How to teach a cat to give a paw - instruction on teaching by example. What can you teach a cat? How to train a cat at home with teams


Start raising your pet from infancy. An adult is extremely difficult to train, while babies are still able to readjust and accept your attempts to teach them this or that. Speech training is no exception. In addition, male representatives are more amenable to training, are more capricious and independent, and their oral apparatus is not so flexible and can be changed with great difficulty.

Listen to your natural pet. Notice how he meows. Each one expresses her feelings, emotions and desires in her own way. Putting all the richness of the feline tongue in one "Meow", you are making a mistake, because in fact it is much richer and different for each individual. Look for "words" in your pet's meow that resemble something from our speech.

Start working with the found vocabulary units. Suppose a single sound the kitten makes reminds you of the word "meat". As soon as you hear it, repeat the word "meat" and praise your baby. Reinforcement is an important step in the work. Play the reverse game too: say the word "meat". If the kitten responds the right sound- praise. It is extremely important to be observant in this step, because the sounds that cats make are usually associated with a specific situation. Pronounces the word "meat" directly at the moment, who the appearance of the corresponding sound seems most likely. Doing so will increase the likelihood of quick fixation of the lesson.

Do not expand the number of words until you have mastered one. Be consistent and patient. Only after making sure that the first lesson is thoroughly fixed, proceed to expand vocabulary... At the same time, do not forget about constant repetitions.

Don't be overly demanding. You will not teach a cat say the word "meat" the way we are used to hearing it. Remember how difficult it is to understand a person with an accent. Your pet will also pronounce the "words" a little differently. And here it all depends only on your mood. If you believe that your cat can pronounce the word "meat", then you can hear it.

Be careful when displaying your pet's talents in front of guests. Make sure they are understanding people and are not expecting miracles. Everyone is extremely vulnerable and cannot stand being laughed at. If there are skeptics in the company who may simply burst out laughing when demonstrating your joint efforts with it, then it is better to refrain from public speaking and "talk" with it in private.

Useful advice

Exercise only when your cat or cat is in the mood for it. Cats are one of the most wayward animals, and if they don't want something, then you will never force them to do it.

A person who decides to get a cat or a cat must understand that these animals are distinguished by independence and self-sufficiency. If you need true friend, who will unconditionally recognize you as a leader and will never leave you in trouble - it is better to have a puppy. Taming a kitten is not an easy task. Be prepared for the fact that even a kitten that has grown up "in your arms" will still show a fair amount of independence. However, if you spend a certain amount of time and show patience, over time you can socialize even a feral kitten - but the character of the cat always remains independent.

  1. So, you've picked up or bought a kitten. Where to start accustoming to a new home and a new routine? Usually they get used to a new place rather quickly, which is why it is recommended to take it to the house at the age of 9-10 weeks. Older kittens will take longer to get used to a new place, and may also react more sharply to a change of environment. In the first days of a kitten's stay in the house, try to be sympathetic to his reaction to a change of scenery: small kittens taken from their mother can cry and meow loudly. Try to communicate more with the kitten these days, take him in your arms more often. If the kitten is afraid of you, try to communicate with him during the feeding process, for example, giving food from his hands.

  2. Sometimes kittens who have been brought to a new home try to hide in a secluded corner - for example, they huddle under, central heating batteries, a sofa. It is sometimes very difficult to lure them out of there. If the kitten does not want to leave its "hole", try to lure him out with food - for example, smear your finger with sour cream (as a last resort, you can try plain yogurt without additives). If the kitten agrees to handle food, try stroking it gently while it eats. So he will gradually get used to his hands, and in the future he will not be afraid of contact with you.

  3. To tame, try to play with it more - for example, use your favorites cat toys: balls, mice or fishing rods. If you play with a kitten using a fishing rod, try to often throw the "bait" into your lap: the kitten will get used to the idea that it is safe to jump into your arms.

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Nobody likes to come to an empty house. As the famous postman Pechkin said: animal, you come home, and it rejoices at you! ". Many people sooner or later come to the idea that they want to have a kitten or a puppy, buy a purebred or take a street one with huge compassionate eyes. And here the problem of domestication arises.


When the cat realizes that you are a friend, he will begin not only to come to you for food, but will also show true love, which many are capable of, and not only. If this does not follow, leave the fluffy alone, he wants to - he will come, but no, then nothing can be done about it. Cats are different, just like people.

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Most pets are trainable, although dogs are believed to be much more intelligent than cats. In practice, teach cat teams not so difficult, you just need to take into account the wayward nature of this noble animal.

You will need


For those who want to know how to train cat, you need to learn a simple rule. The dog is more dependent on. Perhaps this is where the phrase "dog loyalty" came from. The cat will never be something that he is not interested in or does not like. Therefore, you need to start training at the moment when the animal is in good mood and don't mind chatting. It can be noted right away that it does not require special skills and abilities and is quite capable of school age.

In order to teach cat teams, you need to cook his favorite delicacy. It is necessary to teach, since an attempt to teach several teams will not succeed. The simplest command sounds like "give your paw". The principle of action is as follows: the owner voices the command, takes the paw of the sitting person cat into his own hands, after which he encourages the animal with a piece of delicacy. This is repeated several times over several days, and sooner or later the cat will give its paw itself, just as it does.

When the desired result is achieved, after a while you can learn the next command. The number of commands that a cat can master depends on the perseverance of the owners and the personal abilities of the animal. One cat I don't like the learning process itself, while others react to training with interest. The rest of the simplest commands relate to the positions that the animal can take. Teach cat to sit, stand on its hind legs and lie is not so difficult, and after that from side to side. Looking at the tricks shown by the famous theater, one can understand that the purr's possibilities are not limited to this, and a trained cat is not a fantasy.

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Useful advice

Violence against an animal is unacceptable. If the cat does not like training, then it will not bring success. Only weasel and encouragement are acceptable. When the result is received, periodically you need to remind the cat of the command, otherwise he will forget it.

Many pet owners are constantly trying to teach their pets something new, for example, a dog - to bring slippers to the owner, hamsters - to participate in running competitions, and a cat- talk. Many may claim to teach a cat talking is stupid and useless. Although, if you do it seriously and apply maximum effort and patience to training, the animal can really speak.


Teach a cat you can only talk at the age of several weeks to a year, i.e. only in her "childhood". It is useless to train with a pet over one year old.

To teach a cat to talk, it should be isolated from all others in the house. They can confuse the student and interfere with his understanding of human speech. In this regard, the owners who have only one a cat.

First, it is recommended to teach a cat say at least one word. Moreover, it must necessarily be associated with food, for example, the word "meat". It is always necessary to pronounce it in front of a kitten, i.e. directly at the time of the meal and in front of it.

The chosen word must be repeated for an hour each time before feeding it. You can lift the cat in your arms and repeat in her ear: "Meat, meat, meat." The chosen word should be taught throughout the year, saying it daily great amount once.

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Useful advice

When choosing a word that you plan to teach a cat, you should carefully listen to the sounds that your pet most often pronounces. Over time, from these sounds, real human words can be formed. For example, if a cat often says "meow, mau", it is easy to teach her to say the word "meat". If more often she hums, while pronouncing "ur, moor", you can try to teach her the word "eat".

Since ancient times, cats have lived next to humans. And if earlier furry pets tamed mainly in order to get rid of the ubiquitous rodents, now cats are widely kept as pets. This is not surprising. Purrs are quick-witted, clean, and it is a pleasure to watch them. In addition, they can be taught different teams to please your loved ones with a small circus show at home.


The easiest way to teach is based on her habits. For example, everyone can stand on their hind legs. You can develop this skill. Take a piece of food in your hand and lift it above the cat's head. At first, keep the food not very high so that the pussy can easily reach the treat. Then lift higher and higher, and slowly step back. The cat will follow you on its hind legs. Gradually you can teach a cat just walk for an outstretched hand, and give tasty morsels after the end of the number.

You can still teach a cat to walk like a snake between the owner's legs. Striped pets are very fond of caressing a person's knees. Catch the moment when it will be next to you. Push out right leg forward, lowering your hand with a treat to knee level. When the cat passes under your foot, place it forward left leg and repeat the process with food. It will take your pet very little time to understand what is required of him.

Very easy to teach a cat bring a ball. First, tie a rope to the toy and get your pet interested by rolling the ball across the floor. When the cat begins to grab it with its teeth and paws, slowly take the toy, treating the purr with a treat. In this case, you need to say "give the ball". Repeat several times. Then drop the ball close to you. Say "give me a ball". If the fluffy kid obeys you, reward him with delicious food.

By teaching a cat various teams, keep calm. Act with affection, you should not use force in any case. Cats are very capricious and in their rudeness they can scratch, bite, and, of course, will refuse to fulfill any of your requests. Better to go for the trick. Educate a cat rooms before breakfast, lunch or dinner, when the pet gets hungry. Then, to deserve a long-awaited treat, the cat will follow any of your commands.

Each cat is individual and has its own character. Whether it's a homeless kitten or a fluffy and thoroughbred couch potato. Cats can show their affection in completely different ways. What about your pet To hands?


So, first you need to learn one rule, very sensitive creatures. To begin to accustom to should be gradual and not intrusive. If for the first time your pet jumped off the hands - it's okay. Do not forcibly hold a cat in your arms and wait for it to scratch you.

Accustom a cat To hands need to . To get started, just start stroking or scratching behind the ear. Then try to lure her with something (for example, a piece of sausage) closer to your palms. As soon as the pet comes up, do not immediately grab it nervously in your arms and hold it near you. You need to make it so that it is distracted or forgotten for a while, while it is near your palms.

If your pet shows signs of attention to you, then this is already good. For example, a cat may lie in the same bed with you or sit on the same couch with you. Pet care and affection should be encouraged.

You also need to understand that not every cat loves touch. Then you should resort to more serious measures. For example, you can purchase a special cat spray from any pet store with high content pheromones. By sprinkling this spray on your palms, you will notice how the cat will reach for you on its own. But you should not resort to this method very often, as addiction can arise and a reflex to this medicine can be developed. Subsequently, it will be difficult for you to wean a cat from this medicine. You can also use special catnip.

Cats are very touchy creatures. If you have ever offended your pet, then it is unlikely that he will just jump into his arms. You need to be more careful and sensitive to. If you give the cat love, joy and affection, then over time the cat will answer you the same. Therefore, do not despair if the first pet does not get used to hands.

Useful advice

You should not walk too persistently after the cat and put her in your arms, because later she will be scared of you.

It is noteworthy that it was the cat that was the very last wild animal that man made his friend. To get her used to hands, you need to be patient and not focus too much of your attention on this.


Cats are very perceptive and sensitive creatures. Accustom her to hands follows slowly, without imposing its society. If it jumps off your hands, do not hold it. Give her time to understand that you can be trusted.

Train your animal to hands in several stages. First, scratch behind your ear, stroking lightly with light movements. You can then bait her with the food she loves. As soon as the cat approaches, do not grab it immediately in your arms. Do not make any sudden movements, keep your palms close while she eats.

Be patient. The younger the cat, the more likely it is to be more affectionate. Quickest to get used to in do. They need to see and feel a possible friend in you. However, you will need patience and a lot of knowledge about the habits of these interesting ones in order for you to become friends.

Encourage your a cat for the attention shown to you. If you notice that she has become more likely to sit down or lie down next to her, then do something nice for her. Play with a bow tie or treat yourself to something tasty.

Don't hurt her. Cats have the ability to remember the hurt inflicted by the owner. If you undeservedly offended your ward, do everything to deserve her forgiveness. Otherwise, she will diligently avoid your hands and will stop jumping into your lap, preferring solitude.

Do not be discouraged if your ward has difficulty getting used to hands... Some breeds don't like touch at all. human hands... Give such a time. The more caring and trusting your attitude is, the faster she will understand that you are pleased when she is closer to you. For example, breeds are very capricious. But they are so smart and understand their master that after a few years of living together, you will forget that you tried to accustom her to hands.


You can use mint or pheromone sprays to attract the animal, but don't overuse it.

Useful advice

Many cats love to be scratched. special brush.


  • How to teach Scottish wayward kitten to the hands ???

Cats that have never lived with people cannot be called fully domesticated. It takes a lot of time and effort to make the animal feel comfortable in the presence of a person and in his home.

You will need

  • - wild cat.


Domesticating a kitten is much easier than domesticating a cat or cat. Most the right way to tame almost any wild animal is to feed the animal deliciously. No need to force food on the cat, just place a bowl of food next to it and go to another room. Wild cat often remained hungry, so he is unlikely to give up such a stable "source" of food as a person. Better yet, during these visits, you talk to the frightened beast.

Your voice should be quiet and calm - this way the cat will quickly get used to the sound of human speech. After a while, the animal should stop hiding when you appear. However, it is still too early to try to pet the cat. If all goes well, the beast will wait for your appearance; if the cat begins to purr and eat in your presence, it means she has fully adapted and can become a full member of your family. To consolidate the result, do not scold the cat for various tricks.

If some time has passed, but the animal is still scared, you need to set aside a separate room or spacious cage for it. If you have a closet, closet, or room that you and your family rarely visit, set up that room for your cat. If you don't have a room like this, find a spacious cage and put unnecessary rags and pillows inside. Having a separate room, the cat will feel safe and calmer, which means it will get used to you faster.

Spend a few minutes a day with your new pet. You don't have to do anything, just sit by and read or watch TV. If the cat has found refuge in the cage, do not close it, make it clear to the animal that he is not in prison, but simply at home. Do not pet the cat, let her decide to come up. In the event that nothing helped and the animal remained wild, you can buy a sedative for cats or valerian. But this is already a last resort.

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Unlike dogs, cats are not very friendly with strangers. However, many cat owners notice that their pets are unexpectedly interested in some guests. How do animals determine the intentions of a person and is it possible to win over the wayward cats?


If you want to make friends with a stranger, met at a party, do not rush to him from the doorway - the animal will be frightened and hide. Wait a while - sooner or later a curious beast will come out to find out who has come.

Most clearly prefer - perhaps they like a higher timbre of voice or flowing movements. Of course, there are exceptions among the beasts. If the cat has never seen it, a noisy toddler can scare it. She will be equally impressed by clothes like large felt boots or a shaggy hat, as well as Strong smell... Like many animals, they do not like the strong aroma of perfume, alcohol and tobacco, especially if they are not used to them.

Please note that among felines there are specimens that are generally not prone to contact, be they people or other animals. But these cats are rare. Most pets carefully go out to get acquainted. Don't miss this moment. Gently reach out to the cat. Let him sniff her. Try to gently pet the cat's head. Most likely, she will politely dodge, but will not run away. Consider that the acquaintance has taken place.

Do not try to bribe the cat with a treat - caution overpowers greed, moreover, it usually does not feel strong hunger. Even if the cat snatches the treat from your hands, he will not associate it with you. It is better to pay attention to communication.

Squat down to be closer to the animal. Pet the cat. Some people really like scratching their ears and muzzle, others prefer stroking the back in the tail area. Do not try to pick up the cat in your arms - she will regard this as an attack. When the beast decides, he himself will come to your knees. Wait for this moment.

Do not be afraid of the cat in the eye - contrary to popular belief, they do not regard this as aggression. Cats do not identify the human gaze at all, unlike the gaze of fellow tribesmen. On the contrary, many animals really like the attention to their person. In a calm, soft voice, repeat the name of the cat, talk to her, praise her. She will appreciate it.

It happens that a cat, gladly accepting caresses and responding to them with a purr, unexpectedly releases its claws, or even strokes its hand. Do not be offended by the beast - it is overwhelmed with impressions and cannot contain emotions. Take your hand away, give him time to calm down. After a while, the cat will come up again and will express a clear desire to communicate. And if he curls up at your feet, leaning his back against them, you can be proud - you have managed to gain complete feline confidence.

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It takes a lot of patience to turn an outdoor cat into a house cat. The main difficulties that can be encountered in such cases are the poor health of the cat, its fearfulness, or, conversely, excessive arrogance, improper socialization, inappropriate behavior etc.


First of all, take to veterinary clinic and ask her to examine. If the animal has any diseases, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be too difficult to re-educate. For example, a sick animal may keep away from itself, be afraid of touching, constantly hide or behave aggressively, etc.

Decorate the house so that it contains everything. At first, it is worth keeping the animal in one room, gradually opening up access to the rest of the house for it, so that it quickly gets used to the new home. Place trays, a bowl for water and food. Be sure to get a scratching post and train your cat to use it. It is also desirable to be comfortable so that the animal can hide in it if necessary. When your cat realizes that she has her own corner in your home, it will be easier for her to get used to the new home and to you.

Don't be intrusive. If your cat doesn't want to play with you or avoids petting, leave her alone. Pamper the animal a little: give it tasty food, interesting toys, etc. But do not overdo it, otherwise the cat will understand that it can manipulate you, and its behavior will worsen. Never hit the animal, even if it behaves in an inappropriate manner. On the contrary, show your love. Talk to the animal softly and affectionately.

You will need

  • - dry terry towel,
  • - disinfectants,
  • - bowls for food,
  • - scratching post.


Decide on the type of food: either prepared food or regular food. Among the ready-made feeds there are liquid and dry ones. Carefully study the composition, for what age it is intended, the dosage and frequency of feeding. Some veterinarians advise feeding the kitten with baby food. Digestion in cats is extremely sensitive. Remember that if you plan to neuter the animal in the future, you will still have to switch to special ready-made feed.

Keep food bowls clean. The food must be fresh room temperature... Separately put drinking water... Train your kitten to eat by the hour, at least 4-5 times a day. Subsequently, the animal itself will learn to control the amount of feed consumption and determine its own degree of saturation.

It's not easy to tame a street cat to live in the house! This carries with it some kind of danger. Here you need to clearly understand what kind of cat a person is taming: a domestic one, recently thrown out by the owner, or a street one, who has lived in freedom all his youth.

The fact is that the first one will easily take root in a new place and fall in love with its new owner, but as far as exclusively a street cat is concerned, taming it is not an easy task! In any case, the decision remains with those who decided to take such a radical step.

What to do to tame a street cat?

It all depends on how mature the street animal is. For example, picking it up at the age of 10 weeks, you can tame it in literally one week. The situation is worse with adult: getting used to a person in such a cat can take from several months. Sometimes these cats are not tamed at all! In any case, in order to tame a wild animal, you will need to stock up on tremendous patience.

A hearty lunch. The very first step in taming a wild cat is, of course, feeding it. There is no need to overfeed an animal that is used to being malnourished in the wild. It is best to divide your meals into three hourly meals.

Treatment. It is necessary to take the street cat to the veterinary clinic for introduction into it. antihelminthic drugs... The doctor will examine the animal, determine its condition, identify the diseases that it has caught in the wild, and advise accordingly. When taming a street cat, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot on its treatment.

Moral preparation. You need to understand that once a stray animal will have to live in completely limited for him, get used to the new rules. Unfortunately, in most cases this does not give any positive results.

In any case, you need to be mentally prepared for the fact that the cat will start hiding in the corners of the house, and when a person approaches her, she will behave aggressively. This is understandable: street animals almost always retain their habits and habits. Their hunting instinct is extremely developed. Moreover, they have an increased desire to reproduce. This also needs to be taken into account.

Do not place the cat in a cage or other confined space! She may take this for a trap, then it will definitely be impossible to tame her. There is no need to react negatively to an animal's aggression, because it cannot begin to trust a person so quickly. Accustom wild cat, to neat feeding and good manners should be gradually. In the first street cat in a new place, you should not try to pet her, it is better to demonstrate your location with an affectionate voice.

What if the cat is not tamed?

If all else fails, then the cat should be released. There is no need to be very upset, since this is still a cat from the street! On the contrary, one should be glad that now there is one more cured and well-groomed pet in the wild.

When your pet relieves in the wrong place or sharpens its claws on furniture, it must be punished immediately. The key word here is immediate, because cats have a short memory. Over time, the kitten will no longer be able to connect its punishment with the misdemeanor. You should not punish the animal by physical violence or throwing a slipper: compare your size and the size of the kitten.

Imagine now that a giant slipper is flying at you. It is best to spray water on the troublemaker or perform some loud action, such as dropping keys on the floor, clapping your hands loudly, etc. An acceptable punishment is clicking on the nose, although this can be somewhat painful for a kitten.

Do not indulge the kitten in all his whims just because he is cute and fluffy. Decide on what you will not allow the animal, and stand your ground to the end.

If the kitten begs when the family is sitting at the table, then you should postpone the feeding time half an hour earlier than the family dinner. Of course, feeding the animal from your table is not worth it. If the cat does not eat its food, then there is no need to rush to offer him other various foods. It is possible that he is just being capricious. Wait a day or two. If the kitten has not touched the food, then change the food.

Sometimes our pets start to be naughty. How, without punishing him, to accustom him to the word "no", so much so that he would understand?

Do not rush to take up slippers or other "sticks", everything can be solved with "carrot". Cats, like dogs and many other animals, are very intelligent. For starters, don't clean up the mess your pet has made. He must clearly understand what he is being punished for. Take your cat, preferably by the withers, and place it next to the crime scene. You do not need to beat, just poke your nose into the ground from under the flower or torn wallpaper. Nerve endings are located on their nose, and with these actions you are already causing discomfort to the cat. While showing her her sins, repeat the word "no" out loud. A couple of minutes will be enough. Then you can release the "prisoner".

Five minutes later, if the cat did not come to this place, give her a treat. This will cheer her up a little. After a while, you can take the cat again and do the same with the word "no". You can repeat these manipulations several times. The cat will remember that uncomfortable and pain... Next time, if you see that your cat is about to turn up something, just say "no". I am sure she will understand everything correctly!

Don't think that everything will work out the first time. Even people need to repeat it several times, and for cats, do indulgence.

Important! If you hit the cat, especially on the tailbone, it will start shitting everywhere. You can damage her kidneys even if you don't punish her as hard.

Your attention to your pet plays an important role. Play with him and communicate more often, so she will not have a reason to play with extraneous things. If she tears up the wallpaper or sofa, I recommend buying a scratching post. I understand that it is expensive, but a cat is like Small child requiring care.

Teaching a dog some commands is usually easy, these pets are willing to train. Cats are another matter and cats, which in themselves are very willful animals and do not like to carry out any commands. And yet you can teach them a thing or two.

The cat can be trained at home, and, most importantly, do not force the animal to do something against his will. Training should not be a burden; rather, it should be leisure.

How to train a cat: general rules

Before you start training your furry darling, the owner needs to think carefully about some aspects so that the energy and time spent on training are not in vain.

First, one should consider pet's age... It is best to start training when the kitten is 6-7 months old. At this age, the animal is already old enough to understand what is wanted from it.

Secondly, before you start training, you need long time observe the behavior of the pet in order to understand how active it is, how it manifests itself, what its character and habits are. Also, it will be important to understand which of the treats the cat prefers most. Thanks to all this, the owner will be able to choose the most suitable program for training.

In fact, cats are very capable and sufficiently trainable creatures... Such simple commands as "Give a paw", "Sit" or "Come to me" are given to them quickly enough. Moreover, many domestic pussies are distinguished by innate artistic abilities.

When training any team, it is necessary to reward the animal for its success, then the effectiveness of training will be high. But you need to remember that if the cat does not like what he is doing and refuses to fulfill the requests of his owner, then for no reason, even the most delicious treats he will not do it. In this case, the pet should be left alone, and the training should be started later, already taking into account which command the tailed beast rejects.

Cat training is an individual process. In fact, she herself chooses what to learn and what not, and this will need to be accepted, then there should be no problems with learning.

Cat training: what commands can be taught

All commands must be given to the pet in a calm voice, without raising the intonation, without unnecessary emotions, especially not to scold the cat for disobedience. What can you teach your pet:

The whole training should be a kind of game, where the cat completes the quest and receives a reward for a successful result. If your pet does not want to play in this way, it is better to leave him alone for a while.

How to train a kitten

So, how to train a cat is generally clear, but what to do with a baby? How to teach a kitten to understand commands? Many people believe that training a kitten is an ineffectual and generally useless business, since the pet is still too playful to learn anything. But in fact, you can still teach a little fluffy some tricks. To do this, you should again stock up on delicacies and good patience. What can you teach a kitten:

In fact, training babies is no more difficult than training adult cats and cats. The main thing is to do everything with patience and love, do not forget to encourage your pet and in no case insist on something that he does not want to do.

In no case, you can't punish the cat or a kitten if he does something wrong or does not want to obey at all. One has only to raise his voice to him, as he will instantly be frightened and in the future will generally stop going with the owner to contact in training.

In general, the concept of "training" somehow does not correlate with cats. Rather, you need to put into this word a slightly different meaning. The same Yuri Kuklachev himself argued that it is impossible to train this intelligent animal.

So how does he do it? In fact, everything is simple: you need to get to know your cat well, find certain abilities in him and then only develop them.

To force them to do something or to punish them is obviously a failure. Taking on the training of a cat, do not count on a devoted look and dog obedience.

Training should turn into addicting game, entertainment that will bring pleasure to both the owner and his pet. This is the only way your pet can be taught to execute some commands.

Tip: Good results in cat training can only be achieved if the cat feels trust and respect for you. Independence and pride are qualities that are inherent in her by nature. This is the main thing to consider when training small and adult animals.

Small digression

Although, if you think logically, then all cats are scientists in their own way:

  • they run headlong at the sound of a refrigerator opening or a rustling food bag;
  • they meet their master in front of the door, barely hearing his steps on the staircase;
  • go to the tray out of need and, moreover, on the toilet, and even the water behind them is drained;
  • answer a name or rush to a dinner call.

I am sure that every owner will definitely have a couple of similar examples. Kuklachev does have a whole cat theater, where his pets do so much that you are amazed.

It is clear that it is more difficult to teach cats the command “Sit”, “Lie down”, especially with endurance, and they are unlikely to look for lost things ... That's what cats and cats are for themselves.

But it is still possible to train a cat if you adhere to one single rule: the animal will perform the task only if it really likes it and brings some kind of pleasure.

When to start training

You need to start training a cat at home at the age of 7-8 months, up to a maximum of a year. This is due to the fact that an adult cat already has certain skills, he has a formed character, and the pet is unlikely to want to change anything. In this case, the animal must live with its owner for several months in order to learn and get used to it.

The owner, in turn, needs to find out how active the kitten is, what delicacies and games it loves. Only then can you start training. For example, if a kitten during the game brings a favorite toy in its teeth, then it will perform without problems similar actions with other things if asked.

You should start training a cat one or two times a day, but training sessions should always be held at the same time. The duration of the workout should not exceed 10 minutes at first, gradually it increases to 15-30 minutes. Sticks, balls, feathers, strings with mice, bows, pieces of paper can be used as equipment for entertaining and training a cat.

Cat training should begin with simple, primitive, easy-to-follow and memorable commands such as "Come to me" and "Sit". If the owner of the animal has the time, desire, patience, which is so necessary for the cat to obey him, you can start practical exercises:

  • “To me” is a simple command, it consists in a clear understanding of the cat that the owner is calling her to treat her with her favorite food. Do not be upset if she does not obey the first time. It is necessary to take the kitten in your arms, calmly bring it to the bowl, and again repeat the command aloud, be sure to call its nickname. When the cat understands words, commands, then they can be applied in other interpretations, for example, in a game.
  • Never say "to me" if you are going to carry out water procedures or give an injection to an animal. In this case, the psychology of training will be violated, and no delicacies will be able to return the animal's trust;
  • "To stand" is a command that is performed with an arm bent at the elbow at a right angle. It should be practiced when the cat is heading somewhere. It is necessary to bend over, create a kind of barrier, voice the command "stand". For it to be carried out well, it is worth praising the kitten, caressing it, after a while repeat all the described actions again;
  • “Sit” is the first difficult command in training, but it is quite real and feasible. Cat training begins with the fact that you need to put it on a sofa or chair, sit on your knees opposite her. When the pet sits down, say loudly the command "sit" several times.
  • If the animal is standing and does not react to the spoken words, it is worth gently stroking, slightly pressing on its hind legs, and continuing training, repeating the command "sit". After sustaining a short pause, you need to praise the kitten and treat him with something tasty;
  • "Give, paw", you can proceed to working out this command after the clear performance of the previous tricks. You need to put the animal in its favorite place, and ask for a paw. The first time you need to independently, gently raise one of the front limbs, talk and encourage your pet.
  • After a few minutes of rest, you can start training the kitten again, helping him to raise his paws one by one under the monotonous repetition of the “give a paw” command;
  • "Bring", a difficult element, but at the same time one of the most favorite tricks of four-legged mischievous people. The pet's favorite toy is suitable for training: a ball, a mouse, a foil ball so that the cat can grab it with its teeth. First, the object is thrown a short distance, the name of the cat is pronounced together with the team.

If the animal is not interested in the training process or has no desire to play, then the training lesson should be postponed to another day. You should not completely abandon the practice of this command. When the cat is in a playful mood, she will certainly master this element of training, she will happily bring prey;

  • "Hoop jumping" is considered the most difficult challenge in cat training, which requires maximum patience from the owner and the pet. If you have already managed to teach the cat how to train, she knows, performs basic commands, then to practice jumping, she will need several months of systematic training.

To begin with, you need to put the hoop in front of the cat, and stand on your side yourself, so that you can see his face. Then, you should start an affectionate conversation, call the pet by the name or go for a trick, lure with the help of your favorite treat. As soon as the cat begins to cross the edge of the hoop, it is necessary to quickly and loudly say "Alla, up!"

With each effective workout, the height of the barrier should be raised from the floor. We must not forget about incentive prizes. The most cunning representatives of felines can walk around the hoop, taking training as a game. But you do not need to scold the kitten, you should smoothly move it into the right side and repeat the words of the command;

  • “To lie down”, at first glance, will seem to be the easiest command in training, but this opinion is erroneous. Do not forget about the rebellious, wayward nature of furry pets. This trick is very difficult for active and playful cats, but only if it is necessary to go to bed on command. All trainable cats follow this command, especially when given proper encouragement.

The key to successfully performing all of the above tricks is building a harmonious relationship between a sensitive animal and a calm, loving owner. It is also worth listening to the advice of experienced trainers, breeders or people who have been able to independently teach the animal to follow commands.

The kitten's age is actually very important. After all, we teach our children everything from infancy. So are kittens: they learn better in their youth.

Most high level the susceptibility of this animal falls on the period from 2 to 16 months. In this age nervous system already formed, but the habits are not yet fully defined.

The most optimal age to start training is 6 months. Until then, it is worth looking closely at the baby, noticing any inclinations and even talents in him.

Remember, with each month that you get older, it will be more difficult to adjust the established skills and habits of your cat. So do not drag out the training too much. It will be very difficult to wean from old habits.

In order for a domestic cat to learn tricks and commands, its upbringing must begin when it is still young. A kitten perceives training much better, but an adult animal can hardly be trained quickly and efficiently.

Cat training should begin after two months. Optimal time for upbringing lasts up to one and a half years. During this period, it is easiest to train the pet, since he is curious and the stereotyped behavior has not yet taken root in the psyche.

An older animal already has established habits and its psyche is less mobile. But you can teach such a cat to perform certain actions, although the process itself will turn out to be longer and more difficult. Therefore, it is better to accustom your pet from an early age.

It is best to train on an empty stomach. Experts recommend raising a cat in the house in the morning, when the animal is most susceptible.

You can teach a kitten to execute commands from the age of three months. Such a baby has already developed a stable line of behavior and acquired mental abilities. The earlier the workout starts, the more results it will bring.

The easiest way to teach a cat will be those commands, the actions of which she herself likes to perform. Jumping pets learn jumping faster, and cats bringing toys in their mouths will easily learn "fetch" on command. So take a closer look at your pet. Having understood what he is predisposed to, start training with these commands.

Do not forget about treats - this is the key to success. The dog performs the trick, receiving the attention of a person in gratitude, but the cat does not value attention, therefore it requires a nutritious fee. Stock up on small bites of your favorite cat food and reward any commands you complete.

Gradually realizing that it is materially beneficial to interact with a person, the pet will begin to more actively fulfill the required. And in any case, do not skip a treat. The developed reflex will quickly fade away if you deceive the animal every now and then. In other words, having stumbled upon a "thank you" several times, the Murka will stop fulfilling your requirements.

Work rules

Before starting to train his furry pet, the owner needs to think carefully about some aspects so that the energy and time spent on training are not in vain.

First, the age of the pet should be taken into account. It is best to start training when the kitten is 6-7 months old. At this age, the animal is already old enough to understand what is wanted from it.

Secondly, before starting training, you need to observe the behavior of the pet for a long time in order to understand how active it is, how it manifests itself, what its character and habits are. Also, it will be important to understand which of the treats the cat prefers most. Thanks to all this, the owner will be able to choose the most suitable program for training.

In fact, cats are very capable and fairly trainable creatures. Such simple commands as "Give a paw", "Sit" or "Come to me" are given to them quickly enough. Moreover, many domestic pussies are distinguished by innate artistic abilities.

When training any team, it is necessary to reward the animal for its success, then the effectiveness of training will be high. But you need to remember that if the cat does not like what he is doing and refuses to fulfill the requests of his owner, then he will not do it for any even the most delicious delicacies. In this case, the pet should be left alone, and the training should be started later, already taking into account which command the tailed beast rejects.

Cat training is an individual process. In fact, she herself chooses what to learn and what not, and this will need to be accepted, then there should be no problems with learning.

The success of training directly depends on a number of conditions:

  • how the animal responds to the nickname;
  • on the degree of socialization of the pet;
  • age. The younger the pet, the easier it learns;
  • environment. Training should take place in a relaxed environment. It is not recommended to yell at the cat. The animal should not feel fear, otherwise it will begin to show aggression;
  • from the character of the pet. To teach too independent and phlegmatic individuals such tricks as "Lie!", "Sit!" and so on is much more complicated.

For the upbringing process to be effective, cat training at home should be performed according to the following rules:

  • the selected room should be spacious, without strangers and other pets;
  • during training, the pet should not be distracted by extraneous sounds and strong smells;
  • you need to train a cat no more than 3-5 minutes. The training time depends on the age. Kittens get tired faster. Therefore, the duration of classes with them does not exceed 3 minutes;
  • the maximum break between workouts is less than 1 day;
  • during the day, 2-3 lessons are held to teach different tricks and teams;
  • total training time per day - no more than 30 minutes;
  • for each correctly performed trick, the pet should be given a treat. Also, the cat must be praised and petted;
  • you cannot teach an animal all the skills at once. Multitasking will only confuse your pet and eventually refuse to respond to you at all.

Training is carried out until the animal begins to correctly follow the commands. You cannot use the "carrot and stick" method. In relation to these freedom-loving animals, it will be ineffective.

When raising a cat, the trainer must show patience and attention.

It is better to start learning circus tricks after six months, when the baby is already old enough and understands what is required of him.

Before teaching something, they carefully observe the ward and find out what he likes, what his character and habits are.

Having decided on the natural inclinations, you can think about the training program. And then, with the help of trivial incentives, to maximize the quality inherent in nature.

A few examples:

  • If an animal likes to jump from one object to another, then it is easy to teach him to jump on his knees or platform on command.
  • If the cat is constantly carrying something in its teeth, then why not try to train it in the aporting skill.
  • There are those who like to stand on their hind legs or climb into various boxes - so why not direct this skill in the right direction?

It is according to this scheme - observation, observation of tendencies, the development of natural skills - that all trainers of cats, including wild ones, work.

Any training is based on the development of a certain sequence of actions (conditioned reflex) to some unconditioned stimulus - sound (voice) and food (delicacy).

You can start training only in a good mood, and both the owner and the newly-minted student should be in a good mood.

It is better to practice when the cat is cheerful, cheerful, a little hungry (at least 2 hours should pass after dinner) and is not averse to playing with its beloved owner. After all, training is the same game, but according to your rules.

There is no need to create any special conditions - everything is done at home in a familiar environment and, as it were, by the way. You can sit next to your pet and "communicate". If the animal suddenly changes its body position, for example, it sits next to it, then they immediately pronounce the command "Sit", scratch the pet behind the ear or encourage it with a tasty treat (it must always be kept close at hand).

The whole learning process is reduced to a simple principle that quickly grasps: I did something and got a reward for it.

If we try to explain the phenomenon in the most simple and pseudo-scientific language, then the following happens:

  • in the cerebral hemispheres there are three foci of excitation (command - action - positive emotion), forming a stable chain of relationships;
  • as soon as the cat hears the command, the toggle switch turns on, nerve impulses run in a closed circuit, reach the focus of the “action”, and the animal sits down on its own in the hope of satisfying the food reflex or receiving a portion of affection.

When working with a specific pet, one or another type of encouragement is chosen:

  • for some, stroking or scratching, flavored with an affectionate word will be enough;
  • to consolidate the skill, others need to be given a favorite treat;
  • the third, for successful learning, needs two unconditioned stimuli at once.

By the way, unlike dogs, cats cannot be subjected to at least some kind of compulsion to action or painful tricks - such attempts end in fiasco: the animal runs away and subsequently ceases to obey, and even begins to take revenge on the sly, for example, with syklyami in slippers.

As a taste reward, you can use any harmless products that the animal likes: cheese, meat, fish, feed, vitamins, etc. It is important that the pieces are small - this will give you the opportunity to exercise longer. When the cat is full, it is unlikely to work for food.

And one more thing: you cannot exhaust the animal with endless repetition of the same command. The student quickly gets tired, and in the future any lessons will disgust him, then no tricks will force him to study. The lesson should last no more than 5 minutes (even less with kittens), and it is even better to do no more than 3-4 repetitions at a time. The greatest result is given by several short lessons a day with a long period of time.

How to train a kitten

So, how to train a cat is generally clear, but what to do with a baby? How to teach a kitten to understand commands? Many people believe that training a kitten is an ineffectual and generally useless business, since the pet is still too playful to learn anything. But in fact, you can still teach a little fluffy some tricks. To do this, you should again stock up on delicacies and good patience. What can you teach a kitten:

In fact, training babies is no more difficult than training adult cats and cats. The main thing is to do everything with patience and love, do not forget to encourage your pet and in no case insist on something that he does not want to do.

In no case, you can not punish a cat or kitten if he does something wrong or does not want to obey at all. One has only to raise his voice to him, as he will instantly be frightened and in the future will generally stop going with the owner to contact in training.

All you need is a treat for the cat, as well as a little patience and affection. In general, the principle of teaching a toddler is the same as for an older cat.

First, teach the kitten to the command "Come to me!". For this purpose, call the small animal with this command at the moment when you feed, calling it by name.

As a result, the kitten will associate this command with something pleasant for him. The rest of the time, the pet can be encouraged with affection and a piece of your favorite treat.

Many kittens love to jump onto their owners' shoulders. If your pet is one of this number, then use this tendency of his for a trick. Call him on your shoulder, saying the command "Jump!", While holding a piece of something tasty in your hand.

When the kitten understands for itself what "jump" means, and will always jump on your shoulder, replace the treat with praise. Kittens love to be praised, so use loving words generously.

Gradually train the kitten to perform other commands, following the schemes suggested for training cats.

So, cat training is not grueling day-to-day training, but just a daily game that will gradually teach the animal to execute certain commands. This should be a pleasant entertainment for both the owner and his pet.

Only then will you be able to train your furry friend and arrange an unforgettable show for your guests. And your "cat theater" will be no worse than that of Kuklachev himself!

All breeds of cats differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in character, demeanor, taste preferences... The same thing happens in training, some types of four-legged, domestic inhabitants simply do not fall for any persuasion, and even more so tricks. And there are breeds of cats that catch everything on the fly, and in a month become champions or full members of circus groups.

Experts of a specialized international portal conducted a study, according to the results of which they compiled a list of the most trained breeds of the cat family. The five leaders included the following types cats:

  • Abyssinian - is distinguished by increased curiosity, sociability and fearlessness. In many European countries, Abyssinian cats are walked outside the home, a walk on a leash is a kind of entertainment for them. Thanks to their muscular body and long fingers, they can easily perform the most difficult tricks;
  • american shorthair, outwardly resembles the world-famous Whiskas breed from the advertisement of the same name. Representatives of this species are easy to train, they quickly master the commands "lie down", "sit" and "to, me". It is easy to train them to use a tray and a scratching post;
  • Bengal is an active, fast, playful cat, absolutely not afraid of water. Moreover, if you leave the tap on, she will play with the jet and purr with pleasure. They are very demanding, love to talk to, play with, quickly train, and never refuse a tasty treat. If they lack human attention and warmth, Bengal cats can be naughty;
  • Siamese is one of the most characteristic and loyal breeds, they constantly follow on the heels of their master. In moments of fun, they can make a mess, and they also like to watch TV. Easily learn how to train, unquestioningly perform all the tricks, additional, tasty rewards;
  • savannah is a hybrid that resembles an ordinary courtyard tabby cat, but true connoisseurs of the feline family are sure that this is a cross between an African serval. Differs in a playful character, loves to brawl, climb in closets and on them, throw off various objects, grab by the legs. Therefore, it is easy and interesting to train them, they carry out commands of varying complexity without much difficulty.

The above list of cat breeds that are easy to train is very conditional. The most ordinary kitten from the backyard can become the best stunt performer. Therefore, you should not focus on certain, expensive breeds, but independently train and invest in your cat.

Cats, like people, are smart, but not very. And among them there are those who cannot be taught anything, no matter how hard you try and get out of the skin.

Among domestic predators, there are also born circus performers, for whom training is a pleasure. Such actors will be cool without additional motivation.

All this must be taken into account and treated with understanding: if the pet has big problems with the intellect, then leave it alone and do not upset your own nervous system.

You will have to wait a while for the moment when the animal will do what you expected of it. It is just at this moment that the command should sound, according to which the trick will be performed in the future. These actions must be repeated many times until the pet remembers your words and begins to compare them with the necessary movements.

When training cats, you need to know that their motivation disappears very quickly. To begin with, doing anything similar to your desire should be rewarded with a treat. To subject the animal to punishment or to forcibly try to force it to perform the task that is not to its liking is very cruel and unacceptable. Training is best done with a hungry animal, then it will quickly realize that food comes to him as a reward for a successfully completed trick.

The training process should consist of small stages, so it will be easier for the cat to understand the requirements of the owner and learn them.

Only gingerbread and nothing else!

In addition, for those who are interested in how to train a cat at home, you need to learn once and for all: the carrot and stick method will not work. Everyone who is familiar with feline, knows very well what a difficult and proud disposition these animals have.

A harsh shout, an aggressive tone, or, God forbid, punishment will not only put an end to your studies once and for all, but will also make you enemies from best friends. Therefore, the tool of a cat trainer is only a "carrot": a delicacy, encouragement and affection.

Possible mistakes

The main condition of any workout is reward for a performed number. If there is no reward, then all efforts will come to naught. Perhaps in the future, when the skill has already been perfected, it will be possible to refuse to give out treats, at least give it less often.

Complete exclusion of the "premium" is not possible - conditioned reflex will fade away and you will have to start all over again. Remember the Kuklachev theater - all his cats for their skill will definitely receive an award.

It is very important to give the reward on time, that is, immediately after the command is completed. In this case, the signal must be clear so that the animal is not lost and understands what exactly is expected of it.

The prize is given precisely for the correctly executed command. And sometimes it turns out that on the order of "Sit" the cat sits down, but at the same time receives a tasty treat when it rises on its hind legs, reaching up for the delicacy. So it seems to her that it is precisely the stance that is the goal of all efforts. It is clear that in this case it is not the pet that is to blame, but the owner who raised the reward too high. So when you work, pay attention to your actions.

Features of training cats

Another very important point... Cat training at home for beginners should be based on the understanding that it is not really training.

Training is not the most appropriate word for cats, training implies that a person forces an animal to do something against his will, and this does not work with cats.

Everything is individual

A loving and attentive owner, before starting rehearsals, should observe his mustache and feel its features, which can then be turned into funny tricks.

Professional trainers, for example, Evgeny Stur, speak about this. His act with cats on "Clown Island" is all built on the natural talents of the baleen. Someone jumps from pedestal to pedestal, someone makes a snake, someone depicts fur collar- all these skills were spied on in the early childhood of kittens and developed during regular training.

So a cat who loves to rub against his master's legs will be the easiest to teach to "dodge" between them. The bouncing tail will happily conquer different heights on command. And those who like to take the meerkat pose may well learn to walk on their hind legs.

Be patient

And one more thing: if you want to train a cat at home, be patient. Even for circus trainers, professionals in their field, it takes months, if not years, to prepare each performance. An ordinary person with his cat who has not undergone any casting will have to go even longer to achieve success.

The first lessons should not take more than a couple of minutes, and whatever the result, the pet still needs to be praised and fondled.

What to teach your pet

To educate properly domestic cat, you need to know not only how to train him, but also what commands he can master. For example, teaching a cat to dance is very problematic.

Consider the most popular skills that your pet can master without much difficulty.

Give a paw

This command should be taught after the animal has mastered the "Sit!" Trick well. As soon as the cat sat down at your direction, immediately pronounced "Give a paw!". After these words, the animal should raise its front paw. A well-trained pet immediately gives a high five.


Simultaneously with the words "Sit!" need to press on back part pet, forcing him to sit down. When the animal sits down, it should be praised and given a treat. The trick requires a lot of repetition.

This command is difficult for cats, since many individuals show particular stubbornness here.


This trick comes in very handy when you see your vet. Therefore, the cat should be taught to him first.

For training, the animal is held in sitting position around the groats. Next, holding the treat in hand, lower it from the pet's nose towards the floor. The treat should be located at some distance from the muzzle. As a result, the pet will be forced to lie down. When he performs the desired action, he is given a well-deserved treat.


You can train jumps through the hoop. An adaptation is placed between the animal and its owner. After that, the owner calls the cat. When the pet starts jumping through the hoop, it says "Up!"

To stand

Under the command "Stop!" it means that the cat must freeze in place. This skill is useful in that it can save the life of a pet or prevent damage to property.

When the animal itself goes to you, he should block the path with his arm bent at the elbow. At the same time, "Stop!" Is pronounced. and the name of the pet. When the pet stops, it should be praised and given a treat. This trick is very difficult for cats to learn. But with due diligence, you can teach your pet to walk and stand on command.


You can train your cat to bring a small object (such as a ball). For training, you need to use your pet's favorite toy. During the game, she throws herself. When the animal starts to drag it, you should loudly say “Bring it!”. If the pet brings a toy, he is given a treat. This command is also difficult to learn. But the main thing in training is not to stop training.

Pets of our readers

It all depends on the owner himself: he wants to show off the capabilities of his pet, let him become a trainer.

In principle, any cat living next to a person performs without any training necessary actions learning to accurately determine the mood of the owner.

For example, some pussies allow themselves to climb onto the owner's knees only after a special signal - an inviting slap on the legs - and hardly anyone taught them this purposefully.

The training process has its own not always obvious advantages:

  • the ability to build a cat-human relationship;
  • get to know each other better;
  • develop possible pet talents;
  • adding variety to the monotonous cat life;
  • same exercise stress, which is vital for some predators.

Elementary commands

Among those who like to train cats, dog commands are quite popular: “Come to me!”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Give a paw”, “Bring”. Let's talk about them.

Team "Come to me!"

The easiest way is to teach a cat to teach while eating, or rather before serving it:

  • attract pet's attention to any in a convenient way, the same "drying";
  • bend over to the bowl with a treat in their hand and loudly call "Muska, come to me!", avoiding any "kitty-kitty";
  • when the animal approaches, it is stroked, the treat is fed and the food is poured into the plate.

In just a couple of trainings, the animal, without additional motivation, will rush to the person on command, knowing full well what awaits him there. In the future, it will be possible to call the cat in this way in any conditions, be sure to reinforce the result with a treat or scratching.

What to look for:

  • never use a command, after which unpleasant procedures will follow: bathing, injections, cutting claws, etc. - terrible memories will lead to an inhibitory reaction;
  • always use affectionate intonation - the animal reacts sharply and negatively to a bad mood.

Sit command

First way:

  • sit down next to the animal;
  • put it on the floor or sofa;
  • take a treat in their hand;
  • when the animal sits on on their own, without hesitation, a command is given and a delicacy is issued.

There is another option for working - forced:

  • again, the animal must stand;
  • they hide a delicacy in the palm of your hand;
  • drive the treat in front of the nose upward (not too high) and backward,
    this movement forces the cat, keen on food, to take a sitting position;
  • immediately pronounce the command and reward the student.

Aport team

It is best to train only those animals that are constantly dragging something in their teeth from place to place:

  • flirt with a pet with their favorite toy;
  • throw the thing aside;
  • give the command "aport";
  • if the animal supports the game and returns to the person with the object, a reward is issued;
  • otherwise, the animal is ignored.

The command "Give a paw"

Another simple skill that your cat learns quickly:

  • a furry pupil is next to the owner;
  • attract the pet's attention with a treat;
  • lift and pinch the foot with your fingers;
  • pronounce the command;
  • give out a treat;
  • repeat several times.

In the future, the limb is not taken by force. A fist with a clamped delicacy is pulled forward, an order is given and they are waiting, if the animal touches the limb of an outstretched hand, then it is rewarded. If not, after a while, the lesson is repeated from the beginning.

Of course, when choosing a methodology on how to train a cat at home, you should be guided primarily by the list of the most proven, elementary and accessible techniques (commands). Among other things, they should also be focused on carefully conducted observations of their beloved pet, that is, taking into account its character.

So, the most elementary training tricks, which, as a rule, give in to any domestic cat, are considered:

  1. Sit command.
  2. Lie command.
  3. The "stand" command.
  4. The command "give a paw".
  5. The command "to me".

The essence of all these learned (pronounced aloud) commands lies in the fact that the cat performs all these techniques automatically, that is, naturally.

For example, the command "sit" should be voiced every time the cat crouched by itself, and you then rewarded it with a treat. The cat must be taught this command regularly and with great patience. If the animal is stubborn, then it is recommended, with a calm and even voice of the command, to lightly press the back of her body with his hand, as if urging her to sit down, and then naturally encourage it with a tasty treat and praise the cat for correctly fulfilling the requirement. Learning to lie down is done in a similar way.

Another command - "give a paw" should begin to teach the cat when she learns to perform the trick - the requirement to "sit". That is, after the cat has crouched on command, you will need to take it by one of its front legs and say the phrase "give it a paw." To assimilate the requirement, the animal will need to be praised and encouraged. The training should be repeated until the cat itself begins to feed you a paw.

Teaching a cat to “stand” is also easy. To do this, you will just need to block the path of the animal with your hand, and pronounce the requirement aloud, followed by encouragement and approval for the correctly executed command.

As you can see from all of the above, it is not difficult to train a cat at home, therefore, after mastering elementary commands, you can safely proceed to more complex tricks-requirements.

Top 5 Most Easily Trainable Cat Breeds

It is difficult to answer this question. Each animal has its own talents, which must first be discovered and then developed.

It is believed that cat-dog breeds learn much faster. These include the Abyssinian, Bombay, Chartreuse, Ocicat, Sphinx, Angora, Mekong, Siamese and many others, as well as simple Domus.

All representatives of these breeds are different high intelligence and a sharp mind, therefore, it is easier to cope with them. But the rule of training is the same: the script is written for the cat, and not vice versa - if she really doesn't want to do something, then forgive and move over.

You once again involve your sloth in the game, the result of which will be a candy wrapper torn apart by sharp claws on a string. Even such simple home entertainment will help you teach your cat some real circus tricks. Boredom is contraindicated for both humans and their four-legged pets. And training will help make your cat's life more active and interesting. Plus, training will strengthen your bond with the animal. You will understand which communication methods work, and which ones are better to forget forever. It will be easier for you to explain what the cat is allowed to do in the house and what is not. Know that animals also like learning new skills: after a while you will notice that your cat comes to you to demonstrate his abilities. And, of course, get something nice in return. It is pointless to use force or threats on cats, so if you have a desire to teach something, start with a game. Take a candy wrapper, tie it on a string and play, play ... And when the cat takes the candy wrapper in its teeth, then go and take it, and immediately stroke it - she will understand that she did very well. And even better, if she loves tasty things, take the candy wrapper, and caress the cat and give her something to eat. Then again you play, play, and she again took the candy wrapper in her teeth. Again they approached, caressed, gave her something tasty. And the cat understands: this is the right thing to do. In training, repetition and encouragement are key.

Natural tendencies for training

Of course, you have long studied all the habits and characteristics of your pet, but observe the cat again before starting the training. And you will see what tricks she has natural abilities. Some cats are happy to jump from the closet to the window sill and back - so teach them to jump on your shoulder or from the curbstone to the curbstone; others like to carry various objects in their teeth - let them bring them to you. Still others have an irresistible passion for bags and boxes - let them climb in there at your command and pretend to be invisible. Some have a way of getting up on their hind legs - help them become more stable.

Even if you are not going to replace Yuri Kuklachev in the arena, but just want to teach your pet tricks for fun and benefit, remember all the games that cats like so much - hunting, hide and seek, catch-up. Anything can become your kitten's favorite toy: a wind-up mouse, a ball, a ribbon, spools of thread or sunbeams from a mirror. "And where is the training here?" - you ask a fair question. You can play with benefit. After all, only by veiling the training for the game, you can teach your pet useful and interesting tricks.

Be patient to train your cat.

Felines are known for their independence, so training them is incompatible with coercion. You cannot force a cat to do what it doesn’t have a heart for. If the dog can still be forced to do something, then the cat during training should receive only positive emotions!

You will have to be patient - it is quite tedious to catch the moment when the cat will perform the action you need, and at that moment have time to say the command. And do this several times: the pet must remember the sound of your voice and compare it with her movements. At first, constantly reward her for all the actions that even slightly resemble the desired trick.

Command "Hide!"

A cardboard box with a slotted entrance can be a great replacement for a bag. Place it upside down and teach the animal to hide inside. Give the command "Hide!" and lure the cat into the box by putting something tasty there. For about the fourth time, the cat will do it on its own.

Die! Command

Another trick that will definitely amuse your guests. This trick is more "doggy", but cats are also capable of it.

Point a “cold weapon” at the animal - your finger and say: “Die!”, Or “Bang!”, Or “Bang-bang!”, And then immediately knock the cat on its side and reward it. With each repetition, increase the amount of time the cat must lie still to deserve the treat.

The command "Ask!"

It is not so difficult to achieve the fulfillment of the “Ask!” Command, which touches all spectators, by which the cat stands on its hind legs. The easiest way to do this is to give the treat out of hand, and raise each new portion of the treat higher and higher.

I taught the cat the command "Ask!" in an unusual way. I closed the door to the room, and when the cat needed to go out, instead of immediately opening the door for him, I did this: I put my hand on the doorknob, as if I was going to open it, and then lifted the cat by the front legs, praised him and released the student to freedom ... Here, the encouragement for the pet was opened door so that he can get out of captivity. I repeated it several times, and the next day he performed the trick on his own - Victoria, the owner of the outbred Kuzi.

Just in case: do not start training when the cat meows in front of the closed door of the room where his tray is. It is unlikely that he will like it.

Team "Kiss!"

This trick requires your absolute confidence in the health of the animal. Take the cat in your arms and rub it against its nose. Or fold your lips as if for a kiss and repeat the command. If you are lucky, the cat will lick your lips or nose, and then treats and praise are due to him for the expression of love.

The command "Near!"

There are several ways to train your cat to be with you for a walk. The favorite option of all cats is when you kneel down and walk around the apartment with the cat.

First, of course, you will go after the cat, but he should not guess about it. Move next to him and say the command more often. My cat was happy with this increased attention Anna, the mistress of the Persian cat, purred happily to himself all the time.

Command "Op!"

Teaching a cat to jump over a high stick is difficult. Therefore, first put the stick on the floor, and when the pet steps over it, immediately reward him. At the moment of stepping over, say: "Op!" So that the animal has a sound association. When the cat itself shows a desire to overcome the obstacle, at the last moment, raise the stick slightly. Increase the height each time, and as a result, the cat will be forced to jump. Then, for a change, you can use a hoop.

Sit! Command

While pronouncing this command, make the cat sit down. Give encouragement only if the animal sits calmly and does not rush to get up, otherwise the cat will think that this is a reward for standing up. So do not be mistaken, otherwise a comical situation awaits you when you say: "Murka, sit!" - and your cat will stand up majestically.

The command "Bring!"

If you notice that the cat often carries its toys in its teeth, or you have already taught the cat how to bring you a candy wrapper, use its wonderful trick abilities. Drop the toy and only reward the cat when, at your command, she brings it into your hands.

The command "Give a paw!"

Take the paw of the animal in your hand and say the command, then immediately reward the pet. If, after several attempts to ask for a paw, the cat is indeed the first to extend its paw, reward it with a tasty morsel.


Place the table tennis ball in the groove of the egg carton. With a cat, move the ball from one cell to another. Having demonstrated this, leave the cat alone with the ball - she will also try to get it out of the cell. If your cat has a hard time juggling at first, help her. Then she will learn and play on her own.

Tips for Beginner Trainers

Divide the reward, that is, the food that the cat prefers, into small pieces. This will make your pet do the tricks more often.

It is best to deal with your cat when she is hungry. It is enough to train her for a few minutes before eating.

When training your cat, remember to say the commands out loud. Cats can memorize up to 50 human words. Each time pronounce the command in the same tone - it will be easier for the animal to navigate. Cats love to be praised. And if verbal praise is combined with stroking the fur, then this awakens the desire to fulfill the owner's commands again and again.

For praise, find special words that you do not use in everyday speech. Do not say "well done", "clever" - you often use these words in your speech in relation to people. The cat needs an individual approach.

If you see that the four-legged circus performer is tired, let him go. Repeating the same tricks for a long time can lead to the fact that the cat will react to further training with disgust.

Repeat the "circus program" constantly so that the animal does not get lazy and does not lose skills.

When we see cats filmed in advertising or participating in circus stunts in the arena, it always seems to us that it is very difficult to teach this to a home purr, imposingly spread out on the couch. But, as experts say, nothing is impossible. Regular training will turn the boring life of the owner, and his pet, into a more active and interesting, relations will become closer. You will begin to understand each other more. The success of training will directly depend on the preferences and characteristic inclinations of the animal. The overwhelming majority of cats relatively quickly learn simple exercises: jumping over obstacles, walking a snake. Some even bring things to the owner, give a paw and execute other commands given. Usually, animals like the process of learning tricks, after a while your cat will come up on her own and specifically show what she has learned in order to beg for praise or a treat. It is advisable to start the first lessons when the kitten is seven to eight months old.

Natural tendencies for training

Teaching your pet tricks is not as difficult as it seems.

First you need to observe how your animal plays, what it can do on its own. Some people like to jump from one piece of furniture to another, others carry things to a secluded corner and hide them there from everyone, others like to hide in boxes and bags or do a rack on their hind legs. All of these habits can and should be used in training if you want to. All activities should take place in the form of a game, fun, so the cat will be more quickly involved in the process. You can take her favorite toys to help: a clockwork mouse, a ball, a ribbon, and even use the sun's reflection from a mirror.

Be patient to train your cat.

Weasel is the key to success in training

You will have to wait a while for the moment when the animal will do what you expected of it. It is just at this moment that the command should sound, according to which the trick will be performed in the future. These actions must be repeated many times until the pet remembers your words and begins to compare them with the necessary movements.

When training cats, you need to know that their motivation disappears very quickly. To begin with, doing anything similar to your desire should be rewarded with a treat. To subject the animal to punishment or to forcibly try to force it to perform the task that is not to its liking is very cruel and unacceptable. Training is best done with a hungry animal, then it will quickly realize that food comes to him as a reward for a successfully completed trick.

The training process should consist of small stages, so it will be easier for the cat to understand the requirements of the owner and learn them.

Some learning tricks

Avoiding obstacles and walking "snake" is a relatively easy trick

To teach a cat to jump over obstacles, you first need to make it so that it steps over an object lying on the floor (for example, a stick or a hoop). Reward the action taken. Each time, gradually increasing the height (or width, if necessary) of the barrier, motivate the animal with delicious food to remember and complete the task. Cats can learn to jump from object to object. Place two bollards or stools as far as the cat can step over. Put her favorite food on one plane, and lower the future circus on the second. As the distance between objects gradually increases, the cat will be forced to jump. Teaching a cat to roll over is also easy. It only takes patience and time. First, we teach the cat to execute the command "lie down" - gently press it between the shoulder blades, pressing it to the floor with a simultaneous command in the voice. After the animal begins to lie down on its own, learning to roll over begins. The cat should receive the desired reward only after correct execution exercises.

Command "Hide!"

The command "Hide" can be interpreted by a cat and in this form

You can teach your cat to hide in a bag or cardboard box. He will climb there very quickly on command and sit still. At that moment, when the animal on its own, of its own accord, hides in the bag, say the command and then give a treat or put a piece inside and let the cat go on command. And so several times. The Fuzzy will soon understand what the matter is, and will happily begin to carry out the task. You should not motivate your pet with a treat before each new exercise, otherwise the cat will just eat up and he will not be up to games, you can just stroke or scratch the back.

Die! Command

Sometimes cats perform the command "Die!" extremely touching!

This fun trick is more suitable for dogs, but the cat can also learn to do it. Fold your hand in the shape of a pistol (with your index finger extended forward) and say: "Die!" or a similar exclamation. Immediately put the animal on its side and reward. Each time, gradually increase the time that the cat should lie quietly.

The command "Ask!"

It is better to start teaching a cat tricks from a later age, although some manage to teach small chips and a kitten

All spectators are moved by this trick. Teaching a kitten to stand on its hind legs is quite simple. Giving a treat from your hands, you need to keep it higher each time than the previous one. You can combine this command with the animal's desire to leave the room. The cat comes to the closed door, and then the owner gives the command: "Ask!", While lifting the front legs of the animal up. By holding it in this position for a while, as an encouragement, you can open the door. It will take a couple of days for the animal to learn what they want from it.

One caveat: if a cat asks to go to the toilet, then it is clearly not up to training, find another time for this, otherwise you may be in trouble.

Team "Kiss!"

Often, for affection from the pet, there is no need to give a command - he will do everything himself

If you are sure that your pet is healthy, and you do not hesitate to give his favors, this trick is for you. Rub your nose against your pet's nose, holding it in your hands, saying the command. The cat may even lick you at this time, which is what you ultimately wanted.

The command "Near!"

It happens that for training to the command "Near!" a leash is used. This is not always the best solution, especially if the cat is not used to it.

You can teach your cat to walk next to you on the street. Training takes place in an apartment. The secret is that at first the hostess walks next to the cat, everywhere following him and saying: "Near!" If the animal does not want to stay close, kneel down, every time the cat moves away, kneel down to attract him to you.

Sit! Command

“What did she cook for me there?”

With this command, gently sit the cat down. The reward for completing is awarded only when she continues to sit and does not rush to get up. Otherwise, the animal will decide that the reward is due for getting up.

This trick will work with those cats that like to carry various objects in their teeth. Throw her favorite toy and reward only when the animal brings you a thrown one on command.

The command "Give a paw!"

You will have to work hard for the pet to learn the command "Give a paw!"

Every time you take the kitten by the paw, say this command and give a piece of delicacy. Soon, the animal will understand what is required of him, and will honestly earn his favorite snacks.


Do not overdo it with training, this "game" will quickly bore your pet

You will need a plastic tennis ball and an egg carton. Show the cat how to move the ball from one recess of the tray to another. The interested animal will also try to pull out the ball. He may need some help at first, then he will learn to play on his own.

  • The amount of treat given out as a promotion should be very small. One-time training time should not exceed a few minutes before meals.
  • The team should be spoken out loud, do not forget about it. They say that cats memorize up to five dozen words. Praise your circus performer with special words that you do not say to him at normal times.
  • In addition to rewarding in the form of food, pet your pet: pet or pick it up.
  • Do not overdo it with training, otherwise the cat will quickly get bored and he will categorically refuse the unpleasant pastime.
  • Repeat learned tricks more often, otherwise the cat will quickly forget everything that it has learned and your efforts will be wasted.
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