As for hunting dog breeds, the situation is more complicated here, the fact is that a hunting dog can perceive a ferret as prey and even kill it. Therefore, the owners of hunting dogs are not recommended to have ferrets.

A domestic ferret and a cat, in these relations, not everything is so simple, between them can arise both true friendship or irreconcilable enmity, as well as complete indifference to each other.

Much depends on the owner, in order to avoid jealousy and rivalry of pets for your love and attention, give each the same amount of time and encourage friendship between them.

The relationship of the ferret with birds, rodents and reptiles is the most risky. Under natural conditions, all of the listed inhabitants are prey for the ferret.

Of course, there are exceptions when ferrets are great friends with rodents, for example, with rats, but it is still recommended to remove the cages with birds, reptiles and rodents in places inaccessible to the ferret.

Do not get a ferret if you have small children. Ferrets have sharp enough teeth and claws, they can bite and scratch the child. Small children often perceive pets as toys, and if a cat or dog can patiently accept various manipulations of a child with itself, then a ferret can react aggressively to anxiety from the child.

If your children have already grown up, or there are no children in your family, then a ferret is a completely safe pet, no more dangerous than a dog or cat.

Ferrets are playful and charming

Domestic ferrets are indeed very charming and playful, highly trainable and easy to follow commands. They can be potty trained like a cat. Most ferrets are silent, but in order to express their joyful emotions, they begin to hum, hiss when dissatisfied, and fluff their tail when excited. If the ferret is very frightened, it can emit a specific unpleasant odor, the smell is produced by the prianal glands. I must say that the ferret uses the secret from the perianal glands in the most extreme cases, when all other methods of protection have been tried. Despite the caustic
the smell of this secret is easy to remove, unlike cat marks. Therefore, it is better not to perform an operation to remove these odorous glands, since this operation is quite complicated and requires the participation of a good veterinarian, an incorrectly performed operation can threaten with serious complications and put the health of the ferret at risk. Ferret hair itself has a musky smell, many people love this smell, but there are those who simply cannot stand it, so before buying a ferret, it is very important to talk to the breeder and visit the house where the ferret is kept to understand whether you like this smell or not.

Ferrets beggars and great actors can be insanely stubborn to achieve their goal. You will learn the secrets of raising a ferret in the article "Education of a ferret".

It is believed that ferrets should be adopted by people who already have experience in caring for pets. Ferrets require a lot of attention and effort from the owner.

Pet ferrets are suitable for active and energetic people, true animal lovers who can tolerate any inconvenience or sacrifice their sleep, rest and time to care for ferrets. After all, these nimble creatures are constantly on the move and retain their playful disposition throughout their lives. Families with small children, pensioners, people who are often absent from home due to business trips should not start pet ferrets.

If you still decide to get a pet ferret, then it is advisable to get detailed advice from breeders or specialized breeding clubs for domestic ferrets in order to assess your options for caring for a pet. After all, after weighing all the pros and cons, you will make a decision that you will not regret later. And do not forget that domestic ferrets, only with their cheerful and optimistic appearance, are able to dispel any hints of depression and bad mood. They share their charge of energy and improve the mood of their owners. They are very interesting and pleasant to watch, communicate with them and make friends.

Love animals and let communication with them color your life with joyful colors!

The typical representative of the mustelid family is the ferret. They perfectly complement the fauna of the European part of our Motherland, living on forest edges, in the steppes and near large reservoirs. Recently, they are often brought up in homes, because a domestic ferret is a playful and active companion for any family member. However, it is the wild individuals of the ferret family that are of no less interest - predators, aggressive and courageous, who definitely will not let themselves be offended.


The wild ferret is mostly brownish-black in color, with darker tail, paws, and muzzle. White wool goes on the forehead, chin and ears. Also, lighter hair appears on the sides and on the belly of the beast. Sometimes you can find other variations of what a ferret looks like - with completely red hair or albinos - these are called furo.

The shiny fur is not thick, but long - on the back it can reach up to 5-6 cm. The fur becomes more fluffy after the molting period - in late autumn, and before that it is not so easily soiled and lighter.

The shape of the head is oval, flattened on the sides. The head has a smooth line of transition to the neck, flexible and long. Ears are low and with a wide base sticking out on the head. The eyes are small but shiny, most often brown eyes are found in polecats.

Ferrets have a very slender build. In length, the animals grow from 30 to 50 cm. The paws are short (the hind ones are only 6-8 cm on average), but very strong and ideally developed for frequent digging of the earth. The limbs have five fingers with very sharp claws, so if you manage to catch a ferret, then he will definitely be able to fend for himself.



The largest of all ferret species. They grow up to 56 cm, and their weight can exceed 2 kg. They are also called light because of the specific undercoat that shows through under the sparse brown hair. On the limbs and tail, the color is dark, while the muzzle is painted with a mask.

It is not difficult to say how many years the steppe ferret lives - their age rarely exceeds 10-12 years.


The color of the forest ferret is not distinguished by a bright contrast in the color of the body and legs - the black-brown color of the body is complemented by the black color of the limbs and tail. In size, they are inferior to their steppe counterparts - 38-48 cm in length, and weight from 500 g to 1.5 kg.

Approximately 14 years - that's how long forest ferrets live, which is much more than the life expectancy of their domesticated relatives.

Blackfoot (American)

The smallest individuals in the classification - their length rarely reaches 40 cm. Their coat is white at the base, and the tips are dark. Altogether, this gives a picture of a beautiful yellow-brown color. A specific mask flaunts on the muzzle.

The species is listed in the Red Book, and the life expectancy of black-footed ferrets does not exceed 6-9 years.


The distribution of populations of animals received in the following geographical areas:

  1. Steppe ferrets in Eastern Europe (Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine), Central Asia, Russia (from the Ural Mountains to the Far East) and in the eastern regions of China.
  2. The forest ferret can be found almost everywhere in Eurasia, especially to the west of the Ural Mountains.
  3. The central part of North America, namely to the east of the Rocky Mountains, is the place where black-footed ferrets live.

Habits and lifestyle

The wild ferret is a predatory animal, which is expressed in its distinctive features - aggressiveness and courage. They will not be afraid of confrontation with a larger opponent. Fearlessly take the fight for them - in the order of things.

In addition, ferrets are also characterized by ruthlessness towards the victim - attacking a bird's nest, the beast will satisfy its hunger, and then kill each inhabitant. And all this is said about a ferret - an animal that can be called very cute from the outside.

Ferrets do not form packs, but keep contact with their closest relatives. At the same time, this relationship is dominated by one alpha male, which is more pronounced both in normal times and during mating. But each of the individuals has its own territory for living, which they mark by making a regular round.

The activity of the animal falls on the dark time of the day. During the day, the animal sleeps, having first dug a mink for itself. The mink can be permanent - with a small hole and a camera, or temporary - if the movement at dawn caught the animal away from home. In this case, these small predators do not shy away from using other people's holes - hare or badger. And when the weather is bad, a ferret can spend several days in a mink without getting out.


Ferrets are exclusively nocturnal animals. Only a very strong hunger can force them to interrupt their daytime sleep and go hunting during daylight hours.

The following representatives of the animal world become prey, namely what ferrets eat in nature:

  • what the ferret eats first of all is small rodents: rats, hamsters, mice, ground squirrels, moles and ground squirrels, hares and rabbits;
  • lizards or small amphibious reptiles;
  • they easily ruin found clutches of eggs, and sometimes attack birds.

Animals do not eat plant foods due to the peculiarities of digestion. However, nutrients from, say, fruits, a ferret can get by eating small herbivores. It is also worth noting that in dire situations, if it is impossible to find anything that ferrets usually eat, they are able to eat the carcasses of already dead animals.


The mating period varies depending on the type of ferret: steppe ferrets start rutting from the end of February, and forest ferrets start from April. Moreover, the rutting period may be delayed until the end of the calendar summer.

Ferrets become mature enough to continue the genus at 10-12 months of their life. It is not customary for ferrets to arrange mating games, and the mating itself looks quite cruel: the male in every possible way suppresses the resistance of the female, bites her scruff and withers.

The females bear offspring for almost a month and a half, while in the litter they have 4-12 cubs. Newborn ferrets are very helpless and are born blind, but development occurs quickly - after two months of life, the mother begins to feed them with meat.


In winter, the main danger for the ferret is wolves and foxes. Also, a meeting with wild cats, birds of prey (eagles, golden eagles or night owls), as well as large snakes threatens to become unpleasant.

Among the creatures dangerous for ferrets, one can also mention a person. Its influence, namely the destruction of nature reserves, the construction of roads and housing in the wilderness, can be the reason for the disruption of the ferret ecosystem and the destruction of their habitats.

Ferret domestication

These animals are amenable to domestication - they are very playful, they quickly get used to the owner (especially females). They can be accustomed to the tray without any problems, but if the animal likes another place to relieve itself, then another container will need to be added there.

It should be borne in mind that, due to natural influence, they will not get along with birds, small rodents or reptiles. However, with cats or non-hunting dogs, they are able not only to coexist, but also to be friends.

Curiosity is another important quality of these animals. So, it is worth preparing for the fact that the animal will regularly and carefully study all possible nooks and crannies in the house, climb into garbage cans (and sometimes fall asleep there), and also dig up the ground in flower pots.

There is another point that you can pay attention to - their life expectancy. How long ferrets live at home depends mainly on proper care and maintenance, but on average it is 5-9 years.


Interesting facts about ferrets you will find in our video.

All living organisms on the planet are individual in appearance, way of survival, behavior, which suggests that in order to survive they should adapt to the conditions of their habitat. That is, the habitat is that part of nature that they inhabit, experiencing its impact on themselves, and in turn, they themselves influence it. There is no habitat on the planet to which animals would not adapt. Everything in the world is interconnected, and to be in certain environmental conditions. Such conditions that affect the life of animals in the wild are called environmental factors. These include living factors (the relationship between living beings in the wild, as well as human influence) and inanimate nature (the effect on living organisms of temperature, light regime, precipitation, soil structure and the structure of the earth's surface). As a result of the influence of the habitat on the life of animals, they, in turn, developed an adaptability to certain conditions and a way of life. The habitat most importantly affects the activity, nutrition, reproduction of all living beings.

general characteristics

The ferret is a predatory mammal of the weasel family, most likely known to us more as an object of fur farming. But to many, especially rural residents, the ferret is known as an annoying and uninvited guest in their household, especially in the chicken coop. In addition to being a famous thief, the polecat also became famous for its thinner "aroma". But besides all this, ferrets are quite cute and cute animals, with a beautiful fluffy coat.

There are several types of ferret in the wild. The black ferret has a body length of 24-46 cm, the female is on average 38 cm, the tail length is 14 cm, and the animals weigh from 620 grams of the female and almost a kilogram of males. The animals are characterized by the color of the muzzle resembling a mask and a slightly raised back, forming the so-called "hump". The dark brown hair on the back and the underside of the body are almost all black. In addition to the forest, the steppe polecat is also known, the largest among its relatives. In external structure and behavior, these animals are in many ways similar, only their place and habitat differ, but the external difference between the two types of ferrets consists of different hair color: the winter fur of the forest ferret has a black-brown color with long hair, steppe fur inhabitant - light yellow with liquid outer hair, the tips of which are brown. Summer fur in both species is rarer, lower and duller.


The forest polecat, or as it is also called the common or black ferret, is an inhabitant of the entire Eurasian continent. This is a popular resident of Western Europe, where he inhabits its entire area, but recently it has begun to gradually narrow. It is dominated by broad-leaved deciduous forests on the plains and coniferous broad-leaved in the lowlands and coniferous in the mountains. A large population of ferrets also lives in England, as well as almost throughout the entire territory of the European part of Russia, from the Urals to the western state border. The landscape of which is characterized by the presence of a mixed type of forests with a predominance of deciduous species (oak, aspen, linden, birch). It is absent only in North Karelia, the Volga region and the Caucasus. The number of ferrets in the Russian territory is subject to significant differences, and depends, first of all, on the availability of food in a particular area. The forest polecat is most common in the Smolensk region of Russia, as well as in Belarus. In the last decade, the ferret has expanded its habitat, and now inhabits the forests of Finland, the richest country in forest resources, which make up 76% of its entire territory, and Karelia. It is also a common inhabitant of the northern and western forests of Africa. In the western part, ferrets inhabit subtropical forests along the slopes of the Atlas Mountains, valleys and plateaus, hard-leaved evergreen forests with a predominance of oak species near the lower slopes. In the northern part, ferrets occupy equatorial-type evergreen forests. In order to fight against rats and mice, this predator was brought to New Zealand. At present, the ferret has settled quite well in the evergreen beech forests characteristic of Zealand, and has even begun to threaten the indigenous fauna of the country.

The common ferret is a typical representative of the forests. However, it avoids dense continuous taiga massifs, and prefers small forest concentrations or separated groves mixed with crops and settlements, with meadow expanses or fields, rivers or other reservoirs.

The forest ferret does not like to roam and leads a sedentary lifestyle. The size of the hunting grounds is small. At night, the ferret travels up to 5 km. Only in winter they can slightly increase. Prefers to settle in the lowlands of small rivers, lakes, swampy places, ravines, hollows. Uses natural camouflage as a permanent shelter, hiding in a pile of brushwood, in firewood, stumps or haystacks. Sometimes a polecat can occupy someone else's home of badgers or foxes, but the animal does not dig its own holes. If it does dig, then they are not long, do not have tunnels, with one passage, and end in a nesting place. It is not uncommon to find places of refuge for a ferret in villages or villages, where he arranges a nest for himself in barns, a pile of firewood, or chooses some other secluded place for himself.

The steppe ferret is the complete opposite of its fellow. He does not like forests and settlements. Inhabits forest-steppes, steppes and semi-deserts. The zone of steppes and forest-steppes lies between the zone of forests and semi-deserts. That is, the forest-steppe is an intermediate zone that combines small forest areas and steppe areas. The forest-steppes are characterized by an alternation of broad-leaved and small-leaved forests, as well as mixed-grass steppes. The steppe is a plain overgrown with a variety of grasses, which is characterized by the complete absence of trees. The steppe ferret is a resident of such open areas. In terms of the vastness of its range, the light polecat has no contenders among the steppe mammals. Its settlement area exceeds the area of ​​any steppe animal in size. It is found throughout the steppe zone of Eurasia (the only exception is the easternmost extremity), and is widely distributed beyond its borders. It inhabits the steppe zone, which extends into western Yugoslavia and the Czech Republic.

In Russia, the range of steppe polecats significantly predominates than that of the forest counterpart. Here he successfully acclimatized throughout the entire forest-steppe and steppe expanses of the Far East (from the Amur), Siberia, the European part to the Carpathians. The steppe polecat reached its largest population in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Siberia and Ciscaucasia. This predator of open spaces has penetrated quite deep into the taiga zone. The introduction of the light polecat into the western zone of Siberia goes on a wide front: it settles in all poorly snow-covered areas of the area where the common hamster is present among the rodents. The light ferret has developed a special close relationship with him. Intensive plowing of land and the advancement of crops to the north into the taiga zone influenced the resettlement of the hamster, which was relentlessly followed by its most inveterate enemy, the steppe polecat.

The ferret is also common in the steppes, stretching from central and central Asia, all the way to the Far East and Eastern China.

Such regions have peculiar climatic, hydrological and orographic conditions. The climate of the steppes is characterized by very hot summers, when the earth is heated to the limit by the sun, and cold winters, when severe frost fetters the earth's surface. In such areas, there is a large deficit of moisture in the summer. The steppes are characterized by rather sharp fluctuations in temperature. Therefore, it is very difficult for animals, whose life is especially dependent on such changes in unpredictable weather. In April, a thaw can suddenly begin, and in the middle of summer the temperature drops sharply. However, the steppe representative of the ferrets also acclimatized well to such conditions. Over the past half century, the range of the steppe ferret has expanded significantly towards the west and slightly north. Now the steppe ferret can be found in the west of the Ural Mountains, on the left bank of the Volga, in the center of Russia and Europe. Such an expansion of the habitat of animals is associated with human actions. As a result of deforestation and plowing of the steppe zones, which caused the transfer to the north of a large number of ground squirrels, which are the main prey of the steppe animal, the ferrets also moved. In this case, the influence of the wildlife factor is clearly seen, that is, the influence of human activity on the habitat of the steppe ferret. In the mountains of Europe, these animals rise to a height of 800 meters, and in Central Asia this height reaches over 2600 meters. The steppe polecat settles on fallow lands, on pastures, in logs and gullies. As a refuge, ferrets use other people's holes, mainly ground squirrels, less often badgers or foxes. Indeed, without good shelter in such harsh conditions, one cannot live long. They save the ferret not only from the heat, but also from predators, from which it is not so easy to hide in a well-viewed area. However, the ability for independent digging of holes in the steppe ferret is expressed quite well. Its front paws are armed with strong, slightly curved claws (length 13-16 mm, width 1-2 mm). On the hind legs, the claws are less developed. The connecting membranes between the fingers are better developed than in other Kunetsiformes, and, apparently, they have an adaptive value when raking and throwing out dug mail. When populating a hole belonging to a hamster, this predator usually digs additional holes in such a hard layer of clay that it is difficult to give in to an iron shovel. Unlike the forest inhabitant, the steppe polecat is not tied to one habitat, it does not have pronounced individual areas. In places where gophers are most concentrated, they are much smaller, especially in summer, when it is easier to get food. Winter possessions of the steppe polecat vary within 12-18 hectares.

Ferret lifestyle and nutrition

There are no particular differences in the type of nutrition in ferrets. Both representatives are predators. Feed of plant origin is not present in their menu. The diversity of food also depends on their habitat. The predominant prey in the diet of the forest animal are small mice. Common frogs and toads, snakes and insects play a big role in the menu. Birds are hunted near reservoirs: black grouse, partridges. They can also attack domestic birds near settlements. Gophers and hamsters are considered the favorite prey of the steppe ferret. In areas of high concentration of rodents, the number of steppe polecats is greater than in other areas. Mouse-like rodents are included in the diet of the steppe species only as a substitute for food in case of a "deficit" of ground squirrels, hamsters and other foods. With a shortage of the main prey, they can eat fish, carrion. It can also prey on larger prey, such as nutria. The forest representative, having also a rather large size on the menu, however, prefers mainly mice. And only occasionally, climbing into rabbit holes, strangles little hares.

Both types of ferret hunt at night or at dusk. The activity of ferrets at night is also associated with the influence of environmental factors. Firstly, it gives the predators an advantage over the prey, in the dark it is easier for the unnoticed to get close to the prey. Secondly, in connection with the competition for food resources, a certain behavior has developed in all animals, some hunt during the day, and some at night. And, thirdly, most of the small rodents that are the main food of ferrets are also nocturnal. Plus, the night activity of animals of deserts, steppes and semi-deserts is an adaptive behavior to the habitat in which they exist. Living in the steppes, which, as already mentioned, are characterized by a very hot and very arid climate, the steppe polecat, to save moisture during the daytime, sits in a shelter, and only with the onset of twilight goes hunting.

Ferrets, according to popular belief, were bloodthirsty creatures that ripped open the throats of their victims. But even today, when someone mentions the word "ferret", many instinctively show a shiver. Like many years ago, many consider ferrets to be vicious creatures that cannot be trusted. But are our ideas about them true? If we love him, will he love us back? Does he really have a repulsive character and is it better not to disturb him? And is the popular rumor about the past of ferrets right? Let's look at the facts.

History of ferrets

Ferrets belong to the weasel family. They are related to such animals as weasels, forest polecats, stoats, minks, martens, badgers and otters. Domestic ferrets are directly related to European and steppe ferrets and are their domesticated copies.

The original task of domestic ferrets was to control the population of rodent pests. It is believed that they were kept as hunters as far back as the time of the ancient Egyptians - more than 3,000 years ago. When they first came to Europe is unknown, but according to some theories, they appeared with the Romans. Throughout their history, ferrets have brought many benefits to humans, even with so much criticism.

mustelid family

Like many other families, the weasel family has its skeletons in the closet - but not as many as you might expect. The hunting past of ferrets influences our understanding of them today. But it's not fair to judge a book by its cover, so we'll put aside all prejudice and take a closer look at ferrets, in fact, you'll be surprised at what they hide.

On closer inspection, you can see that ferrets are very lively, intelligent, funny and loving animals with a highly developed sense of curiosity. If you carefully observe ferrets, you can also find that they are really affectionate creatures that become attached to their owner with proper care.

Thus, the myth about the unfriendliness and viciousness of ferrets can be considered debunked. If you treat them right, understand their needs, then they will actually make great pets for you.

Should you get a ferret?

The ferret is not a demanding animal in many ways, but one thing it needs is a very specific diet. His diet should be high in protein and low in fiber. Some people like to feed them fresh and raw meat, but there are other more suitable foods, such as commercial foods. Your veterinarian should be able to advise you on the right foods for your ferret. He also needs constant access to clean and fresh water.

Also keep in mind that the ferret is a relatively long-lived animal that can live up to 10 years. As for dogs or cats, ferrets are very difficult to get along with, so you should think in advance how to make friends with them.

If, after reading all of this (and other information available to you), you decide to move on and get a ferret, then your next task should be to select the right individual.

Some Common Ferret Colors

  • Silver - the color of the ferret is close to gray, but has a white spot on the chest, and sometimes also on the legs.
  • Albino - also known as the English ferret. Today, this ferret is still used in hunting, as its color makes it quite noticeable. A true albino ferret has white fur and red eyes.
  • Sand - the color varies from light brown to gold.
  • Dew are exotic ferrets with pure white fur, but unlike albinos, have black or dark ruby ​​eyes.

female or male

In ferrets, the difference between females and males is very small. Males are usually somewhat larger, but not necessarily. Females tend to be calmer and even lazier. Ferrets have certain personality traits, so it's best to get to know them personally before making your final choice.
